Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Nov 10, 2019


Chapter 15 Getting adventurous

Three days later, I arrived in Derby a little worn out, sleep deprived and bruised. Thankfully I was surrounded by my armed escort who took care of the necessary conversation with the town's guard so that we could enter through the main gate and into town without me having to say or do anything. The sun was already on it's way down for the night and I was so tired.

I was sort of out it, from far too much walking, talking and fucking so I didn't really pay that much attention to the town. I dimly registered that the further into town we got the nicer looking the buildings and people got. We got through another two walls and made it into the town centre, the true heart of...

Shit there were way too many people, all dressed up and acting as if the world outside was beneath them and I felt gross, dressed up in hunter's gear while reeking of cum and sweat.

Alec and Minos led the way to the Adventurers guild, with Felix walking beside me as per usual while Sam and Dean take up the rear.

The Adventurer's Guild is a three story building, made of thick grey stone, that looks somehow more impressive and sketchier than the other buildings. The stone is marred by numerous chips and gouges as if it's played host to numerous battles. It's disconcerting but no one seems to be bothered by the sight so I follow along without saying anything.

As we entered the building through the front door, the eyes of nearly two dozen people turn to size us up. The vast majority of them are men, with only two women in sight. One of them is a receptionist behind a wooden counter, talking to half a dozen men. The second appears to be some kind of mage drinking with her party, at least judging by the fact that she's got a staff and is dressed in a stereotypical mage's robe.

The layout of the first floor is odd, to the left of the front door is what could only be described as a mini tavern, with half a dozen tables with several people already drinking, while others are just eating a meal. On the right side, there's the group of men talking to the receptionist, with the fabled quest board on the right wall waiting for people to take them. There's an open door at the back that looks like it leads to some kind of market place, presumably for the monster materials that are a staple of the adventuring life.

There are people freely moving about with an ease of purpose, drinking, eating, chatting with each other happily as if adventuring isn't a life and death struggle against monsters and poverty. Hmm I may be overthinking things again.

There's a wide staircase leading up to a second floor, where I can faintly hear the sound of men grunting and the thud of wood striking something. I assume the second floor is some kind of training room for adventurers and that my fervent imagination picturing two sweaty guys beating each other with wooden staves is just more delusional fantasy.

The interest in our group quickly dissipates and people resume doing whatever they were doing beforehand.

I turned to Alec and asked "I guess I line up there?" pointing to the female receptionist with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

Alec seeing my distaste for the female, explains, "there's another guy that works the desk when it gets too busy though most wait for the girl so they can brag about their successful mission and try and flirt."

Minos replies "Says the guy who's tried and failed to impress her."

"Shut up, you haven't had any luck either."

"That's what you think." Minos said, hands on hips.

"If you had, you would have said something ages ago."

"A gentleman doesn't fuck a lovely lady all night and tell everyone about it."


"Who can resist this, I'm exceptional." Minos said grabbing his bulge suggestively.

It reminds me that only hours ago, his cock was slamming into me during our early morning fuckathon. Our time together on the road, had brought out the worst in them and me. We'd rarely make it ten minutes without one of them sticking their cock in me and once one of them did, they all wanted it. Then hours would go by as they wore themselves out in me and to a lesser extent Felix.

I was starting to get hard just thinking about it.

If it wasn't for the fact that Felix had figured out that he could fuck me and walk with me wrapped around him, it would have taken a week or two for us to make the journey at the rate we were going on the first day. That said, only Felix and Minos had the strength and stamina to fuck while carrying me. The others made up for it during other rest breaks, when we stopped for meals or something, it got real intense at night when they could really let loose and fuck me stupid, without worrying about stamina loss.

"I'm going to go check the board for a mission I can do." I said before walking off while Minos and Alec continued to argue. Minos and Alec barely acknowledging my departure with a brief nod, too busy arguing over nothing to respond to me with words. Sam and Dean stood behind them waiting for them to finish with barely concealed impatience while Felix followed me.

I glanced over the board looking for the lowest ranked mission that I could complete as a new adventurer, reading over the requirements and details of each mission with great interest.

Felix interrupted my perusal with some neediness. "Are you going to miss me at all?"

"Of course I am, I'm going to miss you, waking up with you with your arms around me and your big hard cock inside me but I need to do this for my future."

Felix sighed and stomped off in a shitty mood. I sighed. There was no way I could deal with Felix that would make us happy in the long run. I simply couldn't continue a normal relationship with him without killing him and everyone I cared about. I needed to get control of my demonic urges and the fastest way to do that was to use adventuring as an excuse to get what I needed.

I probably should have been more honest about the real reason I needed to be away from everyone but the less people who knew about my demonic nature, the better it was for my safety. Demons while no longer attacking the human kingdoms were not favored and if people knew what I was, I might be found one late night with my throat slit after a local or group of locals took out their grief on me. The last demon war was not won without heavy losses on both sides.

I shook off those thoughts as they were too depressing to think about and I picked a couple of low level missions to try my hand at.

I walked to the desk, ignoring the line of 6 guys vying for the female's receptionist attention.

"Yes?" She asked looking irritated by my jumping to the head of the line. The guys looked ready to fight with the slightest provocation.

"I heard that there's a guy that also works here, can I get some help signing up, this is my first time here."

She looked me over for a second and shrugged and yelled out "PAUL."

A moment later, a one armed, scarred guy came out "Yes Sandra?"

"You've got someone wanting to sign up with you."


He looked at me curiously, he was about 6 feet tall, with broad shoulders and a solid build, he was missing his right arm and had a visible scar through his milky left eye. He also had a sword strapped to his waist. It made me curious to see if the female receptionist was also armed. There was a large staff lying on the floor near her feet. Curious, I wonder if she was a mage or simply used it to bash pushy adventurers over the head with.

"Yes." Sandra said before turning around to resume talking to the other guys who continued to discuss the terms of their reward for their successful mission. The guys shifted from ready to fight to completely ignoring me within seconds once they figured I wouldn't be stealing the woman's attentions from them. How very male of them.

"Hi." I said "I just wanted to see about signing up as an adventurer and doing a mission or two."

"Hello, welcome to the adventurer's guild. Are you at least 14 years old?"

"I am as of a week ago."

"Adventuring can be a dangerous business, we recommend waiting till you're at least 16 before going on the monster hunting missions."

"I want to sign up now, thanks, I know the risks."

He shrugged. "So be it. I can arrange for a copper adventurer's tag for you to start off with unless you think you can beat a C class warrior and become a silver rank." I just shook my head and he smiled at me ruefully. "Have to ask, just in case, you're a hero or noble or something. Just a few more questions if you don't mind."

"Go ahead."

"Can you read?"




"Any special skills?"

"None I'd like to reveal."

"That's fine, just if you did have any particularly rare or useful skills you might be able to progress through the rankings faster."

"I'm decent with a sword and have some alchemy and apothecary skills."

"That's rare, we don't have many alchemists your age willing to collect their own materials. Just a few more questions so that we can engrave your tag. Name? Place of birth and next of kin."

"Lucius, Kent and Dominic."

Paul smiled at me revealing a couple of missing teeth in the bottom row of his mouth, I assumed adventuring had taken it's toll on him before he chose to do this instead. "Thanks, your copper tag should be done tomorrow morning. Once it's done you'll be able to be identified as an adventurer, as a copper, you don't get much in the way of benefits but as you progress, you'll get more rewards."

"Um thanks, I picked up an extermination quest for horned rabbits and goblins. Can I do them? They don't have any rank requirements that I can see."

"For the horned rabbits, you can do that yourself. With the goblins, it's recommended to have a party with some experience, as goblins can multiply quickly given time and can easily overwhelm new solo adventurers."

"Oh. Right." I was thrown a little by this development, I had always considered goblins to be adventurer fodder but he made them sound dangerous. Maybe I'd be better off sticking with bunnies for the moment, I did have an idea for making the most of them after all. I had an experiment in mind for them that I could only do while alone.

My thoughts were interrupted by a guy from the other group. "You can join our party, we can carry you through some stinking goblins."

I gave him a once over, along with the rest of their group, there were a lot of them, all of them dressed in variations of leather armor, armed with cheap looking iron swords.

"No thanks." I said quickly, not particularly interested.

"Why not? We're awesome?" the youngish (early 20's) guy in leather armour asked, arms folded across his chest.

"If I wanted to be in a group, I'd join my friends," I pointed at the others who were gathered around the notice board arguing again by the sounds of it. "I want to try going solo for a while, see what I'm capable of."

"Your funeral then, don't say we didn't offer."

They left presumably having finished their business with Sandra. I checked out their backsides on the way out. They were in good shape, lean, young, fit, nice butts, I was starting to feel a craving for more sex. Maybe I should have gone along with them and have them all take turns using my mouth and ass for satisfaction. Maybe they would have something new to give me.

Fuck it. Too late. I sighed and turned back to Paul who had been watching me perving on them as they left. I guess I should try and be more subtle on eyeing up other guys? Or not? I was no longer home. I didn't know the town's rules, way of life or anything really. Last time I was here, I was barely alive, just clinging onto life, so I didn't really know the social mores here. All I knew about the place, I had read in books and I had no idea how accurate it was to the present.

I gave into peer pressure and said "I guess I'll try my luck with horned rabbits." I handed the goblin quest poster back to Paul for reposting.

Paul smiled at me "Good choice. I'll organise your paperwork and I'll have your tag ready by tomorrow morning."

"Thanks. Is there somewhere you'd recommend for a new adventurer to spend the night?"

"There's lodgings on the third floor for those who've returned from long quests or who've simply drunk too much." he said the last bit with a rueful smile.

"Thanks for the help, I appreciate it, can I buy you a drink when you're off work?"

He looked me up and down. "Thanks for the offer but I'd best not."

"Shame, let me know if you change your mind."

I went to meet up with the others and told them I was planning to book a room for the night before heading off in the morning for horned rabbits.

"Sounds good, one last night before we do our thing, we're going dungeon delving tomorrow."

So we went off and we ended up getting 3 rooms from the heavy set female inn keeper. One room for Alec and Minos to sleep in, one for Sam and Dean next door and across the hall Felix and me would share a room.

Several hours of fucking later, they left for their rooms, while Felix cuddled up beside me, his stiff cock lodged deep within me.

Next morning I woke up and rode Felix's hard cock, the others joined in not long afterwards and pounded both of our asses.

They left after Felix said he'd visit me soon...

I sprawled out naked on the bed, enjoying some peace and quiet for a change, it had been a long time since I had the chance to just lie in bed without any expectations. I watched with amusement as all the bruises and red marks started to visibly change colour and fade.

I could practically feel my demon half getting stronger... Despite the fact that I had been fucked by all five of them not that long ago and quite vigorously at that, I was feeling the urge for more cock, cum and life force...

I ended up fingering my wet hole and bringing myself to a thunderous orgasm as I remembered the last week of being used as the group's personal cum dump.

Some time later I made my way to the bathing facilities, they had a shower and baths available. I headed to the showers to rinse off the sweat and cum from my body.

As I enjoyed the quiet of the shower and my own fingers roaming over my naked body, I was interrupted from my entertainment by a loud cough.

I looked over and found a guy with a towel wrapped around his waist...

"I know what you are and if you don't give me what I want, I'll tell everyone."

I looked him over, he's got a decent build, slim with a bit of muscle but I don't know what he's packing beneath the towel which is disappointing. As for his face, he's got a nice looking face, not handsome, but decent, someone you wouldn't kick out of bed but nothing you'd look twice at walking down the street. Sandy brown hair, with hazel eyes, aquiline nose and soft lips.

I turn to face him cock in hand, slowly stroking myself, the danger making me hornier... I'm so fucked up. "And what do you think you know and more importantly what do you want?"

I moaned wordlessly as I stuck two fingers into my butt, rubbing against the sweet spot. So horny.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he shouts looking angry, can't help but notice his towel is starting to bulge outwards.

I dropped to my knees, stroking and fingering myself a little more urgently. "Do what you want to me, I won't resist."

"What!? NO! that's not what I meant."

I ignore his protests and crawled over to him on hands and knees, so that I'm directly in front of him, his bulging crotch at eye level, within sucking distance. I tug at his towel exposing a thick 8 inch cock.

"Ah fuck, that's not what I want." he stops talking for a moment as I cover his cock with my lips and take him to the root. "I need money, not SEX."

I "hmmm" around his cock, not put off at all by his protestations, he's not pushing me away and I take that as permission to keep going, I take a firm grip on his butt, which is a good handful.

"Please. Oh god, you're going to make me cum you weird demon."

I pulled off from his cock and stand up to face him, my own cock throbbing with need. "Fuck me, then I'll give you money."

I turned around and place my hands against the solid stone walls.

"A day in a new world and I'm already gay for pay, at least I'm not taking it..." and with that, he places one hand on my hip while lining himself up with the other and pushes his cock right into me.

"Oh yeah fuck me, fucking cum in me."

"Fuck, you feel good. You're going to get it." True to his word, he starts slamming into me, the water flowing off our naked bodies as he rams me from behind.

"Oh, fuck. Oh. Fuck.. Oh yeah. Fuck me." I moan and mumble as I tug at my cock and grope my chest. His cock is just what I need to start the day.

After a few minutes of rough sex, he cums in me, groaning wordlessly, filling me with a pleasant warmth and I even get a notification from it which is interesting.

"That happened. Where's my money?" he demands, ruining the mood just a little.

I turned around to face him and said "Follow me to my room and I'll give you your money and we can chat."

We towelled up and made the short walk to my room in a somewhat awkward silence.

I should be scared about my secret getting out but I'm amused and excited, I just got fucked by a hero and I picked up a new skill, Identify.

"Welcome to my room, can I get you anything?"

"You could put on some clothes at least."

I had already dropped the towel and plopped onto bed, making myself comfortable, the beds here were decent, with durable mattresses. "Why bother? You've already seen me naked and stuck your dick in both of my holes, why be shy now?"

"Is everyone here so weird?"

"I'm special like that. So I'm guessing you're a dead hijacker?"


"You died in your world and you've hijacked a discarded body."

"How did you know that?" He said backing a step away from me, amusingly causing his towel to slip off his trim waist and expose his soft cock to my view.

"Deduction. You said you're from another world and typically there's three methods otherworldly heroes show up, summoned, reincarnated into a baby or by hijacking an souless body. If you were summoned, you wouldn't need to try to blackmail me, because whoever summoned you would provide the necessary equipment for you. You're not a reincarnator since you mentioned you've only been here a day, which implies that the only other option is you hijacked an empty vessel. So how did you die in your world?"

He looked at me for a long time. "Shouldn't you be more freaked out by me then? I'm from another world, in someone else's body, you should be more surprised or like worshipping me or something if I'm a hero."

"Oh you want to be worshipped? I can do that." I leapt across the room landing roughly on the floor, my knees taking the impact. The pain is brief but potent, it sends tingles right to my cock. I leaned forward and engulfed his soft cock with my mouth, it grows quickly within me.

"Uh. That's not what I meant." He grabs the back of my head. "I fucking died in a fucking robbery. Oh fuck, you like this cock, you weird demon boy. Have it, fuck it, I don't even care any more." He said fucking my throat roughly, holding on tight as he hunched into me, his pelvis slamming against my face.

The rough treatment was driving me wild. I stroked and fingered myself like mad.

It didn't take more than a couple of minutes before he shot a second load into me, this time down my throat, it tasted somewhat bitter and salty.

He leaned back. "Wow I don't even know what came over me, are you OK?"

"I'm great." I said making use of my freed mouth to reply and stand up and look him directly in the eyes. "Be better when you pin me down and fuck me."

I flopped onto bed ass up, wiggling it at him.

"Jesus, what's wrong with me? Why does that sound so good?"

In a couple of steps he's right behind me and with a thrust he's in me and with a groan he's on top of me slamming away, his right arm pressed against my throat, while his left hand is pushing down on my lower back as he works out his aggression inside of me. I grind my cock into the bed sheets as I meet every thrust with my hungry ass.

He fucks me hard and fast and five minutes later he rolls off panting having added another load of cum into me. "Fucking hell, that's not what I was expecting when I stalked you."

I turned over onto my side so that I could rest my head on my hand as I look at him, he looks good naked and sweaty, cock slick with cum and sweat.

"What were you expecting?"

"I just needed some money, the previous owner of this body got bludgeoned in the alley and robbed, I have some of his memories but not that many. I know very little, he came from a farming village not that far away and he wanted to make some money to send back home after a bad year's harvest. That's basically it."

"So what's your name?"


"Aren't you going to ask me mine?"

"I already know yours, Lucius, odd name, I can see your status."

"So what skills did you get?"

"Observation and Translation, not that great, considering."

"You just don't understand how powerful they can be. Observation allows you to identify basically anything and everything and translation allows you to learn basically any of the runes you want and you can read ancient grimoires."

"How do you know so much about it?"

"The king of this country started with the same two skills, I read the rare account of his hero journey, before he had the majority of the books removed because of concerns about other nations finding out something they could use against him or something."

"How'd you read it, if it was banned or whatever?"

"Private collection."

"So are you going to help me out with some cash. I'm broke in this world and the only thing I have is some basic clothes that offer no protection that the thieves didn't want.

"Of course, I'm a man of my words but I have an offer for you."

"Let me guess, you want more sex." He said, his cock twitching a little in anticipation. "What's the deal with that anyway, I can't really get much information from your status, other than your name, race and level. What do you get out of sex, I know incubus is a type of sex demon but I'm more familiar with succubi, that literally drain the life out of their sex partners."

"Incubi are similar." He edged away, looking a lot less relaxed all of a sudden. "Don't worry, I'm a half breed, you won't die so easily from sex or you'd be dead already."

"Yeah I don't know what I was thinking, seeing you touching yourself, got me turned on and when you started sucking on me, it's like I lost control of myself and all I could think about was getting off."

"Yeah. That's one of my abilities, demonic charm. It makes it harder to resist me when I'm horny... or when you're horny, I haven't worked out all the details yet."

"So what was your offer?" He asked prompting me out of my brief reverie of sexual remembrance.

"Well one of the things I get from getting pumped full of cum is a lesser version of the donor's talents. I got Identify from our first fuck, which allows me to identify objects and non sapient lifeforms. So I was thinking that in exchange for me giving you some gold and some much needed advice you could on occasion fuck me, just in case you get any other useful abilities I can get from your cum."

"That is such a cheat ability but I guess I could fuck you some more. What else do you get from fucking?"

"A little bit of life energy, not enough to kill but after several fuckings, it can lead to a higher than normal exhaustion rate. It's only after a prolonged exposure that it starts getting more risky, part of the reason I left my home town."

"I didn't expect such an unusual backstory from my first interaction with a local. So what's your advice?"

"Don't announce your presence in an obvious way, otherwise you'll get roped into political stuff and that never ends well."

He mirrored my position, facing me, his hard cock jutting out from his body, distracting me a little. "And what would you suggest I do?"

"Learn the spatial rune, it was the choice of the immortal hero king when he was starting out, it'll allow you to slow enemies and also inscribe bags of holding and eventually allow you to create spatial gates to move across the world unimpeded."

"And how do I do that?"

"I've got a book of runes that you can borrow along with some gold and some runic chalk to start practising with."

"You're very generous, considering I tried to blackmail you."

"I really am, though it's probably got something to do with Heaven's bounty... but my generosity comes with a cost."

"Of course it does, no such thing as a free meal." I reached down and grabbed his cock. "Though I think I can live with this price."

Not long afterwards, my legs are over his shoulders as he stares at me as he slow fucks me.

Our fun is interrupted by a knock at the door. "Are you almost done? Time for check out was an hour ago." A reedy voice enquires.

"Almost done." Michael says as he picks up the pace of fucking.

"Yeah fuck me. Give it to me." I moaned loudly, unconcerned about the person at the door.

"You're so bad." he whispers in my ears as he holds me by the knee pits all the while railing at my insides with his hard cock.

I hold on tight to his back, enjoying the feel of his body pressed against mine as he rams into me, waiting for release. "Oh baby." I groaned as I feel his cock pulse out cum into me.

I'm still hard.

I notice that the door has been opened and there's a tall gangly young man watching us, with a key in one hand and a hard cock in the other. He's blond and got an average sized cock.

Michael pulls out abruptly, leaving me gaping and leaking a little from my stretched out hole. "I'm done, you want to have a go kid?"

"Uh, um I shouldn't."

"Please fuck me. I need more."

"See, look how hungry he is for it."

After a little bit of fumbling with getting his breeches down and onto the bed, he stuffs his rigid cock into my mouth to get it wet or something. He strips off his shirt as well revealing his naked body, he's got a bit of puppy fat on him, he's so soft and yet so hairy. I take a firm grip of his hairy butt, that's a size too big, nice and squishy and I think whether I could get him to take my cock.

His cock jams into my mouth and throat roughly, his cock is iron hard, no softness to be had.

He fucks my face for a little bit before Michael kneels next to him, "you should try the other hole, it's even better."

The boy's eyes are somewhat glazed and he pulls out of my mouth, letting me breathe again easier. Not that it matters since Michael quickly fills my mouth with his own hard cock.

The Boy after a little bit of random prodding finds the right spot and is soon balls deep in me, lying on top of me, his arms wrapped around me, his breathing hot on my neck as he fucks me.

The young man fucks urgently, his stiff 7 inches only making me hornier for more sex. I grope his back, enjoying the silky soft skin beneath my fingers, his ass is particularly gropable. I want to fuck him so badly.

He finishes quickly and there's a long moment of awkwardness as he stares at me as Michael fucks another load into my butt.

He dresses slowly after that while Michael flops back next to me, panting, to catch his breath after his vigorous activities moments ago.

"So who are you again?"

"I am Sam. I work here, I clean the rooms after guests are done and other stuff."

"So can I get another night? Actually make it a week for my friend here."

I give Sam a gold coin and he said "Of course, I'll do that for you." and he left us lying on the bed naked.

"Oh yes, I'll give you the stuff now."

I handed over half my gold to Michael along with my rune book and runic chalk, I would get it back later after I was done with the bunnies, I was getting sick of staring at the rune for Iron anyway.

Michael took both things and said "Thanks. I really appreciate it. I'll pay you back one day."

"That should be enough to set you up, now I should go off and get clean and dressed and head off and get some work done."

"I'll come with you."

So he did, he started off showering off next to me but soon enough he had his hands on my shoulders as he fucked me from behind. Mmm making new friends is wonderful.

After he came again, he sagged, leaning against me, his naked body pressed against mine. "Fuck, this is addictive and exhausting."

"Yeah, sorry about that." I said pushing him off me. "It was nice meeting you." I hugged him, enjoying the feel of my cock rubbing against his smaller one. I gave a quick squeeze of his bottom, nice and firm and I bet very tight. I reined in the urge to pin him down and pound his ass in return.

I let go and went to move off, leaving him a little dazed and drained. "Yeah it was good meeting you too, it feels weird not being able to exchange numbers or emails or something."

"Not sure what you're talking about but you can always leave a message with the guild if you need to get in touch. I'll find you later, anyway, it's not that big of a town after all."

I went to get dressed and finally start my first day as a real adventurer. Time to kill some bunny rabbits.


Author's Note: Not sure if the conversation quite came off right but I wanted to avoid it getting too expositional and things kind of wandered off track a little.

Next: Chapter 16

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