Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Mar 20, 2020


Authors Note: Apologies for the delay in posting, I got stuck in a negative feed back loop. Chapter is kind of a big info dump towards the middle, kinda clunky but best I could do.

Chapter 21 The Cost of Knowledge

Derby Day 4

After a long hard sweaty night with my friends and the swordsmen I felt decently satisfied and like the long dry spell in the forest was simply a bad dream to be forgotten about.

Most of them had returned to their rooms leaving only Felix and Michael behind in my room. That said, I did wake up Michael with my lips wrapped around his cock and not long after both Felix and Michael were double fucking me just the way I liked.

Sam showed up along with Alec and Kered to find me on my back getting fucked by Michael while Felix rode my stiff cock. Michael pulled out of me to shove his stiff prick into Felix too, making Felix groan with pleasure as he was double stuffed.

"You getting out of bed today? Or are you just going to fuck around all day?" Alec asked.

"Almost done here, then you can take over." Michael said speeding up his thrusting into Felix's ass.

"Please I'm so close." Felix whined as he thrashed about on our cocks. I rammed him harder too, I was getting close too.

A few seconds later, we all released in a symphony of grunts and groans.

As we disentangled from the naked fuck pile, I said "What were you saying?"

"Anything planned for the day?" Alec asked hand on hip watching us with an odd expression.

"I'm going to visit the town library."

"I'll come with you." Felix said hastily as he stood next to the bed stretching out his arms as he got ready to start the day as my shadow.

"Well I'm taking Kered and Dale along for a tour of the first floor of the dungeon, see how they manage, I guess you won't be joining us then. We'll meet up and talk more during dinner, now to find out where Dale ended up." Alec replied.

"He's probably in the shower, that's where I always seem to end up." I said getting to my feet and stretching out and eyeing up Alec and Kered, I was still horny and Kered looked very fuckable.

Kered glanced at my hard cock then back at my face then smiled at me. "I guess we should check it out then."

Alec looked at us for a moment before rolling his eyes "Come on then, I don't have all day." Alec said walking off the showers, Kered a step behind but he looked over at me as I followed behind him, all the while checking out his ass and thinking of being inside him.

Felix and Michael followed behind despite the fact that we were all still naked and varying states of hardness (Michael lagged in that regard).

We went to shower up and found Minos and Dale were already there naked and fucking around. Dale was on his knees with Minos behind fucking his ass, while one of the Swords of destiny had their hands on the back of his head as they rammed their cock in his mouth over and over again.

"Don't you guys ever get enough?" Alec asked pointlessly as noone seemed inclined to answer.

As soon as a spot opened up under the showers I was there bent over getting fucked by Kered as Felix fed me his cock. Kered did me quick, driving his hard cock into my well used hole until he finished with a contented sigh. I guess he really needed to fuck some ass after getting fucked for most of the night.

After Kered finished up and pulled out he was quickly replaced by Felix who pressed me against the cold tiles and fucked me hard and fast. Our coupling was somewhat interrupted by the addition of Dale coming up behind Felix and sticking his stiff cock into Felix's ass but Felix was not deterred for long, slamming his hard cock into my backside even faster. Minos was quick to get back behind Dale to continue fucking his horny younger brother.

We ended up blocking entry into the rear section of the showers as the fucking clogged up the middle of the shower room but I was too preoccupied to care that much about anyone else who wanted to shower up. The guys that were originally there to get clean, looked like they didn't mind the free show if their hard cocks were any indication.

Sam and Kered were too sore and tired to join in the fun. They showered up quickly and got out of there before they got sucked into the sexual free for all.

Alec shouted at Kered. "Don't forget I paid for your pardon, don't wander off too far."

"I'm just going back to bed, I didn't get enough sleep last night because of you guys." Kered grumpily replied.

I would have asked more about it but at that point I was on my knees in between two strangers getting fucked in both holes at the time.

I sometimes get the feeling that I may be a bad influence.

Eventually I got dressed (after getting fucked several more times by various people known and unknown) and headed off with Felix to the library. Ever since gaining level 10 in the sewers, I had a big decision to make, what class to take for my secondary class? I had a lot of options and depending on what I took it could drastically alter my life's trajectory.

Choosing Alchemist was partly because of the useful stat boosts but mostly because the first class often serves as the foundation for life. I didn't want to have my whole life revolve around fighting things, I wanted to know how the fundamentals of the world worked together and alchemy was perfect for exploring that.

We made the short walk to the Library, with Felix in the lead, armed with spear and my map, not that he seems to need it, he strode forth with confidence to our destination.

We arrived at the building, it's not that far from the Adventurer's Guild, about a five minute walk through a well built and maintained neighborhood of large estates and impressive governmental buildings. The library is a large white building, with round white columns at the front giving it an air of grace and prestige. The entrance is guarded by two men in plate mail armour who advise us that we need to remove any weapons before entering the library.

We handed off our weapons to them and they store them in a private alcove near the entrance with our names so that we can collect them on the way out. We are charged a silver each to peruse the books for the day. Yikes. Most of the gains from my sewer quest disappeared in a moment.

Felix hands over the money with a look of boredom, I guess he didn't care too much for the loss of a silver as he made decent money as a guard for George.

As I walked in the first thing I see is books. There are lots and lots of books, thousands of them, more than I could read in a lifetime. I still wanted to read them all but time was limited. George's 'library' had a couple of large bookshelves filled with books, this library has dozens of them, all filled with books and sorted by topics.

There aren't that many people about, maybe twenty including the librarian. I guess most people don't have the money to read here often. Nobles would simply buy the books they wanted and commoners would simply gain the information through word of mouth or save up to buy a particular book if it was needed.

In the distance, there's a small dining nook for people to get food separated from the books by a glass door. On the other side there's a small stationary store, where people can buy books, note pads and writing utensils. There are a few people in line purchasing goods.

I asked the helpful librarian lady where the books on Classes and Adventuring are. She provides directions and I leave it to Felix to remember them and have him lead the way again.

I seem to have a mental block with directions, as a child often stuck in my room sleeping or bed bound with chronic fatigue, it had never really been a concern before. I was often escorted places so it wasn't something I felt I needed to work on previously. Something to think about later, when I have more time.

Felix leads me in the right direction and I grab a hefty book called CLASSES: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW by a Maximus Bellos and started reading it.

It starts off with a preamble

***** During the bloody war of Descendants, the heirs of the Champions of that era gathered people by the thousands to serve under them, gifting them with the power of the system to aid their development. Previous to this, it had only been available to the Champions and their offspring, it served as a powerful recruiting tool for the Descendants.

This created a massive wave of change that spread throughout the world from humans to beast men and even to the monsters themselves (theoretically). Due to the many Descendants granting the system to their followers, it eventually became available to everyone and blood flowed like water through the world. Millions died in the years of the bloodiest and deadliest war in history and many Legendary Classes became common. Anyone half skilled with earth or fire magic became legendary meteor mages, those with decent swords skills became Sword Masters and could cut bloody swathes through enemy forces.

It was a dark time.

Still, it wasn't without benefits for the modern age, magic became more widely available and Classes which was a privilege of the rich and powerful became a facet of every day life. Workers/support classes became the beating heart of the empire, keeping the empire moving towards it's many goals, tilling the fields, mining the land and generally crafting all the many items that keep an empire going. The Warriors became the sword and shield of nation states, serving as the front line defenders. The Mages became the brain of the nation, leading matters with their superior intellect and magical might, creating a new age of magical wonder, available to those who could afford it.

Next up was an explanation on attributes.

***** Attributes or as some may call them stats are instrumental in choosing the correct class going forward. A simple breakdown of their names and general values follows;

Strength – how much you can lift (load weight) and how much raw damage you can inflict with your bare hands (physical damage). Endurance – how long you can exert yourself (max stamina). Constitution – how healthy you are generally (max hp). Fortitude – how quickly you recover from injuries (often conflated with constitution) mental and physical. Dexterity – how quickly you can dodge/aim (Accuracy). Wisdom – how wise you are (perception, will power and intuition) secondary use, mana regeneration. Intelligence – how smart you are (thinking speed, memory) secondary use mana pool Charisma – how popular you are (charm is considered valuable for rogues, bards and merchants). Luck- how lucky you are, useful for games of chance and avoiding enemy attacks.

Then there was a description of the various Class Types

Typically most Classes fall between three broad categories.

Support Classes which includes about 70% of people, often considered non combat classes. This include classes like Worker, Miner, Farmer, Baker, Merchants, Priests and Crafters to name a few.

Martial types, which includes the basic Warrior class, and the more specialised Classes such as Swordsmen, Archers, Rangers, Spearmen, Soldiers and Fighters. This accounts for about 25% of people with Classes.

Mages, which includes the basic Mage Class and more specialised magic wielders such as Enchanters or Runic Mages and those mastering the various types of magic. This accounts for about 5% of people with classes.

There is some debate as to which category certain classes belong to, since some Classes overlap. Typically this becomes more common as people progress from the Basic classes to more Advanced Classes. An example is the Magic Swordsman which features a lot of sword play and a little magic or the enchanter which has involves a lot of crafting and a little magic.

Classes vary in rarity and usefulness, it is considered the rule of thumb that the harder a class is to obtain the more useful and powerful it's relevant skills and perks are.

Classes are generally broken down into three broad categories; Basic, Advanced and Legendary.

Basic Classes are relatively easy to obtain and have simple unlock conditions; Mage, Warrior and Worker for example.

Mages requires the ability to manipulate mana to cast a spell (harder than it sounds if you don't have an affinity to a type of magic). Warrior requires you to simply survive a battle with an enemy. Worker requires you to simply have a job recognised by the system.

Basic classes tend to be simple to acquire and provide decent if unexciting perks and skills.

Mages gain free attributes in wisdom and intelligence and gain variety of magical perks and skills. Warriors gain free attributes in strength, constitution and endurance. Workers gain free attributes in strength and endurance.

Advanced classes tend to require more blood, sweat and tears, though their perks and Skills are more useful in certain situations.

On the magical path, this requires a particular focus or talent towards a path in magic, a common one being Fire Mage, allowing for perks and skills in casting fire magic more effectively.

On the martial path, this requires a specialisation in using magical weapons, like the Magic Swordsman, adding magic damage to strikes for extra impact on enemies.

On the support side, this requires either more time learning a craft or a more specialised type of craftsman, for example an alchemist instead of an apothecary, herbalist or blacksmith.

Legendary Classes are far more difficult to obtain than other Classes, requiring a minimum of level 50 to acquire and two advanced classes. The most well known of the Legendary classes is the Meteor Mage, requiring level 50, basic class of Mage, followed by the advanced classes of Earth and Fire Mage and the ability to cast Meteor a fusion of earth and fire magic. The Meteor Mage boasts impressive magic damage, moderate magical defence and low utility spell casting. Meteor Mages were devastating during the first Descendant war.

Classes have stratas within stratas. Common, rare and unique. Commons have very minor requirements. Rare have more extensive requirements in skills or knowledge Uniques are extremely rare and are entirely dependent on the individual, factoring in natural talents, skills and even bloodlines. Racial traits play a large factor, Lizardmen are more likely to gain the Class Blood Sorcerer which makes use of the Lizardmen propensity for having a form of regeneration and a tendency for shamans as leaders. So a lizardmen leader/chieftain may be able to use their position, racial trait and knowledge to become a blood sorcerer, allowing them to sacrifice blood for various spells to enhance themselves and followers and for minor divinations.

A blood sorcerer should not be confused with a blood mage. A blood sorcerer tends to gain experience through trial and error and `wild magic' whereas a blood mage has a talent with blood magic and learns the structured method of applying it to other humans. This is a matter of some contention between Lizardmen leaders and the Mages that practice blood magic as the Lizardmen argue that they achieve similar results to Blood Mages. Blood Mages dispute that assertion by pointing out that their skills are used to heal more than they are used to kill.

Class-unlocks vary from Class to Class, some requiring a condition to unlock and a minimum attribute to acquire. For example Mage requires the ability to cast a spell and a minimum of ten in intelligence and wisdom.

Classes come with stats, skills and perks. Stats are fairly straightforward, each level of a class, grants a certain amount of stats in addition to the free stats from levelling. Skills and Perks are the real mark of a class to most people, as the choice of Class can make or break an aspiring Mage or Warrior.

There are certain milestones for levelling where new classes become available, level 1, 10, 25, 50 and 100. There has been rumours that level 200 is a possibility but most are lucky to get to level 50 in their life times. Skills are a representation of your talents in a certain path, for instance a swordsman might be a great choice for someone already skilled with a Sword as they're more likely to gain useful Sword Skills from daily use and make the most of Skills gained at Milestones. Skills can be gained in many areas, though picking a Class that suits your natural skills will make it faster to level up those skills. For example a warrior who prefers unarmed combat is more likely to acquire unarmed skills when picking the Fighter class, than they would if they didn't choose that Class.

Perks on the other hand are precious beyond compare, as there is very few ways to get these gifts from the Gods other than the correct choice of Class. As a common example, a high level warrior may choose the Perk Tireless in order to minimise his stamina drain from high effort activities, allowing him to fight longer and harder during difficult campaigns. Some could argue that one could achieve the same result by simply using stamina potions and many choose that instead of using a precious perk on something that is deemed a luxury. Speaking personally as a Scholar who chose Warrior as a subclass for the Perks to health and stamina, I can say needed to sleep a few hours less a day is a true gift for working longer. Others prefer to sleep more, I do not judge..

A level 50 warrior can choose a maximum of four perks and four free skills, one at each milestone, 1,10,25 & 50. The choice of perk and skill is a difficult one and a matter of quite heated arguments between Scholars searching for the perfect build. As with most choices, it's a matter for a person to decide based on their individual situations. Some prefer to focus on survival, focusing on health perks to keep them fighting longer, while others chose to prefer stamina and speed perks to boost their ability to run away from an unfavourable fight.

Class Upgrade

Upgrade one Class to the next level, - depending on the upgrade, may or may not keep perks. Example. Swordsman –> Elemental Swordsman (specific element) or Magic Swordsman

Upgrades can be considered narrowing the field from general to specific perks

Upgrades usually require quite an investment, such as magic stones, runic ritual circle and a Mage for the upgrade.

Upgrades allow you to keep Skills involved with the Class but not necessarily Perks.

Class Fusion occurs in two different ways, the first is the natural way which happens when conditions are unlocked for a Legendary Class – this requires level 50, two advanced classes and a basic class (usually).

The second method is purely artificial and requires a mage, magic stones and a ritual circle to enact. Usually done to merge two basic classes into an advanced. Typically warrior with mage in order to pave the way for magic swordsman or something of the sort.

Fusions allow you to keep the perks and skills of the base classes, while freeing up important class slots.

Class removals happen extremely rarely when someone makes a terrible mistake when choosing their classes and needs to remove them before the decision becomes fatal. That's the most benign case of Class removals, the less benign reason is done to war criminals, traitors and those with forbidden Classes such as Necromancers and Warlocks.

What followed after was a long list of Classes, a brief description of unlocking and their general uses. Each following page had a title, like Ranger, then a more detailed description of their perks, skills and the most common strategies for their use. For ranger it was considered a combination between scout and archer, using enhanced senses for perceptions boosts and archery for taking down enemies at long range. The preferred area for them to shine was in forests and hunts.

I took a long look at the Alchemist page, reading up on their perks and skills. The description was interesting.

***** Alchemists are an interesting Class, as they are able to infuse magic into plants, metals and even animals. Those within towns and cities tend towards researching potions of various natures in order to improve the lives of citizens, often healing the sick through medicines or boosting the potential of adventurers to survive dangerous situations with their potions or handcrafted weapons.

The rarer type of Alchemist wades into the front lines making use of a mix of potions to heal, poisons to injure and golems to fight on their behalf. This type of alchemist is rare as they don't tend to live long, Alchemists are not known for their individual fighting abilities but their constructs can turn the tides of battles. Alchemists without a warrior subclass are too fragile to survive without assistance from Adventurers, mercenaries or golems.

I did like the idea of having my own golem as an assistant and a fighter. Some of the information I knew already, while others provided interesting insight into possibilities. Felix was flicking through a monster manual while keeping an eye on me and anyone that got too close to me.

I read through my own status screens for Classes that I had available and compared it to the pages detailing their various perks and skills and accepted strategies for making use of them. I had a quick look at my status comparing it to what it was when I first got my status stone, there had been some major changes. My attributes had all increased from what it was originally.

Previous attributes; Strength: 10, Vitality: 20, Dexterity: 10, Stamina: 11, Charisma: 7, Intelligence: 20, Wisdom: 10, Luck: 5. Current attributes; Strength: 12, Vitality: 30, Dexterity: 22, Stamina: 16, Charisma: 8, Intelligence: 30, Wisdom: 11, Luck: 6.

My Intelligence and Dexterity has risen the most thanks to the Alchemist class attribute gains. [Minor recovery] had progressed into [Regeneration], granting me improved stamina and health regeneration. I had gained [Dextrous touch] from Kered and [Dense Bones] from Arnie. Some of my physical stats had improved a little bit over time, like my stamina as my body developed further into that of a full grown adult.

I had a lot of choices as to potential Classes. Potential Classes – conditional unlock – basic description Monster tamer (advanced) – pacify a mutant beast to serve you (Roger)- Monster tamers can bind Monsters to them, allowing them to summon them, communicate with them and use them for a variety of purposes, from beasts of burden to weapons of war. Knight (advanced)– gain basic proficiency with five weapons, basic equestrian skills and wear medium to heavy armor (thanks to my time practising with the guards & Will). - Knights are the elite warriors of a Lord, they venture forth as heavy cavalry to support front line troops and use their superior skills to dominate a battlefield. Warrior (Basic) – engage in a battle – the basic class of warriors, basis for many classes on the martial path, the first step on the path to glory. Mage (basic)– use a spell/manipulate mana – Those who wield mana can twist the laws of reality to their whims at sufficient levels, a must for the discerning gentleman. Sorcerer (basic- rare) – be born with one or more spells in your arsenal – Sorcerers can better wield natural spells and invoke the powers of other realms. Warlock (advanced- rare) – be linked to a demonic creature – Warlocks can channel or summon those from the demonic planes to serve them. Archer (basic)– basic proficiency with a bow – Greater archery skills available. Ranger - basic survival skills in a forested area – Improved abilities within undeveloped areas, tracking, hunting and survival skills. Swordsman – basic proficiency with a bladed weapon – Swordsmen slice and dice their enemies with greater skill than the average warrior. Fighter – basic proficiency at unarmed combat – Who needs weapons when you can use your own body to make them bleed and break. Apothecary – basic proficiency at mixing medicinal substances – Use your knowledge of plants and animals to provide relief to the sick and dying. Blacksmith – basic proficiency with metallurgy – Blacksmiths are essential for the making of various weapons and armour. Enchanter – use runes to inscribe magic into materials to improve performance (sound rune on leathers) – Enchanters use magic or runes to improve the performance of various items. Worker – have a profession – Workers are the backbone of the nation and provide their services for a price. Assassin – Kill an unsuspecting target without receiving any damage. - Assassins sneak up on their targets and kill without warning.

Classes that could be useful. Warrior: Positives, good stat boosts, options for multiple paths, perks are useful for increasing stamina, vitality and damage. Negatives: Fighting focused, fairly generic basic class.

Knight: Positives exceptional stat boosts, condition for multiple weapon mastery and horse riding already achieved, as an advanced class, upgrade paths are even more specialised and superior. Negatives: Also fighting based, typically requires service to a lord, often reliant on high income to afford heavy plate mail, magic weapons and horses at higher levels.

Mage: Positives: absolutely the best in terms of utility and offensive magic potential and provides perks for increase mana absorption and mana manipulation. Negatives: Fairly weak at lower levels, require exorbitant amount of resources, time and effort to reach higher, more advanced levels.

Specialised Crafting options.

Apothecary – positives further increases to my knowledge and abilities with treating people with illness and injuries. Negatives: limited growth opportunity and ties me down to being a support class.

Blacksmith – perks and skills geared towards metallurgy and weapon making which could provide me with a steady stream of income.

Enchanter- mix of magic and general crafting, inscribing runes into objects to increase their usefulness

All the crafting options could be really useful but I'm spoiled for choice, I don't know what I want to be, choosing Alchemist as my first class seemed so simple but a secondary class would affect my options indefinitely. There's also the problem that the next option for another class won't be available for another 15 levels of my main class and would be hampered by a poor secondary class.


If I don't pick a secondary Class, my Alchemist class will advance faster than if I choose a secondary Class as my experience won't be split between two different Classes. That's a good enough excuse to wait for making a life changing and irrevocable decision. At least it's a good enough reason for me to use for stalling a little longer until I could figure out the best option going forward.

I decided to give my mind a break and make use of the nearby dining area and get something to eat. We grab something simple and relatively cheap, (a sandwich, Felix pays since I'm broke again).

Afterwards I drag Felix off into a private study room to further take my mind off deciding my life path with a good hard fucking. Felix was all too happy to oblige my urges, slamming his hard cock into my ass over and over again, while he covered my mouth with one hand and stroked my cock with the other. All the while biting my neck and shoulder to stifle his own moans.

After having a meal and a fuck, I returned to the books, this time looking at the Alchemist Class specific book, also written by Maximus Bellos, it looked like he wrote an entire series as to Classes. The book might help to provide some suggestions on paths to follow that might make choosing a secondary class easier. I skim through it and it has quite a few alchemy recipes and a general guide on how to progress the Class and the Legendary Classes available for Alchemists. There's a lot of information so I visited the library's store and pick up a note pad and soon after fill it with notes of new recipes to try and specific Classes to think about. Some of the alchemy recipes require very specific ingredients. There's even a potion for immortality, which requires the heart of a dragon or another immortal of equal power.

The alchemy recipes comes in three different varieties

Potions to be used on humans and pets, to heal, recover stamina and mana.

Poisons to be used on enemies to paralyse, blind and kill

Items to be used for a multitude of purposes from golems that did heavy manual labor, to weapons and shields and armors to keep people alive longer to rings that could be enchanted for minor stat boosts.

Alchemy had so many options to explore, I was excited and a little worried. There was so much to learn and so many options. I didn't know what to proceed with first. The only thing for sure was that I would need a lot more money to proceed down the alchemy path.

***** Basic golem recipe, a hundred kilos of mud/stone a suitable core – slime cores are sufficient for a crude golem puppet

Skills necessary, Infusion to pump in personal mana into the core with your intent in order to have the golem obey you and Fusion to combine the core with the basic material involved.

Listed in the Alchemy book is the three Legendary Classes for Alchemists, Drug Kingpin, Mecha Master and Chimera King. Drug Kingpin was a Legendary Class focused on boosting an army with potions necessary to wage war, with a focus on creating a lot of potions to help allies or to poison enemies. Pathway was Alchemist – Apothecary – Mage – Blood mage

Mecha Master was a Legendary class that focused on creating machines to fight on the behalf of the Alchemist, or for allowing them to join in battles personally contained within a machine. Pathway was Alchemist – Blacksmith – Mage – Earth or Fire Mage

Chimera King was a Legendary Class that focused on chimeras, creating, commanding or becoming one. The Chimera King was known for grafting the best features of various monsters into himself, namely the rapid regeneration of trolls, the strength of Ogres, the poisons of various insectoid monsters and sometimes the extra limbs of monsters, such as extra legs, arms and tails. They could also focus solely on commanding their pets to fight for them. Pathway was Alchemist- Monster Tamer – Mage – Mind, Blood or Soul Mage

Each of those classes progressed along a certain pathway, potions, items or animals. I wasn't sure about any of them, Drug Kingpin had a certain appeal, I could pump up my friends but it was very passive unless I wanted to go around poisoning people. Mecha Master could be interesting if I could have a small army of golems fighting for me. I didn't really think Chimera King would work for me, my Shapeshifting Ability already took the best parts of people and blended it into me without all the torturing of animals and monsters.

After spending the entire day at the library, I had come to a conclusion, I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I guess I'll just have to figure it out later.

I did however chose my second milestone perk and skill for alchemy. Out of several perks and skills, the likelihood was that I could probably only choose three or four ever, depending on whether I got to level 25 or 50, 100 was unlikely. There were several interesting options but I chose the ones necessary for golems as I wanted to have one or more working for me.

I picked Infusion for skill, allowing me to infuse my mana into potions and metals. As for my Alchemy perk I picked Fusion, allowing me to combine two ingredients/substances and get the best properties from both. There was a limitation on the mass of the objects/substances involved based on mana consumption.

The next milestone for alchemy would be in another 15 levels, which was a long way away. The higher your level, the harder it is to progress, unless you're an otherworlder like Michael where they gain experience so much faster than normal people.

I returned to the Adventurer's Guild and Paul told me that the Branch Manager wanted to talk to me...

Uh oh... Trouble. It was either because he had discovered that I was a half demon or more likely considering the lack of guards blocking the exit, probably an admonishment about my behaviour in the showers over the last few days.

I had a perfunctory meeting with the branch manager before he approved me for the mission, which was unusual as none of the others needed one but... it all worked out so it didn't matter that it took hours for them to ... something, it was so boring, that the memory is oddly vague.

Felix was waiting outside the door of the assistant's office and I found myself jumping into his arms to give him a wet sloppy kiss and a grope, which quickly led to him half carrying me to the stairs. He was inside me by the time we were halfway up the staircase. I had this roiling restlessness within that wanted... something.

My friends were eating dinner and cheered at our antics.

Felix fucked me all the way up the stairs and when we arrived at my room, he pounded me even harder.

Michael and Stan showed up during our second round on the bed, where I was riding Felix's stiff cock.

"Hey, want to join us?" I asked.

"I told you he'd be getting fucked, he always is." Michael said.

"I'm not surprised really." Stan replied.

Michael double fucks me with Felix, while Felix is fucked by Stan.

Then I went downstairs and caught up with my old friends and my new friends, the Swords of Destiny.

Dale had been offered a spot to join the Swords of Destiny. Minos had been told to get him off the farm so their dad could get a break from Dale's horniness but he wasn't sure if he should let his brother go off with the adventurer's without their father's approval.

After dinner and a chat, we ended up upstairs, resuming our activities from the night before, Dale got gangbanged by the Swords of Destiny while I had a busy night myself. I ended up getting more than enough cock to satisfy me during the long sweaty night. I even found myself hanging out with Uffron again as he fucked me in the baths along with several other men.

It was a strange night. I didn't get much sleep at all. I was driven by this weird sense of hungry restlessness to be more or take more or something. It was weird. I'm weird. Life is weird.


Author's Note: Finally posting this chapter after what feels like forever, still doesn't feel right but "perfect is the enemy of good". Feel free to send feedback via waynewriteswords@outlook.com so that I can see how many people are still following this story.

Next: Chapter 22

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