Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 7, 2020


Disclaimer: This chapter is long and weird and could be pyschologically damaging for the faint of heart. You have been warned, read ahead at your own risk.

Chapter 24 Essex

Essex Day 1

After arriving at Essex or more accurately, a hill overlooking Essex, the caravan picks up speed, eager to get there faster. As for me I'm not that excited as the glimpse of the place I had left me with the impression of squalor and weirdness. There's a particular oddity with it's walls, it's outer wall is a semi circle, protecting the city from land based attacks while the back half looked undefended as it backs out onto the sea. Both the heart and `middle' district are walled off in an egg shape instead of the standard circle or square method. The location of both is also weird as they're set deeper into the city than I would expect and far closer to the sea. It's very weird.

I get a brief view of the ships in port, which makes me wonder about the adventures I could have at sea, with a bunch of horny sailors on a ship for a long sea voyage. The fantasy of being at the beck and call of a dozen or more horny sailors who'd ravage me at a moment's notice causes a tent to form in my leather breeches. Sadly the increasing stench of fish and the sea as we get closer and closer to the city ruins the fantasy and my rising level of horniness.

I had read about the sea from Dominic's journal and from some of George's books but the reality was simply that I did not care for it, the smell of salt in the air, the sting of a stiff cold breeze, none of it appealed to me in person. The men climbing up and down various wooden things on the ships doing gods know what, filled me with contempt and disgust as well. They looked like tree climbers, long limbed beasts that spend their time up trees, known for their sharp claws and tendency to sleep during the day.

Despite my misgivings, I was committed to going forward, if for no other reason than for the payday waiting for me at the Guild. Even if this particular city didn't appeal to my sense of smell or sight, didn't mean I wasn't glad to return to civilisation. I looked forward to having a warm place to sleep, walls to hide behind and no monsters to worry about.

Even though I had the option to sleep within George's carriage during the journey, it didn't really feel right to do so considering my friends were outside and I'd be stuck with George alone for companionship. It wasn't all bad as Felix and the other horny adventurers made the nights go by quickly enough and helped to keep my mind off things. Still I liked my creature comforts, soft beds, warm meals and hot running water to wash up with before, during and after sex.

Anyway we made our way forward and once we arrived at the main city gate, the merchants vouchsafed for our large group and we passed through the city and the outer wall without incident.

The outer city wall were thirty feet high and ten feet deep, an impressive feat of earth magic, I gave a once over at the runes engraved on the back of the walls on our way in. Most of the runes I didn't recognise but I could guess their purpose was to increase durability and prevent hostile magic and modification. Located behind the protection of the thick walls, they'd be relatively safe from enemy counter-spelling attempts.

We travelled as a large group until we arrived at the Adventurer's guild located in the central district, it looked remarkably similar to the one in Derby. Once there, we received our double pay days, or at least some of us did, one payment from the merchants who had paid for the extra loyalty to their factions and another from the Guild itself for completion of the job.

The merchants along with the core members of their retinue left for places unknown for purposes unknown. The rest of us didn't mind their absence at all and celebrated completing the job with no loss of life. It didn't take much to get adventurers drinking and since we all had money burning a hole in our pockets we started partying downstairs in the Adventurer's Guild Tavern.

I bought my own food and drinks, at the busy food counter. None of the adventurers seemed to mind the close quarters as we overcrowded the downstairs with our drinking and feasting. I sure as hell didn't mind `accidentally' rubbing up against all those fit men ordering meals and drinks as I worked my way back through the crowd.

We ended up doubling up, with me sitting on Minos' lap, to my left Alec sat with Kered on his lap feeding him his food like a good little slave boy while on my left Michael sat with Felix on his lap. The tables would normally seat six, 3 on each side of the table but due to overcrowding one side of the table had 6 people doubling up on our seats, while the other side had 3. Then there two on each end of the table, standing to the sides eating and drinking. The other members of our table crowd were all the Swords of Destiny, Dale teasing them all with his pert little butt rubbing all over their cloth covered cocks.

He'd bounce from one hard lap to the next, getting them all riled up, stealing a bite of food here and a sip of drink there from each seated member. By the time he moved onto teasing the standing members of his new party he was already pretty drunk, glassy eyed and swaying a little on his feet. Not that it stopped him from hugging the standing party members and sneaking a hand or two down their pants squeezing their aching cocks or groping their tight virginal behinds.

Not that I was behaving any better. I had my fill of food and drink and I was thoroughly sloshed and groping and squeezing the hard dicks of Kered and Felix through their breeches as I alternated kissing them both open mouthed as they both rubbed and groped me. Minos meanwhile had his hands on my butt, groping and squeezing and even sliding a finger or three into me making me so fucking horny.

Since we were making quite a spectacle of ourselves and my pants were slipping further and further downwards as alcohol continued to flow into us and propriety forgotten, someone said we should move the party upstairs. I think it might have been Minos or Felix. I'm not sure.

Either way our group moved upstairs, admittedly with some difficulty as pants needed to be readjusted and stairs carefully navigated due to the heavy drinking. Not helped by the fact that some of us were still eating and drinking, bringing along plates and glasses for the normally short journey up two flight of stairs.

Then we all got rooms for the night, I had some wits about me and I only paid for a single night for my own room. I had some notion that Felix and I would spend the night together in our own bed snuggling and kissing and stuff.

My wits were lost not long after that as I was pulled into someone's room, not sure whose. All I know is that I was naked suddenly and on my hands and knees on someone's bed, with Minos' cock up my butt while Felix was under me sucking my cock as I sucked his as he got his ass fucked by Michael. Then they switched positions and Michael started fucking me, while Minos fucked Felix.

After that was a blur of naked bodies and fucking, I think the Swords of Destiny, the Spears of Sorrow and Alec, Kered, Sammy and Dean came to visit that room over the next few hours. Or Felix and I moved from room to room finding more and more naked men to suck and ride and stroke and grind against. The memory is kind of foggy all I know is that there was a lot of sex involved and that the guys let me drink their alcohol to wash down their cum.

The next thing I remember was Badrick finding me riding the hard cock of an unconscious Felix in the baths. He had a towel slung over his shoulder and his cock which had been soft and limp had started growing to it's full length of ten inches as he looked at me riding the hard cock of my sleepy man.

"Don't you think you've had enough little man?" He asked, watching me as I bounced up and down on Felix's stiff cock. He didn't need to be awake for his cock to be. The only thought on my mind was that I wanted more, that I needed it harder, that I needed to be broken and reforged in the fire.

I may be a horny crazy drunk or a crazy horny drunk. Either way I responded with "Need. More. COCK!" All the while moving up and down faster on Felix's cock, wanting it harder but Felix was too sleepy to give me what I really wanted. Still his cock felt good in me and I didn't want to let go.

Badrick threw his towel to the side and pulled me up, ignoring my protests, lifting me easily one handed onto and over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing. "Come on let's find you a nice bed to sleep it off."

"No, I need Felix, he's MINE. Fucking need more fucking. Give it to me." I whined, grinding my stiff cock against his hairy torso as I tried to find some relief from the lust building up within me.

"I'm bringing him with us, don't worry, can't have him drown in a bath."

Then we were off and I blanked for a second/minute/some time as the next thing I remembered, I was dry and naked on another bed in a much larger room next to a face up snoring Felix. He looks so cute when he's sleeping, even though it's saddening/maddening to see his cock has softened when I wasn't paying attention.

I looked up at a still naked Badrick who was eyeing me warily as if I was a wild animal. "What's going on?" I asked, still uncertain as to events, I kept losing chunks of time.

"I brought you to my room to make sure you didn't drown yourselves. How are you feeling?"

"Horny and sleepy."

"Are you ever not horny?" He asked hands on hips, acting as if he was grumpy at me but his quickly enlarging cock said otherwise.

"When I have other things going on but are you going to fuck me or what?" I said lifting my legs up and spreading my butt cheeks to expose my hungry needy hole.

"What about him?" Badrick asked pointing at Felix. "Won't he mind waking up to his lover getting fucked next to him?"

"Nah, he loves eating the loads of other men out of me before fucking me more. I love it."

"You're a weird couple but whatever." Badrick said before kneeling down in front of me, grabbing my ankles and shoving his hard dick inside me. "I don't care, your ass feels great."

"Oh yeah fuck me." I said, moving my hands from the back of my knees to clutch at his broad solid back. "Yeah fuck me hard." I moaned as his hips started moving faster, finally starting to fuck me.

"Let me know when it hurts." He said, slowly picking up the pace of his fucking.

"Fuck that. Fucking fuck me until I break and bleed. JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!"

"Have it your way little man, see how much you can take before you start begging for mercy."

Then he really went at it and I moaned like a bitch in heat, digging my nails into his broad back as he slammed his body against mine.

It reminded me of Arnie, in that his hard hips slammed against the back of legs and butt over and over again with brutality but his bones weren't as jarring.

At one point, Badrick was on his feet on the bed, while I dangled from his cock as he gripped me tightly by the waist as he fucked me at a wild feral animalistic pace. I held onto the back of his knees so I wouldn't fall and hurt myself. He growled as he hit fever pitch and his grip got tighter, his fingernails digging into my flesh as his cock slammed into me harder for a moment till he paused deep in me and I could feel his thick cock throb as he spurted his cum deep into me.

He let out a sigh of contentment as his orgasm faded and his grip on me loosened and my own grip wasn't enough to stop him from pulling out of me or falling. "Fuck" I whined as I could feel the air on my gaping hole and the emptiness within at the lack of stiff cock. I got a notification that I gained [Red Rage] but before I could get a description, I was already falling back, struggling to avoid landing on my neck as he stepped off the bed. I flailed about to prevent a serious injury, flopping whimsically on my back like a fish out of water.

"Wow that was intense. Can you move?" Badrick asked.

I just stared blankly at him for a long moment, completely and utterly fucked, mind blanking at the attempt to form coherent words as I lay on my back, adjusting to the blood flowing down my body again. I recovered speech quickly though. "Mmm that was hot. Do me again, just do me like this." I said rolling onto my stomach, arching my back so my butt was up and waggling at him.

"Aren't you hurt from that? I got a little crazy there." He asked while standing to the side of the bed looking me over.

"Nah I'm great, just keep fucking me already." I glanced at Felix who was still fast asleep. I must have really drained him if that didn't wake him up. I should probably be more careful with him.. I'd have to give him a stamina and recovery potion when he woke up. I needed him to be healthy.

"Normal people can't take a full fucking from me without injury. Problem of a strength focused build."

"I'm fine, just fuck me already." I was starting to become impatient and I waggled my ass more, he was hard, I was horny, he should have already been inside of me instead of talking about stupid things.

"You're covered in bruises and scratches. How can you want more sex?"

"I'M FINE! JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!" I shouted and still Felix only rolled onto his side, still fast asleep.

"Your funeral." And he pounced on me and a second later his length was all the way up in me, burrowing deep. His big hairy body on top of my slim practically hairless body felt absolutely perfect, his warm weight comforting and exhilirating.

"Oh fuck me." I panted, craving another good hard fucking.

"Fuck, you feel good." He groaned as he slid his arms under my splayed arms locking me into some kind of arm bar thing, where my arms were behind my back and I couldn't move and he started thrusting into me. Then he kept fucking and pulling me back as he ground himself into me harder and harder, faster and faster.

I ended up in another weird position where the front half of me was bent backwards, with my upper back pressed against his furry pecs as he knelt, knees to either side of my hips as he fucked me furiously.

I may have blacked/blissed out as pain and pleasure reached a peak. I woke from my stupor to find Badrick repeatedly jostling me with both hands. "Stop that." I said, slapping his hands away from me like he was some kind of annoying insect.

"Thank the gods you're not dead. Can you drink this?" He asked holding out a vial filled with some unfamiliar potion.

A quick [Identify] revealed that it was a potion of restoration. A high priced item that can bring the virtually dead back to pristine condition, presuming they could drink it.

"I'm fine. Don't bother, I'll be fine after a short nap."

All the commotion woke up Felix, who woke up hard as per usual. "Where are we now?"

"Badrick's room." I replied.

"He fuck you good?" Felix asked.

"So good."

"Let me taste it."

Felix dove face first into my ass, his tongue playing a symphony on my battered behind. "You taste so good. I can't get enough."

Badrick off to the side. "You are both crazy. He's heavily injured and you're doing that." He said pointing at Felix who had clambered into position on top of me and had sunk his stiff prick into my spit slicked hole.

"He loves it rough, don't you baby?" Felix asked, stroking my sides as he ground his cock into me.

"Yeah, fuck me, I want to feel your cum all the way in me." Sure it felt like every bone in my body was broken but I arms were just a little dislocated from the rough handling and maybe there was a little tenderness in my pelvic region. A small price for such an epic orgasm. I'd be perfectly fine in a few hours after a short nap.

Felix fucked me slow and somewhat gently at first, hitting the sweet spot with unerring precision. The joys of having a spear man as a lover. Then he sped up and I could feel it from my toes to my teeth, my bones rattling as he slammed his body against mine until he groaned and rolled off me sated. "I love you."

"I love you too sexy man." I said, resting my hand on his heaving chest. I could tell he was exhausted, his life energy was merely a drop in the bucket when he came in me. I would need to hold back even more next time. The draining was instinctual but I could lower how much I took if I focused at the moment when his natural defences were down.

"I can't believe you two." Badrick said, I eyed up his stiff unattended cock with keen interest. The spirit was willing but even I had limits and I should probably wait until the morning or the later morning. I had lost track of time but I was fairly sure that it was the very early morning judging by the low light in the room.

"Stop complaining and get into bed already." Felix said, his eyelids struggling to remain up. I could practically feel the tiredness coming off him. His energy was very low.

"Don't worry, I don't think either of us will be horny again for a little while. You're safe."

"And people call me a barbarian for the battle frenzy, they should see the two of you. They'd be amazed at how sane I am compared to you two." Badrick grumbled as he got into bed between us.

Felix made room, moving onto his side, his hand resting on Badrick's stiff cock. "In the morning, I'm definitely going to suck this beauty and ride you..." Felix said, his voice slowly getting softer and softer throughout until his eyes closed and he passed out from exhaustion.

"Me too." I said. I wanted to place my hand on his cock too but I also felt exhausted and boneless so I had to settle on resting my palm on his big solid chest, his hard nipple poking my palm.

"Crazy the lot of you."

Day 2

I woke up the next morning feeling much better, the effects of a few hours sleep and regeneration doing wonders for my battered and bruised body.

I did wake up very hungry and horny though, both Felix and I were on our sides, snuggled up to a naked and very awake Badrick. Felix's hand had drifted to his left nipple and was playing with it while he slept while grinding his hard cock against Badrick's hairy leg.

As for me I took full advantage of the fact that Badrick had his hands full as he had his arms wrapped around our shoulders, holding us close to him, to grab his hard cock.

"You're awake."

"Yeah and horny."

"I can't believe you."

I slipped out of his grasp to ease down and take a mouthful of his cock into my mouth, making it harder and wetter in preparation for reentry. I nudged Felix aside gently but firmly aside so I had room to straddle Badrick's wide hips and seated myself on his ten inch erection, which sunk deep into me easily enough. Felix mewled out a sleepy growl of discontent as he stretched wide and thwacked Badrick's stomach with an errant fist.

"I want what I want and I get what I want."

"So I see." He said watching me passively as I sat on his cock, like the first time. I hadn't known he was capable of such ferocity before but it should have been obvious with his class as a berserker but still it had come as a surprise when he really let loose and fucked me hard.

The only two times we had sex prior, it had been fairly tame affairs, which had disappointed me somewhat but now that I knew what he was capable of, I wanted more brutal fucking. I wanted to lose myself in the intensity of pleasure/pain until I was nothing more than mindless pleasure and lust.

"Hey, I wanted to ride him." Felix complained, giving me the stink eye as he awoke to see me stealing the prize for myself again.

"Sorry." I said still trying to get Badrick to break me again.

"You will be." He said rolling out of bed and kneeling behind me, stiff cock in hand.

"FUCKKKKKK!" I groaned out as Felix slammed his stiff cock into my hole alongside Badrick's.

"The two of you are unbelievable, you're fucking animals." Badrick said scathingly and yet, his hips started thrusting upwards.

"Yeah we are." Felix said, speeding up.

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard." I begged shamelessly. I love getting double fucked in the morning by two hot men. It's even better if there is someone to suck on and a couple more to stroke at the same time. Ideally as soon as the first two were done, then more could take their place until there was no more cocks to drain. So many fun mornings at Alec's or Frederic's home. I'm really fucking horny in the mornings is all I'm saying (and at night and at frequent intervals during the day depending on what I'm doing).

"Fuck it." Badrick said, his hands firm on my hips as he started to give it to me properly. Felix matched and exceeded his pace.

It wasn't long before Badrick was squeezing us both with his strong arms in a fervent embrace as he held us both tight as he rammed my ass with unrelenting vigour. I was sandwiched between the two men, who hunched into me grinding their cocks against each others while they both fucked me.

They came close together. Badrick first followed by Felix and as their cocks throbbed out the rest of their load and their life energy filled me up a little more, I whimpered out my climax, shooting a thick load all over Badrick's furry torso. My pleasure was excessive as was my cum.

I felt physically and mentally drained and my hunger returned full force.

I forcefully pushed Felix aside and dismounted off Badrick. "I'm hungry, I'm off to eat."

"Wait." Felix said, arms stretched out towards, flopped onto his back next to Badrick looking utterly wiped.

I didn't care to wait. I was famished, all the rough sex took it's toll and it needed to be paid.

I went downstairs much to the annoyance of the man behind the counter feeding the adventurers about who didn't appreciate my nakedness.. "Where are your clothes? There are women here put some pants on." The barkeeper said.

"I can't remember where I put my clothes, I had too much to drink last night." I said

"You and me both. Here use this for now." A helpful adventurer said, handing me his hunter's cloak. "This should help get you somewhat decent."

"Thanks." I said, wrapping it around my naked body tightly to cover my hard cock. I think he was a scout on the caravan, I'm fairly sure I've had his cock in me during that weird night where half the camp had sex with whoever was available. Or maybe it was someone else, it's honestly hard to tell. I think I'm having too much sex with strangers, I'm losing track of it all, even with my enhanced memory.

"You look rough." Adventurer said.

"Mmm." I replied, all the while moving to address the food man. "Can I have a full stag?"

"And how exactly would you pay for that?" he asked, waving his hand up and down indicating my lack of pockets.

The scout chimed in. "He was the alchemist in the caravan, he can afford it, I'm sure. Why don't you go upstairs and get cleaned up and dressed and when you come down it'll be ready for you."

"Thanks, you're really helpful um."

"Jerald, my name is Jerald, you go get cleaned up and get dressed, then you can return my cloak."

"Yes that sounds smart. Thanks. I'm not quite awake yet."

"It's fine, we've all had some rough mornings after too many drinks, we know what it's like." Jerald said. Under his breath he muttered "though none of us have been quite as fucked as you."

I left to clean up, spending quite a bit of time under the warm water, enjoying the caress of water on my aching body, the bruises usually took the longest to fade after an exciting morning.

Then I made the rounds of the rooms of places I might have spent some time in the previous night. Knocking on all the doors to ask the occupants if they knew where my stuff was. I was not popular that morning, as I woke up many a hungover sleeper and I got a lot of cranky unhelpful comments.

Eventually Alec opened his door and handed me my spatial pack and clothing that I had discarded during the drunken orgy. I made an idle note that Kered was still naked and face down on Alec's bed and Alec had awoken with a stiff prick and was similarly undressed.

As much as I wanted to have a taste of the two of them, food awaited and now I could finally get dressed and pay for my meal. Mild horniness would have to wait behind extreme hunger. So I left them to their sleep and probably to more sexing and went downstairs now fully dressed like the average person.

Jerald was waiting downstairs and I handed him back his cloak. "Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it."

"No need to thank me, you helped a lot during the trip here."

I didn't remember doing anything of much note but the barkeep had the massive stag on a giant platter above his head interrupted our conversation by asking "Where do you want this?"

I pointed to an empty table. "There, thank you and here's the money I owe you."

I held out a gold coin and he just grunted and lobbed the platter on the table and snatched the coin out of my hand and asked "Where's the rest of your party then?"

"Sleeping it off probably." I said with a shrug, tearing a haunch off of the roasted Stag with my bare hands.

"You're going to eat that on your own?" The barkeep asked in obvious disbelief.

I shrugged. "Whatever I don't eat, I'll just store for later."

"Your money." The barkeep said before leaving abruptly to go do whatever barkeeps did whenever people weren't drinking.

I shrugged and continued chomping down on my meal.

Jerald took a seat beside me. "You must be hungry."

"Yup." I said between mouthfuls of meat. The regeneration and minor shapeshifting that I used to speed up recovery both needed energy and if men weren't around to feed me their energy, meat would work too.

"Mind if I have a bite?"

"Sure, plenty to go around. Probably." I said indifferently, I still had quite a bit of money from the journey as I had sold quite a few potions and weapon upgrades, so I wasn't bothered if he wanted to join me for a meal. I got back to eating.

"You have quite the appetite." Jerald said as he called over a passing waitress and asked politely for a knife and fork and carved a section off the shoulders of the slaughtered animal.

I continued to eat like a ravenous beast with my hands and teeth in constant motion, shovelling food into my mouth to rip and tear and swallow. After devouring half the beast I stored the rest in my spatial bag for later meals. Food stayed fresh for a long time within, could remain there for weeks without issue. Essential for adventurers on long journeys.

Jerald had left at some point without me noticing. I can get very single minded at times and I lose track of things. It's a bad habit for an adventurer but as an alchemist, it's a necessary trait, being able to keep focused on a single task is vital. Whether that's waiting for the exact right moment for a potion to boil down to the perfect ratio of solid to liquid or whatever else.

Clean and full of food, I returned to Badricks to reclaim my lover.

I walked in on Felix on his hands and knees bent over against the back wall of the room getting railed by Badrick.

I glanced at them wondering why they had gotten out of bed to fuck but it doesn't take more than a glance at the bed to realise the reason. The bed was disgusting, the sheets damp with sweat and cum and marked by dried blood. Oops.

"Baby." Felix moaned as he saw me.

"Uh." Badrick paused as he saw me enter fully dressed.

"Don't mind me. Fuck him."

"You two are so weird." Badrick said and yet his hips were back in full motion, slamming into my man with his hard cock over and over again.

I moved over to them, dropping my spatial bag to the side and stood directly in front of Felix. "He's a great fucker isn't he?"

"Yeah, so good." Felix said as he pawed at my breeches and took my own hard cock into his mouth.

"That's it. Fuck him harder." I said as I thrust my own cock into my man's throat over and over again.

"Fuck!" Badrick groaned and held onto Felix for a long moment before pulling out and looking us over. "I need a cold shower."

I pulled out of Felix's wet mouth. "Want me to wash your back for you?"

"Yes baby get me nice and clean."

Then we kissed, then kissed some more and groped and squeezed and stroked each other until we were both very very horny for some more fucking.

Felix had stripped me once more during the kissing and groping, so I was naked and ready for a shower and more fun.

Badrick led the way to the showers and once there I had Felix up against the tiled walls as I licked out Badrick's load out of his ass. I didn't enjoy eating out a load from my man's backside quite as much as Felix did but I still liked making my man moan and licking his hole, made him very horny. After I got his hole emptied out of cum (as much as I could) I replaced my tongue with my cock up his backside and railed him hard and fast, holding him tightly until I busted a load in his hot ass. I love him so much.

As soon as I pulled out, he turned about and kissed me fiercely before turning me around, bending me over and fucking me hard. Felix fucked me so good that I came again.

Badrick watched us throughout soaping himself under a frigid shower.

Afterwards I told Badrick that I'd be visiting the Adventurer's guild later that night if he wanted some company in his room.

He grumbled about his bed and perverts but his hard cock said something else entirely.

After we got dressed yet again, Badrick left to talk to the soft featured man at the front desk, he was the kind of handsome that bordered on the pretty. Brown curly hair framing a soft clean shaven face, long eyelashes, red lips and smooth skin made me think woman rather than man but his voice said otherwise as did the bulge in the front of his pants.

The somewhat effeminate inn keeper as we left said "Look forward to seeing you again, come back soon." He seemed quite excited by the idea. I barely noted it. I had so many things to do.

Honestly I felt like I had ripped myself off as I don't think I spent even a second within my own room, too busy getting fucked everywhere else. Next time, I'd just sleep in Michael's room or Badrick's and save myself the gold.

I had Felix escort me to the town hall after getting directions from Badrick.

I didn't bother Alec or the rest of the guys, I assumed that they'd still be sleeping off the previous night's activities and I'd catch up with them later.

Felix moved slowly through the busy city, with his head down, avoiding the bright light of the early sun as he shambled towards our destination. I guess Badrick left him a little bruised and battered, despite the relatively banal anal action.

Anyway we got to the city hall after ten minutes and I talked to a low level administrator to ask about a place that I could set up shop. I wanted my own base of operations, a place I could have privacy to pursue my various interests and training in peace. The only thing that I found that suited my requirements and my budget was a place located in the western slums, near the main city gate. It had a sordid history of crime and murder so it was relatively cheap.

I leased it for a month and once again most of my money disappeared. I got a permit for mercantile trade (other).

I had several reasons for wanting to set up a base of my own. I had an apprentice to train up, I had alchemy skills to train up, I had secrets to hide, men to fuck and most importantly a smell to avoid.

We returned to the Adventurer's Guild to reclaim our missing member Uffron and see what the others were up to.

I decided to talk to the effeminate guy that had booked us in the previous night to see if I could get more information as to their movements, so if they had already gone, I wouldn't waste my time bothering and if they were still sleeping I could come back later.

"Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with some information."

"I'd love to help you in any way I could. What would you like me to do for you?" He asked leaning way too close to my personal space.

"I'm Lucius and this is Felix". Felix lifted a hand in greeting, he had been fairly quiet throughout our excursion, still recovering from last night and the busy fucking morning. "We came in with a group of people and I just wanted to know if some of my friends were still in their rooms or whether they had gone."

"My name is Marcus, it is a true pleasure to be of service to you fine men. Most of the guests from last night have left already but some remain. Normally I wouldn't share this information without the guest's approval but considering how close you seem to be with them. I don't think they'd mind."

"Um thanks." I said, Marcus was giving me a weird feeling, like he wanted to eat me. Weird, weird, weird. "So are the Spears of Sorrow, Swords of Destiny, Alec or Uffron still here?"

"I'll check." Marcus said, as he opened up a ledger and flicked through it, trailing his finger over a list of names, standing behind a small wooden lectern, hiding the lower half of his body from view. "The Spears of Sorrow have left, the Swords of Destiny remain as do Alec and Uffron. Is there anything at all I can help you with? Anything at all? It'd be no trouble."

Felix placed his hand on my back possessively and Marcus' smile got wider and the expression in his eyes more manic.

"Not that I can think of. Was there something you wanted?" I asked.

"Well uh um I saw the two of you last night um with your uh friends and I was hoping maybe."

"Oh you wanted to fuck me." I said, his stammering and his weirdness making sense now, he had seen us in action and wanted to get in on the fun but he had been too shy or sober to join in.

"Uh um while that um" Marcus looked down then up at me with hopeful eyes. "I'd prefer if you uh did me."

I looked at Felix, who looked back at me with raised eyebrows and a shrug. It wasn't often we'd meet a gay guy wanting to be pounded, so far it'd only been Dale, Sam and Kered and Kered wasn't nearly as into it as Dale was. Every other guy interested in sex with us, just wanted to fuck us, to relieve their horniness while they waited to find a willing female.

"Just me or the both of us?"

He blushed furiously, his whole face going red from the neck up, it was quite cute. "Both please um but I haven't like done anything before so um not sure if I'll be any good at it."

"That's fine, we'll teach you everything you need to know, we're kind of experts at it aren't we sexy?" I said, giving Felix a poke in the side.

"When did you have in mind?" Felix asked more practically, ignoring my poke.

"Um soon, now?" Marcus asked looking between the two of us hopefully.

"Aren't you working now?" I asked

"I'll get someone to cover for me and I'll take you my room, so we'll have total privacy and uh um we can do it there." Marcus said, his face flushed, his hands bunched up at the side.

"I guess we can let Uffron and the guys sleep a little more and have some private fun."

"Yes, just wait right here and I'll be back shortly." He raced off, disappearing from sight behind the door that led deeper into the unknown depths of the Adventurers' Guild.

I turned to Felix, who turned to me, so that we were both facing each other. "So this is unusual." I said.

"That it is, I should be the first to break him in, then once he's opened up a bit, you can have a go."

"That's not fair. He asked me first."

"Yeah, but if you went first, you wouldn't hold back and you'd break the poor guy and then I'd have to fuck you instead of him since you have no self control."

"Fuck you."

"No, fuck you."

Then he kissed me to let me know he wasn't being mean and I kissed him back because his soft lips on mine felt good and I wanted to get more of him. Then we kept kissing and my hand somehow ended up wrapped around his cock, while his fingers ended up in my butt. Somehow, totally randomly, unexpectedly...

Our fun was broken up by the shocked gasp of a woman who accompanied Marcus out of the door, which I had started to consider magical in how people kept disappearing and appearing out of it. Or maybe the three fingers up my ass was making me dumb. Who knows?

"Um we can go now um if you like." Marcus said.

The woman was in her early twenties and I guess reasonably attractive, brown hair, brown eyes, a slim figure with womanly hips and breasts and boring. Anyway she muttered "shame, they're hot."

Then I was dragged by the hand by Marcus past a store room of sorts and down a flight of stairs and past a few different rooms, one of which looked like an armory. I didn't have much of a chance to admire the view as Marcus was practically racing down the stairs dragging me along in the process while Felix followed at a sedate pace until we arrived at a particular door .

He let us into the room and announced "So um this is my room, make yourself comfortable, I'm just going to um shower and uh clean up so I'll be back soon um don't go anywhere."

He raced off into a third room, I got a hint of a bath & a shower nozzle before the door closed.

There appeared to be three rooms, one his bedroom where a single bed dominated the room, which was placed next to a wall, next to that was a small closet and past that was the second room, which looked like a small kitchen with some knives and some fruits in a bowl.

Felix and I made ourselves at home, stripping naked and lying on the bed, it didn't take long for Felix's hard cock to be buried in my ass. I wasn't one for waiting around especially since Felix got me all worked up with his fingers before.

That's how Marcus found us naked on his bed having slow sensual sexy times. It was rare for us to have much in the way of time alone together, so we got a little too eager, forgetting the reason why we were there.

"Um uh did I take too long?"

"It's all good, just take off your towel and join us."

"Um I'm not as uh big as you guys." He dropped his towel to reveal a five incher.

"Doesn't matter, come here and feed me your cock."

"Uh you don't mind?" Marcus asked looking at Felix who had leaned back, cock still lodged in me.

"Climb on top, feed him your cock and I'll get your butt ready for a pounding."

"Um ah yeah um if you say so." He walked oh so slowly the few feet to the bed, then awkwardly moved into position. I grabbed onto his hips and sucked on his cock, while I liked big cocks in my butt, a smaller one was also fun to suck on. "Uh oh, fuck, that feels oh gods."

Felix was working the other end and Marcus had become even more incoherent, mumbling and reduced to squirming and groaning and panting. It didn't take more than a minute for him to lose a load down my eager throat.

Felix took the momentary pause in the action to replace his tongue with a finger, working a finger into Marcus' butt. "You sure you haven't been fucked before?" Felix asked.

"I um used my fingers to um uh oh fuck make room. You're very big."

Marcus said, while squirming on Felix's fingers.

"Good, preparation is key to every victory." Felix stuck two fingers into Marcus' butt. "How's that? You think you want to try something else?"

"Good, fuck, it's good, I want you both."

"One step at a time, how about you try sucking on my lover's cock first."

Marcus turned about, tonguing my cock slit, which was very nice and good, then he got a bit too ambitious and tried to swallow my cock, which was a failure, which left him gagging and chokign and spluttering for air. I did my best to distract by eating his worked over butt in preparation for Felix to fuck him.

Marcus got back to trying to suck my cock, Felix coaching him as to proper technique as he did so.

As Marcus' cock sucking technique got better and better with expert coaching and continual practice I moved on from licking Marcus' hole, to fingering it. It had loosened up enough so that I could easily stick two fingers in there without issue.

Marcus' moaning around my cock was very gratifying in more ways than one.

Soon Felix called for a change of position, moving onto his back while commanding Marcus' to straddle him, I stood to the side, thinking of the best way to go about relieving the mounting pressure building up in my mind and cock wanting me to fuck someone stupid.

"Sit on my cock."

"Just don't move." Marcus said, lowering his ass onto Felix's stiff cock slowly and gingerly, once Felix' cock head was inside him, he stopped lowering down, breathing heavily.

As I'm a bastard demon, I raised Felix's legs up and shoved my stiff aching cock into Felix's ass, if Felix was going first on Marcus, I'd just fuck Felix while I waited. Everybody would be happy, more importantly I'd be happy.

"Fuck" Felix moaned as my cock sunk deep into his warm hole.

"Yeah your ass is mine." I said enjoying the feel of Felix's ass around my cock, no matter how many times I fuck him it never stops being a hot ride.

"Yeah it is. Fuck me baby." Felix said.

I hugged Marcus from behind running my hands over his slim body and holding his soft cock in my hand, quickly bringing it to it's full length and stroking it.

I kissed Marcus' neck, making him moan and I let momentum do it's thing and further lower Marcus onto Felix's cock.

My aim was to prove to Felix that I could totally hold back and do the gentle slow fuck that Felix was so good at.

Unfortunately that didn't really work as Marcus had gotten all of Felix's cock inside him and they were kissing passionately as I slammed into Felix's hot hole with mindless passion.

I came far too soon into Felix's ass.

Felix infuriated me by basically ignoring my efforts and lifting Marcus up and switching position so effortlessly as soon as I was out of the way. Marcus was now on his back moaning and groaning in mindless ecstasy as Felix slowly but surely fucked him into bliss.

It made me angry watching them, a mixture of jealousy and impotency but that was drowned in desire as I watched my man's hot ass moving back and forth repeatedly, rhythmically in front of me. Al I could think about was fucking him again.

So I did. I climbed up behind and started fucking Felix's ass again, my cock more than hard enough for the job. I might cum a bit too fast when I'm fucking someone's hot ass but I recover quickly and I'm soon ready for more.

The fucking continued for quite a bit, Felix picking up speed as he fucked Marcus and worked my cock over with his hot ass. Marcus by the sounds of it was having the time of his life. Not surprising, Felix is an excellent lover.

Felix succumbs to pleasure and needs a momentary break. I'm quite happy to take his place and kiss Marcus, shoving my cock into his non virgin ass and fuck him and kiss him and stroke him until we both reach a thunderous conclusion.

I pulled out and we catch our collective breath.

Marcus' eyes are glazed and his cum has splattered over his body, it feels like a waste but I've already tasted him and it's unlikely he'd have anything new for me so I ignore the urge to lick up the cum from his body. Having satiated myself yet again, I had a moment of peace and clarity. "So did you enjoy that?"

"Yes, it was everything I dreamed. I always wanted to see what it was like to have sex with an adventurer but I was always afraid that they would laugh at me or hurt me but last night when I saw the two of you getting fucked by one hot adventurer after another it was like a dream come true. I knew that it was possible to make my fantasies come true."

I trailed a finger around his gaping red raw hole, leaking Felix's and my cum, fascinated as his hole struggled to close up again. "So, what kind of fantasies?"

"Well I've been working here a couple of years and I've seen so many adventurer's naked or mostly naked going to or coming from the baths and I've always wondered what it'd be like to be with one of them." In a quieter voice, a little louder than a whisper, he continued "or more than one taking their turns on my mouth or ass."

"If you want I can introduce you to some of my friends later tonight. They're horny fuckers, so they'd love another guy they can pump full of their cum."

"That sounds terrifying and amazing. Um I'll see how my butt feels then. I'm not sure if I'll be um good for more by tonight, maybe tomorrow would be better."

"Sure, in your own time, I'll probably be visiting here quite a bit for the next month, so I'll make sure to keep in touch." I leaned over to kiss him and the kiss went on for a few minutes and my cock hardened up and I lined up my cock to fuck him again.

Felix put his hand on my shoulder, stopping me. "Come on, didn't you want to meet up with Uffron and the others. Give the man a break."

"Ah yeah, sorry, got carried away again."

"I don't mind, you're hot, the both of you. Um hope to see you soon." Marcus said, his cock hard and sticking up.

We made use of Marcus' private bathroom to quickly shower up, well relatively quickly. I did fuck another load into Felix's butt as revenge for him not letting me fuck Marcus again. Even if Felix was right about Marcus needing more time before getting fucked again, it was still aggravating to be denied release. So I took it out on his ass. Not that Felix seemed to mind that much. Sometimes Felix is far too rational for my liking but I still love him anyway.

Out of the shower we dried off and kissed Marcus goodbye. He hobbled to the shower to get cleaned up. We reassured him that we could find the way back unassisted. He gave us a Master Key so that we could visit him any time he was off duty. He warned us that we should use it sparingly as he was definitely not supposed to give them to anyone.

We promised we'd be good.

We promptly left after getting dressed and told the woman at the lectern that Marcus would probably be a little while yet. She grumbled about some people having all the luck.

I used our newly acquired Master Key to enter Uffron's room. He was asleep, dressed only in undergarments. We stripped the blankets off his bed exposing his body and we took turns taking his dick in mouth until he woke up.

Once he came down my mouth, he reluctantly got dressed and followed us to our new base of operation, an hour's walk from the Adventurer's Guild. Somewhat of a step down, location-wise but I'd have more freedom to set up for future endeavours here.

A walk through the districts without the caravan gave us a better understanding of the city. The inner city or heart was located around the dungeon, with most of the important buildings there. Then moving away from there west wards would be the middle class sections, where middling merchants and artisans surround the central district. The outer regions were the slums.

We arrived at my new base and my first impression is that of a war zone, the front door is broken in, there are foot prints and boot prints in dark brown stains and there are indications of violent altercations everywhere. Shards of glass, clay pots and iron are littered across the ground as is literal garbage, there are burn marks on the wall. The whole place is a mess, but it's very large, made of baked clay and has enough rooms for a small army. The aftermath of the army routing out a criminal gang. It's gross but it's perfect for my purposes.

We spent the rest of the day cleaning up the place as best we could with water from the nearby well and a scrubbing brush.

It was painfully slow going. We'd need to call in for more help if we wanted the place ready for business any time soon.

Night 2

Visited the Adventurer's Guild, catching up with everyone, hearing about their various activities throughout the day. Mostly they just checked out the local quests which were taken by adventurers who had come in earlier and grabbed them from the quest board while everyone was sleeping off the alcohol and or sex. Then they went about the various markets to get repairs down on equipment, search for interesting items or stock up on supplies of one sort of another. Essentially they had a lazy casual day while I was alternatively fucking around and cleaning.

I introduced Marcus to the Spears of Sorrow after checking on the state of his butt after getting his ass pounded by both Felix and me. He was nervous and excited about meeting them but there's only five of them and none of them are as demanding as Felix and I can be.

Suck up to Michael figuratively and literally in order to secure his help sorting out our new base. He agrees begrudgingly to help.

The night ends with both Felix and I in a freshly cleaned bed with Badrick, Felix on top of me fucking into me while Badrick fucks Felix.

Day 3

The morning starts with a very fun double teaming of my ass by Badrick and Felix and a visit to the rooms of the Spears of Sorrow. Marcus was in the second room we checked, sleeping in between two naked members of the party. Judging by the pleased smile on his face, he seemed to have a fun night too.

Alec's group and the Swords of Destiny come along to help me out. I may have sweetened the deal by offering to exchange potions and sex for some help.

Michael was surprisingly helpful even if he never actually picked up a scrub brush.

He used something called [Mage Hand] an advanced version of telekinesis to move heavy stuff about and clean things using magic. I didn't really care too much for the details as long as he was being helpful.

Alec was the least helpful with cleaning and simply scouted the nearby area for potential threats, though his party members were much more helpful, even if we did take a few breaks to fuck around.

Night 3

We returned to the Adventurer's Guild after a long tiresome day of cleaning and I spent the night fucking about as per usual making liberal use of the baths to soak aching muscles..

Day 4

Morning begins again with a double teaming by Felix and Badrick, he's given up pretending he doesn't like having me face down and taking his cock. I'm slowly making use of his essence as a base to beef up some more, gaining a little more meat and muscle on my bones, make me a little less fragile. I don't want to get too beefy as it might make the guys less prone to pinning me down and fucking me at all hours of the night but a little bit more heft shouldn't hurt. If I get too big, it'd have a negative effect on my agility and I wouldn't want that.

Work continues on my new place, scrubbing it clean and preparing various rooms for habitation and occupation. Alec's group, Michael & the Swords of Destiny come along again to help in their various ways.

Alec leaves at one point with Minos, Sammy, Dean and Dale to go buy some furnishings on my behalf. He returns with some sleeping pallets, a door and some tables and chairs.

Night 4

Meet up with Badrick during the evening and we take a ride on his horse and I asked him about his beast Boga and their bond. Boga is a black stallion and a war horse, he's certainly big enough standing at 17 hands high and the glimpse of him erect leaves me with very strange and sordid thoughts.

Badrick is a legend, or at least he's a lower tier legend, he's main class is a level 50 Warrior and his sub classes are Axeman, Beserker & Beast master (barbarian version of tamer). He has yet to really grow into the Legendary status as he's relatively unknown in this region and he hasn't maxed out all his subclasses as of yet.

Badrick shares some insights about the nature of Beast bonds and animal training. He can't tell me too much of use as Beast master is his latest subclass, gained when he hit level 50 with his main class. The only thing of use is that he didn't need Beast Master to develop a bond with his horse originally it just made the connection forged through long exposure stronger and deeper.

He can communicate telepathically with Boga from several kilometres away and can share certain senses and experiences with him. As such Boga is a very intelligent horse, helped in part that Boga's a decade old and has absorbed enough mana to be an exceptional steed, capable of great speed.

Day 5

The set up of my new place is coming along quite well, it's got twenty rooms that have been thoroughly cleaned and are fit to be used by humans again.

I assigned several rooms a purpose, potion crafting room, food prep room, bath room, fucking room, forging room and store room.

The potion room has been outfitted with the bare minimum of alchemy supplies, mortar, pestle and vials. The food prep room doesn't have much of anything other than some knives and a table. The bath room is simply a place that I'll put a bath once I can afford one and can arrange for some source of steady water.

The fucking room, well there's multiple fucking rooms, there's my personal room, where I can relax and or fuck around with Felix or whoever is around, then there's the rooms the others can get fucked in. Mostly for Dale at this point since I'm usually around for Felix getting fucked but he also has a room for when things get hectic.

The forge room is a place set aside for my amateurish attempts at blacksmithing & alchemical upgrades of metal items.

The store room is simply a place to store all the miscellaneous stuff, stuff that might be useful for my alchemy plans going forward, monster materials, metals, slime cores and whatever might prove interesting.

It's nice to have my own place, though now that I have it and it's actually looking clean and has stuff in it, I have to organise for it's protection which is a pain. The slums aren't a great place to have valuables but there's not much I can do about it. It's the best place for what I have planned.

Night 5

Most of my helpers returned to the Adventurer's Guild, I asked Alec to do a few things for me when he returns to the Adventurer's Guild. One is to pass a message to his dad on my behalf, second is to pass around the list of ingredients I'm looking for to other adventurers that we can trust to keep their mouths shut about my oddities. Third is to tell Badrick that I'll be in the slums at night if he wants to come visit me. I don't hold out much hope that he'll leave his warm comfy bed in the Adventurer's Guild inn to fuck me stupid all night long.

Still not everyone left, Felix and Uffron remain to keep me warm at night and they keep me entertained.

Day 6

After some morning fun with Felix and Uffron I head off to get things done. I leave Felix with Uffron at the base much to his displeasure, he wanted to come with but the base needed to be protected and Felix was a guard, so him guarding the place will net him a small but significant stream of experience. More so since he'll essentially be doing it alone as Uffron is nowhere as powerful as Felix.

Uffron is tasked to keep working on his apothecary skills, basically just grinding and mixing herbs all day long.

I visited the Adventurer's Guild briefly to find out if Alec had passed on the message to George. He had.

It was a simple message, I wanted George to get me in touch with a few important people. Richard, the weapons merchants so that I could learn some blacksmithing from those in the trade, Randal and Ygos. Duggan to see if I could learn how he used music to influence an entire group of people and see if I could replicate it using Siren's call. Dalton to see if I can get some goblins to experiment on. Deva to see if I could learn more about golems from someone who uses them for everything and anything, offence, defence and utility purposes.

George had been busy on my behalf and managed to arrange something suitable with most of them. Deva was the only hold out in the group of potential teachers. It was somewhat disappointing that Deva wouldn't provide me with any assistance but it wasn't entirely unexpected considering our last meeting.

While I had arranged things with Richard before, I didn't know where he ended up after the job was done. I assumed correctly that George with his knowledge and experience with the other merchants would know how to get in contact with important people quickly.

Richard and Dalton were both busy with their businesses and didn't have the time for a personal meeting with me. Thankfully they had both arranged for a suitable compromise to deal with my request. As an up and coming Alchemist, it was in their best interests to get in my good graces in order to gain access to any unique items or potions I produced in the future. It cost them little to do so and if I had learned anything while staying at George's it was the value of networking.

Richard left the address of the place that Randall and Ygos were using as a blacksmith shop in the merchant district, where I could meet them to discuss the details of an ad hoc apprenticeship. Dalton simply required me to leave a message with Adventurer's Guild as to the nature and quantity of goods required and he'd do the best he could to procure them. Duggan would be playing at a tavern called Mad Boar later that evening and I could talk to him after he had finished playing.

After quickly thanking Alec for his help, I visited Randall and Ygos, their shop was set up in the merchant quarters to the east nearest the docks. Their clients were a mixture of dock workers, Enchanters and soldiers, they even sold some items to Mages; mostly chain mail shirts and daggers.

I talked to the both of them for a bit and arranged some private tuition in exchange for some free upgrades of some items. Normally they'd produce an item, such as a ring or sword and then an enchanter would buy it off them for a low price and after enchanting sell it for a huge profit. This way they could sell some low grade magic items and I could learn some basic blacksmithing, a win for both of us. My previous experience with metals has mostly been of the most simplistic, minor examinations and experiments seeing what various metals were like, how they reacted to heat, acid, pressure. Nothing really that involved, like forging. I had no intention of learning how to make horseshoes and swords myself but at the very least I could learn how to repair various metal items and the basic methods of creations, just in case, I picked blacksmith as a second class. No matter how unlikely that was.

My current thought was that I would pick a magic class to further my magical abilities. The difficulty was that I couldn't decide between the three available choices.

Warlock would allow me to summon my demonic father with a blood ritual but I'm not nearly strong enough to contain or kill him. Warlocks are a banned class as they had sided with the demons against humans and weren't allowed into human cities for fears of them opening a Hell Gate within the walls or some other foul treachery. If I chose Warlock as a class I'd either have to go live in a cave or somewhere remote or travel to the far north to join up with the nations that don't mind warlocks. The demon nation, the Beast-Men kingdoms where I could be accepted weren't exactly places I wanted to go.

Sorcerer is another option to improve my natural spell casting abilities, allowing me more control over my demonic sorcery. The downside was that it'd make it that much harder to learn other types of magic, such as the structured magic used by humanity.

Mage is the most useful utility wise as it gives me more intelligence and wisdom with each level and the perks are all centred around magical efficiency. The option doesn't excite me though.

I continue to dither as I just can't seem to make up my mind.

After visiting them, I talk a walk eastwards towards the ocean and the dock filled with sailors.

Walking through the slums in this direction, more and more of the shanties had fishing rods, nets and tubs of water outside the doors. It seemed that even though this was the low class section as well, the security was much better. Not that surprising since this side of the slums were overseen by a few towers of varying quality. A mage tower made of ivory coloured stone, ten stories high with only a few narrow windows for Mages to launch fireballs out of. The lighthouse was of similar colour and size, being only 8 stories but it had very little in the way of offensive ability as it's top was lit up with a beacon. The watch tower was made of wood and most of it's height was the ladder and the struts with the top layer occupied by several armed guards wielding crossbows and spy glasses casually but professional speaking to ample experience. They kept an eye on the citizens, sailors and the sea.

The port was very busy and very mixed in the social stratas, with burly dock workers unloading and loading ships, while whores tried to lure sailors returning to shore into their clutches. Various merchants moved around the area organising and supervising the shipping of various goods and chattel.

I was most interested in the sailors, I had heard tales of sailors finding new lands and fighting strange aquatic beasts. As a child that all sounded exciting and epic and yet now the only thing that interested me were the bodies of the sailors. They looked great from up close, lean and muscular from weeks or months at sea, the faces were a bit hit and miss but the bodies were fantastic. Furtado wanted to help satisfy the returning sailors and also to help empty their pockets.

An idle thought made me wonder how I was different from a whore. I came to the conclusion that there wasn't that much difference except that I was better educated than most whores and the exchange of money for sex was complicated by the addition of potions. It was unclear sometimes whether I was paying men with cheap potions in order to get their cum. I'm a freak of nature.

I said hello to many a fit manly sailor offering recovery and stamina potions for their improved health and longevity. Some accepted, most declined the strange boy selling potions, suspicion countering a potential desire for potions.

I even managed to get one captain to let me on board to tour his ship in exchange for a few potions. Potions were normally expensive and very hard to come by on the sea for obvious reasons.

The captain, a ruddy cheeked and bushy bearded man even offered me a job as a sailor or more accurately a position as the ships doctor but I begged off as I had other commitments but I'd keep it in mind. I compromised by offering to check on the health of his sailors to make sure that they were doing well.

I set up an office in the captain's quarters as it was the largest place to do examinations and had the option of privacy and called in the tastiest looking sailor working on the deck, he was shirtless and unloading barrels from the ship onto the docks to be collected later by a merchant and his crew.

He cast me a suspicious glance before simply shrugging and following me, probably not minding an excuse to avoid heavy lifting for a few minutes.

He followed me down into the captain's quarter and he closed the door behind him. "You're awfully young for a physician."

"I'm actually an alchemist but I spent my time as an apprentice to an apothecary so I'm familiar with many illnesses. If you would be so kind as to remove your breeches I'll conduct an examination and check for any potential problems."

"I feel fine."

"Your captain said I could examine all of you, I thought a captain's words were law on his vessel."

He muttered "mouthy brat" under his breath as he removed his breeches. He didn't wear any undergarments so I got a quick flash of his dick before he covered it with both hands.

I circled around him, within hands reach of him, checking his body for any strange marks or signs of injury, I traced a scar of his with my finger, exerting a bit of pressure just to make sure there wasn't any festering beneath the skin. "Now put your hands on your head and cough."

"This isn't necessary." He said.

I crossed my arms in front of me and just waited, tapping my foot on the wooden floor while staring at him. "Fine, fine, fine, just be quick about it before I get sick from being naked."

He placed his hands on his head and started coughing, I placed an ear against his chest, near his lung and my hand on his heart to check breathing and heart rate. "Cough again" and I moved to the other side to check his other lung and check his heart rate again.

"Seems like you're in good health, just one last test and then you can be on your way."

"Finally." Then I crouched down in front of him and removed the hands he had placed back on his soft cock, it looked around a couple inches soft, a interesting difference to the rest of him which was firm and hairy. "What are you doing?"

"Need to check for any lumps, rashes or abnormalities, that might indicate infections, diseases or anything else that you might have picked up from some dockside whore."

"Hey I don't. Oh." He cut off as I fondled his balls and limp dick, gently but thoroughly examining them for any issues. A quick glance was enough to tell there wasn't but I wanted to be thorough. He started hardening as I moved the the skin away from the tip of his penis, to check for any unusual discharges, there wasn't but all the handling had turned his soft two inch penis into a hard seven inch penis. "Uh. That's-" He stopped talking as I took his cock into my mouth. "What uh are you doing?"

"Taste test." I said briefly before resuming.

"Uh, fuck." Then he was clutching my head as he kept thrusting into my throat, making increasingly louder groans as he fucked my face. A moment later, he grunted and panted and his cum shot down my throat.

I pulled off and said "Tastes salty but satisfying."

He looked at me stupefied. "No doctor ever done that to me before."

I shrugged, still crouched down on the floor, my cock stiff and confined in my own breeches. "I give you a clean bill of health. Send in the next sailor."

He pulled up his breeches gave me one final look, shook his head and left.

I sat behind the desk and waited for my next patient to arrive. It didn't take long. The next sailor arrived, he wasn't quite as muscular as the last sailor, more lean and wiry than muscular. I repeated the same routine as the last guy, this one had a nice 8 incher and I gained something new from his cum, Sea Legs. It had a very vague description, Sea Legs – be at home walking on land or upon the ocean shores.

After that things got much faster as the word had gotten around to the sailors about my exams and of the dozen crew, I examined all of the crew except the captain (who was well off enough to visit a local blood mage to keep him in good health) and all of them fed me their cum one way or another. Some even stayed around to fuck me while I sucked off other sailors.

Not that it was all fun and games. I did actually discover that a few of them did have conditions that would need to be treated after I mixed up a specific remedy for them. In the meantime a recovery potion would have to suffice.

I told the captain that I'd come back the next day to treat those with problems. The captain was happy to hear that and the crew doubly so, they'd be leaving in a day and half, so it would put them in good stead.

Sadly Sea Legs didn't give me the ability to walk on water, not that I tried that or anything. Cough cough.

Following my entertaining diversion with the sailors of the good ship Triumphant, I visited Duggan at the tavern, Mad Boar and while I waited for him to finish his songs I drank some beer and listened and watched him in action. There was something about his songs that had power, something in his voice that made the men thirsty and happy and had the women fixated on him and practically drooling over him. There was a dozen women crowded at the front, as close as they could get to the stage without being on it themselves, they swooned and cried out and cajoled while Duggan merely smiled and winked at them from time to time sending them into frenzy while singing.

This time I was more prepared for Duggan and his music and I could feel it trying to wash over me and effect but I stayed above it like a rock above the water. I got splashed but I did not get submerged by the sensations lingering in the air. What distracted me was this strange feeling like I'd been there before, resisting someone as they tried to inflict their will on me but it also felt different. The memory was vague and unhelpful and resistant to my attempts to pin it down.

It was like thinking of a word but struggling to remember what the word was, like it was on the tip of your tongue and yet it would remain elusive but much much worse.

Eventually Duggan politely but firmly placated his fanatic female admirers and moved over to my table.

"So you want to learn how to be a bard?"

"Something like that."

"Follow me to my room so we'll have some peace and quiet and I'll tell you all about becoming a Bard of significance."

I did so, he had a very nice room with a very large bed and candles, it smelled like some kind of fruit, sweet with a hint of bitterness. He immediately sat on the bed, while I remained standing.

"So I'm curious, why did you sing that song and get the whole camp fucking."

Duggan shrugged. "It wasn't the whole camp just those within range of the song and inclined towards pent up lust and aggression. I thought it'd be a good way of resolving tensions with the whores and the men before things got out of hand in the opposite direction. Make love not war."

I wasn't really satisfied with that answer, it felt like a lie, even if it sounded truthful. "What was the real reason?"

"I felt like it." He flopped back on the bed. "It's why I do everything I do, because it's funny or it's fun. Life is far too serious and I like to bring a little bit of fun and levity to the world. It's the reason I became a bard. Well that and wine and women and more women."

I looked him over, he was dressed in tight leather pants, that clung to his body like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination, his shirt a loose affair revealing a broad chest, with a smattering of chest hair and a trim body. He was attractive in a basic way but when he sung and even when he talked, there was a pull towards him. "Well I prefer men personally."

He laughed. "I noticed and no you cannot seduce me, I'm wise to you and your tricks and I'm saving myself for my wonderful FEMALE admirers."

"What tricks?" I asked.

"Don't think you're fooling anyone with your little pretense, I can taste the magic around you and it's old and hungry."

"Um." I backed away, suddenly concerned about being alone in a room with such an unpredictable man, a man with many levels more than me. He wasn't Michael, he wouldn't be easily bought off with sex and gold, by the looks of it Duggan got more than enough of both already.

"Don't be afraid, I'm a worshipper of the god of Chaos." I backed away another step. The followers of the God of Chaos were madmen, prone to unpredictable and violent behavior and were not to be trusted. "Don't be such a coward, if I wanted to hurt you I would have done it long ago. I'm a follower of the God of Wine, the Goddess of Nature, I'm even a follower of the God of Knowledge. I'm a bit of slut for the heavenly powers. I sing their praises and they grant me certain boons in return. I get around." He twirled a finger around lazily, still not moving from his position, half on the bed. It was worrisome.

"So what do you want from me?" I asked nervous, most men were easy to deal with when they were horny, if I couldn't get him horny, I had absolutely nothing to work with other than my lackluster social skills and I had little faith in that.

"Oh I just like a good show, tell me what you want to learn little sorcerer and if I think it'll be funny I'll teach you if not, well..." He trailed off looking at me expectantly.

"I just have this um ability that I don't really understand."

He got up to his feet in a second, face to face with me faster than I could react. "Which one, you have a few of them."

"Wait you can see my abilities?"

"High level Scan, I picked it up from a wizard I know, requires high intelligence."

"I didn't think Bards had high intelligence normally."

"Scholar is one of my subclasses, so I have it high, I also have Warrior as a subclass to deal with angry husbands from time to time. I get around. Now tell me which ability you want to improve before I get bored. You won't like me if I get bored."

"Um Siren's Call mostly."

"Not demonic whispers? That sounds like more fun, you could be an evil puppet master instead of a more slutty slut. Not that there's anything wrong with a good slut." He places his hand on my shoulder while looking me in the eye. "I quite like my sluts, they complain less about being sore in the morning but they're less of a challenge to get into bed and what's life without a bit of challenge. Sisters, that's where the true fun is, ideally twins, mmm." He grabbed at his crotch, which looked a lot more impressive than before. "What were we talking about?"

"Uh I just um I should go."

"Where's the fun in that? So you want to be a big old man slut, that's great, can you sing?"

"Um, I guess."

I sung a song about the Legendary Immortal Hero and his conquest, a retelling of his adventures, all the while keeping my eyes shut out of fear.

"Well that was something, it wasn't terrible but it wasn't good either." He placed his hand on my chest and my pulse raced, out of fear or lust, it was hard to tell, in my fucked up brain it's often the same thing. I was very hard and aware of his every moment either way. He smelled nice, very nice. "Now try that again, this time try and project more, open your eyes and put some passion into it, sing it like you mean it, like it's vital to your life."

I tried again, while looking into his eyes, his hand heavy on my chest as my cock throbbed painfully in my trousers and sung like my life depended on it. There was a long moment of silence afterwards. His silence made me nervous. "Was that better?" I asked.

"I felt a tingle, but it's weak, try again, this time let's see what happens when we do this." He took his hand off my chest and used it to strip off his shirt revealing a toned body underneath. He grabbed at the hands clenched at my sides and placed them on his chest. "Now try again, this time worry less about me turning you in and watching them rip you limb from limb while laughing and think about how much you want my cock in you." He said while rubbing the very prominent bulge in his pants.

I was very confused. He said he didn't like men and he couldn't be seduced but he wanted me to try anyway to seduce him. That thing about him watching while they tore me apart and laughing also worried me. What did he want from me? I didn't understand his game at all but I had to play if I had any chance of winning at it, whatever it was. So I closed my eyes and focused on the feel of his warm chest against my palms and the thickness of the cock confined within those leather breeches and I sung my heart out. I lost myself to the song, focused only on his heart beat and his body and my desire. A wave of fatigue flowed through me and I couldn't finish the song and I fell to my knees suddenly exhausted. "I'm sorry." I said opening my eyes fearing the worst.

Instead I got slapped in the face with his hard nine inch cock. "That was much better but now I need a woman, go fetch me one from downstairs, preferrably the blonde with the big breasts." I opened my mouth to offer to help him out instead and before I could say anything. "Women only, my little incubus man slut. Later we'll talk about the oddity of a gay incubus but for now get me my woman." I got to my feet frustrated and tired and horny and hungry. "If they ask who you are, tell them you're my new student."

I went downstairs very confused but I found the woman easily enough and told her that Duggan asked for her.

She turned around to the other women and said "Victory is mine bitches," she practically raced up the stairs before they could say a word in response.

I shrugged and got myself a meal, whatever that had been, had taken it's toll on me and if Duggan wouldn't let me get some energy from him, I'd have to do it the boring way and eat some food. By the time I had finished my meal and had a few drinks to help with my sexual frustration Duggan came downstairs shirtless, with his dick hastily and insufficiently crammed into his tight breeches alongside the flushed sweaty blonde and pointed to two of the women sitting around drinking some kind of drink with fruit in it and then at me. "You two and the boy. He has to learn what a man is really about."

I followed the two women upstairs. Then he made me watch as he took turns fucking the two women, apparently they were sisters, all the while telling me to sing at different volumes as he fingered and fucked the two women.

It was very instructive in a very absurd and confusing way.

Afterwards when the women left and he lay naked on his bed looking very pleased with himself I asked, "What in the nine hells was that all about?"

"I just wanted to demonstrate that just because you can make someone horny doesn't mean they'll necessarily be horny for you. That and I was curious whether watching me banging a couple of hot women would get you worked up as well. Looks like it did."

I hate to admit it but watching his pale ass as he fucked those women did make me horny, they didn't appeal to me but apparently watching any attractive guy fucking anyone would do. "Is that what you did to those women?"

"Oh no, I don't compell them to have sex with me, I just help set the mood and see if the effect lingers without the magic behind it. That way I'm less likely to get some crazy woman trying to claw out my eyes the morning after. This way I just have to deal with the random husbands, lovers and pathetic losers that wanted to bang them but didn't have the balls to."

"Oh." I didn't know what to think of Duggan, was he a genius, madman, sex fiend, alcoholic? All of the above ?

"You should have noticed downstairs that willpower can counteract the magic within the music and allow you to resist it's effect entirely or partially."

"Why do you play at a tavern anyway?" I asked, ignoring his previous statement entirely.

"For the love of my fans." I just glared at him. "That and the money, you can't be a successful Bard if you can't afford the wine or travel, the women can get expensive too."

"I should go."

"Good idea, I need a nap and I don't trust you to be around while I sleep. Come back next week and I'll give you some more training on how to infuse magic into your singing, get all the other men horny for your ass."

I left the Mad Boar and walked an hour back home, letting the cool breeze and the smell of fish that pervaded the air ease my frustrations.

Returned home to find Kered naked and balls deep in my man.

He had come over to complain about the others again, not letting him sleep and fucking him too much and Felix had offered a comforting word, mouth and not long after a way to work out his aggression by letting him pound ass until he was more relaxed.

I had forgotten to talk to Alec about him not liking being fucked by so many guys. Mostly because I've had so many things on my mind and so many men on top of me as of late. I promised Kered I would deal with it the very next day. Then I fucked Felix's mouth, then fucked his ass along with Kered's to work out my frustrations for the strange frustrating evening spent with Duggan.

Day 7

Visited the Adventurer's guild again, talked to Alec and after some discussion bought Kered out from under him. Alec made it a condition that he'd still be able to plow him as needed. I agreed and we sealed the deal by Alec fucking a load into my butt.

I collected some ingredients and cum from the adventurers in exchange for some coin and provided them with new lists of ingredients for them to procure for me. Said hello to Marcus and he gushed about how nice the Spears of Sorrow were to him and how much he was grateful for the introduction. We snuck away to his room for a private fucking session.

Visited the blacksmiths for some more blacksmith training, all the while admiring how glossy and fit Ygos looked as he hammered away on metal while shirtless. It was very impressive. I was tempted to lure Ygos away for some private tuition but Randall made that difficult as he was constantly supervising Ygos and making sure he didn't do anything wrong.

Visited the sailors again and applied all the necessary salves and ointments. Some of them have been scarred by their various misadventures and I wonder if I'll ever be good enough to make potions of restoration which can remove scars, regrow limbs and bring back people on the brink of death.

More sex with the sailors, a lot more fucking of my ass this time around. They treat me to their store of spiced rum, which is very alcoholic and very potent in making my knees weak and their attentions even more exciting. I upgrade the weapons of my favourites for a small fee and they spread the word to the other sailors.

I mostly used [Infusion] to improve their knives & swords. Apparently every good sailor has at least one knife to cut ropes and a sword to defend against pirates and sea monsters.


Returned home to check on Uffron's work and tell Kered he's now a member of my dungeoneering/ alchemy crew. Name pending. He seems very relieved and thanks me quite exuberantly, getting naked and on his knees to please me with his mouth. He gets me excited too and I bend him over and fuck a load into his tight hole.

Then Kered fucks me and Felix sneaks up behind and starts licking out the cum from Kered's hole. After he's licked all the cum out of Kered he could, he fucks his way into Kered's hole as he continues to fuck me. Uffron finds us naked and fucking and slams his own hard cock into Felix's backside.

After we've all relieved our carnal lusts for the moment. (after Uffron fucks a load into all three of us and I get triple teamed; two in the back, one in the front.)

We go on a late night adventure and visit the first couple of floors of the Essex dungeon, which is time consuming and unpleasant.

The first floor is a cavern with with ankle high waters with sharp stabby coral to avoid and sea kobold death traps to avoid. Kered proves essential for spotting traps before they can injure or kill us. There's two common types, a spike trap and a trip wire connected to a cross bow.

The Essex Dungeon is a lot less predictable and safe than the Derby Dungeon, partly because they're different dungeon cores. The Derby dungeon was an offshoot of a tame dungeon centred in the capital while the Essex dungeon was a wild dungeon found and `tamed' by a mercenary lord (Aka a former pirate).

The mana inside is rich and invigorating and the experience gained from avoiding dangers and collecting materials is too good to pass up.

Day 8

With Kered on board as a member of my alchemist/adventuring group, I have someone to serve as my body guard while I go ingredient shopping. It reminds me that I've let my iron cultivation fall by the wayside with all the other things that have happened recently. I should work on that more in my free time, if I get any.

I go around the slums spreading the word about my new shop and the three services it provides. I offer three services, weapon upgrades, potions and sex, though the last is more of a bonus to the main two businesses. The residents of the slums while dressed in simple wares and often struggling to get enough food to eat, are eager to have a new supplier of upgraded weapons & potions in their neighborhood.

Day 9

Continued potion-making efforts at mastering the berserker & mana potions while supervising Uffron's effort with recovery and stamina potions. He'd made great progress with constant effort and supervision, even if he had numerous failures throughout the process. There were many ways to fail when crafting potions, ingredients not in correct quantities or of sufficient potency, incorrectly applied heat, accidentally adding foreign substances while mixing, countless ways to fail, often only one path to success.

Still he made progress as did I on my efforts. I had picked up a few slime cores and when it got dark, I planned to practice my golem crafting skills. Slime cores were the best material to use for my price range for practice golems as they ewre relatively cheap and naturally bound to inorganic matter.


Michael came to visit and watched my attempts at golem crafting with amusement.

He showed me a technique he picked up from a dwarf magic cannoneer called [Mana Refinement] and [Core Creation].

Michael pumps cool mana into me using [Mana Manipulation] the superior Mage version of Infusion, basically allowing them infuse weapons with their mana to power certain magical weapons, staves are the most common as various rune words can be engraved on them to maximise damage output.

Due to the combination of being a default sorcerer and natural energy perception that I've paid more and more attention to, picking up [Mana Manipulation] was surprisingly easy to learn. [Core Creation] took me longer than Michael's demonstration but I still managed it in the end, even if it felt a little like dying as after I finished one Core I needed a meal, a nap and a few fucks to get back in the mood.

Day 10

After an eventful morning naked with the guys, I visited the local sewers to hunt for slime cores. Creating cores myself might be a lot cheaper money wise but it's so draining on my soul.

The sewers have Slimes, Giant Rats, Cockroaches and Leeches. The Leeches are as big as my arm and can be deadly if they get a good grip on you.

I take Kered for backup.

Afterwards I'm forced to conclude that I need more training with weapons. I feel like my efforts are too slow and ineffective. Kered is far better with his knives than me, though that might be because he chose Assassin as his sub class and his single target damage is far higher.


I visited the Adventurer's Guild and met up with the Spears of Sorrow & the Swords of Destiny and asked for their advice on training methods with spears and swords respectively. They told me about their training academies where they were taught the way of the sword and spear. That's how they ended up grouped up to begin with. They had all gone to the same schools.

It was considered a common thing for when males hit sixteen, they'd train with the various schools of a certain weapon for the purposes of serving the army or the city one way or another.

Some would go onto become full time soldiers or Adventurers while most abandoned the training to pursue other careers at 18. Even though most dropped out when they hit the age of prime, it was still a net benefit, as they'd still have experience with weapons and self defense in case of a monster surge overwhelming normal city defenses.

I arranged to visit both schools the next day.

Then we stopped talking and headed upstairs where I had lots of sex with the guys, Marcus & Dale helped to deal with all the hard cocks. Met up with Badrick afterwards and spent a very fun time late into the night under him

Day 11

Visited both schools along with the Spears of Sorrow and Swords of Destiny with Marcus tagging along for the ride. Marcus had talked to Dale and had suddenly become interested in being a Spearman instead of an inn clerk. I had the suspicion that Marcus wanted to follow in Dale's footsteps and join a party solely to get fucked under the excuse of training. Dale's 'apprenticeship' was more believable as he was the right age to apprentice, while Marcus was a little too old to be that convincing, 18 wasn't that old but still.

The first place we visited was the Spear School.

We watched the student practice forms and stances. There's something very stimulating about watching a hundred men thrusting forward with large pieces of wood in their hands in unison.

We also watched some sparring matches. It was very informative. My training had been a bit erratic as my weapon training often ended up with me bent over and buggered.

We went to the Sword school and watched their training, the sword was much more dynamic than the spear, more flexible in offense and defense than the spear.

When we returned to the Adventurer's Guild for lunch, I got notified that my order had been fulfilled. I finally got a goblin corpse delivered.

I shoved the goblin corpse into my spatial bag and returned home hurriedly in order to experiment. The guys were a little put out by my abrupt departure but they had Marcus and Dale to keep them entertained.

As soon as I got home, I discovered that goblins are bastards and aren't useful even in death. Stupid ugly green monsters.

After dissecting it to try and understand the goblin's ability in an attempt to replicate it, I came to the conclusion that I had no idea what I was trying to do. Maybe if I had the skill or perk Extraction, I might be able to get something useful into a potion but I have neither of those. The only thing I achieved was that I had a far better understanding of goblin phsyiology than before, such as the goblin I received was killed by severe damage to it's heart. Not a startling discovery as it had a giant wound in it's chest. I even had a taste of goblin blood just on the off chance it'd give me something good. It didn't but that didn't necessarily mean anything as I had never received any unique benefit from eating the flesh of any other monster. I'd need a live one to see if that would work better.


Another quiet night at base, it was starting to feel more like a home as Felix would be waiting for my return eagerly and we'd fall into each other's arms and fuck each other like crazy. The presence of Kered and Uffron were only a minor distraction from our love making.

The purchase of Kered's debt from Alec was an excellent decision on my part, I gained myself a loyal body guard and an excellent training partner. Not only in daggers but in sex. At night while Felix cuddled up behind me as we lay naked on our pallet, his dick sunk deep in me, I'd hold Kered tight and lodge my hard cock in him and just hold him tight enjoying the feel of his warm hole embracing my hard cock.

It was much easier to hold back my inner demon with Kered than it was with Felix. Kered was far more fragile and chaste compared to Felix. Felix would often have his hole slicked with cum, with either client's cum or our friends'. Felix was a horny little fucker and loved getting fucked, we had that in common. Kered avoided large groups of guys and as of late would only get fucked by Alec, Dale, Kered and me. He made for an excellent cuddle buddy. I'd just slowly grind my cock into him even when Felix fucked me hard and see how long I could hold off from cumming with varying success. The hair trigger comments were tiresome and I wanted to improve my sexual stamina. The longer I could last before succumbing the more I could fuck Felix, Dale, Kered, Marcus or Sam (presuming I see him again).

Day 12 - 29

Life settled into a weird but comfortable groove. The days slipping by faster and faster.

I had a lot of different things going on.

I trained my Golem making skills alone or with Michael. I trained my skills with 'charm' magic with Duggan and on various people. I trained my skills with a sword and spear, with Uffron and Felix, with the members of the Swords of Destiny and the Spears of Sorrow helping out when they visited. I also visited the Schools of Spear & Sword to undergo private training as my other 'teachers' are prone to fucking me without notice which is fun but distracting.

I practiced my potion skills and from time to time my apothecary skills on the denizens of the slums. I became quite popular with the locals as my skills were in great demand, that and over twenty of the young men that were frequent visitors were training under Felix and Uffron respectively with the spear and sword. The fact that those ambitious young men regularly plowed Felix or myself during the night probably didn't hurt either.

I also visited the local library twice a week to review their books and read up on various classes and skills. Maximus Bellos had a whole series of books about Classes and various pathways and Legendary builds. I also read up on the local history and other subjects. Margaret the librarian was very friendly and helpful. The library building itself was a monstrous abomination against the eyes, it was built as a giant orange sea shell with a sea foam color glass in front. The building was awful from the outside but the inside was quite similar to the library in Derby, though it had far more books about the sea and sea monster than Derby had. They had an entire section dedicated to it which was the second most popular section after Classes.

Blacksmith training proceeded slowly though I did manage to get Ygos alone after inviting him out for a drink and after a few drinks I had his cock in my throat in the privy and I ended the night with [Heat Resistance] and a suddenly shy and awkward Ygos. His cock was fairly average at seven inches. Metallurgy is mostly a failure, I can only make minor repairs to weapons and armour, it's a qualified success, it does the job but it often results in a minor reduction of durability in items. Luckily the weapons brought to me by the commoners are relatively cheap, so the drop of durability isn't a major concern.

From repeated visits to Badrick's bed, I've gained quite a bit more meat on my bones, but I struggle to grow any hair on my chest. I have no idea why but I have filled out quite a bit, becoming less toned and more muscular in build.

As for everyone else, they've been quite busy pursuing their own objectives, Minos in particular has become quite enamored with Alice and has been absent from a lot of our naked activities. Michael picked up a part time job as a runesmith making spatial bags to pay for his time at the mage tower. I see him most nights as he visits often. He's handed out cheap spatial bags to most of our group. He's advancing annoyingly fast with his Classes.

Dale is still slutting it up with the Swords of Destiny, though to be far his party is training him with the first couple of floors of the Essex dungeon. Marcus has a similar story with the Spears of Sorrow, though he has weird work shifts so he's not as able as Dale is to go dungeon delving.

Day 30

George along with a few of the merchants and a load of adventurers head back to Derby.

I on the other hand buy another month for my shop, leaving Uffron in charge in my absence, he'll only be able to make the two potions but we now have a good reputation in the neighbourhood so it should be safe. There's also a group of young men who feel a sense of loyalty to the shop that provided them the potions that helped them recover from serious injuries faster and provided them with low grade magic weapons to engage in hunting outside the walls.

They're using my shop as training in order to become guards for someone richer, that can pay them more. Most of them are aspiring swordsman and are undertaking sparring practice and training against Uffron.

He should be fine.

As for me, I'm setting off to a new adventure, there's reports of an increase in goblins and even a hobgoblin sighting in a mountainous region north of Essex. Accompanying me will be Felix, Michael and Kered.

I want me some fresh goblins to experiment on, I have an idea for a novel potion and I'm going to need a lot of their blood to work with.


Author's Note: Lordy this got long, I wanted to add more detail with the blacksmith training and Badrick with his beast bonding but this chapter already ballooned enough with all the stuff that happened. I don't know what happened with Duggan, I meant for him to be a goofy guy but he turned darker and turned into more of a Loki character. There's probably a lot more typos than usual as draft 5 of this had 13k words and draft 6 had nearly 18 k as they kept talking and getting into more hijinks. If you spot any, let me know. I'll try to correct them later if I can.

Next Chapter: Goblins; very little sex I'm afraid, so far in the next chapter, just lots of goblins and violence, so much violence and a discovery that will either spell the start or end for our slutty MC.

Also in this trying time, you might consider donating some money to keep the site afloat via http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

On other news if you enjoy reading this story, feel free to drop me a line on waynewriteswords@outlook.com

Now I'm going to nap, for some reason I feel very sleepy.

Next: Chapter 25

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