Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Jun 21, 2020



Weird sex and medieval views on hot button issues ahead, the belief of characters within this chapter is not reflective of the author's thoughts... Blame it all on limyael...

Chapter 33 Dungeon Town

2 weeks have gone by since we left Essex and a lot has happened on our journey northwards to the dungeon.

Arnie has provided training to the masses and travel has been streamlined as a result, people are better at making camp, clearing camp, collecting food and water and a thousand other tasks large and small. Arnie has also made irregular visits to my carriage during the mornings, either before or after his mass training sessions to update me on his progress and to unload himself of his frustrations. Arnie has made use of myself, Jim and Melville to work out his aggression in the evening before the boys leave for `work', he makes use of all three of us, one after another. Fun times.

Dominic and Frederic continue to provide me with logistical support in the mornings before double teaming my ass, while we have privacy in the food carriage. After satisfying their carnal desires, I help myself to the food supplies each morning to sate my appetite for another kind of meat. I've also learned more about their Classes than I did before, since I was theoretically in charge of operations and they decided it was past time to enlighten me on their secrets.

Suffice to say it was eye opening to realise how ignorant I really had been, turns out being well read, didn't mean I was very smart in the ways that counted. I'm not the only one that's been keeping secrets and while my efforts have been laughable, theirs have been a lot more effective. I had been entirely clueless as to the secrets they were withholding, namely their levels and Classes, I had underestimated them both. I really should have known better.

Abus continues to teach me mind magic during lunch times and as a result I've learned a few more mind spells such as [Astral Projection], [Broadcast], [Illusion] and [Telekinesis]. I've also improved my ability to use [Sense Share] so that when I'm balls deep in Abus, when he's fucking Melville and Sven is fucking me, I can maintain sensory links with all of them to maximise my pleasure. I also had a look at his grimoire and added it to my mental library.

Sandra continues to teach me water and blood spells and I gained nearly a dozen spells of different varieties, ranging in use from defensive, offensive, movement oriented and even medicinal. As a veteran Mage Adventurer, she had spells for practically every situation, though her efforts had been against intellectually limited monstrous foes so she wasn't nearly as skilled as an experienced Battle Mage.

The spells I've learned from Sandra are [Water Screen], [Frost armour], [Ice Spike], [Freeze], [Hail], [Blizzard], [Ice Wall], [Blood Letting], [Maelstrom], [Mist], [Ice Blade] and [Wave Strider]. Learning from Sandra was remarkably easy when factoring in the affinity gained from that water mage, the imaginary copy of Sandra's grimoire, her memories of casting the spells and my improved intelligence.

Deva provides tips during the evenings when I visit Nessa's with the boys and use [Sense Share] on the prostitutes to speed up their skill and level gains. Deva provides me with her experience with enchanting and golems helping to improve my own amateurish efforts at making long lasting golems. I learned [Mana Inscription] which allows me to use [Mana Manipulation] to use my own mana to engrave runes on items and infuse it with my will and magic.

I gained a better understanding of four Greater Runes, Durability, Renewal, Fire and Water, allowing me to utilise them for low levelled enchanting. The Durability and Renewal enchantments allowed my golems to last longer and enact minor repairs to themselves. I've also enchanted each piece of my Wyvern outfit with three runes Renewal, Durability and Sound (sound reduction).

From my magic studies I also gained a sufficient understanding of the Fire and Water runes and the lesser corresponding runes of warmth, light and frost enchantments. As such I can use them to create magic items of various uses from swords that burned, to shields that flickered with distracting/blinding light to staves with minor freezing abilities to slow enemies. It also comes in use for a host of other minor purposes such as enchanting alchemical equipment to heat up faster, or to store food longer or simply to help light the way via candles.

During the evening and nights Badrick becomes my second shadow along with Sven and keeps me warm and safe in his arms. They often double team my ass in the carriage. Thanks to Deva enchanting my carriage, it's a lot more spacious and I can have more guests over. One memorable night had Frederic, Dale and Minos taking turns double teaming my ass and fucking my face before Frederic and Minos moved on to double team Dale's ass while Badrick and Sven double stuffed my ass again.

Badrick has become quite attached to his new slime pet... though perhaps it's more accurate to say it's become attached to him. His blood serves as the perfect fuel for it's growth and it's popped out a couple of kids that serve as Badrick's attack pets, while their `mother' continues to debuff/buff Badrick. Badrick's berserker perks work best, the more he's damaged, so the acid slime serves as the perfect companion.

The system has recognised the strategy as valid and has unlocked Badrick's legendary status and he's now a Bloody Beast Man. His Legendary Perk is Double Damage, which doubles the damage he inflicts when he's wounded by his own pets and his Legendary Skill is Beast Mastery, which improves the extent to which he can command and control his beast companions.

He's taken ownership of my Shadow Wolf and Night Steed, using the Shadow Wolf as a scout and my Night Steed serves as brood mare for his Night Steed. It seems fitting that Badrick mounts me as his horse mounts mine, sometimes I have some really fucked up dreams about his horse mounting me. His horse cock is so big that it's actually kind of scary, at 18 inches, it'd wreck my insides but the thought does make me hornier when I watch him mount my horse which I've named Bea.

Badrick has six companion beasts that he can use in battle, out of a maximum of ten, one shadow wolf, two night steeds and three acid slimes of various sizes. He hasn't had much of an opportunity to test them out in a true battle but he's been training them to work as a team for maximum damage. Badrick has provided a few tips for connecting with beast companions that might serve useful later on in between battle training and buggering me and the boys.

Duggan has provided me with several singing/magic lessons so as to improve my vocal range and the depth of my mental manipulations. He's also made use of his off time to try and seduce every female he could, though considering the lack of females about that aren't whores it's kind of silly. Some of his groupies have followed him and have taken to sharing his carriage and making sure he's well dressed, fed and regularly drained, he has his own harem. Not that it has stopped him from irregularly pounding my boys or the whores.

One night was particularly fun as Duggan took Alec and Minos with him to visit the female whores accompanied by me and my boys (Jim and Melville). Duggan demonstrated his fingering techniques to an inspired Alec and Minos, while I provided the [Sense Sharing] to allow them to experience the female orgasm... It's a lot different from the male orgasm, while the male orgasm is brief but intense, the female orgasm is more varied, with longer highs and a more thorough bodily satisfaction... It's hard to describe as it varies from one female to the other.

As they were doing their thing, I alternated my attentions between Jim and Melville, rubbing my hands all over their bodies as they sucked and rode my stiff cock. At some point, the guys were really riled up and I ended up sandwiched between Minos and Alec as they double teamed my ass while Duggan fucked my throat. The tease pulled out before he came, denying me my liquid prize, instead splattering it all over my face, which wasn't nearly as useful for my goals.

Then the four of us venture outside and took turns pumping our loads into Jim and Melville before they ended up taking on all comers. Minos and Alec provided the muscle as I supervised and used [Sense Share] on my boys to improve their services to their hard and horny customers. There's a lot more men and not that many new whores so there's a lot of hard cocks to go around. Due to the fact that I'm supposed to maintain an image of a good leader, I can't just join in and start sucking and fucking even though I really really REALLY WANT TO. Dale the little slut is providing his services for free to particularly handsome and hung men elsewhere as is Marcus and Sam.

Duggan meanwhile just watches and strums his lute while Jim and Melville take care of the lines of horny customers waiting on their hands, mouth and ass to get them sated. Duggan's playing provides a stimulating background noise to the thwacking of pelvis's slamming against butts and the groaning of those being sucked and stroked. It's a long HARD night for the boys as they're on their knees for the majority of the night getting cock in both ends over and over again. When the sight gets too much I cut the line and make use of one of their holes to quickly get off before resuming my Mind Magic training. While I don't get the fucking from the guys I'd like, I still experience Jim and Melville's satisfaction from every good fucking and from the customers themselves. Suffice to say when I take the boys home, I am very horny and I get Minos and Alec to double fuck me along with Sven and Badrick all while alternating between fucking Jim and Melville. I end up asleep between Sven and Melville that night.

As for my efforts on advancing my fire magic, it's been more difficult due to limited opportunities and the sheer quantity of people in the way. Still I did manage to teach myself [Fire Wall] and [Flame Wave], [Meteor] however remains an impossibility.

As for my four new slaves, they're still anxious around me, so I have Sven or Melville supervise them. Sven supervises the Elves during their foraging trips and Melville as the most childish of my minions supervises the beastkin cubs as they forage, fight and have fun. Each of them have provided me with a vial of their blood, which I keep cool with a frost enchantment for `research' purposes. Melville has become a big brother to his juniors and helps the beast kin feast on a steady diet of monster meat to speed up their physical maturity under my orders. I want my test subjects/slaves to be big and healthy for later experiments.

My general class build is level 30 Alchemist, level 26 Magical Assassin and level 24 mage. My golems can last thirty minutes and have been programmed into capable fighters that can hold their own against Sven and Badrick. I can now field a maximum of 5 golems at a time, dedicating 20 intelligence and ten wisdom to each to keep them running longer. I generally just use one at a time as using more than one is wasteful of my limited supply of mana and slime cores.

After two long weeks we've finally arrived at our destination and the Dungeon town construction can begin.

Dungeon Town - Day 1

Mid morning

Arrival at base of mountain. The majority of the convoy remains at the base of the mountain to set up a proper permanent camp.

Only a select few come with me up the mountain to scout the dungeon and the true heart of the dungeon town to be. Badrick, Deva, Dad, Frederic, Abus and Sandra, Sven and me.

An hour later we arrive to find that there's a few wooden huts outside the dungeon entrance and an embarrassed father (Edmond) and son (Alan) from Talon's peak awaiting us. Apparently they've set up the huts as a place to sleep, a place to store food and a place to store pelts.

I tell the others to deal with them while I venture into the dungeon to check on it's progress during my absence.

I enter the dungeon accompanied by Sven and a single golem.

Upon arriving within the `safe' entrance room I'm hit by a wave of psychic power and the soul bound connection between Dungeon Paul and me triggers and I'm hit with a flood of information.

I know the layout of the dungeon in it's entirety, the life cycle and numbers of goblins and their various types. I'm subjected to memories of events within the dungeon, the highlights of which are the arrival of the father and son, followed by lots of goblin deaths and the arrival of a team of `Adventurers' who are promptly slaughtered by a green tide backed by Felix and Michael.

The initial floor is relatively simple in layout compared to what it was before with three paths with only sixteen rooms with actual `enemies'. Eight rooms have a single horned rabbit guarding it, while the other eight have a single unarmed goblin waiting for an opponent.

The entirety of the first path features horned rabbits and Plesh plants, the second path features goblins and the third has no opponents at all, just some free growing Warrior's boon next to a creek. I could take the easy third path and avoid conflict but this is the perfect opportunity to test out my various spells in combat and hopefully break into level 25 as a Mage. Levelling the Mage Class has become more and more difficult the higher the level as the experience requirements increases. Combat with magic should push me over the edge.

Dungeon Paul takes from me as I took from him, his attention both immaterial and overwhelming in it's grasp. In this realm, Dungeon Paul is a God, a lesser God admittedly with a realm not of the divine realm but the mortal. A Dungeon has a wider scope than most Mid range gods as their domain is smaller but mostly under their sole control with a few provisos.

He takes from my soul, the experience gained from the slaughter of the bandits and from my mind the knowledge I gained of three fields of magic along with the limited advances I've had with alchemy. His ephemeral touch roams across my body, causing my skin to grow cold yet his touch digs deeper still, pressing deep into my flesh and becoming familiar with every change within my body.

{Welcome back, come closer, I want your body.}

In other circumstances it could be considered welcoming and sexually explicit, a short hand between lovers before a sweet tender consummation. This was and wasn't the situation.

{I'll be there soon.}

Despite the ambiguous nature of our relationship I strode forth with a golem in front and Sven behind me to watch my back. I had little worry about an ambush from Dungeon Paul but it never hurt to maintain the formation that had been built up from weeks of training.

I took the second path, goblins were the closest to humans and were more satisfying to kill than cute bunny rabbits.

I let my trusty earth golem kill the first screeching goblin by smashing it against the wall. The goblin stood no chance against the golem, it's meagre fists insufficient to damage the golem's stone body.

I whisper "Nil an offering".

I got an impression back from the odd God, "more" along with the image of him eating some kind of fried meat, that was greasy with fat. Dungeon Paul's memories provided the appropriate context an image of fried chicken nuggets, greasy, filling and ultimately bad for you. Which I guess summed up goblin death quite well.

The next goblin is merely blocked by the golem and I used [Burning Hands] to wrap a hand around it's throat and end it's pointless life, such as it was.

I offered it's death to Nil again and I got the same image back.

The next room, another goblin, blocked by the golem and I use the moment to cast [Fireball] and send it's flaming corpse into oblivion.

Another offering, another request for more.

The next goblin is treated to a face full of [Fire Blast] and its ugly face is essentially melted off.

I take a moment to recover my mana within the `safe room' after killing the fourth goblin in a row. I check my experience gain and there's marginal improvement to Alchemist and Magical Assassin while Mage has a more significant but still underwhelming improvement. Killing low level goblins isn't sufficient to boost my levels. I need to kill more. I have a God to make nauseous and a dungeon to satisfy.

With a thought I command my golem to take the rear and recklessly take the lead. I cast [Mana Shield] around myself and stride forward subjecting each goblin to a [Fireball]. [Fireball] is a simple offensive magical attack and one I've levelled up to level 4. Spells are similar to skills in that they level up with practice, spells abide by the rule of ten, they require ten times more effort/casts than the previous level to gain the same level of improvement.

In simple terms to get a level 1 fireball, you only need to cast fireball once, level 2, another ten castings, level 3, a hundred further castings and level 4 at least a thousand. Since Fireball costs 100 mana per second, it's useful to cast repeatedly to lower costs and increase effectiveness. At level 4, fireball, is 40% more effective mana wise, improving it's magical damage and range of attack.

After the 8th goblin has been killed, there's a rest room before the first floor boss, a hobgoblin.

To normal Adventurers, they may suffer damage from a surprise attack by a hobgoblin armed by a dagger but not me. When I walk into the boss room, I'm already prepared for it, surrounded by a [Mana Shield] so that when the hobgoblin attacks me I just use [Fireblast] and kill it immediately without a problem.

When I offer the hobgoblin to Nil, I get an image of Nil throwing a chicken nugget with sauce into his hungry gullet. It's disturbing having a connection to one of the Primal gods, my offerings give me a glimpse of him and he always gives off the impression of endless hunger and boredom.

I proceed down the stone staircase into the second floor.

The second floor isn't too dissimilar from the first floor, though there are some differences, the first path, has two bunnies per room, a male and a female, the second path has a goblin armed with a short spear (glorified sharp stick) and the third path has Maiden's Tears growing instead of Warrior Boons.

Having tested out my fire spells I move onto using water spells on the second floor.

First goblin is chopped down by my [Ice Blade], which essentially calls forth water, shapes it into a sword and freezes it, to provide a moderately useful weapon. It's attempt to stab me is deflected by my [Mana Shield]. After I offer it's death, I get the image back of Nil eating frozen fish fingers. I can't decide if he's mocking me or not.

Second goblin is confused as it's surrounded by [Mist], mist does no offensive damage, simply filling the air with water particulates and essentially blocking the goblin's view. I make use of it's blindness to find it with [Energy Perception] & grab it's throat and [Energy Drain] it to death. It requires an absurd amount of mana to kill it quickly, where I have to overflow it's passive magic defense with my mana and drain it's life force. It's not really worthwhile as I lose more than I gain. I shrug and move on after offering it's death to Nil.

Third goblin gets an [Ice Spike] to the eye. Manifest water, shape water command water, freeze, directional momentum and instant goblin death.

Fourth goblin gets the joy of testing out the combination of [Water Screen] & [Freeze]. [Water Screen] creates a wall of free flowing water, which doesn't really do much of anything but when the goblin rushes in through it in an effort to stab me, I cast [Freeze] and freeze it solid and let my golem smash it into smithereens.

I rest for a few minutes in the `safe' room to [Energy Drain] while using [Meditate] to restore my mana. My water spells aren't as practised as my fire spells. There are a lot of water spells and they all have their own particular usefulness.

After a short break I resume goblin slaughter, armed with an [Ice Blade] I slash at the next four goblins and use [Blood Letting] to bleed them out. [Blood Letting] has both martial and medical uses, it can cause an enemy to bleed out to death after a single minor cut (presuming low passive magical defences) or to help an ally recover after being inflicted with any of several blood borne poisons.

I rest a bit before moving onto the third floor and testing out my mind spells...

This floor is different, than the previous two, the three path formats are similar but the first path has two females to one larger horned rabbit, the second path has goblins armed with daggers and the third has Mage's bounty growing.

Goblin one experiences an [Illusion] of safety and ignores the advent of my golem who promptly crushes it's skull against the hardened wall. [Illusion] works by providing a false image into the outer layer of the mind of the target, making them think that what they're seeing is different from what is actually before them. It's a very useful spell if mentally and mana draining.

Goblin two gets treated to [Telekinesis] thrown against goblin three who incidentally stabs it in the back due to a judicious use of [Illusion] making it think it's an enemy tackling it. Suffice to say they stab each other to death in the midst of confusion and rage.

Goblin four on the other hand is subjected to [Mental Dominion] and essentially taken over and used as murder puppet. It's will isn't that strong so when I send it against the remaining four goblins protected by [Frost Armor] it makes short bloody work of it's filthy brethren. Daggers don't do well at piercing ice so the opposing goblins have little luck killing their former comrade and are quickly stabbed to death.

After nearing the end of my mana pool, I release mental control over my goblin tool and pump more mana into the spell of [Frost Armor], twisting the intent from protection to destruction. The [Frost Armor] thickens and tightens around the screeching goblin, crushing it's weak body in a contracting prison of ice. It's death like the others are offered to Nil.

I take another break before entering the fourth and final floor, to restore my mana pool. Due to the high mana saturation on the third floor, compared to outside, mana regeneration is much faster than normal.

The fourth floor differs wildly from the first three floors, with no safe or easy paths, consisting of a single large cavern and a goblin camp before leading into the core room and the secret goblin breeding rooms. Michael and Felix also had their own rooms off to the sides of the core room.

The main defence of the floor was the ability of the goblin camp to swarm hostile Adventurers with sheer numbers. There were at least a thousand goblins, with a few dozen goblin variants and a hundred hobgoblin elites.

Felix before my arrival had been training the goblins and hobgoblins alike in proper spear forms, pitting one goblin against another until they either died, became variants or evolved into hobgoblins. Goblins can become hobgoblins through repeated battle and by being exposed and or absorbing enough mana.

I raise a [Mental Shield] and [Mana Shield] and walk forward. The goblin camp is like a miniature town, with it's own well and over a hundred tents for goblins to pile up together when not training to sleep or have sex (goblins aren't that picky over breeding partners).

Felix sends a wave of goblins to attack me and I respond by using [Maelstrom], it calls forth water from all around while manifesting more and spinning it around me, it's mostly a movement debuff skill, making moving forward difficult.

I use [Freeze] on the water and send it out in barrage of ill intent toward the goblin swarm with level 2 [Blizzard]. There's at least a hundred of the blasted goblins. All the goblins die a death of a thousand cuts, the glittering shards of ice slicing their flesh and slowing their movements so they were hit by even more sharp ice fragments.

I increase the mana given to the [Blizzard] as the next wave of goblins attack, this includes the majority of the remaining low tier goblins, another eight hundred or so of the vile creatures. The ice in the storm becomes more numerous and larger, enlarging from the size of an eyelash to that of a finger nail and tearing through the ranks of goblins in a frozen fury. The small shards lodge in eyeballs and spill blood and the cold seeps into cuts and the goblin's bones, slowing their movement. It's a swirling storm of frozen blades with the sharpness of steel, it's devastating but it's not enough. The elites fall back while the lower levelled goblins are sacrificed for the dungeon's advancement. The closer I am to the core, the more I am intertwined with the dungeon and it's desires. It craves death almost as much as Nil does.

I run out of mana and I take a step back and let Sven and the golem smash and slash the surviving low level goblins slowed and injured by the [Blizzard]. The goblins with their limited numbers can't stop either the golem with it's body lacking any vitals to stab or Sven whose wearing the best gear that I could buy with a multitude of low enchantments and alchemical enhancements that I could provide.

After the ice starts to melt into water, Felix and Michael make an appearance. Neither of them look that happy to see me.

I ignore them and offer the mass murder to Nil and he sends me back the image of him feasting on a greasy burger dripping with fat with a bloody smile.

He grants me a new Boon for killing a thousand semi sapients in his name. The boon is [Festering wound], those I cut are more likely to get festering wounds and suffer complications to recovery. It's more immediately useful than [Banishment] but it's a worrying development, if only I could find it in me to care.

The dungeon has automatically absorbed the mess left behind by the maimed and murdered goblins, leaving an abandoned goblin camp behind.

"Who's that?" Michael asked, pointing at Sven.

"He's my Slave, Sven say hi."

"Hi." Sven said in a monotone.

"You can't have a slave!" Michael complains, red faced, which contrasts with his much paler skin, apparently staying 3 weeks underground makes you pale and dumb.

I just shake my head at such a stupid statement. "Of course I can, I have a few actually, including some members of Elven royalty and some beast kin."

"You can't just own people."

"I think it more of as dedicated servants, and I treat them well, don't I Sven, I'm going to release them all in a couple of months anyway, once they've served their purpose."

Michael strides forward, looking all red and angry. "You free them now!"

The moment he was in front of me, I snatch him up by the neck, which causes Felix to pull out his spear while Sven grabs his sword and pulls it out ready for a fight. "I don't answer to you, you're in my world and you're not in charge."

Michael tries to stop me with a [Slow] but I merely use [Energy Drain] on him, countering his spell with my inherent sorcery. "Let me go!" Michael coughs out.

"Let's get this straight, you may be a Champion from another world but I don't care any more, you're in my world and you're not in control." I used [Banishment] on Michael to test out a theory and he screams as the Boon inflicts soul damage on him and his otherworldly soul. I throw him down onto the ground as Felix glares at me. "Are we clear?"

"What happened to you?" Felix asked, his grip on the spear tight as he clenches his fist over and over again.

"A lot of fucked up shit and I have zero tolerance for Americans and their imperialist bullshit and I still have a fucked up Australian to deal with."

Felix looked confused and Michael just stared up at me, coughing and groaning on the ground.

"What are you talking about?" Felix asked looking between Sven and me with confusion and anger.

"I'm sure Michael would explain it to you later, I've got deals to honour."

I stride forth to the core room, trying to ignore the thoughts of what happened behind the hidden door. The dungeon could see everything that happened there and goblins are gross, everything about them is gross. Goblin females are ranked by their abilities to give birth, which means that the strongest female is the fattest and the one whose had the most goblin babies. They have rankings based on their birthing capabilities and the amount of time it took them to be ready to pump out the next batch of goblins.

Goblin mothers, have at least one batch of surviving offspring. Goblin Matriarchs have a few batches of goblin offspring with at least one goblin daughter who has become a mother themselves. Goblin Queens are those who rule over a tribe of hundreds, having birthed several Goblin Matriarchs who manage their offspring in smaller clans.

This dungeon has a Goblin Empress with dozens of goblin females beneath her, allowing the dungeon to have essentially an unlimited supply of free goblins to make use of. With the amount of goblin females capable of giving birth doubling every couple of days, the goblin population is in no danger of dying out easily. As such the dungeon had no problem letting the low level goblins die to feed my growth, while keeping the variants and elites out of sight and out of danger. The variants and elites were of higher value as they were more difficult to replace.

The Goblin empress was loose enough to give birth to hobgoblin babies without dying... the ultimate sign of superiority. Allowing her to breed with the strongest hobgoblins in order to pump out more hobgoblins, though the batches were smaller, with only three hobgoblins in a batch, instead of the usual five, though they were larger and more intelligent to begin with.

I fucking hate goblins, the Goblin Empress is the result of the village girl's unfortunate run in with the goblins. A grim reminder of how quickly and easily the goblins can develop into a threat. In a month with a steady supply of food and mana, the goblin female has gone from a weak goblin to the ruler of a group of thirty six fertile goblin females. In a day that group can pop out nearly two hundred goblins, with a tenth of those being females that will quickly be added to the breeding roster. Over time the goblin queens will be able to birth hobgoblins themselves and that will increase the amount of hobgoblins in the dungeon.

Despite my anger at everything I now know about goblins and the dungeon itself, I still had an agreement to honour, so I placed my hand on the core and let Dungeon Paul possess my body.

I had offered myself mind, body and soul to the dungeon and it was time to pay up. It had taken pieces of my mind and soul last time and my blood, but it hadn't been enough. It wasn't strong enough to use my blood to summon demons, it needed to have ten floors before it could create a Hell Gate and summon various demons into servitude. It was only a matter of time before it could, in the meantime, I had to let it use my body via possession.

We exchange bodies, while remaining bound to our former bodies, which meant that Dungeon Paul could only borrow my body not keep it as he was still irrevocably bound to the dungeon core. As for me, I wasn't in command of my flesh body but I was still loosely aware of it as I possessed the dungeon core and had access to all of it's knowledge and skills. Being a godly rock was weird and yet somewhat familiar, I had gained a lot of Dungeon Paul's memories after all and being a rock for weeks was part of that.

I could now see and feel the dungeon in it's entirety. I had an even better understanding of it's layout and it's potential after seeing the dungeon screen for myself and all it's options.

Floor five was when Dungeon Paul would get access to the really useful options like instancing, which would allow for multiple versions of the same floor to be accessed by Adventurers. This would reduce wait times for dungeon access, increasing mana income and allowing for the learning of more advanced space and time magic.

As for the dungeon store it had a wealth of options for advancements.

Alaro talked to me as he could occupy the dungeon core at will, though he only had read access and worked as an adviser to new dungeons to provide advice. Normally, new dungeons were barely sapient and worked off instinct with dungeon fairies providing much needed guidance to stop them from accidentally doing something that would get them broken or purged.

I let Alaro natter on without really paying much attention as I already knew about the events that had happened in the dungeon while I had been gone due to the memory exchange earlier, I let him talk anyway, his excited recounting of how the dungeon fought off a bunch of thieves and assassins who had tried to steal the core was mildly entertaining in that it was very exaggerated, the numbers of assailants doubling in the retelling.

As I looked through the options available to Dungeon Paul, Dungeon Paul was making full use of my body to satisfy his carnal whims. I used my new ability as a dungeon to see what he was up to, it was a little like [Astral Projection] which used the soul to scout ahead but with a thought instead.

Everyone was naked, clothes discarded and absorbed by the dungeon automatically, as was my golem, my body was fucking Felix as Michael fucked my former butt, while Sven fucked my throat. It was weird seeing my body engaged in sexual acts from an impartial third party view. It looked very aggressive and noisy from outside looking in. Without a biological body I had little interest in the physical coupling going on and instead focused myself on understanding the dungeon interface.

Dungeon Paul given his distraction had provided me with unlimited access to his inner functions, which was more than enough to allow me to spawn replacements for the goblins that I had killed.

I knew that there were multiple layers of goblin society, all of which were in flux and in competition for the limited sexual opportunities. Goblin females were roughly birthed in every other batch of goblin births typically one in ten and they usually didn't survive the first week due to overzealous and aggressive brothers. As such only the strongest or wisest goblins got the ability to breed the females, in order to birth a better next generation. Not too dissimilar to a lot of animals in some ways. As such goblins tended to breed any female they could get their hands on and if they couldn't find one, they'd fuck each other.

Goblins in the dungeon were split into multiple categories.

Naturals were those goblins birthed from a goblin mother. Artificial were those who were born from the dungeon's mana and could be respawned as needed. Mutated were those goblins who by dint of high mana saturation or battle have become variants or evolved into hobgoblins or hobgoblin variants. Contracted – Naturals given contracts to go outside to collect materials on behalf of the dungeon (rendered obsolete for the most part) in exchange for eternal life. Cored – Artificials that were granted a magic core so they can exist outside without needing food or water and can be respawned as needed (conditionally immortal).

I took the opportunity to respawn the dead artificial goblins I had killed on the first three floors and better understand the goblin physiology on a level only Gods and Dungeons could. I even had the memories of the make up of the rare still borns from new goblin mothers.

The rapid growth of goblins were most potent in the first day of life. I need to extract some blood from some goblin babies later to test out some theories and maybe make something new and dangerous.

At long last, dungeon Paul had satisfied his pent up carnal cravings for the moment and returned my body back to me. I meanwhile had satisfied my intellectual curiosity as much as I could with the time available by dicking around with dungeon powers to understand biology of plants, animals and goblins on a deeper level.

When I regained full awareness and control over my body, I was covered in sweat, blood and dried cum and was alone.

I used [Manifest Water] to wash myself clean. I couldn't help but notice that Dungeon Paul had emptied my spatial bag before returning my body to me. Greedy bastard.

The loss of my mother's grimoire was an annoyance but I had my mental copy and the Dungeon could create an exact replica if asked to. It wasn't a high priority, it's sentimental value was already lost and I couldn't work up the energy to care. Dungeon Paul had taken more liberties with my body than with my property anyway.

Sven showed up shortly having finished his goodbyes with the others, I didn't bother, I didn't really have anything else to say to the two.

I got redressed in silence and took the third path and made use of [Wave Strider] to return outside. [Wave Strider] essentially allowed you to use water as a pathway, firming up the water beneath your feet, if given enough mana, you could also use it to raise the water and push it up and onwards so that you could use it to travel over distances. The only downside was that it was extremely mana intensive, meaning that you could either use it if you knew there was no danger to protect against or you had sufficient mana to block attacks and use it to move, which I did not.

Still I had gained level 25 as a Mage and I chose Magical Potency as my Perk and for my skill I chose Mana Crystalisation, a skill that would enhance my ability to store mana for future use and for creating golem cores easier. I had originally planned on picking Enchanting as a Skill but Mana Inscription was a far better skill and had more practical applications.

I had to stop at the end of each floor to restore my mana before moving onwards, it also gave Sven a chance to catch up to me. He could run beside me but it was still slower than the movement spell, though at the end, he was mildly winded, whereas I had to deal with the headache caused by low mana.

I decided to make use of my unassigned stat points to boost my mana pool and regeneration, pumping 50 points into intelligence and 10 in wisdom. A deeper mana pool would be of more use to me than faster regeneration.

Once I left the dungeon, I was met by a group of curious people wanting to know about the dungeon, how deep it was, the monsters, the traps and so forth.

As the Lord I had the right to delve the dungeon first and explore it, even though most Lords wouldn't out of safety concerns. Normally a dungeon would be delved by a team of Adventurers before that to ensure the lord wasn't in any danger but I wasn't normal. I had a deep and twisted connection to the dungeon, allowing me to bypass most of the dangers of a typical dungeon, namely ignorance of it's composition and threats.

"It's going to be a while before the dungeon will recover fully from my delve but the first three floors should be fine to clear on an hourly basis. No one is allowed to enter the fourth floor without my approval as the dungeon will see it as a threat to it's safety. Am I clear?"

They all nodded.

The first three floors had an auto respawn of it's mobs, but it took an hour to take effect, doing it manually was around the same mana cost but could be done as soon as an invader cleared the area. The mana field of individuals not created by the dungeon interfered with the dungeon's ability to manipulate it's composition.

While I had been gone, the group had already taken it upon themselves to make themselves busy according to their interests and skills. Dad, Frederic and Badrick had amused themselves with some good natured sparring in preparation for a dungeon delve. The three of them were all hot and sweaty from their efforts and looked particularly tasty. All three of them were shirtless and relaxing after I got out.

As for the mages they had found their own way of amusing themselves. Essentially Abus and Sandra fed their mana into Deva who channelled it into golems and earth construction. Most Mages learned Mana Manipulation and pumping mana into the most skilled of them was second nature to them. Not as powerful as a choral casting but it had a similar effect.

Deva was responsible for most of the design work. She had raised the foundation for three major buildings and the beginning of a wall. The three buildings were town hall/barracks, mage tower and Adventurer's Guild. The Mage Tower was a simple circle, the Adventurer's Guild a large square and the Town hall a large rectangle of stone.

It would take time and mana to build the three to the requirements needed. Dad had provided advice and suggestions based on his experience as the ruler of Respite.

I told Deva to focus her efforts on the Town Hall for now as it would serve as the basis for the fledgling government.

I sent Sven to go fetch me my other minions and intended sacrifices.

Once he returned I got a notification that the Lord minion management system was now available.

It told me that since I had occupied my territory with a loyal force of twenty, that I had a ranking of Knight captain. It was unpleasant to hear, still once I started the next stage of the plan, which was to hire the best of Arnie's group and Adrian's group into positions of authority and control, then that number should rise.

The lord status, also advised of the current ranking of my `starter village' as abysmal.

I ignored it's spiteful words and had the minions start fetching stones and getting things organised.

I went back into the dungeon and promptly sacrificed one of Badrick's acid slime children, my Shadow Wolf and Night Steed, giving each one a quick stab with a [Shadow Blade] in a vital spot, the slime got a stab to it's core and the wolf and steed had their throats slashed open and promptly bled out, giving me a boost to my Magical Assassin class. That should provide the dungeon with more blueprints and more options. They were immediately respawned with all their memories intact, despite the fact the dungeon lost all the mana it gained from their deaths it still gained DP and monster blue prints. The powers of a dungeon are awe inspiring, the ability to resurrect the dead truly is exceptional and rare and I want to be able to do the same one day.

Adrian and his gang were the first group to go through the dungeon, I advised them just to explore the first three floors.

They returned some time later with a bountiful harvest of dead goblins, rabbits and plants.

Dalton arrived with Badrick to start his efforts at creating a makeshift Adventurer's Market along with Richard next to the square of raised stone, a single stone high. Richard sold weapons, while Dalton sold various goods to the people.

There was a small but significant tide of people who took away the goblin corpses to be `processed' which is the polite way of saying washed, chopped up and turned into gobbo stew.

With so many people, food was in short supply, especially after two weeks of travel and limited opportunities to resupply.

Still the brave among them would try and earn some money off the dungeon loot sold to Dalton. The economy would function partly off bartering and partly off coin.

At the start a lot of people would get coins, when money ran low, they'd be paid in food, lodging or other items until coin was resupplied.

Work continued for the rest of the day on building up the Adventurer's guild first floor into something that would serve as a rough shelter.

The flow of people into dungeon didn't stop until the sun set and the dungeon was essentially closed for repairs/renovation. They went in with various packs, bags and other storage devices and they came out with plesh trees/fruits, water, goblin corpses and horned rabbit carcasses, along with daggers. Eventually the dungeon would be open all day and night but that would take some time. There were guards assigned to make sure that noone entered the dungeon.

I took Jim and Melville, along with Sven and Badrick into the dungeon to spend the night on the fourth floor.

I let them take the majority of the kills on the way down as I didn't expect much growth to my classes with such low level enemies. The effort was best for Jim and Melville as they got to `steal' some lives and level up their Thief classes accordingly.

We bedded for the night on the fourth floor in Felix's old room.

The five of us would provide a steady stream of mana and DP to the dungeon with our presence so close to the dungeon core.

In a way the dungeon was a tourist trap, luring people in to profit off them as much as it could while providing it's own unique amenities. Felix stayed in Michael's bed. My strong connection to the dungeon allowed me to borrow it's senses and know everything that was happening in the dungeon. Within the Dungeon I was the equivalent of a minor God.

Dungeon Paul took over my body and pounded Jim and Melville while Sven and Badrick pounded my ass.

As Dungeon Paul made use of my body, I made use of his core to improve my limited understanding of earth magic. As a dungeon core, I could manipulate mana on a more subtle and significant way than usual and as the dungeon consisted of earth, it had a natural aptitude for manipulation of dirt and stone. I made use of the opportunity to practice compacting the walls to make them harder to damage and to generally mess around by shaping the dirt into various forms, some practical such as stone jars, bowls and spike traps made of sharpened stone and others purely whimsical, carvings on the wall depicting orgies and goblins, statues of muscular men with no clothing and big dicks, which I eventually demolished and reabsorbed or erased after I was bored of them.

Day 2

I woke up to find myself in bed, naked and hard and horny, along with four others (Jim, Melville, Sven and Badrick), we were all tangled up in a sweaty naked pile of man flesh. I promptly rammed my morning hard on into Melville's sweet hole. There was something so compelling about watching my thick cock disappear into Melville's small butt and then pulling out a bit to watch my thick cock reappear as if by magic, it was also thoroughly enjoyable, fucking him hard, he'd been trained well how to take dick, if I do say so myself. Badrick pounced on my gyrating butt and slammed his cock into my hole, slamming me relentlessly. At one point, the three of us were connected via [Sense Share] and Dungeon Paul sidled into my body, with a variation on [Sense Share] using a low strength [Possession] to share my body instead of stealing it. Sharing my body with Dungeon Paul in this way reminded me of the [Psychic Union] that resulted when Abus and Oneus fucked me and we had all become one, sharing senses and memories and blurring into each other. Except this was better as it was the four of us blurring together, locked in blissful union.

Meanwhile Sven had woken up and started slamming in and out of Jim's hole, Jim moaned sleepily, still half asleep. I reached out with a thought and magic and included Sven and Jim into my mental orgy of selves. The six of us shared each other's joys as if we were all one mind with 5 bodies, I came so hard and it triggered a wave of orgasms through the rest of them as each successive orgasm increased the pleasure for the rest until it was too much to contain and we exploded and broke apart, our minds scattered back to our original bodies.

There's a mental aftermath to using [Psychic Union] everythings kind of fuzzy as you have to piece yourself back together mentally, reminding yourself who you are and which body you are, especially difficult for me as my body is so malleable, that my sense of Self is kind of skewed, doesn't help that I've become used to being possessed and mind fucked.

Regardless, Badrick moves his sweaty body off me reluctantly, his stiff cock easing out of me before slamming back in, then he kisses my neck and rolls off me abruptly, his hard cock disappearing from sight as he puts on his one piece of clothing and leaving. My hole feels empty.

Through my connection with Dungeon Paul I watch Badrick make his way upwards and out of the dungeon through a small army of goblins, killing none of them and returning to his employer for another day of work.

"Sven stick your dick in me."

Sven just looks at me for a long moment before saying "Yes sir."

He pulls out from Jim's hole and kneel-walks the short distance and slams his still hard cock into me, filling the emptiness within me. I glance over at Jim who's already fast asleep, he's not much of a morning person, he prefers the night, I can't blame him. I work him hard.

Sven's cock hits the spot nicely and not long after I've got Melville under me, facing me, his legs up in the air, as I fuck him hard and fast as Sven fucks me, all the while kissing him fervently as I work towards having my second physical orgasm in Melville's hot hole. I rock back and forth faster and faster fucking him and being fucked. I groan and let out the sound of a wounded animal as I unload into Melville again, he's such a good little fucker. I love fucking him and unlike with Felix, I don't feel any guilt about lying to him as he's already blood bound to me and knows I'm demonic and doesn't care. He loves my big fat cock in his tight hole and getting fucked over and over again. He has an excellent attitude, unlike Jim, who gets moody about being fucked too often when not working.

While I would love to stay in bed and just keep fucking Melville forever and ever, there's lot to be done, foremost, improving my living situation, just because I'm the dungeon's bitch (in more ways than one) doesn't mean I should accept such basic living conditions.

I walked bare ass naked to the core room and was surprised to see a earth golem with a cock guarding the shiny rock that was the heart of the dungeon, I guess Dungeon Paul deliberately withheld that information from me, sketchy man.


"Like it? It's a prototype body. Want to help me test it out?"

I knew where this was going and it was definitely going to get weird.

"Before that, I'm going to need a bunch of stuff before I can be of real use to you and the stronger I get, the stronger you'll be."

"I'm listening, what do you want?"

"Well I want a bigger bedroom, with an adjoining bathroom, training room, a forge and a potion workshop."

"Yeah Yeah, I'll do all that, now touch my rock."

I rolled my eyes and touched his core, that was on a small mound of earth, meanwhile behind me the earth elemental with the foot long rock cock, grabbed onto my hips and slammed its rock rock all the way into my wet hole. It felt weird, solid and yet cold, lacking any human warmth. "FUck!" I groaned out, while the stone cock lacked warmth, it didn't lack hardness, thickness or length. Nor was the golem hindered by the concept of petty human stamina, so it's fucking was rough and relentless.

"Hmmm. It's not ideal." Dungeon Paul said, while draining my mana and forming the rooms that I requested, according to the concepts I had in mind. The joys of multitasking, the both of us could both split our mind to deal with various tasks, him more than me but still I could have a whole telepathic conversation with him about design aesthetics while simultaneously sharing the senses of his fuck golem, understanding the general design principles of its design. It wasn't that complicated as he had used my golem that he absorbed as a template and simply extrapolated upwards from there.

"FUCKING HELL!" I screamed out, as I finally got some results from [Enduring] as the arm thick rock cock violated my insides at ever increasing speeds and violence. I used [Psychic Link] & [Sense Share] with Dungeon Paul as I was fucked so that he was both the fucker and fuckee, a rock cock has little sensation after all. He was just doing it for a laugh. It was remarkably intense and orgasmic all the same.

"This is some seriously fucked up shit." Michael said as he appeared from his rooms to see what all the noise was about. Felix just looked at me with loathing, which hurt but not as much as I thought it would, then again I was being brutally sodomised by an upgraded version of my golem which increased both my intelligence and constitution via the effects of [Enduring]. This was a very weird but effective and enjoyable form of attribute training and I couldn't work up the energy to care about Felix's feelings. My cock was too hard and a hard cock has no conscience. Far too horny to stop.

"Morning. GUYS. SleEp WELL?" I tried to engage in morning greetings but it was hampered by the fact that the stone golem was trying very hard to get me off, as Dungeon Paul's stone avatar lacked the necessary equipment to orgasm itself, so it was all up to me.

"You're ridiculous, we're going to get some fresh air."

"UH. Great. FUCK!" I came, hard, the hard cock getting fatter inside me, pushed me spiralling over the edge. I landed face down on the dirt, dignity nowhere to be found, stone cock still lodged inside me, broken off from the main body from the force of my fall and poor structural integrity.

"Hmm think that's a design flaw. The next time will be even bigger and better."

"uh sounds like a plan." I lay there for a bit, recovering from the intense inhuman fucking. I gingerly pulled out the stone cock from my my ass and washed it with [Call Water]. A momento of my first time with a golem.

I hobbled my way to the bathroom and washed off all the blood and dirt off my body.

The earth elemental was added as a mini boss to the core room for when Michael or Felix were asleep. The fact that it had a foot long rock cock, three inches thick and five around, was just a weird detail that I'm sure Adventurers would overlook or maybe not. Maybe they'd get sodomised to death if they managed to get past the goblin camp, who knows?

After I got cleaned up and had a chat with Dungeon Paul about future prospects, I left to check on the progress of the construction of the dungeon town. Dungeon Paul replaced the wyvern outfit he had stolen and absorbed with a duplicate version, so I was suitably outfitted to deal with non dungeon dwellers.

Deva had made remarkable progress while I had been otherwise occupied in the dungeon depths.

She had set up an army of a hundred earth golems to collect and stack the stone blocks she created into a low wall around the mountain's middle. She had worked late into the night to direct the golems and enchant basic defenses into the stone wall.

She was asleep in her own room in the half built Town Hall guarded by her ever loyal mithril guardians.

I went to visit the lower camp to have my morning strategy and sodomy session with Dad and Frederic. The sight of the lower camp was impressive in it's own way, while Deva had done a more professional job at creating the heart of the new city, the others had worked hard using their own skills to create their own permanent settlement. A section of the forest had been cleared to provide lumber and firewood, allowing for the creation of log houses to serve as semi permanent shelters, rocks had been piled up in a crude rock wall that could double as an ammo dump for some simple rock throwing. A lot of people were up and about venturing out in the forest for more food, water and wood.

After asking a couple of people for directions, I soon found where Dad was staying, one of the few stone buildings in this settlement. Deva must have helped him set it up sometime during the night. Dad was not happy when he saw me.

Dad and I had words, I had kind of forgotten about my other slaves in all the excitement of returning to the dungeon, he had them stay with him in the makeshift camp at ground level. He punished me, by spanking my bare bottom, which was kind of hot, and I got hard and the spanking got a lot more violent and sexual as he threw me onto the ground, pinning me face down and fucked me HARD. After getting fucked by the golem, it was a relief to feel a hard hot cock in my ass again, even if Dad stayed mostly dressed. It was a little awkward when the slaves walked in to find me face down and getting fucked by my 'dad'. Luckily Dad came soon after they showed up to find out what the noise was about and I honestly didn't care about their opinions on the matter, so it was a minor inconvenience.

I did notice that out of the four of them, only Munaac kept her gaze away as I got redressed again. Tunkux sniffed the air and eyed my still hard cock with open curiousity, the Elven prince looked on in transparent jealousy and the Elven princess looked shocked yet intrigued.

I escorted the four of them to the dungeon and introduced them to Dungeon Paul and said they'd be permanent guests and that they should have their rooms close to mine. Once they were settled into their new rooms. I went back to help with the dungeon town construction efforts, in theory the town would be mine and I should be seen to contribute.

They would be guests of the dungeon until the dungeon had sufficiently mapped their biology, while their deaths would expedite that process significantly, their deaths would pose a problem to what little remains of my conscience. Killing the beasts was hard enough even though I knew they could be quickly resurrected, resurrecting sentients was far more complicated and troublesome.

I poured my own efforts into assisting the construction efforts by shaping and commanding rock. I didn't have a natural affinity for the element but thanks to Dungeon Paul and my possession of his rock body, I knew how to shape it to my will with unnatural expertise.

I alternated my efforts between creating stone blocks and recovering my mana through [Meditation] & [Energy Drain].

Once Deva awoke, I fed her mana directly through [Infusion] to help her resupply her mana supplies faster. She could more effectively use mana than I could to build the town and she had a better eye for construction and enchantment than I did. As such I simply shadowed her learning even more about earth magic and enchantments as I fed her mana until the sun set where we both went our separate ways. She went off to do her thing looking after Nessa and her girls, while I went off to feed the dungeon my mana during the night and let my body be possessed by Dungeon Paul as I made use of his powers to better understand the nature and structure of mana, magical plants and beasts and goblins, as well as the dungeon itself.

Day 3

I woke up naked under the earth elemental, covered in bruises and dirt, my ass throbbing in pain. My constitution and especially my endurance rose substantially since the last time I checked.

Dungeon Paul had taken to testing out his earth golem avatar while also possessing my body, so as to test it more thoroughly and to really experience the golem fucking first hand. Judging by how sore my ass was, he liked it a lot since he kept doing it over and over again throughout the night. Might have had something to do with Michael and Felix exploring the new town and socialising with other humans, which included Sven for some reason, while Jim and Melville returned to their night jobs as whores in a futile effort to satisfy nearly five thousand or so hard cocks.

I washed up and enjoyed a nice long soak in my own private soaking pool, designed to emulate the one in Derby but bigger and better, so that I could wash up with the boys after a long sweaty session. I could heat it and cool it with mana, so that it stayed the perfect temperature.

Dungeon Paul sent me a mental alert when it registered the arrival of Dad and Frederic within the dungeon proper. They were the two strongest people to venture into the dungeon and it had worried Dungeon Paul immensely. Not surprising, since they're both Legends.

I watched with Dungeon Paul as Dad and Frederic tore through the dungeon's defenders with ease. Dad as a Pheonix Blade served as the vanguard of the two man party while Frederic as a Sharpshooter kept alert for threats ahead, above and around them.

A single slice of Dad's blade was enough to kill the first goblin instantly, his enchanted blade burning through flesh and bone with ease. Frederic got bored and simply used [Penetrating Shot] to kill the next 3 goblins at once, the arrow piercing through the skulls of three goblins before hitting the ground. Dad charged ahead, sword tip out and pierced and tackled the next goblin through the heart killing it, then decapitated the next, disemboweled the next one and stabbed the last goblin in the eye, right through it's brain.

The hobgoblin boss of the first floor, fared no better, decapitated in one strike by dad and they proceeded onwards with little concern. They tore through the next two floors without pause, killing anything that stood in their way with deceptive ease and remarkable brutality.

I had walked over to the core room to wait and watch accompanied by the earth elemental, minus a rock cock. This was a serious test of the dungeon defenses and the rock cock would just get in the way.

The fourth floor, now with four hundred goblins and about 100 hobgolins/variants posed more of a challenge to the pair but not that much. Dad stood guard while Frederic unleashed an [Arrow Storm], what would result from a hundred basic archers firing at once was achieved by Frederic alone. Not only did Frederic manage to unleash a hundred arrows within quick succession, they all hit their targets with remarkable precision and lethality, ending the threat posed by the hundred hobgoblin/variants before they could even get close to the pair. Then Frederic stashed his bow and pulled out his second weapon, his sword and the two of them waded into the ranks of the basic goblins slashing and slicing, Dad's blade slicing through enemies faster than the eye could track while Frederic hung back to protect Dad's rear from sneak attacks.

Dad displayed his Legendary skill [Pheonix Flight], which pulled out all his mana into the sword and unleashed an image of a flaming pheonix into the mass of goblins and setting aflame hundreds of goblins at the same time. After that it was a short and bloody one sided battle where the remaining forces were exterminated by the pair. Low level goblins were no match against two Legends, even if they were low ranking warrior types.

Frederic collected his arrows from the unlucky variants, victim to his Legendary Perk of [Lethal Accuracy].

They proceeded towards the core room and I asked "Hello, what brings you here?"

"Just want to test out the dungeon. Why are you naked?" Dad asked.

"This is my new home, I'll be naked if I want."

Dad shrugged "Is this the last dungeon boss?"

"More or less."

"Let's try it out."

"GET SOME!" Dungeon Paul shouted, using the golem as a medium for [Broadcast], a spell that allows you to broadcast thoughts aloud as it rushed toward them.

Dad and Frederic exchanged a glance before Dad guarded while Frederic used [Penetrating Shot] to fire arrows repeatedly towards the golem's center to pierce it's core. Each arrow chipped more and more defenses away from it's 'heart'.

When the golem got too close to Frederic, Dad sliced at it with his enchanted sword and pierced through it's core, undermining the magic that kept it working and rendering it inert and useless.

"Congratulations on your victory, brave heroes, let me reward you personally." I moved over to dad and hugged him, groping his crotch, which quickly got the desired reaction and I soon had a hard cock in hand.

"Is this the reward for every successful delver?" Frederic asked.

"Only the very hottest and the best."

"I've had worse rewards." Frederic said, coming up from behind, hard cock in hand, which quickly slammed inside my hungry hole.


"Don't mind if I do." Dad said, lifting my legs up and fucking into me too. It took only a few seconds before I was sandwiched between the two studs and fucked hard and fast.

"Fuck me daddy." I moaned and Dad covered my mouth and fucked me harder. I wrapped my legs around my well armored and armed daddy and let him fuck me stupid.

I used [Sense Share] to bask in their satisfaction as they fucked me and it didn't take that long before they were both pumping me full of cum and life energy and I was gasping as I spurted out a load on dad's armor.

Afterwards, Dad and Frederic put away their cocks and Frederic said, "There's going to be a town hall meeting after lunch to discuss developments, you should probably show up since you're supposed to be in charge."

"I'll get washed up and come out then."

"Don't be late." Dad said.

"We'll be sure to visit again soon." Frederic said with a big smile and a grope of his softening cock.

Then they left.

"Well that could have gone better." Dungeon Paul said, having reconstituted his golem avatar, complete with rock cock.

"Yeah but I bet you got a lot of mana and DP out of it."

"Yeah they're tasty and that sex was hot, you animal."

"Yeah I know." Despite neither of them being Mages, they both had large pools of mana and life energy to leech off, which I knew from personal experience.

"Next time I'm going to possess you before they reach the fourth floor, then they can double team my ass."

"It's still my ass, even when you're possessing my body."

"My ass." He said, as he grabbed onto me, bent me over and slammed that rock cock inside me.

An hour later after a brutal session of fucking by a rock golem, followed by a hot soak and the return of my sleepy very well fucked boys I got dressed.

Then it was time for the first council meeting for the town, involving the core members of my group of misfits, thieves, adventurers and whores. Or at least that was the idea, the reality was somewhat different.

I was accompanied out of the dungeon by Felix, Michael and an upgraded Earth Elemental with a Sub Core, possessing Dungeon Paul's essence. Along with my five slaves and two boy whores.

The meeting was attended by a lot of people and took place in the makeshift town Hall.

Of the factions there were;

Adrian and ten thief captains, along with a couple of their `enforcers', making up one of the largest groups, with over thirty men.

Myself accompanied by my five slaves and my two sleepy boy whores.

Dungeon Paul was essentially his own faction, there to interact with more humans, accompanied by Michael and Felix, they had spent weeks together after all.

Arnie backed by a dozen of his `elite' soldiers along with some Adventurers.

Frederic was backed by his sons and their parties, Dale with the Swords of Destiny and Minos with his group (Alec, Sammy, Dean and Kered).

Dominic sat to my right, accompanied by Deva for some reason, who was accompanied by her two mithril body guards and a couple of water elementals.

Human Paul sat with Sandra and Abus backed by several other Adventurers in the effort to maintain the Adventurer's Guild as a powerful player.

Badrick accompanied his employer along with several other adventurers in pursuit of mercantile monopoly.

Nessa was there with a selection of buxom babes who drew the attentions of a lot of the attending men...

As the Lord of the land, I took charge after the conversation descended into a cacophony of competing interests and bickering.

"ENOUGH! There are way too many people here and I have no interest in being here forever, so let's cut through the nonsense and be quick about this, I have other things to do."

Someone muttered something about "More like dicks to suck" but I have no idea which of the many adventurers around said it. Nor did I particularly care.

"Each faction, assign a delegate who can have one body guard accompany them, everyone else fuck off."

"That's not fair." Someone else complained.

"I don't care. Sven you can stay, the rest of you can leave." I said waving at my entourage, Sven merely nodded and the others looked relieved. My guess was that Jim and Melville wanted to sleep and well my other slaves were even more anxious after being dragged into the dungeon without explanation, so they were probably keen to get away from me and my evil demonic plots.

After much whinging and complaining and bickering, the factions broke up, with a few people being picked out by me for various reasons to stay behind, namely Stan and Emily.

The much reduced factions were;

Sven and me, Frederic and Minos, Dalton and Badrick, Human Paul & Abus, Nessa and Deva, Duggan who had snuck in sometime during the chaos, Dungeon Paul Elemental, Michael and Felix, Adrian and one of the Enforcers, Arnie and one of his Adventurer pals, Dad, Stan and Emily.

Instead of over a hundred people, it was down to a little over twenty. An improvement but still more people than I would have liked but it'd do for now, more culls later.

"Okay, that's better, now, each of you give a short explanation as to what you want and then I'll decide whether I'll grant it or not. Dad you should start."

Dad stood up and all eyes were drawn to him, I couldn't help remembering how good his naked body had felt not that long ago, pressed up against mine, ramming his cock into me until we were both sweaty and sated. "I'll make it quick, I have experience leading a town and it's development and I think I should be assigned as Steward while the Lord is otherwise engaged."

"Granted." I said.

Michael was the first to complain. "Don't you think that's a little unfair to the rest of us, who aren't related to you, to just give him control over the rest of us so easily?"

I smiled evilly, "You're welcome to challenge my decision either by demonstrating your superior experience as a leader of a town or by directly duelling me. Which will it be?"

Michael fumed silently, I knew he neither had the experience to run a town or the ability to beat me in one on one combat, the last time I had damaged his soul, I wasn't opposed to doing it again to the sanctimonious corpse hijacker. He had an overinflated sense of his own importance, simply because he came from another world and thought he was special. "Neither." he muttered.

"Great, moving on, Arnie, your petition."

"I've been doing my best to prepare the men for combat but I've been limited with what I can do due to ah, time and money. I could do with more funding and authority over the men to ensure the town has some protection against threats, monstrous and otherwise."

"That's fine, you're the minister in charge of the army, I'll be relying on you to prepare the infantry to fight off monster waves and greedy nobles."

Arnie smiled and nodded his head at me in supplication. "I look forward to it."

"You can send requisition reports to my Steward or me as needed."

Arnie's smile dimmed a little at that before taking a seat. Probably wasn't keen on doing paper work. Didn't blame him, a couple of days running a town and I already hated the idea. Administration is tedious.

"Adrian, you're next, what's your proposal?"

"There's a lot of people engaged in low level crime and it's disrupting my business."

"Aren't you a thief?" Arnie's body guard said, "Isn't crime a good thing for you?"

"Not when it's not organised." Adrian replied somewhat bitterly.

"Adrian I appoint you leader of the Thieve's Guild and the Guard."

"What? You can't do that!" Arnie complained. "That's completely insane, you can't put a Thief in charge of the Guard."

"Sure I can, who better to police crime than a crook who's seen it all, I trust him to keep thieving to a minimum and train the next generation of Thieves to focus their efforts on looting the dungeon, rather than the civilians who don't have enough coin to make it worthwhile anyway. If he fails in the task he can always be replaced by a more suitable candidate."

Both Adrian and Arnie looked alternately pleased and perplexed by my announcement.

"I'll do my best to serve you my lord." Adrian said with a bow.

I knew I could trust him because he was blood bound to me, I'd give him a ratio of crime that I'd allow and any other infringements would be harshly punished. There was little need to steal from each other with a dungeon to regularly raid.

"Dungeon Paul, do you have any requests?"

People looked between us like I was crazy, I hadn't exactly explained the Earth Elemental to anyone. I guess people just assumed he was related to Deva, since she also had a couple of earth golems at her side and a history of golem usage.

"I still want a flesh body of my own."

"I know, I've got an idea for that but it'll take some more time and thought, anything else?"

"Did you have anything in particular you wanted in the dungeon?" He asked the crowd of very confused people.

"I should mention this is Dungeon Paul, this is his avatar at the moment, he's the dungeon at the centre of the town and a Champion of one of the Gods, the Adventuring one right?"

"Yes, he was very abrupt."

After some more shouting, confusion and general noise, things settled down and people put in requests for a variety of things the most common of which was various ores to mine. In particular, iron, marble and gold to mine or harvest from goblins.

"I'll see what I can do." Dungeon Elemental Paul replied.

"Duggan what can I do for you?"

"Just curious what you're planning to do for entertainment?"

I shrugged. "People will find whatever way to amuse themselves." I said, glancing at Nessa and Deva.

"Well I think it'd be fun to have a music hall or more taverns or something to spice up the place, everyone's so busy with boring stuff."

"I appoint you the minister for entertainment then, I look forward to seeing what you'll do to entertain the public." I said with a vicious smile.

"Oh, it'll be exciting stuff." Duggan said, with a bow, a smile and with that promptly exited stage left. Such an odd Legend.

Emily raised her hand shyly and I pointed to her and said. "Yes you had a question?"

"Why are we here?" she said pointing to her sexy betrothed and to herself.

"Well I need someone to be the head priestess for the Bodecia temple and as for Stan, I have a special mission for him." Stan gulped audibly, nervous at what I'd say next. After all I doubt he mentioned our little tryst to his betrothed. I promptly put him out of his misery. "I want him to help train up my men, so they can become my personal knight retinue.

Emily was still staring at me in shock as was Stan. "I'm not worthy of being a head priestess."

"Don't think there are any other Priests around to do it, I'll probably have to raise a temple to Nil too."

"Definitely." I heard a whisper in my mind and got a vision of Nil rubbing his hands together in glee. To say a God's name is to invoke their attention, hence why they were often referred to by their title to avoid having a God's attention drawn. This was not always followed for a variety of reasons.

"Uh are you sure?" Stan said.

"Yes, you should be the most qualified for the position as you've had formal training as a squire."

"You don't think my men will be enough?" Arnie asked.

"I'm putting you in charge of the infantry and their training, I have need of my own private force for my own personal protection among other reasons. Having a small elite force of knights is just one part of my overall objectives for the town. I plan on having a squad of Rangers to do recon of the area and perform necessary monster culling, Frederic will be in charge of that."

"I'd rather not, I'm a farmer these days." Frederic replied.

"I know but you'd only need to do it until you've trained Alec to take over."

Frederic chuckled.

"What do you plan on doing with me Lord?" Michael asked sarcastically.

I shrugged "nothing much, I had planned for you to run messages from Dungeon Paul to human Paul but that seems unnecessary now he can venture outside and talk to him himself. (the telepathy providing the ability to talk to others.) Paul meet Paul, Paul is in charge of the Adventurer's Guild here and Paul is in charge of the dungeon... I'm sure you'll be great friends, you have the same name after all." They looked between each other and me in confusion. Confusion on an earth elemental is an odd thing to witness, though I was more aware of it than others due to our connection.

"I'm leaving then." Michael said before stomping off with Felix following behind silently.

To think I used to consider them friends, how strange, I've grown so far apart from them in a month. In a way they seem like complete strangers or maybe I'm the strange one, I do have part of my soul locked within a dungeon core after all..

After that the meeting was pretty quick and simple, with only a few things to deal with, Richard wanted confirmation as to ownership of the Adventurer's Market and Nessa had picked a spot for her future brothel that she wanted to be acknowledged and deeded to her. Both of which I agreed to before I appointed Deva the minister of Magic and Construction and finally the meeting was over and I could return to the dungeon.

Night time.

I end up possessed again and I watch in wry fascination as Dungeon Paul seduces and beds both Elven twins. Both of them end up getting fucked by his big cock, or mine I guess, pronouns for possession is such a puzzling problem.

My first time with a woman and I wasn't even there for the event, I mean I watched a little of it but I had other things going on of far greater importance. I was far too busy playing god with the beast kin cubs. I made use of the Cored Golem Avatar to provide the beast kin cubs with an experimental grafting potion made with goblin baby blood.

It seemed effective enough for a trial run... It increased their cellular growth rate by a hundred times, for an hour, which given their beast kin biology resulted in an equivalent aging of about 500 (girl)- 700 hours (boy). I ran extensive and very thorough exploration of their biology using the power of the dungeon to make sure there weren't any severe unintended side effects. There wasn't other than some minor issues, namely calorie deficits and mana starvation. Both of which was easily solved by pumping them full of mana to counter the side effects and fuel their rapid aging/growth.

Then I made more of the potions, gave them to them, along with nutrient supplements formed from concentrated plesh juice.

My Alchemist Class increased by one for the novel application of an ageing potion on something other than a humonculi. Based on memories from Dungeon Paul's world, this line of experimentation was ethically questionable but a useful way of invoking SORAS (Soap opera rapid aging sydnrome). It could also be diluted and used as a more convoluted steroid to aspiring Adventurers. Soon my army will be invincible... muahahaha...

I think I may have gone crazy...

Day 4

The morning after Dungeon's Paul's misuse of my body with the Elven twins, I washed up thoroughly feeling very awkward and conflicted about the events. I think I'm spending far too much time with my mind in a rock, it's making me a little fucking CRAZY.

Anyway, the earth golem fucks me again, which is sufficient to empty my balls and scratch the itch of butt fucking that lingers in my mind.

I venture outside to check on the developments of my town in my absence. Everyone's hard at work.

The Adventurer's guild has a completed first floor with food, drinks and the quest counter staffed by Sandra. Paul and Abus are in the back managing the paper work.

Deva has started focusing her attentions on finishing her Mage tower, much to the frustration of Michael and Sandra, who can get fucked... and they do... I watched the two of them fuck the previous night via dungeon snooping. I didn't watch for more than a couple of seconds before resuming more interesting activities, such as examining my soul anchor contained within the dungeon core.

Michael comes finds me to continue the argument from earlier about keeping Sven and the others as slaves.

Sven looks constipated as Michael comes find me to yell at me.

"You have to let him go, he's a person, he has rights." Michael said, backed by Felix, while Sven lingered awkwardly in the background of my new office in the Town Hall. At some point it will serve as the focal point of government and defense, though, it's still very much a work in progress, with only the first floor completed and none of the fancy enchantments that the Adventurer's Guild has or the Central Wall has.

"You know what, I don't really care about your nonsensical opinion, noone has any rights, your whole philosophy is based around the principle of force, the only reason that your world had rights was that you had enough resources and weapons to maintain the illusion of civility while people in less advanced and resource rich areas did all the work you didn't want to and suffered and died under the whims of the powerful."

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"I haven't been getting possessed without gaining anything from it, besides exploring the magic of monster creation, I've also learned all about your world from Paul's memories, he may not find it worthwhile remembering his highschool education but it's a treasure trove of information for me."

"Slavery is wrong, you can't own people, they have to be free to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

I glanced behind at Sven who had spent far too much time around problematic influences while I was busy being a god rock for my liking, he had been compromised. I shrugged and said "Fine, Sven, you're free of your contract, I release you." I muttered the release phrasing and Sven's collar loosened and fell off.

"See I told you I'd free you." Michael said gleefully.

"Great, now return all the things I bought for you to do your job as my bodyguard and have fun on your journey through enemy territory back to your homelands."

"That's not fair, you can't take away his stuff."

"You're wrong, they're my things that I bought so that he could keep me safe, if he wants to be free, he can be free, I'll just write off the cost of buying his services and keep the weapons to give to someone more loyal, or just give it to Paul to replicate for future Adventurers as prizes when he's bigger. Now hand them over Sven."

"Could we talk about this, I think this might have been a misunderstanding." Sven said, suddenly a lot more worried, now that there were consequences to his treachery.

"Not interested, hand over the gear and be gone, I'll just replace you with another golem, it's not like I need that much protection any more."

"You don't have to give him anything." Michael said.

"You think the three of you can beat me into submission? I'd like to see you try."

Michael shares a glance with Felix who shakes his head with a sullen look. There's a reason Mages are higher ranked than warriors, while warriors have a lower learning curve at the early stages, they don't do so well against a moderately developed mage, even a low ranking fire mage can be a nightmare to fight, what with fire ball being easy to cast and with a low mana cost to burn warriors from a mid range. The three of them working together might be hard to deal with but it'd only take one banishment on Michael and the whole effort would fall apart.

"You can't think you can just do whatever you want."

"Sure I can, I'm literally the Lord of this fucking place, the only person that can countermand my orders is the Eternal King, or someone strong enough to take me down. You think you can do that you dumb min maxxer?"

"Once I'm a Dimensional Mage, you wont be able to stop me from taking over everything."

"Yeah well by the time you find a Time Mage to teach you a decent time spell and actually become a Legendary Dimensional Mage, I'll be a Legend myself and deeply embedded in the dungeon, so I don't fancy your chances."

"This isn't the last you'll hear about this. Come on Sven, let's celebrate your freedom."

Sven looked conflicted and a little awkward standing there in just his small clothes, after ditching all the armor and gear I had bought and modified for his use. He hadn't needed much else, as I had provided him with basically everything he had and he hadn't worn that much underneath as we had a habit of fucking throughout the day. "I didn't want it to end this way."

"Screw him, he's a demonic asshole." Michael said with vitriol, while handing over his robe to cover him up.

Felix looks at me with disgust and I just glance at him with disinterest, I don't even care that he hates me any more. I don't even care that Sven has abandoned me. People have always been confusing and unreliable.

As soon as they leave I make use of a slime core to create a new golem body guard and leave to the dungeon to work off my bad mood.

There's a steady stream of Thieves and porters moving back and forth, the thieves killing their way through the three floors while the porters carry all the goods out, which included water, goblin & bunny carcasses and various plants.

I ventured into the dungeon depths to work on Sven's replacement. I have an idea to solve all of my problems, but it's going to hurt and it's going to require a bunch of stuff. I get to work on making mana stones and understanding myself.

If everything goes well, I'll have solved Dungeon Paul's problems and mine all with one action.

Later that evening I collected samples from Sandra, Deva and Abus, with various amounts of cajoling.

Day 5

I work with Dungeon Paul to make him some nice fleshy avatars.

Normally it'd take more floors and a higher mana concentration before a dungeon could create a fleshy avatar but I've got a way to bypass the usual process through Alchemy and the dungeon contract. Mostly I just want Dungeon Paul to stop making my body fuck the princess, it's uncomfortable.

I'm not a high enough level to make humonculi the normal way but as should be obvious by now, I'm not much for normal.

Typically a chimera king focused on internal improvements will [Extract] a trait from monster through blood magic and graft it onto themselves with a grafting potion'. The name of the potion varies depending on the alchemist but is generally based off the monster bodies, eg Troll potion, to grant rapid regeneration. To do this it's usually advisable to create a humonculi, an advanced alchemical product that is essentially a clone of the intended imbiber made through a drop of blood added to a solution involving goblin blood then matured via Elf blood. Then that mindless, soulless copied and cloned body will imbibe the potion to test for side effects. That's how Alec and Minos got their traits' by visiting the Capitol with their dads and having their blood sampled and tested to find the best trait for them with a minimum of side effects. Grafting potions are expensive as hell due to the level of the Alchemist needed to create them. Chimera Kings are rare, due to the low combat nature of their earlier stages and how often they die from failed experiments.

Due to our combined limitations, we make do with what we have. I place my hand on the core and feed it my knowledge and mana and I slice my wrists and my blood spills onto the earth and the puddles of blood seperate into two distinct sections, pumped full of mana and intent and fed with goblin blood and elf blood through a complicated method fueled via dungeon magic and alchemy to become two differentiated versions of me.

Both of them versions of myself, based on the `save points' that Dungeon Paul has of me. The slim one is a clone of me from when I had first entered the dungeon and had become contracted with it. The larger clone is the version most similar to the me of now, a blank mirror image.

I name the beefy one, Alpha and the slim one Beta.

I gained flesh craft as a spell...

The effort to create two humonculi drain the both of us of mana but it doesn't take us long before we take our new creations for a test run. Because we are both perverts, Dungeon Paul possesses both of them and I fuck Beta while Alpha fucks me.

It's indescribable to recount how satisfying it is to fuck a version of yourself while another fucks you... An experience so rarefied that only horny gay identical triplets would know what it's like and even they wouldn't know what it was like to share that experience with someone complete different from you while sense sharing every experience..

It's pure incarnate bliss.

That said, I did have objectives other than mere pleasure, namely testing the limits of my shapeshifting and trait acquisitions. I fucked Beta, then let Alpha fuck Beta to see if there was any difference in the samples we pumped in it's bowels. The answer was no...

That was just one experiment, the second was cores, both were given one, to replace their stomachs, making them immortal and bypassing the need for sustenance. They'd live off mana alone, though they could imbibe and digest limited quantity of food and drink via a heavily modified digestive system which processed it in the liver instead...

Their biology was... an experiment as well.

Then each of them were granted a portion of the soul that Dungeon Paul had collected from me long ago, which allowed them to access the System.

I gained [Soul manipulation] and [Soul Splitting] as spells and unlocked Necromancer as a class option. While dungeons were powerful they didn't gain mastery benefits, they just ended up with more abilities and mana. Still their raw power combined with a Mage is potent, hence why dungeon cores are a vital ingredient in forming divine level artifacts, though usually a divine artifact required a dungeon core with 5-10 floors. A dungeon core that had 5 floor prior to harvesting would allow the Mage to channel the powers of time and space, to teleport freely and ten would allow for the ability to terraform an area...

Alpha became a Warrior, while Beta became a Mage.

Now I could make up for my own mistakes and my own necessary choices to make min maxers loyal only to me... After all who can you trust if not yourself, or version of yourselves cloned from parts of your body and soul manufactured with the help of a dungeon.

As for the goblins, their numbers have almost gone back to what they were as there are 140 goblin females capable of giving birth so they can pop out roughly 700 goblins a day. That means my new humonculi clone brothers can kill 700 goblins a day and I can offer their deaths to Nil while they enjoy the benefits of power levelling.

Since I had essentially taken away Dungeon Paul's new toys we made some copies and started really experimenting, I extracted traits and manipulated the essence of the clones made to refine something more... primal and demonic.

It was a good thing the others were busy with their own activities as our efforts would be abhorrent to normal boring ethical people.

The new humonculi had traits extracted, then used to create new single trait clones.

After a long bloody day of experimentation I became a level 33 Alchemist and I had 10 clones... and Dungeon Paul had one fleshy avatar that he liked enough to keep.

Of my ten clones all had the shapeshifting trait that allowed for easier grafting and removal of `traits'.

Alpha had his affinities for Mind, Fire and water magic forcibly extracted and given to three `blank' Mage clones to create specialised Mage clones, with a single affinity to work with. Beta had his affinity for Fire extracted and given to Paul Junior, Dungeon Paul's shapeshifted avatar.

Bits of my mind and soul were scattered to the remaining eight clones to create 4 mages, aiming towards four specialisations, earth, fire, water and mind, with one needing an earth affinity that I would collect from Deva. Three alchemists were made, each with a different path to follow, aiming towards the three known Legendary Alchemist classes and the last but not least of the clones would pursue knowledge and enchantment as a scholar.

Gamma was the Mage with the fire affinity. Delta was the Mage pending earth affinity. Epsilon was the Mage with mind affinity. Zeta was the Mage with the water affinity.

Theta was the Alchemist designated to the pursuit of the path of the Drug Kingpin Omicron was the Alchemist designated to pursue the path of the Mecha Master Sigma was the Alchemist designated to pursue the path of the Chimera King

Omega was designated the scholar.

Now that I had a small army of clones it's time for an orgy... I fucked mind affinity into Alpha and Omega while Dungeon Paul and the others descended into a free for all.. excess affinities could be extracted as necessary and bottled for later use to make particular grafting potions.

Michael and Felix walked in to find a clone orgy in progress and promptly left with Michael making a snide remark...

Considering I was being double teamed by Paul Junior and Paul elemental while Alpha fucked my face, while everyone was subjected to Sense sharing... I didn't have the brain power to respond or even remember what he said.

I'd optimise my brother/son/clones more later. I had so many ideas to try out, once all of us were fed/fucked out.


Author's Note...

This last part was inspired partly by Sense8, Resident evil 4, Red vs blue and Full Metal Alchemist in no particular order of importance. Sense8 for psychic orgies, Red vs Blue for fragmenting personalities into greek alphabets, Resident Evil for superpowered clone army (gone far too soon) and full metal alchemist for humonculi.

Next chapter: Dungeon Life – Lucius moves into the dungeon full time to pursue alchemy but there are frequent distractions, nobles trying to jump his claim, assassins with a multitude of weapons, Gods with agendas, champions with chronic sense of entitlement, clones to level up and awkward family reunions...

This chapter took forever because scope creep is a nightmare and rising complexity is a pain and I suck.

Next: Chapter 34

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