Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Nov 27, 2020


Disclaimer: Sex and violence, violent sex, gets a little bloody, if not into that skip to Beta's section.

Author's Note: A random chapter with multiple POV's, kind of a first for me as a writer, since as a reader I'm not fond of multiple POVs as it breaks immersion, slows plot progression and often feels like filler. Kind of want to do something different though, for shits and giggles.

Chapter 4 Progress Reports

&&& Lucius &&&

After exiting from the dungeon, we visited the Dungeon Emporium and Lidan buys me a couple of void rings. One for me and one for Beta, if I was going to be in debt, might as well be drowning in it, `in for a copper, in for a pounding'.

Despite being in the dungeon for days dungeon time, only an hour or so had passed outside, which was one of the many reasons, dungeons are vital for the growth of a city and the prosperity of the nation. Dungeon delving however is exhausting mentally, magically and physically, especially for me, what with all my little eccentricities and oddities. Particularly shapeshifting, keeping the majority of the benefits of the prior form while gaining something new and useful is hard work.

"While I'd love to take you while you're still reeking of carnage, I've got to report in to the other Irregulars. Come to my room tonight and you can start paying me back." Lidan said, slapping me on the bottom, as we made our way back to the castle.

"Sure thing, I'll do that once I get some real food in me, I'm starving."

We walked quickly and arrived back to our rooms, where we parted with a brief hug and grope, then I got cleaned up. I thought about putting on actual clothes but clothes would probably get in the way of what I wanted to do and honestly I couldn't be bothered.

So I ventured to the dining hall, by myself, ignoring the few people around me and started feasting, I hadn't really had much to eat, even if I did imbibe rivers of Troll blood, it wasn't really food. Mana could in my case replace eating but it was a poor substitute and strained my mind, body and magic.

I remained at the table, working on a modification of [Troll Transformation], focused only on replacing blood, nothing else, in conjunction with DDBG (diminished divine blood golem) I can increase my potential blood pool and regeneration rate, but it leaves me naked and hungry.

I grabbed at the food with [Mage Hand] unconcerned about the whispers, glares or stares from the assorted minor nobles, guards, soldiers and servants that arrive and depart. The more reprehensible I seem to the masses, the less likely the king will worry that I'll try something to undermine his reign. Nobody suspects the fool to be plotting. Not that I'm plotting against the king, the last thing I'd want to do is take over a kingdom, but royalty can get paranoid after dealing with so many backstabbing two-faced nobles. I just want to be left alone but that doesn't seem to be an option any more.

I probably should wear clothes while out in public, but it'd complicate the shapeshifting process, I could eat elsewhere, but I'd have to get food delivered to my room in bulk. This way may be awkward for everyone else but it's the most efficient means of securing a supply of food while also undermining my image in front of the lesser nobles.

After stuffing myself and experimenting on adjusting the speed and depth of the [Troll Transformation] and corresponding [Rapid Regeneration] I left to go to Lidan's room. I had probably traumatised enough random people by exposing my naked shifting body, my infamy shall become legendary.

Once I arrived within the confines of Lidan's room, I made myself comfortable on his musky bed that smelled of him, basking in warmth and desire. I let DDBG settle within my body, massaging and nourishing my various internal organs, with particular attention paid to strengthening and enlarging my heart. I let myself sleep, I hadn't really had much rest within the dungeon as I had been too preoccupied with learning more, getting stronger and eating tasty tasty Trolls.

I woke up sprawled naked face down on Lidan's bed, with Lidan's hand on my shoulder. "Seems someone's eager for some alone time."

I smiled up at him, though my attention was drawn to his nudity, especially his massive cock, which was staring at me, it's wet leaking tip begging for me to take it in my mouth and drain it dry.

I slapped the door closed with a [Mage Hand] and used [Mana Inscription] to draw a silence rune on the back of the door, to give us more privacy. "So I had some thoughts about what we could do." I said as I grabbed hold of that meaty morsel in front of me, holding him by his shaft before leaning forward and engulfing it in warm wetness. I felt much better with his cock in my mouth, I loosened my grip on his shaft, and instead moved my hands to cup his balls and ass, bringing him closer, so that he knelt above me, spearing my throat with his hot cock.

"Mmmm what did you have in mind?"

As my mouth was full and my hands were busy I used [Telepathy] to transmit my message. The gist of it was that I wanted him to torture me...

"You're twisted, I love it." Lidan said as he gripped both sides of my head, covering my ears, muffling the world around me, filling my mind with only him, his cock pushing harder into my throat, blocking my airways, his hands crushing my skull. Pain overwhelmed lust for a moment as his hands started burning as he used [Flaming Hands].

I focused on myself, using my mana to resist the burning creating a small powerful [Mana Shield] around my head as my fire resistance increased a little.


Lidan pulled back, his cock yanked out my mouth, my hands flopped to the side as I focused all my attention into limiting all the regeneration into one area, while also studying it and directing it to heal in a specific way.

The fact that my eyes were watering, that the room smelt of burnt hair and flesh, didn't bother me at all. I had asked for this, I wanted Lidan to help me test my limits, to see how much the [Troll Transformation] could take before breaking. It was important to know, that and it would help improve my constitution making me harder to kill and also help me work on improving my vitality, making it easier to heal and while doing so I could work on experimenting with shapeshifting, sure it hurts, but pain is an old friend and it's better to hurt than to feel nothing.

A moment later, I had regenerated the burnt skin, repaired my damaged skull and even regrown out my hair to approximately the same length as the undamaged section. Lidan eyed me, hungrily and warily, like he was watching his prey for any sudden movements to pounce, just in case it tried to fight or flee. I didn't want to do either, I wanted to bask in brutality, I wanted to suffer. I may be a glutton for pain.

"Well that was fun." I said eyeing up his saliva slicked cock, "Shall we move onto the real fun?"

"You know if I really let loose, I might not be able to stop."

"I know, that's what makes it fun."

"You're nuts."

"Your nuts." I said grabbing his balls and giving them a light squeeze.

"You're asking for a beating." Lidan said with a demonic grin, all teeth.

"That I am." I said with my own twisted smile, thinking of all the ways it could go disastrously wrong and yet, I wanted to be broken, so that I could rebuild myself, even better than before, from the ground up.

Lidan pounced, pinning me to the bed by the shoulders with his punishing grip, his strength bruising the flesh and testing the integrity of my bones. The rest of his weight pressed down on me as he slammed his hot body onto mine, the length of his hot erection rubbing up and down my crack, teasing me with it's hot length. I wanted it, needed it inside me, to bury the pain, to blur it, to make my own twisted experimentation feel like bliss.

I arched my back, rubbing my butt against his groin. "You're going to make for such a fun chew toy." Lidan practically growled into my ear before biting my earlobe and piercing me with his maleness in one rough thrust.

I groaned as he let go of my shoulders to claw at my sides, his teeth moved to bite on my bare neck, his teeth pressing down hard, drawing blood. The smell of blood, a faint metallic scent filled the air, exciting Lidan's demonic nature, though that might be because of my blood filling his mouth. Who knows?

Lidan had gotten even more aggressive lifting me up a little to draw me up so that he could claw at my chest and belly, he gripped at my thighs as he fucked me hard, his whole body burned, everywhere our skin touched, burned. I melted, at his touch, literally, his fire consuming my flesh and yet his cock was still driving into me, faster and faster.

My mind struggled to process everything that was happening as I instinctively used [Troll Transformation] to endure such a bloody fucking. [Enduring] helped to boost the effects of [Troll Transformation], as constitution and vitality struggled to keep apace with the punishment I was dealt during fucking.

Lidan snarled as he gripped me by the throat, choking me, with one hand as his other hand burned on my hip, grabbing me the pelvic bone as he slammed into me faster and harder. Sex had never before been this violent, so brutal, so HOT.

I lost myself at some point as my vision turned black and my mind sunk into nothingness.

I awoke sometime later, with Lidan poking me "Still alive?"

"Yup" I replied groggily, my whole body aching.

"Got a bit carried away there at the end. How are you feeling?"

"Blissful, that was fun."

Lidan raised an eyebrow at that, and I looked around us, the bed was broken, I was lying in a pool of blood and cum, the whole room reeked of a strange mixture of blood, burnt meat and sex. "You're a strange one, did that help at all with your experiments or whatever?"

"Yeah it was quite useful but I'm going to need some sleep and some food and a bath, though probably not in that order." I said as I stood and stretched, Lidan had at some point put on his loin cloth, covering his glorious cock from view. He seemed strangely relaxed and yet tense at the same time. It was odd to look at. His shoulders were squared and tense while his face was relaxed and smiling, though perhaps it was a polite mask, I was too fucked to care at that moment.

"Well tomorrow, you can return to Nilbog while the other Irregulars decide on your status, there will be more tests and initiation and stuff, the process is super boring."

"Mind if I wash up here? Don't want to traipse through the halls covered in blood and cum."

"Feel free." Lidan said, still watching me curiously, his attention, made me harden in anticipation.

"You going to join me in the tub?"

"If you want?" Lidan asked cautiously as if he was worried about my answer.

I chuckled, this side of Lidan was so adorable, I just wanted to kiss him. So I pulled him down for a kiss, I didn't have to pull him down that far, I had grown taller again. Probably around 6'6, he was still a head taller than me, but he was much easier to kiss standing up.

He grabbed onto my butt as he kissed me back, his hot tongue battling against mine in his mouth.. He pulled me upwards, demonstrating his superior strength as he lifted me off the ground, I wrapped my legs around his waist and used a [Mage hand] to loosen his loin cloth as I grabbed onto his head with both hands and kissed him fiercely.

He carried me the short distance to the washroom and after an awkward moment where he tried to get us both into the tub without ending the kissing or groping we were both engaged in. It was a bit of a struggle what with neither of us quite coherent enough to use our hands to steady ourselves or quite clear as to how to place ourselves with our minds focused entirely on our hard cocks and our hard bodies pressed together.

After we finally managed to get seated into the tub, him lying down and me crouched over him, while kissing him, stroking him and generally making us both way too horny, he activated the runes and warm water flowed into the tub. We proceeded to scrub each other clean with water and soap. Sure it may have taken a little longer what with me sitting on his cock and riding him until he came inside me again and me cumming all over his chest and stomach but it got done.

Once cleaned and out of the wash room Lidan and I looked at the wreckage of his room. "Think I can share your bed tonight since mine's ruined?"

I smiled, I knew there was another bed he could make use of a room away but we both knew it was just an excuse to share a bed together. "Sure but I could do with something to eat."

"Haven't I stuffed you enough for one day?"

I giggled. "Never enough." I enjoyed flirting with Lidan, fucking with Lidan, he was everything I needed, hot horny and domineering when I wanted him to be.

Lidan rolled his eyes and we got dressed, him in a loin cloth and me with DDBG covering my naked body.

After a quick meal break we returned to my rooms, interrupting Alpha, Beta and Bugger in the act of buggery, Alpha on top of Beta, who was on top of Bugger, all naked and thrusting into gaping holes.

"Don't mind us, we're going to bed ourselves."

I shared a quick telepathic transmission with Beta suggesting that after they finished up, they should head to the dungeon for some training as the prey inside this dungeon was much better than the one at Nilbog and that we'd only have a day to make use of it before we were sent home.

Beta replied with {later} a little too occupied for more conversation, not that I minded, we could all get a little fixated from time to time, especially during a good fuck.

Lidan and I left them to it and were quickly snuggled up in my bed. I asked him a burning question that I should probably have asked him before but never got around to. "So what exactly makes you a Lord of Wrath anyway?"

"Just means I'm ranked highly enough to control my sin."

"Think I'll be able to become a Lord of Lust someday?"

"I'm sure you'll be a terrifying one soon enough." He said, idly rubbing my chest, making my nipple hard and sensitive.

"You're so sweet." I said twisting around to kiss him, while keeping my ass firmly pressed against his cock, holding onto his arms so that his cuddling of me wouldn't end. His grip tightened on me and his cock lengthened and hardened up behind me, rubbing against my hole without piercing through.

Sadly we were interrupted before things could get too penetrative by Beta and the others, who were dressed, while we were definitely not. "Sorry to interrupt." Beta said.

I sighed. "Fair's fair, we interrupted you guys." I said that but they barely paused at our arrival, while we had both turned to address them, which didn't bother me that much since it also meant that Lidan was behind me, with his head on my shoulder, his hand on my hip and his cock brushing up against my hole as if waiting permission. I pushed down, and his cock was back inside me where it belonged.

Lidan cuddled closer, his left hand gripping me by the cock while his other arm snaked around my chest to tweak my nipple with a sharp nail. "You're a bad man." Lidan whispered in my ear as he penetrated me in front of the others.

"We're headed to the dungeon. Anything we should know?" Beta asked.

"Come closer and I'll share."

Beta moved closer and I pulled him down for a quick kiss, which was sort of an excuse for getting close and using combination of [Soul Resonance] and [Telepathy] to share everything I'd learned from the dungeon and in general in the time we were apart. The kiss was short and sweet but Beta was a good kisser, he knew what I liked after all.

After I broke the kiss I handed him one of the two void rings placed on my fingers. "You'll need to blood bind it to you. Have fun hunting. Goodbye kisses?" I asked as I looked at Alpha and Bugger.

Alpha reached down for a kiss and I shared a much longer kiss with a much more concise information exchange, sharing only the knowledge of vital areas of each prey and their general styles of attacks and ambushes. Beta had a much higher intelligence stat than Alpha, so it was easier to info dump on Beta, than it was with Alpha.

Bugger followed up next, giving me a gentle kiss on the lips before biting me on the cheek before scampering off. I didn't share any knowledge with the little brat, I'd leave that for Beta.

As for me, once the others left for their excursion, Lidan rolled me onto my stomach and started fucking me properly. I didn't complain, his thrusts were deep, on target and with the perfect rhythm to keep us both on the edge of utter bliss.

Several hours later, I woke up hard and sticky, Lidan had kept me up half the night, fucking me over and over again, until we passed out from exhaustion, which I didn't mind at all. Even though the sex hadn't been as intense during our bed breaking banging, I was still a little sore from all the fucking, but in a good way, my muscles all achy and my ass and cock hypersensitive from excessive use.

When I woke up, I figured we could have one last experimentation session before we had to leave. It only took a little convincing before he let his Wrath demon side out to play and wrecked me.

Afterwards I laid on the ground surrounded by the broken, charred remains of another destroyed bed. I had been burned, bones broken and bred. Lidan had been even more brutal than the last time, since he knew I could handle some rough treatment, he had nearly torn me limb from limb. It had been brutal, animalistic, downright demonic and I loved every second of it.

It was even better than when Alpha or Badrick went feral and fucked me hard. This was what I craved, blood and sex. How fucked up is that?

I hobbled to the dining hall to feast followed by Lidan looking both smug and contrite and Alpha, Beta and Bugger. We hadn't exchanged information after their dungeon excursion, since when I finished cleaning up, they were still sleeping so I merely poked them awake so we could get food and kept my questions for when we were home.

Lidan led us to a large empty room to wait...

Some time later, Damien joined us followed by Steve and Terry. Damien still looked tired, but it was less a worked to the bone tired and more a fucked all night expression. I was very familiar with that look after all, the drooping eye lids with a small smile were a dead giveaway.

Damien said "I was told to transport you home, then once they've made a decision I'll come back and let you know."

I shrugged, looking at Steve and Terry who looked very satisfied and fancy in their silver mage robes. I'd have to check with them and see how they've been later.

Damien, Steve and Terry opened a swirling portal back home and one by one we all went through.

Once through I was greeted by the sight of the Elven princess Dagara, who I exchanged polite greetings with before she went on her way. I sent a quick message via [Soul Resonance] to tell my family that I've returned.

I used [Telepathy] & [Soul Resonance] to uncover what Beta got up to in the dungeon and to see how Steve and Terry managed in the Royal Mage Academy. It provided important information along with some much needed entertainment while we waited.

Omega was the first of my family to arrive to welcome us back, since he was above ground and not in the dungeon like the rest. Once I used Telepathy on him, I found out what he'd been up to, along with the rest of the family. Omega was the family chronicler after all and the most scholarly of the bunch.

Damien said "We should be heading back."

{We're going back to the Academy to continue our learning} Steve told me via [Telepathy].

{If you need help just use [Soul Resonance] and I'll come get you.}

{Don't worry about us} Terry replied.

{We'll be fine} Steve chimed in.

They gave me a smug smile as they joined forces to create a portal back to the capitol.

Damien said "Lidan you coming with us?"

"Mind if I stick around for a bit?" Lidan asked me.

"Won't the Irregulars miss you?"

"Meh, if they need me for something, they'll come find me."

"I'd be happy to have you stay with me as long as you want." I said with a wink.

Alpha `joked' "We're going to need a bigger bed."

"I'll let the King know." Damien said before disappearing with Steve and Terry.

&&& Beta &&&

Thanks to Lucius, I now have a void ring to use, which should help in providing easy access to a lot of tools.

I prick my finger and rub it onto the void ring to make it mine, infusing my mana into it. Spatial bags while more popular can get in the way of fighting, void rings allow you to use mana to remove and add things with a thought or a touch. Void rings have access to a pocket dimension, where time doesn't exist, allowing for better storage of high grade materials. It's also makes it easier to harvest the dungeon on his behalf. Lucius is our father/creator but he's not that interested in profit, but we all need more coins to buy better equipment and get stronger.

We venture to the dungeon the three of us and after waiting for an hour in line, we get inside the dungeon.

Once inside the entrance room, I do what I do best and create golems, breakers' to be more specific, five of them at a time. breakers' are variations on `blockers' but instead of being big and blocky, they're a little more condensed, their fists and body tipped with iron spikes to break and bleed enemies.

All my free stats and class stats have gone towards intelligence and wisdom, while not exciting, it is a powerful strategy to maximising my power as a Mage. [Enduring] and many an entertaining night sandwiched between Lucius and Alpha have helped to boost my various physical stats by a little.

While I'm nowhere near being as strong a warrior as either Lucius or Alpha, my magic is the strongest and most developed of our family. Golems are the easiest way for a mage to demonstrate physical might when needed, when a mere fireball proves unwieldy or insufficient for the task ahead.

I send my five golems out and they are joined by Alpha and Bugger who serve as vanguards, while I loiter in the back like a true Mage, letting the warriors and my golems take care of all the violence for me. I don't like to get my hands dirty, I'm far more interested in all the ways magic can be used, I gained my father's interest in magic, in the ways it can be used to heal and to harm and to create and destroy.

[Psionic link] allows me to keep track of my brother and Bugger and of my golems.

Bugger takes the lead, punching slimes with a fiery fist, eagerly, destroying them with ease, the slimes are of no real threat to him. Alpha meanwhile ensures our safety by looking out for traps so that we can avoid them as much as possible or throw a golem at it if that's not an option.

The first nine floors are dominated easily with Alpha scouting, Bugger blasting everything with short range fire attacks and my golems providing support. The tenth floor is where Bugger makes the interesting choice of leaping straight into the Slime King and combusting, his whole body aflame.

It takes a few minutes for the smoke to fade. Bugger is lectured via [Telepathy] by both Alpha and me on proper battle strategy. Bugger is a little nightmare, as he only wants to kill things and the only times he doesn't want to do that, he wants to eat, sleep or fuck. He may have picked up a couple of bad habits from us. His shouting of "Die" and incoherent screaming make him an excellent decoy to attract attention away from Alpha and me however.

Bugger is given free rein over floors 11 to 20, serving as the vanguard of our group, allowing him to practice various fire spells. Alpha pops out from the shadows from time to time to assassinate any spiders that get too close to dealing serious damage to Bugger. My golems also provide support but honestly I'm only half paying attention as I'm making preparations for the deeper floors.

I have so many new spells and golems to try out, thanks to Lucius and I'm thinking of how to make adjustments to compensate for our differences.

Until Floor 21 we're mostly still just trying to help Bugger gain valuable combat experience but the Ogres may prove a little dangerous for our reckless protege. Upon reaching floor 21 we have to restrain Buggers instinctive urge to just rush in and burn things.

The first Ogre Bugger runs into gives him a broken arm but Alpha makes use of Bugger's effort to slide into the Ogre's shadow and slice his throat from behind with a [Shadow Blade].

Between being soaked in the Ogre's blood and given healing from me, Bugger recovers quickly. Bugger learned his lesson after the first run in and is less reckless, sure he still charges in screaming and covered in flame, but he keeps a certain distance until he's sure of landing a strike on his own or until Alpha gets in position behind the unlucky Ogre.

They make a good team, their antics are adorable and they steadily make their way through the Ogre forces. I help from time to time with various spells [Earth's Grasp] to stall one or more enemies, [Ice Spike] if there's an enemy getting too close. Mostly I just let the golems do their thing while I cast [Blood Letting] on the enemies so that Bugger can bathe in their blood.

It makes Bugger stronger, which of course leads to him challenging Alpha after a particularly bloody battle with a dozen Ogres. They fight', which is mostly them wrestling for top position before Alpha goes feral' and pins Bugger to the ground and shoves his cock into his ass. His half wolf form gives him greater strength and despite Bugger's gain in strength is still no match for Alpha. Despite his `struggles', Bugger's stiff cock during the fucking and messy finish proves that he doesn't mind the rough treatment all that much.

When we reach the Ogre Magi on the thirtieth floor, it's got a different affinity than the one Lucius faced, it's an earth magi, it can cast [Quicksand] and [Earthquake]. [Quicksand] while doing next to no damage, is more dangerous than the earth quakes as it drastically reduces mobility, the earthquakes simply fissures in the ground that need to be avoided.

What follows is a brutal slug fest between Alpha, Bugger and my golems against an army of Ogres. They have greater numbers but Alpha slips in and out of shadows backstabbing and throat cutting while Bugger charges in flaming fists first, throwing out fireballs at random. The golems are surrounded and destroyed in ten to one matches but they serve their purpose while I provide support from the back with [Hail], raining down small chunks of ice into Ogre's eyes and making their footing dangerous.

Alpha's too quick on his feet to slip up and Bugger's fiery presence evaporates any water or ice around him. Eventually we slaughter the Ogres, as I simply create new golems to replace the lost ones, making mud golems to counter the Ogre's strength, mud dispersing a lot of the force of their punches and covering them in gross mud that makes them more unhappy and their strikes sloppier.

The battle takes too long and both Alpha and Bugger are injured, not seriously but neither are really suited for long term engagements, they don't have the stamina or mana pools necessary for it. I decide that letting them engage in melee with the Troll elites would be unwise. They're unhappy when I let them know but they still get to kill every other Troll from floors 31 to 39 so they're not too upset.

I test out a variety of spells along the way.

[Avalanche] offensive/utility spell useful for mountaintop massacres, making use of either earth or manufactured snow to give greater damage to those beneath. Requires a particular environment to be used, so not really that useful for a main attack, but still potent for certain situations in mountainous regions.

[Rising tide] offensive/utility spell using water to move/attack by creating water beneath and behind to give greater momentum and to unleash a [Tidal Wave] as necessary. Quite useful, as offensive spell and a movement technique, it is quite costly in mana and mental effort, so should be used sparingly as a low level first attack or during lulls in combat when mana and mind is fully recharged and can spare the energy, without issue.

[Tidal Wave] unleashes a large wave of water to knock enemies off their feet with a chance of drowning/killing them dependent on the size of wave. To be effective requires some time for proper build up or a lot of mana for maximum burst damage. Limited usefulness.

[Rain] useful for setting up more complicated uses of water magic [Hail] useful for causing low to moderate damage over large area [Snow] used to slow Trolls and cause them to die of hypothermia

[Water wings] – wings made out of water used to increase mobility/limited flight. Far too taxing mentally and magic wise, flying is useful in short bursts for long range scouting and extra mobility, potentially useful support spell, once reach higher level and can afford better perks or gain higher spell efficiency.

[Frost Prison] the offensive version of frost armor where instead of a light coating of frost to soften or deflect blunt force injury, you weigh the enemy down in frost so they cannot move and die to the cold. Spell is too slow to kill, low lethality for mana cost.

[Blizzard] water and ice finishing move that pummels enemies with blades of ice and snow. High lethality, high cost, use only as a final move to finish multiple targets.

[Burial] an earth spell that is useful to bury a single target underground until they suffocate.

Testing these spells in an artificial environment is much better than doing it outside or even back in the home dungeon because I can focus myself on the spell craft and not worry about the damage or the mana.

On floor 40 I take my time and engage in a little exhibition of my true strength.

I unleash [Rain] on the Troll town, it does absolutely no damage but it sets the field for later exploits. Water isn't considered an offensive school of magic, since it doesn't prioritise attacks, but water is capable of being many things and ice and steam can be used quite easily to kill. While I could theoretically drown the Troll town given enough time, it's kind of dull and boring. Instead I simply lower the temperature, allowing the water to turn to freeze around the ankles and thighs of the various Trolls and create Ice Golems throughout the town to skewer and decapitate the Trolls.

Once the Troll Town is paralysed in ice, I simply go down and harvest the hearts of several of the most impressive Trolls, along with their blood. After all, we need the money to pay back Lidan and Trolls make for excellent ingredients for Alchemists, their blood is good for high grade regeneration potions and their hearts can be used to pass along the [Regeneration] trait to warriors.

I don't collect that much, as the space in the void ring is limited and quality is more important than quantity.

We take a break within the Troll Town, where I make use of the time to create [Frost Butterflies], my own take on Lucius's [Blood butterflies], making use of my own affinities, perks and expertise.

My frost butterflies have two wings made of snow, with edges of ice, a mixture of softness and sharpness, allowing them greater mobility and lethality. Their attack is ice wing or [Frost], ice wing simply being a slicing attack with their wings, while [Frost] inflicts freezing damage/status on enemies.

Alpha and Bugger make use of the time to fuck in the snow and ice, ignoring the Troll corpses around them entirely. They pull me in for a bit of fun and afterwards we just lay in the melting snow, which washes away the dirt, blood and other various fluids that stained our bodies.

Floor 41 allows me to test out the [Frost Butterflies] I make several dozen of them and send them out, while each individual butterfly doesn't cost much in mana or mental strain, they do add up to quite a bit of effort. Golemmancy is demanding but not particularly dangerous.

I send them out to kill the fire birds, The frost butterflies struggle to kill the firebirds, so I supplement their efforts with [Rain], [Hail] and [Snow]. Fire is not conducive to the continued operation of the frost butterflies but they're not completely useless, it just takes three or four of the frost butterflies to take down one fire bird. Fire birds tend towards one attack [Flame Wing] where they either use their fire to propel them faster towards or away from something or as an attack. Thankfully their mana pools are limited so they only have a few attacks before they can only rely on their actual wings.

Alpha and Bugger help by providing support when the firebirds try and close in on me, or land on any of the trees. Alpha popping up nearby to attack from their shadows when they're in the trees or Bugger when he fights fire with fire, which doesn't really work that well. I simply surround myself in [Stone Walls] while constantly creating and replacing frost butterflies.

Time moves slowly as we work our way through floors 41 to 49, killing our way through the annoying Fire birds. I collect some of their fire gems for sale later and also so that Omicron can fashion them into some kind of weapon for Bugger to make use of later.

Finally after days of suffering, we arrive at floor 50 where the Phoenix resides within a volcano setting.

I use [Frost Prison] to kill it and take it's Phoenix heart, a fist sized ruby filled with the power of a phoenix, very expensive ingredient used by alchemists to create a potion of rebirth.

While Phoenixes can rebirth, they require a spark to rebirth, if allowed to die normally, their heart will land near it's fiery home and seek to attack again or to run.

Like with most things, if you understand an enemy you can undermine even their greatest strength with ease. In this case, I simply had to encase it in ice after weakening it's magic and allowing it no chance to rebirth.

After harvesting the Phoenix, I've had more than enough of the Dungeon and return to the Dungeon Emporium via the escape portal and sell off our excess loot to the helpful merchant.

&&& Terry &&&&

After separating from the family, it was just Steve and I, following Damien as he took us to the royal Mage Tower. The Mage tower is massive and is filled with people, coming and going, though only some of them appear to be mages while the others appear to be servants or soldiers.

Damien takes us to his suite, which has four rooms, two bedrooms, one for the master and one for a servant, a kitchen and bathroom. He suggests we stay in the servant's bedroom as it has a double bed we can make use of, more than enough room for the both of us. He leaves us to make ourselves comfortable while he relaxes in his own room. We're quick to mark our territory and Damien catches us in the act with Steve on top of me, thrusting away as I spill my seed on the satiny sheets.

Damien's mouth opens wide. "Aren't you brothers?"

"Yeah, so?" Steve replies sleepily as he empties himself into me, filling me with warmth.

"Incest is wrong." Damien explains.

"Meh. It's only a problem if you get fucked up kids and neither of us are pumping out any of those."

"Though our father might make us some more siblings soon." Steve says with a smirk as he gryates his hips lazily, stirring my insides with his still hard cock. We both enjoy that.

"You could join us if you like, we're practically family already." I said, using [Mage Hand] to tug his mage robe off. Steve is quick to manifest a couple more nigh invisible hands to tug off the man's trousers and expose a half hard cock.

"This isn't appropriate!" Damien objects.

"Your cock seems to think otherwise." Steve points out, Damien is now naked and very hard, he's got a bit of a belly from too much magic and not enough fucking but we can help him with that.

"That's just a physical reaction to external stimuli, it's utterly meaningless." Damien states trying to sound all serious with his cock sticking out...

We share a moment of [Telepathy] and multiple [Mage Hand]s push his body and most importantly his dick closer to our faces.

He doesn't resist, his protests dying off as I get a mouthful of hard cock, while Steve laps at his balls. All that's left is his helpless moans and him clutching at our heads as we take turns sucking his cock and working on his balls. It doesn't take long before Steve gets a healthy serving of cum in his mouth, he's kind enough to not swallow and shares some with me in a sloppy cummy kiss.

Damien apologises and scrambles away all shy and embarrassed back to his room. Guys can get like that according to some of the memories Lucius gave us during our `birth'. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get his load directly but I'm quick to take out my frustration on my brother's butt, who happily accepts my aggressive fucking, wrapping his arms and legs around me as I slam into him over and over again until I release some of my tension into him.

Eventually we untangle and Damien lectures us about proper behaviour and that we're supposed to be learning spatial magic from him. He specialises in transport magic, allowing people to travel from one location to another to the next in the minimum of time. There are a whole host of restriction which he goes on and on about.

He tells us that due to us being on the 36th floor, time moves differently for us than for those outside the tower, essentially, every minute outside is equivalent to 256 minutes on this floor. The concentration of magic is also higher than outside due to the Mage Tower being an artificial dungeon, though most of the mana is used in various training and testing rooms.

Damien goes on to explain that he's essentially always on call but he's always going up and down the tower and around the world so his sense of time and space is different from most peoples. He tries to get most of his sleep in his room, since he can get 8 hours of sleep and 2 minutes will have passed outside.

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to help much due to the nature and complexity of his work. He then goes on to lecture us about temporal/spatial magic for hours and hours until we're too hungry to focus, then he calls up food from communal kitchen, there's always food available at all hours of the day and night. Damien has a kitchen but he's not really the domestic type, so he simply has the food delivered to him when he's hungry. Our first day in the tower we spend within Damien's suite, having sex and being lectured to about one thing or another, we don't have much time to explore the floor or the rest of the tower. The floor itself is an unknown size, due to this being the spatial mages training ground. Space and time are extra weird on this floor.

There's an obvious but serious issue with the time difference between inside and outside, it eats away at a person's lifespan. There are potions to counter the effects but they all have their assorted issues.

Days drift away in a blur of sleep, sex, food, lectures, sex, food, experiments, sleep. From time to time there are breaks in the routine as Damien has to leave to create a portal from one place to another, or to set up a waypoint, his work schedule is erratic. We go with him, simply to provide him extra power and support, as of yet, we do little but assist, still too new to be trusted to create our own portals.

While we have acquired the affinity of space and time from Damien, along with memories on how to cast various space/time magic, theoretical knowledge and practical experience are worlds apart. With Damien's guidance, we make quick progress at learning how to expand our expertise on using spatial magic as a tool for travel.

We do get into this somewhat awkward confrontation with some high ranked noble's son a week or so into our stay. He bumps into us on the way out of Damien's room when we were going to check out the floor's library. Damien wanted us to read up and study and meditate on various spatial runes and better appreciate and understand the subtleties and nuances of each one. We got sidetracked by our run in with the guy.

"Sorry." Steve apologises.

"Don't talk to me you uppity peasants." The blond noble snarls at us.

"He's kind of cute when he's being an ass." Steve says to me ignoring the boy's reaction entirely.

"Really I just think he has a cute ass." I reply as the noble stomps off.

He turns to look at me, with a glare, but I still catch him trying to check out his own ass. It's adorable. The guy is around our height, 5'10, blond, slim, nice curves and face, shit personality.

Later he finds me alone checking out the library for different books on mid level dimensional storage magic and somehow I end up on my knees giving Darius's cock a tongue bath, while thoroughly groping and squeezing that pert little butt of his. Even though he finds our presence in the Mage tower irritating for some reason, he has no problem unloading his frustrations down my throat. I guess it gives him a sense of power over me or something. Personally I don't really care about his dramatics, his cock is hard and big enough to be a decent appetiser and his orgasm has a certain potency particular to that of Mages.

Turns out Darius is a spatial mage too specialising in offensive magic, specifically [Void Blast] which subjects a target to extreme fluctuations in temparature and presssure. Or so he says, I was a little busy sucking his cock to ask for a demonstration. Darius went on for a bit as he thrust down my throat about his name, lineage, specialities, his all around superiority, I was kind of impressed, not about the content of his speech but his sheer verbosity during a blowjob. It was impressive how he could so shamelessly brag, while his cock was deep in the mouth of the guy he looked down upon for his inferior birth. It was amusing in a stupid kind of way.

From then on, Darius spreads the word that I'm a cock sucking slut, which is supposedly a big insult or something but Damien already knew that... His cock has been in me every morning and night, or my brothers or both, Damien's resistance to our 'charms' crumbled quite quickly. The poor man doesn't have much of a social life outside or inside the tower and his duties keep him chained to a temporal dimension that eats away his life in service to the kingdom.

Thanks to Darius's 'slander' many of the male mages seek us out to confirm the truth. Steve and I become popular with certain students with large endowments and a giving nature. It helps to relieve the cravings of wanting to be with the family and engaging in a dog pile of sex and [Telepathy]. Damien turns a blind eye to our antics as long as we continue working on our dimensional magics during the day we can have as many 'guests' as we like during the night. It helps that the servant's bedroom is the first room you enter when you enter the suite, so that our visitors don't interrupt Damien's sleep too much, we get a lot of practice inscribing silence runes.

Darius becomes a regular visitor to our bedroom, making use of both Steve and I for his pleasure, fucking our mouths and butts frequently to work out his aggressions and inferiority complex before we ultimately turn the tables on him. During one of our couplings while he was fucking me, Steve started rimming his hole, at first he was a little shy and hesitant but soon he surrendered to the foreign pleasure and soon rimming became fingering until Darius came quite vigorously in my butt. He ran off quickly after that blustering about us being perverts, however the next day he came back for more and that was when the scenario repeated, this time, with him on top of Steve, while I licked, then fingered, then finally fucked my way into that tight little ass of his.

Darius' ass clenched so tightly around my pole, but with some kissing and some caressing, he relaxed a little and soon enough he was moaning and begging for more, which I happily gave him, till he exploded in ecstasy. Afterwards he freaked out a bit, blaming us for perverting him and tricking him and blah blah blah. It didn't matter, the very next day he was back for more and it didn't take much convincing for that formerly virgin ass to be fucked again, this time around by Steve as I rode his stiff cock. After that Darius became a lot more open minded about the type of pleasure he enjoyed. Steve and I took turns making use of his ass, mouth and cock for pleasure on the nights he visited.

As for the other guys they simply fed us their cum and cocks orally or anally. A bunch of horny straight guys with no interest in riding our stiff cocks. Such a shame, quite a few of them had nice butts that I would have loved to fill up with my cock and cum. Still it's nice that Darius turned out to be such a horny little fucker. He often helps to warm up our bed and we even learned a spatial enchantment to make the bed wider. A prelude to spatial magic used in certain buildings to improve capacity, which we'll eventually learn how to use when we get up to level 50 and can choose Enchanter as a sub class.

As for Damien, he continues to give us lectures about magic, and we make sure to assist him however we can, whether that's feeding him magic for choral casts or making sure his balls are empty of cum. We're there for him.

The Mage Tower is quite enjoyable and whenever we get too bored, we can ask for one of the Mages to allow us to join a supervised `combat class' where we can kill various monsters.

&&& Omega &&&

Nilbog is functioning optimally during absence.

Missed one council meeting, where no new motions were advanced, outposts progressing normally.

Floor 10 has been designated new headquarters for brethren, campaign to install a puppet Goblin Empress has succeeded. Omicron and Sigma have shown significant advancements in their respective fields, Sigma has expanded the use of hell hounds into his menagerie. Omicron has made remarkable progress in the mass manufacture of low grade enchanted weapons for our chosen noble faction of hobgoblins.

Stewie, has made startling advancements in necromancy and diabolism, binding Envy Demons to stone golems.

Younger siblings have been assigned mentors as suitable, Mage types have been sent to study under Deva's supervision, (except for Stewie) while Warrior types have been sent to study under Stan and learn fundamentals, the Crafters are distributed throughout town to learn from various masters on their craft.


The family has made so many interesting discoveries, that I don't even know where to start, so I just catalogue and archive all the discoveries and information to deal with later. Most important is my guest, Lidan, I want to continue my experiments and see how far I can push [Enduring] and [Troll Transformation].


Author's Note: This chapter took forever, I'm bad at multiple POV's and I'm so lazy. I've been reading too many BLs on tapas instead of writing.

Next Chapter: Training from Hell - Lucius makes use of temporal differentials and various environmental conditions within two dungeons to become a Legend.

Next: Chapter 42: Monstrous Alchemist 5

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