Halloween Tale: Watch The Road!!

By Eddie Glover

Published on Oct 28, 1996



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Here's a Halloween tale...sort of....

A Halloween Tale: Watch the Road!!!

William yawned as he drove home from the meeting. He'd kept all of his employees late to finish up the huge account they currently carried from Walmer's Drugstore. His firm had long been the PR people for the large drugstore, hell they'd been customers since his dad had been alive.

He looked around as he drove through the child-filled streets. Halloween...did he hate this night!

His ex-wife had always raged at him about how he should be happy more often, enjoy the holiday. What holiday!?

He snorted as he continued on, he'd worked twelve hours...no holiday for him!

"Hey William! Coming to the party?", a man asked as he sat at the stoplight.

William looked over to the other car at the light and sighed, "Naw Tim, I'm too tired...besides I don't have a costume for it.", he said.

"Your loss buddy, there's going to be a ton of babes!", the man laughed as he peeled out.

"Jerk.", William muttered under his breath.

Tim Walker was in short, a prick. They'd known each other since high school and the man's woman-chasing continued with no end in sight.

William cruised slowly, afraid to drive fast with all of the children out. He hated Halloween but he loved kids, he'd always assumed that Jennie and he would have one by now...but since she'd left...

His gaze suddenly drifted as a gorgeous woman in a tight, black witch's outfit strode down the sidewalk. To say that this woman was well-built was a huge understatement.

She turned towards him with a frown then screamed.

He looked back to the road and froze...a small girl....no more than 30 yards in front of him.

William turned as sharply as he could, smashing into a parked car to avoid the child. The little girl had passed out with fright and seemed near shock.

He staggered out of the car, his head bleeding sightly from the impact. He managed to move to the girl even as the child's mother cradled her little girl.

"I'm...sorry. I didn't see her!", he sobbed.

"She will be all right William.", a woman said from behind him.

He spun to see the beauty dressed as a witch staring at him, "What? How can you know that!", he cried.

"I have a gift for such things. The fright nearly sent the girl into shock but she is even now recovering. Now as for you...", she started.

He frowned, "I didn't hit her! I tried everything!", he snapped.

She sighed, "Yes. You did save her...a selfless act. But your actions before that have led you to me.", she said the last with a grin.

"What do you mean?", he asked in annoyance.

"William....you can lie to yourself but not me. This day is mine! On Halloween I am quite at home.", she smiled brightly.

"So what, are you a real witch?", he asked.

"I prefer sorceress myself. Witch seems so derogatory nowadays. Have you seen witch costumes...disgusting! Now sorceress on the other hand...they get respect!", she chuckled.

William saw the little girl crying in her mother's arms....frightened but unharmed.

"Get to the point.", he said with growing impatience.

"The point is you William. Look at yourself...thirty four, no wife, no kids, and you treat women like dirt!", she scolded.

He grabbed her arm, "Did my wife send you...yowww!!!!", he screamed as electricity shot from the witch's costume.

"Do not touch me like that...ever.", she said coldly.

He looked up in wonder, she'd done that...magic!

"Magic is not impossible William, merely hard to learn...or master. Very few humans ever have the potential for such power and of those most never even tap it. That is why I have been drawn to you.", she said while looking down at the man.

He groaned as he got up, "Me? I don't have magic!", he growled.

The woman sighed, "As expected. You don't believe in such power. Come with me, we can't have you driving if you continue to take your eyes off the road to ogle women!', she laughed.

He frowned, "No way! I can't leave here, my car...the girl!", he turned around....but they were gone!

"What the hell...?", he gasped.

A burst of sulphur and brimstone and a red skinned man appeared, dressed in a suit.

"You called?", the creature laughed, revealing a mouth of fangs.

The sorceress seemed pissed now, "Get out of here hell-spawn!", she snarled.

"Can't do that witchie!", the creature chortled, "Once I'm called...without a spell of containment...I'm here to stay! Oh, this night should be a blast!", the being cackled while flying off.

"What...what was that!?", William managed.

The sorceress frowned, "A demon you fool! I knew that you would be trouble! I was going to meet you at your house...but no you had to mentally undress me and nearly kill yourself. As for the girl and her mother, they are back at their home...asleep. I've blocked their memory, for the child's sake. Now....I think you deserve some punishment...something fitting...", she mused.

William fell on the ground, feeling smaller by the second until he felt hands actually pick him up. The woman's face loomed before him...grinning wide.

"A black cat...this will do until we get you home. Lucky for me that this street was deserted!", she laughed.

William wanted to answer but all he could do was meow in the animal voice he now possessed.

They arrived at the woman's home soon after and she threw him on the couch....then he felt another change. His limbs popped and grew, his fur retracting....human skin showing again.

"Feeling better Wilma?", the woman asked as she stepped into the room again with two glasses of Pepsi.

William was stunned as he lay there, naked and staring at truly wonderous breasts....growing from his own chest! He staggered upright, his new tits bobbling madly even as his suddenly ass-length brown hair fell around him like a cape. His hand flew to the new changes in his groin, namely that he was a woman entirely.

"I should dress you up like a hooker and leave you downtown. But..I won't...yet. Despite your chauvinism I need you to help me bottle that demon again.", she said firmly.

"How can I stop a demon!?", he asked in a feminine version of his voice.

"You have to try! The creature is even now preying upon humans....probably wherever the most people are.", she pointed out.

"The most...oh shit! The party!", he/she gasped.

"I'll change you back, then we'll be going....whoa!", she recoiled as magic washed over her.

Her dress fell about her as she looked up in shock...now reverted to a six-year old!

"What happened!?", William asked in shock.

The little girl frowned, "Your powers obviously have become quite potent in the last few moments. One of the advantages to having this power is that nobody weaker than you can change you....in your case this is a drawback...because as my transformation shows...you've become more powerful than me!".

"Simple then, I'll just restore myself....nothing is happening!", he roared.

The formerly adult sorceress frowned, "It's my spell that altered you. Only I can take it off.", she sighed.

"But if I'm more powerful you can't....oh shit! You mean I'm stuck!", he/she groaned.

He wished that she was an adult again, as she was. She grew from six to twenty four in seconds...and quite painfully from the way she sagged to the carpet.

"A...little slower please next time....two changes that fast hurts like a bitch!", she groaned in pain.

After she helped him into some of her clothes then dressed back into her costume then raced to the hall where the party was being held.

"Oh God!", was all William could say as they stared at the throne sitting upon the lawn. The demon reclined there with at least two dozen gorgeous women...some still wearing men's clothes or women's.

"It looks like a zoo!", the sorceress gasped beside him.

"Since we're about to die how about telling me your name!", he snorted in sarcastic tones.

"Tina Melson. Just follow my lead and we'll beat him!", she urged.

They got out of the car to see animals everywhere. Donkeys, horses, bears, wolves, foxes, bats, dogs, cats, you name it!! The demon sneered as they approached then gestured.

Their clothes were pulled off by a supernatural wind, leaving both naked before the hell-spawn.

"Lovely! I see the witch brought a friend!", the creature laughed.

Tina hurled a bolt of lightning at the beast...only to see him laugh as it struck to no effect.

"Come here my pet, a woman of power to add to my harem!", he roared.

Tina gritted her teeth, fighting the creature's power.

"Shithead! Leave her alone!", William growled.

The creature's head turned to...well.. shit!! He flopped over...seemingly dead. Then the shit reformed into a head back atop his shoulders. He grinned and gestured at her...to no effect.

William could feel power floating around him now, Tina had said that she was at her most powerful tonight...apparently that worked for him as well.

He looked around for something...anything to use...then spotted it on the roof overhead. He threw a huge blast of searing power at the creature with one hand then reached for the metal lightning rod on the roof like he'd seen in Star Wars. The rod snapped loose even as the creature blocked her blast with minimal effort. She pointed at the demon as the rod flew down and it changed direction in mid-air and speared the beast through the heart.

Tina felt the presence in her head cease and looked up...too see the hell-spawn dead...pinned to his own throne...that seemed to be disintegrating.

"They're changing back!", she realized.

Around them people were rising naked...wondering why the hell they were nude and smelled of mud!

William looked at her nude form....then at the dead demon....and realized that she'd probably just saved the world. A woman she might be, but she was one powerful sorceress now.

"How did you know about the iron?", Tina asked her new friend as they drove off.

William...on the passenger's side...smiled, "Read a book about mythology. Iron was suppossed to hurt all things of magic...including demons.", she grinned wider.

"I'm sorry I can't change you back....but I'll help you adjust!", Tina said hopefully.

William sighed while looking at her , "I don't think I'll EVER adjust to this. Having these whopper tits is a pain already...and I don't even want to think about a period!", she groaned.

Tina laughed as they drove into the early dawn, this would be a Halloween they would both remember!

Eddie G.

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