Hands of Time

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Dec 21, 2000


Disclaimer: do I REALLY have to do this again?! Not real, never happened. I don't know the celebrities in this story. I certainly am not them. Too proud to be a girl.

Author's welcoming: Hello. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaak...Thought you've seen the last of me, haven't ya? I promise this one is better than my first one. At least, I hope so. -_-;

Oh well...Oh! I almost forgot! This takes place in late 1800s and early 1900s. I also do not know if London was cruel against gay people.

The Hands of Time; Act 1, Scene 1:

~London, England. 1892.~ A blonde man looked up and down the dark streets of London and ran towards and all too familiar mansion. The mansion was mostly empty but all the candlelights were on. He knocked a secret knock on the door. Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat. The door swung open as the blonde man was ushered in. all of the windows were shut with blinds and curtains.

The Latino man that lived in the mansion was immediately pulled into a passionate embrace. "Oh Howard, I thought the day would not end." The Blonde man began to cover the Latino man's face with kisses.

"I know, Nickolas." He kissed the blonde man. "I know. Did anyone see or follow you?" he asked carefully.

"No." Nickolas, again, kissed Howard. "I'm not sure that I would be able to keep this secret any longer." He grinned. "My boss asked if I had a woman at home to get to since I couldn't wait until I got out of that bloody office."

Howard smiled at his lover's situation. "Let us just revel in this moment that we have together. It is the--"

"Exact day that we fell in love with each other two years ago. I love you with all my heart, Howard."

"And I you, Nickolas." He held Nickolas tight.

~1890~ "Mr. Dorough!" a man called out. Howard Dorough turned around to see a blonde boy, almost a man, ran up to him. "Mr. Dorough, you dropped your wallet."

"Thank you, Mr..."

"Carter. Nickolas Carter." He stuck out his hand as he gazed into the chocolate brown eyes, which belonged to Howard. "I work for Mr. Scrooge."

"Ah yes, a bitter fellow isn't he?" he laughed.

"Yes, he is. But he has changed since last Christmas." Nickolas whispered. "He's kinder than Mr. Pearlman."

Howard's nose wrinkled at the mention of Louis J. Pearlman's name. "Yes, I've worked for him. Cruel fellow. Would you like to come over to just talk?" he asked.

"Oh, I would!" Nickolas replied joyfully.

"Good." He handed Nickolas a piece of paper. "Here's my address. I'll see you tomorrow promptly at noon."

"Doesn't your wife that it is too early?" he asked.

"My dear boy, I have no wife." Nickolas noticed that Howard wasn't ashamed that he hasn't a woman to run his household. He watched as the Latin man walked away.

That next day, Nickolas waited outside the large mansion to admire it before he knocked on the door. Knock. Knock. Sure enough, Howard answered it with a smile. "Won't you come in, Mr. Carter?" he asked.

"Thank you." He entered as Howard took his hat and coat. "It is wondrous mansion. It is a shame to live without a wife."

"Nickolas, have a seat." He motioned the chair in the living room. Nickolas sat down and continued to gaze at anything except for Howard's kind, brown eyes. The exact same eyes that sparked some sort of wonderful fire within his heart. "So, Nickolas, tell me about yourself. Do you have a wife or girlfriend of your own?"

Nickolas' attention finally came back to earth. "Um...no. I tend to prefer..."

"To prefer what?" he asked. He loved the way the young man lightly blushed, the way that the light had somehow reflected off of his golden hair, the way his blue eyes sparkled when they met his.

"Um...I tend to prefer men rather than women." Nickolas whispered. "I'll go now." He got up but Howard pushed him back down before devouring his lips. Nickolas' eyes closed in the sweet feeling of another man's lips upon his.

Howard broke the kissed and leaned his forehead against Nickolas'. "It just so happens that I do too." Howard laughed.


They heard shouts. Angry shouts.

"Get out of London, you faggots!" shouted angry countrymen. Rocks were thrown into the once glorious mansion. Bricks shattered the beautiful glass windows.

"How did they find out?" they whispered to each other with fear evident in their voices. They both knew that the end for them was near. They hugged each other tight as the men outside lit their house on fire.

The smoke didn't bother them. They held each other close as their death came closer and closer. Hot flames danced around them like fire demons. "Howard Dorough, promise me that you will love me in our next life just as I will love you?"

"Yes, Nickolas Carter, I will. I will love you forever more." Howard replied with tears in his eyes.

The townsmen watched as the entire house burned to the ground. They also saw four angel-clad girls pull out two souls.

~Gate of Time~ "What do we do with them now, Vesta?" asked Pallas.

"We put them in the future where they can't be killed because of their sexuality. Drop off Dorough first. Celes and I will drop off Nickolas." She opened a portal. "This portal leads to Orlando, Florida. The date is August 22, 1973. Drop him here." Pallas and Juno threw the soul into a baby born to Paula and Hoke Dorough.

Celes opened another portal. "This portal leads to Jamestown, New York. The date is January 28, 1980." She tossed in Nickolas' soul into a baby born to Jane and Robert Carter.

"Now what do we do?" asked Pallas.

"We wait for Aphrodite's order." Vesta replied. They watched as the two former lovers grew up. "We also wait for the right time to get them together."


I kno I'm being evil to the ones who read the story. Email me: Mistress_N9@juno.com Comments. Suggestions. Food. Life. Big Words. Anything. Just let me know people are reading this stuff. Write THOT or The Hands of Time in the subject.

Next: Chapter 2

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