Hanging by a Moment

By moc.sc@0002eojatokaD

Published on Jun 22, 2001


This story is copyrighted and the sole possession of the author. No duplication is permitted without the express written consent of the author. It will contain graphic description of consensual male to male sex and may be offensive to some. If this is not something you wish to read, please look elsewhere. Certain events in the story are based loosely on real events so the names of the characters, with the exception of mine, have been changed to reflect that. Hanging By A Moment is the title of a song by Lifehouse. Constructive email can be sent to Dakotajoe2000@cs.com

Hanging By A Moment, chapter six

Nick stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He knew he was decent looking, but he always took that extra minute to primp. Somehow, he thought, that time might just do the trick. Tonight he was wearing his signature "going out" apparel. Decked out in an orange checkered, short-sleeved Abercrombie button down with the campabello sleeveless underneath, Nick tugged at some of the wrinkles. He ran his fingers through his short hair, trying to decide if a hat was appropriate or not for this occasion. He tugged aimlessly at his belt, and then bent over to tie his shoes. He took another quick look into the mirror, added one more splash of "Discovery" for effect and took a step back. This was it, the last night.

Gosh, I can't believe how fast spring has come and gone. It has been three weeks now since I was up in Minnesota. I had a wonderful experience while up there, this trip being one of, if not the best trips I've ever had. The scenery probably can't compare with anything I've seen out on the west coast, but I'd do well to consider the upper mid-west as my second home. Anyway, I had a really dramatic experience while I was driving across northern Wisconsin. Sunset was approaching and I was feeling so all alone in the car. I never feel that way, as being in the car is liberating for me. I was crying so hard that I could barely see the road, but I managed to keep my course. I reached out my hand toward my passenger's seat and I swear that I felt Jason grab my hand. I stopped crying immediately and finished the twenty minute drive into Duluth, my stopping point for the night.

That night in the hotel was interesting. I picked up the phone and made a quick phone call. I had been seeing a young man back at home, although nothing serious had managed to come of it. I am confident, looking back, that I was still hung up on Jason and that as long as he stood in the way, I'd never be happy. I chose that night to forget about him. I had things in my life that needed to be fixed and I had lifelong goals that I had given up on.


For the first time, I actually was excited to hear the voice on the other end of the call.

"Hey, Dawson?"


J.P. Dawson. What a nice guy this was. He had everything that I was looking for. He had a steady job and a nice place. I'm not saying that a nice place is everything, but living alone definitely has its distinct advantages. We had been seeing each other for about eight weeks and hadn't so much as made a move. A deep friendship had been established and I could turn to him for anything. Tonight, I just wanted to hear his voice.

"Yeah, bud. It's me. How are you?"

"Other than missing you? I'm okay I guess."

"Awww" was all I could manage. I'm an English major and yet we tend to make the sappiest and most uneducated noises. Ironic, don't you think?

"And what about you? How is the trip?"

I chose to leave out the incident in the car two hours ago.

"Oh, man, this trip is awesome. Can you believe that nobody drives the speed limit in Michigan? I swear, I was over 80 for at least three quarters of the trip."

"That's not what I need to hear, ya know. I'm worried about you."

"Listen, I live for this. It's all I want to do."

"That's fine, babe, but you don't have to die doing it too."

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, I get to see Split Rock tomorrow. If I've got any spare time, I'm gonna stop by Gooseberry Falls too."

"Sounds like fun. Oh, hey, my pizza is here, so I gotta go. Call me tomorrow?"

"Of course. Sleep well."

The third day of the trip was full of driving, that is, after seeing Split Rock. That is something everyone needs to see. It just can't be beat. Okay, off my tangent now. I had lots of time to think in the car, especially near Madison where I was stuck in traffic for nearly an hour. I've never understood why they have to close a lane of traffic two miles before the construction actually begins. They were only fixing a guardrail too! Okay, tangents no more!

I had decided that it was time to get back into school and on a full time basis. There were certain criteria that I wanted in my school and I wanted to be picky. The University of South Dakota is the only school that caught my eye, but I was going to be patient. I had a plan though. A man with a plan is a good thing. Nick with a plan is just unreal. Here it is, the end of May. School would be starting in late August, I assumed. I was going to call my guidance counselor at the local community college I was attending and see what I could do in order to be transferred.

A week passed before I actually made the call. I've always been bad about delays. We ended up meeting in person later that day and sat and talked for a while. We set out a realistic plan of attack. If I moved right away, I could establish residency and in six months be considered a legal resident, and then I would be eligible for the tuition break. There was this nifty little program they had involving some schools in the inner-mountain west. I could live in Washington or Oregon and still go to school in South Dakota at in state rates. It was what I was looking for. I could look at schools before settling on one in particular. That was how it all started.

"Hey guys, we're here tonight to celebrate Nick leaving us, try to remember that!"

I threw some garbage across the table at Scott who was just gleaming at me. I smiled broadly at him and he in turn gave me a glimpse of his award winning grin.

"Yeah, I for one am glad to see him go. That'll reserve me the title of "Columbus' Most Overdressed".

Angie. She was one of the few true friends I had. I knew that tonight was eating her up inside. A crack at humor like this might make things a little easier, so I retorted.

"Oh honey, you aren't overdressed in an outfit like that. If I wasn't gay, mmm mmm mmm."

"You're a screwball Nick." She leaned over to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.

The only person at the table that didn't seem to be enjoying himself was Dawson. I reached over my leg and grabbed his hand. It was cold and sweaty. Just as Angie had done, I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiled weakly at me and squeezed my hand. I thought about talking to him when we got home that evening, but it wouldn't do any good. He understood my position and was willing to support me one hundred percent. I really had grown fond of this boy. Scott was the next to speak.

"Excuse me guys, Mikey put it a bit too much Amaretto for my taste, I'll be right back."

"Hey, is Justin there?"


"Whassup man, its Jason!"

"Hey guy, long time no hear, how are you?"

"Oh, I'm all right I suppose. Things bouncing about, but that's life, ya know?"

"Yup, yup. So, what can I do you for?"

"Oh, shoot...you know me too well, don't you. Anyway, I quit my job a week ago. I just want to get away from Seattle for a while. I took a summer job down in Oregon and I'll be staying at Trey's place there in Portland."

"Cool cool."

"Yeah, well I don't have to be there until next Monday. I was wondering if you were going to be in town for the next couple of days?"

"Hmm. Yeah, I think so. My next out of town meeting isn't until, well, that Monday. You want to come on down?"

"That was what I'd like. You're too good to me man."

"Hey, that's what best friends are for. It's just too bad that we live so far apart that I can't hang out with you more often."

"Aight, so you can pick me up at the airport too?"

"Yeah, I can swing that, but I'll have to charge you cabfare....gas isn't cheap you know."

"Sure dude, you got it."

"So when do I get to see you?"

"Oh, my plane actually landed about 10 minutes ago. This was just a chance thing."

"Wow. You're one crazy dude, you know that? Hang on, I'll grab my keys and be right there."

Jason strolled through the strong, handsome doorframe of Justin's home in German Village. Things hadn't changed since he was here last. He always kept his home nice and tidy. I guess that was the way people lived around here. It was an older part of town and the jewel in downtown Columbus' crown. The back windows were open and Jason peered out into the misty dusk that was settling over the town.

"So, you up to some night life or do you just want to crash for the night?"

"You know guy, I wouldn't mind going out tonight. This is Tuesday, right?"

"Yeah, it sure is. You have someplace in mind?"

"Doesn't Union show Queer as Folk on Tuesday nights?"

Justin laughed lightly at his comment.

"I don't know bud, you're the fag in the room."

"Oh, contraire. A fag is a bundle of sticks. I happen to be a distinguished young gay man who happens to think that show is the hottest thing."

"Where's my fire extinguisher, cause boy you are flaming!"


"C'mon stud, grab your jacket and we'll go."

Justin pulled up to a spot right in front of the bar. Jason practically ran for the doors, anxious to be inside one of the friendliest bars in the country. They have a rainbow neon sign on the front, but don't label themselves "gay" or "straight". It's a hangout place where friends meet to have a good time. Justin walked in and saw Jason sitting at a table near the video screen. He stopped at the bar and got each of them a drink.



They embraced each other momentarily and then let go.

"So, what are you doing here? You aren't gay."

"Oh, I'm here with my best friend Jason, from Seattle. He loves Queer as Folk and I don't have Showtime at my place so we came here. You should meet him....he's adorable." "Thanks, I would, but I'm here with a really good friend myself. He's moving to Oregon this weekend and this was our chance to say goodbye."

"Oregon, huh?"

"Yeah, he's got this stupid dream of living at this silly beach and being a writer. He's my friend though so I want to be supportive."

"Understood. Hey, I know this is a bit silly, me being straight and all, but I want to give you my number, maybe we can hang out or something."

"Yeah, that'd be cool. Listen, I need to get back to Nick. He's no doubt wondering who this cute guy is I'm flirting with. See you soon?"

"You bet. Take care."

Justin sat the drinks down on the table and glanced at his friend. Jason was so enthralled with the show that he hadn't even noticed Justin talking with Scott. He smiled broadly at him and they watched together in silence.


"So what?"

"SO WHAT? C'mon. Who was that cute guy you were talking to Scott?"

Scott ruffled up my hair and grinned at me.

"That was Justin. We met at a conference a couple of weeks back. We hit if off, I flirted a bit, and then he told me he was straight."

"Ouch," Angie scoffed at him.

"Like you've not fallen for a gay guy before."


"So why is he here then? I wouldn't think this would be his kind of place."

"Well, Mr Inquisitive, he happens to be here with a friend that is visiting from Seattle. You should go say hello, seeing as you do so well with out-of-state men."

I shot Scott an uneasy look just as I saw Dawson squirming a bit next to me.

That was the beginning of the end of the night. We had a little more small talk while Scott finished his drink. Midnight closed in on us and we headed for the door. Scott glanced back through the darkness and waved at the cute boy he had been talking to. I looked too, hoping I could see his companion, but the combination glare of the large screen and the neon lights were too much. The door closed behind us. I squeezed Dawson's hand and we were off for home.

That's it for chapter six. I've had some creative input on how to take this story, and I'm going to stick to it. I know you wanted to see it happen this chapter, but it's coming, I promise. Thanks for your comments....they've been encouraging.

I'm not sure when seven will be along, but it isn't too far....I'm really enjoying these warm summer nights.

You can send creative comments or otherwise to Dakotajoe2000@cs.com

Next: Chapter 7

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