
By Kenny B.

Published on Nov 30, 1998


Hey guys! Well here it is, chapter 3 and I hope ya like it. I really want to thank Charlie for editing it for me. If you don't wanna read about two (or more, not sure yet) teenagers falling in love and having sex once in a while, then you probably sholdn't be reading this. Also if its illegal or if you are too young then don't read it, or at least don't get caught ok? If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at thrasher59@hotmail.com

Happy Chapter 3

Bryan looked closely at Corey as he tried to clear his thoughts and make some sense of what was happening to him. His emotions were just on overload and he knew that there was no way that he was going to be able to fit everything together as long as those deep brown pools were absorbing his soul. He quickly looked down and tried to play it off like he was looking at the CD case in his hand. His effort evaporated though when Corey leaned in towards him. God, why did he just have to be so perfect?

Bryan was so caught up in his own internal struggle that he totally missed the whispered conversation and the stares that he and Corey were getting from Justin and Scott. They were huddled over his monitor and were almost arguing. Justin seemed to really want to do something but it was easy to see that Scott was telling him that restraint was the way to go. Finally it seemed like Scott lost patience with Justin's exuberance and said, "Just chill out and let them deal with it!"

He said it much louder than he meant to, and quickly looked up to see Corey and Bryan were looking over at them. Aware of the sudden scrutiny he quickly tapped the button and closed whatever Justin and he were looking at. Both Justin and Scott seemed to blush and look like they'd been caught doing something that they shouldn't.

"Oh cool! Can we listen to this?" Corey asked Bryan.

The thoughts that ran through Bryan's head! How could he tell Corey that he could have ANYTHING he wanted without blowing his cover? Even though he knew that Corey was already with someone, it didn't change the fact that he was in love with him one little bit. He would gladly have gone running out the window butt naked and that was pretty serious since they were on the third floor and it was a long way down. Besides it was one of his favorite CD's and he listened to it at least once a day anyway.

"Sure, I love the Goo Goo Dolls anyway. They are awesome." He said, trying to avoid looking into Corey's eyes. "I wanted to go see them in concert so bad but my mom said no."

Scott piped in, "That's cool, me and Corey wanted to go too, but our parents wouldn't let us either. It really sucked! I am so tired of my mom and dad acting like I'm a friggen kid all the time. They almost didn't let me spend the night cuz they didn't really know ya, Bry."

With that the boys fell into an easy conversation about how much they hated the way that their parents treated them. It seemed that for some reason no matter what, that was the one thing that they all had in common. The complaints weren't really major, none of them were abused children or anything but I would bet that given the chance any teen aged boy would bitch about his home life a little.

During the whole conversation, Bryan couldn't help but notice how easily Corey and Scott got along together. It seemed like sometimes one of them would start a sentence and the other one of them would finish it. He didn't know whether to cry or to be sick. He found out that Corey and Scott had known each other for almost all of their lives and had basically grown up almost as brothers. He also found out that Justin had met the two of them just before he had gone to summer camp, where the two of them met.

Bryan found himself almost forgetting how awful he felt and how miserable he was until he saw a little smile that Corey and Scott shared. It all came crashing down once again and he felt the weight of an unbearable sadness and loneliness. Wasn't there anywhere in the world, and with anyone that he wouldn't feel like he was a total freak and that he belonged? Would the feelings he had now ever change? It was just too much for him and even though he really tried, he couldn't keep the look of profound sadness off of his angelic face.

His misery didn't go unnoticed and he was totally surprised when Scott reached over and gently laid a hand on his shoulder and asked. "Hey, dude, what's up? You okay?"

It was way too much! He just couldn't take it when he looked at Scott and saw just how perfect he was and how happy he seemed to look. How come this boy who he had trusted and opened his soul to if only in anonymous emails, could be so happy and content while Bryan struggled with his loneliness and self loathing every day? How was it that Bryan had finally found someone that he was so totally in love with only to find that he was already in love with this loser?

Bryan violently shook the hand off of his shoulder and growled, "Nothing, I just have to go order the pizza for dinner."

He stormed out of the room and was glad that they didn't try to follow him. It really wouldn't have done to have them see him crying as he ran down the stairs. He was just stopping on the second floor when he heard a set of light footfalls coming down the stairs behind him. He looked up to see Justin coming down behind him with a troubled look on his face.

"Hey, Bry, what's up with that dude? Scott was just trying to be nice!" He said as he saw Bryan standing on the landing.

Bryan tried but there was no way he could really hide the fact that he was on the edge of tears. Everything from the fact that he really missed his dad to the fact that he was a wannabe cocksucking freak who would probably break his mother's heart had piled up on him; and seeing the two love birds so happy together upstairs had just brought it all to a head.

He had to get Justin to go away, but he really didn't want to. He tried to put all the malice into his voice that he could muster and said, "Nothing you little asswipe, just go away!" He was praying that the good natured teen would just take off back up the stairs and tell the other boys what an asshole he was. But on a deeper level, one that he didn't even know existed, he really wanted to talk to someone, anyone! And when Justin just looked at him with a hurt look the damn busted and all of his emotions broke out. With a deep sob he headed for the spare bedroom, leaving Justin open mouthed in his wake.

He went in the room and sat down on the bed trying his hardest to put back everything and to regain control of himself. It was a valiant effort but every time he almost had himself under control something else would roll across his thoughts and set him off again. Hell, he even cried for skipper, his dog, who had died at the beginning of the summer.

Justin walked in and leaned on the door for a second, not really knowing what to do. He was an intelligent and thoughtful boy but this was a little beyond him. He really wished that his mom was there, she always knew what to do when he just felt like crying. But she wasn't, so he straightened himself up and walked over to the bed and sat beside his friend.

"Hey man," he said, "Listen, what's up? Is something wrong? I mean if you want we could all just like go home."

Bryan looked up at him and just didn't know where to begin, so when all else failed he just used his favorite line: "You wouldn't get it, just leave me alone!"

"Uhm, I'm not as smart as you guys, but how do you know I wouldn't get it if you don't tell me what it is and give me a chance?" Justin replied.

Then Bryan started to talk. It all came out in such a rush that most of it didn't make any sense. He was trying to get it out but all of the fear and the lying had just piled up, and even though he really tried, it came out sounding just like he was speaking in a foreign language. He was so frustrated, but sitting there and just trying to share his pain with Justin really helped. Justin just sat there and quietly took it all in with a look of quiet understanding on his face that almost looked ridiculous when you knew that he just wasn't the serious type. All he really knew was that his friend was in a lot of pain and that whatever he was saying seemed to make him feel better. In the end he just reached over and hugged Bryan, surprising both of them.

Hi, everyone, this is Bryan.. I want to thank my friend Sean for telling y'all this much of the story, but I think I'm ok now. I was just a little embarrassed to tell about that little tantrum I threw... Well, I guess I was embarrassed by the whole thing. But I'm gonna take over anyway, because it's MY story.

After it was all out of my system, I could sense that there was still something that Justin wanted to say. I guess that I had sort of known all night that he really needed to get something out, not in a bad way but the way it is when you get someone something really cool for Christmas and you just need to tell them about it so bad. I didn't really feel like it but hey he had been there for me, and that was more than I think any of my other friends would have done. And I really didn't want to go upstairs and watch Corey and Scott eat each other with their eyes anymore.

"So what's up with you?" I asked him.

"Oh it's nothing dude. What do you think of Scott? Isn't he really cool?" He asked, his eyes sort of lighting up.

"Yeah, I guess." I answered, and then I said it, God I don't know what happened but it was the brain fart of the century. "I guess Scott's a really lucky guy."

Who knows, maybe if he hadn't spent so much time trying to make sense out of what I'd been saying for the last half hour then it would have flown right by. But it didn't, and somehow it just seemed to set off a light bulb in his head when I said it. He looked at me really strange and then started to giggle. He just couldn't keep it in even though I could tell he was really trying.

"Uhm, You think that Scott and Corey are like doing what we did this summer?" He said.

There it was, out of the bag, he knew my secret. And he remembered. What could I do? My mind just said fuck it, grab your balls and charge for the light, what's he gonna do, call you a fag?

"Yeah." I said with all the loss that I was feeling evident in my voice.

"Uhm, did you really like it when I did that to you?" He asked.

Uh oh, we were getting in very dangerous territory here. I knew from some of the stuff that I had read on the net that pretty much every kid did the jerk off thing. That didn't mean he was like me, but then I looked at him and made a serious decision, probably the first one of my life. I wasn't going to lie about it, he deserved that much after what he had just done for me.

"Yeah I did, I thought it was awesome." I said, trying really hard not to swallow the lump in my throat.

He giggled really hard then and threw his arms around me. "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine!" He whispered in my ear excitedly as he jumped up off of the bed. "Really awesome Mickey boxers by the way! Why don't you go order the pizza and I'll go see what Corey and Scott are doing?"

I blushed over the comment about my boxers and said, "Sure." I had forgotten that I was still only wearing them.

He headed back up the stairs and I headed down. My mom was sitting in the kitchen talking on the phone to someone and I waited patiently, well maybe not so patiently, for her to get off. I didn't really listen but I did hear her say that she couldn't, that she had other plans and that Marina had this weekend off and had headed out of town. She finally said all right she would and then hung up the phone.

She looked at me and asked if I was ever going to learn to stop walking around in my boxers. I just grinned, she picked on me about it a lot but I really think that is just because she thought she was supposed to. She was used to me and my friends running around with hardly anything on and most of the time she wasn't much better when we were the only ones there. I asked her to order the pizza for us and she said she would.

Then she told me that she was going to have to go out of town on business tomorrow afternoon and that there was no one to sit for me. She said that she knew that I was a big boy and all but that she didn't know if she was sure that she was ready for me to be home alone all night. I said that I would be all right and then thought about it for a second. I wasn't so sure that I really liked the idea of spending the night all alone after all. Then she surprised me and said that as long as I promised not to have a party or anything and it was all right with their parents, that Justin, Scott and Corey could spend the night tomorrow too, that way I wouldn't be all alone.

Three hours ago I would have leaped at the idea, but now I was uncertain. I didn't really want to spend the night alone but I didn't know if I wanted to be subjected to Corey and Scott again. I didn't know if I could take it. She said that I could ask while she went and picked up the pizza for us since I still wasn't dressed. I thanked her and gave her a hug which elicited a strange look of concern on her face.

"You all right honey?" She asked me.

"Yeah mom," I said with a smile, "Just make sure they put extra cheese on it this time okay?"

She headed out the door and I headed back upstairs. I really love my mom, and once again the weight of what I was and what it meant crashed down on me. I was walking up the stairs slowly and thinking about whether or not I was going to ask my friends if they wanted to spend tomorrow night or not. I reached the top of the stairs and since I was still barefoot I was really quiet without even trying to be. I walked through the door in my room and kind of did a double take. I could have sworn that as I walked in I saw Justin yank his head out of Scott's lap where he was sitting playing Quaked 2. I grinned at him and didn't think anything of it, I must have been seeing things.

Corey was sitting over on the futon in front of my entertainment center. He had slipped off his Samba's and was leaning way back. God he was luscious! I couldn't help but want him so bad that I could taste it. He hadn't worn any socks so his feet were bare and you could see from the high arches of his feet all the way up his wickedly cut legs. Every muscle seemed to move and twist as he moved his body in time with the car on the screen that he was driving. He was playing Twisted Metal 3 which I had just got, and I pounced down beside him to watch as he finished out the board he was on.

Justin came over and pounced on the futon too and reached over and smacked me upside the head lightly. Of course it was on after that, and all three of us ended up in the floor in front of the futon wrestling around. Somehow Justin and Corey formed an alliance and as Corey pinned me to the floor Justin started to tickle my bare ribs. Of course as I was struggling on the floor the inevitable happened and I popped a major woody. It didn't help that Corey was basically sitting on my head with his awesome ass just inches from me. What the hell was I going to do now?

I finally gave up and just lay there not really struggling except for where I couldn't help it because it tickled so bad and said, "Okay guys I give." I said laughing so hard that I was crying.

"Wuss!" Justin said.

We all just laughed and I rolled over and sat up fast, trying to hide the tent in my boxers. I wanted to grab Justin and retaliate, but if I did everyone would see my tented boxers so I just pulled up my knees and moved over till my back was resting against the futon. Corey sat back down, his legs inches from me and Justin sat on the other side. It only made it worse on me because I couldn't help but think of the fact that Corey's rod was so close. I even convinced myself that I could see a tent in his dark blue Adidas shorts when I glanced around. He giggled and reached down to start giving me a noogie which I quickly ducked out from under.

I tossed him the controller and said, "Wanna play? You deserve to have your ass whipped now!"

"Yeah right!" He said as he grabbed the controller.

It was an awesome game, he was really good and I was kind of distracted by him, so it was really equal even though I spend a lot of my time playing with my Playstation, and I had played that game almost non-stop since I got it. We never finished it though. My mom got home and yelled up the stairs that the pizza was here and we all jumped up and headed for the door, with me stopping to grab a long t-shirt out of the closet. Thank God that my bone had dropped. I was just turning around to head for the door when I noticed that Corey was still standing there.

"You didn't have to do that dude!" He said.

"Yeah right!" I laughed back, "what did you wanna do, eat pizza and look at my tits ya perv?"

"But they are such nice ones!" He said

I almost boned up right there! Oh my God did he mean it? Was I going crazy or did he look me up and down just then? I was losing it! Had to be! I punched him in the arm playfully as I went though the door and he made a half hearted grab for me that only succeeded in just barely touching my back. We both hauled ass down the stairs laughing all the way.

We got down stairs and joined Justin and Scott where they were already wolfing down pizza. We sat down and joined in the feast while my mom sat there and tried to make small talk with us all. She asked me if I had asked them if they wanted to spend the night tomorrow too, and I almost choked on half a slice. "Not yet mom!"

"Cool!" Justin and Corey said in concert.

"Yeah" said Scott.

Well now that the cat was out of the bag, I decided that it was a good idea. "You guys wanna?"

They all said yes and after we finished off the pizza everyone started calling their parents. All of them said yes, but I'm pretty sure everyone left out the fact that my mom wasn't going to be home. We all sat around for a little while and talked, it was really cool because everyone was talking to my mom and I could tell she really liked everyone. I almost forgot about the fact that I had to figure out a way to convince Corey that he wanted me instead of Scott.

My mom said that she had some work to do and headed off to her office. Corey noticed the glow from the lights in the pool out back and went to stand at the floor length windows and look at it.

"Cool pool dude!" He said, "Awesome! You have a hot tub too? I've never been in one!"

"Maybe mom will let us go in later." I said.

Everyone chimed in that was awesome and we headed back up to my room to play some more video games and watch a movie. We had a blast and it was so cool. I even found myself liking Scott. He was a really awesome kid and he was wicked good with computers. It broke my heart to admit it, but he was almost as perfect as Corey, and if I would have met him first it might be him that I had a crush on, not Corey.

It got really late and everyone was starting to yawn, even Justin. "Hey boys its about time for bed!" my mom yelled up the stairs. "You got the soccer game tomorrow and I wanted to get you all home to pick up more clothes if you wanted them."

"Okay mom!" I yelled back down

I folded out the futon and said, "Two of you guys can sleep down in the guest room downstairs, and one of ya can sleep up here." I was totally floored when Justin and Scott headed downstairs and Corey pulled his shirt over his head. What was up with that?

I slipped off my shirt and was slipping into bed and Corey said, "They are nice ones!" with a big grin on his face.

I looked over at him and saw that he was sitting over on top of the covers with nothing on but his boxers. His whole body was outlined in the light. God he was beautiful! And the grin on his face just made it all the better. I was shocked though as it came to my mind what he had just said. He was hitting on ME! I was pissed! His boyfriend hadn't left the room more than ten minutes ago and he was looking at me! It was so unlike everything that I had thought about him and it hurt so bad. I didn't know what to do so I just turned over and turned off the light.

"Night dude!" I said hoping that he got the message.

"Night." He said.

I tossed and turned for a while and finally fell asleep even though all that I really wanted to do was to look over at him. I could tell from the even rhythm of his breathing that he was already asleep.

I woke with moonlight streaming through the window and having to piss so bad. I got up out of bed and headed in to the bathroom. I just pulled down my boxers and let it hang over the waistband marveling at the wonderful feeling as I emptied my bladder. I reached down to shake it off and as I grabbed it, it just felt so good that I gave it a stroke, carefully listening through the open door to make sure that Corey was still out. His breathing was still normal and I was getting a world class stiffy standing over the toilet thinking of his awesome body out there just feet away.

I couldn't help it and as I stepped over to the door I pushed my boxers the rest of the way down and stepped out of them with one leg, letting me spread them a little more so that I could reach down and play with my balls while I slowly stroked my hard member. Corey was the picture of perfection. One leg was out from under the sheets and I could see all the way from the arch of one bare foot to the top of his hip where his boxers were pushed up. Almost high enough so that I could see his balls. I couldn't help it as I took a couple of steps closer so that I could get a better look at his beauty. My breathing was coming closer together and getting heavier. I could feel my balls start to tighten so I eased off , not wanting it to be over so fast. The temptation was too much and I took three more steps towards the futon and Corey's sleeping form. The moonlight played across his body and truly made him look even more perfect, and as I started to feel my balls tighten yet again, my eyes traced a line across his perfect abs up across his developing chest and up to his totally OPEN eyes!

I wanted to freak! I had no idea what to do! Was he awake? Was I busted? Oh my God please just strike me with lightning and end this. My dick totally unbidden had started to shrink and I was just working up the courage to slowly slip over towards my bed when he answered all my questions.

"Don't stop." He said.

I froze! Was I hearing things?

"I know that you don't wanna, so keep going." He said

He had seen me, and he was into it, but his boyfriend was right downstairs! I couldn't take it. It just came out of my mouth. "I don't think your boyfriend Scott would appreciate that very much."

"What?" He said.

"You know the blond one with the killer smile and almost as cute as you?" I said to him sarcastically. "Come on I know he's gay and I saw the way that you two were looking at each other, you are happy and that's good for you."

I was flabbergasted when he stood revealing that I wasn't the only one with a raging bone. And to judge from the size of the tent in his boxers he was as big as me if not bigger. He stopped and stretched, and God I almost came right there. He was perfect!

He stepped up to me and whispered in my ear, "Be really quiet and follow me." The feeling of his breath on my ear and neck sent shivers up and down my spine.

"No way!" I said as quietly as my anger would allow.

He grabbed my shoulder and leaned in again, "Please?"

I looked into his eyes and it was all over. Even though it killed me to think of being so powerless over something, I couldn't help it. I was his to command. I followed him as he padded towards the door silently on his bare feet. I couldn't help but admire the way his lithe body moved as he went through the shadows towards the stairs. I had no idea what he was up to, but I knew, well almost knew, that I wasn't going to do it with someone else's boyfriend no matter how much I wanted to. Besides I had started to like Scott despite myself, and I wasn't going to bang his boyfriend. Yeah right, just keep telling yourself that Bryan and you might believe it. My throbbing penis definitely had other ideas though!

The stairwell was almost perfectly dark and I could just make out his outline as we descended towards the second floor. When we reached the landing, he reached back and silently put his hand against my abdominal muscles. I could feel his warm dry fingers as he touched me, and I almost moaned as he gently brushed the tightened muscles before slowly walking to the closed door of the guest bedroom where Justin and Scott lay slumbering. He reached for the door knob and tried to turn it. It clicked but it didn't turn.

"Shit!" he whispered, "It's locked! "Is there any way to get it open?"

"Yeah, but why?" I asked.

"I have to show you something, or you won't believe me and you have to believe me." He replied in a whisper.

The urgency in his voice communicated itself to me, and no matter what I didn't want him to be unhappy, so I told him to hold on a second and soundlessly ran back up the stairs to get my Blockbuster card. I had locked myself out of my bedroom one time and had discovered that with a little practice you could open one of the doors by sliding a card in between the jamb and the door. I went back down and after a couple of tries managed to push the door open. What I saw there changed my whole life, or at least it felt like that.

Both Scott and Justin were in the same bed, tightly snuggled. I think they call it spooning and I don't know if it was my imagination or not, but I could have sworn that Justin looked so happy and was smiling from ear to ear, even in his sleep. I was shocked to say the least. It was then that my mind finally made the leap. All that time it had been right in front of me and I had been so blind. Bryan the sped strikes again! I looked at Corey and even in the dark could see the wide grin that broke his face in half. I felt so stupid and ashamed. Without saying a word I turned around and walked out of the door almost running up the stairs.

I got to my room and ran over to my bed and jumped in, grabbing my boxers from where they had fallen on the floor. I buried my head in the pillow and tried to pretend that it never happened. I heard the click of my bedroom door closing and the soft footfalls as Corey walked across the floor barefoot to stand beside my bed. It seemed like forever but it was probably only about ten seconds before I looked up at him. He was just standing there looking down at me.

"Uhm.. Bryan?" he stammered. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

How come it was never like this when I read all of that stuff on the internet? How come nobody ever said anything about the knots my stomach was tied in? And what was with the heat all of the sudden? It was only about forty degrees outside and with all the glass in our house it should have been freezing, but I was shaking and sweating all at once. Everyone in those stories always knew just what to do and say, and I couldn't even get "Yes" to come out of my mouth right now!

"About what?" I said.

Brilliant reply huh? I really should have tried to write for NBC or something. I'm sure that they had a sitcom that they really wanted to kill!

"Oh never mind." He said, even in the dark it was easy to see the look of confusion on his face.

He started to walk away. What the hell was wrong with me? The boy that I had thought about non-stop for the last two weeks had just come on to me and I had turned him down twice? Talk about totally lost! I had to do something now! I couldn't just let him walk back over to that bed!

"Corey?" My voice broke as I said.

He stopped and turned around. "Yeah?"

"What did Justin say?"

"He said that you liked me but that you thought me and Scott were like together or something, like going out." He replied as he walked back over to my bed.

This was it, I either had to shit or get off the pot. "And what if I did like you?"

"You mean like the way that Justin and Scott like each other?" He asked.

"Yeah, like that" I said with a little prayer.

"That would be so cool!" he said as he sat down.

"Are you gay?" I asked him.

"Are you?" he replied.

God, here it was, the moment of truth. Why couldn't it be like one of those stories where he just jumped me or something? What was all this other stuff about? We sounded like one of the kids at school talking to his girlfriend or something. Everything was so awkward and worse! I was actually part of it now instead of watching and listening to someone else make a fool of themselves.

I didn't see another way out of it, so I just came clean and said, "Yes."

I couldn't help but get all fired up by the smile on his face when he said, "Me too, I think." Then he looked at me, and I heard him take a big breath. "Do you like me?"

"Yes" I said.

"Can I do something?" He asked me.

"Yeah sure." I replied having no idea what he had in mind.

He took me at my word and in an instant was on me. His hands were on both sides of my head and he bent down to put his lips to mine. The feeling was just so awesome! It felt like there were a thousand volts of electricity running through my body and it was all coming from my lips. I involuntarily opened my mouth to moan and in came his tongue! It was so strange to have another guys tongue in my mouth that I almost closed it I was so surprised. I tried to inhale but that only served to suck on Corey's tongue. I heard him moan and decided that sucking on his tongue was the way to go, besides it made me feel even better too.

He Broke the kiss and looked at me and said, "Do you want me to stop?" His face looked a little scared but it just made me love him more. I didn't know how to say it, but from that second on, my fate was sealed.

Not able to think through all of the hormones raging through my system all I could say was, "Please don't!"

Well there is chapter 3, and well four is already better than half done. I will probably have it posted some time later in the week. Any comments or suggestions are more than welcome just send em to thrasher59@hotmail.com


Next: Chapter 4

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