Happy Birthday

By Giovanni Mastrogiacomo

Published on Nov 21, 2023


"John. John, wake up. Johnny."

`What's a matter?"

"Nothing. I got something for you. Upstairs."

"Winn, it's 2 in the morning."

"It's worth it. Come on, boy, let's go."

"Oh, I don't want to get up now. It's the middle of the night."

"Child, don't you make me pull your white ass outta that bed."

"Come on. I'm tired."

"Yooouuuu. Honey, I'm telling you, I got something fine for you upstairs and even though it ain't going anywhere it won't last forever."

"What is it?"

"I got me a man."

"Good. Have fun."

"You get that raggedy white ass outta that bed or I'll drag it out, child. And you KNOW this girl can do it."

My best friend and roommate of three years started pulling at my hand, dragging me across the bed. Sighing, I gave in. I let him pull me through our split-entry house from my lower level bedroom, upstairs to his.

Winn never wore clothes. Even in public, he wore just enough to prevent an arrest, not one thread more. So I saw his naked body every day for three years and without fail, everyday, seeing that hard, bubble-butt and his glorious black cock, I never failed to become aroused.

Even freshly dragged out of bed at two a.m., as Winn pulled me by the hand, I followed his ass muscles, getting an erection before we even got upstairs to his bedroom.

I met Winn a little over three years earlier. At an illegal nude beach on a tiny, little lake in a wildlife preserve, I was lazily soaking up my share of U.V. rays when a shadow swept the sun from the sky. Two seconds before that, I was sure I saw a completely cloudless sky and all of the sudden I got didddly-squat for shine. Opening my eyes, all I saw was a fourteen-inch long, beer can-thick black cock hovering at my feet. So I said to it, "Hello."

"Child? Do you see this?" Some six and a half foot tall, muscular black man hoisted his penis into the air.

"Oh, I hadn't noticed that. Yes, I do see it now. Impressive, congratulations."

"No, Honey. Not the fuck-stick, this! These sad black balls! Now I just GOT to tell you, I got me the HOLY grail of cocks, the VERY dick a death, yet somebody fucked up in the distribution department and gave me these! Had to be some white-trash angel all fucked up, drunk or some nappy headed nigga-devil doing me some dirt. Either way, I got the balls of a chipmunk and you, you ain't even GOT no dick and yet there your sorry ass is, all laid out, them BOWLING balls between your skinny little legs. It ain't fair."

"First of all, I'm very sensitive when it comes to my penis. So to speak. I hate people writing me off because they think their Bic lighter is bigger than my cock could ever be. It actually affects my self-esteem. When I get an erection, I can hold my own in just about any competition. -That you aren't in. And I don't see anything wrong with your testicles. Actually I'd say they're a bit larger than average but, yes, compared to your- SIZE, they may appear to you as somewhat, ah, -dwarfed. Now, if you don't mind, I came here to get a tan and you're preventing that.'

"Yooouuuu, Miss Thing. Snap! Peeee-Niss. Test-Tickles. You white people do talk a WHOLE nother language! Such a SINSITIVE' thing you is, ain't `cha? So, you claim, -THAT- becomes a Peeee-Niss? Now this, I got to see."

"Unless you're going to make it happen, it's not going to happen."

Immediately my eyes were blinded by harsh sunlight as that big, naked stranger dropped out of the sky and slammed his face down onto my crotch, causing me to jump with a grunt. I expected him to go away, or at best, invite me into the surrounding forest where everyone ELSE goes to carry out their sexual activities. Nevertheless, his tongue did one Hell of a job erecting me in record time.

It's weird, no matter how involved people get or where they are looking, all faces instantly snap in the direction of any action taking place as if a siren sounded or a bomb just exploded. Men swooped down around us like hungry vultures. As I was lying there enjoying myself, it didn't take long before I could reach out with either hand and fondle a naked man.

Me, unfortunately, BEING me, I saw a handsome hardon way over on the other side of the beach belonging to a cute guy that caressed himself oh so tenderly, watching from afar. I was such a dope. I remember whining to myself, in my head, how come I can never have the man I want.

Naked, in public, spread eagle on a nude beach, surrounded by men masturbating over me, rolling a pair of balls in one hand, clamping a concrete-hard erection in the other, while my cock was being (expertly) sucked by a handsome man, with no less than a truly frightening erection, and all I could think of was that, that cute guy over there, wouldn't come and play with me.

Such stupidity!

As I watched that far away, wonderfully hairy, guy masturbating, I was feeling the copious amounts of slime drooling down my arm from one guy while my other hand was reveling in the feel of some other guy's squirming ballsac and quickly being taken to the edge by the man sucking on my cock.

All to soon, the cute hairy guy, maintaining eye-contact, just raised his bushy eyebrows and started squirting his cum. Almost at the same time, I felt somebody's cum sprinkled down on me. I could smell it. THAT, slingshot me over the edge. I lost it, I started doing my stomach-crunch-convulsions and a second later, the black guy gagged, spraying my cum back at me. Suddenly the Heavens opened and man-juice poured down on me from everywhere.

Between my legs, rearing up like a stallion, on his knees, the black guy hefted his horrifying erection into the air and with BOTH his hands blurring, he sort of did a backbend, aiming his dick at the cliff behind us, like he was positioning a rocket launcher. Louder and louder and louder, I could hear him drag out his growling sound. I didn't know where he got the oxygen from, his body should have completely deflate, but he kept growling, building to a crescendo of a loud "OOOHHHH...!!"

And just like that rocket launcher, a flash of white lightening streaked past my head, slamming into the guy behind me. Several more cannon shots exploded into the air while we all looked on with a sort of car-crash-amazement, unable to believe what we were looking at.

Like switching TV stations, the black guy suddenly dropped his gargantuan cannon-shaft, fluttered his hands over his heart saying, (3 octaves above where his voice had just been), "Yooouuu, child!

OH! You make Momma, SO happy. OWL that MAN-milk! (Then a 3-octave drop) And Damn, boy! You make your Daddy shoot from the hip like he ain't NEVER shot before!"

Delicately dabbing the corners of his mouth, he continued, "I swear, Honey, ain't NO-body EVER, make this girl gag before. I am now TRULY ashamed to call myself a cocksucka. I guess those bowling balls hold a might more than most. For which, we DO give thanks!"

"Ah huh, you're welcome, - I guess. You did fine yourself, there. You must have pumped at least as much, ...man-milk?, as I did."

From that day on the beach, I had the most wonderful nightmares about impaling myself on that horrific cock of his. After a year or so, and numerous attempts to make my nightmares come true, we rented a house together. That man Winn, was one wild woman. He made me look like Mother Theresa! But he was a blast. I loved his chameleon-like personality. Aunt Gemima one minute and Mr. T, the next or Marylyn Monroe mixed with Kathryn Hepburn. Winn made a fun crowd to be a part of. After that highly unusual (For me at least!) exchange on the beach, we eventually started talking to each other, - as his toddler-sized dick sat his lap.

"I'm Winn. What's your name?"

"Giovanni. I'm glad--"

Gee-O-Von-ee? What the fuck kinda name is that?"

"What the fuck kind of name is Winn?"

"It's a perfectly good nickname. My name is Harrison Winthrop."

"Harrison Winthrop? WINTHROP?! And you think Giovanni is fucked-up?"

"Yay-ass!" Tangling his fingers together in front of his lips, he went on. "You get all them syllables all caught up in your mouth and shit? You need a REAL name, girl!"

"So use the English version of it. John."

"John. Ahhhh, huh. Kinda like dropping a brick in the dirt, ain't it? Just sorta goes dead at yer feets."

"Sorry, that's as good as it gets. You'd REALLY have a heart attack if you knew my last name."

"OK, Sweets, I'll bites ya. What's the last name?"


"Master- what? Gee-a-fuckin-Com-Oh-no? Shirt. Girl, what that fuck's wrong wich your people? What the Hell kinda name is that to slap own a lil keed?"

"Yah. Whatever. And yours?"

"Last name? White. And don't you be making no smart-ass remarks. I'll take you OUT, son!"

"You, WINTHROP, have no right to give me shit about my name when you got stuck with yours."

"Johhny Bull. That BE it, man-child! Johnny. And the bull is either for those balls you got or what you is full OF!"

So we became Harrywinwhite and Johnny Bull.

Three years of living together was nothing short of amazing. Unspeakable, and amazing. My parent's would have gone gray and dropped dead if they knew even a tenth of the lunacy that Winn and I played host to. Wild, crowded, Because-It's-Monday parties, or Hump-Day bashes, and always the New Years Eve blowouts. We must have broken every state law on the books, numerous Federal regulations, - and most of the commandments, I'm sure.

So I guess after all that, being dragged out of bed at two in the morning didn't seem all THAT unusual. But, there we stood, at the threshold of Winn's bedroom, he, swept his arm out in a grand gesture of gift giving. My erection nearly exploded right off my body!

Carefully strapped to Winn's bed was the hairiest man I'd ever laid eyes on. (Well, besides that guy downstairs in my mirror. Nobody is hairier than that poor schlub!) Tied out in a spread eagle, the guy lay motionless as we entered the room, examining him. My mouth was drooling just as much as my throbbing cock!

"Happy Birthday, Johnny. I've been hunting EVERYwhere for one like this. Do you KNOW how out of fashion HAIR is right now, girl? Jesus, I've gone through simply THOUSANDS of bed partners trying to find you just the right one. You like it?"

"Is he dead? Did you kill him?"

The man opened his eyes. Huge, BLUE, eyes with fluttering butterfly wing lashes! Holy shit! He smiled, showing his obsession with tooth-whitener. Wow! DIMPLES! Oh my God! He was SO beautiful!

"LOVE the chin cleft! My God man, you are something to behold. I hope Winn hasn't done anything with you, -or to you."

"What the fuck? Child, I givith and I can takith the fuck away." Winn sat down next to the man, petting the fur on his stomach and abdomen. The man's dick immediately responded to Winn's touch.

"Holy pipelines, Batman. He's even got a nice cock!"

"Child, I ain't gonna be bring no SHITTY merchandise home for your sorry ass. This HERE is grade `A' man-meat. Raw and ready."

"I can see THAT'S right! Wow, guy, you are a queen's wet-dream come true. What's your name?"

"Ah, ah, ah. Nope. Don't be talking to it. Keep it wild. Don't be taming it now. We got to see what the buck can do."

Winn slurped the man's erection into his his mouth. Those BLUE orbs in an egg so bright white they were like the eyes of a manikin. But they moved, they watched. His handsome face betrayed no sign of what he was thinking. I could have spent years basking in the light of those big eyes.

"Wadda yu wadd'n or?" Winn asked with his mouth full.

"I thought you said he was MY birthday present. Get your lips off." I pushed, popping the man's erection out of Winn's mouth. Winn whimpered.

"Yo ho, I'm your bro. Share the mojo."

"Oh my God. Where did here THAT?"

"Fuck you. I ain't leaving. I found him!"

"Get away, you. Let me at least touch him before you sink your rusty nails into him."

"Bitch. Ho got no loyalty. Sister, that jess ain't right. I got me the dick a death an my black ass gits thowed outta my own damn crib. Shit." Winn mumbled to himself all the way out of earshot.

I sat down on the bed next to the man, resting a hand on his erection. He never spoke. He watched. His passive, stunning face, was irresistible. I kissed him. His tasted sweet, his breath hinted at alcohol. He felt good to my tongue and mouth. The man was an exquisite kisser, an art form few men perfect but every man desires.

Nibbling on his chin, his whickers scratched across my tongue, the sound of it echoed in my head. I licked my way to his ears, he squirmed, moaning. My hand was fingering one of his giant nipples and it went rock solid the minute my tongue touched his ear. I made sure I tortured him with pleasure for a long time.

Licking my way down his neck, he seemed to grow even more sensitive. Straining his head back, giving me access to as much of his neck as he could, I felt his legs pulling at their binds. The man's Adam's apple fascinated me. Slipping around under his whiskery skin, my tongue chased it, playing with it - until I found the little depression at the base of his neck.

A drop of scent had been placed there; I could smell it, taste it. I cleaned it away with my lapping tongue as his wordless whispers breathed at my ear. Hairs tickled at me from the carpet that lay upon his chest. Short, brown swirls of hair carpeted solid, well-sculpted muscles, his big brown areolas were a perfect stage on which sat tall, plump nipples.

Licking and suckling at his breasts, I tasted garlic. Then my breath smelled of garlic too. I moved back to his mouth, immediately the man worked diligently at refreshing me. I heard him rumble in his throat as he lifted his head, trying not to let my mouth leave. I had to. I had to taste more of him. I had to smell him. My tongue needed to bathe him.

His underarms carried the slightest hint of sweat. He thrashed his head back and forth, as I gobbled his pits. The man's skin began to perspire. His body was over-heating with pleasure and desire, as was my own. My mouth worked down his rocky bicep, settling in the bend of his arm. Goose-flesh swelled across his entire surface.

I chewed at the straps around his wrists, before lapping at his palms like a devoted puppy. His big, square hands fluctuated between straining open and caressing my face. I licked between his fingers, just where they met his hand. Each finger was taste-tested before being sucked into my mouth. His large, rectangular fingernails were carefully manicured. A white collar man? A thinker? His body responded more like a passionate doer.

He was left-handed. I chewed at the `writer's-bump' just to the side of his nail on the second, long finger. No ring, no untanned shadow of a wedding vow. I was finishing bathing his left hand when my mouth pounced to his ribs, causing him to jump, sucking in a breath of air.

Coated with hair, I bit at the muscles covering his ribs. My tongue slid up to his stomach and then down to the depression of his abdomen. From hipbone to hipbone, the man couldn't hold still as my mouth tickled him, my nose shoved his erection out of the way as I plowed across his hard body.

Just as slowly and deliberately, I explored his thighs, legs and feet, not forgetting his toes. No part of his anatomy was missed. I paid especially close attention to his inner thighs. Almost panic-stricken gyrations and sweetly voiced moans and gasps gave evidence of his torment. His body settled down when my tongue swept up his inner thigh to where his long, muscular legs met. Hairy towers of evidence, his legs bore the shapes of runner's muscles. Massive slabs of thigh-meat, tender and tasty.

But his crotch quickly became my favorite hang out. His loose, generously sized balls rolled around on my forehead as my face and tongue reached under, between his legs to that hidden place between front and back. The thick, hard tube, just under his salty skin led me from his groin to the base of his ass. I wanted to go under, crawl under the man's amazing body.

Frustrated, I pulled away. Settling for his large testicles instead, I warmed each one in my mouth separately before pulling at them, nurturing them within; my tongue flexed and constantly caressed them, cradled them, loving them. My hands extracted his testicles from my reluctant mouth, and pulled at the velvet skin of his ballsac, I spread it wide, lapping at it, and allowed myself to teeter and sway in my intoxication for his body.

I saw that on the far side of his navel, toward his stomach, the hair under the end of his erection was soaked with his pre-cum, a thread stretched between the pool and his pulsing dick. My hand snapped down on his cock as my mouth dropped to lap at the pool, drink it up; lap at the big mushroom trapped under my lips. His cock was hard, thick, hot.

Pulling that cock upright, it disappeared down my throat. I twisted and turned, screwing it in as deeply as it would reach. My drooling mouth and his own slimy drool provided endless lubrication as my mouth and hand feverishly worked at him. His body tried shifting, getting away. His whispered declarations of joy became louder, overtly manish. His surprisingly deep voice grew stronger, more insistent.

His legs quit thrashing and shot out straight, knees locked, toes flexed, the true size of his mounding, flexed thigh slabs clearly indicated something was about to happen. Straining harder and harder, the man's muscles flexed, clamped down, then just as his ragged breathing indicated he was near the end of his endurance, I inserted my finger into his rear end. Immediately his voice blasted from his chest as my mouth filled with hot sauce. I did not swallow it, I allowed it to shoot into my mouth and fall back to its owner. Several strong shots preceded several coaxed overflows from his magnificent mushroom-topped muscle.

My mouth opened on his, the man's own orgasm dripped into his mouth from mine. His breathing was ragged snorts and desperate moans while we kissed. His arms pulled fiercely at their restraints, unable to embrace me. My hand never quit writhing on his slimy cock; several times, it caused him to jump, as sense-heightened skin was touched.

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