Hard Rock Ave

By moc.eticxe@02xamxalb

Published on Dec 15, 2000


Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 (or 21 depending on whats the legal age in the are you are in) then you need to leave immediately. If you are offended by stories dealing with homosexuality themes then you are in the wrong place. This story is complete fiction but its good to have a little fiction on the mind. If you got suggestions for new stories, requests for already existing stories, or you just want to say whats up playa then hit me off at blaxmax20@excite.com

Hard Rock Avenue

The intake of the smoke caused his eyes to go watery. He was slowly drifting into a pleasurable high. This was what he needed to get away from what seemed to be a fucked up life in his eyes. His name is Daryl but most of the guys on the block call him D-Maze. His life seemed to get more and more fucked by the day. It was bad enough that D-Maze was living in a room that was so small he could barely move around in it. And it was costing him an arm and a leg to live in the roach infested room. But he always seemed able to rise above everything thrown to him. The joint burned and the smoke disappeared into his body. His body began to give up its weight and drift into a euphoric nonchalantness. His eyes slanted and he bacame sleepy as hell. He rested his head on the sofa and stared at the cracks on the wall. He wanted to cry but wouldn't bring himself to the situation. He asked himself silently 'How could you let your guard down to be played'. But in his heart of heart he couldn't find an answer. So he scratched his head, while slowly letting his eyes close and he became unaware of the world around him as his thought faded to black.

The situation that had D-Maze so messed up happened a week ago. D-Maze was chillin' with Jazz and Strap about to smoke a joint. Now they were at Jazz's place sitting around watching television and making small chat. Actually most of the talking was coming from Jazz since D-Maze and Strap didn't really like one another. Strap thought that D-Maze was a fake brotha who would stab anyone in the back. While D-Maze thought that Strap was a suburbian white boy wanting to be black. So they publicly didn't like one another. Jazz thought if he could get the two of them in the same room and get them high that would created some kind of bond between the two. But from the very start of this situation, it seemed neither one of them was ready to put their beef aside. D-Maze sat on the couch facing the televison while Strap was thumbing through the CD collection. Jazz would make a joke everu once in a while. Even if it was funny neither one of them wanted to other to think they were having a good time. As the day faded into night, D-Maze was drunk off his ass. He would walk around the apartment tripping over imaginary bump. Strap was laughing his ass off at the site. Thats when he remembered Jazz had a camera. Strap went to get the camera so that he would have proof about this night. SO Strap disappeared as Jazz and D-Maze were chilling in the front. Only minutes later did Strap reappear with the camera recording everything. Strap moved the camera up on Jazz as Jazz took swig from the bottle of beer. Jazz's face stopped as changed to a weird shape before he up and fell out. He was passed out. Strap was laughing his ass off as he got the whole thing on camera

D-Maze was so fucked up that he didn't even notice that Jazz had fallen out. D-Maze was still fumbling around through the apartment when he found himself staring right into the camera. "Let play a game," Strap said manuvering the camera till it was all that D-Maze could see. D-Maze shook his head no and wondered what was up this white boy sleeves. "Come on man or are you a chicken," Strap taunted him knowing that this would cause him to take the challenge. "Chicken, Please whats the game," D-Maze boasted as he grabed the wall to remain standing up. "The game is called Reading," Strap said jokingly. "The purpose of the game is I ask you a question and I read you like a book," Strap spoke narrowing his eye on D-Maze. D-Maze sat down on the couch and prepared himself for whatever this boy was gonna throw at him.

"Why do you hate me," asked Strap rolling the camera in front of D-Maze.

"I don't know...you irritating as fuck I guess," D-Maze shot out without even thinking.

"No, I know why.....you mad intimidated by this WHITE boy," Strap said getting real close to D-Maze.

D-Maze let his body stiffen out of shock from the answer. "Intimidatation, please," curse D-Maze as he pulled himself together ready to attack the youth verbally. But before he could get a shot in....Strap wisphered into his ear,"You ever seen a white dick before," asked Strap devilishly. "No..." spoke D-Maze who was speechless for the first time in his life. "Intimidation lies in my white dick man. I've been known to stick it to some hoes and leave them bow legged. Trust me some of us white boys are packing." Strap said massaging his dick. D-Maze head was blurry and he didn't quite know how to combat what was just said to him "Shut up," D-Maze finally managed to say. But something inside of D-Maze made him really want to know if this white boy was all he claimed to be. Strap unzipped the pants and let his underwear hang out of the open. D-Maze was frozen where he was watching the whole scene unfold. That when the musk of the balls hit him. D-Maze knew the smell because if he got all sweaty his balls made the same smell."Smell those man balls man," Strap said standing right in front of D-Maze face. D-Maze didn't move but he sure did smell the balls. D-Maze's dick started inch life into itself. He wondered why was he turned on. "Ask it a question," Strap said in a joking matter. D-Maze was frozen but found his mouth open. Strap took his dick out of his underwear and waved it in front of D-Maze's face. D-Maze began to sweat underneath his balls. "Look hes hard and he likes you.....you give a kiss to the people you like D-Maze," Strap viciously shot out as he grabbed D-Maze's ear and pulled the dick into his mouth slowly. D-Maze closed his eyes and tighted his lips and started sucking the dick. The dick slide in and out of his out with ease. Then he stopped sucking as Strap started fucking his mouth. It was so erotic to him. Strap was laughing the whole time. Strap stopped leaned in and said,"Let me fuck you." D-Maze shook his head no and got up to leave the whole situation before it got to far. D-Maze stood up and tripped right back over. Ass in the air, Strap considered this his perfect opportunity to get in that ass. Strap headed into the bathroom and got some lotion and brought it into the living room. Strap lotioned his thin fingers up and then began to play with D-Maze's hole. D-Maze jerked with the initial combat but soon was rubbing his legs together. "Every bitch is the same," Strap said added another finger. D-Maze eyes rolled into the back of his head. He was enjoying himself and he completely forgot why he hated this guy. Strap took his fingers out and took a big glob of lotion on to his dick and got ready to enter. Strap put the thick pice into D-Maze's ass at a time. D-Maze squirmed to get away but it was no use. The seven inch white chocolate stick slid in with ease thanks to the preporation. D-Maze was moan and grinding his body into the ground and into Strap. Strap turned him on his back on lifted up the leg. Strap fucked him like a bitch in heat. And D-Maze played the role too. Then he turned around and doggy styled D-Maze on the floor. The sex was dirty and slimy as their two body collide with each thrust. The thrust would make a loud wet slapping sound. The balls eventually started sticking to the ass for a second after each contact. D-Maze could only grunt from the whole experience. Strap would occasionally call him a slut and fuck him harder fro being so easy. Strap grabbed and pulled D-Maze into himself as he shot valleys of cum up the ass pussy. D-Maze fell to the floor tired as the cum layed in the whole. Slowly drips of cum was flowing down his ass. He felt dirty but he felt to damn good to care. So eventually, he got up and pulled himself together as Jazz was waking up. Jazz could smell something in the air. It smelled like hot ass. He scrunched up his nose and thought one of these fellas really need to a bath with their stankin ass. So Jazz stood up and watched D-Maze walk across the room. "Dman, man why aint you walking straight," Jazz asked with just a little concern with his friend. D-Maze turned in shock to see a grinning Strap face. "Yeah man you look bow legged or something," Strap spoke busting a gut. D-Maze just looked at him and jetting out of the house as fast as he could.

For the rest of the week, D-Maze aint see to much of Jazz and Strap since he was working hard at his job. But news started getting back to him how Strap was bragging that he fucked him. And then the big thing came back that there was a tape going around the hood and everyone saw D-Maze getting the shit fucked out of him. There was talk that some of the guys was gonna get a taste when thet saw D-Maze. A part of D-Maze would have loved to be banged ny all the guy on his block but a bigger part was not about to let that happen. But deep down inside something really made him hate Strap now. He would soon be getting Strap back.

Might Continue....if theres interest, give me ideas....

Next: Chapter 2

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