
Published on Nov 22, 2010


Hardwood 5

By Bald Hairy Man

Email, bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com. This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, or for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. This is 100% fantasy, so no effort at safe sex is suggested.

While a night attack was unlikely, there were white men among the raiders who could fight at night. We kept watch and had as many men as possible sleeping near their posts. Timothy O'Brien was a believer in four hour watches. He felt the shorter watches were more effective. That allowed the men four to six hours of sleep.

I was on the 10:00 to 2:00 watch. Caleb Winslow was busy repairing the burned northern palisade as soon as it got dark. That attack came closer to being successful than he liked, so he was digging a ditch and raising an earthwork behind the palisade incase it failed.

He also dug a ditch in front of the bunk house wall. The Chinese did this at great risk since they were exposed. The second floor sharpshooters were on guard. If they saw a flash of gun fire, they would aim at the source and rain gun fire on the shooter's location.

It seemed to me there was little chance they would hit anyone this way, but the attacks on the Chinese diggers greatly diminished, so something worked. Two Chinese diggers were killed and three wounded. Most of the White men looked down on the Chinese as pagan weaklings. That attitude altered as a result of the attack.

Winslow carefully calculated how to make sure the ditch was deep enough to stop a fire wagon, but be still within the line of sight of the second floor riflemen. My estimation of him rose greatly.

From the cupola of the house, I could see a light in Mine One so I used Morse code to send a message using a lantern. About five minutes later I got a reply, "All was well. One man wounded none dead."

I replied, "Many Raiders dead, many wounded. Minimal losses here. How about Mine Four and. Chinatown."

"All is well," was the reply. Aden was with me and he took the messages to Mr. Beauchamp below.

I was somewhat surprised the Raiders were still here. They had suffered badly. Indians rarely made open attack. They used ambushes. Jack Dawson liked open frontal attacks. He only attacked undefended villages. He must have talked the Indians into it. How he got the Indians to stay for another day of punishment, I couldn't guess.

Titus replaced me in the cupola. He came with a man who knew Morse code in case that was necessary. He also brought a naval signal lantern. Titus told me to go to the bath and relax before went to bed. Being on watch for four hours surrounded by the enemy is exhausting. It's hard to go from being fully alert to sleep, so I went to the baths with Aden in tow. Aden was excited. This was better than any Wild West Show and he hadn't seen any of the rougher side of the battle.

It was two in the morning and the baths were half full, mostly with men from the last shift. Two younger men saw Aden. Aden noticed them and clearly all three men liked what they saw. Aden looked at me and I smiled. He went over to see them. I sat with a group of men who had been digging the back-up earthwork in the front of Beauchamp's house.

"After the Petersburg campaign, I swore I'd never dig another ditch, but damn if I didn't feel a little nostalgic," he said.

"Bobby, I hate to say it but I felt the same way," another man said.

"I was a stoker on a Monitor," a third man said. "It was so quiet here without the gun firing and cannon balls bouncing off the armor. Nothing ever broke through, but every time one hit, I thought my eardrums were going to burst." I assumed he was the source of the signal lantern. When we realized we might be attacked, Mr. Beauchamp asked men to bring in any military paraphernalia that might be of use.

I joined them and we reminisced. It was almost like talking around the campfire, except we were naked and the stoker took a fancy to my cock. It wasn't the first time a cock struck his fancy. Eventually, lust overtook the conversation.

We eventually formed a ring, linked cock to mouth. I sucked Bobby as the stoker sucked me. It was pleasurable and we somehow managed coordinated orgasms. Everyone had been busy for the previous week and Bobby gave me a week's worth' of his best. I was ready for bed and a good sleep.

Willy came to get me as I swallowed Bobby's ball cream. "They want you at the house." I got dressed quickly and went to the house. Titus, Beauchamp and Winslow were there with several miners.

"We just got a message from Mine One. Mr. Dawson has a cannon, perhaps two. It's three miles to the south stuck in the mud," Beauchamp said.

"How did we find out about this?" I asked.

"Mr. Wong got a message through to the mine," Beau said. "Your cupola telegraph worked. It's a six pounder. Apparently Mr. Wong and the Brawlers are circulating around behind the Raider's camp and saw it."

"Is there any way to get the cannon?" I asked.

"It's stuck until they get enough men there to pull it out of the mud. They just left it there. It's unguarded. Does anyone know how to spike a cannon?"

"I'm afraid I do," I said. "How do I get out?"

"I have a tunnel," Beau said. "It will take you out of Hardwood. We can tell Mr. Wong to meet you there. What tools do you need?" I gave him a list, but he had them ready. Titus would go with me as protection.

We went into the cellars and into a long tunnel. We were in a mining community; tunnels were part of our lives. It was a long walk. The entrance was well hidden and away from the raiders. They were in the unfortified houses of Hardwood, enjoying a night in a shelter. I had noticed smoke rising from the chimneys.

We waited for fifteen minutes or so when Mr. Wong appeared. He was with two of the biggest bruisers. They led us to the cannons. A half mile away we came to horses and the trip and mounted them for the last part of the trip.

In the distance I heard some shooting. "My Bruisers and my Chinaman are having some fun," Mr. Wong said. "They are exactly on time too." It was a diversionary attack. A few minutes later we came up on two cannons mired in the mud. One was so deep in the mud it was hard to see from a distance. I went to work.

We spiked a good many cannons in the course of the war. My men discovered a way to spike the cannon in a way that left it looking unchanged, but would blow up when you used them. The Rebels figured this out after a few explosions, but I doubted Dawson would know of the technique. It took about ten minutes per cannon. I was back in the fortress before dawn.

As soon as the sun rose, there was a second effort at setting the fort on fire, but Winslow's new defenses worked well and the attacks were ineffectual. All was calm for the next few hours. I was exhausted, but couldn't sleep. We could see the raiders grouping for another attack. They began to circle our position in the traditional Indian manner. At noon, there were two explosions. It was the cannons exploding. There was confusion, and then the raiders began to race away in all directions.

An hour later they were all gone. Beau dispatched three groups of fifty men each to chase them away. He didn't want them to molest and homesteaders or Indian villages. We kept the watch for several days, just in case any of the raiders decided to come back.

I went into the undefended part of the town, it was mostly intact. Other than the two cabins the raiders burned, everything was reparable. I don't think a single piece of window glass survived. I was the one to find Dawson's body. He led the Indians down a rosy path, but the suffered massive losses. We counted 110 bodies, but found 38 more near Chinatown and fifteen at the mines. Most were Indians, there were few white men mixed in. The Indian were betrayed and weren't prone to be forgiving.

I also found where the cannons blew up. I felt the same feeling in my stomach I felt after a victory in the War. It was a victory, but after the exhilaration of the victory came the realization of the loss.

I returned to the guest house and tried to rest. I couldn't sleep. I decided to go to the baths when Tim O'Brien came to me. "Beau is having a little celebration at the house. He would like to have you there," he said.

"I was going to relax in the baths," I said.

"The party will be in Beau's personal baths," Tim replied. "I can guarantee you will get some relaxing done." I went with Tim to the house. There were guards still at the doors, but the Indian women and children had returned to their camp. We went to the baths at the rear of the house. We stripped and entered the steamy room. Titus, Slim and several men I didn't recognize sat on the marble benches.

I sat next to them. One was a big Chinese man who look like a wrestler or strong man in the circus. Tim introduced him as Chan. Next to him was Mike Malloy, one of the Bruisers. These were the men who defended Chinatown. I recognized One Feather, the scout who had infiltrated the Raiders camp. This was a thank you party for the men who did well. I wondered why I was there.

Two more men entered. One was the signalman from the mine, Jeb Miller. We had been protected by the cupola's wood base; he was in an exposed location with men taking pot shots at him. The other man, Everett Mills was the man who led the firefighters in the bunk house. Beau and Winslow entered next.

Beau greeted everyone. As was often the case he was both naked and erect. I had never seen Winslow in the baths before. He was big hairy and had a gut. He also had some impressive groin decorations dangling below. Titus and Tim installed a hammock like thing from hooks on the ceiling. Beau got in it and hooked his legs on the ropes supporting the hammock, so he was spread-eagled with his ass wide open.

"You may remember a few weeks ago before the recent unpleasantness, I said there wasn't a man in the camp I wouldn't be proud to take his seed," he said. "I also mentioned I wasn't planning to take everyone's that night. Well tonight is your turn. Everyone did their part, but you men went the extra mile."

Chan looked puzzled, but One Feather understood well. He was first in line. It was an easy fit and he had a young man's short fuse. He must have had a full load, ejaculating for a minute. When he pulled out sperm drooled from Beau's ass.

Mike Malloy was next. "I ain't never fucked a man filled with an Indian's spunk, but One Feather saved my life yesterday." Mike popped his thick tool into Beau's hole with a hard thrust. "Damn it's juicy!" he cried.

Mike was a big man I always thought of as a loudmouth. He was violently anti Indian and Anti Chinese. His recent experience seems to have brought out his more liberal tendencies. After he climaxed he got Chan to take a turn in Beau's ass. Chan couldn't believe a White man would open his hole for him.

As men fucked Beau, we played among ourselves. One Feather fucked me and shot a second massive load into my ass. Winslow came over to me. I was on the bench and fondled his equipment. "I was impressed by your fortifications. They saved us."

"I spent four years doing it in the Army Engineers. It hasn't been the same since," he said.

"I feel the same sometimes," I said. "I don't miss the shooting, but I do miss the comradeship. I was close to several men."

"Were you ever this close?" Winslow asked as he looked around the room.

"Several men introduced me to these pleasures," I replied. "It was a surprising, but it made the war a little easier to tolerate. Did you have any experiences?"

"I was caught once. They beat me badly and were going to report me," he said. "The Rebs shot me the next morning at Fredericksburg. I lived but never got back to my old regiment. That when I hooked up with the Engineers." He leaned close to me. "I haven't been able to get it up since I was caught. I don't want to be embarrassed. Can you help me? "

"Why don't you come to my room; we can have some man to man fun," I suggested. "That will be a good excuse. Beau is understanding." I told Tim we were going. He winked and we left.

When we got to my room I told Winslow I had a full load. "Could you help me with that?"

"Sure, I'd be glad to help out," he said. Winslow wasn't a good cock sucker, but I got him on the bed and sucked him. I was just being polite, but Winslow was a taste treat. Winslow was like a log as I sucked. He showed no reaction at all. After a minute of sucking his cock began too ooze man juices. His juices were thick, more like semen, than the normal brew that precedes orgasms. It was sweet too.

As I suctioned the juices from his balls, Winslow became more relaxed eventually more responsive. After fifteen minutes he was moaning in pleasure and twitching. He was also was rock hard. Winslow possessed a mighty oak of a cock, thick and massive.

The combination of my saliva and his own cock drool coated his cock. I quickly got up, straddled his juicy cock and sat on it. The first four inches were easy, the thicker trunk if his cock was a challenge. It was a welcome pleasure for both of us.

After weeks of planning fortifications t protect the camp against an attack, my sneak attack on Winslow's cock was a total success. His rock hard organ was fully embedded in my ass before he realized what happened. It was good for both of us. He lost every trace of his reserve by now. He was an enthusiastic participant.

He had a full body orgasm. He twitched, bucked and shivered as he released his sperm load. We calmed down and then Winslow opened his legs for me. I nosed my cock into his quivering hole. It was good fit. One I was in, he was tight. His ass grabbed my cock and held tight. He loved it and didn't want to give it up. I gave his prostate a sperm bath. When I lost my erection my cock slipped out of his ass.

The next morning Winslow fucked me doggy style without my sucking him to get a rise. He had another spectacular orgasm. Winslow was a changed man. He was pleasant and affable and became a regular in the bath. He was always ready to fuck or get fucked.

Two days later the braves from out tribe returned. The elders and children of the tribe were alive and well and actually were sheltered in Mr. Beauchamp's house. The Indians saw this as a true test of Mr. Beauchamp's sincerity. We became allies.

The Chinese had a similar transformation. Being brave and a bit bloodthirsty were admired. The Raiders killed four Chinese, one Indian and five Whites.

As the attack occupied my time, Aden made friends, many friends. He had been helpful during the attack since understood Morse code. He became one of the men. He also let some of them men know he was inexperienced. Many were willing to help him with that problem. This included his Uncle. Amos gave his nephew recommendations for men to pop his cherry. He knew several men with small cocks and the sex drive of a bull. Amos thought that was a perfect first fuck.

We were in the baths on a cold and windy night and the subject came up. We were sitting in a group of men giving advice and telling stories of their initiations into art of man sex. The stories were varied and odd. Curiously, it didn't matter if the first experience was good or bad. They all did it again and seemed to like it now. Amos learned with a pal who was just as inexperienced as he was. "We didn't know what we were doing, but it was fun anyway," he said.

"My Uncle done me," Mike Malloy said. "It wasn't that good, but it weren't that bad either."

"What happened?" Aden asked.

"Well, it started slow like. Uncle Jeb was drinking some, and he gave me some too, it was my first time with the hard stuff. Actually, it wasn't the first time a person gave it to me. I had some swigs before. I fell asleep and when I woke up Jeb was in bed with me. I was warm, and soon he was hard. It was easier to let him fuck me that to move."

"You are a romantic!" Amos said.

"Well about three or four months later I turned tables on Uncle Jed. I done him good," Malloy added. "It was payback for me, but it was good for me, but Jeb loved it. Shit, a month or two later Jeb poked me again, but this time I liked it as much as he did."

"I learned from my four older brothers," another man said. "I loved it. It hurt a little but I wanted to be included in their games. I felt like one of them."

Next: Chapter 6

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