Harnessed Bucks

By Thoby Andover

Published on Oct 29, 2023


The story features some hard-core bondage in a fantasy setting, as well as explicit male-to-male sex.


Being an account of the capture and harnessing of six prime bucks by the Corsair Army, and their imprisonment and enslavement.


As you know, it is among the habits of the Corsairs to take and imprison any unfortunate enemy. This imprisonment lasts until a slave-ransom is delivered, which may be months or years, and during it, as you know, the captives are used with some measure of barbarity and are subject to harsh treatment. As such, it is my duty to report to you the details of the captivity I endured and how I was used at the hands of the hated Corsairs. For in my eighteenth year I and five other cadets were taken near the coast, for we had follied to approach the sea rather than continue our northward journey arduously in the jungle. How we lamented many times afterward that we did not push forward on the jungle path, as ordered, and instead chose what we imagined would be an easy progress on the beach! Let this journal become a lesson for those cadets who may contemplate disobeying their superiors and who may read the following words soberly and thoughtfully so as to not suffer my fate as a Corsair slave.

On the beach, myself and my fellows were in the open, such was the nature of our dismal folly in being in that place. Corsair raiders appeared on horseback from the bushes and fell upon us in moments, whooping and hollering. With no opportunity for escape and heavily outnumbered, we were ensnared firstly in nets, and then by cord binding our hands behind us. Our arrest took so few moments, and occurred with such surprise that it seemed that we were standing on the beach, stripped and bound and at spear-point, before any one of us had gained a chance to yell a warning.

The Corsair raiders were jubilant at their trapping of six stout bucks, and made joyful mention of the rewards they would subsequently receive from their commanders. It became apparent that this party of raiders had been dispatched for just this purpose; to seize enemy cadets, and as such, they were so equipped.

A man-leash was brought, and if you are not familiar with this device of the Corsairs, then you would do well never to become acquainted with it. The Corsair soldier secures his prisoner with this device in the following manner: A tall, heavy leather collar is placed about the prisoner's neck and a ringbolt on the collar attaches to a thick strap by which the prisoner may be drawn along. This is in the manner of a normal leash which may be affixed to a dog or cow. Additionally, however, a rough, broad leather strap extends from the front of the collar down the prisoner's chest and belly, and terminates in his nether regions. Here, a shackle is screwed tightly about the base of his penis and testicles, and he is effectively and quietly tethered by his private parts and he may then be fastened to a horse or cart or whatever fixture may be deemed suitable to secure the prisoner. Thusly, a prisoner is leashed by both his neck and nuts. The regrettable contraption is cinched tightly, and the cursing man must follow every jerk and tug of his bridle diligently, whether at a walk, trot, or gallop. This was done to myself and my fellows, and when we were each fitted with one of these devices, our hands were secured with iron manacles behind our collars so that our elbows were raised high and our armpits were presented. When this was done, we did wail loudly at our discomfort and our ill luck. The thoughtful cadet studying this journal will concern himself assiduously with not becoming a Corsair prisoner when he learns that during my time in captivity, I did spend a far longer time, both day and night, wearing this insufferable harness than I did spend out of the loathsome device.

The tall collar kept my neck and head totally erect and facing upwards at all times and I had to keep my chin raised so that I could not look down at all. The gauge and stiffness of the leather frontispiece kept my back straight, and as well, any movement at the waist produced a tightening of the ring securing my male appendage. In this state I was immobilized and constricted excepting whereupon my captors may wish to lead me, for my neck and ballsack were so encircled that I was very anxious to obey every command of my captors and to pursue every means by which my balls would not be wrenched by them. The Corsair soldiers had allowed myself and my fellows to keep our boots, but it is my duty to report to any potentially wayward cadet that not another skerrick of clothing nor stitch was upon us, and we were buck-naked, excepting for our restraints, and we were to be presently dawn willfully in this state before man, woman and child and the general citizenry of the Corsair garrison, and not an ounce of modesty was afforded us. It is also my duty to report that our shame and nudity became the least of our distress.

As we were led from the beach, our balls hurting and our clothes and belongings discarded behind us never to be seen again, it is my sorry duty to report that the curses and oaths which emitted from our mouths were in no way seeming or befitting a cadet. One of my fellows, Triss, was heard to observe in an anguished tone that the price for our release would be very high, young and fit as we were, and would be very reluctantly raised for ransom, if at all, and that we very possibly faced years in captivity, and he cursed to the Gods the person responsible for suggesting we come onto the beach that day, never minding that this same person was, in fact, Triss himself. I don't know what effect Triss's observations were intended to have upon our captors, but the result was mirth, and one was heard to comment with amusement "All the more time for your ass-reaming, boy!" This remark did not produce an easy feeling in my belly, for as you know, Corsair captives are used brutally.

On a nearby road, there were more Corsair soldiers, and our appearance provided them with more laughter and amusement. Comment was passed according to the sizes of our respective cocks, and I was disturbed to find myself the subject of special attention, for although each of us was well-muscled and sturdy, I was the most youthfully graceful and supple, being narrow of hip and slender about the waist. These attributes earned me some rude slaps on my bare buttocks and a tweak of my nipple. Then a hand caressed my backside softly and I felt a quick finger slip into my crack and begin probing at my anus. I grunted and moved, but the heavy iron manacles kept my hands immobilized behind my head. Thus, I was prevented from taking any instinctive preventative measure, and the soldier holding my tether pulled me forward and gave my penis a flick with his forefinger and index-finger.

The comic effect of six hefty younkers, naked and man-leashed, shod in their boots, grunting and swearing, lasted a little while. But presently we were affixed one behind the other, broad brass rings on our leashes being fixed to the collar of the man in front. First went Triss, who had unwisely drawn undue attention to himself by his noisy laments. Then Riace. Then Willard. Then Luk. Then Bron. Then lastly myself, and I had an ill feeling for being last in line, for my captors did explain in rough language that since I was the prettiest, they did wish to see my ass displayed more easily than my fellows. I learnt that my eyes must fix upon wherever my leash may wish to lead me, my view largely restricted to the back of the head of the man in front, that man being Bron, the short length of leash between the front of my neck and the back of Bron's being about six inches. I found I must gauge and anticipate and smoothly follow the movements of my restraint, for down below, my man-organ was gripped with a tightness which made me cry out insistently, assuring my Corsair captors of their error in over-tightening the nutshackle. I strained onto my toes and stayed close to Bron, my breast pushing against his back as if to heave him along. My buckled neck exerted upwards, bolt upright. The front man, Triss, was leashed to a horse ridden by a soldier, and it was obvious that wherever that soldier should lead his horse, we six captured men should also go, our bare, astern-facing rumps running, six in a row, at whatever speed the horse should set.

The first jolting movement brought forth bellows of protest, and myself and my fellows were heard to exclaim in pitiful terms upon the nature of our predicament. We pranced and danced, lightly on our feet, as our tight manbuckles hoisted us into the air. One man's movement caused a wrenching at the nuts of his neighbours, both behind and in front, and in turn, those men did jump and exclaim, causing more painful stumbling in our line. We quickly learned that we must jig and groove energetically in accord with each other if we must avoid the most painful wrenching of our balls, and we also learned that since we were so closely secured to one another, we must also perform our dancing routine in upmost practiced harmony, as if we were a trained troupe upon the most cultured ballet stages of the Empire. Our knees lifted high so that the leather-bound train of six youths did cause the least purpose for the metal man-cuffs about our nether-regions to strain on our organs unbearably.

As speed picked up, our ballet routine turned into a fast Go Go, and I was singled out for hearty congratulations by my Corsair captors for the most graceful way my hips did swivel and my ass did rotate. In fact, the Corsair soldiers, now all on horseback, did declare my ass the narrowest and most vigorous among the similarly revolving asses of my fellows. So energetically did my hips gyrate that the soldiers did declare me more skilled in the performing arts than many dancing whores and strippers, and that I was most womanly and attractive in my bopping and jiving.

Our bellows quickly turned to more curses, and then to grunts, and then only huffing and panting could be heard to emit from our lips for there was no breath to spare. We were pulled along at a fine clip. Our formation was that of a strange, twelve-legged, fast-moving, caterpillar-like creature, tethered together as we were so closely. After some initial stumbling and painful and noisy entanglements, we did create a cadenced, coordinated pace, our cocks jiggling and flip-flopping at the ass-crack of the man in front. I can say that I am as fit as a hunting hound and as vigorous, but it is my duty to report that I had never run so far and as fast as I did that day, leashed to a horse in a line of naked man-flesh. My upper posture had to remain upright and steady as I ran in order to transmit the minimum of jerking and yanking from my collar to my shackled nutsack, and yet my hips and ass had to boogie-dance in pace and rhythm, to ease the yanking that did occur and to keep up with the speed of the ensemble. Each one of us concentrated our efforts in not only keeping up with the man-leash train and keeping slack in our respective tethers, but also with keeping our bodies in line. I learned that I must keep pace by striding out at a near sprint. At the same time, I had to hold my arms steady with elbows up and wrists pulled back to the rear of my collar, for any jerking and shifting in the region of my neck was conveyed to my restrained scrota by the broad leather belt running down my breast and belly. Soon we were covered in a sheen of sweat, then dirt and dust from the road stuck to our bodies and we appeared white, and soon after that, more sweat mixed with the dirt and ran in rivulets on our persons.

At this juncture, it became apparent that my position at the very rear of the leashed line of captured bucks did place me in a particularly regrettable disposition, for the Corsairs had not neglected to equip one of their number with a horsewhip, and while the backsides of my fellows where obscured somewhat by whichever man was behind them, mine was not. I learned of this situation when I heard a whistling in the air, and the full nature of the circumstance was delivered one moment later, when the tail-end of the whip caught me on the buttocks, and I did announce my full understanding of this state of affairs with a very loud bellow, for the Corsair was an expert handler, and the flail did make contact right at the end of its length and just at the point of highest speed, so that any horseman would have taken pride in such a skilled execution of a whip-crack. Breathless as I was, I still did manage to wail most loud, for the whip made my tail afire, as if a red-hot wire had been drawn across my buttocks.

And in case I considered briefly that one stroke of the whip would suffice to satisfy the unwelcome urges of my captors, I was quickly dispelled of that notion, for I heard the whistle a second time, and a second crack did burn my ass, and I howled lamentably, this stroke being just as proficiently dispensed as the first, and regularly throughout my hellish journey I did receive the tail-end of this whip, and I alone among my fellows did feel it as I have previously described.

As I have said, I was able to see very little during this journey excepting the rear of the noggin of Bron and where my short, thick leash attached to his neck, and it became so that I did grow to hate and inwardly curse the owner of that head, for his part in the prescribing of our shameful condition and also for the fact that he was not subject to the stinging whip as I was, and the stink of him did add to my anger, as did the oily slickness of his body where I came against it. The clanking and rattling of various shackles and ringbolts was constant and reminded us of the merciless contrivances with which we were leashed, never minding that we needed no reminding of this whatsoever since our vulnerable parts were enclosed as previously described. The monotonous clip clop of our boots on the gravel were to put me in the mind of a runner performing training, as I had done in the past when covering long distances, but the cursed restraints prevented me from adopting a proper runner's lope, and also prevented me from entering that state of mind most conducive to hard repetitive exertion. It was impossible for any of us to lag or show any kind of negligence in our pace, and it is my duty to report to the green cadet who may think that due diligence and attention to orders are not altogether necessary during campaigns against the Corsair Army, that the described consignment of six younker-lads in man-harness did cause in the minds of those cadets a solemn undertaking to never again be remiss in our duties.

In brief order, my chest was burning with effort and my legs were similarly afire, and my cock slapped from side to side with each pace. Also, my arms did ache with agony as I kept them up and back over my head. In one pace, my boot did tramp into the dirt road well ahead of where Bron's had done so previously, and the hoof of Bron did meet the road ahead of Luk. Such can serve to illustrate how closely we were tethered and how mindful we had to be of our movement as a whole unit, lest we become jumbled and yanked horribly by our man-leashes. We entered a river crossing and we were able to drink and to douse our dusty mouths, but the Corsair soldiers allowed no slowing down and we wriggled desperately in the water to keep close. Back on dry road we were once again covered in dust and mud which was spat up from beneath the hooves of the horse, and again we resumed our transit at top pace, and presently, the whip whistled in the air again.

"Strong, fit lads such as these have no trouble with a dainty jaunt such as this!" a Corsair soldier was heard to comment, but that soldier was on horseback and his six captive lads were the only persons on foot, and none of those six lads had the breath to answer him and tell him that two forced-marches in a row, with full kit, would be preferable to shipment on a man-leash.

"Keep those cocks spinning, faggots! I want to see them SPINNING!" another was heard to bellow, and it is my duty to report that we were offered no choice as to whether our members did act as windmills, and if our schlongs did spin and twirl about as we ran, as directed, then we were only too happy to cause them to do so if that action brought about more slack in our tethers.

I became aware of various other users of the road, and it made me thankful because I thought that this could be a sign that we were closer to our destination. As we passed a wagon traveling in the opposite direction, I was able to twist my neck very slightly and I caught the eye of that wagon's driver for an instant. The driver was a man of about forty years and in my single glimpse, I did catch his look of surprise, and I did contemplate the type of astonishment that such a person may feel upon being confronted with leashed, naked prisoners, and I imagined the view of the six cocks, spinning and flapping in their ringbolts, and also the view of the six bare-arsed bucks as they double-marched in time and in close-line behind the horse.

But I had little need of such contemplation. When we came to the Corsair garrison, I adjudged that we had run fifteen or twenty miles and that I had received about twenty whip-strokes on my behind, and by this time our breathing was mostly an audible rasp. Before entering the compound we were run through a town and paraded for onlookers, and there were many comments from folk, generally expressing their satisfaction at the sight of us and at the prowess of the raiding party who had captured six strong younkers. My legs felt as if they had been pumped full of ache and pain and all I cared was for the running to stop even if it meant remaining naked in the main street, and thankfully we were taken through the gates of the compound where our boots clattered on the stone tiles and our journey came to an end. 'Thankfully' I say, because the running did stop, but the compound afforded us absolutely no comfort. We were separated from the horse and from each other but the hateful man-leashes remained on our persons. We were not washed or given any drink, and we were told to stand upon specific individual cobblestones which were painted differently to the rest. This order we hurried to obey, but we had nevertheless already done something wrong, we were told, and this was that we had failed to exclaim "YES SIR," at the conclusion of the order, and a Corsair commander in particularly resplendent uniform angrily informed us of this. With this news we were, one by one, held by soldiers at the front by our leash arrangements and each delivered by the commander of six angry cuts with a long riding swipple on the buttocks, which produced yelps of pain from myself and my fellows. It may well be deduced that this punishment was particularly painful to me, my ass already being striped numerous times by the horsewhip. Secondly we were further held quite still from behind with a Corsair soldier taking a fistful of our hair tightly, and the commander then gave six more slashes to each man on his face with the swipple, three across each cheek. These blows were given hard and did make us exclaim with the utmost hurt and indignation, and our thrice-striped cheeks did mark us as Corsair prisoners for many weeks afterward, and even at this early juncture it should be obvious to the diligent cadet that the Corsair Army suffers under no restriction of the use of the whip, and that the captured cadet will be afforded every benefit of its use.

When the commander had carried out this punishment, we were made to kneel in a row whereupon our ankles were tied behind us to our collars with lengths of cord, so that each man arched backwards on his widely parted knees, his neck drawn back by the cord, reaching behind his head with his manacled hands and his cock and nuts dangling in his ring-bolt, and while this was done to us, we took care to shout "YES SIR," whenever a word was spoken to us or an order bawled in our direction. Thusly, I was restrained so uncomfortably that I could feel the heels of my boots at the small of my back and I could see the side of the cobblestoned square which lay behind me, which appeared to me up-side-down. At this stage of the proceedings, I am sorry to report that I felt a hand sliding under me and reaching for my rearward crack, and a finger entered my anus and did manipulate my inner regions, causing me to squirm and whimper, and despite the hurtful pulling of the man-leash and the hand at my whip-striped buttocks, my member became hard and rose up fully, and many a Corsair did see this and was moved to mirth, and I did curse my disobedient cock, for it remained as hard as an iron bar and did cause me discomfiture both in the tightness of the nutshackle and the shame it afforded me.

At this point a sergeant came to each of us and took our names. It is my duty to remind you at the current juncture that any cadet taken by the Corsairs may expect, before even his name is taken, to be hauled twenty miles or more at cracking tempo in a man-leash and at the tail-end of a whip, and to expect no Corsair soldier to have reason to remove the horrible restraint or to lay down their whip when the journey is done. The cadet may expect to be given no rest, excepting whereupon he is laid down to be further manacled, and he may expect to be given no water, excepting that which he may take for himself from a river, and he may expect the things done to him to be as I have described. When his name is finally taken by an Corsair official, he can expect his head to be wrenched by his hair as the questions are asked and he must bawl "SIR," "SIR," "SIR," with every answer to every question.

We remained bound and restrained on our wide-parted knees in the compound, shackled into our leashes by neck, wrists, and nuts, with our ankles lashed behind us to our collars and our arms reaching behind us to the extremes of our posture, and I did hear some of my fellows, such as Riace, sobbing in despair at his lamentable situation. I myself saw no benefit in crying out, wailing, or otherwise enunciating upon my wretchedness, as I surmised that there would be no person within earshot disposed to relieve me, and I determined that the only thing to be done was to bear my misery as best I could.

Unfortunately our humiliation in the compound was not yet done this day, and a Corsair soldier stood over me and asked "Thirsty, boy?" as indeed I was. The man pizzled on me and soon his fellows saw his idea and evidently thought it a good one, for shortly thereafter many men were pizzling over each of us in thick, warm streams. I was thoroughly splashed all over with man-piss which mixed with my dried sweat and the dirt from the road, and formed a puddle about me and went stale in the sun, and gave me to thinking of the filthy urinals of Citadel Stadium.

It is my duty to report on these facts, for the cadet who pays heed will make every endeavour not to be taken, and will serve his commanders diligently and efficiently. The cadet who is taken prisoner is no use to his division and the treatment he receives at the hands of the Corsairs will be considered his just punishment. This was the first day of our captivity and as the sun went down, water was finally given to us. It was poured into our upturned mouths from a jug, for we had knelt face up and bent back for some hours, all that time fully restrained, cramped in our shackles and, as for myself, my whip-stripes smarting with dried piss. We slurped greedily and I did make sure to gulp as much water as I could. Then, presently, our wrists were released from our manacles and our ankles untied, but the heavy neck-to-nuts man-leashes remained locked upon us. We rubbed and massaged our poor testicles and inspected them with utmost concern, trying to ease the tightness with which they were shackled. Then we were given one wooden, leaking bucket of dirty water between us and one small, worn scrubbing brush and we were ordered to scrub the piss from the compound tiles where the Corsair soldiers had deposited their urine, and we did make haste to obey as best we could, shouting "YES, SIR!" and hurrying back and forth between the bucket and the six stinking piss-puddles, carrying a small amount of water in our cupped hands and rubbing on the tiles. This was done quickly, for the Corsair soldiers were most impatient. Then we were herded toward what looked like some cellar stairs and I am sure as we hobbled along we made a pitiful sight in our nakedness and with grime covering our bodies. Our postures remained erect and we delicately tip-toed, for our cocks were still restrained and by now were badly sore in their shackles. The stairs led to a dank hole, and there were further stairs going down, and it became evident that this was a rotten prison, with the smell of decaying vegetation. We went down and down, and the steps and passageway became narrow and dark. Some soldiers carried torches and I could see that the stone walls were running with water and my flesh did goose all over my body due to the cold, wet atmosphere. I surmised that we were in close proximity to the garrison's underground sewage works, for a dreadful stink did rise from below, and presently a close cell was found for us. There was room in the cell for hardly one man, but that is where all six of us were put. Our foetid dungeon measured about one foot wide by a yard long, and standing in it, my shoulders easily touched both sides. We were pressed within it and a heavy iron door shut behind, and we could hear three heavy bolts shooting home followed by the clanking of locks. Within the cell we stood pressed together all facing the rear wall, one man behind the other, with each man's nose in the hair of the man in front and his body pushed against him, and each man similarly in close proximity with the man behind, excepting whereupon that man be Willard, who stood at the rear wall, his face against the wet stone, or Triss, who stood with his arse squashed against the iron door. There being no room whatsoever to turn about, and it being pitch dark in our meager dungeon, there was nevertheless initially much pushing and movement from the six men confined within as each jostled and swore at his predicament and insisted the others make the room to which he was entitled. In very short order, however, it became apparent to all of us that there was no room for any to spare and that the only thing that could be done was for each of us to raise our arms and place them across the heads and shoulders of the men in front, in order to create a slight amount of space at our sides.

There was a very fine suggestion in our overcrowded abode that one man may lie on the floor between his fellows' legs, and in this way, we might take turns at taking some rest, since our legs had been punished dreadfully that day and were still very sore, but there proved no room even for a man to get down, and in any case, there was a foul liquid down there in which our boots splashed and we could already feel a multitude of vermin and roaches crawling on our legs. The hole in which we stood stank of putrid waste and the walls ran with cold shit-slime, and soon our bodies ran with it too, making us oily and slippery. It was well, in one way, that we were pressed together so tightly for it was cold in that underground compartment.

Despite the cold, and despite our tired dispositions, and despite the wretchedness of our current situation, and despite the extreme discomfort of the miserable man-harnesses, we were healthy young lads nonetheless, and confined so closely together with much squirming and rubbing, our cocks grew. A period of time passed in the cell whereby we fucked each other in a chain, front to back, each man entering the man in front with his prick and similarly being fucked by another man from behind. The exception to this rule in one instance was, of course, Willard, who lamented with loud curses his position at the front of the queue and who had no warm man-hole before him to satisfy his urges, and who, unable to turn or move or to re-arrange his stance with relation to his companions, had nothing to fuck but a slimy stone wall. The other exception was, it needn't be stated, was Triss, who had none of us confined behind him and who fucked Luk before him, who in turned entered me. My own cock, very stiff, was gratified by Bron and I hardly cared whether Bron was so inclined to have me inside of him or not, since he couldn't move and my urge had grown very quickly and strongly and unexpectedly and it was obvious that my loins were to remain closely pressed to his posterior for the duration of our confinement in that rancid prison.

At one stage, I believe, each of us who had an opportunity to do so were fucking simultaneously in the compact arrangement I have described, and the small cell, as well as being chock-filled with the bodies of six bucks, was additionally host to much groaning and bumping and slurping as we struggled together, our pelvises thrusting and writhing as best we could make them do so in our packed environment. I came inside Bron quickly, in a powerful burst, and it was not long at all before my cock swelled again and was inside him a second time. It remains a mystery as to how my urges grew so quickly and strongly despite the close surroundings of that squalid, shit-stinking hole.

Presently, however, our urges subsided and we faced a very, very long time thus confined. It is my duty to report to the cadet who is derelict of his own duties and who is taken by the Corsair Army, that he will learn to sleep on his feet, as I did, and he will not expect any comfort to be given him, in keeping with the description of the inhospitable prison cell I have provided. And if that cadet thinks that what I have related so far may appear altogether unreasonable and brutal, let him know that there occurred later parts of our captivity whereupon we did sincerely wish ourselves back in that same cell, and that same stinking cell, when we were out of it, did assume the countenance in our minds of a feather bed, for in it we did sleep, and were not goaded and tormented by our captors.

The preceding account deals with the first day of our capture, and while the reader may have been surprised to learn of how the Corsair Army behaves in the treatment of its prisoners, he should also be aware that this day was only one among many we did spend as captives, and the continuation of this report contains more startling disclosures as to the Corsair Army's cruelty and ingenuity.

Thoby Andover thobyandover@y7mail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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