Harper is Welcomed by Hollywood

By Barry Jones

Published on Feb 20, 2024


Harper is Welcomed by Hollywood Chapter 1

**All rights reserved by the author, biznes11@yahoo.com. This is a work of fiction.  All the usual laws, provisos, and rules apply.**

Read this first to get maximum pleasure...


Harper is Welcomed by Hollywood -1-

While Harper was a steady girl, mature beyond her years, Elaine and Terry seemed to be having the time of their lives. They thought it would be best for Terry to move into Elaine's home as soon as possible, to make sure they were a fit. Terry would sell her condo after their "trial" marriage, which they figured would last a couple months. She moved most of her clothing and some of her possessions into Elaine's home. They had plenty of space and the pending wedding bells had them in a tizzy most of the time.

Terry slept with Elaine every day, of course, but on the weekends, they invited Harper and her sometimes her current girlfriend to sleep with them. There was plenty of room in her ginormous bed and it was great fun for Harper.

After two months they were going strong and picked a date of six months out. They wedding was planned for May. Harper and Terry's close friend Monica, would be the maids of honor. Monica was another hot lesbian, and Harper really liked her. She was single and thirty years old.

Monica was a svelte brunette, the daughter of a stunning working Hollywood actress. Her name was Stella and she a played small role in a TV Drama series and was also cast regularly as a forty-something female in feature films. She had known Terry for years and was proud as punch that she was getting married. Both Monica and her mother were lesbians.

One Saturday in early December Stella was going to attend an all-female gathering at Elaine's of the wedding party. The fathers were invited to the wedding, but had no roles in the wedding; it was a girls-only affair.

Monica and her actor-mother knocked on the door of Elaine's home. Harper was the designated door answerer, and greeted Monica and her mother. Harper, after she caught her breath, was looking into Stella's eyes and with a big smile, she said,

"Your even more beautiful in person, Doctor Larrabee."

"Why thank you," said Stella. "I take it you've seen the show?"

"Two weeks ago, when I found out who you were, I binged on three year's worth of the shows," said Harper. "I couldn't keep my eyes off of you and took copious notes."

The two dolls were standing in the foyer of the house, holding eye contact, touching arms. Elaine was surprised at the conversation her daughter was in as she took it in from across the spacious living room. All she saw was the daughter she loved with that charismatic smile.

"Damn, she's falling for Monica's mother, it seems," Elaine thought. "The feeling seems to be mutual, too." They stood there for ten minutes lost in each other's eyes.

What an age gap: a high school sophomore and a forty-year-old Hollywood B-list celebrity. Both were f***in' beautiful. Harper looked like she was 25 years old, and Stella looked like she was 32. Of course, they had great genes, but there was something about their working out, their lifestyles, that put them in that untouchable category.

Harper mentioned to Stella some thrilling scenes of the medical drama that she was one of the leads for, making comparisons to Dr. Kildare, the early 60's medical drama. Stella was impressed, and flattered. She had done her homework.

"You know, the producers don't even know who Dr. Kildare was," said Stella. "To get ahead in the business it's connections and beauty. That's it. Oh, and being open to history. I talked to Richard Chamberlain, the original Dr. Kildare back in the 60's. He gave me some good insight into the heart of the role. Our course, he is so gay. But of course, so am I."

"And so am I," said Harper, quite giddily. "This is terribly forward of me, but I wondered if I could meet with you for an hour to get some coaching on acting?"

"There's that smile again," she said. Stella lasciviously smiled and put her left hand on Harper's ass and gave it a squeeze. Harper got a tingle, and looked Stella in the eye, this time with a smile of decadence.

"Of course, dear," said Stella. "What are you doing next Saturday night? Maybe your mother could drive you down to Brentwood, and we can spend some time together and talk about acting. You've got a face and a dozen smiles that will light up the cameras. We'll go out to dinner with a fellow actor, Allison. I'll drive you home on Sunday."

"That would be so, so kind of you," said Harper. She knew that Stella was a lesbian, and being driven home on Sunday was such a privilege to her.

"Everyone needs a break," said Stella. What she didn't say was that she'd give anything to have a young thing like Harper move in with her. Stella was looking for a companion, someone she could grow old with. "I could introduce you to a great agent, one that's always looking for the next hot teen."

To her, Harper was the most enchanting high schooler she had ever seen. At the party that night, Stella had to look at her every ten minutes to see if she had changed into some old hag. Seeing was believing, and Harper from any angle was stunning. When she wasn't staring at her future understudy, she was checking out Elaine.

"Oh, I meant to ask you honey, how old is your mother?" said Stella. "She's very, shall we say, fetching."

"She's forty," said Harper.

"My god. She's stunning for any age," said Stella. Her mind automagically did the math: Harper would still be a beautiful young thing when she was an older woman. Ahh.

"Why don't we mingle a little bit, then you can take me to your bedroom so I can see the notes you took on my show, and maybe share a little more with you?" asked Stella.

"I'd like that," said Harper, softly.


Harper and Stella both mixed during the party. Harper was the youngest there, but you'd never know it, given her maturity and the way she handled all types of social engagements. This fact did not go unnoticed by Stella, who caught Elaine alone in the kitchen.

"Your daughter and I really hit it off this evening," Stella said. "She's going to talk to you about a little proposal I made."

"Tell me about it, hon," said Elaine. She had been checking out Stella all evening and decided she loved her elegance.

"Did you know she had a flair for acting?" said Stella. "That she had already seen all of my shows, and the lines just trip from her mouth?"

"I did know that," said Elaine. "She has been walking through the house with her computer, for the last three weeks. Ever since I told her who you were and that you'd be coming to the party."

"She's gifted, Elaine," said Stella. "And the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree." Stella was capable of being very subtle.

Elaine knew Stella was complimenting her, and their eyes met over the desserts. "Don't hurt her, Stella. That is all I've got to say. She's only been out for six months, but she's the kind of girl knows what she wants, and knows how to get it. She's so together, and won't knowingly hurt a flea. And by the way, she's a straight-A student." She moved closer to Stella.

"She's lovely, just a doll," said Stella. "I have heard you, and I promise I'll return her here in great shape. Could you drive her down to my place next Saturday, say at eleven? I'll get her back Sunday in the late afternoon. I've got my best friend lined up for some Q&A. Maybe you've heard of her, Allison Thomas?" Elaine then kissed her, and felt her perfect ass.

"That Allison Thomas?" asked Elaine, quietly. "Fuck. I'm getting dizzy just being around you." They kissed again and separated.

"She puts her panties on the same way you do, honey," said Stella. "One beautiful leg at a time. My agent will make and appraisal on Sunday morning. But I'll tell you right now, she's going to blow her away. I teased Madeline with a text just now. She's dying to meet her."

"Yes, we could make that work," said Elaine. "And, Stella, I thank you for coming to me." Elaine kissed Stella on the lips for a last time. It was a kiss that was welcome and lasted an eternity and made them both feel very good.

"Harper and I will be in her bedroom for a few minutes," said Stella. "I want to see some notes she took on the binge watching, and then I want to kiss her and tell her how I feel. That way there are no surprises tomorrow."

Elaine knew that Stella would seduce her daughter and that Harper would love it. Stella may even take Harper as a lover. Shit, she wished Stella would seduce her. The rest of it? One day at a time.


Stella stood up and left the party for a few minutes with Harper in tow. When there was no reaction from Elaine, the party continued didn't miss a beat.

The two made their way to her bedroom, and when they got behind closed doors not word was spoken except for a (Stella, Ahh) for the first several minutes and Harper melted into Stella's arms. They made out like, well, high schoolers.

"My god, is this what Hollywood feels like," thought Harper.

"Shit, she's delicious," said Stella to herself. "I shouldn't rush things, though. Too much."

When they separated, Stella said to her,

"Harper, I loved you from the moment I saw you today. I hope you feel that way too."

Harper was a little embarrassed, but gathered her thoughts and said, "I've never been swept off my feet before. Everything about you is glorious."

She took her time eying the forty-something star. "Not anything missing. Not an ounce of fat extra. Just so perfect," she thought.

Then she moved in for a kiss, and felt Stella's breasts and her ass. Stella returned the favor. She went to the top of her jeans, and her hand went down, down, down until they were wet. She rubbed Stella, and it was Stella's turn to swoon.

"Oh, fuck me, Harper, you sexy thing," said Stella. Harper did just that, and Stella came quickly, holding onto Harpers arms lest she fall and make a scene.

They separated for the second time and Harper took a minute to get the notebooks for Stella to review. She licked her fingers slowly for Stella, looking in her eyes.

"Oh God, I have to have this girl-woman," said Stella to herself.

While Harper was collecting her notes, Stella slipped a note that she had made for Harper out in the kitchen for her lover to discover later, which read,

"I'm in love with you, Harper. I've talked to your mother, and she knows and approves. I'll see you next Saturday, XOXO Stella." She kissed the note, and left her red trademark lips for Harper.


Stella and Monica had a great time and left the party after midnight. Stella shared with Monica what transpired with her and Harper and Monica giggled,

"I knew you were smitten when it took fifteen minutes to get out the foyer," said Monica. "She is drop-dead gorgeous and very mature from what I've gathered, but she is sixteen. In any event, I support you, mother."

"Thank you dear," said Stella, and she gave her the usual quick kiss on the lips, and left her with a quick squeeze of her right breast. She dropped Monica off at her condo two blocks from the beach, and sped home.

"She's clearly head over heels," said Monica to herself.


The week flew by for Harper. She didn't have a steady girlfriend, so there was no handwringing over relationships. As far as she was concerned, she was in love with Stella. She got her note, and she knew Stella was serious. She took it with her everywhere that week.

Her mother drove her to Stella's home in Brentwood and dropped her off. Stella was on the porch with her actor friend Allison. Elaine got out of the car and chatted with both of them and then kissed them both on the lips. Allison left, but was going to be back to take them out to dinner.

Harper had a valise with a dress and a big handbag with some panties, toothbrush, shoes, and casual clothes. On the drive home Elaine felt both elated and sad. She was very happy for Harper, but felt she might be losing her.

"Come on in to the house, Harper," said Stella. "I'll take those things. Allison is going to go home and come back for a 4:30 reservation we have at Biaggio's. I hope that is all right with you. It's Italian."

"Of course. I love Italian," said Harper.

"Good," said Stella.

"Allison looks familiar," she said when they were alone.

"Probably because played a twenty-something actor in the hit show Chicago Fire a while back," said Stella. "Since then, she's been in all sorts of movies. So, I take it you saw my note? I was such a chicken but I didn't know what else to do. I wanted you to know I was serious."

"Yes, I got it...and hid it under my pillow and carried it with me during the day all week," said Harper. "I talked to my mom; she's cool with everything."

"Anyway, let's get something to drink and go out to the deck and talk acting and everything else," said Stella.

They took their pear and papaya juices out to the deck. Stella gave Harper the readers digest version of the history of the house. It was a small house, but several famous actors had started there. The deck was made of Trex, and Stella had it built. It was a two-story brick home with four bedrooms and a finished basement.

"Enough about the house," said Stella. "So, with acting, the first thing you have to know is you've either got it or you don't..."


Before long it was 3:45, and they went inside to freshen up. Allison was due at 4:15, and she would drive the three of them to dinner in her late model BMW.

We'll go casual," said Stella. "A touch of makeup is all that is required for me. For you, I'd say some lip gloss and poof your hair a touch. That's all you need. We'll run into some folks we know. You can count on that."

For any high schooler with no prior exposure to Hollywood to be going to dinner with two working actors would be, let us say, daunting. Not so for Harper. It was like she was finally among her kind, and she loved it. She rode in the back seat, but didn't wear a seat belt and was practically in the front seat carrying on with the two glam girls.

"What do you say to that, Harper?" asked Stella. She had been talking about getting snubbed by an agent when they were out to eat. She really wanted to hear what Harper had to say about it.

"Well, I'd say "Fuck Her", said Harper. "There are other fish in the sea. I mean you know you're not a 25-year-old Anne Hathaway, but business is business."

Allison loved the spicy retort, and pounded the car horn twice, saying,

"You go girl," said Allison. "That's what I'm talking about, Stella. Stay strong, then when she's out of earshot, give her a quiet dressing down to your friends. That's what I'd do."

"Girlfriend, I really want you to knock it out of the park with my agent tomorrow," said Stella. "You belong in this business. You've got the looks in spades. You can learn everything else."

The three were in a good mood as they sat down to eat. The food was delicious and the company was fantastic. At one point, Harper looked around the room and saw a lot of presumably gay women, and a few gay men.

"Is Hollywood all gay," said Harper. "There seems to be a lot of dykes here, and most of them are watching our table. Just curious."

"It's a sizeable group, and getting bigger all the time," said Allison. "But, it's no where near the straight population. You'll get used to it. The attention is flattering, to say the least."

They made the ten-minute drive to Stella's and were in a great mood. Allison dropped them off, and wished Harper well with the agent on Sunday.


Harper and Stella walked into the house hand in hand. When the door was closed, Stella took her in her arms and said to Harper,

"This is where I take you to bed, my love. Come."

"Gladly, girlfriend," said Harper. She had been somewhat avoiding the topic, but there it was. "Not to get into ulterior motives...but I'm your girlfriend, right?"

"My lord, you're my girlfriend and soon to be my lover," said Stella. "Please, let's shed our clothing and jump together into my wonderful bed."

Harper said, "Wow," and tore off her outfit, leaving her naked. She tossed it to the corner. Stella was shaking in anticipation, and followed Harper by shedding her clothes and tossing them to another corner of the room. She reached out for Harper's boobs and gave both of the girls a big squeeze. Harper smiled, and then embraced her for a long kiss. They kissed like long lost lovers for several minutes.

"I did some reading on age gap relationships," said Harper. "It seems they can work quite well."

"I want you to move in with me if I can get you and your mother to agree to it," said Stella. "I know its early, to be asking for this. I know you'll make it in the biz, and we'll grow together. It's pretty common around here, for an older woman to take a young lover, and it will work great. I can give your mother..."

And here Harper put her index finger across Stella's lips to silence her.

"Baby, I'm an old soul," said Harper. "And mother wants what's best for me, and, I think I can make it in show business. Loving you is best for me. I love you, Stella. We are only twenty miles from Elaine and Terry."

"Sure, its who's on your arm at Hollywood events, and you'll be the absolute best for me there," said Stella. "Our getting pics snapped together on the red carpet. That is not lost on me. But it's the energy, the excitement of having you with me, making love in every was possible. If you make it in the biz, all the better."

"Let's go outside and make love," said Stella. They gathered up towels and some clothes and went out to the deck. The entire deck was in shade by this time, and Stella turned on some girl tunes. At one end of the deck was a large video screen in its own little shack. With the push of a button Stella got threesome going on the screen. What Harper didn't realize was that it was a recording of a memorable three-way that Stella had participated in.

Harper laid the big cushion in the shade, and sat in the middle of it naked. The "back yard" was completely private and had security features such that no one could get in without Stella's permission.

Stella walked sexily to Harper and she took one of Harper's breasts in her mouth and made love to it. Then she went down on Harper, and ate her pussy. Harper loved it, and twice pulled Stella up to kiss her on the mouth. Stella had been a lesbian for more than twenty years, and she was a natural. Harper was besotted with Stella and being a lesbian too.

"Just as I thought, delicious beyond measure," Stella said to herself. "Hmmm. She ate at the "Y" like a starving prisoner, and Harper had a quick orgasm."

"That's the fastest anyone has made me cum," said Harper. "You know so much about lesbian sex. But, thank you."

"God, you tasted good, deary. Here, why don't you do me," said Stella.

"Gladly," said Harper.

She then moved in position to eat Stella out. She was on cloud nine as she was doing it and it tasted so good, better than the high school girls. They were shaved very closely, so that their pussies and assholes looked other worldly (and, so very young). Harpers was big, with a big clit (and the little soldier appearing in his shiny helmet). Stella's was very big too, with seemingly infinite folds and a long clit, also ending in the helmeted man.

Harper tore into Stella's vagina with great expectations. She took huge bites (so it seemed) of her mentor's sex, grinding away with her head's down focus. It was such a turn on for the talented actor to have the most beautiful young thing going crazy on her, her lustrous hair spread out like an umbrella protecting them both from the noon-day sun. Stella's birth canal was slippery smooth and Harper wondered if it been sullied with child or an abortion. She would ask about that some day. All she new was that it tasted so good with her long tongue ravaging its walls. Her clit was magnificent, and Harper teased the helmet, her tongue doing a dance with it and Stella muttering her satisfaction.

"Keep going, you lesbo slut," Stella said. "It so perfect, Aanngggg, Aanngggg," she cried, her legs swimming in the sheets.

"Mmmm, mmmm, said Harper in response. She was pre-occupied with her lover's pleasure. Never had she been so focused on her partner.

"I think I'm going to cum now, my dear," said Stella. "But whatever you do, you dyke, keep going. Keep going."

Indeed, Stella came and came and came. She squirted her juices all over Harper: her face, her hair, her beasts. It was so erotic. She had not cum for two days and the itch had built up. Afterward Stella laid in the middle of the cushions, and Harper cuddled alongside her. What a perfect day it had been.


Stella got up for some water and retrieved two gold boxes from the bedroom. Out of one she picked a pink strapon, the kind you get out Amazon which had a smooth look to it. No aspect of it was male, fuck no. The dildo was eight inches, and its end was tapered. She opened the other box for display. Harper nosed around in both of them handling a couple things, taking the top off of some lube to smell the fragrant clear viscous liquid.

"So well prepared, girlfriend," she said. "Ah, what do we have here?"

Stella had put on the beautiful dildo with its black heavy-duty panties like she was getting dressed for a rehearsal. Once it was in place, she turned to Harper and smiled. Harper's whole being wanted that strapon inside her. It was a moment of chilling frisson for her. Nothing could compare to good lesbian sex. And with Stella, it was great sex. It's like she had been dealing with amateurs, and, suddenly, here was a professional.

"My god, the strapon looks so natural on you, babe," said Harper. "I'm literally drowning in a sea of love and lesbian sex. Are you my lifesaver?"

"Fuck yeah," said Stella, in her bedroom voice. "I want to fuck you so bad, girlfriend." She grabbed a toy from the second box.

She performed a little for Harper, kissing the double-ended dildo and then swallowed it. Harper was so excited that the did the same to the other end. She was experienced with men and sex with men and she took it all. The girl was so excited; her pussy was dripping with precum. They giggled when they pulled the toy out of their throats, and kissed wildly.

"That's my girl, just relax and I'll be the topgurl and I'll do the work for us," said Stella. "I'll make you cum like you've only dreamed of."

Stella approached her in missionary position at first. Harper's C Cup twins with their sizeable chocolate areolas were staring back at her. Hmmm.

"I love your breasts: not to big, not too small. Just right," said Stella. "And your areolas too. Just so...wonderful. Your body is gorgeous my girlfriend. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I've been told that recently by my mother and her fiancée," said Harper. "Girls have become so easy to get, it's really remarkable. And they seem to be in awe of my body. Oh well."

"I was good looking, in a pleasant way, when I was your age," said Stella. "I got laid by my first girl when I was thirteen. And, I have to admit, a man-boy a year later. You dear, are an angelic beauty. I can't get over you."

She was dying to see Harper's reaction to fucking, and Harper was dying to show her. Stella dabbed a little lube on the strapon and some in Harper's cunt. Then she teased her lover by running the head of the strapon up and down her pussy.

"Come on, give it to me now," cried Harper. "I want it so bad, with every cell of my body. I'm aching for a Hollywood fucking."

"That's the attitude I'm looking for, girlfriend," said Stella. "I'm going to give it to you and you'll love it." Then she shoved it all the way inside her and waited. She was forty-something, but looked better than all those high school girls Harper had done.

"Oh Stella, my love, it's so fucking good," said Harper, and she closed her eyes and let her mind wander to lesbian heaven. She new she was in the hands of a master.

Stella started slowly, with even strokes. Soon, Harper was responding with little movements off the bed, in synch with Stella. They were a perfect match of Sapphic personalities, and Stella said,

"I don't know what I was thinking. I was assuming I'd have to take baby steps in lovemaking. But you are so strong, so together. I love it."

"I love you Stella," said Harper. She was staring in the beautiful actor's eyes. They were both mesmerized. Time stood still; they were both wondering why they had been so lucky to meet.

So, Stella had to keep the momentum going, but with Harper, that was a cinch. She kissed Harper and massaged and slapped her boobs. She turned her over by patting her hips one time, and entered her from behind. You know, there was not a blemish on Harper's body, and her ass was perfect. She kissed her back as she fucked her. Her hair was long enough to grab, and Stella loved grabbing hair.

"I wonder how much she knows about S&M," Stella thought. She was a Mistress, and accustomed to introducing the world of bondage to wanton baes all over LA. There was a "mild" dungeon in her basement. Nothing controversial, except for the wooden cross in one room. S&M babies love mock crucifixions. She had one the previous week with a young newcomer. It was very satisfying, and they made love in the bedroom afterword.

"There's time for everything. Knowing her, she'll probably take over, he he. She'll become my Mistress."

Harper came, violently. There was something about submitting to an older woman and that woman delivering.


The next morning, Sunday, Madeline Cartwright was right on time for the breakfast meeting at Stella's. Normally the help is off on Sundays, Rose, her cook, was at her best in the kitchen and had a nice spread of pancakes and a fruit salad and all kinds of good stuff.

Madeline got right to it, having Harper turn her head side to side. She could tell her teeth were near perfect, and her hair to die for.

"My God, she's gorgeous," said Madeline. Like all girls, Harper loved compliments, and was beaming from ear to ear. "Oh wow, she is just so charismatic, with that smile, those teeth, those different looks."

Madeline built her reputation as a no-nonsense agent, coming off of early retirement from pictures at thirty-two. She knew the biz, and everyone in it. She treated everyone with respect. "And I suspect her mother is fab too, no?"

"Yes, her mother looks like Blake Lively, with dark hair," said Stella. "Your father is of Italian extract, isn't that right Harper. I presume he's very handsome."

"Yes, that's right," said Harper. "A real whop, but he's admittedly very good looking."

"I'm so glad we've met," said Madeline. "I want to represent you. I'll email the contract to you Monday, and it's just the standard 15% of the gross of what you make. I know two teams that are just going to go gaga over you. Of course, there are others. But the two are right at the top! How soon can you start acting classes?"

"This is all moving so fast, but I'd say, tomorrow," said Harper. She liked that answer.

"Great," said Madeline. "Stella knows the drill. We'll really keep you busy for six months as your in training. We'll do some commercial shoots, just so you can get experience and have some income coming in."

Harper then turned to Stella. "Could I stay with you Stella, at least while the classes are going on?"

"That's not going to be a problem," said Stella. "We'll call your mother this afternoon." She wrapped her hand around Harper's neck, and gave it a good shake. She was smiling, broadly, the way a father does to his boy.

"Now Stella, didn't you want to show me something in your bedroom?" said Madeline...

Harper and Stella took turns eating out Madeline on their knees with gusto. In fact, she had them both on their knees, Stella in front and Harper in back, with their arms around Madeline's legs. She was thirty-eight, blonde, and luscious. She had no underwear on and her pussy was delicious. She was freshly shaved that morning and was dripping wet. It's just the way certain things work in Hollywood.


When Madeline left, Harper was almost speechless in her praise of Stella.

"Stella, you really have the magic touch," said Harper. "I could just kiss you everywhere, he he."

"Oh, please do my dear, please do," said Stella. "There's so much work to do. Head shots etc. But don't worry about a thing. We'll celebrate tonight! Rose, I'm so happy, why don't you take tomorrow off."

"Why thank you, Stella," said Rose. Turning to Harper, she said, "It seems you've made quite the impression, young lady. I've never seen an agent so excited."

"It's all thanks to Stella," said Harper, and she gave Stella a passionate kiss on the lips. And to Rose, a big hug. She followed Rose to the door and had this to say to her,

"Honestly Rose, she could be the next big thing in this town. She has lead roles written all over her. Please, lets both work to make her life easier." She patted Rose on the butt as she left for her long weekend.

"OK see you two love birds at the usual time on Tuesday. Adios mis, amantes," said Rose.

Turning to Harper, Stella said "Rose is gay, so no worries about her discretion, babe. She's been with me for six years now."


Harper and Stella were so relaxed. Great sex in the morning will do that. They put on their bikinis and wandered out to the pool. They had some one-on-one time under the umbrella. Stella sat right next to Harper, within kissing distance.

"I could get very tan, but I'd like to not look like a prune when I'm sixty," Stella said.

"Good for you, love," said Harper. "I still like to catch some rays. You know, I'm only sixteen. But I know some girls who had melanoma, so I limit my sunning to thirty minutes."

"You know, I can't wait `til your mother and Terry come down," said Stella. "We'll have a ball. When are you going to tell your mother.

"Right now," as she reached for her iPhone.

"Hello mother, I have some great news," said Harper.

"OK, give it to me," said Elaine. "I've only got a minute."

"The agent really likes me. She's going to send a contract tomorrow."

"Well how about that. I prayed for you. But I'm so proud. Or course, you know not to sign anything until Stella and I have reviewed it."

"Absolutely on that. You know, Stella is a miracle worker. She's on a first name basis with all the starlets. She can make things happen.

"And so beautiful. Are you going to stay with her. You know it's OK."

"For now, maybe forever. I don't know, but I love her madly." At this point she looked over at Stella, who was blushing.

"I'm jealous, but in a good way."

"So, the acting class I really need starts tomorrow. That's one more reason for me to stay."

"OK, well I'll call school and explain it all. Don't worry about a thing."

"Let's talk tonight. We're chillin' by the pool after more great sex."

"Ha ha, too much information. OK, love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

She tossed her phone onto the pink towel on the table. She was so relaxed.

"She's going to work with my high school," said Harper. "She'll hold down the `home front', he he." Harper used air quotes, and got a rise out of Stella.

"Your mother is wonderful," said Stella. "That's the one thing I missed as I was getting going. My mom finally admitted to me four years ago that she was terribly jealous of my breaking into the business. I remember once I had to hitchhike to rehearsal, even though she wasn't doing anything at the time. Bless her."

"Sheesh. My mom is a great woman, and was a role model for me as I was growing up...and...when I came out," said Harper. "She would do anything for me. I'm so lucky."

Stella leaned over to Harper, and kissed her long and deep. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful LA afternoon. The only sound was the "drop, drop, drop" from a pipe, trickling into the pool. They were all alone.

"So, everything is OK to move in here, with me?" said Stella a few minutes later.

"If you'll have me," Harper said.

"Listen to you," said Stella. "If I'll have you. You know, this is as much a privilege for me as it is for you. Dear, you are a wonder in bed. I'm just sayin'. I can take you anywhere. In fact, let's go over to Allison's tonight. We'll hang out and get drunk and go to bed. You know, a threesome."

"I've had many threesomes, but the talent level just got much, much higher," said Harper.

Stella squeezed Harper's breast, with her left hand, and was already on her phone with her right one. She left a message for Allison and followed it up with a quick text.

"I'm going to ask you something, but please don't jump to any conclusions," said Stella. "Have you had any exposure to S&M or bondage?"

"Yes, a little," said Harper. "A girl I was dating in the fall who was into it, and we tied each other up, and some other stuff. Piss play, that sort of thing. It was fun."

"Well, I'm into it a bit myself," said Stella. "You'll find the gay girls around Hollywood are too."

"I assumed that the gay girls in Hollywood are into that," said Harper. "That and drugs."

"Thank God drugs is in my distant past. But I'd like to show you my basement," said Stella. "It's known in S&M circles as a dungeon, except no one gets hurt. Can we go now?"

Stella took Harpers hand and they walked back into the house. They went past the kitchen, opened a door to a stairway that led to the basement. There was a lot of pics of naked girls on the wall of the stairs, and one big one as they got to the bottom. Turned out it's a picture of Stella herself. There were pics spread on the walls of the basement too turned slightly, as if the decorator wanted the place to be nice, but not that nice. It created a very hot scene.

Stella showed her the three rooms, the whips, the chains, the sex swings. None of it phased Harper. In fact, she said the "couldn't wait to learn" the new things. She had been on the sex swing at a twenty-something's house before, and loved it. So, she wasn't a total noob.

Stella opened the room with the cross and turned on the light. Again, there were scenes of lesbians and two paintings of lesbians in various sex positions. The room sported a cross on one end, and two small tables and an altar. The table and altar had white clothes; it looked like a Catholic church. It even had a confessional in the back corner. You wonder what goes in there. There were only lesbians on the walls but they had halos around their heads. Harper got an other-worldly feel about the room.

"We tie the girl up on the cross and she, well, suffers a bit, not physically, but emotionally I suppose," said Stella. "There is always a small group of us, and we mock her and do stuff. They really like it. It's freeing, freeing from religion so to speak."

"I can see that, and I want to do it," said Harper. "I've just seen two videos on Pornhub, of girls hanging on the cross. It was so sexy, and here it is. Interesting. I'm not religious, but I kind of know the cross story."

"It's something for a party, with Allison and a few of my friends," said Stella. "It means so much to me that you're not judgmental and want to try it. There's been no one who has left here disappointed. The best thing is just to be here, live, as it were. And, there is no rush to do it. Maybe in a couple of months. We'll have some nuns over too."

"Real nuns?" asked Harper.

"Yes, real ones," said Stella. "High school teachers, believe it or not."

They went upstairs and got some drinks out the double wide Viking refrigerator. A wine cooler for Stella, and some Diet Coke for Harper, and went to the pool.

"Do you mind if I smoke?" said Harper. She felt a little guilty bringing that up with her mother-lover.

"Not if I can too," said Stella. "I don't have any cigarettes right now, though. Should we call down to Louis and order some?

"I do," offered Harper, and she trotted off to the bedroom and returned with a fresh pack and a lighter. She was so happy that Stella would indulge her one sin, and partake also. But she really felt like one right then.

"Yes, Louis. They're normally here in ten minutes. Let me put the number in your phone. If Louis doesn't have it, he'll get it." She took Harper's phone and typed in the number.

"Order a carton when you get around to it. We'll just keep them in the kitchen," said Stella. "Louis just sends a bill," said Stella. "So, if you want or need anything, just call Louis. Don't worry about the money. And don't tip them, but be polite, like you are all the time."

The women lit up and blew out the smoke together, just like the Hollywood starlets of yesterday.

"I used to carry them with me everywhere and I smoked a half pack a day," said Stella. "But I quit for future health reasons. I still sneak one, usually at a party. And I consume marijuana through edibles. That and alcohol are all I do, my only indulgences. Besides women, of course. How about you? Any habits we should know about?"

"Of course, women. But I really want to settle down, and I'm not just saying that," said Harper.

"I know that," said Stella. "But if you stray a bit, I won't say anything. For example, if there is a hot girl on set. That type of thing. I don't want you to beat yourself up on that. You're sixteen, and still not at your peak years where you crave sex all the time."

"I mean, are you in your peak years now?" said Harper, who leaned over and kissed her new girlfriend.

"Yes mam, I entered them about ten years ago and I'm going strong," said Stella. "Honestly, I can't get enough sex. But that is what vibes and porn are for. But any other habits, just rest assured I am very forgiving. Hollywood puts such pressure on women, that the girls develop some addictions."

"I realize that. Believe it or not, I haven't tried pot," said Harper. "The brownies thing really is appealing though."

"I can't believe how compatible we are," said Stella. Both women finished their cigarettes after a satisfying last deep draw. They moved to the pool's edge and sat with their feet in the water, thinking about nothing at all.

In ten minutes or so, Stella perked up.

"So tomorrow the main thing is to go to the acting get signed up for the class," said Stella. We'll leave here at 8:00 to get there and get signed up before the 9:00 class. I'll go shopping and return around ten-thirty and be reading a book in my car, under the shade. You'll blow them all away. Just remember, be yourself. 100% Let the instructor guide you. Really, don't act, just listen to the teacher. I'm not kidding. The kids who are into drama in high school have so much to un-learn." She put her head on Harper's shoulder, and went to sleep.


They walked to Allison's house, which was only six hundred yards away. They ate dinner and went to Allison's bedroom and Harper was the queen of the three-way and she got so many complements from both women. The womyn were so randy it seemed to Harper. Allison's girlfriend Mia, a girl of twenty, came over a little later, while they were still in bed. Of course, the girl was beautiful and a magnificent body and a brain too, and she didn't hesitate from jumping in bed with us. We didn't miss a beat and Mia latched on to my cunt like she owned it. Ahhh. She was a sophomore at LMU in Women's Studies (of course). I wonder how she met Allison?

The energy of the four was beautiful. Harper was so relaxed that on the walk home she said,

"Stella, it's like I'm in a dream," said Harper. "This is the best weekend I've ever had. Can it get any better?"

"Yes, and I will give you some advice and then I will shut up," said Stella. "No more advice after this. The only thing is when you're not busy and when the phone isn't ringing, that can be tough. I've been through two stretches. That's when your character has to kick in, and you have hobbies and classes and charities to get you by. Other than that, you're right. It is a dream, and you wander through it with your partner. I hope that's me."

"Me too," said Harper, and she took Stella's hand in hers and smiled, making their way home.

"You know you're beautiful. But that smile. Gees. It lights up the neighborhood. You got it girlfriend."

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