Harrad High Sex Ed

By Timothy Stillman

Published on Oct 23, 2007


Harrad Sex. Ed. Class Day 4


Tim Stillman

I was sitting this morning in the back of the class with Jordi. I was so cool (no, I wasn't). but Jordi was, as he sucked my dick. I could not believe it. We had, all, come into class, taking off our clothes, starting at the door, then all of them as we stood by our chairs. It's so fun to watch boys take off their clothes. Sometimes just a little bit better seeing them part naked than full naked. Some wear briefs. Bobby does. Some wear boxers. Terry does. Some wear no underwear at all. Like Larry. I don't think since the first day of class, I have not seen everyone with a hard on, even moments after we come; we're back to attention.

Jordi came to my desk, before Mr. Morgan came in the room and stood beside me with his dick right at my eye level. I was facing front, playing with myself when I felt something stabbing me in the cheek. I turned and it was Jordi's hard on. He looked so small and delicate and determined in that smallness and delicacy to be stronger than the strongest man, Ralph for instance, who had joined in our reindeer games, but he being an athlete, could never really admit he had been having a good time, though it was quite obvious that he was as horny for anything as the rest of us.

Jordi's eyes looked me up and down. He told me, "You got a beautiful body, Timmy," and held out his hand that trembled just a little bit. I noticed his bush and thought it was ok to do, so I touched it and the warmth of Jordi. It made Jordi jump a little which made his hard on tip hop on my face a second or two. That made us both very happy indeed. I took his hand. Ralph said, "shit." Albert told him to shut his mouth at his all of a sudden disgust with what had been going on this week and his own participation in it.

I stood. I wanted to say I love you, Jordi, but I couldn't. I tried it tonight. I looked in the mirror and said it over and again and it didn't sound right--guys should just not tell other guys they love them; it's just plain old wrong. But hot for him--indeed; that was fine to say and to be; and besides, penises never lie. Almost. So I stood there and he put his head on my chest. I was somewhat taller than he was. It was like everything collapsed at once in the world, like it had all been made of paper than some one had put a fist through and had thrown to the winds, but there were no winds either. What the science teacher calls "entropy." And in this "entropy" there was Jordi and me and all the other naked boys.

They played with their hard ons as they watched us go to the back of the classroom. Jordi pinching his tits and offering his cock to me, had me sit down in the chair next to him. He turned his to mine, pushed our desktops to the side. Without a word, he leaned over. He put his mouth on my pubic hair and rubbed it.

It was black and a little tangled and he roamed his tongue over it. He looked up at me and smiled. I was too dazed to smile back. I just stuck up my hard on further without touching it. He got on his knees and spread my scared legs and took my ball in his mouth and made them hot and tight as he played with the knob of my dick.

I heard sighs and yeah man's go for it round the room. I looked for a moment and saw they were either looking or doing themselves or each other or a combination of all three. Jordi took my dick in his mouth just as Larry came round to the other side of me and rubbed his cock that I looked up to see. I was going to get cum on and cum in Jordi's mouth at the same time. God, I've gotta stop writing this and jerk off; can't help it; be right back....

Well, me again. I came not much. Been juiced up too much today and drained too much this morning. Larry shot on my face and Jordi received my cum in his mouth and I closed my eyes and let Jordi's mouth fill with me as Larry came cream white on my lips and my left eye that I cleared away with my finger.

Wanting to taste his cum, but not daring. It's one thing to do stuff with a guy; but tasting his cum, freak out time; which of us? Him or me or both? That was sex; that was fun; Larry I hardly knew at all; but Jordi; that was different; Jordi was my heart. I decided it there and then as he looked up at me and swallowed my load, with those wide black eyes of his; his body like a damp washrag now, when before, it had been going like a turbine engine. He crawled up between my legs and rested his head on my slightly softening cock. My cream a little on his lips. And he, for god's sake, would you believe it? Slept? I put my hands on his thin shoulder and felt his extreme warmth.

I looked at the others in various stages of having done stuff with each other or with themselves. I saw Albert looking at Jordi. The look was not kind. Sorry to say, really badly sorry to say, but that and Jordi's reaction to Albert and me, when Albert caught my cum in his hand and rubbed it into his chest, after tasting a bit of it, well it made me feel kind of good. I didn't have a lot of friends. Had never been with a girl, even. No friends; I had been so embarrassed. Maybe I didn't have to be like that anymore. I touched Jordi's soft hair and he wiggled his nose and slept on.

Mr. Morgan finally showed up and seeing Jordi asleep, whispered for everyone else to come to the front of the class, and to whisper, so we would not wake him up. All the guys talked about what they did. I would think hearing all of this, in school, they did this? I would think they were out of their freakin' minds. But this is Harrad's, mister, we deal in sex here, Fast Eddie, nothing else. Heard that line in a movie once, substituted Harrad's for the name of a pool hall in the film--clever of me, I think. Then I told Mr. Morgan about Jordi and me and Larry. Jordi and Larry talked too.

Mr. Morgan, who had gathered us all on the floor, round his desk in the September yellow, whispered, "that leads right to today's topic, you know?" Mark and Devon leaned on each other's shoulders and played with the other's dick nonchalantly. Mark asked, "How so?" Mr. Morgan asked me what I felt about Larry and what I felt about Jordi. I said I hardly knew Larry. Or Jordi either for that matter, but...and I reddened up. Jordi put his hand in mine. He was sitting beside me cross lagged, his penis so cute and getting stronger as the very minute hand was clicking him further and further toward his much desired goal of manhood.

Jordi looked at me and it was like, say it, dude. So I looked at Mr. Morgan and said, "Jordi and I are..." Long pause. I begin to sweat. This is worse than the first scares of class, being laughed at, all this a horrible prank, being the class idiot that would destroy me ever even being able to masturbate again, ever.

I could not say I love you Jordi. I could not do it. I could not.

Jordi said, just as flat out who gives a shit what anyone thinks? Voice, "We are lovers and will be even closer lovers tomorrow." He looked at me like he was about to duck from me just in case. I was so mad. I couldn't speak. I was enraged. I put my face down to hide from everyone the deep deepest ever in the world love I felt for Jordi, goddammit, I love him so much, I could have killed him for embarrassing me like that and showing the world that I could be loved and I got so goddam mad at him, I reached for him--he nervously drawing back--and I held him as tight as I could as if this would finally stop the world from slowly slowly ending fast and faster still, and he held me back just as tightly.

The boys uncomfortable, turned away. Sex was fine. Could be nice. Could be friends. Could be crushes even. But love was different. Sex could be mechanical. Mean nothing. A double dare. Or a little release with a fellow human being and that was all there was to it. But love---Mr. Morgan said read the next chapter and see if you can figure out love and what happened here today? He then said, don't strain your brain though, love can never be figured out; not in all the millions of eons and never would; for, he added, wouldn't it be terrible if it could be distilled in a lab and put in a test tube?

The bell rang. We were dressing. Some boys feeling dicks and asses before they had to go. Two boys, Mark and Devon, kissed. Jordi came up to me, as the thundering herd raced through the hall outside. He went on the tiptoes of his tennis shoes and kissed me right on the lips.

Oh Jordi. My Jordi. I love you. But there's no way in hell I can say it aloud. Not ever.

(thank yous to the truly kind people who asked the story to continue---more blackboard scrawls to come? please let me know)

Next: Chapter 5

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