
By Mike Pendragon

Published on Dec 16, 2011


I never went back to the Y with Chad and Trumbull, although Teddy would go once or twice a month on Wednesday nights. I didn't ask what happened there and he offered no clues. As far as I know, they simply swam, steamed, and came home.

I had Trumbull for an elective English course during Spring term and he enthralled me with the Mystical Poets and essayists of the seventeenth century. I devoured everything he assigned -- and there was an enormous amount of reading -- but somehow it made sense and we often would chat after class. He loved my papers and I aced the course with high honors.

A few times Teddy and I joined Trumbull and Chad for dinner, usually on Saturday nights, and he was, indeed, an excellent cook. Most often, Trumbull and I would stay at the table and talk about literature, or I'd help him with dishes as we talked. Teddy and Chad thought we were boring and they'd move into the living room to watch some stupid program on television. Trumbull and I would roll our eyes and shake our heads when we heard them erupt in laughter, then continue talking.

One afternoon, during a mid-term appointment in his office, Trumbull asked me if I had considered being a writer.

"You're good with language," he said. "I don't see you as an academic, though, more as a journalist. You have a direct style, you know how to do research and sort information and make it understandable. You should think about that."

It's about all I was thinking about that Spring term: what was I going to do with my life?

Teddy and I had enjoyed a special experience at St. Philip's, but what happened next?

We both were accepted into Harvard. We had already made arrangements to room together -- I think Max had pulled some strings for us. He was an alum and a major contributor, so I doubt that he had to push too hard. But I found it interesting that he would encourage our ongoing relationship, especially given Mrs. Harrington's obvious loathing of me. I'm fairly certain she knew precisely what kind of relationship we had. I wouldn't be surprised that she had the room bugged. She studiously avoided me whenever we visited, more often she made sure she was away, especially when I stayed for holidays. I found her cold, cruel, bigoted, and vindictive.

Max, on the other hand, always greeted me warmly and took time to talk with me about school, what courses I was taking, and seemed genuinely interested in what I'd do at Harvard and beyond. He even coached me on my application and Teddy told me years later that Max had really gone to bat for me with the Admissions Committee.

I don't think he did these things because he felt sorry for me, or was trying to be a father figure after my father's death. I think he did it because he was a genuinely good person and he cared about our future. He, too, encouraged me to consider a career as a writer. He'd seen some of my work in the student newspaper and he said one evening that he thought I was writing well beyond my years. "You have a crisp style that is so different than the usual whiny crap that the students call news," he said. "They wouldn't know a news story if it bit them on their dick. And their opinions are so juvenile that I can barely stand to read more than a paragraph or two. But your stories are different."

I was pleased that he thought highly of my work; it was even better praise than Trumbull's, although I admired my teacher greatly by the end of my senior year. Trumbull and I kept in touch for many years and we still trade Christmas cards when he can track me down. He retired not long ago and is living in Arizona. He never married.

Chad came by less frequently but was always welcome in our rooms. The three of us only had sex together one other time, just before graduation when we all got a little drunk on more purloined brandy. Teddy's excuse was that we didn't dare leave any evidence behind in the rooms. The house master was notorious for making surprise inspections of senior rooms the weeks before graduation and all too many boys had been caught, banished, and showed up only to receive their diplomas.

So we invited only Chad one Saturday evening to polish off the last bottle. I think Chad was honored. He was going to Princeton in the fall, where his father was a professor of physics, and although we vowed to stay in touch, we each knew our lives would be torn asunder once we graduated.

Teddy had let Harry and the others know that we would not be available that evening and I think they were hurt. We'd never again included them in one of our sexual adventures -- and I'm not sure why. They certainly hinted enough that they'd be open to "swimming" again, but Teddy always changed the subject when it came up.

Chad showed up about 8 and, without asking, lifted our large chair and carried it to the door, effectively blocking it shut. He turned around in the entrance and took off what little clothing he was wearing -- it was blistering hot that week -- and he obviously was ready to play.

Teddy and I shed our gym shorts and walked toward him, our hard cocks pointing the way, and we embraced in the middle of the room, our hot sweaty bodies clasped firmly together. This was not frantic sex; we simply wanted to be naked together and enjoy the time.

Teddy gave Chad a quick peck on the lips and a swat on his ass and went to extrude the brandy from its hiding place in a false panel in the closet. Chad and I stood side by side, our arms resting on the others waist, and leaned together.

"I'm going to miss all this," Chad said quietly. "Especially you guys." He lowered his hand to my ass and gave it a good squeeze. "I wish we'd spent more time together."

Teddy returned with the half-bottle of excellent brandy and three small snifters. We settled in the bedroom, naked on our beds, and toasted each other and the past four years. We sat quietly for a moment contemplating various memories.

Chad broke the silence. "That night we fooled around last fall was the most incredible experience I had a St. Philip's," he said. "And it wasn't just the sex -- although THAT was incredible. I guess I felt for the very first time in all my years here that I really belonged, and that I could know you guys better than anyone else in the world."

We each clinked our glasses together and drained them. Teddy reached for the bottle for another round.

Chad's cock had gone half hard when he was talking and I was still amazed that he had fucked me -- and that I had been able to take all of it.

"No doubt you'd be hard pressed to find anyone else who would allow himself to be skewered by that lethal weapon," I said. "I still walk sideways." We all laughed and toasted my remarks and chugged back a good mouthful.

"I will never forget scrutinizing Chad's cock invading your ass," Teddy said, saluting me. "I doubt I will ever see anything like it -- watching that huge prong glide into your ass while I held it steady. God, it makes me almost cum thinking about it."

He was, indeed, not only hard but leaking pre-cum and I leaned over and lapped it up with my tongue. The combination of his nectar and the brandy was awesome.

"Let me try something," I said. I took my finger and dipped it into my brandy and let it drip onto his cock. I did that several times until it was sopping set, then I opened my mouth and inhaled it. It was an elixir! I ran my mouth up and down several times, and I felt Teddy get harder and twitch. He balls were drawing up.

"Not yet, you pervert," I said, letting him go with a loud pop.

"Your turn," I said to Chad and I walked over to him on my knees and did the same thing with his cock and my brandy. It didn't seem possible but Chad's cock seemed to be even larger. I wondered what it would feel like inside.

When I let go of Chad's cock, Teddy pulled me onto his bed and gave me a long, deep kiss. Chad came over too and sucked my cock into his mouth and rubbed my balls, then under my balls. I was getting close, so I brushed his hands away and broke Teddy's kiss.

I pushed Teddy onto his back and moved on top to suck his cock, exposing my ass to Chad's face. He didn't need instructions. He drizzled brandy on my cheeks and lapped it up, swabbing closer and closer to my hole. When he spread my cheeks with his hands and drove his tongue inside I almost lost it. He probed my ass with his tongue then slid a finger, then two, into my pulsing rectum. God it felt good.

Teddy was hunching up into my mouth and sucking me at the same time -- slowly, we didn't want this to end too soon. While he sucked me, Teddy also rubbed my thighs and played with my balls, driving me crazy with lust.

Chad withdrew his tongue and I heard him stand. I wondered briefly if he had applied any Vaseline to his cock but needn't have worried. His head was slippery as he pushed against my hole and I opened like a blossom to receive him. Slowly, slowly he pushed all the way in and my hole accommodated every inch until I felt his wiry red pubes against my buttocks. He held perfectly still then began to slowly ease his cock in and out a little at a time.

I sucked Teddy harder and grabbed onto his balls, pulling them down to keep him from popping -- and he did the same to me. It was a trick we had learned to keep us going for long, slow, intense suck sessions and it worked like a charm. Whenever we did that we eventually blew fantastic loads.

Chad was rubbing my prostate on almost every stroke and I was moaning around Teddy's cock and having a hard time concentrating on anything except the wonderful sensations in my ass. Chad picked up speed and was finding new depths in my body. I felt drops of sweat falling on my back. Then he hunched over and wrapped his arms around me, his torrid, wet belly sliding along my equally wet back and he went onto overdrive, pounding me silly.

My cock slipped out of Teddy's mouth and I immediately shot a gargantuan load of cum all over Teddy's face. He responded by almost choking me with his load, groaning and pushing up into my mouth. Chad's moment of grace began with a violent shaking of his runner's legs, then he pushed even deeper and let out a primordial grunt. He flooded my insides with shot after shot of hot cum. It felt like a firehouse going off inside me.

We stayed locked in position for a full minute, letting our breath return to normal. I could feel Chad's cock twitching inside; he didn't seem to be getting any softer. Teddy's cock fell out of my open mouth along with a long string of cum and drool. My own cock was limp and spent, still dripping on Teddy's face.

Chad pulled out with a pop and I remembered the last time when I thought he was taking half of my gizzards with him. My asshole was stretched but it didn't hurt. I could feel his cum running down my thighs. I remained in position, afraid to move and break the spell. Chad walked away and quickly returned with warm washcloths and towels and this time he administered the ablutions to my ass, tenderly cleansing me.

Teddy lay there with a satisfied grin on his face and he looked at me and winked.

"Nice way to end the term, right Mikie?" he asked, bobbing his head up to lick a single drop of cum from my tender tip.

Chad cleaned Teddy's face of my cum by licking it off, which I found incredibly erotic, then wiped his face with a wash cloth and dried it with a hand towel.

We rearranged ourselves on Teddy's bed and cuddled together. We raised our glasses again and drained them, savoring the last sips of brandy. Teddy reached over and turned off the bedside lamp so that the bedroom was illuminated only by the overflow light from the study. We dozed in peace for about an hour.

When I awoke I had to piss, very badly, and I knew there was more inside my ass, so I crawled from between their slumbering bodies and went to the bathroom, closing the door quietly to take care of business.

Chad was putting on his underwear when I came out; Teddy was curled into a ball, snoring lightly.

"Going so soon?" I asked.

"I'm not sure I'd survive another round," Chad whispered. "Mike, that was so hot. Thanks for letting me be with you one last time. I really, really like you and Teddy and I'm going to miss you both -- but especially you, Mike."

He leaned over and kissed me and I kissed back, wrestling his tongue and -- oh my God -- getting hard again. I reached down and felt his cock and he was almost hard, too.

We pulled our bodies together and ground our crotches and pricks together, enjoying the feelings and not wanting this to end so soon.

"Can't you stay a little longer," I asked. "I want you inside of me again."

"What about him?" Chad asked, nodding in Teddy's direction.

"If he stays asleep, he'll miss out; if he wakes up, he'll join in," I said. "Teddy's not shy."

I stepped backward until I felt my bed against my knees then sat down and rolled onto my back, lifting my legs up to my chest, fully exposing my ass.

"I think you know what to do," I whispered to Chad. He stepped forward, bending his knees to get the right angle, and put his tip against my tender and swollen rosebud.

"Easy, fella," I hissed. I grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them as wide as possible. "Slowly, slowly," I coached and I felt him slide in an inch or so.

He was a considerate lover; he took his time and managed to get his entire dick inside of me without causing any pain. Once inside, he stayed perfectly still; I could feel him flexing his cock inside of me and it felt exquisite.

My own rod was only semi-hard but dripping pre-cum like a leaky faucet. Chad was rubbing my prostate every time he moved. I didn't care if I didn't get hard again or if I didn't cum. This was ecstasy.

We must have enjoyed this slow-motion fuck for some time. I was in a haze and I kept thinking that I was dreaming. Chad never changed speed, he simply rocked back and forth, occasionally pushing a little harder but never pounding me.

I heard a creak and I glanced across the room to see Teddy sitting upright, slowly beating off watching Chad fuck me. He nodded once but didn't say a word.

Eventually, Chad did speed up and I got fully hard, probably from watching Teddy jerk off and mostly from Chad hitting my prostate over and over.

I felt Chad's cock expand where it stretched my opening and he rose up on his toes to get a better angle.

Teddy got off his bed and walked over, rubbing Chad's ass as it went in and out. That was all it took: Chad went absolutely rigid while he pumped shot after shot into my hole.

I was jerking my cock but didn't want this to end yet. When Chad went soft and plopped out, I grabbed Teddy's hand and pulled him over to where Chad had been.

Teddy figured it out and nudged Chad aside, sliding his hard cock into my sloppy hole, pushing it all in with a single movement.

I groaned loudly and grabbed his buttocks to pull him deeper, riding my ass higher. Teddy's cock bounced on my prostate and I clenched my ass tightly around his cock.

"Ummmph," I moaned, then spewed all over my chest; one shot even landed in my open mouth. Teddy groaned after my first spasm and came inside me. To my surprise, I suddenly felt drops of cum landing on my chin and I looked up to see Chad shooting yet another, smaller, weaker load from his wilting cock.

Teddy fell on top of me and Chad sat down hard on my bed. He then rolled onto his side, his chest behind my head and his sloppy cock right next to my face. I could smell his cum and my ass juices and it made me dizzy. The smell of boy sex filled the entire room and I never wanted to leave.

Teddy was getting too heavy to be on top, so I pushed him aside and went back to the bathroom for yet another cleaning. When I came out, Chad was fully dressed this time but Teddy was still naked. The three of us hugged tightly, not saying a word, totally spent and completely fulfilled.

We gave each other gentle kisses and Chad removed the chair and went out.

It was midnight. Teddy and I looked at each other and smiled. Without another word, we went naked to his bed and spooned for the rest of the night.

Next: Chapter 11

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