
By Mike Pendragon

Published on Dec 17, 2011


Graduation was a blur. I had no parents to congratulate me -- Pendergast sent a congratulatory business letter and a nice check from the trust -- but Max was there with his strong handshake and honest hug. Mrs. Harrington kept her distance, which was fine with me.

I didn't have any place to call home so I gave away most of my books and the few sticks of furniture I had and packed all of my clothes into two suitcases. I was on my own.

Teddy and I had decided to take a road trip before Harvard. His graduation gift was a newer used Volvo wagon, so we loaded up after stopping at his house in Prides Crossing and headed west with no particular destination.

When Chad heard we were going to be traveling he said he'd be in Montana after July 4th at the family ranch and offered to put us up for as long as we wanted. He also said learning to fly fish for cutthroat trout in Montana's rivers was mandatory.

Teddy and I wandered across New York State, stopping to see Niagara Falls, then cut across Ontario toward Michigan. We made a two-day detour to Toronto, which was a great idea, then crossed through Port Huron and headed north to camp in the Upper Peninsula for a few days along Lake Superior.

I'd never been camping and Teddy had limited experience, but what we didn't have we bought so that by the time we reached the upper peninsula we had a good tent, good sleeping bags for some surprisingly cold nights, and a small stove, cooler, and camping utensils.

We had a blast, camping in remote places, skinny dipping in the lakes and streams, lying naked on the beaches and generally being free spirits with no agenda except being nude as often as possible.

The sex was great. We often hiked nude as we made our way from Michigan to Wisconsin and across the Dakotas toward Montana. We took back roads and avoided highways, stopping when we wanted, eating in tiny diners in small towns, or stopping anywhere along the road, setting up camp and cooking our own meals. We actually became decent cooks, although the meals were necessarily simple.

We sucked and fucked almost every day, often driving naked in the car and fondling each other as the landscape rolled by, listening to the radio, talking, and dozing while the other drove. It was hot driving across the prairie without air conditioning, so it was hard to talk for long with all of the windows open. It was simply good to be together, on our own.

We arrived in Billings, Montana, about 9 p.m. on a sultry night in mid-July. It was a small, dusty town of mostly one-story buildings. Nothing was open except one bar; the rest of the town was dead. We found a phone booth and I called the number Chad had given us. The operator cut in and said we had to add more coins, so I dumped change in until she put us through. It rang for a long time before Chad answered. He was out of breath.

"Hey," he gulped, "I was afraid you'd hang up before I could answer. I was outside in the barn and I could hear the phone in the house but it's a bit of a run."

He paused to catch his breath. "So where are you guys?" he asked. We explained our location and he said it would be at least two hours before he could get there -- and giving directions was useless because we'd never find their ranch.

"Why don't you guys camp for the night and I'll meet you at the diner on Main Street about 9 tomorrow morning. Do you mind?" he asked.

I relayed the information to Teddy and he shrugged and shook his head yes.

"Deal," I said, as the operator cut in, so I hung up and turned to Teddy.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

He shrugged and answered, "Well, I guess we'd better start looking for a place to camp."

There didn't seem to be anything open where we might ask for directions, so we picked a street that looked as if it might lead somewhere other than where we had already been, and set out. About two miles out of town we'd passed three closed gas stations and a closed Mom and Pop grocery store and there was nothing but dark road ahead and a sign that said Boseman -- 50 miles.

Around a bend we saw lights. It was a motel, Stardust or Big Sky or something, and it had a no vacancy sign showing. Shit!

We pulled in anyway and went into the office, which seemed empty but we could hear a television behind the desk. I rang the bell on the counter and out walked a young guy, maybe a year or two older than us, in bib overalls, no shirt.

"Sorry, we're full up," he said.

"We saw the sign," Teddy explained, "but we wondered if we could pitch our tent out back. We've been driving since dawn and we're beat."

The guy looked us over and sighed. "No can do," he said. "My folks would shit razor blades if they found a tent in the yard."

He glanced up at the clock; it was almost 10:48. "Tell you what," he said. "I close at 11 and the folks are away in Helena for a week. If you don't mind sharing my room, you can stay with me. I won't even charge you."

We immediately agreed and he directed us around the back of the motel to a small two-story farmhouse and a large barn.

"Just park down by the barn and I'll close up for the night," he said.

He came out of the back door of the office and met us on the porch. "Come on in and make yourselves comfy," he said, turning on the kitchen light and going over to the refrigerator, where he retrieved three bottle of beer and some lunch meats.

"I am damned tired, damned thirsty, and damned hungry," he said. "How `bout you boys?"

My stomach rumbled and Teddy said, "Yeah, me too."

He stuck out his hand, "Tucker," he said. "Tucker Folsom. And you boys are...?"

We introduced ourselves and gave a quick explanation of our road trip and plans to meet Chad in the morning.

"Chad? Hell, I know Chad! Small world isn't it?" he said. "We fish sometimes. His daddy and my daddy are old fishing buddies. His folks have had that ranch for years and my granddaddy used to work for Chad's granddaddy as a ranch hand back in the Depression. No shit, don't that beat all!"

He took a deep chug on his beer and held out the bottle. "There's more where this came from, boys," he said, clinking our bottles and we drank. It tasted so good -- definitely not Max's brandy, but cold and refreshing.

We devoured the sandwiches and had a couple more beers before Tucker said, "Well, I don't want to break up the party but I have an early morning. There are two beds upstairs, a single and a double. I'd let you sleep downstairs in my parents' room but their kinda funny about having someone sleep in their bed.

"My brothers and I always slept upstairs so it'll be just like old home week," he said. "They're gone now," he added, "Frank is in the Army -- left right out of high school and never came back." He paused. "Tommy was killed in a car crash the night he graduated. The folks never quite got over that. ... So it's just me now and I stick around so they don't feel abandoned."

He headed toward the stairs and turned to face us: "It gets pretty hot up there and there's only one window at each end. Just so you know." He walked up the steps, unstrapping his overalls as he walked.

Teddy and I followed and I swear the the thermometer rose 5 degrees every step we took. By the time we reached the second floor it was like being back in the steam room at the Y, only not quite as humid.

Tucker kicked off his overalls and stood naked in the half light. "I suggest you get out of those clothes or you'll die up here," he said. "I'll take the single tonight and you guys can have the double bed over there."

Teddy and I looked at each other and back at Tucker. "umm, can I use the bathroom first?" I asked.

"Number one or number two?" Tucker asked. I didn't know what he meant.

"You need to piss or shit?" Tucker asked again. "Outhouse is out back. If you just need to piss there's a bucket over there."

He went over and held it up, put it under his dick and let loose with a steady stream. "All that beer sure runs through ya," he said, shaking the last few drops off of his cock. It was an admirable piece, about 5 inches soft, and his big balls hung low in the heat. I felt a little twitch and said to myself, "Not now, idiot."

Teddy and I stripped and I tentatively walked over to the bucket and let loose with a steady steam of beer piss. I sounded like a horse.

"Dayumm," Tucker said. "You musta been holding that in for a while. What about you," he asked Teddy.

Teddy answered by standing next to me and letting loose with his own fire hose, creating a cap of piss-foam in the bucket. "You boys need to know that whoever fills the bucket gets to take it to the outhouse in the morning."

He flung himself down on the bed, his back on the mattress, his arms flung wide, and his knees bent upward to catch any breeze. His silhouette in the half light of the window was stunning. He was lanky and lean, had a nice chest with a dusting of hair around his nipples, and strong arms. His legs were long and wiry and very hairy. His cock bulge made a nice mound and he had a big bush of hair.

Teddy and I lay down on the bed and immediately slid into the middle. The springs were shot and the mattress was thin: we would be sleeping in a gorge tonight. We moved around to try to get comfortable, Teddy on his side facing the window. I braced my butt against his and lay on my other side, facing Tucker splayed on his bed.

I was tired but the scene was too tantalizing to close my eyes. We were silent, waiting for any breath of cooler air, listening to the crickets and other night sounds outside.

Maybe a 10 minutes later, Tucker's bed creaked and I opened my eyes. His legs were now flat on the bed but his cock was sticking straight up and his hand was sliding up and down slowly. I went instantly hard.

He turned his head and looked right at me, grinned, and then stroked some more. I moved my hand to my cock and matched his rhythm, trying not to disturb the precarious balance Teddy and I had established in the wrecked bed.

Tucker began stroking faster, as did I, and my movements caused Teddy to elbow me in the side. I elbowed him back and he turned toward me, stopping when he caught sight of Tucker cranking away.

"Shit," he whispered, and he rolled the rest of the way over onto his other side, so we were spooning in the mattress valley. His hand reached over and wrapped itself around my cock, taking over, matching Tucker's strokes across the room. Teddy's cock was tucked into my ass crack and I wanted nothing more right then than to have him slide into me balls deep. I let out a sigh.

Tucker rolled onto his side, facing us, and said, "You boys up for a little fun?"

"Hell, yeah," Teddy whispered. Tucker sat up, still stroking, then stood and walked over to stand above us.

"Was hoping you boys would want to play," he said, kneeling down at the side or our bed. He reached out and brushed Teddy's hand from my cock, holding it, squeezing it, sizing it up. "Damn fine," he said, before bending down and sucking my cock all the way to the base. I moaned and pulled Teddy toward me. "Fuck me now," I said, and Teddy lifted my leg up and pushed his cock into my sweaty hole. "Oh, fuck," I hissed. Teddy rocked forward a bit and pushed in further while Tucker went up and down on me. I was not going to last.

I dragged my hand from under my side and groped around until I found Tucker's hard, leaking dick. I latched on and I began to stroke him in the same tempo he was sucking me. Teddy matched the rhythm and we synchronized our sex.

I was getting close so I whispered, "Gonna cum soon." I felt my body flexing and tightening and my balls were drawing up and tingling. Tucker picked up the pace and Teddy rammed harder and faster. "Fuck!" I yelled as my cock exploded in Tucker's mouth. Teddy grunted and I could feel him unloading in my ass. Before I finished, Tucker suddenly stood up and jerked his cock over us, splattering us with his molten cum.

When he was done, he fell to his knees and put his head on my chest.

"That was one God almighty cum," he gasped. "I haven't done that since I don't remember when."

He wiped his cock on the sheet and stood up. "You boys are hot," he said. "But you stink. Bad."

Teddy's cock had slipped out and I could smell cum and my ass juices in the bed. We did stink.

"You guys grab that pale and follow me,' Tucker said and thumped down the stairs naked. When he reached the bottom he said, "Come on, let's clean up."

Hearing us scrambling for our clothes, he said, "You won't need those, come on down."

I grabbed the piss pale and Teddy and I went down the creaky stairs where Tucker waited in the kitchen door. Handing us each a cold bottle of beer, he said, "Time to wash off."

The screen door screeched on its hinges and we walked into the night. It was cooler outside and a slight breeze had come up, smelling of wild sage. We followed Tucker past the barn down a dirt path toward some high shrubs. When he stopped we were on a small sandy beach on a large pond. We could hear frogs croaking all around and an occasional splash.

Tucker waded in and began splashing and washing himself, rubbing under his balls and scrubbing his big soft penis; then under his arms before dunking his head under water.

I knew I had to get rid of Teddy's load but I didn't know where. I backed away from the water and squatted on the other side of the path in some weeds, where I farted out his load and let loose with some ass juice. Then I stood and let loose with a good stream of piss.

When I walked back to the beach, Teddy was knee deep in the water and Tucker was washing him off. Tucker turned and beaconed me in; I waded out in the surprisingly warm water and he washed me, too, paying special attention to my ass.

Then he turned, dove head first into the pond and disappeared, surfacing thirty feet away with a splash and bubbles. Teddy did the same and I stood there knee deep, shivering and not at all inclined to dive into unknown waters. I waded deeper until I was about chest deep and stopped. I could feel the bottom sloping down and I really didn't want to go over my head.

Tucker and Teddy were treading water in the middle of the pond when Tucker dove again and disappeared. I didn't know where he'd gone until I felt his hand on my cock and his mouth engulfing me. I must have jumped a foot but he held on and rose to the surface as I backed away to more shallow water.

"Shit, you scared me," I said as he grabbed my ass and kept sucking my cock. Teddy swam over and joined us, standing behind Tucker and fondling his balls and ass from behind. Tucker groaned and said, "Yeah, that's it," when he came up for air. I was finally getting hard; he had a wonderful mouth and it was working magic. Plus, his middle finger had found my sloppy asshole and was working inside.

Teddy bent down and began licking Tucker's hole and this caused Tucker to suck me faster and his finger to go deeper. After a few minutes, Tucker let go of my cock and turned his head toward Teddy.

"Do it, man," and went back on my cock. Teddy lined his hard prick up with Tucker's hole and pushed once, then twice, adjusted the angle and pushed a third time. I felt Tucker's breath go out of him around my cock and he hissed air back in as Teddy pushed all the way in.

I was getting harder, especially watching Teddy work Tucker's ass. And Tucker's finger and blow job were getting me close. Tucker suddenly stopped, pulled his finger out, and turned me around. He stood slightly, his big prick pointing straight out, and backed me into his groin. I rose up on my toes and he sank right into my throbbing ass.

I'd never done it this way, but it was hot knowing that Teddy was the driving piston for this three-man sex machine. When Teddy moved forward, Tucker punched into me and when Teddy pulled back, Tucker did, too. Tucker's hand was wrapped around my cock, keeping the piston going and we humped like that in the pond, under the stars, for a long time.

Finally, Teddy began pounding faster and we all went along for the ride, our breath ragged, our groans increasing, and our bodies tightening. Teddy came first and then I shot into Tucker's hand moments later. My ass spasms brought Tucker to a thundering cum and he lasted long after Teddy had fallen out, pumping my ass after he had shot his last blast.

We collapsed in the warm shallows, breathing hard and tired as hell. Tucker stood and splashed himself clean, followed quickly by Teddy and me. As we walked back to the house, Tucker pointed to the outhouse and handed me the bucket.

"Best dump that and get rid of my load, too," he advised, grabbing Teddy's buttocks and guiding him toward the house.

I quickly stepped inside and sat down on the wooden seat, spewing and farting out Tucker's prodigious load. I wiped off then brought the pale inside to dump it in the pit. I ran out, trying to escape the noxious fumes that filled the tiny shit house.

Welcome to Montana, I guess.

When I got upstairs, Tucker was asleep on the single bed and Teddy had rolled into the center of our bed, sound asleep. I crept into bed and tried to

Next: Chapter 12

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