Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Jun 10, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

A couple of people have written in and mentioned that the last part (chapters 4-6) kind of "drug on" a bit. Normally I end up editing my work before I send it in and try to make the chapters as concise as possible. With this story the set up is important. I am introducing at least five or six new characters that never appeared in JK Rowlings books so I allowed mmyself a bit more exposition (background information and meanings concerning characters) then normal.

All the characters will fit significantly into the central plot so I had to explain who they were to keep the continuity of the story going. I am trying to add the erotic scenes as well, although you may notice that they are mainly in the second or third chapter (I figure if the reader shoots a load in the first chapter he may not read the rest...wink..wink).

Plus I figure that people are reading my story because they like my creativity. If someone comes to Nifty just to find a story to bust a load there are plenty that are simply erotic and detatched submissions in the archives that could make a choir boy squeal with orgasmic delight! While I like including the sex scenes in the story ...(and there will be plenty more in this story in later chapters)...and the couple of readers pics that people sent in :p...I am attempting to write a short story with the sex being an incidental part of the tale not the main thrust of the plot.

Anyhow hopefully at the end of this story you will see why the early chapters had to be written the way they were...as later chapters come out it will be a fast read since all the central characters will have been introduced to the readers...cheers! Comments and story suggestions are welcomed and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Three

Chapter 7- Confessions and Cover-ups

She had made up her mind, nearly seconds after she made the offer to her boss. She would make sure that before anything was turned over she would have the exclusive rights to the story; it would be her name and only her name on the story or the deal would be off. The exclusive story, based on the information her brother claimed he had weaseled out of Colin Creevey last night, would facilitate that.

Janet Wilkes understood that she was just starting out in the business but she also knew that it was a dog eat dog world in the world of journalism. Andy Anderson had been a good role model and mentor but after more then a year of shadowing him she was ready to break out on her own. She was tired of doing all the legwork while he got all the glory in print.

So as she waited for her brother to arrive, she re-affirmed her pledge to not hand anything over to Hamilton unless he agreed to let her pen the exclusive story herself. That was if her brother had really gained any information that was worth printing. Janet had her doubts about her sometimes-unreliable brother.

Unlike her, Elliot Edwards never took life seriously. He did take his work seriously but that was about it. A practical joker in school and extremely immature in his adult life at times he was the complete opposite of Janet. That worried her; her career advancement may be hinging on what Elliot said he had. Janet hoped he didn't foul this up like he had fouled up other things in his life.

Janet paced the floor of her flat impatiently as she kept checking her watch. Elliot, as usual, was already fifteen minutes late. After another five minutes she heard his familiar knock at her door.

"Hiya, sis," said Elliot waltzing into the flat as if he had all the time in the world

"You're late, you know," said Janet curtly

"Sorry got held up a bit...mind you be nice...remember I hold the potential for your career future dear sister."

Janet considered this and her brother was right. Uncharacteristically she softened her tone and asked her brother if he cared for some tea. When the tea was served and they were both sitting comfortably Elliot pulled out his clipboard.

"Well here it is, sis," Elliot said proudly

"Here is what?" asked Janet confused, "it's your work clipboard...so what?"

"Ah...it's not just any old clipboard...it's a special one that I got from a Muggle spy shop in London. It has an embedded recording device and a playback option; perfect for catching friends and enemies talking out of turn...at least that is what the salesman said. I might suggest, you get your work clipboard, sis, as you will definitely want to take notes on what you are about to hear!"

Getting the hint Janet grabbed her notepad and the QuickQuill Plus and set it to "verbatim".

The QuickQuill Plus would, in record speed, write everything that would be said on that recording- word for word.

"Ready, sis?" asked Elliot with a big grin

"Fire away, dear brother," replied Janet expectantly

Elliot pressed the part of the clipboard that started the playback and Janet was pleased to hear the voice of Colin Creevey. She sat in complete awe as she listened to the recording, her QuickQuill Plus furiously writing down everything word for word at record speed. Just this once, she had to admit to herself that she misjudged her brother; he had really come through with more then she had ever expected him to get.

While Janet was busy absorbing the confessions of Colin Creevey, Elliot was still trying to think of a way of explaining just how he got the information from Creevey, if his sister asked, without outing himself. Clearly he couldn't tell his sister the truth. Every time Creevey mentioned something about the boys, or anything gay related for that matter, his sister pursed her lips and shook her head in obvious disgust.

Elliot could thank his father for being the one that taught Janet to hate gay folk. Their father was a Muggle and had fallen into the trap organized man-made religion created for gullible people like their father. His religion, that was supposed to be following the teachings of a gentle and kind prophet, a man that loved nearly everyone he came in contact with, had been bent and twisted into a justification for hate over the centuries since the prophet was crucified.

Countless times he heard his father justifying his hate of "queers' or his dislike of others different from him by quoting obscure verses from the book he carried around. Sadly there were many like his father; justifying hate and putting words in the mouth of the prophet they name themselves after that the prophet never said. When the letter came for Janet, from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, all hell broke loose. His mother finally admitted to their father that, she too, was a witch and that she had attended that very school.

It was unacceptable to their father; after all, he said during a particularly nasty fight, those who practiced his particular religion burned witches at the stake hundreds of years ago...it was against "his god" and he wouldn't stand for it. When their mother failed to renounce who she was their father left and never returned. It had been at least 14 years since Elliot had seen his father and despite his mother's best efforts the damage to Janet's belief system was already done. Even though she went to Hogwarts and seemed to enjoy being "just like mom" she retained some of the hate and irrational fears that their father had ingrained into her subconscious.

So it was no wonder Janet was a homophobe; she had learned by example. And after all that is how children learn to hate. They don't pop out of the womb hating gays or hating people that have different skin colors or religious beliefs from the start. The adults that raise them teach them and consequently they force their bigotry on the innocent minds of their young children. At least that was the theory Elliot had come up with over the years.

Elliot didn't fall into that trap because when he was twelve, to his horror, he found that he was sexually attracted to other boys. Despite his best efforts to imagine his female classmates naked when he jerked off nothing could erase the memory of his male mates he saw in the showers. It was a frustrating time for a twelve year old and he learned, early on, that it was best to keep his sexual orientation to himself.

The best way to do that was to act homophobic himself. As he got older, he and his other Slytherin mates would target boys that were younger and weaker. They would pick out the ones they thought were "puffs" and they would make them do whatever they told them to do. If their targets didn't comply then they were threatened with the whole school finding out that they were cocksuckers.

Elliot remembered the second year boy, Alex Gardener, who resembled a young Colin Creevey. Elliot and his mates targeted Alex because he was effeminate and clearly he was a puff. One day they had found Alex sitting by himself by the lake and they made their move. In retrospect, Elliot wondered why none of these boys ever questioned him and his mates. They had made the boy do everything possible to them. They took him into a well-hidden part of the woods where no students would be likely to come.

They forced the nearly hairless blond boy to strip down naked and made him get down on his knees. Elliot and his two mates then pulled out their sizeable cocks and made the boy suck each one in turn. When it became clear that Alex was getting into it, his 4-inch hardon standing straight up and pointing towards his belly, Elliot and his mates made the boy their sex slave for the year.

It always started the same...they made Alex strip down and start off by sucking each teen into hardness. While Alex sucked on Elliot's dick his mates would be forcing the boy's head down on the cock. They would tie the boy's hands behind his back so he wasn't allowed to touch his own cock. When they all were suitably hard they all laid down on the ground and made the boy sit on their cocks...one after the other.

Elliot again wondered why the boy never questioned them, when they would call him names like "puff" or "queer" in hallways of the castle. Elliot and his mates were just as hard and horny as Alex and they all always shot one or two loads. Rarely will a truly straight person get hard, let alone have multiple orgasms with another male, so Elliot always found it strange that the boy never questioned their sexual orientation.

His remembering was interrupted by his sister's voice.

"Earth to Elliot...are you awake?"

"Oh right, sorry...not much sleep last night," apologized Elliot suddenly aware that his cock had hardened a bit while he was thinking of Alex. He adjusted himself in the chair so Janet hopefully wouldn't notice.

"I said...how can I get a copy of what you recorded on that thing?" asked Janet slightly perturbed

"Well you can't really...but I don't need it now so you take it sis. Now there is the matter of the thousand galleons your boss promised. When do you think I might be seeing that?"

"Always looking out for number one aren't you? What is it...found another slut you are going to waste money on, dear brother?"

"Yeah...something like that," said Elliot avoiding eye contact with Janet

"Well first I am going to write the story...if Hamilton let's me have the exclusive then all will be well...if not...well we can deal with that later"

"So in a few days then?"

"Perhaps sooner, again, if all goes well."

Elliot hoped it would go well, he needed to pay back the money he owed some less then ethical people soon so sooner would be better then later.

He gave Janet the clipboard and then made an excuse so he could get home quickly. His balls wanted some release after remembering Alex Gardener...maybe one day, real soon, he would try to find him and apologize for the way he treated the boy all those years ago.

When Elliot left Janet went straight to work, penning what she hoped would be the career boosting scoop of the century that would finally lift her into the journalism elite's stratosphere.

Chapter 8- London Calling

The getaway was Ron's idea; there were just too many prying eyes these days in Hogsmead. Harry could have come visit at Ron's flat but with all the people that were around trying to prove that Harry Potter was indeed gay, and partnered with none other then the Minister of Magic's son, Ron thought it best to spend the weekend elsewhere.

Ron was proud that Harry was a Hogwarts teacher but that job definitely had its down sides. Since Harry actually lived where he worked, namely at Hogwarts, Ron could only hope to see him on the weekends. But Harry was happy teaching so Ron tried to get by the inconvenience. Still there were many weeknights, when he was stuck jerking off himself, when he wished his lover were by his side, in bed and making love with him. It was frustrating to say the least, so Ron wanted to make the most of the weekend he had planned.

So before the weekend came Ron made reservations at a hotel in London...not the usual spots wizards go but at a Muggle hotel. He had converted his wizard money into Muggle currency so the two days in London could be spent completely away from everyone who knew who Harry Potter was. The only people they would see, from the wizarding world, for the next two days were two old friends- Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan.

Dean and Seamus both had jobs and flats in London so Ron, who had remembered Harry mentioning that he wanted to "get together with their old mates in the near future" had sent them owls and invited them to meet at the Muggle hotel. Despite all the negative press, and the Colin Creevey story as a whole, both Dean and Seamus remained loyal friends to Harry and Ron. Harry and Ron weren't sure if their two friends knew that they were lovers; both Dean and Seamus had blown off the Daily Prophet stories as rubbish. But just to play it safe Ron and Harry agreed to play it as "straight as possible" when their friends arrived. That is why Ron had selected a room with two beds instead of one.

Harry was grateful as well; the first week of classes were a drain on him. Not because of the workload but because it seemed like every student, in every class treated him as if he had a contagious disease...as if they would "catch fagitis", as Harry had said to Neville a couple of days earlier.

But this weekend Harry would let that go; he was now very relaxed in a seedy, yet private Muggle hotel with his lover beside him. Harry rolled on to his side and stroked Ron's hair gently.

"You're not falling to sleep already mister sleepy head?" asked Harry playfully, "After the fucking you gave me I am sure you are worn down but company is coming so it's not nap time"

"No just thinking a bit, that's all," said Ron opening his eyes

"I thought we were going to let go of everything and not think about anything important this weekend?"

"Yes, we were...it's just that...well something is worrying me to be honest," said a frowning Ron

Harry had a gut feeling all evening that there was something on Ron's mind; he was never really adept at hiding his feelings.

"What's on your mind?" asked Harry genuinely concerned

"I don't know...I guess I am just worried about the future...after what happened in the summer I wonder if it is a good idea that you went back to teaching this year."

"I think it was the right thing to do. Giving up would have meant giving in to the people that hate us."

"I know that, " said Ron shaking his head and sitting up in the bed, "I mean if more crap happens it may affect us and my dad. You know that the conservatives in the Ministry are looking for any excuse to get rid of him."

"I realize that Ron and believe me I love your dad nearly as much as I love you but I had to go back. If anything else happens we can get through it"

"I hope so Harry," said Ron laying back down and cradling Harry in his arms

Harry gave Ron a passionate kiss and then jumped out of the bed, "Come on love, let's get dressed...Dean and Seamus will be here in a few minutes."

Ron reluctantly got out of bed, his half hard cock bouncing in front of him.

"Damn I thought we could have another shag before they got here," said Ron pulling on his boxers and giving Harry one of his seductive looks, "I am not that worn out ya know...probably good for a couple of more until the sun rises!"

Minutes after they got dressed a knock at the door announced the arrival of the two old Hogwarts roommates.

"Hiya mates!" smiled Seamus as he entered with Dean in tow, " not used to being in Muggle territory, although it was kind of fun using that eletator!"

"That's an elevator, Seamus," laughed Harry," Nice to see you Seamus and you too Dean. You both are looking well."

"We try," winked Dean, "looks like you two are getting on well then?"

Harry and Ron stood there open mouthed; neither expected Dean or Seamus to know that they were really a couple

"You two know?" asked Harry tentatively

"Sure mate," piped in Seamus, "with all the stories it's hard not to"

"Well you can't believe everything you read in the Daily Prophet," said Ron flatly, "and why didn't you tell me you know when you sent the Owl messages back?"

"No point in it really," said Dean, "what we said was that we didn't believe the accusations about you two molesting those boys. As for your own private love life...well that's your business...not ours...you are still good mates regardless."

"Absolutely...listen me and Dean are ok with you two being a pair. You always were in school. So what if you have a shag as well?...it's no ones business but your own really and like Dean just said you guys are still friends so that hasn't changed," offered Seamus

"Plus...," added Dean, "its' not like either of us haven't done a few things that weren't exactly straight over the years."

Harry and Ron looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.

"Really...well maybe you can tell us about one of your adventures to get the party started," suggested Harry winking at Seamus, "But first I bet you two are parched...anyone care for some Mead?"

"Maybe...it's sort of private," said Seamus blushing,"but some Mead would be perfect."

"Seamus still acts like he is a 10 year old and that it is shameful to talk about sex," laughed Dean patting Seamus on his head, "oh and I would love some Mead as well, thank you."

"I do not," said Seamus pretending to pout, "some things are just private you git"

They all had a good laugh over the teasing as the glasses were filled. After the third glass of Mead was poured and in their stomachs, Seamus, with Dean's encouragement, was at ease enough to regale Harry and Ron with one of their naughty tales from their Hogwarts student days.

Harry had to admit that both Dean and Seamus had grown into hot young men. Seamus was still quite fit and it looked like he had been working out; clearly the evidence of pumped up pecs were showing through his white tee shirt. Although he was shorter then Harry it was apparent that he was packing a nice bulge in his pants. Likewise Dean was a looker as well; slightly taller then both Harry and Ron he still had the boyish face and that same creamy brown color that complimented his beautiful brown eyes.

Seamus, who never could hold his liquor, started the story...a story Ron and Harry had no clue about.

"Ok here is one for you...something we never told you two. Remember in our fifth year when Ron's dad got hurt and you two had to go back home and to St. Mungos?" asked Seamus

"Right, we were gone for a couple of days back then...two or three I think," said Ron scratching his head

"Yes, well Dean and I were in our beds and over in Neville's bunk we heard the obvious sounds that told us old Neville was wanking. Well we decided to have a little fun with Neville, as a joke you know. We both got up and snuck over to Neville's bed and the way the curtains were moving it was clear he thought we were asleep and he was having a good pull on his cock."

"Yeah, he must have really been into it because he didn't hear us coming round his bed," added Dean

"Well we were going just surprise him," continued Seamus, "you know just rip back the curtains and catch Longbottom wanking. So we were just standing there looking at each other, trying to pick the right time to pull back his curtains but then we both noticed something else..."

"Actually Seamus noticed me first. We were standing there quietly waiting to pull back Neville's curtains," said Dean sitting back on the sofa and spreading his legs, "and I guess the sound of Neville jerking off and his moaning turned me on some. I never wore boxers under my bottoms so I got a hard on and it snaked out of the slit in the front."

Dean grabbed a hold of his full crotch to illustrate the point, causing both Harry and Ron's cocks to stir in their tracky bottoms.

"Snaked indeed!" smiled Seamus, "snake is a good name for your dick, mate!"

Another hearty laugh filled the hotel room and then Seamus continued the story.

"So getting back to the story, I am standing there and I see Dean with a boner. The combination of that and the sounds of Neville made me bone as well and I just reached into my bottoms to readjust. Dean noticed that and then came closer to me and indicated that I should pull mine out as well...I guess I was horny enough to not think twice about it so I did...well pretty soon we forgot about scaring Neville. Both of us were mad horny as well and we started wanking each other right outside Neville's bed curtains."

It was obvious Seamus was getting another boner while telling the story; he blatantly adjusted his cock in his pants so it could point upwards in a more comfortable position and then continued.

"Well the funny bit is that me and Dean got so lost into our mutual wanking that we didn't notice Neville getting all quiet. Neville turned the tables on us and whipped back his curtain. I swear if there was a fly on the wall it would have been laughing its ass off. There we were, me and Dean, with each other's hard cocks in hand with Neville staring at us in shock with his hand still wrapped around his hard cock."

"And we didn't know what to do," said Dean, "we just stood there frozen for a bit until Neville got up and joined us. After that, while you two were gone, we were fucking and sucking each other like mad. We never told you two at the time cause we didn't know about you guys."

"So you two are gay then?" asked Harry totally surprised

"No, we both are pretty much straight but we enjoy the occasional recreation of our Hogwarts days with each other."

"I see...well you succeeded in getting me hard as a rock and I see you two are as well," said Ron

"Ya, remembering that day always makes me bone," said Seamus grabbing a handful of his crotch

"Well let's see then," said Ron, "we'll show your ours if you show us yours...if that's ok with you Harry"

"Why not...might as well not waste four good hardons," said Harry getting up and squeezing his cock through his bottoms

They all laughed and then all four of them stripped down. The first to get naked was Seamus seeing as he had the least amount of clothing on. He sat back out on the couch and displayed his manhood. Harry and Ron surveyed their old friend. While his face was still very boyish his body was manly. A small trail of hair led down to a furry patch of brown pubes that were hosting a fine looking six inch uncut cock and a huge pair of balls.

Next was Dean and he impressed Ron and Harry as well. His body was totally smooth except for a small patch of black pubes that accessorized his eight-inch light brown uncut cock. Likewise Ron and Harry stripped down and gave their friends a good look.

"Damn Ron, " said Dean licking his lips, " looks like you can give me a run for the money...that's a nice cock!"

Ron blushed and returned the compliment as he walked across the room and took Dean's boner in his hand. Harry took a cue from Ron and went down between Seamus' spread legs and then looked up at Ron.

"Well tyey looks great...how about we see how they taste?"

"You go first...I want to watch you," said Ron who was enjoying what Dean's hand was doing to his dick

Ron had always been a secret voyeur; he especially liked watching Harry go down on other guys. It was like his own private porno movie being filmed live. After a bit Ron went down on Dean's cock, licking the precum off the pinkish head that was peaking out of the foreskin. Eventually they were all on the floor and sixty-nining each other.

Harry boldly grabbed onto Seamus' slightly fuzzy ass and found his hole. He wet his finger and dared to slip it in. When Seamus didn't protest he pushed it in further. Seamus pushed his ass farther down onto Harry's finger and pumped his cock into Harry's mouth.

"I want to see you two fuck," said Dean coming off of Ron's cock

"Which two?" asked Ron

"You and Harry...I want to watch that while Seamus is fucking me."

That worked for Ron; he got up and got the lube. When both Ron and Dean had their holes lubed they were entered and the sounds of two couples fucking their brains out filled the hotel room. When they all were close to cumming they all sat in a circle on the floor and each person jacked the cock next to them. Soon, one dick after another, was shooting loads of cum. When all had shot their load they all collapsed in a group hug on the floor.

After the cleanup, they had a couple more glasses of Mead and then Dean and Seamus took their leave.

When Harry and Ron were alone again they decided to head back to bed.

"Well that was a bit of a surprise," said Harry cuddling with Ron, "a good surprise but unexpected none-the-less!"

"I'll say!" said Ron

"Just goes to show you that nothing is ever as straight as it appears to be in this world!" laughed Harry

They eventually fell asleep, getting the needed rest for the next day.

It would be a day that would probably be their last, peaceful and carefree day, for a long time to come.

Chapter 9- Sunrise Surprise

It was quite the clever ruse; Oliver had to admit that when he finally heard about how Ian and Issac Isley "tested out" Nicky Lang. Oliver listened intently, in the privacy of his office, as the twins gave the report on the Nicky Lang mission. Even though it was late on a Sunday afternoon, and most teachers frowned on students visiting them on their one day of rest, Oliver welcomed the report and the visit from the twins.

As Ian explained it, most all students and teachers slept in on Sunday mornings so it was the perfect time to have privacy. Ian, along with his brother Issac, had run into Nicky Lang after dinner the previous evening and they got to talking about the "soccer team" and how much Nicky loved soccer. During the conversation Nicky mentioned that one of his favorite things was the sunrise. So thinking quickly on his feet, Ian suggested that they all get up at 6am and perhaps sneak down by the lake to see it.

Nicky readily agreed and parted ways with the twins until the morning. Phase one was complete but now they needed to engineer a surprise in the "loveshack" to see how this new boy, Nicky, would react. Issac went and reported to Andrew Kelley who agreed to be in the shack and masturbating when the twins and Nicky were there in the morning. The idea was to have Andrew wanking and Nicky catching him in the act. If he didn't freak out and accepted Andrew's invitation to join him then they would know that the boy was just like them.

So at the crack of dawn Ian, Issac and Nicky woke up and headed down by the shack on the lake. They sat huddled together as the sun rose over the east end of the lake.

"I am still kind of cold mate, do you think you could do me a favor?" asked Ian to Nicky

"Sure what do ya need?" asked Nicky in return

"See that shack over there? Inside there are some blankets and such. Would you be a pal and go get me one out of there?"

"Sure but it looks kind of creepy...are you sure we are supposed to go into that thing?"

"Oh yes, it is just a storehouse for blankets and other bits for when we students are down here by the lake."

"Alright then, I'll be back," said Nicky heading towards the shack

Ian winked at Issac, "Let's see if Andrew and his big cock will get Nicky's attention!"

They watched as Nicky Lang disappeared around the front of the shack. They decided to wait a bit to see if the plan would work. Earlier Andrew had removed the charm on the shack that would repel all non-PP members...so the new unofficial member, Nicky Lang, could approach it with ease.

Nicky surveyed the old and broken down shack and noticed, thankfully, that someone had left a light on inside. Still quite unsure about what sort of crawling creatures may have been in the shack he tentatively peered in the crack in the well-worn door. Nicky's eyes widened immediately and he went into a brief state of shock.

He didn't see a creepy crawler; he saw the image of seventh year student Andrew Kelley, with his six and half inch fat cock in his hand as he slowly was stroking it. Nicky wasn't sure what to do. Part of him thought about running back and telling the twins but the stiffer part, between his legs, told him to keep peering in the door crack.

He watched transfixed as Andrew languidly masturbated and occasionaally rubbed the precum around hisfat cockhead. Nicky pulled out his little nearly hairless cock and squeezed it tightly as he watched Andrew bend down and lick the tip of his own dick. Despite himself Nicky gasped aloud; he had never even considered that someone could lick their own dick and it surprised him to say the least. Suddenly aware that Andrew must have heard him Nicky stood frozen with his little hardon still in his hand.

Andrew moved quickly to the door and pulled it open.

"You might as well come in, boy, and have a good look," said Andrew waving his dick at the startled boy

Ther wasn't much Nicky could say. After all he was caught red handed, standing outside the door spying on Andrew with his own bonet in his own hand. So just as planned Nicky entered the shack unsure about what was going to happen next.

"So I guess you caught me and apparently you like what you are seeing," said Andrew sexily pointing at Nicky's still hard dick

"I was just...getting...blanket..." was all Nicky could spurt out

Andrew moved closer and reached out and moved Nicky's hand out of the way. Nicky didn't resist as Andrew pulled Nicky's pants all the way down and surveyed the boy.

"Not bad for an eleven year old," said Andrew licking his lips

"Eleven and three quarters," muttered Nicky who dared to reach out and grasp the thickness of Andrew's dick

"Ah, right, sorry bout that mate...so I guess you like doing things with other boys?"

"Well I never really have done anything for real; just had some wanks after seeing my mates in the showers and all," blushed Nicky

"Then this is your lucky day...what's your name?"

"Nicky...Nicky Lang"

"Well Nicky...Nicky Lang, let's see how you like this!"

Andrew went down on his knees so the boy's cock was at eye level. It really wasn't bad for a boy Nicky's age. It already had some thickness and was about 4 inches or so. There was just the trace of brownish pubic hairs encircling the root of the boy's dick ever so faintly. There couldn't be more then ten of the damn things, thought Andrew as he grasped a couple of short, wispy pubes between his fingers with one hand while feeling Nicky's balls with the other. His balls were smooth, yet sizable, as was his little bubble butt.

In one quick motion Andrew took the whole of Nicky's stiff dick into his warm mouth. Nicky couldn't believe how incredible the older boy's mouth felt on his dick. He had heard about boys doing this...particularly the rumors that the boys that were in that Potter's Protégés group did this sort of thing, but he never thought it would happen to him this soon.

Meanwhile Ian and Issac had snuck around to the door of the shack and were taking turns peeking in after they re-cast the charm that would keep everyone that was not a PP member away from the shack. They watched hungrily as Andrew guided Nicky through his first boy on boy sexual encounter. Of course both twins had their cocks out and were stroking each other.

When Ian noticed that Nicky was on all fours and apparently busy giving his first blowjob they opened the shack's door slowly and went in. Nicky's smooth little ass was facing them and both twins looked at each other. With a wink and a grin they moved towards Nicky and knelt down.

Nicky apparently noticed that others had entered the shack and he came off of Andrew's cock. He looked behind him; eyes full of shock and horror. Oh shit, he thought, the twins have caught me! But before he could speak the twins smiled at him and winked. Ian put his hand on Nicky's head and guided it back to Andrew's still hard cock. As Nicky resumed sucking off Andrew both twins inspected the boy's ass.

Ian licked around the left cheek while Issac licked the right one. The twins met in the middle of Nicky's ass; the target being his tight little, pink hole. They paused for a moment and gave each other a tongue kiss and then spread the boy's ass crack further. Both twin tongues licked and probed Nicky's pink hole that was quivering with obvious delight. They knew he liked it because he was moaning softly as Andrew fucked the boy's mouth harder.

"How about we show him what fucking is all about?" asked Ian to Issac

"Brilliant brother, shall I take it or do you want to?" asked Issac

"Be my guest Ian...I want to see how Nicky's mouth feels."

They guided Nicky off Andrew's cock and on to Issac's, Meanwhile Andrew lubed up Ian's ass and soon Ian was sitting on Andrew's cock. Nicky watched in sexual bliss as Ian bounced up and down, like a pro, on Andrew's thick cock. In and out it slammed into Ian's ass and Issac matched the speed of Andrew's thrusts as he pumped his dick into Nicky's numb mouth.

After a little while Issac went down on Nicky and gave him yet another first time experience; he was able to take the whole of the boy's cock and his balls in his mouth at the same time. When the fucking demonstration had run its course they all laid on the floor and sucked each other off in a four-way chain. Soon cum was shooting out of all four of the boy's cocks and into all four boy mouths.

When they all caught their breath, Ian smiled at Nicky, "Well I guess this means you will be a good member of the PP now that we have seen what you can do! That is if you want to be a member..."

"Oh, yes, please...I had a feeling that group was for boys like me and well...you guys too...so yes...yes I want to join it," said Nicky giving Ian a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"It's done then...come on and let's get up to breakfast before some one notices we are gone," suggested Issac pulling on his pants

"So, Coach," said Ian back in the present, "that is how we did it. I hope you didn't mind us telling Nicky he could join without checking with you first?"

"No it's fine," said Oliver, "he is apparently one of us"

"So are you coach..." said Issac winking because he noticed the bulge in Oliver's shorts

Without warning Ian moved around to the back of Oliver's desk opposite where Issac was standing. They both quickly dropped to their knees and, despite Oliver's feigned protests, they pulled Oliver's hard and wet cock out of the side of his shorts.

With Ian on one side and Issac on the other the twins started licking up and down the length of Oliver's cock. Their coach closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations the twin tongues were giving him. He reached down and put a hand on each twin's head. First Issac took his coach's fat uncut cock in his mouth and then Ian took his turn.

As Ian swallowed Oliver nearly whole, Issac moved down to Oliver's hairy balls...popping one at a time into his mouth.

"Well isn't this nice..." said a voice that didn't belong to Oliver or the two twins that were between his legs, "a bit of extra credit help, I see?"

Oliver opened his eyes in total shock...there, in his office, was his boyfriend Neville Longbottom.

"I can explain, Neville," pleaded Oliver as he jumped up nearly knocking both twins to the floor. The door dammit, thought Oliver, I didn't lock the locker room door!

"Save it...Coach Wood," said Neville coldly as he turned and left the office, madder then Oliver had ever seen him.




1st year: Nicky Lang

3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack,

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 4

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