Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on May 24, 2007


Harry's Closet of Secrets

A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

These are the final two chapters of this story...hope you like the ending...no fair skipping to the end!....Read the whole thing! LOL... Loads of thanks to all of you that have wrote in and have given me the thumbs up for this story. I really do appreciate the positive feedback and it is encouraging me to write more for you all. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next story involving Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part Ten

Chapter 30- The Great Escape

Harry rubbed the back of his head as his awareness and vision started to come back. He noticed Neville lying next to him. He was also moaning and rubbing the back of his head. Harry quickly surveyed the situation. Both he and Neville seemed to be bound up around the wrists and ankles. The realization of what had just occurred became clearer as the pain, in Harry's head, increased. Someone had hit both he and Neville on the head and knocked them out. The question was how long had he been unconscious?

Harry's eyes adjusted a little bit more; the blurry vision going away finally revealed his lover in a very precarious position. Ron was snow white and shaking as giant spiders were surrounding him. In front of Ron Harry was shocked again to see Lonnie Livingston holding a wand.

"What the fuck is going on here?" demanded Harry in a loud voice

That was a mistake; his shout made his head throb again with excruciating pulses of pain.

Lonnie remained silent.

Harry noticed that both his wand and Neville's were sitting frustratingly at least 50 feet away from them. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Colin approach the scene; a momentary sense of relief fell over Harry and Neville. But that was quick to fade when Harry realized that Colin was unaware of the situation that was unfolding. He needed a quick warning before he was bonked on the head as well.

"Careful Colin, Lonnie's got a wand...he is the one...he is holding Ron captive...!" screamed Harry in a warning tone

"I know," replied Colin with a twisted smile, "I gave it to him Harry; he has my wand and I have his at the moment. You should have really been more careful and locked the boy's wand in that box."

Since the boys were not allowed to do magic away from the school, all the PP members had left their wands back in Harry's tent; that way no one would make a mistake and do a charm alerting the Ministry and the school as to their real whereabouts. That explained how Lonnie was able to obtain a wand; Colin retrieved Lonnie's wand out of the box in Harry's tent. Suddenly a sense of dread fell over Harry...Colin had given Lonnie his wand...but why?

"You...gave Lonnie...your wand?" said a stunned Harry

"Yes, Harry...I have done a lot that you haven't been able to sort out. I have to admit that I was surprised that the great Harry Potter couldn't figure out who was doing all the things that kept happening. But then again it's your blind trust that has always been your downfall."

A mix of rage and utter disbelief engulfed Harry. Incredible as it was, his former long time boyfriend was admitting that he had armed the boy that was now holding Ron at bay. Harry wanted answers and he wanted them now.

Harry was stunned; Neville was in total shock and poor Ron was frightened beyond belief. Spiders were never one of his favorite creatures, and in fact, they scared him out of his wits. Despite Colin holding a wand on him, Harry demanded an answer- the last person he ever would have suspected to turn on him was Colin Creevey.

"But why Colin, why are you doing this?"

"I had a feeling you would ask...I guess I should tell you before I kill you."

"Kill me?" asked Harry flabbergasted, "Colin what has happened to you? What is this all about?"

"Adrian where are you dammit?" Harry thought in desperation

No answer came from his angel; Adrian was still not allowed to interfere.

Colin stood silent for a moment and glared at Harry; his once beautiful and angelic eyes now black with rage and anger.

"Beg me to tell you, Harry," laughed Colin evilly

Harry learned from past experience, being in precarious situations like this, that it was best to play along.

"OK Colin...please Colin...please I beg you to tell me...everything." Harry put a lot of emphasis on the last word

"Oh I will tell you everything Harry. Where should I start? How about when we were kids and you wouldn't give me the time of day? Ron was more important and that Hermione Granger. But then that changed didn't it Harry? For a little while, because you finally found another boy that was gay at the school, I became the center of your attention. Well I was until you had to go off with Weasley again...to save the world."

"You know I had no choice in any of that..."

"Silence Harry!" shouted Colin, "you wanted to hear `everything' so shut up and listen for once. You don't like doing that do you? You always have to be the one to be the talker...the hero...now then, where was I? Oh yes...so that was the first time you abandoned me. I found Neville and he was a less then adequate substitute...but it worked all the same."

Harry glanced over at Neville; his heart broke when he saw the sadness on Neville's face.

Colin continued.

"After you finally finished saving the world and Voldemort was gone things got better. Finally it seemed as if you were giving me your full attention. All of your love was finally where it belonged...with me...but then you wanted to be a hero again and took this teaching job. Still I coped with that, but became very suspicious of your motivations for creating the PP. But then it dawned on me; you are nothing without a fan club. My love and devotion wasn't enough for your ego so you had to get a group of gay boys to worship you."

"You've gone insane Colin...you are mad!"

"Maybe so Harry but as it stands now I am the mad one that holds your life in my hands so you had better watch your tongue."

Harry had the urge to react to that but something, probably Adrian he thought, told him to keep quiet.

"The PP was bad enough but then other events occurred. That fucking brat Angelo was sniffing around Neville and I knew that it was only a matter of time before lonely Neville would succumb to the boy's lustful intensions. I knew that you were slipping away; I didn't want that boy taking my alternate option away."

"You said you loved me," shouted Neville speaking for the first time, "and all this time I have just been an `alternate option' because you lost Harry?"

"Sorry mate, I am afraid you were...yes I did care about you but you were too needy to realize that my heart had always been with Harry Potter."

"So you killed Angelo because of his intensions towards Neville?" asked a horrified Harry

"No I didn't personally kill him," said Colin coldly, "but the combination of the Imperious curse and a few unseen forces helped move the boy along to the gallows."

Harry heard the words "demons" and "five" in his head. Adrian was telling him that Angelo had five demons with him when he hung himself. Next Harry heard two more words..."curse" and "Lonnie".

Harry's eyes shot towards Lonnie Livingston

"Lonnie you are under a curse; you don't have to do this," suddenly blurted out Harry

"Silence I said," screamed Colin blasting Harry with a silencing charm.

Harry's lips seemed as if they were glued together.

"I trust my uncle, Professor Potter," replied Lonnie in a monotone voice

"He is your nephew?" said Neville amazed

"Yes, he is...funny how neither of you ever really bothered to find out about my family, eh? But you sure know all about Weasley's, don't you Harry? It so happens that I have a much older half-sister who is the mother of the boy you see before you. You both never knew that because you simply didn't care. But no matter...no matter...back to your question, Harry. I didn't directly kill Angelo...I just helped him along."

Harry was horrified and desperately wanted to speak but he couldn't. The charm still had his lips shut tight. Neville was too shocked to form very many words, let alone questions and Ron was still having a nervous breakdown with the spiders all around him.

"I hoped that when you found Angelo, given the way that you seemed to care so much about him, it would devastate you and you would turn to me for comfort. But it didn't work out that way, did it? When you should have needed me most Weasley comes back and comes out to you. I knew it was only a matter of time before I would catch you in his bed and I was right."

Colin paused for effect and stared Harry down for a minute and then went on with his diatribe.

"My heart broke in two and went cold thanks to you Harry. It was then that I decided to play the same games you had played with me for years and convince you that I was fine with it all and happy to be back with Neville. It wasn't the same though; Neville could not hold a candle to you and the only thing that makes Neville slightly better then you Harry is the fact that his cock is bigger. Without the cock Longbottom would be the same old loser he always was...luckily you were easy to fool and manipulate Neville-poo."

Neville was crying now; Harry wanted to blast Colin into the next century. He hadn't felt this angry since he confronted the man...if you could call him that...who killed his parents for the last time. Harry's face was beet-red and he looked like he was ready to explode.

"Don't worry Neville...your pain will be over soon as well," Colin said in a fake sweet voice and then returned to his attention back to Harry.

"Then there was that Patrick kid. Another redhead; you just seem to be like a magnet for redhead boys Harry. I saw how you looked at him and how close you two were getting. I decided to trap him in Camden's Cave the last time we were here. It was bad enough you had the one redhead back; I would be damned if you were going to have two of them."

Harry wanted to speak but his lips were still sealed; this was frustrating and despite all his skill and knowledge he didn't see a way out of this maddening predicament.

"But you were with us the whole time, Colin, how did you manage that?" asked Ron

"Good question Weasley...my wonderful nephew did a favor for his uncle again. And I must say that you did an awesome job, Lonnie. Most adult wizards would have had a hard time doing that barrier charm."

"Thank you, uncle," smiled Lonnie

It was obvious to Harry that Lonnie was indeed under the mind control charm. He could tell by the way he was speaking and the blank look of indifference on his young face.

"What about Sam Chang?" asked Ron finding his anger and his courage, "what the hell did he do to you?"

"Nothing really aside from being the brother of that Cho woman; yet another person that took your attention away from me Harry. I knew I couldn't go after her so Sam was the next best thing; I knew hurting him would hurt you deeply. My friends were only too happy to help me out with that one. Too bad that damn tree broke his fall."

Harry heard two words in his head again- "demons" and "swooshing".

Apparently Adrian was telling Harry that Colin's "friends" were demons and that he had the ability to communicate with them. Harry shuddered at the thought; he never had a clue that angelic, blond cherub Colin Creevey had anything to do with the dark side.

"So when both Patrick and Sam survived I had enough; enough failure. You needed to lose what was always the most important thing in your life. Above me, above everything it's always been fucking Ron. No matter what, you always managed to run back to him even when you thought he was straight. So I decided it was time to take him away. My only mistake was not having Lonnie silence him. I didn't anticipate you two showing up. I intended for the three of us to find poor Ron Weasley eaten alive by those lovely spiders. Of course they are useless now so I might as well get rid of them."

Colin waved his wand and the spiders that were surrounding Ron disappeared.

"Go ahead and kill me," shouted Ron, "but how are you going to explain the fact that you survived while the three of us are dead?"

"Ah, another very good question Weasley...I didn't realize you could think that quick on your feet. As a reward for your quick thinking I will let you in on something you don't know about your lover. Harry is keeping a secret from you Ron. You see a few nights ago my nephew visited Harry and so did I. Of course Harry was unaware that I was under the invisibility cloak. I was in the castle having tea with McGonagall; doing a follow-up on her story. It was quite easy for me to slip into your quarters, Harry and things worked just as planned. Oh but Ron, you must be wondering what that was based on the quizzical expression that is on your face. It seems your devoted lover and my nephew had, let's say, an interesting time together."

"Why didn't you tell me he was there, Adrian?" thought Harry, "why didn't you warn me that it was a set up?"

Still no answer from Angel Adrian. As much as he would have liked to warn Harry he was not allowed to interfere with the choices his charge made. All the events thus far were leading to a life-lesson that Harry was scheduled to learn. Adrian, again telepathically, explained this to Raziel who was floating nearby.

Colin walked toward Ron and then took out of his shoulder bag and 8 by 10 picture of Harry sucking Lonnie's cock. In this picture Lonnie wasn't touching Harry so it looked as if Harry was the one "taking advantage" of the boy.

Ron stood silently, horror struck and hurt, gazing at the picture of his lover with the cock of the boy that was now holding him captive in his mouth- nearly down to the pubes. Ron stared at the picture as he watched Harry's head bob up and down on the boy's cock. More details, that infuriated Ron, stood out in the photo; Harry, too, was rock hard and his hand was around his own cock.

Harry had that familiar lustful look on his face; a look that was usually seen when he was in bed with Ron. The whole idea that Harry might have been using the PP's for extra curricular sexcapades angered Ron. He didn't know who to be more upset with- Colin and Lonnie or his lover who was unable to open his mouth to defend himself.

Harry looked at Ron and it was clear various scenarios were going through his head. Harry wished he was able to speak to tell Ron the truth. Yes, the picture looked damning but Colin was obviously embellishing the truth. Harry had to admit that one of Ron's major character flaws was jumping to conclusions. He remembered back to his fourth year at Hogwarts, when Ron assumed that Harry had lied and somehow put his own name in the Goblet of Fire.

Harry hoped that Ron wouldn't make matter's worse for himself now by blindly believing the story Colin was feeding him. Obviously it was Colin who had put the Seven Day Stiffy charm on Lonnie, setting up the need for Lonnie to seek out Harry for relief. Ron knew nothing of this; the picture made it look as if it was random sex between teacher and student without reason or explanation.

Colin continued on before Ron could find the words he wanted to say.

"So this picture will be the alibi; at least for Lonnie. I will tell the authorities that I came upon the three of you in the woods with my nephew. I will tell them that I found him here with you three already dead. I will tell them that he stole my wand because he feared you three and what you were intending to do to him here in the secluded forest. I will tell them that he confessed to me that he was protecting himself from another potential rape. The picture will be the proof that the great teacher, Harry Potter, was molesting him. Lonnie will tell them that you had Weasley taking the pictures that night and that, a day or two later, he was able to nick this one from your quarters Harry."

Harry's eyes widened in fear and horror. Colin paused for a moment to enjoy the effect his plan was having on Harry.

"The authorities will feel sorry for Lonnie and his deed will be forgiven; after all the authorities always consider the teen the victim even if the teen was the one that initiated the consensual sex. That is the one thing that the Muggle world and our world has in common, Harry."

Beads of sweat were running down Harry's forehead; he knew Colin was right. No one would believe that Lonnie was the one that came and seduced Harry. Worse still, as it looked now, Harry, Neville and Ron would be dead and gone...and presumably cast into Limbo and unable to offer a self-defense.

"They will rule it as an innocent child protecting himself, in self-defense, against three perverted pedophiles; the Daily Prophet will eat this story up," continued Colin smugly, "You know how most people think, Harry. They hate regular gay people as it is...and the idea of an adult and teen having sex, even if it is truly consensual, is certainly the biggest taboo of all. I can hear the Ministry police now saying something like 'obviously the boy went mad- fearful and afraid of another gang rape by the adults he trusted he lost control and killed his abusers...a sad case indeed but the reaction of the boy is logical and totally forgivable'...oh yes, it's absolutely brilliant and foolproof really, isn't it mates?"

Colin smiled, quite proud of himself indeed, but there was more to tell. Colin paused for a moment and considered whether or not he wanted to continue explaining. At this point it seemed pointless and something, presumably one of the demons that were with him, told him he had better hurry and finish what he was intending to do before someone came along and fouled it up. Colin decided that he was growing tired of the discussion; he wanted to end this all soon. Then, maybe then, justice would be served and everyone that had hurt him would be punished at last.

"There is more to the story Harry but I am growing weary of all this chatter. I think you all have the general idea and really it is kind of pointless to winge on about the why's of the situation...it won't change the fact that I will be rid of you all soon. So let's finish up then...Lonnie you know what you need to do...let's start with Weasley so Harry can watch the love of his life die in pain."

"Yes, uncle," replied Lonnie pointing his wand at Ron

"But first let's make him dance.....CRUCIO!," yelled Colin pointing his wand directly at Ron

Ron fell to the ground and was writhing in extreme pain. It felt as if his entire body was at the same time being set on fire and stabbed by a thousand sharp knives. After a few minutes Colin lifted the Cruciatus curse.

"Wasn't that fun, Harry?...No?...Ok, well then enough fun...kill Weasley Lonnie"

Once again, like an automaton, Lonnie raised his wand at Ron who was curled up on the ground and still aching from the curse. The boy stood still for a moment as if something inside him was questioning the wisdom of what he was about to do.

That pause was a mistake and cost him his chance to act.

Before Lonnie could utter the spell a blinding flash of red light illuminated the clearing. Voices were heard as well, all in unison, screaming the word "EXPELLIAMUS".

The wands flew out of the hands of Colin and Lonnie as they were knocked to the ground.

When the smoke cleared Harry was relieved to see the remaining ten members of Potter's Protégés holding their wands on Colin and Lonnie. In retrospect, Harry was now glad he didn't lock the wand box. The PP members were able to retrieve their wands and come to the rescue. Of course the Ministry would be aware that ten wands cast ten charms real soon, but Harry would deal with that later.

"When you didn't come back we were worried, sir," said Patrick helping Harry and Neville remove the ankle and wrist bindings," and I had a gut feeling that there was trouble. So I got the boys together and well.. here we are."

"Umph...mmmm...hmmmmm," was all Harry was able to mumble; his lips were still sealed.

Ron, who had recovered quickly, found his wand and cast the counter-curse that unsealed Harry's lips.

"I can't tell you how glad I am that you are here Patrick," exclaimed Harry finally able to open his mouth and talk, "Bring Lonnie over here to me boys and bind up Mister Creevey. Go easy on Lonnie boys, he is under a mind control curse so his actions weren't of his own free will," commanded Harry getting to his feet

Harry retrieved his wand and performed the counter-curse that released Lonnie Livingston from the spell that had him under his uncle's control. Meanwhile Neville was sitting still and staring at the ground; lost in sadness and utter disbelief he couldn't manage to say anything except "thank you" to Patrick.

"I am so sorry, sir, I really couldn't control what he was making me do. Please don't hurt me..." begged Lonnie

"I am not going to hurt you; this wasn't your fault," assured Harry, "Boys we will be all right now and can handle Creevey. Please take Lonnie back to camp and go easy on him, ...again I want you all to remember that he was under the Imperious charm so he had no control over his actions. So I had better not hear tell of anyone giving him a rough time. He probably feels worst of all"

"One of the three forbidden curses, I remember you taught that this year," said Rafael

"Yes and that will be the thing that lands Mister Creevey in Azkaban for a long time," piped in Ron

"Professor, can we talk alone before I go?" asked Lonnie looking at Harry with pleading eyes

"OK, give us a minute boys," asked Harry

He walked Lonnie over to the edge of the clearing, out of sight of all the others. When they were alone Lonnie hugged Harry.

"I am so, so sorry, sir. I trusted my uncle and had no idea he had put that curse on me. And the thing about the picture and the other night, just so you know, it wasn't because of the curse or because my uncle made me come to you. I came on my own because you were the only adult I could trust to help me with the problem. I really couldn't get my dick to go down and hoped you could help. I guess my uncle followed me; he knew what he had done to me and probably assumed I would turn to you for help. I swear sir that if I didn't want to do something with you I wouldn't have let you touch me. I was the one that asked you for help, I came to you...so don't worry...if he claims that you tried to rape or molest me I will deny it. But you better destroy that picture before the Ministry gets here."

"That's really sweet of you Lonnie and I understand. You are right; I will get rid of that picture straight away. As far as you being in trouble I will protect you. Your uncle's wand will be the proof that he performed the Imperious curse on you and that you didn't act of your own free will. You will be held blameless in the whole affair. So you need not worry; it's your uncle that was the villain and he will pay the price- not you, " said Harry breaking away from Lonnie's embrace, "Let's let the boys get you back to camp. I have to figure out what is to be done with Colin."

Harry and Lonnie headed back to the group and after Harry gave them more instructions they all headed back to the camp. That left Ron, Harry and Neville to deal with Colin.

"Harry, take my wand," said Neville speaking for the first time, "take it before I kill him."

Harry didn't hesitate and took the wand away; things were bad enough for Neville as it was. The last thing Harry wanted was for Neville to be charged with murder because of selfish and psychotic Colin. Harry had to admit that he was close to killing Colin himself but thought better of it. He would be of no use to anyone if he reacted out of anger. He decided that he would suggest calling the man he had always respected and viewed as a surrogate dad.

"I think we had better get your dad, Ron," said Harry, "he will understand and will know what to do."

Ron agreed whole-heartedly; his dad was the best person, as Minister of Magic, to call to handle this discretely. When Ron and Harry started their relationship they both felt it was important to come clean with Ron's parents. Of course being, as Harry always called them, the "coolest parents in the whole world", they handled things well and gave them both their blessing. At least Ron with was with someone, namely Harry, which the whole family loved assured his mother one day at tea. Well maybe not Percy Weasley, but he didn't count anymore since he had been estranged from his family. When Ron's father was elected Minister of Magic Percy started sucking up to his dad. Arthur Weasley saw right through it and transferred Percy to a low-level, paper-pushing job in the Department of Dead Creature Removal.

Harry stood guard over Colin while Ron apporated to where his dad was.

"This isn't done Harry, you shouldn't have betrayed me," said Colin foolishly

"Betrayed you?" yelled Harry enraged, "you are the betrayer Colin. It's one thing to be angry with me but to hurt innocent boys...that is just foul. You disgust me Colin and you are lucky that I don't kill you now."

"Why don't you then Harry?"

"Because then you would win. I would be sent to prison and Ron would be without me. I am not going to let that happen. Not for an evil son of a bitch like you."

Neville was also still was intent on killing Colin so Harry performed the same silencing charm on Colin effectively sealing his lips and quieting his ranting.

"That was a good choice, Harry," said Adrian telepathically to Harry

"Oh so now you are talking to me. Where were you when I was tied up and needed help?" thought Harry angrily

"I was here, Harry, but not allowed to interfere. I know it seems silly but we can't interfere in your choices. I knew you would get through this and you made the right decisions."

"Yes, but you could have prevented all this; you could have at least warned me."

"But I couldn't Harry, you must learn something from the whole course of events. Later, when your mind is clear, the lesson will come to you."

Harry was going to question Angel Adrian a bit more but a loud crack stopped the conversation in his head.

Finally Ron's dad arrived with Ron popping in minutes after him. Harry explained everything- from his relationship to Colin to the latest attempted attack on Ron. Harry told him about the Imperious curse that Colin had used on his nephew.

After he had the whole story Ron's dad summoned a couple of Ministry police officials that were part of his inner circle. Even though he trusted the officers he left out most of the story except for the fact that Colin had performed one of the three unforgivable curses on Lonnie and on Angelo. Mister Weasley took out his wand and did the spell that would make Colin's wand regurgitate the past spells it was used for.

The proof was in Colin's wand and he was immediately taken away to Azkaban Prison. Mister Weasley said that Colin would have a hearing and then he would be set for trial if Colin, as they predicted, would claim to be guiltless or at best insane, sometime in the next couple of months. The Ministry's court system was a mess and backed up considerably but Mister Weasley assured them all that sooner or later Colin would be sentenced and punished for his deeds.

"Sir, the Ministry is probably aware that ten student wands cast the "EXPELLIAMUS" charm; can you deal with that back at the Ministry? I will have to deal with the Headmistress when I get back to the castle." asked Harry

"I understand and will deal with it, Harry. Oh and once again, thank you for saving Ron," replied a grateful Arthur Weasley

"Well this time it wasn't all me, sir, it was the boys that make up Potter's Protégés that are the real heroes here."

"Very well then, let me go handle things on my end," said Arthur Weasley hugging Ron and then Harry in turn, "you take care if yourself as well Neville...everything will be alright, you will see."

Once he was sure all was ok, Mister Weasley apporated out of the clearing and Harry, Ron and Neville starting walking back to camp.

"Who would have thought, Harry?" muttered Ron, "I would have never thought it was Colin; he had us all fooled."

"Yes as well as being a good photographer he is apparently a good actor as well," responded Harry

Neville still was quiet and probably wouldn't have much to say for days.

When they got back to camp Harry addressed the boys and gave them the whole story.

"Do you think when Mister Creevey gets his legal counsel and testifies that it will expose all we do in the PP?" asked Alan Keyes

"I am afraid it might; but I swear I will protect you all as much as I can. Just do the same for us. Colin is going to make it seem as if we coerced you boys into doing a lot of things. We all know that is not the truth and you all have been reaping the benefits of the group of your own free will. So I will expect you all to say as much to the authorities and for everyone's sake its best if we leave any mention of sex out of it. We just have, to borrow a phrase, "wholesome good times" together. As it is I am sure I will have a lot of explaining to do to the Headmistress."

All the members of the PP pledged to do as Harry asked. They all packed up the tents and soon they were ready to go to the Port Key that would take them back to Ron's flat and then to the castle.


The meeting with McGonagall went better then Harry expected largely in part thanks to the intervention of Albus Dumbledore. Before Harry, Neville and Ron arrived in her office Dumbledore, who had apparently got wind of the situation, filled McGonagall in with the whole story. She was disappointed that Harry was less then truthful about the PP but understood why he protected the sexual identities of the boys. She let things go with a warning but was unsure how the Board of Governors would react once they learned the whole truth.

A day later the Daily Prophet ran a small story, on page 22, about their photographer, Colin Creevey being sent to jail. It didn't make the front page, thought Harry, because it was one of their own and it may look bad for the paper.

Exam week went well and Neville started to come out of his funk, especially when the last meeting of the PP's was held.

"I just want to thank all of you, "said Neville to the assembled teens, "for all you did to save us. I know I couldn't say much at the time but I really do love you all for coming to our aide."

A round of applause echoed around the room. When it died down Harry took the floor.

"I do have some good end of the year news, boys. I received a letter from Sam's sister today and I will share it with you now"

Harry unfurled the scroll and cleared his throat:

----------- Dear Harry,

Sorry that it took so long to get this to you but it comes with exceptionally good news. The spinal fusion procedure has worked brilliantly. Sam has sensation in both legs and it looks as though he is well on his way to recovery. The Healer's say that it will be a long and uphill battle for him but they think he will be able to walk again in less then a year. We will be flying home in a minth and Sam wants you to know that he will be back at school again next year. Hopefully he will still be able to take his exams as I have been tutoring him for the last couple of weeks. One last thing- Sam sends his love to you all and especially to Lonnie. He can't wait to get back home and see you all. That's all for now...write back as soon as you can.

With Love,

Cho Chang -----------

"That's the best news ever," beamed Lonnie, " but what will Sam think when he hears about what happened? He may blame me for what happened to him."

"Let's not dwell on the negative, Lonnie. When the time comes I will personally make sure Sam knows that nothing, absolutely nothing was your fault."

The boys cheered again and broke up in several smaller groups to talk amongst themselves.

"That is great news Harry," said Neville, "I bet you are happy as well."

"Yes, I really am and you will be too mate. I have a feeling that a good surprise or two is waiting for you around the corner," replied Harry giving Neville a hug, " and you know what, despite all that has happened I think it was worth the risk starting the PP this year. Just look at how it has affective the boys in such a positive way."

It was true. Despite the drama, and the scary moments that were interjected into their young lives, all in all the boys were happy. Not one of them felt as alone as they did when the year started. Finally they all knew, that when they returned next year, they wouldn't be the only gay boys in the school. When the new year's students would arrive surely there would be one or two, at the very least, gay or bi boys in the bunch.

Potter's Protégés would be there to make sure no gay boy in Hogwarts would be subject to homophobic attacks if they could help it.

Two days later Harry was sad to see the boys go home for the summer vacation. He waved goodbye to his young charges as they went back to their own worlds courtesy of the Hogwarts Express.


A week after the school term ended Harry found himself in the place he most wanted to be; spending his first summer at home with the love of his life Ron Weasley. Harry had packed his belongings and had moved in with Ron. Tonight was the first time that he, Ron and Neville were able to actually relax and let all the cares of the world go by the wayside. It felt really good to unwind and to be safely in the arms of his lover. Harry cuddled on the loveseat with Ron as Neville sat next to the surprise visitor that showed up earlier at Ron's door.

"So you are serious, then, you really are going to teach next year?" asked Harry

"You bet mate, Madame Hooch is retiring and McGonagall asked me if I would like the position," beamed Oliver Wood, "but mind you all, just because I will be the new athletics teacher doesn't mean you can roam around the boy's showers!"

A hearty laugh filled the room.

It felt good to laugh again, thought Neville as he looked at his friends.

They had all decided to not worry about what was to come.

Colin was still safely locked away, although his lawyer was claiming insanity, so Colin was currently locked in the prison ward of St. Mungos. There would be a trial and a hearing, before school started no doubt, with the Board of Governors. But for now the three friends were content to leave worry behind in an attempt to enjoy the summer days ahead.

"Are you two going to go on a honeymoon?" asked Oliver with a grin

"Perhaps," said Ron, "I may take Harry to Romania to see the dragons"

"Oh that will be romantic," said Harry with a sour look on his face

"Just kidding love...what about it...do you want to get away for a bit...maybe a little quiet time on the island...just the two of us?"

"That sounds wonderful, but honestly...and not to be rude...but what I want right now is some of this," Harry said as he grabbed a hold of Ron's cock through his shorts.

"Go on you two, have a good time. I will entertain Wood," said Neville blushing

Harry and Ron got up and hugged their two friends and then headed for their bedroom.

"They really do make a sweet couple, " said Neville with a twinge of sadness

"Yes, they do but you are pretty cute yourself, you know," offered Oliver

"You think so? I mean I never thought I was all that, Oliver. In fact, you are the hot one. You look as good as when we were kids."

"Well can I tell you a secret Neville?"

"Sure go ahead"

"I am glad that fool Colin is locked up and out of the picture. Maybe, if you are ready, you will give me a chance."

"Give you a chance?" repeated Neville genuinely puzzled

"Well yes, I am not very good at this...forgive me...but would you consider dating me?"

Neville looked stunned. He had never dreamed that someone as hot as Oliver Wood would be interested in him. But then again, Neville never really saw what others saw in him. We really never see what someone else sees, we rarely see the beauty that we have like others can see it. That is what Harry said to Neville all the time. So accepting the good Neville turned and gave Oliver a big smile.

"Alright then, but I don't fuck on the first date"

"How about a kiss, then?" asked Wood in a pouty tone

Neville reached over and pulled Oliver close. Their lips locked for a long time; both becoming aroused and dripping in their boxers.

"Oh what the hell!" exclaimed Neville when they came up for air, "to hell with formalities."

Neville reached down and grabbed hold of Oliver Wood's wood. Soon they were both naked and the sounds of lovemaking filled the home of Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley.

"Sounds like Neville and Oliver are getting on well," said Ron after hearing the familiar moans of Neville Longbottom

"I had a feeling about those two," replied Harry with a grin.

For now everything was perfect in their world. Harry was with the man he loved and a new possibility was on the horizon for Neville. Harry knew that, especially in his world, nothing stayed perfect and drama free but for now he was content to appreciate the calm before the inevitable storm.

When the love making ceased and the house became still Harry was drifting off to sleep. He was suddenly awakened by the sound of bells and what seemed like a myriad of voices singing. He felt the familiar tingly sensations that he associated with his angel Adrian and then heard his voice.

"It's happened Harry," said Adrian telepathically, "it's happened...Raziel has gotten his wings back!"

"I'll be damned, said Harry out loud

"What's the matter...what's happened?" said a half asleep Ron

"Nothing babe...go back to sleep."

As Harry listened to the angelic voices singing he thought that if the once human and evil Draco Malfoy was able to get the wings of an angel then anything was possible in this world.

With that Harry allowed himself to drift off into sleep dreaming about the wonderful possibilities of the future that only faith and hope can bring.

The End :)





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