Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on Apr 5, 2007


Harry's Closet of Secrets A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. The only thing that is true about the characters or those who played them in film is the reference to Harry's "cut penis". An online friend actually saw the show EQUUS and verified that Daniel Radcliffe is indeed cut! Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

I know that I said I was going to write 5 chapters per part but in this case this part works with just the two chapters. The next five, set back at the school, will need to be in part three...so here is a couple more chapters.

Thank you to all that e-mailed with positive comments- especially Chris. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next part are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part Two

Chapter 6- After The Blow

The noise and the distraction of Diagon Alley helped ease the nonstop whirling of Harry's mind- at least for a little while. Although it wasn't as bad as it was weeks and months after the final battle with Voldemort people still stopped him on the street wanting autographs or recantations of his adventures. Most days Harry didn't mind; it was quite flattering to be recognized and to be given the star treatment. But today, he wanted to blend into the fray; he wanted to lose himself in mindless wandering so he wouldn't have to deal with the inevitable. Of course, the day after Christmas was always busy so the only way to get away from the mobs of people was to do what he had to do and get back to his room.

After visiting all the shops and stopping for tea Harry returned to his room at the Leaky Cauldron. Colin wouldn't be arriving until the next morning so Harry had a lot of quiet time to mull over just what he would say when Colin arrived.

In the quiet of his room Harry played the tape, in his mind, of the conversation he had with Neville Longbottom two nights before. The thing that bugged Harry the most was the fact that Colin never told him. It wasn't so much the sex. It was the fact that he never thought it was important enough to mention to Harry.

After all, Harry had told Colin about what he had to do with Draco Malfoy when they were in school. Harry couldn't understand why Colin never returned the courtesy. Clearly Harry could remember what happened that day and how he immediately told Colin after the deed was done. For the life of him Harry could not understand why Colin had purposely chosen to deceive him; especially with someone who's bed was 10 feet away from Harry's. Harry had shared perhaps the worst day of his life with Colin and yet he had been left in the dark all these years.

"He should have known I would have understood why he did what he did like he understood what I had to do with Malfoy" said an exasperated Harry to the wall "Hell if I had known about it we could have had a three-way but instead he lied. I can't believe he lied when I told him the truth about the day Malfoy caught us"

Shortly after the start of Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts he and Colin were indeed caught in the act by none other then Draco Malfoy. They had snuck of to a secluded area by the lake to relieve some of the day's stress. Little did they know that not far behind them Draco Malfoy, Harry's arch-enemy, was following them to their secret place.

Unluckily for them Draco watched the whole thing; Harry going down on Colin and vice-versa.

Later that day Draco cornered Harry in a deserted corridor.

"Did you have a relaxing free period Harry?" asked Draco raising his eyebrows several times

"Yeah, so what are you getting at Malfoy? What is it this time? Are you jealous that you had to spend your free period in detention with McGonagall?"

"Nope, none of that. McGonagall changed the detention to tonight so I was free to roam about wherever I liked. Today I decided to take a little walk down by the lake..." Draco purposely let his voice trail off.

Harry began to turn as white as Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor House ghost.

"Well that's nice Malfoy, what's it got to do with me?" responded Harry trying to sound unconcerned

"Funny what you can see when you take the time to go outside and be at one with nature. I saw birds and bees and a certain famous wizard on his knees!" Malfoy smiled to himself enjoying the inadvertent rhyme he had just came up with, "In fact I saw you and Creevey really getting into nature so to speak. Who would have guessed that the famous Harry Potter was a cocksucker?"

"You saw us?" was all Harry was able to say as his eyes widened in horror.

This was perhaps one of his worst nightmares, worse then the nightmares he kept having about that damn door and Voldemort. The one person, in the whole of the school, that he did not want finding out about his secret was standing before him. Horrified Harry stood there dumbstruck.

Finally he was able to speak again.

"Please Draco don't say anything to anyone; I know we are not friends and you probably hate my guts but please this just cannot get out"

Draco seemed to be enjoying having the upper hand over Harry. He stood silently with a look of shear delite on his smug little face.

"I don't know Potter, it seems someone should hear about this. I wonder what Dumbledore would think about the boy who lived being a fairy? I don't know what I should do about this interesting turn of events"

It was all a ruse. Draco knew full well what he wanted in return for his silence. What Harry didn't know was the fact that while Malfoy was watching Harry and Colin he busted a nut on the giant willow tree he was hiding behind. Draco had his own secret as well. While he was known, around the Slytherins, for being a ladies man- especially with Pansy Parkinson, he had his fantasies as well. Many nights, as he shoved his cock into Pansy's mouth, did he imagine it being one of his male mates in Slytherin House sucking him dry.

Draco knew what he wanted but he had to be careful. He didn't want to let Harry know that he was a little bisexual himself. He had to word his request, well actually his attempt at blackmail, the right way. He stood in silence for a bit longer, enjoying the apparent power he had over the clearly uncomfortable Harry Potter.

"Perhaps we should go in here" said Draco pointing to what appeared to be a closet door left ajar, "then we can talk in private about what I may or may not do about keeping your secret quiet"

With no real choice in the matter Harry followed Draco into the closet.

"OK Potter I will make you a deal. I will not tell anyone what I saw today so long as you do something for me."

"And what may that be Malfoy?"

"Well first of all, you will call me 'Master Malfoy' and you will be taking the place of Pansy when I cannot get any relief from her. She seems to go on the rag a lot and I never really liked jerking myself off. So you will do what I tell you and you will be my substitute cocksucking boy."

Harry was disgusted. The last person he wanted to blow was Draco Malfoy. Yes, at 16 Malfoy was cute; all the Slytherin girls wanted in his pants especially since Pansy had let word of Malfoy's endowment slip out in a gossip session with other female students. But being a slave to Draco Malfoy, the boy that he had despised since the first year at Hogwarts? That thought alone began to turn Harry's stomach. Still Harry considered the options. He could tell Malfoy to piss off, but then the whole wizarding world would know he was gay. On the other hand he could just close his eyes and pretend he was doing Colin.

A horrid thought entered Harry's mind- what about Colin? What would he tell him? He couldn't possibly keep this a secret. He would deal with that later. Right now it was apparent Malfoy was waiting for a response; Malfoy was gently squeezing what looked to be a good sized package in his pants as he stared down Harry.

"So what's it going to be Potter? Ready to see why I am the king of the Slytherins?"

Harry sighed audibly and then resigned himself to the fact that Malfoy had won- this time.

"I guess I really have no choice, do I Draco?"

"That's Master Draco to you, Potter"

"OK Master Draco. What do you want me to do?"

"Well for starters I have an itch and I think you can scratch it. Get down on your knees Potter."

Harry reluctantly obeyed and knelt down in front of his nemesis.

"We need a little more light in here, don't you think? I want to see the look on your face when you see what kind of snakes us Slytherins boys are blessed with."

Malfoy pulled out his wand and said, "Lumos"

As Malfoy set his illuminated wand on the shelf Harry watched as Draco slowly undid the button that fastened his school uniform trousers. Ever so slowly Draco opened his pants to reveal a bulging pair of white jockey shorts. Seemingly enjoying his strip tease Malfoy reached his hand in the elastic of the briefs and slowly lowered the front exposing a tuft of light brown pubic hair. More and more hair was exposed until Harry could see the root of Malfoy's cock. Stretched to the limits the briefs begged for relief and Malfoy gave it to them. He pulled them down all the way presenting Harry with a healthy looking 7-inch uncut cock that was fat and attached to a pair of balls that appeared to be quite full.

"Like what you see slave boy?" asked Malfoy licking his lips in anticipation," take it in your mouth Potter but watch the teeth. If I feel one tooth on my snake I may have to stick in one of your other holes."

Harry was never more humiliated in his life.

Reluctantly he took Malfoy's cock into his mouth. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. He was amazed at how soft the skin felt and was surprised by the sweetness of the precum; Harry didn't think there was anything sweet about Malfoy but he found out he was wrong as Malfoy's cock began to pump in and out of Harry's warm mouth.

"Holy shit Potter, you really are good at this!" exclaimed Malfoy as he grabbed on to the back on Harry's head forcing his cock deeper into his "slave boys" throat.

"Do you and Weaslebee get it on too? Maybe you give him a little love when that Mudblood Granger is not around?"

Harry had the urge to bite Malfoy's cock off when he heard the word "mudblood". Instead he just took his mouth off Malfoy's cock and told him that Ron didn't know about his affair with Colin Creevey.

"More sucking and less talking Potter, get back to it" commanded Malfoy as he eased his cock back into Harry's mouth

Harry wanted this over quickly so he reached up and grabbed hold of Malfoy balls. He gently massaged them while he kept on sucking like a pro. Despite the fact that he was servicing perhaps the one boy he hated the most at Hogwarts Harry found himself getting into sucking off Draco Malfoy. Harry had to admit that with his pants down Draco was a hot 16-year-old. He had a tight looking stomach with the hint of definition in his abs. The pubes weren't as blond as the hair on Malfoy's head but intermingled with the brown were a few white blond hairs that seemed to accentuate the cock and balls as a whole. Draco's ass was firm too. Harry reached around to grab it, encouraging Draco to speed up the face fuck so the whole ordeal could end.

In no time at all Malfoy had given up on being a master and just allowed the sensations, caused by Harry's mouth and tongue on his cock, to flow throughout his body.

"I am going to explode Potter, ready for a mouthful of me?"

Harry sucked faster; he was imagining that he was blowing Colin and it was Colin who was about to unload in his 16-year-old mouth.

"Here it comes Potter...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" hissed Malfoy as the first jet of sticky, sweet nut juice hit the back of Harry's throat. After a few more powerful spurts Malfoy pulled out of Harry's mouth and let the last couple of drops of cum dribble on Harry's cheek. Malfoy rubbed the head of his still hard cock in the sticky goo that was running down Harry's face.

"You know Potter, it's too bad I didn't find all this out years ago. Maybe we could have been better friends"

Despite the fact that he was blowing Malfoy Harry had a raging hardon as well. As much as he hated to admit it, when Malfoy was not busy being an evil little shit and half naked with hardon there was something magnetic and very sexy about him. Harry took in the last few moments of Draco's equipment and momentarily got lost in the view.

What if he and Malfoy had been sex friends early on?

Would things have been different?

Would Harry's influence have softened or changed the Draco he knew today?- the bitter boy that had to prove to his daddy that he was just as evil as he was. Perhaps it would have but today, Harry had just made a pact, to protect his reputation in the wizarding world, with a servant of the devil. That thought alone brought him back into reality.

"I doubt it Draco; we have always been on opposite sides of the tracks."

Harry cursed himself for being aroused by Malfoy and tried to will his cock down as Malfoy zipped back up and abruptly left Harry alone in the closet.

So that was how Harry was forced to cheat on Colin with the Draco Malfoy.

Luckily for Harry it only happened a couple more times. When Draco became absorbed with the mission the Dark Lord had given him that year he seemed to lose all interest in blackmailing Harry. Harry guessed that it was because Malfoy wanted Harry to keep his distance so there was no chance of what Draco was doing in the Room of Requirements being discovered by the boy who lived and his mentor Dumbledore.

After the first time, despite a promise to Malfoy to keep his mouth shut, Harry had gone straight to Colin and he told him everything.

At first Colin was upset; he felt hurt and betrayed but when he understood that Harry had no choice in the matter his anger subsided. He learned that Harry blackmailed into doing the sexual bidding of Malfoy. Harry hadn't even pulled his own cock out so it wasn't really cheating- that is what Colin said.

"I told him everything!" blurted out Harry to the walls of his room, "I told him everything and yet he kept what he was doing with Neville from me. This just does not make any sense at all."

Harry made up his mind to let it go. He would get no answers until Colin was actually there in front of him.

He went into his shower and let the warm water rinse away the troubling thoughts and questions that had been plaguing his mind since Christmas Eve. After the shower he laid down in his bed. He resigned himself to the fact that he probably wouldn't get much sleep, but tried his best to clear his mind. He wished he had Dumbledore's old Pensive so he could take all of the thoughts that were still racing through his head out, at least for the time being.

Finally sleep came upon him, granting him a few hours rest before he had to confront his lover, his best friend, his Colin when the sun came up on another day.

Chapter 7- Confronting The Past

Harry had been awake for hours. He had managed to get a few hours of sleep but he still felt mentally and physically exhausted. Finally at 9am a soft knock was heard at his door. Harry got up from the lounge chair he was sitting in and prepared to greet his lover, Colin Creevey.

When Harry opened the door Colin rushed into his arms, smothering him with a barrage of kisses.

"Better come inside before you get too excited." suggested Harry easing Colin into the room

Colin continued to hug and kiss him and reached between Harry's legs. There he found the swelling member of his lover that he had sincerely missed while he was away. As much as Harry wanted to throw Colin down on the bed and fuck his brains out he resisted. Colin noticed him pulling away and became concerned.

"What is it baby? Are you not feeling well today?"

"No I feel ok, well a bit exhausted, but listen we need to talk before we get too carried away."

Becoming more concerned Colin sat down on the bed that Harry was now sitting on.

"Ok" resigned Colin "How was your Christmas then?"

"Lonely without you Colin but it is Christmas Eve that I want to talk to you about"

"Christmas Eve?" queried Colin now totally confused "what happened on Christmas Eve? Did Santa bring you a surprise?"

"Sort of. I didn't get a chance to tell you in my letters but it seems that an old friend is also teaching at Hogwarts this year."

"Well that's good news then, an old mate from our school years?"

"As a matter of fact, yes" replied Harry coldly, "Neville Longbottom is teaching Herbology now"

"Well that's nice for you and Neville," said Colin shifting uneasily on the bed, "it's always nice to have a familiar face when you start a new job."

"Ya, Neville and I got together Christmas Eve for some after dinner cocktails. It seems Neville gets a loose tongue when he drinks Mead."

Suddenly Colin feared the worst. He had a good idea where this conversation was leading. He was 99% certain Neville spilled the beans about their sexual fling when they were in school. Colin almost started blurting out an explanation but thought better of it.

What if that is not the problem, he thought, better wait and let Harry talk.

"Look Colin I am just going to get right to the point. Neville told me that when we were in school you and he were doing things' and I know you were not doing things' like playing wizard chess. What bothers me the most is that you never told me. I told you what happened with Draco and yet all this time you made me believe that I was your only one."

Like an animal caught in a trap Colin had no escape, he had to admit that it was true. But there was so much Harry didn't know about why Colin did what he did; so much that he meant to tell him but then let it go after the whole ordeal with Voldemort.

"It's true Harry but you have to believe me I had my reasons."

"Believe you? I have just found out that you have lied to me and you want me to believe you? I feel like the Colin I knew before Christmas Eve has abandoned me and I have a stranger sitting before me."

The word "abandoned" triggered some long suppressed anger in Colin. No he wouldn't let this go; he wouldn't grovel at Harry's feet until Harry heard him out. Colin got up from the bed and sat in the lounge chair facing Harry.

"OK I understand why you feel that way but will you at least let me explain. After all I closed my eyes to the thing that happened with you and Draco Malfoy. I knew that what he was making you do turned you on in some twisted way. Every time you would tell me about it you would get horny and then wanted to fuck me. I wondered if you were really fucking me or imaging that it was Draco. So the least you could do is hear me out before you decide I am a lying piece of scum"

Harry never thought about that. When he got honest with himself there was a part of him that was extremely turned on by the lithe and beautiful boy who was his nemesis- Draco Malfoy. He had admittedly fantasized that Colin's ass was Draco's during the many fuck sessions he and his lover had as teens. True that he did all that but at least he told Colin about it. Colin said nothing to him about Neville and that is what was hurting Harry the most.

"Go ahead" said Harry "but I doubt if it will make any difference."

"You know Harry I always understood why you, the 'boy who lived', had to do what you had to do. All those times when you were hanging out with Granger and Wesley battling all sorts of things I was left alone. You didn't even want me to be part of DA in our 5th year because you were afraid that someone would figure us out..."

"I know, but..." Colin, speaking louder now cut Harry off

"...I know it was not your fault that Voldemort came back and you had to spend the last 4 years of your teens battling him but I was the one that was abandoned. And while you were busy with your best friends- Ron and Hermione, another friend that looked up to you and hoped beyond hope that the great Harry Potter would finally, after the battle at the Ministry in your fifth year, include him in his dark wizard fighting clique, was getting really sad and depressed. When you all but ignored Neville, in your sixth year, it hurt him. So while you were busy sorting out stuff with Dumbledore Neville came to me."

"But how could you have lied to me?" interjected Harry

"I am getting to that- let me finish" said Colin sternly, "While you were busy pissing off Umbridge and doing whatever it was you and Dumbledore were doing Neville asked me if I could help him with a Herbology project. He knew that I did photography and he wanted to go around the lake and at the edge of the forbidden forest to photograph the local plants and herbs. I gladly offered my help- and you have to remember Harry, I thought at that time that Neville was as straight as you were pretending to be. After that we became friends. Nothing happened at school though because we both thought that each other liked girls."

"Nothing wrong with being friends I guess," reluctantly admitted Harry

"So one day, during summer break when you were at the Dursleys, Neville sent me an owl and asked if I could meet him to do more photography. Remember Neville's Gran lived about a kilometer from my family. I was bored out of my mind so I said I would meet him. When I met up with him he looked really sad, but seemed to brighten up when he saw me."

"Yes, but I still don't understand..." Neville cut off Harry by holding up his hand

"You will in a minute, Harry," admonished Colin, "well after we walked around and catalogued a few more plants around Wiltshire Lake we decided to go for a swim. It was really hot that day and we needed to cool off. We didn't have any swimming trunks so we skinny-dipped. After the swim we remembered that we didn't have a towel to dry ourselves with so we both laid down out in the sun to dry. It was obvious that Neville was eyeing me. I had sunglasses on so he couldn't tell that I was watching him watch me."

Harry squirmed in his chair. While he was not looking forward to the upcoming details about his lover cheating on him with another classmate he was getting a little turned on, evidenced by the slow swelling of his cock, as he pictured naked 15 year old Colin with naked 16 year old Neville at the lake.

Colin continued on with his explanation.

It turned out that as Colin and Neville were sitting in the sun and drying off Neville was getting an eyeful of Colin. Colin rolled over on to his stomach and then stole more looks Neville.

Colin eyes were fixated on Neville's cock; it was the first time he had seen one that size.

Neville's cock lazily reclined on his right thigh. As the minutes passed Colin was certain Neville was staring at his ass. Colin watched as Neville's cock began to lengthen, slowly rising from his thigh and moving up towards his belly button. The way Neville was sitting it almost seemed as if he was trying to give Colin a show. Legs spread wide Neville's cock grew to it's full length- a whopping 7 or 8 inches by Colin's estimate, his foreskin retracting revealing a good sized mushroom head.

Colin felt his own cock swelling and began slowly humping the ground he was laying on. He watched in awe as Neville's cock began to slowly dance on his belly. Colin loved the dark patch of hair that encircled the base of Neville's boyhood and his equally large and low hanging balls that looked like they were more then ready to unload. Colin looked at Neville's face; eyes now closed it was apparent Neville was lost in some sort of erotic fantasy.

Neville opened his eyes and noticed Colin looking his way.

"Sorry bout that Colin, it always happens to me after a swim." said Neville covering up his erection with his shorts

"That's ok Neville, same thing happens to me," added Colin flipping over to give Neville a look at his swollen tool.

Neville's cock jerked under his shorts, as he took in the site of Colin's erection. Neville was especially turned on by the blond wisps of pubes that highlighted Colin's fully erect cock.

"I've never seen blond pubes before" said Neville in a dreamy voice, "they look like cotton or silk."

"Come over here and touch them," offered Colin "they feel that way too!"

Neville moved closer and ran his fingers through Colin's bush of blond pubes.

"Oh wow, you are right they are really soft."

Neville, in the throes of extreme teenage horniness, lost all control. He started going beyond the pubes and started feeling Colin's hard cock and his hairless balls. Colin was eating up the attention he was getting.

"I guess you like boys as much as I do" offered Colin startling Neville back into reality

"Really? You like doing things with boys too?" asked Neville "I mean thinking about it; I haven't done anything with anyone except my right hand."

Colin almost blurted out that he and Harry had been fuck buddies for almost a year but caught himself in time.


"See Harry, I couldn't tell Neville about you because it would have outed you and you made me swear to never tell another soul." said Colin to Harry, "You do know that I have never told a soul about you?"

Harry considered this and did remember what he made Colin promise. Well, he thought, he did keep that promise but why didn't he try to put off doing stuff with Neville? That question was about to be answered as Colin continued his recollections of that summer day.


The petting between Colin and Neville intensified, once they both learned that it was safe to proceed. Colin had felt a twinge of guilt but let it go when he considered the fact that it had been at least two months since he had made love with Harry. Colin threw caution to the wind and made the next move.

Oozing out of the large cockhead of Neville Longbottom was a copious amount of precum. Colin adjusted his position and gently licked it off of Neville's cock. Neville jumped when he felt Colin's soft tongue touching probably the most sensitive area on his body.

"You liked that?" questioned Colin flashing Neville with his winning smile

"Oh yes, I never had anyone...down there...before" answered Neville between labored breaths

"Then you will really love the next thing I want to do," said Colin licking his lips

In one gulp Colin swallowed as much of Neville's uncut cock as he could.

Neville was in teen heaven and shuddered as Colin's lips moved up and down on his cock. Soon Neville wanted to try the same thing with Colin so they both laid side by side sucking each other. At first Neville wasn't too good at it; his teeth kept scraping Colin's hardon. But after a bit of coaching from Colin he was able to take the whole of Colin's cock, down to the baby soft blonde pubes, that were now tickling his nose.

The mutual face fucking continued, each boy increasing the frequency and intensity of their pumping, as they got closer to the edge. After a few more minutes Neville started filling Colin's mouth with a load that seemed endless and Colin blasted off into Neville who didn't seem to mind taking Colin's fresh load of boy juice.

When they both caught their breath they sat silently for a few minutes.

Neville surprisingly was the first to speak. "Can we do this again some time?"

Colin had agreed, after all Harry was all but ignoring him and it would be nice to have another gay friend nearby.


"So you see Harry I wasn't purposely trying to keep it from you. Just like you made me swear to keep your secret quiet I did the same for Neville. If I would have said no and rejected him I would have had to tell him about us. I couldn't do that. Neither could I reject him. He was already feeling pretty low about you blowing him off and the fact that his parent's conditions seemed to have gotten worse."

"But I would have kept his secret Colin. Why didn't you tell me when we became adults? Why the secrecy all this time?"

"Because, quite frankly, when things settled down and you were back in my life full time I forgot about the 3 or 4 times Neville and I fucked around. I just wanted to concentrate on you."

"But Neville said that you two were lovers?"

"In his mind, at the time, we were. Like I said I couldn't tell him I was already your lover so I had to play along. But Harry, I swear on my life, that the whole time it was you that stayed in my heart, even when it felt like you had abandoned me."

Harry took a few moments to consider all he heard from Colin. It did appear as if he wasn't deliberately trying to conceal an affair. It seemed to Harry that he was the one, by leaving Colin alone while he was fighting Voldemort that was responsible for it happening. Harry hated to admit it but the proof was in the pudding. He had, indeed, abandoned Colin. It was all for good and noble reasons but all the same it still left Colin in the lurch.

That's the trouble with secrets, thought Harry, it is a shame that we do not live in a day and age where we could have told the world about our love. When you get used to keeping who you are secret it is only natural that one may inadvertently keep other secrets as well. If we were free to be who and what we are, even as teenagers, then maybe there wouldn't be so many secrets and so many broken hearts.

Harry's anger had waned tremendously and he decided to forgive Colin for his indiscretions.

"So does that make sense Harry? Does my explanation help you understand why things happened the way they did?"

Harry got up and took Colin by the hand and led him to the bed. Stroking his hair and kissing his cheek gently Harry smiled and told Colin that everything was ok. He told him that he understood and that if he had been left in the lurch like Colin had been he may have ended up doing the same thing.

"You know I have a confession Colin"

"And what may that be? Been fucking one of your students Professor Potter?" joked Colin

"No nothing like that. You know when you were telling me about you and Neville at the lake? I had a raging hardon- still do as a matter of fact" Harry put Colin's hand between his legs, " well I could picture it so clearly."

"Really, I guess you have a good imagination then?" said Colin feeling his cock swell to its full length as well.

"Do you remember me writing you about the one-way mirror in my bathroom at the school?"

"Yep I do stud"

"Well when Neville was visiting he went in there. He was in there longer then it takes someone to pee so I went and had a look through the mirror"

"No shit, you were spying on Neville?" laughed Colin

"More like making sure he was ok, anyhow, I was shocked when I saw him sitting there stroking his huge cock. Don't worry we didn't do anything, a knock at the door with your owl post got him out of the loo"

"That's hot Harry, maybe we can arrange another visit with Neville if you are game- no secrets this time."

"That may be hot but nearly impossible with you being far away from me for another half year." Replied Harry sullenly

"Well the outlook may not be as bleak as you think, my love. I had some other news to....to tell you" announced Colin in between tender kisses with Harry, "I have a new assignment, I have to go to Hogwarts and do an expose on the Headmistress and such so I will be nearby. I can stay in Hogsmead and no one will be suspicious- I will be around you because you are part of the story- Harry Potter from the boy who lived to the man who taught!"

Harry was beaming; he certainly didn't think the morning would turn out to be a joyous as it was at that moment.

He smiled at Colin and pulled him closer as he unfastened the button that was holding Colin's shorts around his waist. Slowly he stripped his lover, and then himself. With animal passion Harry lifted Colin's legs exposing Colin's smooth ass and buried his face in the soapy smelling crack. Ever so slowly he worked his tongue in and out of Colin's pink hole until Colin begged Harry to fuck him.

Harry put on a condom and then had Colin sit down on his fat cut cock. Harry was amazed that Colin still, at 24, looked as if he were still 16. Harder and harder Harry pumped his cock into his lovers ass while Colin stroked his own cock.

The tempo sped up and the two of them were lost in their passion- finally making love after months of being apart.

In fact they were so into their fuck session that they didn't notice a soft knock at the door. The person outside waited for a moment and then pushed against the door. To his amazement the door was not fully latched so he dared to open it a crack.

The new arrival stood there with his mouth hanging open as his mind, and his groin, realized that Harry Potter was in the middle of fucking another guy!

He quietly slipped into the room and pulled down the elastic waistband of his shorts revealing a nice sized teenage uncut cock with curls of black hair surrounding it. As quietly as he could he began stroking his cock in time with the motion of the two on the bed.

Finally it was apparent that Harry had shot his load and that Colin was squirting his all over Harry's chest.

It was only then did they realize they were not alone in the room as they heard another person grunting. Colin jumped off Harry and ran for the bathroom Harry turned to face the door and was shocked to see Andrew Kelley, one of his sixth year students, shooting his load all over the hardwood floor!

"What are you doing in here?" yelled Harry trying to cover himself

"Sorry sir, the door was ajar and when I saw what was happening I just got too hot and had to ...ummm" the boy looked down at the floor where white drops of his teen cum had landed.

Harry quickly pulled on his shorts. Andrew tucked his softened cock back into his shorts.

When the shock wore off Harry grabbed the boy by the shoulders.

"Listen I don't know why you are here but it is obvious you saw more then you should have. You have to swear to me here and now that you will not breath a word of this to anyone, absolutely no one Andrew is that clear?"

"Yes sir, so long as you don't tell my mates at school that I, ...well that I...I am gay too sir"

"Yes, I swear. So let's forget you saw what you did and I will pretend that," Harry pointed to the cum on his floor "wasn't made by you getting off on seeing me and my friend fuck. Now tell me, Andrew, why is it you are here?"

"I am here with my parents, sir," explained Andrew who was still blushing quite a bit "Tom, the barkeep, asked me to come deliver this message. It just came by owl from Headmistress McGonagall."

Harry took the parchment and read it to himself.

"You better get on your way then Andrew. You remember, I will not say a word and I expect the same promise from you."

"You can trust me, sir," promised Andrew

With that the boy hurried out the door. When the coast was clear Colin came back into the room.

"Who the hell was that?"

"That was Andrew Kelley, one of my sixth year students. Apparently he liked what he saw." said Harry pointing to the thinning jizz on the floor. "He swore that if I kept his secret he would keep mine."

"Can you trust him Harry? I mean this could be bad for you."

"He has no reason to say anything; if he speaks of what he saw he will have to out himself and I know he won't want that."

"Ok, but why was he here? I guess we better make sure the damn door is locked next time."

Harry showed Colin the parchment that McGonagall had sent.

"Oh damn Harry, that sounds serious, we better go straight away."

Harry agreed and quickly packed up his stuff after he and Colin shared a clean up shower.

An hour later he and Colin were checking out of their respective rooms and were heading back to Hogwarts for what was promising to be, for Harry, a very interesting second term as Professor Potter.




Next: Chapter 3

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