Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on Apr 10, 2007


Harry's Closet of Secrets A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

The only thing that is true about the characters or those who played them in film is the reference to Harry's "cut penis". An online friend actually saw the show EQUUS and she verified that Daniel Radcliffe is indeed cut! The black and white picture that is floating around the net is a "slash"- a Photoshopped pic of Daniel with someone else's penis attached to him. I have the photo of the model whose penis is attached to the fake Dan Radcliffe pic if anyone wants proof that it is a fake. The promo shots for EQUUS were all shot in color and none were released that showed Dan's unit because he is still 17 and not a legal adult in places like the United States...maybe when he is 18 we will see Harry's wand for real.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Loads of thanks to all of you that have wrote in and have given me the thumbs up for this story. I really do appreciate the positive feedback and it is encouraging me to write more for you all. The idea of Harry questioning of himself in Chapter 10 came from one of my readers- thank for the idea. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next part are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part Three

Chapter 8- Just For Show

The village of Hogsmead was always one of Harry's favorite getaways when he was a student at Hogwarts. Maybe it was because, for a little while, he felt free from all the constraints associated with a school age wizard or maybe it was the fact that his favorite candy store, Honeydukes, was there. Whatever the reason the name Hogsmead always brought back fond memories, especially in the winter.

This year was no exception; it was blanketed with a thick layer of snow so the fire that was burning in Madame Rosemarta's pub felt especially good to Harry. He recalled the many times he, Ron and Hermione sat in front of that fire trying to solve the latest mystery that seemed to interupt an otherwise normal school year. The pub sure looked different now that Madame Rosemarta was the sole owner. The new and improved, and renamed, Rosemarta's Tea Garden was beautiful compared to old looking pub decor that was in its place when Harry was a student.

Harry checked his watch again; only five minutes until the "surprise" meeting would occur.

On the way back to Hogwarts Harry and Colin had decided that the best way to deal with the fact that people would notice that they were close was to stage a 'surprise" encounter. Harry had left for Rosemarta's Tea Garden a half an hour before Colin. That way plenty of people would see him there alone. Soon Colin would slip in and recognize the "great Harry Potter". Those who remembered their teen years would know that Colin had been Harry's number one fan so no one would think much of it.

Finally Colin arrived and after ordering a Butterbeer he wandered around until he came upon Harry's table.

"Oh my God, it can't be!" said Colin in a purposely-amplified voice, "Harry...Harry Potter after all this time?"

Harry found it hard to keep a straight face but managed to play along.

"Well Colin Creevey this is certainly a surprise! The last I heard you were in Romania." exclaimed Harry quite loudly for the benefit of those around him, "Sit Colin and let's catch up. It's so grand to see an old schoolmate!"

Colin sat down and rehashed what he had been doing in Romania, information Harry obviously already knew. To the outside observer playing this charade may have seemed a bit unnecessary, but the fact of the matter was that Harry was rarely able to have private conversations in pubs. There always seemed to be one or two people attempting to hear what the latest was in Harry's life. These people widely agreed that one day Harry Potter would equal or excel that of Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts. So Colin and Harry had to put on a show for whatever prying eyes and ears were around.

After a long conversation Harry indicated that he needed to go back to the school in the morning. He wasn't in a rush to get back and that he may just take a room from Rosemarta. Colin, again speaking loudly, told Harry that he had rented a flat and that there was "plenty of room for an old schoolmate."

"Come over to my place Harry. We can have a few drinks and you can tell me what its like to be a teacher now. That is why I am here, by the way, I am doing an story on Hogwarts under the leadership of Minerva McGonagall."

They both noticed that people at nearby tables were doing their best to take in the whole of their conversation. The show was on and working perfectly.

"Are you sure it is no bother?" asked Harry, loudly again

"Of course not Harry, you know I was always one of your biggest fans!"

"Agreed, then shall we be off Colin? I want to hear all about Romania and how Ron and Hermione are getting on."

"After you my friend" said Colin standing to leave

They bid farewell to Madame Rosemarta and made their way to Colin's flat. Harry was surprised when he went in; it was a completely furnished two bedroom flat.

"When did you get this?" asked Harry genuinely surprised

"I got it a week ago, that's why my trip into London was delayed. I was saving it as a surprise. Welcome to your home away from home Harry!"

"This is a two-bedroom flat?" asked Harry smiling from ear to ear

"Yes, two bedrooms Harry, but I know only one will be used tonight!" said Colin kissing Harry on the cheek

"Yes baby, it certainly will," replied Harry grabbing a handful of Colin's ass, "but I think I should send Minerva McGonagall an owl before we break in the bed and let her know that I am back before we "catch up'!"

"Ok, yes, it probably is a good idea. I am sure the gossip about Harry Potter being back in town hasn't reached her yet."

Harry got a piece of parchment and a quill and pulled out the letter McGonagall had sent him the day before.

Headmistress McGonagall,

I am back in Hogsmead and will return to the school in the morning. I ran into an old friend from school at Rosemarta's Tea Garden. Surprisingly it was Colin Creevey. Do you remember him? Always followed me around with a camera? Well anyhow he invited me for drinks and a catch up session tonight and offered me his spare room. So I will be staying here tonight and will return to Hogwarts at 9am tomorrow.

I am really concerned about the letter you sent me. Sam Cho is really a good kid and it saddens me to hear that he has been depressed over the holiday at the school. He always communicates with me and asks questions so I would guess that you are correct in assuming that he may open up to me. Keep an eye on him and tell him I will be back in the morning so he and I can sort out what is troubling him.

With Warm Regards,

Harry Potter

Harry rolled up the parchment and called his owl over to him.

"This is a short trip Hedwig. Just take it to Headmistress McGonagall. If you want you can stay at the owlery tonight. I am sure you have some friends you would like to see."

Hedwig gently nipped his finger and then took off out of the window Colin had opened for her.

"There, now that I finished that, I believe you were going to show me the bedroom?" said Harry with a wink

Colin grabbed Harry by the crotch and led him towards the bedroom and perhaps their last night together for the time being.


Neville was used to the greenhouses making odd noises at night. A few days after the start of the first term a crop of young Mandrakes tipped their pots over and were brawling with each other. The noises he was hearing now though were unlike that of routy greenery; in fact it sounded like someone walking about and knocking into things in Greenhouse 3.

He looked around his quarters and found a torch. Quietly he walked into the greenhouse and had a look around. He couldn't see anything out of place, nor did he see anyone lurking about. He decided that it was his mind playing tricks on him or perhaps the wind. He turned off the torch and made his way back towards his quarters.

Before he left Greenhouse 3 he remembered that he had forgot to put the heat lamps on for the crop of Brosuckle Weed he was planning to use for his fourth year class in a few weeks.

He moved towards the "heat room" and was startled to see the figure of a boy, torch in hand along with what appeared to be a magazine, with pants around his ankles and a hand wrapped around a stiff cock.

As his eyes focused on the room Neville had to suppress a gasp as he realized it was one of his star students.

There before him was Angelo Marquez, perhaps the most beautiful boy in the whole of the fourth year class. With his clothes on he was a dream; silky long black hair with one of those adorable puberty mustaches that seemed to accentuate the sculpted features of his face.

Without clothes he was a god. Neville surveyed the boy on the floor of his heat room. For a 14 year old Angelo had a perfectly toned stomach and the probably the best-looking cock Neville had ever seen. While the length was modest- maybe 5 inches at best, it was fat and accompanied by a low hanging set of boy balls that were almost as big as Neville's.

Neville, due to his size, had no choice but to free his engorged cock that was uncomfortably snaking down the leg of his trousers. That was the trouble with having a piece of meat that was nearly 9 inches long. When it was fully hard and in the wrong position it was annoying to say the least.

With his cock out and free to expand Neville started slowly stroking his meat as he spied on the teen intruder. Part of him wanted to leave and not do this. After all it was one of his students. But on the other hand the vision before him was so tantalizing that Neville's hormones took over abandoning logical thinking.

"Well he is the one that is jerking off in my heat room," thought Neville, "it's not like I snuck into Hufflepuff and the dorms to spy on him."

Neville stood there with hand wrapped around his cock in absolute awe. A couple of times he could have sworn that Angelo was purposely putting on a show for him. The boy put down the magazine he was looking at and began to stroke his cock with both hands, alternately squeezing the fullness of his balls from time to time. Then he turned over and got on his knees. Still stroking his cock the boy presented Neville with two small globes that didn't appear to have a hair on them.

Neville was getting close to the edge as the precum leaked profusely out of his uncut cock. Finally the boy laid back down on his back and sped up the tempo of his pumping. In no time at all Angelo was squirting sticky white jets of teen cum on his tanned belly and chest. Neville exploded as well, accidentally showering a Hiberius shrub in the process.

After a minute or two Neville decided he had better make a hasty retreat but before he could he heard a voice coming from where the boy was laying.

"I was hoping you would catch me Professor Longbottom!" said Angelo with a cheeky grin

Neville, now totally shocked and scared, ran out of the heat room and back to his quarters.

He would have to tell Harry about this when he gets back; Harry will know what to do.

Chapter 9- A Slip of the Tongue

Even though it had been a number of years since Harry was a student it still always felt like he was coming home when he arrived on the grounds of Hogwarts. Harry went directly to his quarters and unpacked his belongings. After setting a few things in order he went directly to the Headmistress McGonagall's office.

"Welcome back Harry. I trust you had a pleasant couple of days away?"

"Yes I did Professor," replied Harry

"Harry we are colleagues now and both adults. You may call me Minerva if you like."

"OK..." laughed Harry, "Minerva...I just can't get used to calling you by your first name."

"Practice makes perfect Potter" smiled McGonagall as she sat down at her desk, "So the reason I summoned you back is because one of your students in Gryfindor has been noticeably reclusive. He has hardly come out of his dorm and some of his mates are concerned for him."

"Did he tell anyone what was troubling him?" asked Harry hoping that the beans weren't inadvertently spilled about him setting up Sam and Lonnie

"Not a word I am afraid. That is why I thought, as head of Gryfindor House and as a teacher he seems to respect, he may open up to you."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief; McGonagall didn't know anything about his special friendship with Sam Cho.

"I'll go see him right now then." offered Harry

"Very well Harry, oh and yes I do remember Creevey. He loved to follow you around with his camera. I understand that he put his photography skills to use and is here to do an article on the school. That surely will give you two plenty of time to reminisce about the past."

"Yes, I am looking forward to it; after all he was my number one fan" said Harry as he headed for the door.

Harry made a beeline toward the Gryfindor Common Room to let Sam know he was back. When he greeted the Fat Lady, who didn't want to shut up and let Harry in, he stepped into the room and asked a sixth year student if he had seen Sam Cho. Predictably Sam was in his dorm and Harry headed up the stairs. Harry walked into the dorm and saw Sam on his bed staring into space.

"Hello Sam, I just wanted to let you know I was back!"

Sam jumped up from the bed and gave Harry a bear hug. Harry quickly pulled away; he didn't want anyone getting the wrong impression if they happened to walk by.

"Oh sir, I am so glad you are back; it wasn't the same with you gone."

"Thanks Sam, I miss this place when I am away- always have. Is that why you have been so depressed- because of me? I was only gone for a few days."

"No that was only part of it," admitted Sam, "there's a lot more on my mind but I had no one to talk to."

"Perhaps we should take this back to my classroom and quarters where we can have a private chat." suggested Harry

Sam beamed and ran out of the dorm in a shot. Harry had to speed up to catch up with him as he darted through the Fat Lady's portrait.

Once in the privacy of Harry's quarters Sam took a glass of pumpkin juice that was offered to him and sat down on the sofa next to Harry.

"So what's been eating you Sam? The Headmistress sent me an owl and said you have been hiding in your dorm and have been worrying some of your dorm mates."

Sam shifted around on the couch to face Harry. It was so hard not to reach out and hug this boy, thought Harry, just like his sister his eyes are like magnets. Harry mentally reminded himself that this was no time to be thinking about Sam and how handsome he was. The boy was troubled; he could see it in his eyes.

"Well, it's a lot of things Professor." started Sam gazing into Harry's eyes, "I miss Lonnie for one and I missed talking to you."

"That's sweet Sam but I was only gone for a few days. Surely there were people in Gryfindor you could have talked with."

"I can only talk to you and Lonnie about what's bugging me, sir...if you know what I mean"

A light bulb went off in Harry's head' obviously it has to do with Lonnie. No one but Harry knew about the schoolboy's romance. Obviously Harry was the only one the boy would have talk to since Lonnie was away on Christmas holiday. Sam continued as Harry listened attentively.

"Someone else found out about me and Lonnie. Don't worry he doesn't know that you 'help us out'; he just knows that Lonnie and I are like boyfriends and he has threatened to tell everyone if I don't do what he says."

Harry was enraged, "Who is this mystery boy that is bothering you?"

"I'll tell you in a minute, sir, please let me finish...ok?" pleaded Sam

Harry nodded and allowed Sam to continue uninterrupted.

"He found out that Lonnie and I were having sex together. One day before the break we had gone down by the lake and into the storage shack. Well we were getting it on pretty hot and heavy and in comes a sixth year student. He is a Slytherin, Patrick Donnelly, do you know him?"

"Yes, I have him in my class. Spikey red hair and a smart ass attitude- I know him."

"Well right then and there he made both me and Lonnie do stuff for him. That was bad enough as it was but then the real trouble started when everyone, including Lonnie, went home for Christmas break. I had gone into the 4th floor boys room to take a pee and you know who was in there- Patrick."

Harry knew this Slytherin boy; if the kid had blond hair instead of red and if Draco Malfoy weren't dead and buried he would swear he was the spawn of Malfoy. He had the same mannerisms and the same cocky "pure-blood" attitude Draco had. He ran around with two other Slytherin mates- all three constantly seeking out other students to intimidate.

"So since we were alone and there wasn't much of a chance for anyone to come into the 4th floor loo he made me get down on my knees. He made me undo his pants and take his hardon out. In some ways I kind of liked being told what to do and I was a little turned on especially by his red pubes, I have never seen a redhead guy naked before. But that all changed when I started thinking about Lonnie."

"You felt guilty then? Like you were cheating on Lonnie?" queried Harry

"Yes, but I kept telling myself I was being forced to do this so there was nothing to feel guilty about. I still intend to tell Lonnie the truth."

"The truth is always a good option Sam." declared Harry. He had learned his lesson with Colin over the past few days.

"I let that go and kind of got lost in the way he was making me suck his dick. It wasn't easy though; he has a fat one, probably about 6 inches, but still hard to swallow. He was forcing the whole thing down my throat so I kept choking and scraping him with my teeth. I guess that pissed him off because he made me stand up and pull down my pants. I was cursing my cock; even though I was being forced to do this my dick was rock hard and he saw that."

Harry nodded and was getting angrier by the minute with this Slytherin rat bastard.

"He said to me, 'looks like you like my cock baby boy', and the thing that made me mad was that in some ways he was right. But then the worst happened. He grabbed me and spun me around. Then he pushed me down on the floor so I was lying on my stomach. He said,' I am going to treat you like a girlie girl since you act like one' and he shoved his cock into my ass. The pain was horrible sir. I never had done that before. Luckily it didn't take him long to cum. I think it lasted only five minutes but it felt like an eternity. When he was done he got up and left me there on the floor crying."

Harry was enraged. He wanted to go straight to the Slytherin Common room and whip the bastard within an inch of his life. But overreacting now with a temper tantrum would not help Sam deal with this. So with all his might Harry restrained his impulse to go get the evil boy and spoke to Sam in a calming tone.

"Damn Sam that must have been awful for you, but you know you shouldn't feel ashamed."

"I know sir but I feel so dirty. Not because he fucked me without me saying yes but because after he got going my balls liked it- when I got up from the floor I noticed that I had jizzed all over the place. Then I started thinking about Lonnie and the rest of the school year. I would have to do this again and perhaps Lonnie would be forced to get fucked by Patrick as well. That's why I have been sad sir, I had no one to talk to about this and I am afraid about how Lonnie will react."

Harry completely understood. After all he had been through the same sort of trauma with Malfoy. Perhaps relating his story will help ease Sam's mind, Harry thought.

"I know you feel awful Sam and after an event like that your reaction is completely normal; that boy is using the fact that he can physically overpower you to his sick advantage. I promise you we will deal with him. I have a few other suggestions but first I am going to tell you something. It's deeply personal but I think it may help you feel better. Just like I will keep what you told me quiet you must keep what I am about to tell you quiet. The only other person who knows is my boyfriend, Colin."

"I swear, sir, it will stay here," pledged Sam with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Harry didn't understand why Sam looked as if he had just won the lottery. I guess, Harry thought, that he is just surprised that I am going to be open with him about what Draco made me do.

"Well when I was in my sixth year Colin and I were caught by a real evil boy. Coincidentally he was alsofrom Slytherin House. His name was Draco Malfoy."

"The real Draco Malfoy?' asked Sam amazed, "The one that tried to kill Dumbledore and later died when he tried to kill you?"

"That's the same one I am afraid," replied Harry morosely

In many ways Harry still felt bad for Draco. Given the type of family he was raised in he really didn't have a chance. Again Harry wondered what Malfoy would have been like if they hadn't been enemies. Would Draco have been different and would Draco have been his lover instead of Colin if things had been different? Maybe it was really his fault- if he had not been so intent on discovering what Malfoy was doing and had seen just where their sixth year sex game would have led maybe he could have saved both Malfoy and Dumbledore.

Harry shook the thoughts from his head. If there was one thing he learned, in his 25 years on Earth, was that you can't live in the past and the "what ifs" were the downfall of many who simply refused to let go.

Back to the present, Harry went on to explain how Draco had cornered him in the empty corridor and made him suck him off like a slave.

"That really happened to you, Professor?" asked Sam in disbelief

"I am afraid so and just like you part of me liked it. I guess it was because I was 16 and my cock had a mind of it's own. Also Malfoy, when he wasn't dressed and being a total git, was really a hot guy. So I put up with sucking his cock. That happened about three more times. But then right before the Halloween feast Draco wanted more...more then I was ready to give...anyone."

Recalling this life-changing event was harder, in more ways then one, then Harry thought it would be.

"Now even Colin doesn't know this bit." Harry advised Sam, "I know I should have told him but it was too humiliating and I probably shouldn't be telling you this either..."

"Remember sir I promised to keep this quiet, you can trust me." promised Sam again

Sam indeed was feeling better, not completely, but still better then when they first entered Harry's quarters. He also noticed that he was as hard as a rock and tried to adjust the way he was sitting so Harry wouldn't notice it.

"Well there used to be several rooms on the third floor that were guest quarters for visitors- people like the Minister of Magic and other important people that would be at the castle. Somehow Malfoy managed to break the lock charm on one of these rooms. I was on my way to the feast when Draco cornered me again. I had no choice- I had to go with him otherwise he would have, beyond a shadow of a doubt, outed Colin and I. No one would have believed me if I told them that Draco was bi so I had no choice."

Harry took a deep breath, even the memory of it, nine years later still worked on a raw nerve.

"So he leads me into this room and says that he wants to see what it is like to 'do it' on a bed with me. He ordered me to undress and then lay down on my stomach. He undressed himself and climbed on my back. He started massaging me, as tenderly as a lover, and I wondered what was up with him. It wasn't the usual way he started things- him the master and me the slave. I could feel his balls and his hardening cock on the small of my back as he rubbed my shoulders almost tenderly."

Sam's cock jerked in his trousers. It was in a cockeyed position so abandoning caution he reached down and adjusted his throbbing teen boner. Whether Harry had noticed he wasn't sure; probably not because Harry was busy recalling his experience.

"The massage felt good and I got lost in it. I forgot I was with Draco Malfoy instead of my boyfriend Colin and I started humping the bed. Draco apparently noticed that I was turned on so he began licking my back. He started at the shoulders and moved down until he reached the crack of my ass. I was lost in ecstasy, as much as I hate to admit it, I was."

Harry, even to this day, would pop a boner thinking about that and today was no different- he was hard as a rock. He, too, moved around on the couch hoping Sam wouldn't notice.

"So then he stopped licking and said 'I think the slave boy needs a reward...do you want me to reward you slave boy?' I turned to look at him and his eyes were on fire. I, of course, loved what he was doing so as part of Malfoy's twisted game I was compelled to say, 'yes, Master Draco'. Then the shock of my life came."

Harry's mind was clearly reproducing the scene that had taken place years before. The explosive feeling his body experienced at the time was there again as he recalled that day's event.

"Draco spread the cheeks of my ass and buried his tongue in my hole. I had never felt anything like that before, my head was spinning and my cock was jerking from the shear intensity of his tongue darting in and out of my virgin ass."

"Oh my God he really did that?" blurted out Sam, "I didn't know you could do that and that it could feel so good."

"Yes he did," replied Harry- a bit unnerved by the question, "it's called rimming and it does feel quite...spectacular."

Sam was getting hotter by the minute. He grabbed one of the large throw pillows and put it on his lap. Once it was there he was free to reach under it and squeeze his cock through his pants. Harry noticed this and it made his cock jump as well.

Harry tried to remind himself that he was telling Sam this to help him not to get him as horny as he was feeling now. The memory of Sam's lithe body and the twin globes of his smooth ass, clenching and unclenching, as he fed Lonnie his young cock still burnt deep into his memory. Despite the intrusive and lustful thoughts Harry continued on; his cock leaking precum into his own boxers.

"After about two minutes Malfoy stopped tonguing my ass and sat back up. He then lay down on top of me and kissed my shoulders. I thought he was going to repeat the same thing he had just done. I was wrong."

Harry's face hardened; it was still a sore spot with him- the fact that Malfoy was able to use blackmail to make him submit to whatever sexual whim Draco had in mind. Worse then that was the memory of how much he enjoyed what Malfoy, his enemy for all intents and purposes, was doing.

"Suddenly the pleasure I was feeling was turned into sharp pain as I felt the head of his cock slip into my tight ass. There was no way I could resist, he said to me in a sexy yet menacing voice, 'remember slave boy, you do what I want you to do or your secret is out'. I said nothing and shut my eyes tightly. After I got used to it he ordered me to lay on my back with my legs on his shoulders and he stuck it into me again."

The memory was as clear as day for Harry. Draco's cock seemed to have just the right curve so it was hitting his prostate every time he pushed in. After he had gotten used to Malfoy being in him again pain turned to pleasure in no time at all. Harry wondered why he had never let Colin fuck him; he had liked what Malfoy had done. Maybe he remained a strict top for fear of re-experiencing the fuck with Malfoy while he was supposed to be experiencing his lover in him- he couldn't answer that question now.

"So I laid there and soon he started fucking me fast; each pump slamming my cock, which re-hardened after I got used to him being in me, into his muscular stomach. Finally I felt his whole body shake as he delivered several strong jets of cum up my ass. I too shot a load that actually hit me in the eye. When he caught his breath he pulled on his clothes and ordered me to lay there until he was gone from the room."

Sam sat there staring at Harry's obvious boner that was tenting in his pants. He removed the pillow revealing his teen boner that was also producing a sizable tent. Harry was taken aback by this and quickly remembered why he had told Sam the story. Shaking the vision of what he knew lied beneath Sam's trousers Harry tried to get the conversation back to its original intent.

"Clearly, as you have just heard, something similar happened to me. So please don't feel like you should be ashamed or like you cheated on Lonnie; you really had no choice in the matter. I would, however, wait for the right time to tell him what happened while he was gone. It will be hell if I have to explain why he is out of sorts to the Headmistress."

"Ok Professor, I will try not to dwell on it. But what if he comes back for more. Patrick is way bigger then me and at least two inches taller then Lonnie."

"We will deal with him, don't you worry. Now is that the only thing that was troubling you?"

"That was the main thing, but the other thing is that there just is no one, but Lonnie and you, to talk to about things like this."

"Well that is not necessarily so Sam. In fact I happen to know a few more boys that are as gay as you and I. I had a thought about that as well. Back in my fifth year we had this horrid woman here who was made the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher by the Ministry. She refused to let us use spells and was totally against Dumbledore. Well my classmates urged me to do something. Since Umbridge was refusing to teach DADA properly they wanted me to teach them a few things. So we created DA- Dumbledore's Army. I was thinking that perhaps we can start a secret club- for gay teens only here at Hogwarts this year?"

Sam beamed, "Do you really think we could?"

"Certainly, but we will have to come up with a reason for it; there is no way the school or parents would allow a gay teen wizard club. It has to be something that disguises its true intent. Maybe it can be students I select for extra instruction- perhaps a study group that meets with me. It will need a name though."

"How about Potter's Pansies?" joked Sam

"Let's not make the name a negative; how about Potter's Protégées?" suggested Harry

"That sounds cool Professor," smiled Sam, "and thanks for listening to me and telling me your story. I feel so much better now and it is all thanks to you."

Sam leaped onto Harry hugging him around his waist. His head was lying on Harry's lap; his mouth inches away from Harry's half-hard tenting cock. Sam let go of Harry and then moved his hands to Harry's crotch and took hold of his hardening cock. Harry shocked and surprised by this, jumped up nearly knocking Sam to the floor.

"I don't think that is a good idea Sam" said Harry a bit more sternly then he had meant to.

Sam sat up and the joy seemed to drain out of his face.

"It's just that I am 25 and you are 14 Sam. The law doesn't allow people my age to do things with people your age."

"Screw the law, sir, the law can't tell me who I feel comfortable having sex with. So what if you are a bit older? So what if I am a teenager and you are an adult? I guess the law thinks that I am too stupid to make a choice for myself. Will I magically be able to consent when I am of age? Like a magic spell that suddenly takes the stupid from me and takes the control of my body away from the Ministry and back into my hands? The adults that make these laws would do well to ask us teens what we want instead of thinking they know what is best for our cock's!"

Harry didn't know how to reply to this. The kid was right in some ways. He certainly could and did decide when he was 14 who he wanted to do things with. Not that it happened, at that age he still had only his jerk off fantasies. But if he had been in Sam's position with another gay person- even if it was a man of 25 who was extremely hot, he too probably would have said the same things Sam was saying.

"Between you and me we have about ten and a half years age difference. What if you were 35 and I was 24?...No one would say anything then, would they? It really sucks how puberty works; it starts at 11 and 12 and pretty much is full blown when you are 14 or 15. You know who you want to be with, you can make a choice as to who you want seeing you naked but some fat old wizard, in some Ministry office, has decided that a law is needed to keep us from being happy- both in bed and out of it. It just doesn't seem fair, Professor."

"Look Sam, I understand what you are saying and yes you are right but I just can't risk it. As beautiful as you are, as tempting as it is I can't do it. Not only because of the silly laws but also because of Colin. Would you really feel good about doing something with me behind Lonnie's back?"

Sam shook his head indicating that he wouldn't.

"Well I wouldn't feel right doing it behind Colin's back. So understand I am not rejecting you I am just doing what is best for both of us. Perhaps if we get the PP group started you all can talk about this at length."

Sam, despite the fact that his hormones were still racing, agreed to understand and accept what Harry was saying. While his masculine teacher turned him on, he didn't want to risk losing his sage counsel and his friendship.

"Alright, sir, I understand. I guess I will have to think of a different way to thank you. But there is something that I think you have forgotten."

"What's that Sam?" asked Harry genuinely perplexed

"If you remember correctly, you just knew about me and Lonnie being gay. You said that it was 'a couple of mates' that were just like me and Lonnie - not that you and another boy snuck off to the glen by the lake to be with each other!" exclaimed Sam grinning from ear to ear

Harry felt like a fool.

So intent on making Sam feel better he forgot he had never told the kid about his sexual orientation. Now two people at the school- Neville and his student Sam knew that the great Harry Potter was a cocksucker. It's ok though, thought Harry, I know I can trust both of them.

"Well then, now you know. Lips sealed shut young man." said Harry as he pulled Sam closer to him, looking him in the eye

"Lips shut tight!" replied Sam giving Harry another hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Their amusement with Harry mistakenly outing himself was ended when there came a knock on the door.

"Harry, I really need to talk to you if you are in there" said the voice of Neville Longbottom from outside the door.

"Quick get to the writing desk and pull open that book- I will tell him you are here for extra tutoring help."

When Sam got to the desk, Harry moved towards the door to see what Neville wanted so desperately to see him about.

There was never a dull moment in Harry Potter's adult life and he liked it that way.

Chapter 10- A Tale of Two Teachers

Neville looked really worried when Harry opened the door. As a matter of fact Neville looked like he had just seen a ghost. Of course at Hogwarts seeing ghosts never really bothered anyone- so it had to be something far worse. As he strode into Harry's quarters he noticed the small Chinese boy sitting at Harry's writing table. He recognized him- it was Sam Cho.

"Hello Sam," said Neville with a nod

"Hello Professor Longbottom, nice to see you." smiled Sam

"Sam stopped by to get some extra help with his studies. Good student that he is I hardly could refuse." added Harry

"I have a good one like that Harry, in fact, that is who I need to talk to you about...if we could perhaps speak in private."

"Oh yes, I believe Sam and I are finished. Sam why don't you drop by tomorrow at 10am and we can work out the details for the other assignment I told you about."

"Yes sir, Professor" said Sam heading for the door, "And Professor, thank you again for.... for everything."

Sam flashed a big smile at Harry and closed the door on his way back out to the classroom.

Harry offered Neville a drink, which he gladly accepted. He was a bit nervous seeing Harry after the last time they visited and he let Harry know that he and Colin had been more then friends.

Luckily Harry broke the ice.

"Listen Neville, Colin and I had a good talk and there are no hard feelings. I completely understand why he never told me about you and I have to tell you, if someone had to sleep with Colin, I was glad it was you. I guess I should have told you this years ago but you really were an important part of my teenage life- even when I didn't make you feel like you were."

"Thanks Harry, I know you had your hands full, I was just glad I was able to help in whatever way I did. I just wish we all would have known about each other sooner- you, me, Colin and probably other boys we never knew about."

"Yes, that would have been cool," agreed Harry, "but you didn't come here to hear me winge on did you? Let me just finish by saying that Colin is fine with you and me. As a matter of fact, last night at his flat, before we went to sleep, Colin said that if the occasion arose in which you and I found ourselves in need of some 'recreation'...Colin meant sex...he said he would be fine with it. I think he wants us both. But that would be up to you."

Taken aback Neville didn't know what to say. Certainly the thought had crossed his mind. Harry had grown into a stunning man and Neville had spent many nights jerking off thinking about Harry and what may lie under those baggy clothes. Perhaps he would be able to see for himself, now that Colin had given his blessing, after he told Harry about what he saw the night before. Surely that will get Harry horny, thought Neville, as he looked up at Harry ready to respond.

"Wow Colin is amazing Harry.... and I have wondered what it would be like to...to actually..."

"Fuck around with me?" Harry finished the sentence for Neville.

"Yes, I thought it may be hot," said Neville blushing

"I admit I am guilty of thinking the same thing; you really have grown into a handsome man you know."

Neville blushed again and told Harry that he had better take a trip to Diagon Alley to get a stronger pair of glasses. Neville, still to this day, didn't have great self-esteem.

"Ok Neville, whatever you say," Harry said with a grin, "but let's get to the thing you needed to talk to me about. I am sorry for pushing the reason for your visit to the wayside."

Neville took a deep breath and prepared himself to re-tell the events of last night, namely catching Angelo Marquez putting on a wank show in the middle of Greenhouse 3's heat room. He explained that he had gone into the Greenhouse to see what the odd noises were and how he had remembered that he hadn't turned on the heat lamps. When he got to the good part- Angelo naked except for the pants around his ankle Neville had Harry's full attention.

"I just couldn't believe what I was seeing Harry." said Neville noticing that Harry was groping himself, "and the thing I feel really guilty about is that I ended up jerking off watching the boy."

"Truthfully, I probably would have had to do the same thing. Did he notice that you were there?"

"Well that's the thing that's bugging me. Just as I was about to make my escape he looked right at me and said 'I was hoping you would catch me Professor Longbottom'. Harry I don't know what I should do; I can't have him running around class with a boner saying things like that to me!"

"I should say not!" Harry laughed, "Listen Neville, I think Angelo went above and beyond with a schoolboy crush. I think if you just have a sit down with him you'll be able to sort him out."

"Perhaps but I am worried more about me. I don't know if I could just sit there if he decides to whip it out again. I know its against the law but the boy is very tempting."

"Why don't you tell me everything that happened; everthing he did and then I can give you an opinion." suggested Harry

Harry decided to enjoy Neville's story and didn't hide the fact that he was rock hard. Neville too had started to bone and shifted around uncomfortably in his chair.

"Feel free to...er... adjust yourself Neville. After all we have no secrets now- it's just you and me"

"You mean you want us to do something now?" said Neville unsure as to whether Harry meant adjust his cock in his pants or pull it out so it had room to grow.

"Well, perhaps we won't do anything to each other, but when I tell you a couple of my stories that big thing of yours will really be begging to be free!" replied Harry will a sexy grin

Neville, just as shy as he was when he was a teen, sat there for a moment and then looked at Harry blushing profusely. After a few more seconds of contemplation Neville surprised Harry.

"Ok so long as you free up yours as well. I will feel like a total git sitting here, flashing my cock at you."

Harry smiled, stood and undid his trousers. He made sure he gave Neville a close-up view of his strop tease, slowly lowering the waistband of his boxers. Neville's eyes were fixed on Harry's crotch. He noticed that Harry was indeed hairy, with a thick mat of pubes, growing like a grassy knoll, heading from his belly button downward. Neville watched as Harry's cut six-inch cock slapped straight up, pointing at his belly. Neville was totally hard at this point and decided to free his oversized cock as well.

With no mirror between them Harry got his first good look at Neville.

Unlike Harry, Neville looked like he had just hit puberty months ago. A sparse patch of dark hair encircled the base of Neville's cock. From what Harry could see there wasn't a hair anywhere else- even the low hanging balls seemed to be smooth as ten year olds. Harry watched as Neville languidly stroked his hardon; he too was slowly stroking his own meat in time with Neville.

"That's nice Harry," said Neville dreamily, "I had a feeling you would be really masculine."

"Same back at you Neville. How big is that thing anyhow?"

"About 9 inches or so when it is fully hard" said Neville proudly, "So what about your stories?"

"Ah yes, here is a good one...but slow down Neville- I have at least three or four to tell you. It was an interesting first term!"

Harry went on to tell Neville about how he caught the Gryfindor head boy getting a blowjob his first night in the castle and how he had discovered Sam. He told Neville about the plan he had concocted to get Sam and Lonnie together and the other interesting things he had seen since he had taken the teaching position. He didn't tell Neville about the closet, with the one-way mirror. He wanted to save that for another day and perhaps another surprise for Neville.

"Gee Harry, you have all the luck, don't you?" said Neville amazed

"Not really, just in the right place at the right time I guess. You got an eyeful last night so don't complain!" reminded Harry

"Listen Harry, my balls are about to explode...do you think we could..."

"Cum?" finished Harry

"Yeah, that" said Neville blushing again

"Sure, cause I am about ready as well. This is really hot Neville. I never sat back stroking while talking to a mate while he is stroking. This is really erotic; we should have done this when we were teens. I always wondered what Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan were packing."

"I know who would have thought that just watching would be so damn hot," said Neville giving his balls a squeeze, "I saw Ron one time in the showers in our fifth year. He was almost as big as me. He didn't realize that his curtain was partly open and he was stroking away. Probably thinking about Hermione's boobs."

Both of them laughed at the thought of that. For two people that detested each other when they first met they sure did make a happy couple these days. Ron and Hermione, according to Colin, were doing fine and still very much in love.

To shake the hardon killing vision of Hermione's boobs from their minds, Harry told Neville about the first time he and Colin fucked around.

They both were lost in the moment, eyes fixed on each other, they both worked on their cocks as if they were in the room alone. Each one pleasuring himself they way they would have done if they were indeed alone and having a wank. Harry reached up and played with one of his perky nipples whilst fisting his cock with his other hand. Neville spread his legs wider giving Harry a good view of his ass crack. Pretty soon both of the long time friends were ready to explode.

Neville was the first to blast off.

"Oh shit Harry... shit it's so hot seeing you like...oh shit...It's going to shoot"

Gobs and gobs of white-hot cum landed on Neville's chest. The sight of that was all Harry needed as his stiff dick shot a load that matted into his belly hair and the sparse growth of hair on his chest.

When they both caught their breath Harry went to fetch a towel.

"Here ya go mate, really sucks when it gets cold and starts to get runny," mused Harry as he wiped some of the thinning cum of Neville's chest.

"Harry do you think we should tell Colin about this?"

Harry thought about it and decided that it may not be a good idea.

"I know he said it would be ok, but he may get a little pissed off with him so close by, that we did something already. And we really didn't do anything; we just happened to be in the same room when we jerked off. Almost like our schooldays. The only difference is we didn't have a four poster bed and curtains to hide what we were doing."

"Lucky for that!" mused Neville, "Ok, I won't say a word if I see him."

"Listen Neville, now that we got the horniness and the curiosity out of our systems, there is one more thing I want to tell you- this bit is serious."

Neville was all ears as Harry told him about the Slytherin boy, Patrick Donnelly, and what he was forcing Sam to do. Harry didn't tell Neville about the thoughts that were running through his head concerning Donnelly. Part of Harry wanted to figure out a way to handle this as quietly as possible but another part, a darker part of his soul, had a different idea.

Visions of Patrick Donnelly naked and stretched out on the old rack, which still sat in the dungeons as a relic, were filling his head. He could clearly see him there, surrounded by all the future members of PP. Each boy, in turn, would force the homophobe to do something sexual. If he said no then the punishment began- hot wax on the most sensitive parts of his body, slashes with a riding crop leaving red marks streaking across the boy's chest. The scream of agony as the PP gang made Patrick get on his knees and shove their cocks up his unlubricated ass. The cockiness taken out of him as he begged to be spared, yet another hard teenage cock up his raw ass.

All of that excited Harry, in some ways, making his cock start to swell again.

He desperately tried to rid his mind of these sadistic thoughts.

Was this really him?

Were these really the thoughts of kind and helpful Harry Potter?

Sadly they were.

Harry remembered that as a consequence of his first meeting with Voldemort, nearly 24 years ago, he had inadvertently received a good portion of the dark wizards powers, as well as, his personality- his evil and twisted personality. In his first year at Hogwarts only the sorting hat seemed to acknowledge this.

"The hat wanted me in Slytherin," thought Harry trying to will his cock back down, "maybe it is me, well me thinking like Voldemort, that wants to torture Patrick Donnelly. I just can't think like Voldemort; I may be stuck with character traits but that doesn't mean I have to act on them."

Harry decided to get off the subject of Donnelly and on to the subject of the gay teens at Hogwarts feeling alone and not knowing about each other. That seemed to remove the intrusive fantasies of gang raping the homophobic Slytherin from his mind, aiding in the deflation of his cock.

Harry told Neville that he and Sam had decided to form a club- for the gay teens at Hogwarts. Neville thought it was a splendid idea; maybe they could make the lives of these students better then their teenage lives were. Neville recalled how horrible it was pretending that he liked girls and how annoying it was to keep everything about him a secret. He admitted that some of the geekiness he portrayed as a teenager was a front; an attempt to cover up who he really was. So long as people thought he was a klutz and a geek there wasn't very much pressure on him to date girls.

"So we came up with a name for it- Potter's Protégées," said Harry, "it's a play on Dumbledore's Army."

"Good one Harry and you can count on me to help with it. Only thing is how do we sell it to McGonagall?".

"We can tell her it is a study group for students we think need the extra help and who may fair well learning how to work with others."

"I think she will buy that. When are you going to talk to her about it?"

"Probably tomorrow, after the students arrive back."

Suddenly a horrible thought jolted into Harry's mind. He hadn't even thought about his lessons for tomorrow. It would look really bad if the teacher wasn't prepared.

"Damn with all the excitement I forgot to plan my lessons for tomorrow." admitted Harry

"Oh, right, then I will leave you to it Harry" said Neville getting up to leave

"Neville wait," called Harry, "come here for a second."

Neville unsure of what Harry wanted turned around and walked back over to him.

Harry put his arms around Neville and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Of course Neville blushed again.

"Thanks for everything Neville. Not only the `fun' today but for always being there for me when we were kids."

Neville was speechless; he never thought he had mattered much in Harry's young life. He left, after giving Harry a kiss on the lips, feeling better then he had ever felt in his life.

Finally... finally he mattered in the person's life he admired most- Harry Potter.



Next: Chapter 4

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