
Published on Jun 29, 2023




By Martin Clement

Unless otherwise noted, this story is Copyright 2006 by Martin Clement for Clement & Boule Associes. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, published, distributed, displayed, performed, copied or stored for public or private use in any information retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, including electronically or digitally on the Internet or World Wide Web, or over any network, or local area network, without written permission of the author.

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Ring! Ring!

"Decker & Walsh Edition, Margaret speaking. How may I help you?"

"It's me!"

"Hello, Lucas. How has your appointment with Mr. Cantara been?"

"You know, it's always a pleasure to see my old friend Federico!"

"It goes without asking, Lucas. I met him a couple of times and he seemed to be a wonderful old man."

"Yes, an old man... I can't believe that he is now ninety-one years old..."

"You've known him for a while, that's why..."

"Yes! I know him for a bit more than twenty-four years now."

"So, what was his answer?"

"Oh! He didn't even wait for me to ask him. He already had the papers in front of him when I entered the boutique. Me and Mike will be owners of Federico's Books by Thursday after I'm finished with all the papers with Federico's lawyer."

"When are you planning on coming back to Montreal?"

"Well, I might say that I'm having a good time here. Me and mom are finally about to understand how dad cooks his famous chicken in mole sauce with his coconut milk rice."

"You'll have to show me!"

"Of course! I will be back Saturday, you probably could bring your family sometimes..."

"By the way, excuse me to interrupt you, but as you come back Saturday, maybe you could join us for a meal in the evening? I spoke to Michael earlier and he agreed to join us but couldn't tell me when exactly you were to come back because of the negotiations with Mr. Cantara."

"Speaking about your brother... is he still in his office?"

"Yes he is. Do you want me to transfer you?"

"Of course! I didn't see him for two full days! I'm dying here!"

"Okay, Lucas. See you soon!"

"Oh! Maggie!"

"Yes, Lucas?"

"Thank you."

"No... thanks to you, Lucas."



These are the main influences that served me in my writing the story Hate. I couldn't end the story without giving the proper credits to the wonderful authors who helped me in my work.

AUEL, Jean M. Les enfants de la terre 3 - Les chasseurs de mammouth. Pocket, 1985.

AUERBACH, Jessica. L'enfant meurtri. 1997.

CAMUS, Albert. L'etranger. Gallimard/Folio, 1972.

CASE, Eric. The Maxwell Thomas Project. http://nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/maxwell-thomas-project/

DICKENS, Charles. Great Expectations. Temps Editions, 1999.

DIDEROT, Denis. Jacques le fataliste et son maitre. Gallimard/Folio Classique, 1973.

DOMLUKA. The Log Way. http://domluka.gayauthors.org/logway/index.html

GABOURY, Placide. La fidelite a soi. Edition Quebecor, 1999.

GUILLEBAUD, Jean-Claude. Le gout de l'avenir. Editions Points, 2003.

JAMES, Henry. Watch and Ward. http://www2.newpaltz.edu/~hathawar/watchandward.html

KAFKA, Franz. Le proces. Pocket Jeunesse, 2005.

MELVILLE, Herman; HARRISON, Hayford; PARKER Hershel. Moby-Dick: An Authoritative Text. A Norton critical edition. W. W. Norton, 1967.

MUSSET (de), Alfred. La confession d'un enfant du siècle. Phidal, 1995.

NELLIGAN, Emile. Poesie complete 1896-1941. Bibliotheque Quebecoise, 1991.

NERVAL (de), Gerard. Aurelia. Gallimard/Folio Classique, 2005.

NOTHOMB, Amelie. Hygiene de l'assassin. Albin Michel, 1992.

PENN, Ehman. Matthew Figures It Out. http://www.dabeagle.com/storymainpages/matthewfiguresitout.htm

PIRANDELLO, Luigi. Six personnages en quete d'auteur. Flammarion, 2004.

SHAKESPEARE, William. Macbeth. Puffin Books, 2005.

SOUCY, Gaetan. La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes. Boreal Compact, 2000.

All the legal information that served me to build this novel are accessible to everybody on demand by asking the library of the Supreme Court of Canada for documentations on Family and Children Laws. http://www.scc-csc.gc.ca/

Special Credits

A special thank you to Dr. Richard Verreault, psychiatrist in Montreal, for helping me with all the incredible information he provided me concerning children's and teenagers' psychology including abused children's behaviours, depression and teenagers, children's and teenagers' help resources, steps to recovery for abused children and teenagers, introversion and extraversion and a lot of other guidelines who kept on helping me in my desire to create realistic human beings with real emotions and introspection in this novel.

A special thank you to Robert, Arthur, Rudi and Jim for all your great words of encouragement all through my writing of Hate. You really have become my 'special readers', giving me advices, comments and even your friendship all the while I was writing this story. Thanks guys! You are great!

A special thank you to my lifelong friend Melanie Belanger, the famous owner of that special recipe of Mexican chicken and the one who made me discover the delights of so many international foods and wines. I love you dear! You made me want my art to taste something.

A huge thank you to my associate Bernadette Boule, who participates in all of my eccentricities in writing, painting, sculpting, artistic performances and everything that crosses my mind without ever judging my unconventional way of thinking. You really are the only person on this planet who really understands the complexity of my crazy mind. Thank you for choosing to join me here in Montreal and leaving your lovely village in Britain (France) to work with me and create Clement & Boule associes together. Thank you also for all the researches you did to help me build this story for it can be realistic and up to date with the twenty-first century teenagers. Thank you for being as crazy as I am too.

A very very very special thank you to a guy I adore, the one that makes my life complete and secure for so many years, the one who listens to everything I want to say without ever judging my opinions, the one who cares without pushing me around, the one who sometimes sleeps in a cold bed without complaining since I often write during the night, the one who is there when my work sometimes become unbearable, who lets me cry on his shoulder, who soothes me, the one and only who is always there for me and knows everything about me, my very special Michael Walsh with his dimples and mysterious dark eyes. I want to thank you, Francois, for being the centre of my universe, my love and the best of all my friends. Kiss.

Thank you to everybody who sent me constructive comments on my way of writing this story. All of your kind comments have been very helpful in my writing. Thanks a lot.

Thanks to the great people at Nifty for this extraordinary web site and for allowing this story a place in their pages. Thanks a lot! You are amazing!

Your friend,



So this is the end of Hate. I'll be preparing an update with all the corrections needed for all the little (and also the not so little) mistakes I made. There soon will be a new story of mine posted to Nifty if they actually want me to post it on their site. It should be posted in High School, and the title will be Days of Coal and Diamonds. Stay tuned!

Martin Clement


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