
By moc.oohay@acitoreniar

Published on Apr 20, 2002


This is the continuation of my story hope you like it

Haven Part 2

Chapter 3: Someday we'll know

Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain, someday we'll know why the sky is blue, someday we'll know that I wasn't meant for you.

The lines from my favorite song, and I don't know why maybe because I'm still finding the right one for me, because I want to feel the magic, the music and everything. I know it's corny but finding the right one means you can die but not just yet. The morning felt great I'm at the balcony of Raine's condo, its nice being on the penthouse but my life still hasn't change. I'm just finishing my coffee when Raine woke up.

" Why are you up so early? It's only 6:00 and our class starts at 7:30 and the school is nearby."

" I know but I can't sleep very comfortably, maybe because it's not my bed"

" Well you're right, I too can't sleep on other bed"

" May I ask you Raine, what's like being you, being what you are when we're still in high school?"

" Oh, that one. ok, since you're the one who saw me that night and accept me for what I am, I can tell you that it's nice"

" How nice?"

" Nice in a way that it can take your breath away"

" But why did you break up with her after that?"

" I'm not ready yet, I just took it because I'm curious but now I know that it's the real me and I want to make up for it. That's why I talk to her but she's the one who refuse to get back to me."

" I'm sorry that it has to go that way"

" It's ok, I just need to think about it too for a long while, how it can affect me with this new found feeling"

" Well that's all I need to know, why don't we dress up"

" Yeah, you're right, but wait a minute, why did you ask?"

" Nothing."

" Yen, you're up to something and you are not telling me, is it because of the movie last night and it gets to you

doesn't it?"

I look up to her and just smile, she kept on annoying me and I just can't tell her right now, I'm not ready. Well she gets tired of it and decided to stop, telling me to tell her when I'm ready but she wants me to promise that

she's the one who's gonna know first. I agreed and went to the shower, there are two showers that is why we finished almost the same, we packed our bags and headed to school. We got there and say hi to everybody, of course I sat beside Mitch again, and we talk about what to wear on Saturday. We are 6 in the group and we are going to a bar for a girl's night out, and we are getting excited. The lesson went on and it's lunch break so we got up and went to our hang out place, Burger King. While we are eating they are talking about having

boyfriends; I sort of smirk and continue to listen. When Liz ask Tonet about a guy named Rai, I kinda let my ears understand everything and thought about this girl talking about other guy when she just broke up with her ex. When we finished the food, we went to our classroom and I sat beside Tonet.

" Hi!"

" Hi Yen, what's up?"

" Nothing, just checking if you are ok"

" I'm ok, and you?"

" I'm fine, ok bye!"

I just can't open another topic to talk about; I'm still hesitated to talk to her because we are not yet that close.

I just got up and walk away.

" Weird" Tonet says when Yen walk away. She taught of having Yen as a friend and praising Yen with her beautiful breast, but she thought she is acting very weird around her and just have to ask her what's wrong. But not yet today maybe when we adopt having each other together. She sat beside Yen and when the professor came in she did not get up, instead she stayed beside her all class. Yen sank into her thoughts on why Tonet is seating beside her, she can't tell to herself that Tonet want her but instead she told herself maybe she wants to befriend her. Mitch notice what's going on and she looked at Yen with a smile you can't believe seeing in a situation like this. After the class Raine approach Yen.

" Is there something you really want to talk about, Yen?"

" Nothing, why did you ask?"

" Can you stay again for the night and please no more videos, I need to talk to you"

" You sound serious Raine, what's wrong?"

" Don't ask me, ask yourself"

" Hey, what is that suppose to mean?"

" Let's just talk about that later"

I got up and went over to Mitch who was standing outside waiting for me. She looks at me and gave me that smile that she made earlier when Tonet sat beside me. I look at her in amazement, no wonder she's my friend she can read my mind.

" Yen may I ask you something?"

" Ok, shoot"

" This afternoon you are all weird and everything"

" Why did you say that?"

" You seemed quiet and didn't talk at all this afternoon. Are you in love?'

`Oh my God' I thought does she notice it? Is everyone noticing it? Even Raine wants to talk. Is it to damn obvious that even Tonet is noticing it. I face Mitch.

" Why did you ask that?"

" Because everyone who is in love always look far away, sank with her thoughts and most of all that look in your eyes that is half happy and half sad, I admit I always did that when I'm still in love with Claude"

" You are still in love with Claude"

" Ok, ok, don't change the subject, you're the one who is the topic here not me"

" Well you started it"

" Come on, let's get out of here"

Another day had passed but I'm still confused, I don't know what to do. Can someone tell me what's going on in this setting? Am I really in love or just admire Tonet on how she looks and it doesn't matter to me if she likes me or not. Is there any possibility that Tonet can love me too? How come she sat beside me? She doesn't do it and just sat there quiet. Can I hide this feeling or just ignore this and go on with my life? There are so many questions that needed an answer, but anyways someday I'll know.

Chapter 3: I'd still say yes

I love you most when we share a place, those special good times together, it seems like our love, can't get much better. Because I'd still say yes to you again, my darling for I'll do it all again, yes I'd still say yes to you again, darling for you, ill do it over and over again. That night I went over to Raine's condo and because she told me no more videos I didn't rent at all. I walk in and saw Raine's face with excitement and I too was excited because I thought this is going to be fun but it didn't.

" Raine what are we going to talk about, huh?"

" You!"

" Me? Why me?"

" Because you're the one who have problems and not me"

" How did you know I have a problem?"

" When I look at you this afternoon and you are all confused even our professor noticed you and you didn't even bother"

" Really? Shit! Ma'am must be very angry at me"

" No, not really, because when she noticed that you didn't react she just call another one. Now tell me what's wrong with you?"

" I can't tell you right now, because I'm still confused about myself."

" Oh God, Yen you can tell me, trust me I won't tell anyone"

" Ok! I'm ah. um. I'm in love"

" Huh? Ha! Ha! Ha! Is that all, and you keep it to yourself, I can't believe this"

" You won't believe either when you know who I'm in love with"

" Who?"

" Tonet."

Raine was dumbstruck when I mentioned Tonet's name, it hit her so much almost like she's confused too, well I told her that she won't believe it and now she believe it. She sat at the couch and thinks very hard; she didn't even talk to me. So I went to the living room and watch TV while she just sat on the couch thinking, I look at her every once in a while. Then after a long time she stands up and went to the kitchen and talk to someone over the phone. I was quite nervous because she might tell another one my secret. I ask her who she called and did not answer me.

On the other hand. Raine taught about what Yen told her, she knows that Tonet too love Yen and she's the one who is in between. That day when they talked about complicated things including sexuality Tonet felt a sensation when she looked at Yen laughing and looking at her every move without realizing that she is noticing every single part of Yen's body. Yen is beautiful, 5 feet and 8 inches tall, with a slender body, a 80 B cup sized breast and nice black hair that is chest level. That day Tonet told Raine that she is falling in love with Yen, and Raine told Tonet that Yen is straight that made Tonet worry. Raine sat confused and don't know what to do, she went to the kitchen picked up the phone. The phone rang.

" Hello?"

" Hello, can I speak with Tonet?"

" Speaking"

" Tonet I have great news for you"

" What?"

" Yen is questioning her sexuality"

" Really?"

" Yes"

" Thank You Raine, bye!"

" Bye"

Raine promised Tonet that if there is anything that can make her go for Yen she would tell. But Raine promised to Yen not tell anyone that she is in love with Tonet, and it doesn't prevent her to tell Tonet what sexuality Yen have. She is too excited also that she forgot to talk to Yen and go to the nearby store and buy some beer to celebrate. Yen looked in amazement when Raine return with beers on her hand.

" What is the meaning of that?" pointing at the beers

" This? We need to celebrate remember."

" Why?"

" Because you are in love, and it doesn't make an excuse whoever you love, as long as you are in love, right?"

" Right, but."

" No buts, buts just drink"

The night is young and they have more time to celebrate and Yen is enjoying herself with beers and telling Raine everything, on what makes her feel so in love with Tonet and every smile gives a feeling of assertion that she doesn't need to hide who she is anymore. The doorbell rang and the two looked at each other wondering who could that be on the other side of the door. When Yen opened the door she was surprised, it was Tonet, she felt that she had a butterfly in her stomach and her breathing almost stop. Tonet before the door was opened thought on what would happen that night, she knew Yen is at Raine's condo and she felt nervous, this is the first time she'll be going to make the first move and the other thing is it's a woman.

" What are you doing here, ouch!"

" What happened to you?"

" My stomach hurts, I didn't expect to see you here"

" Well let's sit on the couch before something happen to you"

" Thanks"

" You're welcome, it's like you're having a party here"

" Not really, come on join us, me and Yen has something to celebrate about"

" And what is that?" Because Raine is drunk the promise slipped off her mind

" Yen is in love"

" Raine what are you doing?" Yen was all in hysterics she didn't know what else to do

" I'm sorry Tonet but she is drunk she didn't know what she was talking about"

" Well then I'll make myself get drunk too"

The three of them enjoyed the night and got drunk all throughout the night up to one o' clock in the morning. Raine is really drunk and needed sleep so the two help her to get on the bed. When they placed Raine on the bed their eyes met because of exhaustion and laughing, then they got out of the room and return to the living room. They just sat there and talk about some things that they should know of and realizing that it's almost five o' clock in the morning.

It's a Saturday that's why they don't have any classes, they go outside and buy some coffee and talk a lot about themselves. They know what others like and what they don't like, who they really are even though the things that don't need some talking was left behind, including their feelings with each other. Yen was drawn to Tonet even closer and same with the other. They plan to go out this evening but first they need to get some sleep, so they went back to Raine's condo and slept. Yen sleep beside Raine and since the bed is large Tonet sleep beside Yen leaving her in between.

Raine woke up and surprised on what she saw, the two hugged each other while they sleep, and she just laughed quietly so that the two won't be disturbed. She got up and goes outside to buy some things for her to cook and went back to the condo. She cooked spaghetti and bakes a cake together with a fresh orange

juice from the maker. The two woke up with the smell of the cake being baked and got up and walk to the kitchen.

" Good Morning! I mean Good Afternoon it's almost one o' clock, will you tell me what happened last night"

" That? Well first of all that's a nice treat and I might say you didn't have to bother, to be doing all that"

" Yen this is my treat for you since you're in love"

" Yeah, about that Yen, who is it?" with a smile on Tonet's face urging Yen to tell her.

" Can we change the topic, I don't want to talk about this right now, since we are enjoying each other"

" Ok, Raine since we are going out tonight let me call them and set a place and time"

" Sure! There is the phone and start calling"

" Thanks!"

She starts to call everyone and they agreed and set the place but Rhys has something else to do that's why she is not joining. Then Tonet face me.

" Yen why don't you sleep at my place after all of these" Raine look at me and smiled urging me to say yes

" Yes"

" Are you sure? Because we just get to know each other"

" Whatever, it doesn't matter to me and even if we met on the other end of this country, I would still say yes"

" Great! So it's settled"

We ate lunch and wait until the day turns into night for us to enjoy.

Hate it? Or Love it? Let me know ok! At havenantoine@hotmail.com or rainerotica@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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