
By moc.oohay@acitoreniar

Published on May 28, 2002


Haven Part 4

Chapter 7: Till there was you

The morning felt so good but I have to worry about my class, I don't know if I can go to school, every inch in my body hurt and I felt an arm over my body. I look down and it was Tonet she's still asleep and it's almost 7:00, we only have 30 minutes to get ready for school, I woke her up and just bury her face to my body.

" Tonet if you don't wake up you'll miss your class, just tell them I can't be there `coz I have a fever" she just tossed " I don't want to go to school" great now she don't want to go there " And why is that?" she turned to face me " Because I want to take care of you" " Ok that's a nice reason, but it's not reasonable enough to keep out of class" " I know what I'm doing so just let me be here" " Ok if that's what you want" " Thanks" she leaned on me and so that her face is on me she kissed me on my lips very softly and it felt nice. I looked at her and no words came out of my mouth " Another one?" she offered me a kiss like it's a giveaway, well I just nodded

She get up and put her body on me so we are now face to face, she make some movements that make it feel so sexy and then she leaned her face and kissed me but now more deeply and aggressively. Even though she is so dominant doing this it still felt very soft, I felt sensation to my body and I felt her fingers walking to my breast like she always did when she is admiring it. She held it to her hand and squeezes it so my nipples are so hard by now. She knows that it needed so much attention so she looked at me breaking the kiss.

" Can I?" I just nodded and she remove my dress so slowly but still kissing me and when it's coming past to my head she break the kiss again and kiss slowly downward. First my chin then my neck, she is like a vampire because she would suck on it and I felt her teeth, then she continued to go down and when her lips touches my breast I let a moan to let her know that I liked it. She sucked on my nipples and played with my other breast and when she is done with the other she change to the other breast, my nipples are so cool because of her saliva and it felt good.

" You are so hot Yen, maybe you still have some fever" " Yeah, um I still have some head ache" " Do you want me to massage it for you?" " Yes"

Then she let out her arms and massages my head while her tongue massages my breasts, it both felt so good so I just relax and let her do her thing.

" Maybe I'm being to fast for you, have you done this?" " No, do you?" she smiled at me " Well a couple of times I guess but there is nothing intimate about it" I looked questioningly " So what is this all about" " This is different because . . . maybe this is not the right time to say this" " Ok I understand and maybe this is not the right time to do this either" she looked shock and she hesitated to tell me but she didn't " I'm not ready to tell this to you because . . ." " Because what? Just say it" she looked into my eyes and she looks wonderful under stress " I love you" she say this almost a whisper " What? I didn't hear you" " I said I love you stupid"

I'm stunned but after she say this she held me more close and kissed me like she had never kissed another person before. She is trembling and almost crying I simply returned her kissed and I took over. She looked at me wondering why I'm doing this to her, then she broke off and look at me.

" Why did you return it?" I smiled " Because I loved you the first time I ever saw you, I'm dreaming for this moment to come and wanted our relationship to be more than just friends" her tears are flowing from her eyes and wants me to hold her longingly and I did what her eyes were asking. " You know this semester will be more exciting than the one's I've had" " Really? How?" " Because with you living with me I can suck all the tits I want" we stop for a moment and give a laugh and I almost fell off the floor. " You really love my breast don't you" " Yes Yen since I saw you, I just can't help noticing, you know that sometimes I touched it even if you thought it was just an accident, my hand being there" " I know that you are doing it but I want you to do it more and more each day" " So now that you are mine I can make this mine too?" she asks kissing my breast " Anytime you want honey"

She smiled at me almost tearing her lips apart and meets her ears. I bit her nose because that's what I really love about her and I can't stop smelling her. She has this scent that can take you over the top and make you not leave her without smelling her.

The week pasts and I got better and we went to school everyday, of course together. Then our friends start to suspect something.

" Yen I want to know where are you living right now because I ask Tim where you are and she told me she hasn't seen for almost a week and the last thing she heard about you is that Tonet said you are sick and we all know that. But the question is all those times where have you been?" " Raine I have something to tell you, I spend it with Tonet in her apartment" " What! Don't tell something happened between you two" " Well not much, we still have to know each other much bedder" " Bedder, what does it mean?" " You know what it means, it means that we still need to know each other in bed" " Now I got you."

We laughed together and then we saw Tonet approaching

" What are you two were laughing at?" " Nothing" I lied " Some things" Raine reasoned out " What kinds of things?" " Things you shouldn't know about" Raine insisted " Oh come on! It's like we are still keeping secrets from each other" " Most probably" I continued " You two are like riddles. Fine! I will leave you two there and have your own little secrets" then she left " How touching" Raine said in a whisper

That night Tonet don't talk to me much, she'll just say a word if she needs something or what the assignment was all about.

" Is something wrong?" " You think I feel happy what you did to me in front of Raine, you embarrass me! And I don't like it" I was taken aback I didn't know that she was that angry " Sorry I didn't know" " Yeah, it's like you know everything about me" " I will not know everything unless you tell them to me" " You know I'm sleepy I'm going to bed" " And now you're turning your back to me?" " What? You want to fight, I don't want to fight right now I feel I need to be alone" " Yes you're right, maybe we should task about this tomorrow"

She went to the room and I'm left in the living room again just like she did to me last time. I just snuggle up on the couch after I turn the lights out and sleep.

I hate her why did she do this to me. But I love her too much just to hate her but she needs to know what is right' I know something is flowing on my cheeks and I don't like her so far from me. what? I'm going to swallow my pride? But what's wrong about it? Nothing, right? Then I'll just get her and bring her here.

Tonet went outside and she saw Yen sleeping. She walks towards her and gives a soft, light kiss on her lips. Yen jolted and surprised to see Tonet in front of her.

" I thought you don't want to talk about it right..." " Shhhhhh!" she put her finger on my lips and kissed it all away

I'm glad she still be able to forgive me and then we made love all through the night and since it's Friday I don't have anything to worry about but what's in store for tomorrow, will she just forget it or we still have to talk about it? I don't know but for now I know she's here with me holding me and loving me.

Love it? Tell it at rainerotica@yahoo.com, I'll be waiting :)

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