Hay and Straw

By ten.xmg@eyinoj

Published on Feb 28, 2019


Warning: Raceplay story!

I woke up from a deep, dreamless sleep to bright daylight. I came to myself in a sort of shock, going from deep asleep to wide awake in a second. I looked around. I was alone in the stall full of hay. I was lying on the sleeping bag. Naked. I looked down at my body. My skin was dark, dry and ashy with scratches from the straw. As my eyes wondered over my own body, from me feet, over me soft dick to my hands and strained wrists, it suddenly all came back to me in a flash. What had happened the night before, right here, it all ran through my mind, causing my head to turn hot in shame and anxiety. But why wasn't I tight up anymore? And why was I back on my sleeping back? The boys must have carried me here while I was sleeping. Were they afraid someone might see me and it would get them in trouble? Did they regret what happened just as much as I did and would everything go back to normal again? And where were they anyway?

I slowly got up and collected my things. I looked through my bag to find something to dress. I really needed to pee and a shower wouldn't be bad either. I pulled up my boxers, threw on a T-Shirt and grabbed a towel and ran over to the showers. The restrooms were located right next to them. I rushed into the toilet, sliding across the slippery floor that was stained with water and unfortunately urine. In the rush I forgot to put on slippers, so I was barefoot. It was disgusting but I didn't mind too much, since my mind was and the pressure on my bladder. I got into the toilet stall and released myself. Suddenly I heard voices coming from the showers. It sounded like Felix and Chris. I could not understand what they were saying. Were they talking about last night? Were they making fun of me? Again, my shame was creeping up. But I thought I should just play it cool, act like nothing had happened. Just ignore the whole thing. After all, what else could I do?

I flushed the toilet and walked over to the showers. I was right, there they were, standing naked in the showers, washing their muscular hairy bodies. I pulled all my courage together and walked straight into the showers. They looked at me. I took of my clothes and went under the shower, beginning to rinse myself off. "Hey Tommy, how did you sleep?" Felix asked. I couldn't quite tell if he was making fun of me or if we was being genuine. The sound of his voice was ambiguous. "Fine", I said, "got any soap?" I asked, as I had forgotten to grab my grooming stuff in rush. "Sure, dude", Felix said and handed me a bottle of shower gel. "Here you go!" I took the bottle and thanked him, going back to minding my own business. Felix smiled. "Dude, I had the weirdest dream. There was this black chick with huge tits and she was riding me like crazy. And then she wanted me to fuck her tits with my dick. I have no idea where these things come from." I looked irritated, mainly because again, I didn't know what was behind his comment. He would say things like these in the past all the time. But was he alluding to last night, since he was talking about a BLACK chick specifically? I doubted that he had that dream, I was probably just making it up. "You watch too much porn." I said, trying not to entertain his story too much. "Perhaps." He said. "But you know what is weird, Tommy?" he said as he walked towards me. "Her ass looked just like yours!" and with that he slapped me on by butt hard. I loud slapping noise went through the showers, echoing in the entire room. I was frozen in shock as I felt Felix getting closer to me from behind, rubbing his apparently semi-hard cock against my ass. "And you know what Tommy? She was begging me to fuck her in her black ass."

I closed my eyes. For a moment I savored the feeling of Felix hardening cock against my ass. I breathed in deep, turned around and pushed him away with considerable force. "Fuck off, man!" I said. Felix laughed. "Damn Tommy, why so serious? I am just joking." He laughed. I turned around and told him to his face. "Yeah very funny, I am not into that kind of shit." Felix, as well as Chris, turned off their showers and grabbed their towels, wrapping them around their waists. "If you say so. But then, why are is your dick all hard?" Felix replied with a mischievous smile. I looked down at my water soaked body, realizing I had a raging erection, betraying me. I turned around, not saying anything, continuing to wash myself and trying to get rid of my boner. I could hear Felix and Chris high-fiving, with Chris just saying "Ha, nice dude", as they walked out of the shower.

I tried to remember what program we had today, as I walked back from the shower to our stall. As I entered I could see Felix, Chris and Ben getting ready. They were wearing cargo shorts. Felix was wearing a dark blue T-Shirt, Chris a tank top and nicely showed off his muscular arms and broad shoulders and Ben, preppy as always, was wearing a yellow polo shirt. They all had a cappy from our college on their head. I was getting in, only with my towel wrapped around my waste, as they were just about to put on their trekking shows.

"Ready to go hiking, Tommy?" Chris asked, as he was applying some deodorant onto his hairy pits. I didn't have time to answer, as Felix was rushing towards me, pulling the towel from my waste. "Dude, we need to drop off our wet and dirty stuff at the laundry now, or they won't be finished when we are back." And with that he threw my towel onto a pile of dirty clothes in the corner. Chris and Ben got closer too. "Yeah, you better hurry up or you will miss the bus." Chris said. I looked at them, as they had kind of encircled me. I found myself butt-naked in the middle of these three white guys in their trekking gear. I got on my knees to collect my things, going through my bag. I was obviously nervous, as the boys did not move and didn't say anything either. I decided to ignore them and lowered my head onto the ground as I was trying to find my boxer shorts inside my bag.

Suddenly I felt a heady boot on the back of my head, pressing me to the ground. "What the fuck" I said, as my face was being pushed into my sleeping bag. "Shut up!" I could hear Felix sneer. "Did you think I already forgot how you just pushed me in the shower? You need to learn some respect!" I could feel his weight on the back of my head as I was struggling to free myself from his grip. It was hopeless. The more I moved, the more force he would apply. So after a few moments I kept still. All I could see from my position was the boys' trekking shows and socks, and the edge of their hairy legs. The feeling of Felix' boot on my head was deeply humiliating, but just as bad were the self-satisfied laughs coming from Ben and Chris. "Hey Chris, take over for me, I need to check something." Felix said, and I could now feel Chris boot on my head, taking Felix place, pressing me down even harder. I was lying on my stomach, my legs and feet reaching into the hay. "Ass up!" Felix commanded. "What?" I asked. "You heard me! Ass up!" he repeated. I went along and obeyed him, lifting up my ass into the air, while pulling my knees towards me. I noticed Felix walking around me towards the back of me and with a swift grip be grabbed my cock from underneath my ass and balls. Of course I had a raging boner. He pulled my cock to the back through my legs, which was incredibly painful, as I was really hard. "I knew it. Hard as fuck again!" Felix said, pulling a little more on my boner, causing me to cry out in pain. I was arching my back to ease the strain on my cock, which must have made me look even more like a bitch

"Damn guys, Tommy just looks great with your boot on his head, Chris!" I could hear Ben say. "Don't you just love having a naked black dude to your feet?" Ben asked, the others laughing in agreement. Felix let go of torturing my cock and walked towards my head. He squatted next to me, enabling me to see his face from where I was lying. "You know what, brotha? You kind of left out our friend yesterday." He said, pointing towards Ben. My eyes began to tear up in anger. "Chris and I got to nut in your stupid monkey face, but what about little Ben here? He needs to get some head too, dude!" I could feel Chris lifting his boot from my head and I slowly got up, now sitting on my sleeping bag. I looked Felix into the eyes. I didn't recognize him. What had happened to my best friend? What was going on? But I couldn't even finish my thought, as I could see Ben walking towards me. I looked up at him. His soft, boyish pale face had a devilish grin on it. His crotch was directly in front of my face. Before I knew what to do, I felt Felix hand from behind, pressing my head against Ben's crotch. I was mumbling into the fabric of Ben's cargo shorts, feeling his erection growing in his pants. He was laughing like a child, while Felix kept pressing my face into the crotch.

And then it happened. I snapped again. I stopped resisting and I began caressing the hard-on I could feel through the pants. I starting to work my mouth on Ben's crotch, moving up and down, stimulating him more and more. Ben looked down at me in surprise. Felix let go of up head. He whispered to Chris "Dude, watch the door!" Chris walked over to the stall entry and kept watch, so no one would barge in on us. I began to run my hands up and down Ben's smooth legs. He didn't shave or anything, he had hair on his legs, just not a lot. They were very soft and light. I opened his zipper and pulled out his boyish cock. It was hard, pink and drooling of pre-cum. I softly took it into my mouth and began sucking on it. It was so hard, yet soft and warm. I could hear him moan. "Oh yeah, that feel so good!" he said. I sucked him passionately, respectfully. He opened his belt, the buttons of his shorts and let them drop to the ground. He pulled up his polo short, exposing his soft, hairless white stomach. I went as deep as I could, reaching his light blonde pubes with my nose. It must have been a stark contrast, my black thick lips against his pale, angelic white skin. I pulled his cock out of my mouth and licked it from all sides, looking up at him in submission. He looked down at me with an expression of ecstasy and disbelief at the same time, probably still unable to grasp that I was actually sucking his white cock.

Suddenly his hands grabbed the back of my head and pushed it onto his cock. He left out a deep sigh as he pushed his cock deep into my mouth. I relished in the moment, feeling him deep inside me. Then he began moving his hips, sliding his dick in and out of my mouth. All the while we held eye contact. As he pulled out, leaving my mouth open, hungry for his cock to return. As he pushed in, filling my mouth, satisfying my desire to please him. He began moving faster, now virtually fucking my mouth. He could feel his balls slapping against my chin. I closed my eyes and let the feeling of being mouth-fucked overwhelm me. Memories of the past crossed my mind. How I used to tease Ben, make fun of him, treat him like shit, and even beat him up from time to time. I remember having him lying on the ground, crying, begging me to stop, after I had beaten him, because I was angry at him about some shit. He was so weak, so small. And now he was fucking my mouth. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. How did this happen? How did I end up on my knees in front of the boy I used to bully? How did the tables turn so drastically to his advantage and to my disadvantage?

I could tell the tension growing in Ben's body, his dick thickening. "I'm cuming, swallow my nut, Nigger!" he gasped, with a bunch of final thrusts, he unloaded into my mouth and, for one last time, pushed my head deep into his crotch, filling my throat with his sperm. I closed my eyes as I swallowed every drop of Ben's load. Ben's face was read, sweat drops had formed on his forehead. He opened his eyes and looked down at me, watching me sucking every drop out of his softening cock, with my eyes closed in passion and humility.

As I felt him pulling out, I opened my eyes and looked up to him in submission and defeat. "Thank you, Ben." I said. I could virtually see his chest swell in pride as a bright grin crossed his face. He took his softening dick into his hand, rubbing it across my face, painting it with a mix of cum and saliva that was left on it. "Fucking Fag!" he sneered. Then, as he was done with me, he took a step back, realizing, I was still spotting a huge boner. Out of nowhere, I kicked me in the balls with his massive trekking boot. I fell on my side and cowered in pain, holding my balls and my dick that was getting soft from the pain. Ben towered over me and in a final act of humiliation spit on my face, as I was lying on the ground. "Stupid Nigger!" he cursed as I walk out with a new found sense of pride, superiority and masculinity. He used to be a boy in my eyes, now he was a man. Felix and Chris left with him, heading towards the bus that would take us to our hiking spot, while I was lying in the hay, naked and in pain, while Ben's spit was running down my check, getting mixed with my tears.

"Fast Tommy, we are all waiting!" I could hear our teacher shout as I was running towards the bus. The engine was already running and everyone was sitting inside. I was looking like a mess. I had to go back to the restrooms, clean off Ben's spit and sperm and try to look somewhat presentable. Only the shame was something I could not wash off. I walked into the bus, looking for a place to sit. I could see Felix waving in the back. "We got you, Tommy! Here, sit with us!" I looked to the teacher who signaled me to move it and sit down. As I walked down the aisle of the bus I could see the white folks looking at me, being irritated that I had kept them waiting. I set down next to Felix, with Ben and Chris sitting in the two seats next to us on the other side of the aisle. "Fuck, everyone is looking at me." I said. "Oh don't worry, Tommy, they will forget it soon. We don't expect anything else from your kind." I looked at him with an angry look but she just smiled at me arrogantly. He knew I wouldn't do anything, no matter what he said. He knew he had power over me.

"What do you think all these people would think of you if they knew?" he asked me. My heart dropped. I got terrified at the thought of anyone finding out what had happened. I tried to play it cool, not to show my fear. "You can't tell anyone, it would make you look gay too!" I said. Felix laughed. "Oh Tommy, are you really this dumb? Do you really think it doesn't make a difference in people's mind if you are the one giving or receiving the blowjob? Sure, people might think it could be a little freaky getting your dick sucked by a dude, but, hey, we are all horny 24/7 and if you get a chance getting sucked off, you take it. Everyone would understand." He explained to me. "But you know what no one will understand? How you can suck a dick. It does nothing for you. You don't get off, you make other dude's get off. No man with self-respect would suck another man's cock!" he said into me ear quietly while I was staring into the emptiness in front of me. He was right. It was not the same. He had nothing to be ashamed off. If things were reversed, if he had sucked my dick, I wouldn't be embarrassed. He never reciprocated, he has never even touched my dick. He had maintained his manliness, even elevated it by making me submit to him, while he emasculated me.

I looked over to Felix crotch and I could see a bulge forming. Obviously all of this was making him very horny. And to be perfectly honest, it was making me horny as well. I slowly reached over and touched Felix bulge through the fabric of his trekking shorts. I could hear him moan softly, as I began to rub his hard cock. "You see Tommy, this is exactly what I mean. You are such a fucking faggot! I can tell how ashamed and embarrassed you are because of what you did. But you just can't stop. It makes you hard to make me hard. It turns you on to serve me." He kept whispering into my ear while I kept massaging his dick through his pants. I looked around if anyone was noticing what was happening. But we were sitting at the end of the bus and next to us there were only Chris and Ben, who were minding their own business. I closed my eyes and let Felix consume me with his tantalizing whispers and the bulge in his shorts. I went a step further, opened his zipper and reached into his shorts with my hand, searching for the wonderful warm meaty feeling of his hard cock. As I grabbed it I could feel Felix' cock twitch.

"I can't believe how stupid you are Tommy! Did you really believe I would suck your dick after you had sucked mine? How could you let me trick you so easily? But what is even more unbelievable, is that you would suck me again, let me degrade you twice." He continued tormenting me with his words. "But you don't have to explain it to me, Tommy. I already know. It is because you are not only a fucking faggot, you are also a Nigger. And you Niggers are dumb like shit!" My whole body shivered as he said that and I couldn't control myself any longer. I went down towards Felix crotch, pulled out his hard cock through his zipper and took it deep into my mouth. I could hear Felix moan, while I was chimping out on his dick. It didn't take long for him to cum because he had been drooling pre-cum the entire time. But I wanted to make sure, if he shoots a load here, that I would get to swallow it. I worked his dick with my mouth and my hands, jerking and sucking him, virtually milking him and after a few minutes made him orgasm. "That's it fucking Nigger!" he said as he pushed me head down onto his crotch, unloading in my mouth. I would feel my mouth filling up with his jizz, feel his white cock twitching and shooting load after load into my throat. And it was all that mattered in this moment. His orgasm, his pleasure, his satisfaction. I wanted nothing more than to make him feel good.

I let go of his cock and slowly got up into my seat again. I looked around. Chris, who sat across from me, on the other side of the aisle, and Ben, who was next to him, smiled at me. Of course they had seen what had happened. But thank god, nobody else had noticed. I was relieved and turned back to Felix. His dick was still hanging out of his shorts. "Finish the job, Nigger. Lick my dick clean." I obeyed and took his semi-hard dick in my mouth and cleaned the remains of cum until everything was gone. I looked up at Felix, holding his freshly cleaned dick against my face, grinning and saying "as good as new, Sir." He laughed. "You are so fucking pathetic!" he said, shaking his head. I got back up to my seat and we kept quiet for a while, as we were approaching our destination. One last time Felix leaned over to me and whispered into my ear. "You know Tommy, since last night you have made me cum twice, Ben too and Chris came once. How often did you cum?" he asked me. "I didn't cum at all!" I said in surprise, not understanding what he was getting at. "Good!" he said. "Let's make sure we keep it this way!" he said. I didn't know what he meant but I was about to find out soon enough.

Next: Chapter 4

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