
By Tyrone James

Published on Mar 10, 2012


Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationship which may not be suitable to all audiences.


Tyrone loved the Harbour. When he could, he would spend his days off in the park just under the Harbour Bridge. Preferrably alone. It was a beatiful day, not a cloud in the sky, perfect day to be out in the sun and just chill out.

He took his usual spot on the grass which had a great view of the Opera House, whipped on his sunglasses and pulled his Discman out of his bag. As always there was a number of tourists in the area, mainly Japanese. He stuck his headphones in to drown out the noise. He propped his head on his bag, and closed his eyes.

He had been laying down for about 15 minutes when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Tyrone took his glasses off and his headphones out.

"Excuse me," a male voice said "... you wouldn't happen to have a light on you?"

Tyrone turned around, the guy was a little over 6 foot tall, wearing faded jeans with an faded black jacket and cap. He was also wearing glasses.

"No, sorry. I dont smoke", Tyrone replied with a polite smile.

"Ah, no problem, buddy, I really should give them up anyway". The guy said. It was then, that Tyrone noticed his accent. He loved accents, this guy sounded like he was from America.

"Are you from around here?", the guy asked.

"Yes, well, not here, here, I live outside the city, but yes, I'm from Sydney. How about you?", Tyrone said.

"Oh, uh...", the guy paused, "... I guess you could say I'm on a working vacation."

"Oh? Where from?", Tyrone asked.

"Originally from Canada, but I'm here to work from LA at the moment", he replied. "My name's Hayden, do you mind if I sit with you?"

"Be my guest," Tyrone said, almost embarassed. "I'm Tyrone by the way".

They shook hands. Hayden removed his glasses and sat down on the grass. Tyrone got a quick look at his eyes, they were a nice shade of blue and he had a nicely chiselled face. Tyrone wondered what the hair was like under that cap of his.

"So what were you listening to?" Hayden asked.

"Nsync's new album." Tyrone replied, shyly.

"Really? I love Nsync. Justin Timberlake has a great voice... and he's pretty cute too." Hayden said.

"Oh my god, he's gay!" Tyrone thought to himself. "He's cute and gay! I'm sitting with a cute gay tourist!". Tyrone almost laughed out loud at what was going on in his head.

"You think he's cute huh?" Tyrone asked. "I love his voice, and his body's pretty nice! You know, he only broke up with Britney cause he wanted to save himself for me."

"Haha, sure!" Hayden laughed.

"So, what are you doing here today?" Tyrone asked.

"Well, today's one of my days off, I've been working pretty much every day since I got to Sydney two weeks ago. Today was the first day I had a complete day off, so I thought I might come to see the Bridge and the Opera House. Just to see what all the fuss was about."

Tyrone groaned, "The Bridge and the Opera House are so touristy."

"I'd still love to get a better look" Hayden said with an inviting smile. Tyrone caught on straight away.

"Well," Tyrone said "I'm not busy right now, would you like me to show you what the Opera House is all about?"

"Sure! That'd be great!" Hayden said.

Tyrone put his things into his bag and they walked off towards the Opera House. They spent almost an hour looking around inside the building.

"Wow, that was awesome, I didn't know the thing was make completely out of tiles!" Hayden gushed.

Tyrone laughed at Hayden's exuberance. "Yeah, well I hope you enjoyed it. I'm gonna have to get going, I've got groceries to do and I've got to pick my brothers up from school."

"No, thats fine, Tyrone. I had a great time today. Would you like to meet up again sometime? I'm going to be here for another 2 and a half months, and I could use a friend who knows his way around the city. The guys I work with are all mostly from the States and they dont know much about what to do and where to go. You wouldn't mind would you?" Hayden asked.

"Sure, why not. Do you have a cell?" Hayden asked

"Cell? Like as in jail?" Tyrone asked, a little confused.

"No, cell, like that..." Hayden said, pointing to a woman who was talking on a mobile phone.

"Ohhhhhhh, right, you mean mobile phone. Yes, let me write it down for you" Tyrone said, pulling out a piece of paper and scribbling down his number.

"Thanks, Tyrone, I'd give you a number too, but I dont know the number of the place I'm staying at." Hayden said.

"No, thats fine, just give me a call whenever and if I dont answer, leave a message." Tyrone still couldn't believe that he had met this gorgeous tourist. He had always fantasized about having an international fling.

"OK, well I've gotta go down this way, I'm catching the train." Tyrone said.

"Cool, well I'll call you tomorrow or something?" Hayden said.

"Yep, that's fine." Tyrone replied shaking Hayden's hand. He turned to walk towards the train station and Hayden motioned to a nearby taxi.

As Tyrone approached the train station, he decided to buy a magazine to read on the trip home. He grabbed one of the entertainment magazines and headed to his platform. The train pulled into the station and Tyrone got on board. He sat down, pulled his magazine out. He began flicking through the pages to find an article he was interested in. Then he stopped. Tyrone stared at the picture that accompanied one of the articles. It was titled, "The Lucas Empire Returns To Sydney". The picture, was of a young man, dressed as a Jedi, weilding a blue light-sabre in fighting stance. He breathed.




Next: Chapter 2: Hayden Christensen 02

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