
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 14, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

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Chapter 16

Christmas night it snowed again. It was heavy and deep. The art show was still going on. Actually it was the official opening. Dad agreed to allow his Christmas present be put on display. This is of course coming after a lot of pleading and eye batting from Miss Moss.

The face that Dad had when he finally agreed to it. It made you think you were asking him to give up a million dollars. I personally didn't care. I made it for him. It was important to Miss Moss though.

"As long as I get I back before I leave." He said Christmas night.

Miss Moss went to pick up. "Let me Pack it up." he said. He carried it out of the room like he was holding a baby.

"I don't think I have to tell you how your father loves that." Miss moss said.

She didn't have to tell me. I could see it in café when he first saw it. then even more when he learned I made it. I told him what I called it and he got tears in his eyes.

He of course he went overboard with packing it up. We all understood though to him this was worth more than a million bucks. For that very reason it was worth that to me.

So it was the day after Christmas all the roads in hazard had snow on them our road was really bad. Not even with my Jeepy was I willing to go out in it. the streets in town where not as bad.

Grandma had the solution though. Before we knew it the horses all four where hitched up to this big sleigh. With us all under blankets we were ready to head off. To pick up Miss Moss and Nikki. Sam was already there. We took off.

"Jingle bells? Are you serious Dad?" I said as hear the bells around the horse's necks.

"It's Christmas dude." He said and smiled. I love my dad but sometimes he's such a dork.

We made pretty good time. In about 20 minutes we met the Mosses on Combs road at the bottom of Russel street. Dad made a big U-turn in the lot there and we headed off towards City Hall.

I was excited I had 5 pieces in the exhibit. None of the judges knew whose art it was. There were 6 types of awards. First through 3r in show of course then best in a category.

We pulled up the front of City Hall The sleigh making it a grand entrance. The entrance would have better if the prune wasn't there. You know Ruth. Hey even someone like her can still appreciate good art. Yeah right I agree. NOT!

Dad called ahead and asked a friend if he could put the horses in his garage. We unhitched the horses from the sleigh and put them in the garage. Left them some oats and bucket of water and joined the others.

We had left Grandpa home with his nurse. The crowds would have upset him or worse wondered off while no one was watching. In truth I was glad we did. I love Grandpa but I didn't want the distraction and have to keep an eye on him. He seemed to attach himself to me.

We climbed the steps and went in. There were a lot of people despite the snow. Many walked if they were close enough others used different modes of transportation such as tractors and snow mobiles. This was evident by what was parked outside.

Ruth was holding court and welcoming people as if she was the hostess. We moved forward as a group Grandma, Dad, Porter, Nikki, Sam and myself. We were in a line that seemed to move pretty fast. The show was free to exhibit artists so I had free admission. The general public paid five dollars to see the exhibit. The proceeds went to the art education programs in the School system.

Ruth who had no official status as far I knew. She was just being the snotty twat that she was. We approached the entrance. When we heard Ruth say, "Yes of course I am a judge. I have a degree in art from the university of Kentucky."

"I thought she flunked out?" Dad whispered to Grandma.

"I guess she forgot that little part of the past." Grandma chuckled.

We were next in line. "six please." Grandma handed over the money. I was about to tell her she didn't have to pay for me as I had work on display. However, I never got the chance.

"Mother, what a pleasant surprise." She said sickeningly sweet with that forced smile she always had.

"Why Ruth I am surprised you risk coming out in this weather?"

"Well you know how I support the great art department."

"Of course." Grandma said with a smile that said bullshit.

"I am glad you at least let Father home. At least he won't be here to embarrass me." she said looking directly at me. I smiled and looked at her as if she had 6 heads. You know the beast in the bible. She very might as well have had. For all I could see.

"Grandma, you didn't have to pay for me I am supposed to get in free you remember." I said after we got away from Ruth.

"Yes, I know dear. Ruth is a judge. I rather her not have any idea your work is here." We found Miss Moss. She was standing near the figure I made. I had to laugh though. Because dad had taken grandma's anniversary Clock taken the glass dome of it. and told Miss Moss to make sure it covers his second most prized thing. Which she did. There was a embossed place card in front of it that said. `Honor and Glory'. I smiled when Dad stroked the glass. "It's beautiful."

I saw TJ off to the side with Nikki. They seemed to be very cozy with each other which was really nice. Nikki was a great girl. We had become good friends. TJ needed someone like her. He always seemed a bit sad. Lately though he seemed to smile more. I was happy for him.

They gave people an hour to look over all the art on display. My pieces included the oil painting of the farm, a charcoal of the football team in a game, some sketches and of course honor and glory. There a total of 40 students on display for the school system.

The judges were talking as they looked at the work. Aunt Ruth stared at the painting of the Farm. There was no mistaking what it was. She looked over at me and frowned. She then looked at the clay section. There were things like bowls, vases figures. She looked at Honor and glory. She looked real close. Then she frowned.

There were three judges the Mayor, a local artist and Ruth. I had seen the artist and Ruth together before and they seemed to discuss privately something. This smelled light garbage.

"Dad, I think Ruth knows I did honor and glory and the painting of the farm house." I whispered.

The Farm house I can understand her knowing. There's no way she could know about horror and glory."

"Oh dear. Yeas there is. I forgot the clock globe is etched at the bottom with your father's and mine's wedding date." Grandma whispered to us.

Okay folks I would like to announce our winners.

"Just a moment Mr. Mayor. I would like to ask one question about the judging from each of you." My dad asked.

"Of course. We have nothing to hide." Said the Mayor.

"Mr. Mayor do you know the names of any of the artists?"

"No I do not know but when the winner is announced we will know then."

"Mr. Klein I realize you are and an aspiring artist. Did you inform the committee That you are currently commissioned by one of the judges to do work for her?"

"I, well I figured there was not a need to. Whom I work for is my own affair."

"Mrs. Holt when you discovered that Noah Mac Daniels, your nephew I might add, was in this show. Did you purposely vote against him or for him and encourage your employee to do the same?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Jared. I am above approach of such things. I had known he was in the show I would have stepped down."

"Excuse me, it does state that in that all judges must be above reproach and not affiliated in any transactions with any of the artists or other judges. Whether they are employed or in contractual work." Said Miss Moss stepping forward. "That means that any persons as such will be disqualified from the position of judge."

"I have not done any work yet for Miss Moss." Mr. Klein said.

"I believe the idea of contractual work means implied contracts too regardless if it is verbal or written. You have implied that business between you and Mrs. Holt. This creates a possible influence over the judging. I am sorry but Mrs. Holt and Mr. Klein. I must ask for your resignation from this year's judging." Said the Chairman of the committee.

Ruth turned and dramatically swings her bag around as she turned. Her bag just missed Honor and Glory but knocked ever a vase. "Oh my." She said as she swung back around and knocked Honor and glory off the table too.

I watched as my Dad dived to the floor. He caught honor and glory just before it hit the floor. Dad stood up and cradled the piece. Glared at Ruth and walked away.

"Oh dear I am so sorry. I was just so upset over all that had happen." She said with her patented fake smile. Our group knew better.

We watched as Ruth quickly left the exhibit. I took great pleasure in her humiliation. I know it being petty and immature but hey I am a teenager. It's what we are.

"I guess that leaves my vote the only valid one."

"For best in clay. First place goes to Honor and Glory."

I excepted the award. It also won best over overall. I won 2nd place in oil. I thought I was proud but my dad was strutting around like he won the award. All the while he clutched Honor and Glory tight.

Nikki pulled TJ over to us. It was cute watching TJ just be dragged along. He was all smiles though. He loved it. I was glad Nikki was making him happy.

"Oh Noah I knew you'd win." Nikki gushed and hugged me.

"yeah bro. Great job. Nikki told me you were good but Daaamn bro." TJ said giving me a bro hug.

"I warned you TJ." Ruth said grabbing him. She looked at Nikki's hand in his.

"It's bad enough that you insist to hang around that boy. Now you're holding some trashes hand. Do you know what people will think? I will so embarrassed if the right people see you with her." "You should know something Ruth. You are the vilest and poorest excuse for a human being I have ever met in my life and met a lot of them. The only trash around here is your filthy nasty mind and what it spews from your mouth."

"Watch your mouth faggot. You are going to regret this."

"I already do regret one thing at that's being related to you. I lost my mother never had a real home and anyone to care about me until I came to live at Grandma's. What do you do from the moment you meet me call me trash garbage worthless? You never gave me a chance Your own nephew. Go to hell Ruth because, I really don't want heaven spoiled by your black cold heart." I said loudly and walked away and out the door.

I knew everyone there heard me. I wanted them too. I wanted everyone to see how fake and vile she was. To let them know that is the woman she really is. That if she was hazard High society, that means it's in the sewers.

Sam caught up with me. I was so fucking mad. "I wish she would just leave me alone. I never did anything to her. It's my fault That I am Teddy's bastard kid."

"Your what?" sam said grabbing my arm.

"Never mind. It's supposed to be kept secret." I said after I realized I just spilled the beans.

"Sam, you can't tell anyone. Please promise me Sam."

"I promise bro. You can trust me. Even if I get pussy whipped. Noah whipped out ranks that."

I couldn't help laugh as we stood there on the curb waiting for the rest of our group to come out. I wish I could walk along the river but if the snow is this deep here I can imagine how deep it would be there.

Eventually the rest of the group came out. Dad, Sam and I went to get the horse at his friend garage. They whinnied their relief at coming to get them. Though it was warm, clean, they had water and food, they wanted their barn. I knew how they felt. It was a strange place. I felt that way about Hazard. I saw smiling faces when they looked at me, they all seemed fake. Out of the corner of my eye I could see them whispering, as if I had some super hearing. I was used to being the freak so eh.

I was exhausted mentally. I knew I couldn't take anymore crap tonight. My head hurt so bad my stomach started up. I was so miserable. I guess it was noticeable. Miss Moss insisted I sit up front with Dad as he steered the horses towards home. Like they needed guidance. They wanted to get home mas much as I did it not more.

I watched the horses trot along pulling the sleigh. The sleigh could seat up to eight people. Two of them being in the in the front. After a while Dad realized the horses knew the way. He just held the reigns. I rested my head against his shoulder. I couldn't help but feel bad about making a scene.

"I'm sorry Dad."

"Don't be she deserved to hear that."

"The whole town heard it though."

Not the whole town. Just a quarter of it. By tomorrow though that's a different story. Don't worry about it Kiddo."

I sighed. Well I can't change so I guess I'll just have to move on. I couldn't though. I had to try and do something. It was dusk when we pulled in.

The sleigh didn't have lights so it would have too dangerous to travel after dark so Miss Moss and Nikki were spending the night. I couldn't help think now's your chance to get some Dad.

We unhitched the horses p0ushed the sleigh back onto its blocks. Gave them a good brushing and rub down and an apple eat for a treat. They appreciated it after doing all that work. I know I would.

Dad asked if Porter and I minded sleeping in the house so Miss Moss and Nikki could have their own sleeping space. I didn't mind but I had to put away a few things if you know what I mean dudes. Hey I am teen age boy with hormones. Don't laugh.

I was cleaning up my room when porter came in. I didn't notice at first as grabbed my, um, you know rag. It was tiff as a board in spots. I tossed over my shoulder towards the dirty clothes pile gathering in the corner by the door.

"Bro you should wash this more." I heard from behind me.

To say I was embarrassed yeah, well I was beyond that. I had just thrown my rag full of my spunk and hit Porter with it. I just stood there staring at him, redder than apple.

"It's cool Noah. I had one too."

"Yeah but still that's like um well yeah" I didn't know what to say.

"Seriously it's cool, I know how your feeling. I felt the same way when my mom found mine." He giggled.

He helped me throw my clothes into the washer. He straightened up the place while I ran the vacuum. I wasn't a slob, I told you that. Still though, I didn't want them to think I was. Girls have a different idea of what's clean.

We gather our clothes and tooth brushes we needed for the night and went to the house. we put our stuff up in the room I had shared with Dad. Grandpa followed me everywhere I went as soon as he saw me. he was like a puppy almost. It was sad but cute too.

"Noah, you seem to have a calming effect on your Grandpa." Grandma said to me after we got grandpa to bed.

"Thanks but he has no idea who I am."

"No he doesn't but you seemed to be someone he trusts. For whatever reason, when you are around he is calmer."

"Do you want me to move back inside the house?"

"Oh, No dear not at all. I am just happy that he feels comfortable around someone."

Dad came in with Nancy, Nikki, and Porter. Yes, I said Nancy. She told me that since her and my dad are dating, I should call her that. Only when we are not in school though.

My head still pounded though. It was only 9 and I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I knew it was a lost cause so said good night to everyone. Gave everybody a kiss good night.

I stripped I was too tired to take a shower and put on my marine sweats. I laid on my bed. I sat up. OMG did I just kiss Porter good night. Oh fuck you know what he didn't complain so fuck it.

I woke up the next morning and saw Porter asleep in my dad's bed. He looked hot the covers where around his calves and all he had on were white boxer briefs. I could see his morning wood. Nice.

I got brushed my teeth and pissed. I figured my dad slept on the sofa. So thought nothing of it when I woke up with my Dad not sharing my bed. I stumbled down the stairs following the smell of the coffee. I glanced at the sofa nope. Must be up already. I went out into the kitchen to see Grandma sitting at the table. Hmmm I wonder. Oh yeah Dad got some. You go dad!

"You seem cheerful this morning."

"Yep but I bet not nearly as cheerful as Dad will be."

"I hope so. He needs to get laid. Heaven knows I know the feeling." Grandma said

Whoa Grandma. Enough said I can't say anything more. That just blew my mind. I am done finished OMG god grands having sex gross. I think I am going to barf

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

At the suggestion of Sam (editor):

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Next: Chapter 17

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