
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 1, 2016


This story is fictional though some events and places maybe be real the characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. The idea for this story came loosely from the song hazard by Richard Marx The normal copy rights for this story are held by me any copying without authorization from this writer is not allowed. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal whether by age or place of residence do so at your own risk.

Please feel free to contact me at RandyWadeStory@gmail.com Please donate to this site.


Chapter 3

Uncle Jared and I went into the kitchen and saw grandma and grandpa sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. They both smiled but you can tell they were forced. I couldn't help feel it was my fault. "Go get washed and dressed boys church in one hour." Grandma said as she refilled hers and Grandpa's cups.

After both of us took a quick shower I followed my uncle's lead and put on a pair of tan khakis and light blue dress shirt. Slipped on my loafers and went down stairs. I followed Uncle Jared out the front door.

Grandma and Grandpa were already in the car waiting. Surprisingly in the back seat. Uncle Jared smiled and got in the driver's seat I took shot gun and off we went. It was a about a ten minute drive, if that long, to the First Presbyterian Church.

I had never been in a church before and had no Idea what to expect. My mother never took me to church other than for clothes or food stuff. When came to Joe the only time he talked about God was a few Jesus Christ's and Oh God's.

I wasn't sure if I even believed in God. The way I see it, if there was a God. Where has he been my whole life? I mean get real here. I am 16 almost 17 where has he been for 16 plus years. I don't know if there's a heaven but I am damn sure I know there is a hell. I been living in it for 16 plus years.

We pulled up to the church to the church. My Grandparents opened the doors and followed their lead. My Uncle Jared placed his hand on my shoulder and said "Wait. We're just letting the old folks out. We'll go park and meet them in front of the church." I closed the door and sat back.

We parked down a side street in a parking lot beside another church and walked the short distance back. The church was a large brick building. Though is wasn't ornate as some churches. There was no mistaking what it was.

There were small houses all around it. Their wood siding was in contrast with the brick church but for some reason the church seemed to fit in with its surroundings. I felt my body shudder as we approached the people gathering in front of the building. We crossed the street and found my grandparents waiting with a group of people. Some their age, some younger. I must have stopped because I felt Uncle Jared hand on my back pushing me forward. I have to admit I was nervous.

It's not that I don't like crowds. Ok, I don't but I have my reasons. I get the feeling that they are judging me. That they already made their opinion of me. That I am not good enough to be in their presence and be around their children. It's happened before.

Every time I thought I had thought I made a friend, I would meet the parents. The next day they would pretty much just ignore me. After so many times that has happened I just stayed to myself. It was easier than having to deal with the rejection.

My Grandma smiled as we approached and I couldn't help but smile back as we approached them. When my grandma smiled I couldn't help but feel good inside. That good feeling didn't last long though.

In a group a few yards away was Ruth and Uncle Teddy talking to another group who seemed like clones of her or her of them. Either way the looks I got when they saw me wasn't one that was friendly. I did my normal thing. I looked down at my feet.

Uncle Jared noticed my change of attitude and whispered in my ear. "Fuck her Noah. She can't hurt you."

Grandma introduced me to a few of the people around her. I mumbled a hello back and shook a few hands before we went into the church. Ruth and family followed a few people behind us. I could hear her comments. Just the sound of her voice made my stomach go into knots.

The inside of the church was simple white walls with wood paneling a quarter of the way up three sets of pews. Grandma led us towards the first pew.

Ruth must have been expecting to sit in the `Family' pew but one look at grandma she sat across the aisle from us with a disgusted look on her over made up face.

The service was long with lots of standing kneeling and sitting. I had no idea what to do so I just followed everyone else's lead. I didn't know the hymns that were sung but I tried my best.

The sermon or homily, whatever you call it, was short. He talked about walking in Jesus's and Gods light. The one Part that I remember the most and stay's with me to this day is `Walking in Jesus's and God's light means to do it with a clean heart and good intentions. Without that then you are nothing but his shadow.'

After the service was over grandma greeted a few more people and introduced me as we slowly made our way out. Some seemed genuine but I felt very exposed. Like I was standing there naked. The pastor was at the door greeting people. Again I felt my stomach knot up. I felt as though he was going to take on look at me and see that I am not good enough to be in his church. I knew for sure that he was going to tell my grandma I was trouble and to send me away.

When it came to be our turn to pass through those doors, I fought the urge to run through them and down the ramp to the street. My grandma greeted the pastor. They chatted for a second then I was introduced. I looked up as I said hello and remembered that he was the one who presided over my mother's funeral yesterday.

I remember the words he had said. At the end of his sermon. I felt like the shadow. "I am glad you could visit us today Noah. I want you know that if ever you need anything or someone to talk to I am always here for you." He smiled as he greeted me. I felt confident that meant just what he said. I could tell the difference between someone who just said words and those who meant what the said. I mumble my thank you and shook his hand. I waited with my grandparents in front of the church as Uncle Jared went to get the car. My grandpa's arm was resting on my shoulder I felt for the first time that I was being seen as a person not some trash left on the curb.

That soon ended. One of the women who was talking to Ruth before church came up to my grandmother. She was dressed like one of those women from a high fashion magazine.

"Eva, Seth, how nice it is to see you. I am sorry I missed the funeral Emily. I had my daughter's birthday celebration yesterday and just couldn't get away. I am sure you understand." She said in a tone the pretty much said she actually wouldn't have been caught near it and would have made and excuse if she didn't have one.

"It's quite alright Elizabeth. We all have our priorities." Grandma said smiling.

I got to admit grandma doesn't miss a thing and always has a nice way of putting people in their place. I especially enjoyed it because one she was Ruth's friend and two she pretty much acted as though I was invisible.

"This is our grandson Noah. He is going to be living with us until his uncle is done his tour in the marines." Grandpa said.

I was a bit confused. I wanted to ask what that meant. Was I just there until Uncle Jared got out? Was I going to be sent packing when that happened? Grandma shot him a look that said shut up.

"Yes of course it is. Ruth told me about him." She said not even looking at me.

I felt even more invisible if that was even possible. I looked around and saw people looking over at us. At that moment I wished I really was invisible. "Ruth tells a lot of people things. Mostly things that should not be told." Grandpa said.

I was surprised that came from Grandpa. He doesn't say much to start with and when he does it's never said with hostility. Grandpa is one of those people who keeps his thoughts close and chooses what he says carefully. I didn't think he could say anything with malice. Even though that wasn't exactly said with malice, it wasn't exactly nice either.

I was happy when Uncle Jared drove up to the curb to pick us up. I think my grandparents were just as happy. We piled in, again I riding shot gun and grandparents in the back.

"The diner?" my uncle said.

"No. I don't think I will be able to take much more of Ruth's friend's greetings." Grandma said.

"Mark this date down on the calendar, Noah. Your grandmother is allowing people to take control."

"Point taken. Huddle House it is then."

After another ten minute drive we pulled into the parking lot in strip mall area. The huddle house itself was a separate parking lot as was the building itself. The lot was half full as we were able to park close to the door. We parked and walked in. the restaurant wasn't very full yet. So we were seated very quickly.

Uncle Jared told me that it was a popular place to eat after church so we were lucky to beat the crowd and get a table so fast.

"Considering you were driving as though you had the devil behind you, the only way to get here before us was to fly. Though I swear it felt as though we were at times." Grandma commented with a chuckle.

"Well Ruth was behind me if that's what you mean." My uncle said.

"Ruth may be a bit too much at the moment Jared but she is your sister. I need you to remember that." Grandma said as she looked at the menu.

"Not by my choice. As far as I am concerned if I can forget she is my sister all the better."

Grandma looked over the top of the menu at Uncle Jared. She didn't say a word but the look said enough. What it said was a lot. She understood what Jared felt but was still said he felt that way.

As if on cue Ruth and her family walk in. the waitress automatically seated them in a booth near ours. Much to my uncle's displeasure. He made no attempt to hide it either.

I was still A little off track by what grandpa said earlier and now Ruth being nearby was just making want to sit under the table. I looked at grandma as she smiled at my cousins as they ran over and gave grandma, grandpa and my uncle hugs and hellos. I was pretty much ignored though I could see my little cousin Aliza smile at me but that was it. T.J. looked at me as if who let the dog sit at the table. Then other one, who I figured to be Seth, didn't look at anyone though he did hug my uncle Jared very tightly.

I don't know why but I felt a little jealous. I know he is their Uncle too but I felt very possessive right then. I felt closer to Uncle Jared than anyone I have met in my family. It was stupid I know but I couldn't help feel that he was my uncle more than he was theirs at the moment. I didn't want to share him.

Ruth called them back to their booth. "I don't want you near that boy even if he is with your grandparents of uncle. Do you understand me?" she said in what could be considered to be a stage whisper.

"Why mother, he seems nice?" Aliza asked.

"He's just not the kind of boy decent people should be around." Ruth said as she picked up her menu.

Uncle Jared turned at looked at her. "What would you know about decency Ruth? The only decent thing you have done in your life was get married to decent guy. If there was anything decent in you, you would not be passing on your preconceived bigotry on to your children. As far I am concerned anyone who can turn their back on a boy like Noah, who by the way has more heart and class than you ever will have, is not my sister. I want nothing more to do with you. Stay away from me. And if I hear one more foul thing come out of your mouth about Noah I will person knock you the fuck out."

Uncle teddy looked at Jared. "I think Jared you owe my wife and children an apology. That was not called for."

"I am sorry children for saying that in front of you but not for what I said. As for you Teddy, by allowing your wife to say what she has been saying I would have thought you would have stopped or at least be man enough to rebuke those nasty comments that have been coming out her mouth. Guess I was wrong about my sister ever doing anything decent in her life." Uncle Jared said with very little emotion.

I, myself to say I was very uncomfortable would be an understatement. I wanted to be anywhere else. I was the reason for all the problems in the family. I wish I could have stayed with Joe. Like usual I just cause trouble like Ruth said. Maybe I am not the boy decent people should be around.

We ate breakfast in silence as did the other table. I could see tears in Grandma's and Grandpa's eyes and feel the tension in Uncle Jared sitting next to me. It was my fault. I knew only one decent thing to do to fix it all.

I laid in my bed thinking on how to carry out my plan while my grandpa sat in the living room watching an old movie on TCM. My grandma said she had a head ache and went to take a nap. My uncle was changing to go visit some buddies so I had to wait to act on my plan.

My uncle came out of the bathroom in jeans, a tee shirt and his cowboy boots. "I'll be back in time for dinner. Then you and I need to have a serious talk."

I gave a smile and nodded my head in agreement. I must not have been very convincing because he came over and gave me a big hug and kissed my forehead. He smiled and winked and left the room.

An hour later I checked on my grandpa. He was asleep in the recliner. I quietly went back to my room and grabbed my new backpack and an envelope. Quietly as possible. I I went down stairs placed the envelope on the kitchen table where someone would find it and went out the back door.

I walked down the road to the main road. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I had to. To some people this may seem childish, maybe it is, looking back now it was but my excuse was I was a kid so what do you expect, right.

It took me a little over an hour but I made it to route 15 and headed north. I wanted to be out of Hazard before it got dark. I stayed off the road as much as I could. But at points there was no alternative. I tried hitching a ride several times but seemed like no trusted hitchhikers any more.

I came to a fork in the highway one heading north towards where we had breakfast and the other back into town.

Latter told to me by Uncle Jared:

Jared POV:

I had to get out. I felt like everything was turned upside down. I loved Ruth's kid's even T.J. a clone of her with a dick. Aliza was sweet and gentle and you couldn't help but smile around her. Seth though was something. You couldn't help but want to love him. He didn't say much in words but his actions spoke better than words.

Noah though I loved more than anything. Even if he wasn't Emily's son I would have loved him. There's that something in him that say's I just want to be loved. I feel in love with him the moment I saw him. I knew if I ever have a son I want him to be just like him.

He doesn't say it. It's the look in his eyes. His eyes are just like his mother's they speak what is inside that words can't say. What he won't say. He is a boy who just wants to be loved but is afraid to ask. He takes everything hurt he has and holds it in.

I don't know what his life was like before he came to us. I may never know. All I know is I need to make the rest of his life better. Show him that happiness is there. He is one sad kid.

I pulled up to my buddy marks house. We been friends since kindergarten and were inseparable until I joined the marines. He went on and became a police officer with the Hazard police department. If anyone could help me get my thoughts together it was him.

We had done everything together, sports though was our favorite topic. The fact that we both were on the football team and our little pranks on away games was always the topic of most of our memories. We both got scholarships I turned mine down he went on and became a football here at the University of Alabama, he would have gone pro except he got an injury in the next to last game that was bad enough to end the career.

Before I could even ring the bell the door swung open and was pulled into a big hug.

"Bro about time you got your sorry ass here." Said big blonde man I have to admit I enjoyed his hugs. If he wasn't married and I was straight I'd make him mine. He just has that effect on me.

"Sorry buddy just had a busy few days when I got home."

"Totally understand. Sorry I couldn't be there for the funeral I was on duty. I tried but couldn't get anyone to switch with me."

"It's cool Marc." I said as we walked into the house where I got another hug from Suze, his wife.

Suze or Susan were high school sweet hearts. She was an awesome catch and could cuss and party just as well as any. That fact was why it was love at first sight with Mark. A first she didn't want anything to do with him but he charmed his way into her heart. The rest is history, as they say.

We talked for a few minutes catching up with each other. It was nice to be able to just relax. Though I guess it was noticeable that I was anything but relaxed. "Now that we caught up let's hear what's on your mind Jare." Marc said looking at my face.

I sighed and told him everything about Noah. How Ruth was acting. How wanted to take that boy and make him mine. How I wanted to be more than just his Uncle. I told him about a discussion I had with my parents Friday night. On how because ruth was acting that it would be better if Noah was not directly under my parents care and how would become his legal guardian. I felt it wasn't enough Ruth had some pretty powerful friends and could do something to get Noah out of their custody. Maybe even mine while I was away finishing up my tour with the marines.

Marc would ask questions or make comments every once in a while but Suze was quite. It wasn't until I was done spilling my heart out that she finally said something.

"You know I work for teddy as a paralegal right?" she said. I nodded a yes.

"I hope I am over stepping here but I couldn't help over hear her the other day when she came into the office. First off you though before I say anything, how is your father's health?"

"You mean the Alzheimer's right."

She nodded.

"He seems ok he's bit more forgetful than he used to be according to my mother. But seems to be ok most days."

"Well she wants to use that to take Noah away from them. Teddy doesn't want anything to do with it. She said she will find a lawyer who will."

"I can't believe even she would do that."

"I know she is your sister but she is a total fucking bitch, sorry."

"Don't apologize for stating the obvious." I said with no hesitation.

"So here's the solution Jared. Adopt him."

Jared stared at her for a minute and smiled.

"I will." I said standing pulling her into a big hug.

At that point I got a text message from my dad. Saying three words `Come home now'

I looked at my phone oddly my dad never texts he calls. I looked at my phone. There were six missed calls from his cell. For him to text it must be important. I text back on my way be there in 5 minutes.

I said my good byes quickly explaining something was going on at home. On the drive home I knew Ruth was doing or did something. I knew she was to blame. I was ready to take her life as pulled in front of the house. No one hurts my son I said to myself. I was already thinking of him as my son.

I ran into the house and found my parents sitting at that table. Mom had tears in her eyes. Dad looked like he was close to tears. It must be bad.

"Where's Noah?" I said.

My dad handed me a piece of paper.

I looked at it and read. Dear Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Jared.

I am so sorry I caused so much trouble. I didn't mean too it just happens when I am around. It is because of me that no one is happy. I just seemed make everyone sad and angry. I was happy to be here don't get me wrong but everyone seems to be fighting and it's because of me.

I was just going to just leave but thought I should leave a letter saying how grateful I am for all that you have done for me. I didn't want you to think that I wasn't.

Ruth was right I am not worth the trouble I seem to cause. It is because of me that she won't let you see my cousins while I live here. I saw how sad everyone was today at the restaurant. I don't want anyone to be sad because of me. Your family is fighting and I am the reason why. If I had never came there everyone would be happy.

I don't want to leave but me staying there is a bad thing. I just wanted to say good bye and thank you and hope everyone can start being happy and loving each other again.

Love Noah

I read the letter two more times to make sure I read what I read. I sat down at the table and looked at my parents. "Fucking Ruth." I said as the tears ran down my face.

"I am going to adopt Noah." I said as stood up and grabbed my keys. "Call the police and state troopers."

"I already did."

I nodded and headed towards the door.

"Jared where are you going. Don't do anything to Ruth you will regret." Mom said following me to the front door.

"I wouldn't regret a damned thing I did to her. I am going to look for my son." I said as push through the front door.

I quickly called Marc on my cell and told him what happened. He said he help me look for him.

I headed north on fifteen not sure how far he got. I had a good idea as to where he was headed though. Towards Joe.

I was hurting but I knew that Noah was hurting more. Part of me wanted to go to Ruth's first and beat the life out of her. It was her hatred and words that made him run away but Noah was more important right now.

I drove so slow that old ladies were honking their horns at me. I didn't care I didn't want to take the chance at passing him. All I could think about the hurt that he must be feeling right now. Being alone. Thinking he wasn't worth the trouble. He is worth the trouble and so much more. In just a few days he captured my heart.

I had pretty much guessed he was gay that didn't natter as long as he is happy, that's all I want. God Protect him. I was driving for about thirty minutes when my cell went off I checked and saw it was Marc.

It stopped ringing before I could pull over to the side of the road I was On route 80 now. So had to make sure I played it safe. I looked at my phone and prayed that it was good news. That Noah was ok. That they found him safe and sound.

I called Marc. Praying the whole time. He answered on the first ring. I held my breath. "Good news bro they found him. He made some time on foot too." Marc said instead of a hello.

"Is he ok? Was he hurt?"

"I few scratches other than that he is ok. From what I understand he ran through some bushes when the state police saw him. They have him up at the post office on route 15. The one above that Christian academy."

"Great on my way. I am not far from there. Thanks bro I owe you."

"Owe me nothing dude just go get your boy."

I hung up the phone looked behind me and did a quick U turn. Illegal as fuck but I couldn't give a shit. I made it down the mile on 80 and went north on 15 I think I was doing 80 the whole time but then I didn't give a fuck. All I wanted was to get to Noah.

As I near the post office I started to slow down to a more normal speed. One that wouldn't get me a ticket. Again though, I wouldn't care if I did.

I pulled into the parking lot beside a state trooper car and got out. I walked to the car and pulled open the door and yanked Noah out of the car. I Think I scared the shit out of Noah and the troopers.

I pulled that boy into my arms and held him tight. I could feel the tears of relief running down my cheeks as held him rocking us back and forth. I was just so happy he was safe.

Noah's POV.

I stayed on route 15 and the buildings of the town seemed to disappear. I was away from the place where I so much wanted to call home but I knew I couldn't. I just made everything go bad for the people that I wanted to call family.

I knew if I went to Joe chances are he was on the road and if he wasn't he would just take me back. I couldn't do that to them. I knew they would be hurt but it wouldn't be long before they forgot about me. People forget about me pretty fast.

Every once in a while I would see a house or a building. At one point I passed some Christian school. Then a few buildings on the other side. I still tried to thumb a ride but no one was willing to stop. I unfortunately did it at the wrong time and caught the attention of a state cop.

I tried to run into the woods but some bushes snagged my jacket. I tried to yank it free but instead ended up falling into it. By the time I was able to get myself free the cop had me. After a few questions such as my name age and so on. I gave a totally fake name and age. I gave some lame story about be kicked out of the house by my mom.

He looked at me and smiled. "You know you fit the exact description I have of a runaway boy your age. You wouldn't be Noah Mac Daniels would you?" I shook my head no.

"Well if you're not I am going to have to take you in. Hitch hiking is illegal in this state. But if you were Noah Mac Daniels that would be different. But since you're not the juvenile authorities will have to be called and that would mean at least three days waiting in a jail cell for them to place you in a foster home. I hope they give you one of the better ones most suck."

I must have looked scared. Because he just smiled. "Come on Noah get in the car. It can't be that bad. Whatever you did I am sure your parents will be just happy you're safe and forget about any harsh punishment."

I followed him to the car and went to get into the back seat. Not my first time in a cop car I am sorry to say.

"Front seat, the back is reserved for the bad guys." He chuckled at his little joke.

He called in that he found me and that whomever was coming to get me could pick me up at the post office of route 15. I couldn't help but stare ate him he looked familiar. I had seen him some place before.

He must have noticed me starting because he said. "I went to school with your mother. I was at the funeral yesterday but didn't make to the house duty and all that."

I nodded I remember seeing him and talking to my grandparents and uncle. We sat there in silence. Until my uncle's jeep pulled up beside the car. Before I knew what was happening the door was yanked open and I was pulled out of the car. I thought he was going to beat the crap out of me for running away but he just pulled me into a hug.

I could hear him saying over and over again, thank God, Uncle Jared held me so tight I could barely breathe. I didn't care though it felt good to. Not in that way but it felt good in the way you feel when you realize that someone cares and loves you. I held on to him. I felt so much at that moment. Relief, remorse but most of all I felt loved and love. True love. Not romantic but the kind you feel for a parent or grandparent or uncle.

I started to cry. I couldn't stop. All the pain and sorrow I felt came pouring out in that cry. I wasn't embarrassed I wasn't afraid to cry. Even if I was I couldn't stop if I tried. Uncle Jared cried too. We just held each other tight.

"Let's go home" he said.

After thanking the state cop we drove off towards home. "Don't ever do that again understand me?"

"I won't I promise." I smiled and got his smile back.

We pulled up in front of the house only to greeted and hugged by Grandma and even Grandpa. I had to make a lot of promises that I wouldn't run away again. I hope that they believed me.

After dinner Uncle Jared pulled me out to the barn. We climbed up into the hay loft.

"Have a seat Noah we have to have a little talk."

I sat on a hay bundled and Uncle Jared pulled on over and sat across from me. First off Noah I know you already promised me you would never run away again but I need to hear you say it again."

I promise Uncle Jared I won't ever run away again. I am sorry I hurt everyone it seems all I do no matter how hard I try not to."

"Ok and that has to stop. You're not to blame for anything in regards to Ruth and I fighting. That has been going on long before you ever came to us. As far as your cousin's are concerned that was again Ruth. Ruth is to blame not you. She is a cold hearted bitch who is worried more about what her so called friends think than her own family is concerned."

"Okay." I didn't really believe it all but I had to agree that Ruth was a bitch.

"Now we all know she doesn't want what's best for you and will do anything she can to get you tucked away in some little corner so she doesn't have to worry about her perceived embarrassments." Uncle Jared seemed to think how he was going to word whatever he was going to say next so I just waited.

"I have already learned a few things about her plans are and have an idea. That though depends on you though." He said looking straight into my eyes.

I was never able to look directly at someone but for some reason I could with my uncle. It felt right.

"The only way to protect you from her is if my parents were not your legal guardians. We originally thought if I was that might be enough but it won't be."

I was beginning to feel a little nervous not sure if I was going to like the next words that he was about to say `So we are going to send you away.' Was what I imagine were his next words.

"So after a talk with a friend. I would like to adopt you. That is if it's something you would want." He said

I stared at him in disbelief. I couldn't talk even if I could I didn't know what to say. Before I knew what was happened I launched myself at Uncle Jared and held on tight. For the second time that day I cried. It was different though I was happy. Happier than I ever been in my life.

"I take that as a yes."

"Yes!" I shouted. We talked for a little bit longer and set up plans. It had to be done fast but grandma had her connections being not only principle of the high school but also friends in the right places. It had to be done this week because He had to go back to Camp Legume next Sunday. Also had to be done quietly so that it would be done before Ruth had a chance to react.

From the author:

Thanks for the support and kind words regarding my story Hazard. I hope that you all continue to enjoy it. As I progress in the story it will move faster but right now I need to set up the characters so I am taking my time. If you like this story and the stories of the many great authors here on nifty please donate to keep this great place for us to share our stories with you. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Next: Chapter 4

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