
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 11, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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chapter 36

On The following Saturday, TJ and I decided we wanted to go to Lexington to Fayette Mall to do our Christmas shopping. Me, being a bit more anal about things, made up a list of who I needed to buy for. Note, I said needed to not wanted to buy for. Wanted went like this, Dad, Grandma, EZ, Uncle Teddy, TJ, Aliza, Seth and Sam. Needed to was Nancy and Nikki. Since Nikki stopped answering my emails I pretty much said fuck her.

It being Christmas I decided to be the bigger person and get them a Christmas present anyway. Going with that idea, I decided to get Ruth one too. Yeah I know she is evil but you know I didn't want to lower myself to her level. Added two bitches why not three right.

Sam decided at the last minute he wanted to go with us. Unfortunately, his current girlfriend Peggy had called and when Sam let her know what he was doing that day she wanted to go. I said unfortunately because shopping with girls is a pain in the nads.

We picked up Sam's girl and headed off to Lexington. Peggy was nice enough. Definitely not homophobic, thank God for that. The only thing that annoyed me was that she never shut up. It didn't matter if you were talking or not, she would cut right in. It wouldn't be so bad but it was never on the topic we were talking about. The other thing was she was a gossip. I hate gossiping, I been the subject of it most of the time.

We got to Fayette mall around Ten. IJ had driven my Jeep since his car was in the shop. We parked and Peggy said we should hit JC Penny's fist. I mean what the fuck. If I wanted to shop, there. I could have just gone to the one in Hazard.

TJ and I went our own way leaving Sam to fend for himself with Peggy. Sam gave us the evil eye for that but the way I see it, It's his girl not ours. Why should we suffer? Since he wants to get laid, he has to kiss her ass, not us.

We went first to the Disney store. Seth loved everything Disney. I fell in love with the Disney monorail trainset. TJ got him some buildings to go with it. next we hit Abercrombie for kids we both got Aliza some clothes. Next we hit Eddie Bauer where teddy got dad some artic thermal under wear. I got the same for Ez.

"Sam would look hot in those." I said pointing out a pair of cargo pants in Banana Republic.

"Dude you just wanna perv on some hot boy ass." TJ teased.

"Maybe so, but then if that was just the case, as much as you walk around naked. I'd be perving on your ass."

"Like my ass huh."

"It's ok. Could get rid of the dingle berries though." I said. In truth TJ had a great ass. Though since he was my brother in all always except biological, I wasn't going there. Not sure he wouldn't though if I was single. Besides Ez's ass is way better. Though I think TJ got him in the dick department.

TJ grabbed a T shirt from a booth that said 'Jocks have bigger then there was a picture of a big rooster'. Perfect for Sam.

Nancy I got a watch with diamond chips. Niki a necklace with her initials. Dad I got a Bracelet that I had engraved with Father like son on it. Regardless of what Nancy said, I was giving him that painting. Ez I got a pair of matching rings for us inscribed inside was 'forever in my heart'

It was hard to get for TJ since he was right there so I grabbed a watch he was looking at. I had that engraved with 'TJ, love always your brother Noah'. For Uncle Teddy, I got new PJ's and a matching bathrobe, the ass in his PJs were getting a bit holy.

TJ got him a bracelet that said 'Greatest Dad'. I know it sounds kind of lame but think about it. It means more than most would think considering the circumstances. Ruth I just got a bath basket, you know different bath beads, oils and soaps.

Grandma was hard to buy for. It took a while but I came up with an idea after we left the mall. TJ had taken a wrong turn and we were driving down Old Todds Road back towards the highway. I saw sign for a list of shops. I told TJ to pull in and when he pulled up to Ziyan Salon and Day spa. I ran in to the place before he even came to a stop.

Five minutes later I came out with Grandma's present. A Day of royalty. I also got one for Ruth, Nancy and Nikki. I was teased a little by Sam and TJ. They said I probably got one for myself too. TJ laughed after he said but agreed it was a great present. He said I should have just gotten Ruth a day of grooming at PetSmart.

I was just happy that I had finished my shopping. I would have been smiling all the way home if Peggy would shut up though. I was tired. Guy's, whether they are gay are straight are just not equipped mentally to Christmas shop. She however, was still wound up.

We stopped at Hardee's in Stanton on the way home to grab a late lunch. TJ and Sam went to take a piss, so it was just Peggy and me. She was quieter than usual. Well until she asked a question that through me for a loop.

"Does getting fucked in ass hurt?" Peggy asked me.

"Huh?" I was like whoa, that was from way out there in left field.

"Does it hurt? You getting a dick in the ass?"

"Um, well, Why?" I so did not want to answer that question. It was kind of personal you know. Especially with a chick. More so when you barely know her.

"I want to stay a virgin until I am married and I figure if I let Sam fuck me in the ass, I can stay one."

"I see."

"Come on Sam fucked you. Is he really big?"

"Did Sam tell you he did that?"

"No but everyone knows he did."

"Well Sam never did that with me."

"You fucked the whole team and didn't do Sam? No wonder he doesn't want to talk about you guys did."

"I don't know where you got the idea from that I fucked the whole team from but that never happened." I hissed. I was getting really pissed now.

"Oh come on I know how gay men like to get fucked. I am not looking down on you because you fucked the whole team. I mean come on I know that you people like to suck and fuck. I think it's gross I mean what guy wants poop on their thing."

I got up and left. I passed TJ and Sam on my way pout of the door. Hey where you going." Sam asked.

"Not hungry. I feel sick. You guys go eat. I'll go take a nap in the jeep." I answered quickly. In truth I did feel sick to my stomach.

I no sooner got to the jeep and barfed behind it in the grass. I didn't barf much. Just the soda I had gotten. The dry heaves were the worse though. I was expecting my stomach to come out of my mouth every time I heaved.

I Crawled into the front seat and closed my eyes. I wasn't pissed anymore. I was beyond that. I wanted to bash peoples head in. I didn't care who's it was. I dozed for a bit my head was pounding. I heard the door open and knew it was TJ by the smell of his cologne. I could also smell food. My stomach turned. The back doors opened.

NO one said anything, other than Peggy or course. At Peggy's insistence TJ took route 11. So much more scenic she said. My stomach had settled down so I opened the bag and started to eat my burger.

"Glad to see you're feeling better bro. What made you sick?" TJ asked. When he saw me bite down on the Burger.

I shrugged. I didn't want to start shit with anyone or mess up Sam's chance of butt fucking the delusional Peggy. I also knew that TJ would go off. He had gotten awful protective of me lately. Plus, I was so tired of the Hazard drama. I just wanted to ignore it.

"Must have been something you ate." Sam said.

"Yeah, I was asking him about what it was like getting fucked in the ass and he went green. I think his soda was bad." Peggy said. I knew the chick was brainless but damn.

"You what?" Sam asked laughing. I didn't see how it was funny.

"Well, since I want to stay a virgin until we are married, I figured I would let you fuck me there and still stay one."

"Married?" Sam asked or commented I don't know which.

"So you'll butt fuck me then?"

"Wow, I don't know I never did that before." Sam said.

"Yeah, Noah told me he didn't let fuck him in the ass like the rest of the team. Did you fuck him TJ? Isn't that incest? I really think that was messed up of you Noah you should have let Sammy do it too."

I gaged on the last bite of my burger. "Pull over now!" I shouted.

TJ pulled over. Through open the door took a few steps and barfed up what I just ate and drank. I felt a hand on my back as I heaved. Thankfully my ears where ringing so couldn't hear Peggy. I knew she hadn't stopped blabbing. She is just one of those people who has to fill the silence.

When I was done I stood up. I turned and saw TJ standing next to me. I could see the concern on his face. I could also see the anger too. I took a sip of the soda he offered. Even though it was Pepsi it still tasted better than the taste there already.

"What a dumb as bitch he whispered."

"It's not true." I said defending myself.

"No shit bro."

I got in the jeep and Peggy was still blabbing. Sam had an angry look on his face as he looked at me. I couldn't get why he directed it towards me. TJ got in the driver's seat and gave me a smile and my shoulder squeeze. He did a U-turn on route 11, going back the way we came.

"were going the wrong way." Peggy said. Still clueless.

I need to get Noah home fast. Be for the Jeeps a mess." TJ said

"Oh sure I don't want to smell throw-up thank you for being considerate. Seriously Noah If you were sick you should have stayed home you kind of ruined the trip for me."

"Will you shut the fuck up, You're a fucking clueless moron." I said as TJ turned onto the connection for the Combs Parkway and headed towards Hazard.

Sam was still looking at me with daggers and Peggy was going on about a time she barfed at a birthday party. I pretty much tuned her out. Sam though I couldn't ignore.

"What is your problem?" I said tuning around to look at him.

"I rather not say right now." Say replied through gritted teeth.

"He probably mad because you wouldn't let him fuck you like the other guys." Peggy said then went on with her story.

"Don't you ever shut the fuck up!" I yelled at her.

"That's my fucking girlfriend. Just because she outed you as a slut doesn't give you the right to talk to her like that."

"Pull over!" I told TJ.

"I can't no place to pull over at."

"Then do it when you can."

"What you going to throw me out know."

"Nope. Unlike you I am not back stabbing bitch."

"Can I say something now?" TJ said.

"I don't give a fuck!" I yelled. It was taking every ounce of will power not to jump over the seat and beat the shit out of Sam's pretty face and rip the big tits off that moronic twat.

"Neither of you asked Noah if it was true. You just assumed it was. I am pretty sure it's some fucked up rumor started by Brown. Just like the one he started about Coach. Either way it's bull shit." TJ stated.

No one said a word. I looked in the rear view mirror and Sam still had a scow on his face. Peggy was trying to console him. I don't know if he still believed the rumor or not or if he was mad at himself for believing it.

"Do you still believe it bro?" TJ said after a few miles.

"I guess not."

"I do because everyone knows how you people are." Peggy said.

"No one asked you." I said.

"That's still my girl. Show her some respect." Sam said.

"I have no respect for anyone is too stupid to keep their dumb as opinions and comments to themselves."

"No problem there princess."

I drank the last of my soda before I threw back at them.

I heard Peggy giggle. I looked forward still wanting to hit him in the face.

"Peggy you really need to be quiet now. I think you've caused enough trouble.'

"Not my fault he's a slut."

I tossed my trash on the back seat floor. I heard Peggy squeal. I saw a smile play across TJs face.

"Peggy please shut the fuck up your making hard to concentrate." TJ said before she could say a word

"I think you better not hand with the team at lunch Noah."

"If you have a problem being around Noah go sit somewhere else. The whole team heard the rumor and they have no problem telling people it bull. It's the bimbo's that keep spreading it." TJ said.

I was burning up. I was gripping the side of the seat so tight my knuckles were turning white. I swear if either one of them said another word I was beating the fuck out them. Lucky for them they didn'tr say another word.

When we stopped to let Peggy out at her house Sam got out to walk her to her house. I got out and walked to the back of the jeep. I got the pants I bought for him and his bags I got back into the jeep as Sam walked back from her house. I though the pants out the window at himI left his bag on the sidewalk.

"Merry fucking Christmas douche bag." I yelled as Sam was walking back towards the jeep.

TJ took the hint and drove off leaving Sam staring at us. So much for Sam's promise not to let anyone come between our friendship. I was still pissed beyond belief. No that's wrong I am hurt beyond belief.

I hadn't realized that we had pulled up to house. TJ had already taken the bags into the trailer when he opened my door. He pulled me out and warped his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder. I was surprised I didn't cry. I guess I just didn't have it in me to cry anymore.

The next few weeks I didn't see Sam or Peggy except for football. We had made the state finals with a 14-1 season but lost the state championship. Sam missed a few passes that were thrown at him and the posse didn't cover me so of course we loss. I hate to say it because it sounds like bragging but I was the better wide receiver. No jokes please.

Christmas vacation was longer than I wanted it to be. I had started talking to Dad again but we'd end up in an argument over me not apologizing to Nancy and now to Nikki. I had stopped emailing her too because she didn't open them or return calls. Which of course I took a lot of heat for.

Grandma stood by my side though she didn't get involved. She had insisted that Nancy and Nikki come for Christmas. Of course Nancy acted all sweet now around Grandma as did Nikki. TJ and I found plenty do that didn't involve being around them.

To make matters worse Nikki invited her boyfriend to spend the few days after Christmas with her at the house. Talk about heartless. I mean come on. Why flaunt your boyfriend in front of your ex after you dump him. That wrong in so many ways.

On Christmas Eve, Grandma was out doing some last minute shopping. She asked Nancy and Nikki if they wanted to go to do some last minute shopping too. They declined saying they had gotten everything.

TJ and I had plans to go hang out with some of the guys from the football team but Grandma insisted we stay and keep Nancy and Nikki company. We sat in the living room a watched football reruns while they talked to us. We tried to act interested.

Nikki had become a snob. She was a year ahead of me so she was going to college. I couldn't take much of her bragging about being in the 'college of William and Mary'.

"Didn't you apply to Harvard, Stanford and John Hopkins?" TJ said

"Yeah but since I am taking on line classes at the University of Penn, I rather go there."

I just about flipped when Nancy said "Noah, I would suggest you go there but I don't think you fit in. You should look at trade schools."

I was getting annoyed with them. They kept subtly demeaning me when Grandma wasn't around. When she was around they'd be praising me.

"Why would he do that? He scored a 2200 on his SAT's. That's like telling Einstein he'd be better off working in heating and air-conditioning." TJ smiled. Letting them both know that he was on to their game.

"Oh I am not saying he isn't smart enough. It's just that I afraid of his safety and emotional health being the way he is."

"What do you mean the way I am?"

"Noah please sit down. I had already talked to Jared. We both feel you should start seeing that therapist again. You have been behaving very oddly lately."

"How have I been acting oddly?"

"Well for one, your lies and then there's jealousy and hostility towards me."

I got up and walked out. I went to the trailer and grabbed their presents and carried them to the house. I dumped them on the floor and pointed to them.

"There's your fucking Christmas presents. As far as you telling me what you and my father wanting me to go to a therapist you both can forget that idea. I won't be here tomorrow to spend Christmas with two delusional twats."

"Actually Noah you have no choice in the matter. As your father's wife I can make you go." Nancy said standing.

"No you can't. I been emancipated. Neither of you have no authority over me." I said pulling the emancipation papers out of my wallet and waving them.

"So go fuck yourselves." I said and walked out of the house.

I passed Grandma on my way around the house. "I am sorry Grandma but I am staying in the trailer as long as they are here."

I didn't wait for an answer. I stormed into the trailer and went to my computer. I composed an email to my father. I couldn't believe he would stab me in the back like this. I was heated.

I wrote the email:

I can't believe you would turn your back on me. Yeah you say you care and love me. they are just words now to me. You showed me exactly what you think. Don't bother emailing or calling me I won't answer them I will just delete them. I want nothing to do with you or that bitch you married and her snotty sister. You are dead to me. I am going to see about reversing the adoption.

Your former son and nephew


TJ had followed me. he was standing behind me. He read it before I hit send. "Don't you think you should have heard what he had to say before you sent that?"

"Why you seen and heard him since she started lying about me. He even accused you of lying about it. Why should this be any different."

Before TJ could answer Grandma threw open the trailer door. "Noah get in there and apologize right now. You too TJ." She was pissed off.

"Why? because I couldn't take anymore of her bullshit and lies anymore?"

Grandma smacked my face. She never yelled at me not alone ever hit me. I stood transfixed. I couldn't move. TJ was stunned.

"She has been nothing but nice to you. Your father Nancy have talked at great length about your behavior towards her since they have gotten married. I have stayed out of it but I will not have that type of behavior under my roof. Now get your fucking ass in there and apologize."

That broke my trance. "No. As far as living under your roof I will leave right now." I walked over to the pile of presents gave TJ his and threw the rest out the door.

"If you don't mind Mrs. Mac Daniels, I prefer to be alone."

Grandma's eyes teared up. It broke my heart but you know fuck it. Everyone turned on me except TJ. He probably would too. I turned and stormed into my bedroom and closed my door. I left them standing there in shock. I didn't care I was done with Hazard. Done with the idea of having a family. Fuck them all.

I packed a bag. I walked out of my bedroom. I saw TJ sitting at the computer on skype. I didn't care who he was talking to, I was leaving. Like everyone else in my life he would either leave me or turn on me.

I went out the door and headed to my jeep. I saw Nancy on step out on the porch as I started up the engine. The cunt was smiling. Yeah you won bitch, I don't care either. Before I could gun the engine to leave TJ banged on the door. I looked up and he had my cell phone.

I rolled down the window and he handed me the phone. "I love you bro. I'll call you later okay?" I nodded yes and gunned out of there after he stepped back leaving a spray of gravel behind me.

I drove to Hampton suites Inn. At first they were not going to let me get a room because I was under eighteen. I showed them my emancipation papers they then let me get a room. Thank God for visa too. When I got to the room I sat down on the love seat. I didn't cry. I didn't feel anything at all. I was empty. I was empty of all emotion again.

I just thought about those people. First Nancy turned on me, then Dad Nikki and Sam. Grandma I didn't see coming. That was the breaking point. That's what broke me. That was the point where I had to get away from them. I didn't want to bothered by anyone. Not TJ. Not even Ez right now.

I realized I was hungry. I pulled out my wallet and looked at how much cash I had. I saw Marg's card. `Attorney at law child advocate'. I pulled out my cell and called the number. After three rings she answered.

"Hello, I don't know if you remember me. I am Noah Mac Daniels.

"Of course I remember you. What can I do for you Noah?"

I explained the circumstances I was in. She listened patiently. I knew she was there by the occasional uh huhs and I see's. When I was done, she explained to me that although I was emancipated that they as immediate family could get the court to have me institutionalized and put back into their care if they can prove I am mentally unstable.

"Do you think your mentally unstable Noah?"

"No. I know she didn't return my emails and didn't open them. I saved them all. I know that she has been telling my da I mean him otherwise."

"Okay honey. Listen I am going to have to talk to Jared, Nancy and your Grandmother. You understand that don't you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Marg will do, no ma'am please. I will call you when I find out all that facts."

"Ok bye."

I turned on the TV and surfed through the channels all Christmas BS. I settled on It's a wonderful Life. I could relate to that. I wish I could go back and never be born. Everyone's life would turn out better though, not worse.

I felt my phone vibrate. I saw TJ's picture. I answered it.


"Where you at?"


"Be there in a few." He said and hung up.

Thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door. I opened it and TJ came in with an overnight bag and a two large BK bags smelling like delicious hamburgers and french-fries. I just realized I was hungry.

"Brought food and some clothes for me. I ain't letting my best bud stay alone on Christmas." he said pulling a bottle of strawberry flavored vodka out of his bag.

I stared at TJ. Before I knew what was happening I was crying on TJ's shoulder. I couldn't stop. In a way I was glad I was crying. It meant that I hadn't become the robot again. It hurt though. I felt so much hurt. The only person who stood by me was TJ. He proved that just by being here.

"You'll miss Christmas and all your presents." I said when I gained control again.

"Nah bro. I got my present right here. My brother, who I love. Oh this too." He said pulling the still wrapped watch out of the bag. Not to mention this." He added lifting the vodka.

We sat down and watched another movie. Some crazy Christmas show with some guy that had to be long time dead entertaining the troops as we passed the Vodka between us.

"So I bet Grandma hates me now. Just like Nancy, Niki and your uncle." I said.

"Nope, I told her what was going on and showed her the emails you sent and she sent. I told her about how when she wasn't around how Nancy acted different. She told me for now to come here and stay with you."

"OH. I thought you came because you wanted too."

"Bro I was packing my bag when I talked to her about it. who you think gave me the vodka."


"Yeah. Grandma believes you bro. She loves you. I do too"

"Nice to know you love me TJ."

"Bro you don't know how much I love you."

"I am not sure if I am taking that right."

"It's this way, when you were brother and cousin it was weird. I love you so much Noah. Enough to tell you and to respect your relationship with EZ"

"I thought you were straight."

"I am except when it comes to you." TJ said. He stared straight ahead. He had tears running down his face.

"I love you too TJ. If I wasn't in love with Ez I'd so would want to be with you."


"Yeah bro. Your smart, sweet, hella sexy and have a big dick. You're a walking wet dream for any gay boy." I laughed.

"I think you're feeling the Vodka." TJ grinned.

"Yeah but you are too."

"Damn right gotta drain my big dick." he giggled. Damn he was hard as a rock.

"Please drain it completely bro." I laughed.

"Have to or you'd be poked all night."

TJ stood up and staggered to the bathroom to take a piss and whatever. I decided to just go to bed been a fucked up day emotionally and mentally. I am exhausted. I stripped down to my boxer briefs and curled under the blanket. TJ came out of the bathroom five minutes later and got in.

"That was either fast or too long." I laughed.

"Both. Is ok okay if we cuddled?" he whispered.

"Why wouldn't be?"

"I thought maybe after what I said you'd be weirded out."

"Nah, I think I already knew."

"Ok cool."

TJ cuddled up behind me. He always said I was stronger than him emotionally. I don't know about that. TJ has a way of bouncing back like no other person I know. He has changed so much in the past year. He went from a guy who can't show he cares to one who can't stop. I am just glad he's in my life.

I appreciate your enthusiasm and I put out chapters as fast as I can. That being said if you don't see a chapter for a few days please don't start emailing me asking for when I am posting another chapter. Thanks folks for understanding.

Hurry back Sam I miss my editor :)

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer and critic should live by:

"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." Joss Whedon

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." Angelica Hopes

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

People who live in glass houses shouldn't take baths. From a high school teacher

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 37

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