
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 22, 2016


This story is completely fictional. If the people in this story resemble any person it is purely coincidental. Randy Wade retains all copy rights to this story. It may not be copied or submitted to any other site without the written permission of Randy Wade. This story contains at time graphic description of sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are not by lawfully allowed, whether by age or location able to read this. You do so at your own risk.

This story is a continuation of Hazard written by the same author. Though it may be able to stand on its own merits as a story. It Is highly recommended that if you have not done so to read Hazard as you will have a better understanding of the events lead up to this story.

Noah's Island

Hazard part II

Chapter 1

March 5th 2010

I felt a kiss. I opened my eyes to the sun coming through the window. I opened my eyes and smiled TJ and Dad were standing there. They were smiling ear to ear.

"Well it took three weeks but sleeping beauty is awake." Said Dad

"Just too a kiss from prince charming."

"Whatever bro. You ever get that wart removed?"

"Fuck you, Uncle Jare." TJ laughed and then gave me the kiss I really wanted.

After a three weeks in the hospital I was finally discharged. Technically it was four weeks but that first two week I was in a coma so that don't count. I was still mentally a basket case but with the love of TJ and Dad and I am sure intensive therapy with Doc. Holiday. I would recover.

I eventually did for the most part. There would always be those moments of flash backs. I knew though that TJ would be there for me. Seth too. Seth may be autistic but he had a great way of making me feel better. Just his hugs did wonders for me.

Sex with TJ took a while. He was patient and sweet about it. he would hold me when I had dreams replaying being gang raped. He'd be there when I'd have a flashback. It took almost three months until I could have any sexual relations with TJ.

Dad well was hovering in the back ground. Always watchful and supportive. He would be there at the moments when I needed my daddy to hold me. During Connor's trial. He wasn't that thrilled about me wanting to be there. Neither was TJ but I had to be there, for me it was closure. My dad would be on one side and TJ on the other. I listened to Connor telling how he watched me leave and went to be with his boyfriend, Sam. How Sam told him that he couldn't stop being my friend. Sam had told Connor that he loved me. That even though he loved Connor a part of him would always love me. Connor described how in a fit of rage. He picked up a rock and hit Sam in the head repeatedly. He told how Detective Ashwell convinced him not to say anything. That they would let me be the fall guy.

Connor was found guilty with mitigating circumstances. Meaning the capital offense was committed while the defendant was under the influence of extreme mental or emotional disturbance even though the influence of extreme mental or emotional disturbance is not sufficient to constitute a defense to the crime. He was sentenced eventually to twelve years in prison and eligible for parole in eight.

I sued and the City of hazard police department for false arrest and harassment by Detective Ashwell and the Kentucky Department of Corrections. For the sexual assault by the inmates allowed by Officer Walker. Also excessive force used by him. They left me there to die. If officer St. James hadn't noticed me not among the prisoners being marched back to the cells and came to find me. I would be dead.

They both settled out of court from the Hazard Police department I received five million. From the Kentucky Department of Corrections, I received sixteen million which included all medical expenses. In truth I didn't have any as I was still cove under Dads military issuance which is one hundred percent coverage.

Between the combined money I received from the state and city was twenty-on million and the growth of Joes estate through good investments I now had thirty-three million dollars in money and property. I could live off the interest and not spend the principal.

I paid for college for myself and TJ. He at first balked at the idea but I convinced him to allow me to do this. I bought a condo in Philadelphia. The University of Pennsylvania normally requires that you have to live in the dorms the first year. They agreed that because of the circumstances I went through to allow me to live off campus the first year. TJ being a transfer student from the University of Glasgow was allowed to live off campus. I took summer classes and challenged two classes. I was through medical school in three years. TJ was done his classes the year before mine. He did one-year internship at the Universities animal hospital. I did my two-year Pediatric internship at Children's Hospital.

TJ was devoted to me as I was to him. Our sex life was beyond belief. He was kinky though. He loved spontaneous sex. It didn't matter where. He would get horny and he drag me to a spot where he would fuck me. Didn't matter if it was a park, restaurant, Store or a club. I have to admit I loved it too. It's nice to know I turn him on like that.

It had taken almost two years though before I would go past making out and oral sex. When I finally decided I was ready, I was terrified. TJ though understood and was gentle. He didn't really penetrate me. Over weeks he slowly would go a little farther.

When he finally did enter me he kept my focus on his face. I saw that there was only love there. We really didn't have sex. He entered me and laid on top like that for an hour. He was so sweet. If I wasn't already madly in love with him, there would have been no way not to fall in love with him.

August 12th, 2015

"Ok genius, you want to buy an island now?" TJ said as we looked at the island from rented sea chaser.

"I would love to. I just don't know. It would be great for you though. It will be close to the Dolphin research center."

"Bro, I love you but it will take forever to build a house. Then there's the problem of how we get on and off it."

"The agent said we can build a bridge. We can also bring down George and hire him as the foreman. I think they would love an extended vacation."

"Agent huh. Well I guess we better call George and see if he'll build a house on Noah's island."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, then I gave him a big juicy kiss. "I love you TJ. You know me so well."

TJ grabbed my butt and pulled me in closer. "Yes, I do baby though you never cease to surprise me. That's why I love you so much."

"You sure that's the only reason?"

"Well you do have a tight ass Doctor Mac."

"I thought that was the real reason." I giggled.

He pulled me in tight against him. I can't help but want him. I just had to hear his voice and I wanted him. His smell was intoxicating. He touches sent me to heaven. This beautiful man, is my man. Sometimes I can't believe that I have finally broken the curse that stalked me throughout my life.

No wait, TJ broke that curse. It was his love that did it. He was always there watching, protecting and loving me. I smiled and touched the dog tag that he wore around his neck. My Hero.

"Baby, I love you so much, I can't look at you without thinking how lucky I am." I said as rested my head on his shoulder and looked at my island. Noah's island.

"I love you too Doc."

"I can tell." I said grinding into his hard dick.

"If you can tell. I bet you know how I want to prove it to you." He said huskily.

I pressed my lips against his and slipped my tongue through his lips. My hands pushed down his tropical patterned board shorts. I grabbed the big beautiful cock in my hand and stroked it. Just like he has in the past five years he was already dripping TJ juice.

TJ moaned in my mouth and lowered us on to the deck of the boat. When he laid on top of me, I had no choice to let go of what I lovingly referred to as `TJ's control pole'. He stared into my eyes and smiled.

"Your mine until forever." He whispered.


I ran my hands down TJ's back as he devoured my mouth with his. He lifted my legs and rested them against his biceps. I felt his erection rubbing my hole. I could feel his precum lubricating my entrance. I arched my ass up and reached down and aimed his dick to my hole. I felt him push in. the was a little pain but the pleasure from the thought of having the man I love inside me the little bit of pain was ignored.

TJ watched my face as he moved in and out of me. He loved seeing my expressions He knew just what spots to hit, how to hit them and when to hit them. he was the perfect lover. He was hitting my prostate with every move of his pole. I knew I would be coming quickly. I his head down and kissed him. He knew that when I did that I was close.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he thrusted deeper inside me. I could feel his balls bouncing against my butt I arched upwards to get every inch of him in me which was not easy feat. We had measured him one night he was ten inches and six inches around. The best part about it though was that he knew how to use it.

I moaned and he started to pound into me. he pulled back and watched my face. I could see his smile and the look of a man consumed by passion and love. I felt my body shudder and shake as let lose a volley after volley of cum. I felt him at the same time unloading inside of me.

He moaned and grunted and declared his love. Once he shot his last load in me, he sat back. His dick never left my hole. He pulled me up onto his lap. I smiled and kissed him. I put my arms around his neck and started to ride him. His hands each grabbed a but cheek and spread them as I rode his pole.

My dick never really got hard again but he never went down. I smiled as he rested his face against my heart then started to leave little kisses where ever he could. TJ never lasted long in this position. I felt his hands move to my waist. A sign that he was close. I tilted his head up and pressed my mouth against his. Our tongues battled. I felt his moan in my mouth as he emptied again inside of me.

We sat like that for a minute and regained our breath and strength. After a minute his cock slid out on me. I could feel his juice pouring out too. I kissed him quickly and stood up. he turned me around and buried his face in my ass. Ever since we see a porno with some guy eating the cum out of a guy's ass TJ wanted to try it. he loved it. He called it our love juice.

I sat in a seat at the back of the boat with TJ. My legs were shaky from the great love making TJ gave me. he sat beside me and I leaned into him. His arm automatically went around me. WE didn't talk. I could still feel TJ's cum seeping out of me. It wasn't the most pleasant feeling.

I loved it though. Knowing that TJ left a part of him inside me felt like he part on me. I always tried to hold it in. As if my body would absorb it so I would have TJ forever. "I need to clean up my butt. Your seeping out still."

"I didn't know I was in your butt but that idea doesn't sound bad."

"Shut up asshole." I said, jumping up and taking a dive over the side of the boat into the ocean. He dove in after me. we swam a little but mostly we just held each other and talked. That was one of the most amazing things about being with TJ, we could talk. We always found something to talk about. We had our disagreements but we really never argued. We accepted each other's opinions and respected them. Even when it was different than our own.

TJ at times was over protective. I didn't mind that it was comforting to know he was there and had my back `family' as we used to say. The best thing though was that he wasn't jealous at all. I wasn't either. TJ though, bi-sexual, never looked more than a second at a pretty girl. I didn't care if he looked. I never worried about other guys. He told me I was the only guy he was attracted too. I believed him. TJ was a terrible liar.

We decided to head back to the dock and turn in the rented boat. It was plate after noon so we decided to stop Havana Jack's I loved the place. Especially eating out on the deck watching the ocean. I don't know what it was about the ocean. Just like the river did back in Hazard. It calmed me.

We were shown to our table on the patio deck. We ordered out food and drinks. TJ got his favorite a mango margarita. Though I don't drink much, I decided to get a rum runner. It was a little strong but I was a sipper and TJ usually finished my drinks anyway.

The bartender who we became friendly with stopped by our table during a short break. He was a cool guy about thirty something. I asked him about the island. He told us that several people wanted to buy it but the cost of building on it was huge. After we promised to stop buy one night we left to go home.

I had bought a small two-bedroom house on the inlets. It was prefect for just TJ and me. We both had been through hell and back in Hazard. College was no piece of cake either though, there was none of the crap I had come to expect back in Kentucky. This was our last night alone. Seth, TJ little brother was coming to live with us. Though nineteen now, he was autistic. Intellectually he was beyond his age. Emotionally he was still eight. He was a great kid though.

TJ's sister Aliza, Seth's twin was a handful. Though normal, she had taken to being a bitch. The only time she called was when she wanted something. Uncle Teddy, TJ's Dad, had left them each three million dollars. Along with the three million he left to Take care of Aunt Ruth. Now before you start thinking incest. TJ and I are in no way related by blood. It's a soap opera explanation.

Uncle Teddy married my aunt, my mother's sister, when they were graduating because Aunt Ruth was pregnant supposedly with TJ. It turns out she lost the baby just before they got married Aunt Ruth faked it and at the time of birth she adopted a baby from some young girl. Thus TJ is not related to me in anyway. Told you it was a soap opera explanation.

I sat out back and looked out over the inlet cut into the island. TJ went off to check in with his new internship at the Dolphin Rescue and Research Center. Technically he had finished his internship but ever since he saw a documentary on dolphin rescues he wanted to work with them. Thus why we are in in the Florida Keys. Though I made it sound like I wanted to be here. TJ would forgo what he wanted to make me happy. I think he knows though.

The truth of it is though I can open an office here. I don't even have to work. Neither does TJ. We both wanted to do something worthwhile though. I wanted to help kids I am to fucked in the head to work in mental health so I did the next best thing a pediatrician. TJ loved animals so he became a veterinarian. I heard my cell phone ring. I knew by the ring it was Dad. "Hey Dad. How are things with you and the twins?"

"Hey kiddo, Good and not good."

"Ok I am all ears what's up?"

"Later how are you guys enjoying life now in the sunshine state?"

"Loving it. We're both getting tans and enjoying the peace and quiet. How's hazard?"

"Same as always."

"That bad, Huh? Ok Dad out with it."

"That oblivious?"


"Ok, well Liam and Lucas are doing great health wise. It's just that Nancy and her new boyfriend have been making more demands."

`I thought that was handled when she sold them to you?"

"I wish you stop saying that. It was a contractual agreement."

"I love my little brother but Dad she wanted two hundred and fifty grand per kid. In return she would stay away and make no more claims. She sold them to you. You can sugar coat it but that's what she did."

"I know. I just rather not think about that. The only good thing that came out of that marriage was the boys."

"What are her demands now?"

"She wants the mineral rights we get from the mine."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't Know. I was wondering if the boy's and can come visit for a while."

"Dad you know you can. When are you coming?"

"Friday to soon?"

"It's Wednesday now. Seth is coming to morrow but I see no problem. It will be tight but we can do it."

After a little more talking we hung up with Dad telling me he'd call with the fight information. I told him about the island and that we thought George might be a good candidate to be the foreman for it. Dad agreed and said he would talk to George about it before he left town.

I felt bad for him. He had fought and won custody of my little brothers but it's been a battle since then. Nancy had stopped taking her medication again. So she was back to being skitzo again. Her new boyfriend is not much better. He is a big coke addict. The last round Dad literally bought the boys from her with the agreement that she will not seek any custody of them.

I started to think about what my life had been like back in hazard, Kentucky. It was one Thing after another. I had lost it in the end. I had a complete mental breakdown. I had gotten to the point where I wasn't comprehending anything people said to me, it was like gibberish.

As I think about it. I don't know why I didn't lose it sooner. My mother was a junky, crackhead, hooker and emotionally abusive. I went to live with My grandparents and Uncle Jared, my adopted Dad, that was good. It was the small mindedness of the town. I was the son a, well my mother, I was gay, I was automatically singled out as the cause of everyone's problems.

My grandpa had Alzheimer's and. I watched him slowly die in a year. My uncle Teddy who had been in reality my birth father, die from cancer. I watched my Grandma and TJ get shot by a nutty teacher. Then watched my Grandma die in front of me several months later. My best friend Sam was murdered and I was blamed for it. To top it all off after they found I was innocent, the day before they were to release me I was gang raped in jail and left to die.

So now I am a bit paranoid about people. Well not all people just adults. This is the reason I became a pediatrician. To help kids. I want to do more but I don't know how. I'll figure it out. I just hope I am not too old and feeble when I figure it out.

I heard TJ yell; "Honey, I'm Home."

TJ always announced himself. I was prone to anxiety attacks if I am surprised. I looked at my watch. I had been sitting out here for over an hour. I looked up at sky it was already getting an orange ting to it. Sunset was around eight that night it was near that now.

"Have you been sitting out here the whole time babe?" TJ said plopping down in the lounge chair next to me.

"Yeah, Dad called and I guess I got caught up in my thoughts."

"Good thoughts?" He asked.

"I really can't say if they were good or bad." I laughed. Which normally meant I was just evaluating my life. TJ understood that I did that from time to time.

"So what's Uncle Jare up to?"

"He wants to come down for a while. Nancy causing issues again. Oh and I told him about the island. He said he'd contact George for us."

"Awesome. So when is he coming?"

"Friday." I said raising my eye brow and grinning.

"Wow, That soon. We'll have to break out the air mattresses. Good thing to that the couch breaks out into a bed." TJ grinned back. nothing fazed him.

"It will be crowded though."

"Yeah, it will be but it will be fun.". TJ really meant that. He loved having people around. I did too as long as they were people I trusted.

The sun was setting the sky had turned into a mass of purples, reds and oranges. I got up, walked to the dock and watched it. It was so beautiful. I loved sunsets here. I was so mesmerized by the beauty of it, I hadn't noticed TJ standing there. He took my hand and turned me to him. I watched as he smiled nervously and knelt. Still holding my hand.

"Noah Jared Mac Daniels, I love your more than life itself. I can't imagine what my life would be like if you hadn't come into it. You have shown me what it is to be strong. You call me your hero. Noah you are my savior. Will you marry me?" I almost laughed when he presented me with a ring his hand was shaking so bad he had a hard time slipping the ring on my finger.

I looked at the ring It was simple but beautiful. A black diamond in a platinum setting. His proposal was so sweet and beautiful I wanted to say something just as sweet but I could come up with only one simple thing "YES!"

I want to thank Rick for filling in as editor while my regular editor Sam works to finish his midterms in college.

I don't claim to be a writer. In fact, English was never one of my better subjects in college. So if you want to give your opinion on my work, please feel free to do so. However, if it's about grammar. I'll just ignore it.

Please direct all comments to: randy_wades_stories-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

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Next: Chapter 45: Noahs Island 2

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