He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jul 1, 2023


The week was not going easy for me at all, I couldn't stop stressing about Andre. I didn't know if I would lose my mind if he was positive, or... Then it hit me what about me, I need to get checked. I went into a clinic downtown where you get your results in 20 mins and they pay you 20 dollars for coming in. Not that I needed the money, but it was the quickist way to find out. The woman came out and she took some blood. 20 mins later she came with my results.

"Sir your all clear, you show no sign of the virus."

"Thanks you have a good day"

"You can recieve the money at the counter"

"No, thanks I don't need it"

"Wow, your the first to ever say that haha"

"I bet people who know they are negative just come for the money"

"Yeah, I am pretty sure that happens. We have a role sheet that lets us know who the people are."


"Umm, I know this maybe totally out of line but, would you like to go and get dinner sometime." she said.

"I think your a beautiful woman, but I am gay"

"Oh, well what the hell, I make a great faghag haha."

"I didn't catch your name"?


"Jay, well here's my number call me sometimes"

"Great, I will talk to you later"

"Sounds good catch you later hon"

I walked out releaved that I myself was not infected knowing that I slept with Andre, lucky me the condoms didn't break. I called him to see how he was doing but didn't get an answer. I was kind of hungry and walked to this vegetarian place near by. I went in and saw Andre there.

"Hey I called you earlier" I said

"Do you know this guy" said one of the people

"Naw I don't know him"

"Listen man you mind leaving us alone."

"What are you talking about Andre we were college roommates and we also..."

"Look I don't know you can you jus leave please."

"Ok don't worry about me ever again Andre"

I lost my appitite and got in my car, I didn't cry, I wasn't upset, I didn't even care anymore I was done with men. I called Racheal up, I was going for girls now.

"Hey Rach, how about I take you to get some dinner, not as my fag hag, but as a real date?"

"But, I thought you were gay"

"Well let's just say things have changed"

"Um sure what resturant you had in mind, I am a vegan so options are limited in this town"

"Great I am a veg also, I know a place that is awsome."

"Ok what time are you thinking, Jay"

"How about 8:30 I can come and pick you up"

"Sure, I will call you later and give you directions."

"Ok Racheal, I will see you later."

I turned on the car and pulled off. I got back to my house and went inside. Something wasn't right. The door was half open. I walked in and there was Kevin. Sitting on my couch. Justin there also crying with marks on his face. I got hit in the head and feel to the floor, I acted like I was uncouncious, but was waiting for who ever hit me to try and pick me up. When they did I elbowed the guy in the back of the kneck sending him down.

"Wow, whoa whoa whoa buddie old pile, what do you think your doing" said Kevin

"Drop it Kevin, this shit needs to stop your fucking out of you mind" I said

I looked at Justin he was hurt badly. I called the police from my phone pretending like I was going to pay him to leave.

"you know what Jay, it all ends here"

"Yeah your right it all does end here; you must be crazy to think that I am going to let you step in my house and beat him up and threaten me. And what is really is dumb is you come to this house at this adress. 1234 madeup street, So you know what let the party begin.

I close the phone in my pocket, hopping that they had enough information. I walk up to Kevin. So you think this is all going to work don't you. You know what though I am sick and tired of all you fucking psychotic as people coming up in my house trying to hurt me and or my friends. Be a man Kevin you want me come on come get me."

Kevin walked up to me and swung. He hit me in the jaw.

"That's the best you got? Damn my 2 year old cousin hits harder."

He tired it again and he was on the floor i had some string by the table and tied his arms. What is really going on in the world today, is everyone going psychotic.

The police arrived and broke the door down and came in.

I was taking the ropes of Justin and helping him the cop pointed towards me and Justin yelled that it was Kevin they needed to arrest. Justin hugged me and broke down I just held him. After God knows how long of taking and statements, things slowed down. I got a call from Racheal, we were still on for tonight. But how can i leave Justin here. Paul came by after hearing about what happened.

"Hey, are you ok" Paul said

"Yeah, Justin is the one that is still shaken up."

"Oh, where is he."

"Lying down upstairs."

"and Andre."

"with his boyfriend, or with some guy don't know who he is though"

"Whoa, what"

"Yeah, we broke up but, i am still moving"

"So who is the lucky guy"

"Not a guy this time it's a girl"


"Nope and we are going out tonight"


"You ok?"

"Yeah, umm, can look after Justin if you want me too"

"Yeah that would be awsome"

"Glad to help."

Racheal and I went out and had dinner it was a lot of fun never did we bring up gay or anything, she was seriously a nice girl, when I drove her home, she thanked me for dinnr she had her own house, very nice one at that, she hugged me and then she kissed me, I kissed back and it felt right, like I knew I was kissing a girl and knew that I was dating her.

"Wow, I'm sorry I haven't kissed a guy in a long time"

"Well same here, but for girls."

"Haha, I think your a great guy"

"I think your a beautiful girl inside and out"

"Aww thanks, do you think something could happen with us?"

"Yes, I do"

"Well we would have to go slow, You would be my first"

"I am not looking for sex"

"well you would be my first for that also, but also for boyfriend status"

"I think I can handel that Haha, but it is so hard to believe"

"Would you like to come inside?"

"Sure, but i don't want to do anything extreme"

we went in her pad was laid out, I mean she had flat screens, marble floor carpret, fireplace, the place was hott

We sat on the couch and she cut on the TV it was a lifetime movie on and then I put my arm around her she cuttled up with me and we drifted to sleep.

Next: Chapter 32

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