He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jun 11, 2007


"you little bastard what have you done to my nephew" said david.

"excuse me, i didn't do anything to your nephew."

"i knew you two were going out which disturbed me from the start. Now he is at home crying his eye's out and mopping. And quite frankly it started to pissed me off. And i don't want any homo in my house hold, so the reason why i saved your ass is because he is your new roomie. See me and that cop there are really good friends if you don't take him in, Bubba is going to have a feild day with you. Get it, got it, good. "

All i could do was shake my head yes. I didn't want to be bubba's bitch because if i drop that soap, well i guess i am just going to be dirty because i don't want any suprise entries. I looked around and realized that I had no way home. They took Paul's car so he could have it when he got out. And by that time the buses had already stop running. Shit i guess i have to walk home. I started to walk and think hard. What is going to happen when Paul gets out of the hospital and he sees Kasey. Also seeing that Shane is my next door neighbor. Would it get hectic? Got damnit

I'm to young for this shit. And to make the night worse than it already has been. It started to pour down raining. I was drenched before i was even half way home. A car driving Sixty mile a hour in a residental hit a curve did a hydroplane sprayed a huge amount of water on me. Landed the car, spined around, got out to check on his car, got back in and drove away. The person, the person was Shane. He made a right turn at the next light.

"great this night can't get any better."

Then wouldn't you know it, it got better. Shane drove around the block. He pulled up beside me and slide his window down slowly.

"looking kinda wet there did i do it to ya haha"

"sweety you can't even get me up nonetheless make me wet."

"well i see your still the mean cold hearted wicked bitch from the south"

"oh i'm not mean i' just truthful, something you no nothing about."

"it's pouring let me take you home."

"no thank you i'd rather wak"

"stop beng an asshole and get in the car, i want to talk to you."

"asshole your the one that broke Kasey and I up. Your the one that fucked Paul. Asshole you say, no sweety that's your discription."

"Ok first of all Paul fucked me. So that means i didn't fuck him. Second i'm sorry about you and Kasey. I was out of line. I just thought, that if you were ever going to be with some one he had better be me."

"damn, you are one narcassistic assholes. You meet the criteria perfectly."

"ok first there is nothing wrong with me. I am perfectly normal and sexy"

"yeah i as right your a narcassist."

"are you going to let me take you home. Or are you just going to catch pnemonia."

"Shane what the fuck, you break Kasey and i up and then you act like everything is ok. Well take a step back. It's not ok, and i am going to tell you something right here, right now. You can't get every man on this fucking planet. Your a worthless peice of shit that will always and forever be useless to me, don't you get it. Shane i don't want you to be a part of my life. So driveoff CRASH why don't you. Because you don't FUCKING MATTER"

Shane floored his car. Pulled of spraying me wit alot more water. The i yelled down he street. "thats is why you don't fucking matter." I finally got to my house the front gates were open. I walked up my pathway and I saw Kasey sitting there.

"hey umm where is all your stuff. " i said

"Jay i'm not going to be staying here"

"then where are you going."

"well my parents have a trust fund for me eqauling up to some millions i should be fine."

"when do you get it, because your birthday is next year and your homeless now."

"well Jay i don't know what i'm going to do. But i'm not going to come up in here and invade your privacy. Plus i don't think your parents would be to happy with this."

"ok first i'm asking you to stay. Second my parents if you must call them that, don't even life in the city. They are in another state. They left me the house and dipped out they are those parents kids call workaholics. I see them one day a year. And thats when they have a tour coming here."

"i'm sorry, are you sure you are going to be fine with this."

"yeah, were is your stuff though."

"David threw it all out he says that it makes me gay."

"uh, right"

"so he gave me 50 bucks and told me to have a field day."

"50 dollars"

"yeah what can i get for fifty dollars."

"uh nothing are you kidding me now a days 50 dollars won't even get you shoes."

"yeah if you go to payless."

"uh what's payless."

"nevermind we can hit the thrift store."

"the who ?"

"it's a store where every thing is like really cheap"

"uh yeah... Haha, how about this. We can go on a shopping spree. Oh boy i can't wait."

"with fifty dollars"

"have you seen my parents income i got this."

"ok but every thing is closed now."

"true but we my friend are waking up bright and early for a fun fillled day of stores first on the list. Saks and Fifth Ave.The mens store, then we can head over to the Armani store. Then hit up the new store called Pieces. Buy the time i'm done with you, you are going to be worth a million bucks."

Then my phone rang. It was the hospital they were telling me that Paul has recovered and that he wanted to see me. Lucky me i was already home and had access to my car. I was good to go.

"hey Kasey um i need to go to the hospital."

"whats wrong"

"it's Paul, something happen to night."

The whole time i was talking to Kasey i hand my shirt turned around backwards so the couldn't see the blood on my shirt. But when i turned around to go and change clothes he yelled."

"oh my god Jay your bleeding."

"this isn't my blood,... It's Pauls."

"Jay what happened tonight."

"it's along story. Kasey. Just put it like this it didn't end so well."

We drove to the hospital after i changed cloths and washed up quickly. When we got there David, Kasey's uncle was standing out side. Kasey went on in to see what room Paul was in but David called me over to him.

"what do you want david."

"i just thought i should let you know that while Kasey remains with you. You are responsiable for him kinda like having your own child. So i would be happy if you send me half of your income every month so that way it's all fair."

"what the hell are you talking about. I'm not giving you shit"

"Well lets go ahead and get on the phone with my little friend Mr. Officer."

The whole time i was recording with my phone. Every word that he said so if the cop did arrest me tonight. Both of them would be in for a rude awaking. I went in to see Paul. Kasey was already sitting there. Talking to him. I entered the door scared not sure what to say or what to do. When i entered he smiled at me.

"Kasey can i see your bag."

"yeah it's by the foot of the bed."

"hey i am going to be gone for a few days ok carry your bag with you everyday. Everyday i am going to call you Ok."

"Jay were are you going,"

"don't worry right now ok i'll be back just make sure you carry that bag with you everyday."

"ok I will"

"hey Paul how are you"

"thanks for coming. I'm doing just fine. They asked me how it happen i told them that two people were fighting on the street a gun dropped and got me in the stomach. The bought it haha."

"haha yeah" i wanted to cry seeing him in that bed knowing i almost lost him. Just then the Police came into the room.

"is your name Jay Guevara."

"yeah that's me. Who wants to know."

"I do you little prick, your under aresst."

I still had the phone recording

"wait Jay what the hell is going on, wha is he under arrest for." screamed Kasey.

"reckless endagerment." said the cop.

"well why didn't you aresst me the first time that's right you friend David told you not to then he told me what if i didn't pay him he would have me aressted isn't that right."

"shut your fucking mouth"

"haha last time i check your marander right start of with "you have the right to remain silent" but who knows you cops always change things in this city.

"ok hot shot lets see what the judge say about your mouth."

"lets see what the judge says about your job"

He slamed me to the floor kasey took a video with his phone from the side of the sheets Paul was trying to stop him but ripped his stiches and began to bleed. He pulled me through the doors Kasey followed.

"you little fagget you will never win this court date the Doc and i always get the guys money."

"i'm glad you said that" said Kasey

"you have no proof no judge is going to believe you"

"but damn it i will testify."

"what ever why don't you star on queer as folk or something, and mind your bussiness."

He threw me down the stairs with my hand cuffs on I hit my head on the railing and then the floor and that's all i remember. I woke up in the cell by the sunlight. I looked around and saw two other men in the cell. I leaned up and herd something crack. It was my ribcage i must have broken it when i fell down the stairs. I lifted my shirt, this didn't happen when i fell down the stairs my whole chest was bruised, bruised badly. I managed to sit up by myself but the bones kept breaking everytime. The other men wole up. They walked over to me. Only thing that was going through my mind was am i abou to be somebodies bitch.

"I know what they did to you, it ain't right. " said one of the inmates"

"your lawyer came pass and said he has the black jack. He said the black jack is safe and saved" said the other inmate

"th..." i couldn't speak it hurted everytime i moved everytime i breathed. I just shook my head and put a tumbs up.

"the gaurd came and called my name. Gueavara you made bail" i couldn't move the other inmates came and picked me up."

"we don't have any latino's here." i raised my arm hearing more of my cage breaking.

Before i left the inmate that tolf me aboutthe blackjack being safe asked me what was the blackjack. I put my hand to my head as if i was talking on a cell phone. He said

"i'm bubba the cop that brought you in i hate is guts i can't wait to they put him away he is the most crocked cop in the whole city."

"thank you" i managed to get that out The person that bailed me out was Shane. I couldn't walk so they gave me a wheel chair. Shane pushed me out. I was in a comfortable position in the car where i was able to speak.

"what did you bail me out for."

"i wanted to show you i'm sorry some how. In hopes we can be friends"

"how much was the bail."


"i'll give it back when i get home"

"i don't want it back."

"but if you are requesting to give something back let it be our friendship."

I have always been the forgiving type so i basically said what the fuck it all adds up in the end.

"you can have your money back, but you can have your friendship back to."

He reached over and hugged me

"oooowwwwwwww fool i have broken bones"

"oh shit i'm sorry i forgot."

"were are we going now"

"for your court date."

"talk about speedy trial"

"yeah but let's get you home to change."

I was worried about going home Kasey would be there and maybe Paul. When Shane pulled up my heart was jumping like a disco. He saw Pauls car there and he looked at me and then Kasey came out the front doors. Then he stoped the car.

"you care to explian"

Well i'm tired i just got off work so that's all for tonight more is to come reall soon so let me know wha you think besafe and have a a great week.

Next: Chapter 9

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