He Had to Find Out

By Michael DaVinci

Published on Aug 13, 2008


"Oh don't worry about them," replied John quickly. "They won't say anything and they certainly don't think badly of you for popping your cork."

"But how am I going to get what I want if I embarrass myself constantly?" whined Casey. "Every woman here will be laughing at me."

"You got this far, didn't you?" countered John. "Of course you'll get what you want, you always do. Just don't give up until you get it."

"But my dick seems to have a mind of its own," continued Casey. "How am I going to find out what I really need to know if it keeps taking over? Even your touch on my leg is making me hard now, and that's the last news I want to hear!"

"All in good time, my friend," reassured John. "Meanwhile just ignore your dick and let it do whatever it wants. Nobody really cares."

"I guess I really don't have much choice," concluded Casey. "Either I hide in the tent all weekend and fail in my mission, or I get out there and let it hang out - hard, soft, or explosive. It's just so embarrassing - that's what I have to get used to, not my dick."

"So how about a swim?" said John. "Michael is probably down by the pool waiting for us by now."

"I guess so, but I am sure I will embarrass myself again," agreed Casey. "I find him quite attractive, actually." His dick twitched at the thought.

"So you won't be the only one who's hard this time," offered John. "Just watching his naked buns is enough to get me going." And then Casey saw him flash enough evidence at him to convince him it was true.

"Come on, let's get up," offered John as he pulled Casey to his knees. Casey crawled out of the tent slowly. He cautiously looked around and saw John's mother and father still sitting at the picnic table, smiling at each other and nodding silently at them as if to say that things would be all right after this. Then he saw Beth staring at his dick and giggling as he stood up.

"Ignore them, ignore your dick," coached John, as he quickly grabbed Casey by the shoulder and led him in the direction of the swimming area. Casey matched his pace and kept his thoughts light by watching both their dicks bobbing up and down as they walked. Soon the sun on his back and a mild breeze on his butt started to feel really good. Yeah, maybe I will survive after all, he thought to himself.

When they neared the pool, Casey heard sounds of children shouting and splashing. As they rounded the corner, he started to quiver again. "Shit! Half the campers are about to find out what our erections looks like!" he muttered under his breath. As they stood facing the pool Michael spotted them immediately and started waving and making noise.

Great, all I need is advertising! Casey thought to himself. They approached Michael and the group of young people surrounding him as nonchalantly as possible, given their condition. He was relieved when Michael acted like nothing was happening and just started right away to introduce them to the group. He saw a couple of people smiling as they noticed his boner, but only one younger boy commented on it. "Ooh, nice rod," he said with a smile, before turning back to another guy he was talking to.

Casey held his breath as he realized that he was almost surrounded by naked young women. He looked them over, noticing the wide variety of shapes and sizes of their breasts, and variations in the trimming of their pubic hair. One in particular caught his interest, a brunette about his height, whom Michael introduced as Amy. Casey shook her hand and opened a conversation, asking her whether she had just arrived or had been here for a while.

While they chatted about trivia, Casey took a good look at her body. He was very conscious that this was really the very first time he was facing a real, live, naked woman his own age. She didn't seem to mind as he looked her up and down and tried to understand her contours and all those parts he had never really seen before, except in pictures. But to him she seemed distracted, almost as if she wasn't really listening. Then he watched her face light up as she looked past his shoulder. Casey turned to see, and almost bumped into Michael.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Michael asked, smiling at Amy and nodding politely towards Casey.

"No, it's OK," replied Amy quickly. "We were just chatting about the weather, nothing important. Will you be staying for the whole week?"

It was not long before Casey realized that he was nothing but a third wheel, since Michael and Amy continued chatting and Amy was now ignoring him completely. This is certainly humiliating! he thought. But at the same time he couldn't help but sweep his gaze over Michael, noticing the well-formed muscles on his shoulders and chest, his tight abdomen and his uncut dick, slightly full but not yet erect. He leaned slightly to catch sight of Michael's well-packed buttocks, smooth with a tiny skim of blond hair.

I don't hold much of a chance here, lamented Casey to himself, and he made an excuse to tear himself away from the pair. There must be others to choose from, he thought, as he surveyed the pool and everyone next to it. Then he spotted her.

Off to the side, he saw one very good-looking redhead about his age quietly reading on a lounge chair. He focused on her very full breasts and the thin crop of auburn pubic hair between her powerfully muscled legs. Casey plucked up his courage and walked over to her, extending his hand. "Hi, I'm Casey," he started. "I'm new here and just learning how to get more relaxed. You look like you have already accomplished that."

"Yvette." she countered, extending her hand to grasp Casey's. "Yes, I have been coming here for a couple of years now, but I know how scary it can be the first time." His mouth hung open as she sat forward and uncrossed her legs, placing them on each side of the lounge and making her vulva much more visible. He first saw her blue eyes as she tilted her dark glasses down to get a better look at him. His crotch was right at her eye level. As she gazed at it, his dick started to shrink.

Their conversation started light, but soon they were exchanging thoughts about more serious topics. Casey found himself very relaxed in her presence and interested in learning more about her. They talked about school, plans for careers, and what it was like living in different parts of their nearby city. This is it, thought Casey. I am doing it! I'm talking with a real live girl, and we are both naked!

They continued to talk amiably for another ten minutes or so. But at that point Casey began to lose focus. Behind Yvette, he saw Michael approaching, and his eyes were once again drawn to Michael's beautiful body. He was also aware that Yvette noticed the difference in him immediately. She was staring at Casey's crotch as his cock started to inflate again. Casey was still watching Michael intently as the handsome teen reached them and said hello to Yvette. Casey saw a smirk cross Michael's face as he noticed Casey's dick rising up on its own to its highest angle.

After a few minutes of light chat, Michael invited them both to join everyone in the pool, because he was organizing a game of beach volleyball in the shallow end. Casey nodded "OK" and promised to be there soon. His eyes again followed Michael as he returned to the pool. Then he refocused his attention on Yvette and tried to resume their conversation. Immediately his penis deflated and returned to about `half mast'.

It was at that point when Casey first felt things were really starting to go downhill. He could feel Yvette change as she looked back and forth between him and Michael, who was now talking with another group of guests nearby. Then he followed her eyes as she stared again at his soft penis. "Oh God, why are all the good ones gay?" she mourned. "Casey, you are a great guy, but it looks like I can't compete with Michael. I would like to keep in touch, though, it sounds like we have lots in common."

"I'd really like that," replied Casey, a little stunned by her conclusion. "I'll give you my email address before we leave."

With that, she quickly stood up and pointed toward the main camp lodge. "I better go. I promised Jane I would help her with salad for the big Saturday dinner. See you later, Casey! Enjoy the pool!"

He waved meekly and sank into his chair, still stunned, but now also disappointed and very confused. Gay? he thought. Who's she talking about? What did I do wrong?

Casey wallowed in these strange new thoughts for a while, scarcely noticing anyone around him. Gradually he began to sense that someone had sat down next to him. Then John's head appeared in Casey's face and finally caught his attention. "So how did it go?" he asked. "Did you get your answer?"

Dejected and confused, Casey quickly turned the question back at him. "Didn' t you say earlier that you found Michael attractive?" he challenged. "Does that mean that you're gay?"

John answered calmly, "My father thinks that I might be bisexual. I know Michael turns me on, and for that matter, so do you." Casey watched as John opened his legs to show how erect his penis had become since he had sat down next to him.

Casey's own dick had also been rising once again, ever since he noticed John beside him. He looked down at it and then over to John's. "I guess that's the surprise of the weekend for me," he mused. "My life just got a lot more complicated." He leaned back on the lounge chair and let his long hard cock lay flat on his stomach in full view. "I don't seem to be quite so afraid anymore, though. Just really confused."

Then Casey felt John's hand on his knee, with a touch more gentle and loving than he had ever felt from his friend before. "Let's go see what we can do about all that confusion of yours," he began. "I was planning to lie down for a while in the tent before dinner. But I'd love to have your company," he continued, drawing his fingers slowly down Casey's hairy leg and smiling broadly.

"That sounds like a great idea," conceded Casey. "Right now, curling up with you feels like exactly what I need." He returned a grin as he grabbed his friend's hand and walked away with him towards their campsite. Indeed, now I have a lot more questions that I have to answer, he thought. Might as well get started ...

How will Casey handle all this new information? Three more episodes to come. Write me at mdavinci@socialfarts.com if you feel like commenting. If you want a side trip to my other publications (through an alter ego) make a visit to www.socialfarts.com and spend a few moments. If you have a gay or bi theme or a favorite fantasy that you would like me to build a story around, let me know.

Next: Chapter 4

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