He Had to Find Out

By Michael DaVinci

Published on Aug 19, 2008


It was getting dark outside when Casey awoke with a start to find Beth's face two inches from his own. "You guys are missing dinner!" she whined, while poking at Casey in an attempt to rouse him.

Once he came to his senses, Casey put a finger on her lips and cautioned, "Shh, wake your brother gently!" Then he found his eyes wandering to the rest of her body, which was still stark naked. Her skin looked soft, and her budding nipples jiggled as she continued to poke him, then reached down to his cock, which had of course started to harden.

All of a sudden her cute ass was in Casey's face as she wriggled in between Casey and her sleeping brother. Casey resisted the temptation to lick it as she moved by and settled for staring at the back end of her soft pussy. She stopped at his erection to give it a few licks with her tongue and a big squeeze with her hand.

When she had inserted herself fully in between them, she turned completely around, bringing her head back up even with Casey's. Then she hugged him full length, front to front, and stole a quick kiss from his lips before turning towards her brother. Casey put his arms around her and pulled her back towards him by cupping her breasts. He nestled his balls in her ass and squished his throbbing penis against the center of her back.

She wiggled out of his grasp and began to attack her brother, whose cute ass was exposed and facing towards her. She stuck her right hand in his butt crack and her left on his neck and began tickling him with both hands.

"What the fuck??" cried John, as he whipped himself over only to discover that his tormentor was his giggling naked sister and not Casey, as he had thought. "Stop that, you little bitch!" he screamed, counter-attacking by tickling her armpit and then grabbing her crotch, his middle finger lodging in the slit ready to penetrate her.

"Whoa, hold it, you two!" intervened Casey, who was afraid things were getting beyond control. "We're awake, already, we'll join you for dinner in a minute," he continued. "Now get the fuck out of here while we get ready."

"What, you have to decide what to wear?" giggled Beth, finding the situation hilarious. "Just grab your big dicks and run!" she taunted them. Then she scrambled for the door.

John lunged after her and slapped her hard on the butt. Casey watched her cute ass hop out of the tent. "Damn, she looks good!" he proclaimed, as she dashed away.

"Yuck," countered John.

John and Casey wasted no time in straightening out the tent and then made their way together to the low white building where the whole camp was gathered for dinner. When they arrived, they realized that the only places left were with several families other than John's. One of the people waved them over and invited them to join their table, then introduced them to everyone there. Casey was relieved to be involved in a situation that would not be so highly `charged'. He had had enough embarrassment for the day.

Not long after Casey started eating, he began to understand that the forty-year old woman sitting to his left was actually flirting with him. She asked him lots of questions, and kept leaning over to touch him shoulder to shoulder, and occasionally rested her right hand on his arm. She also went out of her way to get up, retrieve serving dishes from the other end of the table, and then to offer him all the different foods available at the Saturday banquet, while managing to lean her ample boobs over him in the process.

After several rounds of this Casey found himself getting quite hard again. She made a cute remark about it when she brought the next dish around, and this time she made sure to press her hips against his shoulders and hold her hairy crotch very close within his sight.

When she was busy fussing with dessert, Casey was able to calm down to `half mast', but he was mortified when his admirer returned and suggested that he help her pick up the plates and clean up the dishes. He complied, but by the time he had cleared half the table he was rock hard again and his embarrassment was screaming at full strength once more. He tried to ignore it as he made his rounds, his long cock bobbing next to each person as he leaned over to pick up their plate.

Meanwhile he noticed that the woman's husband had snuggled up to John and now had his arm around John as he pumped him with questions about his life. Casey made a point of coming around to clear both their plates. As he leaned over beside them (with his own cock pointing at the table) he noticed that John and the husband were both hard. Casey grinned and raised his eyebrows at both of them.

Casey's new woman friend dragged him over to the sink area and gave him instructions about how she wanted the plates scraped and organized. He did what he was told and quietly watched her move back and forth as she washed each dish and stacked it in the drip pan. Something about her excited him, and his dick remained pointing skyward throughout the whole task.

When they reached the end of the pile, she thanked him for his help, and stood for a minute obviously admiring his young body. "What the hell," she muttered, then grabbed Casey and gave him a strong hug. She pushed her boobs into his chest and pulled his ass towards her so that his erection had nowhere to go but between her legs. He was grateful that he had already come twice today, otherwise he was sure he would have popped his cork again.

Casey didn't know quite what to make of the situation. He was highly aroused. He found himself returning her embrace eagerly, and he even dared to kiss her. She pressed her lips to his and moaned softly, while grinding her vulva against his crotch. He opened his mouth a bit and let his tongue enter hers. He ground their pubic hairs together and felt the length of his cock pressing against her pussy lips.

Oh, shit, man, what am I doing? he heard a small voice plead inside his head. I'm supposed to be finding out whether I am ready to fool around with girls my age. Instead I have the hots for someone as old as my mother! But this is so powerful ...

He was rescued from his dilemma by a quiet voice behind him and a tap on his shoulder. John cleared his throat and said, "Sorry to interrupt, Casey, but we're wanted by a group of girls over in the hot tub."

Casey's dish-mate relaxed her hold on him. "John's right, my dear," she announced. "I shouldn't be monopolizing someone as attractive as you are. Maybe you and John can visit us later, and I will show you our campsite."

Casey blushed heavily and backed off. When his dick emerged from between her legs it was leaking precum. John grinned at him and Casey's embarrassment only increased. The woman's husband joined them and grabbed the dishtowel Casey had draped over his shoulder. "She's right, of course. As much as I was enjoying John's beautiful body I know we have to share such treasures. I do hope you will consider dropping in later."

Both John and Casey mumbled quick thanks. Casey was still showing several shades of red and was now holding his dick with his hand to hide the sticky flow that continued. John managed to leave the impression that they might indeed drop by later, without making an absolute commitment. Then they turned and jogged off towards the hot tub and the group that wanted to see them.

"What a pair," declared John. "George was all over me right after dinner, and I think he really wants us to play with them tonight. I must admit I am rather tempted."

"Go if you want, I won't stop you," replied Casey. "But I don't think I am ready to find out anything more about being attracted to older women. There are other things I need to know first. And I am not sure I want to share you with anybody tonight." He squeezed John's hand and grinned at him.

"I didn't say I would, just that I was tempted," countered John. "I don't think I am ready for that either. It would be incredibly complicated. I am not sure I understand how they can just let each other go after each of us like that. Then again, my parents could probably pull a stunt like that and not think anything of it."

Curiouser and curiouser. Casey is learning a lot more than he expected this weekend. One more episode to go. Write me at mdavinci@socialfarts.com if you feel like commenting. If you want a side trip to my other publications (through an alter ego) make a visit to www.socialfarts.com and spend a few moments. If you have a gay or bi theme or a favorite fantasy that you would like me to build a story around, let me know.

Next: Chapter 6

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