He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Sep 6, 2019


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. Amd also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (1)

I live here in the Midwest. A single gay guy who has been single for quite some time. And its been mostly choice. Was never much for the dating scene. So the few relationships I have had weren't serious ones. Other than that I don't date. Much. My longest one was 2 years, if that. And David made me sure to swear off men. And save for random hook ups I didn't see anyone more than a few times.

"It was fun. But..." I would say


"We are just having fun here" I stated "Nothing serious."

Sometimes those 'just fun' ones qorked dor a little while. But the minute the other guy was to get serious. I was outta there. But as the years oassed and my 30s were coming to a close I stared to get that itch again. The itch to see if maybe, just maybe I wanted something a bit more serious. But now as I was older, it seemed no one was intersted in me. So I figured I may have missed the boat on a relationship.

"Oh fucking well" I said to myself "May have had my chance years before" "Now i am like a leper to guys"

So again I stopped looking. My friend Jack gave me the 'i told you so' speech as we were out for drinks one day. Jack had found his forever guy in Gary. A really nice guy that was 7 years Jacks senior some years back. Gary was near my age. And Gary was great for Jack. I had never seen him so happy.

"Should have found yourself a Gary" he said to me "Nah. Gary is your buddy"

He laughed as i said that. Finding my stupid comment funny. Jack and I became friends some years back. We had worked at the same company before he moves on to work for the local credit union. I stayed at the company we had met. Jack and I had hit it off when he worked at my company. I adored the guy, but jack was not my type for dating if you are starting to think, 'why not date Jack'. He is sweet as anyone could be. But I just didn't see him as anything more than a friend.

"Lets hang out" he would say "Sure. Why not" I would say back

Sometimes it was just me and Jack. But most if the times it was with Gary. Which was cool. I liked Gary. I liked that he always kept Jack smiling.

"Thanks for making Jack happy" I told him once

But I was still alone. And it was through Jack that I found the guy I would finally fall for. It was through Jack and the company he worked for. His credit union. And funny. It was the credit union I did banking with. I changed because of Jack. He said it was better than regular banks. I was watching TV one day when I saw him. I was just binging on some show I had fotten into recently. And it was a commercial that lead me to Todd.

"Wow. He is cute" I said at the commercial. "Does he work for them" "Or is he just an actor"

I surmised Mike was an actor. Of course I didn't know the gorgeous Mike's name yet. But I would find out soon enough. Its funny I caught the commercial too. I am not someone who cares for commercials. Most of them are just silly advertisement for something I would never want. And I usually got up and did something else when there was one on. But as it was the credit union I used, I stayed to watch. And boy was I glad I did.

It starts with the this hot guy talking. He is in a chair and getting a tattoo. I was thinking as it started that it was another silly gimmick. And had it not been for the really good looking guy in it I would have gotten up and did something else like normal. But the hamdsome guys voice was light and reassuring. His gorgeous face had a nicely trimmed beard. It looked awesome on him. As he spoke his lines. The camera started to pull back and pan wider. Showing more and more of the guy sitting down. He was wearing a grey buttoned down shirt. His sleeves rolled up in the one arm to give access to the tattoo artist. I couls make out some fine hairs at the edges of hia forearms. A tell of what may lie under his shirt.

"You don't have to worry about the fine print with the credit union" he said

Then one could see the tattoo artist as he worked on the guys arm. Then as the camera pulled back more I coukd aee more of the hot guy in the chair. Ohh so much more. "Fuck me!" I crowed as the camera pulled back more

Why did I shout so? Well as the camera pulled back I did see much more. I pondered that they hadn't caught this in filming. Because I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. And I am sure someone would want to reshoot if they saw it too. For as he spoke whatever he was speaking, I lost interest in his words. For my eyes locked onto the hunks crotch.

"Out my God!" I then blurted out......

More to cum with Gorgeous Mike

Next: Chapter 2

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