He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on May 30, 2020


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. And also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (11)

... Well dinner was nice with Mike. We talked about how he was somehow chosen for these commercials. Everyone loves Mike I found. He is nice and trustworthy and has all the qualities of someone anyone would love to have in his life. And for the moment, Mike was here with me. Sitting at a bar and grill we met at for a dinner date. So at this moment in time, I thought I was the luckiest person alive. I was spending some time with the hottest guy in town. This mini celebrity in my community.

"Well I am not surprised everyone lives you man" I said to him. "And want you.."

He looked at me funny, but understood what I meant. He smiled that adorable smile again. I wanted to jump over the table and suck on his face. But I wanted to have a nice time with him too. Just hoping that this would lead to something more.

"So what do you do?" He asked me "Terrible come on line" I huffed back "You already got me Mike"

He smiled again. But reiterated he was actually interested. So I told him. We talked some more about dogs and his help with the humane society and trying to get dogs a home.

"It sucks you are allergic" he said "Cuz I am sure you would be great with them"

I again said that I did love dogs. How as a kid we had several. That was until my alley for them kicked in. How I had to stay away from them. But again I mentioned it wasn't terrible. Just uncomfortable for me. But that if I wasn't I surely would take a dog home. Again he smiled that smile that ate me up. After dinner we took a walk nearby. It was a nice night and some if the shops were still opened on the boulevard. I walked next to the adorable Mike as people passed us here and there. Everyone in their own little worlds. And I was in mine. Enjoying this guys company. I bumped him several times as we walked. Something I didn't mind because I liked him.

"Oo look" he said "A pet supplies store" "Do you mind?" "No. That's cool" I said back

We went inside and he looked around. There were thankfully no dogs in the place. So I had little fear of sneezing maniacally. He asked again as we stepped in. And I assured him it was cool. We meandered around the place for a bit. And he he grabbed a few things for his 3 dogs he said he had. There were actually Christmas ornaments wit dogs on them

And they had his breed of dog. So he grabbed them and smiled at me.with glee. Showing me the 3 he bought. One for each dog.

"Aren't these so freaking cute" he chirped "Yes they are." I said back "You obviously spoil them. Don't you?" "Yes. Soo guilty" he said back

I was loving this guy more and more as I was getting to know him. He was more adorable and fun and sweet and all the things that pulled me to a guy. Not to mention I knew he probably hand a very nice dick from the sight and the quick feel I had of it the other day. And as he looked at me while showing me the goodies he was getting for his pets, I reached for him and grabbed his face. I looked at his soft brown eyes and gazed into them. Mike looked back at me intently too.

"Lucky puppies" I said

Then I leaned in and kissed him. He didn't pull back and let me. So I tasted his lips and mouth. I tasted some lingering amounts if dinner. But his kiss was far better. The girl at the counter saw us and smiled. Calling us a cute couple. I pulled from him and just looked at his face some more. It was so darned handsome. Then I smiled up at the girl. Thanking her for the comment. But then let her know it was just our first date. She still said we were cute. Mike bought the ornaments, as well as some goodies and toys for his 'kids' and then we left the place. We walked a bit more just to get the lovely evening. The moon up high looked almost romantic.

"So what now.?" He asked. "What's say we go to my place" I answered "I want you Mike" "And I want to spend sometime with that cute body"

Of course I made I plain and clear I wanted to have sex with him. He smiled almost shyly at me. Pondering my statement of desire. For a moment I thought he would say no. But then he moved in and kissed me now. His hand grabbing mine. I smooched back on his delicious mouth. Our tongues grasping at one another's as we sucked face right there in the sidewalk. I pulled at Mike, digging my body to his. And it felt nice too.

"Sure" he then said "But I can't stay" "I will have to get home to my dogs"

I agreed. But I wished he would have just suggested I come to his place if that was the case. Because I wanted to spend the night with the hot Mike. But then I figured it was because he didn't want me to go and be sneezing all night with his dogs there. So I took what I could. I told him to follow me. I got in my car and moved over to his in the parking garage. And then we headed out. We got to my place about 15 minutes later. It wasn't so bad, the traffic. Which made me happy, because it seemed the stars were on my side tonight.

"Just follow me to my place" I had said to him before we left the parking. "I am in 215 after you park" "Okay. I will see you there" he said

I walked upstairs and opened the door. Mike was not far behind me. I heard him coming up the stairs some twenty paces behind. I left the door opened for him to step in. And when he did I grabbed him and closed the door. Then locked it. I pulled the hot Mike to me and kissed him again. Our lips licked again and we made out. I grabbed at his arms and back as I pressed to his body. Again feeling him and his heat against me.

"You are soo darned hit Mike" I said "Have been smitten by you since that first commercial."

He smiled as I spoke. Liking that I had followed his stint in TV adds.

"That tattoo dude was so lucky" I added "So close to this"

And that's when I reached for his crotch....

More to cum

Next: Chapter 12

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