He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Dec 5, 2021


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. And also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (18)

... Last night had been the best sex I had had in ages. Even better than when Mike had fucked me last. For I got to fuck him. My hot cub. We had beem lying there after it for a bit. Me on his back. And when my dick had fallen from his hole I climbed off of him and licked at his drooling ass hole. Licking up my own cum from him. I then had turned him over to lick his perfect cock clean. Tasting his cum again. How I had wanted him to breed me again with his thick cum. But i guess that awesome fuck on him was a perfect consolation prize. Then as we lay there together. Me kissing his sweating chest, I again told him I loved him. He didn't say anything and stayed quiet. And at that moment I didn't think anything of it. I figured we were great together and he was happy with me. But unfortunately that would be the last great fun we would have, as he quickly pulled away from me following that awesome night.

"See you soon" I had said when we parted that morning. "I will call you" he said back

And I went on my merry day assuming that Mikey and I were great. That soon we would be moving in together and being a couple. But alas that was not to happen as I had wished. For at first it started with playing phone tag. Missing him and then him call back saying he was busy. That he would get with me soon. Then he would turn to texts to respond. Weeks passed and turned into months and now I wouldn't even get a response back until he felt it was good time to contact me. I called him one day in hopes that he would answer. Then I got the voice mail again. So I left a message for Mike. Asking why he has been avoiding me. That I thought we had something special. To please call as soon as he could.

"Miss you" I ended it.

Well he did contact me. But again it was a text. And when I read it my heart broke. He basically saud that he was not interested in a relationship. At least not with me.

"It was fun man" he said "But we knew that was what it just was" "And it was great until you got serious" "I am sorry if I may have somehow lead you on" "You are a super guy"

He went on mire about hoe he liked his little bit of celebrity. As I got him play he never thought he would get. I started to tear up at his words. Could not believe that this guy lead me on. I had fallen for him and he just lead me on. I tossed the phone in my anger. Then cursed him and hoped his 'small celebtity' would end. And he would just be a regular schmuck like the rest of us again. I hated Mike a lot fir what he did. I even started to tell people to stop using the credit union. I know I did. Moving my funds else where in my anger.

"Fucking prick. Using fucking prick" I huffed

It was difficult though when I saw his commercials still popping up. He even had new ones. Something about bees. He looked as fucking cute as ever, and that too angered me. Because he was still so fucking handsome and seemed as sweet as when I first met him in that commercial. And I found myself again missing him. Missing his face and eyes and mouth. Missing that cute body and equipment he had. Perfect in every way. I had to click the channel every time his commercials came on. Just so as not to see him. But always he would be seen, even for just a moment and everything would flood back in. The way I felt with Mike. The longing and love. And just the way he touched me. No one else ever made me feel as this guy did. So of course the tears would come. And they would be almost flood like

"Why. Goddamn it Mike!" I shouted to the air "I fucking loved you" "Cannot believe that you had no feelings for me"

And I did try to go out and move on. Tried to meet other guys and find someone else to make me feel good again. But I would just judge them by the yardstick that Mike had left. And they all failed. So I was doomed to be alone. Then I met Eric. He was a nice enough guy. Shorter like Mike was. But maybe a tad taller than Mike. And the situation we met was a strange one. I was at a coffee bar one weekend. A place that had a TV up in the wall. I was sitting there having coffee and pretty much just looking at my email in my phone when I heard this guy in the room chirp out what a jerk that guy was on TV. I looked up as I saw the bearded guy sitting a few tables away. He was looking up at the TV. And low and behold on the screen was the doggie commercial with Mike. And he was shouting that at the image if Mike. I was of course intrigued. Quickly surmising that he also had fallen prey to Mike's charms. So I presumed that he was gay.

"The credit union guy?" I just blurted "How..?"

He looked at me and seemed to also get our immediate connection. Then he turned and started to talk to me.

"Yeah. Just a pompous fuck" he huffed "Thinks he is like a 'huge' celebrity" "Prick!"

I giggled as he said that. When he saw me laugh he asked why. So I told him that it was funny that Mike thought himself a celebrity. Saying that being in a commercial (a local commercial at that) did not make him a star. Then I said to Eric that Mike wasn't all that great after all. I knew I was lying to myself, but it made me feel a bit better bashing Mike because if his disinterest in me.

"Yeah. You are right" Eric said "Not worth the time" "Nope. Just a guy who is getting his few moments right now." "Then he will ve forgotten by everyone once its over"

We continued to bash Mike for a bit. Having more drinks and talking as the thrash talk flew. And in the end Eric and I ended up having sex. Not really what I wanted after. All but our common interest (or enemy) in his case drove us to have sex. Flip flopping between us as we fucked out our frustrations about the hot Mike. And for the most part it did help some. Bring angry at Mike and wishing him ill between us. Even though I took it back once i was alone. As I could never wish him ill. I could not help that I still had feelings for Mike even after it all. Its because I still felt deep inside me that we had a special connection. Mayne he didn't see it as he was blinded by his stint at fame. But I saw it, I felt it. So of course I wished him continued success. Even if it meant he would never be serious about me.

"I wish you well" i said as I watch his latest commercial again. Something about bees "Still so freaking cute" "Fuck" I guffed to myself "Sucks"

Yup. I was still in love woth him. That was beyond obvious...

More to come

Next: Chapter 19

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