He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Jun 19, 2023


This is a fictional story about a guy I have become infatuated by. He is in a local commercial for a credit union in my city. He is adorable and shows well in his clothes. Especially his jeans.

This is a new story with the cute young my Mike. (Another way of meeting him) As I cannot get him outta my head

We have never mer, and may never. But it doesn't stop me having a fantasy about him. Also I will let assume his sexuality as there is no tell' in his mannerisms. But I could hope for it.... Enjoy.. +++++++++++++++

He's in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity (1)

... I had just moved here to my new home about three months ago. Getting myself situated from a cross country relocation for my job. And a much needed respite from the drudgery of where I used to live and the misery of my last terrible relationship. So when the chance to get a promotion and a new start came to me, I snapped it up. Even if it was half a country away.

The thing was I was drained from a very bad and broken relationship I went through. Four and a half years of one. Most of which was a series of fights and arguments with this prick. But as it had been, I figured Ed was the best I was gonna get here. Obviously he wasn't, and no one there really was. Coming from a big city full of vain and narcissistic people, I was ready for a change. So I grabbed it when it came along.

"I need a fresh start" I told myself

The change was good, for the most part. I had few friends to speak of. The ones I had was with my ex and he quickly swallowed them up after the break up. So it showed how fickle they were too.

"Fuck them as well" I said "Makes my moving easier"

Yes, it was easy. No friends, no liver, and I had not spoken to my family in years. No since coming out. So there was little to no connections for me. I reached my new home and quickly started to get out there. To meet people, new people. Only for friendship as I was not looking for another train wreck relationship. As I came to the conclusion that I only attracted the freaks and assholes. So I certainly was in not hurry to test those waters. In my old city I had always used a credit union to place my money. And I would need one here. So when I started at the new job I ask which were the best ones in the area. The girl in my new job I started to get along with suggest the one connected to the local college. It was the one she used. Linda said that there were tons of commercials about it on local TV. I thanked her for her input and then figured I would actually do some research on the local credit unions in town. Just to make sure which one was the best. Then I ran across the one she had mentioned. They were pretty big. Affiliated with the main hospital network in the area. But considering where I came from this was a small city, I didn't think much of the volume.

"They do have a lot of commercials." I said as I sat in front of the TV one evening.

In the span of a few hours, I saw a out three commercials for the place. But it was after the last one I considered dered it. the last commercial had this cute guy in it. He looked to be shirt in stature, but he was sire adorable. Trimmed up beard in his cute face. Wearing a Tshirt and jeans. His cute body nice filling the shirt, the jeans also looking very good in him. So I decided to call them after that viewing. Getting some info from them on how they worked. I would come into the local office to see about setting up an account with them. It figures seeing a hot guy would make me consider something new. I later thought to myself how stupid it was. But still figured I would hear them out and see what they said. I mean my coworker seemed good them.

"But he is just an actor is all" I said to myself of the guy "Just getting paid to say how great they are" "Sure is cute though"

I saw Linda the next day at work and asked her more of the credit union. You know, how she really liked them, if she had any issues with them and such

"Nah. They have been great" she replied "Even when I had my card stolen sometimes back. They were good about the false charges to my account" I didn't have to pay any penalties and such"

And it was funny,for as we sat there talking in the lunch room. Another commercial ran for the credit union. Moreover it was the same one as before. The cute guy that looked so delicious in his clothes. I was caught by it and really looked at the commercial better. Ot at least the cute guy. Those jeans he wore fit him kinda snug, and there was a slight bulge just to the right of the zipper that was obviously his dick. And my eyes locked to it, capturing the image in my head. Linda looked at me and then pushed at my shoulder. Knowing I was drooling over the cute guy. I looked back at her after her shove

"What?!" I bellowed at her "I see you drooling over him" she said back "He has been their unofficial spokesperson for a few years now." "And yeah he is cute" "A bit short, but cute"

I looked at the screen as the commercial ended. And I agreed to that. He was freaking cute.

"He actually works for the company." She added "His name is Mike or something like that".

I sat there after our conversation and just said his possible name to myself over and over.

"Mike. Mike. Mike. Hmmm!"...

+++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 27: A Small Celebrity 2

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