He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Sep 27, 2023


This is a fictional story about a guy I have become infatuated by. He is in a local commercial for a credit union in my city. He is adorable and shows well in his clothes. Especially his jeans.

This is a new story with the cute young my Mike. (Another way of meeting him) As I cannot get him outta my head

We have never mer, and may never. But it doesn't stop me having a fantasy about him. Also I will let assume his sexuality as there is no tell' in his mannerisms. But I could hope for it.... Enjoy.. +++++++++++++++

He's in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity (2)

... I went into the credit union office near me after work one evening. Getting there just before close I walked in and there were posters on the inside doors and walls. Promotional posters of the company. And one of them had him on it. Mike. I looked at it and felt my dick throb in my pants. There was the cute guy and his cute smile. Looking as yummy as can be in that picture.

"Cam I help you" came a voice from behind "Yes. Hi" I said back "Interested in talking to someone about possibly opening an account."

She took me back to her office and sat me down. Then we discussed the possiblity. I found it refreshing that she was not trying to strong arm me into choosing them. She just pointed out what they had to offer. As she spoke I glanced about her office. There on the left was a brochure of items and credit options the place offered. And on the pamphlet was Mike. Looking as cute as ever.

"What about that?" I said as I looked over an pointed at it

She saw what I was talking about and handed me the small brochure. I glanced at the hot man in the cover. Getting almost hornier by the second. She started to talk about it, and I was really not paying much attention to her. My mind was at that moment conjuring up sexual images of the hot guy I was looking at. Wanting to get him out of that Tshirt that fit him so well. And remembering the commercial I had seen the man in. Those jeans on him fitting well enough to show of a nice package. Yes I was thinking more about him and not what the bank teller was saying to me. But she must have noticed my distant state and woke me from my hot fantasy. Asking if I had heard her. I replied honestly stating that I was thinking about investments and what they may do while she was talking. She smiled and repeated her pitch.

"Thanks" I said to her after she had finished "I will consider this." "But for now. Just hook me up to a standard account"

She went about drawing up the account paperwork for me to fill out. I stayed there looking at the brochure that showed Mike. Then decided to dig, to see if she knew him.

"Why does this guy look familiar to me?" I then blurted "Oh Mike " she came back "Of you have seen some of our commercials. You may have seen him" "Ohh. Yeah, yeah, right. That's where" "I was just wondering. Thought that he may have been an old lover"

She looked at me as I said that last comment. Like she had just found out a huge secret. There was a bit of shock in her look. But then she just smiled. I didn't really care if it came out. That she found out this info. She was not someone I would be seeing a lot of. I planned on most of my banking to be online. And maybe an ATM here and there. But then she said something that made me get a bit excited. She stated that she had heard through the company grapevine that Mike was a bisexual. Talking to me like I was a girlfriend. Like we had known each other for years.

"Ohh?" I huffed back "Interesting" "Maybe I should speak to him" "Do you have his number?"

She said that she did not know him. But that she knew he was with someone. A woman, she thought. But she was not sure.

"Shame" I said "Definitely my type" "And he is cute"

I left there feeling weird. I had just spoken to the bank teller about Mike like we hung out at a bar. But I was glad that she had revealed what might be a lovely tidbit about the hot guy I was all horned up about. I went home and gazed at the cute guy in the brochure some more. Then as I watched some television, one of his commercials came on. Something with puppies and how the credit union worked with local animal shelters. The hot mike was in a nice fitting t shirt and jeans he was talking about one of the services that the credit union provided. That while paying with the puppies jumping all over him. They were in his chest and licking his handsome face as he lay in the floor, surrounded by them. The dogs rushing about and around him

"Lucky dogs" I found myself saying. "I would love to lick that guys face"

I found this very hot, the thought of licking Mike's cute face. Dragging my tongue across his fuzzy cheek. Feeling the hairs in his jaw line as they tickled my tongue.

"Yes. Would so lick him" I added

And again I said 'lucky dogs'. Again wishing to be them so I could lick his adorable face. Not to mention laying in his chest. A chest that fit nicely in his shirt. Pressed to the soft cotton material. Then there was the end of the commercial. A spot where he was just standing in front of the camera talking. Still enforcing how great the place was as a credit union. But it was as he stood there that I saw something more. For as Mike shifted slightly in his stance. I could make out the outline of his dick in his grey jeans. There just to the one side of the zipper. My eyes near popped from my skull as I stared at the image. I was seeing the lovely bulge of Mike's dick in his jeans. And I was more than horny for it

"Ohh my God!" I shouted out "Cute little Mike has a nice package" "A very nice package"

I licked at my mouth as I stared at him. Wishing just to see this image for always. But then the commercial ended and he was gone. And I had no way of just rewinding what I just saw. I even futily tried to click the remote to get the commercial to return. But Alex it was gone. And all I had was my mind trying to reply it in my head. Mike, the puppies, the tight shirt and the beautiful bulge in his jeans. Trying to permanently capture the image in my head.

"Fuckk. Mike. I want you" I last blurted...

+++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 28: A Small Celebrity 3

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