He Said He Didnt Mind

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Nov 17, 2013


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This short story is part of a semi-autobiographical novel that I am writing.

There are three parts to this short story and I'll publish them on here over the next few days.

My Blog is: http://richardpetersbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

My Amazon author page is: http://amazon.com/author/richardpeters



I dried myself as quickly as I could and wrapping the towel around my waist, I had that delicious feeling when your stiffie is pressed down slightly by towelling.

I tapped on Colin's door, I couldn't resist a jibe, considering how he had used and abused me in the past. Without waiting I opened the door and Colin was under his duvet, alone in his double bed.

His hand jerked out from under his duvet but he knew that I knew that he had been masturbating as usual. The dim lighting that he used to seduce girls in his bed, shone on his curly fair hair.

"I hope we don't keep you up. We'll try not to make too much noise!" I said, while his eyes surveyed me up and down. I thought of all the times his heterosexual bonking had kept me awake. It would be good to get a little revenge tonight.

"Thanks." He tried to smile, but couldn't hide his jealousy. I knew that although he was straight, he would not have minded having Pete in his bed for a night so that he could get his perverted satisfaction.

I closed the door, feeling a mean thrill. At last I was getting a little of my own back on my cruel friend.

I hurried up the stairs taking them two at a time.

There he was, in my bed, lying on his side, propping his left hand on his head above my pillow. The single duvet covered him from elbow downwards.

The sight made me catch my breath and a little too high-pitched I heard my voice say "Are you sure you will have enough room?"

"There will be plenty" and he lifted my side of the duvet back, revealing his lovey smooth chest.

I stepped towards the bed, feeling self-conscious. "Sorry!" I said as I dropped my towel and my erection bobbed up and down in front of him.

"Come in!" He laughed a deep throaty laugh. His eyes twinkled in the lamplight and I slid my legs under the duvet. Immediately my erection touched his upper chest and clumsily I slid down, trying to fit us both under the duvet, without causing too much disruption.

But the intimacy was unavoidable and I felt my eager penis slide down, the middle of Pete's chest and finally make contact with his soft nest of pubic hair.

At first I was disappointed that his cock wasn't pressing against mine, then as my thighs settled against his, I felt his soft, large shaft pressed between his left thigh and my right.

"Sorry!" I instinctively said and tried to move my legs away from his, which just made my erection press harder into his belly.

"It's OK, it's bound to be intimate." Pete said, smiling at me and putting his right arm around my hip and pressing my buttocks, so that we were clamped together from belly buttons down. "Can't have either of us falling out of bed!"

"Maybe you'd be better in Colin's bed, there would be more room." I said, my breath whispering over Pete's fair face.

"There's something odd about Colin that I don't like." Pete said. "I've met many sorts of guys, especially in the merchant navy and he strikes me as being unpleasant."

He sighed and I felt his legs flex and stretch against me. "Whereas you are the sort of gentle guy who is much better company, especially in intimate surroundings." Pete smiled and I had to resist an overwhelming urge to smash my mouth into his.

I let my hand slip over his smooth hip and I pressed his soft bum. "Just so long as we don't push each other out." I sighed and put my forehead to his, while our hands pressed our buttocks. "So are you straight and just missing Caroline?" I whispered, while my right thigh pressed his cock to his left thigh to let him know I realised the size of him.

"Oh, I'm not hard." Pete said. "Unlike you!" He pushed his belly against mine, so that my cock slipped and pressed manfully between us. He laughed a loud, throaty laugh.

"Really?" I gasped. "So you must be really big, if that is you soft!"

"I don't get any complaints!" We giggled like naughty schoolboys.

"So in the merchant navy did you, sort of fool around?" I said while my fingers tickled deliciously over the globes of his smooth buttocks.

"I joined when I was eighteen and served two years until last December. Not so long really, some guys are in it all their lives. There were some great guys, I loved it!" He said without answering my question.

"Why did you leave?" I said, savouring the sweet smell of his breath while he spoke on the pillow next to me.

"Not enough straight sex, I suppose." Pete laughed. "I'm not really into gay sex."

My heart sank, so why were we naked and embracing, with him showing no aversion to my hard-on?

"Gay sex really isn't my thing." Pete said while his right hand carelessly stroked my bum.

"There was plenty of sex in port, but sometimes we'd be at sea for months on end. I was only eighteen and it was a long time to go without a fuck. I quickly learned that I was a gay-magnet. Shipmates who were gay or gayish seemed to be drawn to me. Maybe it was my cute, smooth looks or maybe the bulge in my jeans or shorts, but the gay guys would come on to me all the time."

I pressed my thigh to Pete's thigh and felt his long, thick, soft cock and thought it was probably his bulge that attracted gay men, although his cute looks were irresistible too!

"I'd never known any gay people in the village where I grew up, so it was quite an eye-opener on board ship!" Pete said. "I let gay men fool around with me. They just seemed to want to see my cock and suck it. I didn't mind, sex is sex and a good suck is fantastic."

I rolled onto my back, being careful not to roll out of bed. I didn't want to seem too keen. Pete, still lying on his side, squashed up against me, so that his soft cock plopped onto the top of my right hip. His hand went to stroke my chest which was smooth like his.

"Then I found straight guys were interested in my cock too, especially when we had been out of port for a while. Whereas gay men wanted to suck my cock and have me bum them, straight guys were more interested in seeing it, exciting it, comparing it with theirs. I was bigger than any man I saw erect and bigger soft too. But straight guys seemed to like to feel it and compare "

Pete shuffled in the bed and the duvet fell down our bodies to our waists. It's warm enough without it." I said. "So you learned to get sex from all sources. Lucky bugger!"

"My favourite is with women, but sex for sex sake is cool with men too. Gay guys can be a bit demanding, but straight ones can just fornicate for the sake of it. Sometimes a good straight friend can be magic. I had just one special guy who was my best mate and we pleasured each other, which was really cool. You remind me of him." Pete sighed.

"Is that why you wanted to come to my bed?" I said while his fingers traced circles around my nipples.

"Colin reminds me of some predatory straight guys I knew. Guys like him use other guys ruthlessly and it's pretty unpleasant."

I proceeded to tell Pete the story of Colin and myself. He listened quietly.

When I had finished, he slid his left arm under me and rolled me onto my right hip and pressed our bodies together in my narrow bed. Still his cock was soft and floppy, still mine was rock-hard.

Pete's eyes looked into mine and softly he put his lips to mine and pecked my lips, before sighing and opening his mouth for me to push my tongue into his warm wetness.

Next: Chapter 3

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