Heading West

By Whipp Livingston

Published on May 31, 2012


Sorry for the long wait guys. Hope you enjoy it.

Heading West Chapter 2

Cody quietly arose early the following morning, leaving Mack to his slumber. He went home, washed up and headed to town. On the way to town he noticed the horse was limping as he was riding and decided to walk the rest of the way. Once there he took his horse to the blacksmith shop to have its shoe fixed then headed off to Griffin's Mercantile for goods and ran into his fiancée Emma Gates.

"Why are you walking so funny?" Emma asked as she noticed he was walking in a peculiar way.

"Oh, uh, Starr threw me off this morning," Cody lied, referring to his horse. He didn't want to tell her he was sore from the wild sex he had with Mack the night before. "A snake caught us both off guard and the damn horse threw me. We're both fine and the snake is dead."

"Oh my goodness," Emma said with concern and instantly went to him. "Are you okay? Do you need to see the doctor?"

"Emma, I said I was fine," Cody snapped at her.

"I'm sorry. I was just worried for you Cody," Emma said with remorse as she looked down.

"Baby, I'm sorry I snapped at you," Cody said and reached out to her and took her hand into his. He crooked a finger and lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes.

Cody took Emma into her arms and embraced her. Over her shoulder he watched as Mack was coming towards them riding his horse and then had gotten down off of it and hitched it to the post. Instantly he felt a flutter in his stomach as he seen Mack coming towards them and for the first time he didn't know whether he wanted to run and hide or stand his ground so he chose the latter.

"Howdy Cody, Miss Emma," he said as he tipped his hat toward her and gave her a smile. "Nice morning isn't it?"

"It sure is Mr. Dawson," Emma replied with a smile. "And don't you look very dapper today."

"Why thank'ya kindly Miss Emma," Mack smiled as he had a way with the ladies but he knew in his heart he was in love with Matthew Cody Cooper and deep inside he felt a pang of jealousy as he seen Cody with Emma. "And Cody, as always it's very good to see you as well," he grinned widely.

"What brings you into town, Mack?" Cody said as his eyes met Mack's, afraid the looks they shared would give them away.

"I came for some goods then I'm heading back out to the ranch and get some work done," Mack replied with a grin. "I have a lot to get done today."

"Oh my," Emma put a hand to her mouth. "Speaking of which, I need to get back to my shop." She turned to Cody and reached out to him. "Sweetheart, I shall see you after work. Bye gentlemen," she sang out to them.

"You have a good day now Miss Emma," Mack said tipping his hat to her once again.

"Why thank you Mr. Dawson, you do the same now you hear," Emma smiled and walked towards her shop.

Once Emma was out of sight, Cody spoke low to Mack. "What the hell are you doing, Mack?" Cody said.

"Just being neighborly Cody." Mack gave him a wink and smile. "Now I have things to get at the Mercantile. Will I see you later?" he grinned.

"Maybe, I got work to do," Cody grinned back.

Cody barely got through his day without thinking about Mack and the strong feelings he was having for the older gentleman. Then that evening he had dinner with Emma and the whole time he was with her he was thinking about Mack and wanting to be with him instead. He knew he loved Emma but now Mack Dawson was also tugging at his heart and every time he thought of him his manhood would harden and strain against his trousers.

After dinner, Cody and Emma were strolling together hand in hand as Emma who was doing most of the talking about their upcoming wedding and the plans they were making to spend the rest of their days together.

"Oh Cody, I can't wait to be your wife and have your children," she spoke as they reached the front porch to the home she shared with her brother Franklin Gates.

"Me either Emma, I can't wait to marry you." He gazed into her eyes and leaned in and kissed her tenderly on her lips. "I love you Emma," he whispered once their lips parted.

"I love you too Cody," Emma said and then turned towards the door.

"I will see you tomorrow," Cody said as he let her hand drop to her side.

"Bye darling," she said and opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Then she turned to the window and watched as Cody walked off.

"It's about damn time you got back," her brother Frank snapped. "I'm beginning to think you're actually gonna go through with marrying that man."

"Oh shut up Frank," Emma snapped. "Besides everything is going as planned. We're making our move tonight. He doesn't expect a thing."

"You've been smart enough not to tell him I was his bastard brother did you?"

Emma sauntered over to Frank and tapped her hand on the side of his face. "Oh how little you think of me." Then she cupped his chin in her hand. "Now you listen to me Frank, this was my idea to do this. I want that money just as bad as you do and once we have it we can do whatever the hell we want with it. I have him right where I want him and now tonight we are making our move."

"Now that's more like it, baby," Frank said and pulled her in for a steamy kiss.

"Not now, we got work to do," Emma reminded him as she peeled her lips from his. "Let's get moving."

The night air was comfortable and the crescent moon barely gave enough light but the stars were shining high up in the dark sky as Cody made it safely home. He was whistling happily as the horse pulled up to the barn at his homestead. He jumped down off the horse and stripped it of the saddle and blanket then led it into the corral for the night. He turned towards the house when a familiar face stood before him and before he could say anything he took a sharp blow to the head.

The large dark frame knocked Cody out cold then he was dragged to the house and was thrown onto the floor and within minutes the log house was in shambles. The man snickered as he looked at what he had done and threw his thin cigar into a box of dried oiled rags and instantly it went up in flames. He stood in the opened doorway of the house and turned back around as he watched the flames spreading throughout the log house.

"I set the barn on fire," said the softer voice of the two as they stood and watched the fire engulf the house. "Is he dead?"

"If he isn't already he will be soon," Frank said as he turned to look Emma in the face and then pulled her in for a passionate kiss. "You're my wife, don't you forget that. Now let's get the hell out of here."

The voices jarred Cody as he came to but he was too weak to move. His eyes fluttered as he got a glimpse of the two faces before they ran off on their horses. He slowly crawled to the opened door where he passed out from the pain and the smoke he had inhaled.

From across the fields of the wide open prairie, Mack was enjoying the night air as he was sitting outside on his porch. He was thinking about turning in for the night when he smelled smoke coming from a far off distance. He stood up and took the few steps down off the porch looking afar. Then his heart sank as he seen a fire at Cody's place. He bolted for his barn and saddled his horse and took off like a flash towards Cody's claim.

As Mack was nearing and from the brightness of the flames he seen two riders quickly riding off and recognizing them immediately. The barn roof had just collapsed and the house was all ablaze. And in the midst of the fire and smoke he seen Cody lying just inside the door and he ran to him, pulling him from the inferno and out onto the ground.

"Cody, come on now wake up," Mack pleaded as he shook him. "Come on wake up. Don't you die on me ya hear."

Just then Cody took a deep breath and began coughing hard.

"Thank God, you're gonna be all right," Mack sighed. "Come on," he grunted as he picked him up and cradled Cody in his arms. "Let's get you to the doctor."

"No. No doctor, just take me to your place. I'll be fine," Cody said in a weak voice and he coughed from the smoke he inhaled.

"You are being a fool. You need a doctor," Mack implored.

"Just take me to your place first," Cody pleaded.

"All right, against my better judgment I'll take you to my place." Mack hefted Cody up onto his horse and then pulled himself up behind him as the two of them headed off to Mack's ranch.

Once there, Mack carried Cody into the house and to his bedroom and lays him on his bed. "What the hell happened tonight?" Mack worried as he saw to Cody's wounds and treated them as best as he could.

"I don't know what the hell is going on but as soon as I got home from having dinner with Emma I put the horse in the corral and when I turned towards the house I got hit over the head by her brother Frank," Cody said as he winced in pain as Mack was tending to him.

"Her brother, why would he do this to you?" Mack asked in confusion.

"The hell if I know. Next thing I know I'm lying face down on the floor and my house is on fire and I see him and Emma both standing in the doorway and I hear her ask him if I was dead. Listen, like I said, I don't know what's going on or why they're doing this but I am not gonna let them get away with this. They will for what they did."

"Don't worry about that," Mack insisted. "In the meantime, I think its best you lie low for awhile."

They talked all night and also about what to do with Cody's place. Then the following morning, Mack saddled his horse and then looked around as if looking for something that was not there. In his mind he was thinking that no matter what happened he was going to protect Cody and find out why Frank and Emma Gates wanted Cody dead. He walked the horse to the house and hitched it to a post at the porch and went inside to see Cody sitting in one of the two wingback chairs facing the fireplace. Mack went and knelt down in front of him, placing a hand on top of Cody's.

"I'm going to town to get a few things and I am also going to bring Dr. Todd out here to tend to you," Mack said and Cody went to say something but Mack held up his hand to stop him. "Not one word," he firmly said. "I am having her check you out and make sure you are on the mend, now stay put," he said as he tapped Cody's knee and gave him a smile.

Cody gave a warm smile back. "All right I will."

Cody stayed where he was as Mack headed off to town and once he got there he immediately went to see the doctor and as he knocked on the door a young woman answered the door.

"Good morning Mr. Dawson, How may I help you?" greeted Rebecca Cooper, Cody's sister.

"Is Dr. Todd in. I need to speak with her?" Mack smiled and tipped his hat at the young woman.

"Yes sir," Rebecca smiled back as Dr. Todd came from behind.

"Hello Mr. Dawson, won't you please come inside," spoke a fine woman with long brown hair that she kept pinned back and off her face as it cascaded down her back.

"Uh ma'am, may I speak to you alone please? I don't care to have the younger children hear what I have to say to you." Mack asked politely.

"Certainly," Dr. Todd spoke and then ushered the children to hurry for school as they went out the door. Then she turned back to Mack as he stood there grimly. "What's this all about Mr. Dawson?"

"I'm afraid Matthew's homestead was burned to the ground last night along with the barn," Mack replied, using Cody's first given name. "I have him at my place. He has been beaten pretty badly. I tended to him as best as I could under the circumstances."

"Oh dear God," as her hand instantly went to her mouth. "Why didn't you bring him to me so I could treat him?" she asked in a firm tone. "And what circumstances would there be?"

"That's why I am here," Mack said as he lifted his hat off and held it in his hands. He stepped closer to her and whispered. "I know you're the adopted mother of his younger sister and brother but what I have to say must remain between you, me, and the sheriff once I speak to him."

"The sheriff?" Dr. Todd said confused. "Why the sheriff?"

He went on to tell her how he found Cody and what Cody had witnessed. He continued on to say that the situation needs to be handled delicately and to figure out why Frank and Emma Gates did what they did and that Cody will be out of sight for the time being and that the family should be prepared to mourn him as if he were dead till everything was solved and the Gates' were sent away to prison.

Dr. Todd grabbed her medical bag as Mack saddled her horse and they galloped out of town towards Mack's ranch.

"Matthew," she cried out softly as she went to him.

"Margie, please I'm ok. And stop calling me that, you know I go by Cody," Cody said adamantly.

"Hush your mouth boy and don't speak to her like that. Show some respect," Mack said in a stern voice.

"Yes sir," Cody eyes met his and Mack shot him a slight grin and a wink as he stood over them quietly from behind.

"Why would they do this to you? I don't understand," Margie spoke as she was just finishing cleaning the wound. "I need to stitch this cut it's deeper than I expected it to be."

"I don't know Ma, but I sure as hell am gonna find out but I need you to arrange a funeral for me. I need to be dead for the time being and out of sight till Mack and I figure this out."

It was the first time Mack ever heard Cody refer to her as Ma and they began to devise a plan on what to do and how to prepare Rebecca and Brison for his death. Mack also decided to let the sheriff in on the situation and to have support from the law and decided to leave just then to go talk to him. After that it didn't take long till the towns people heard of the fire and Cody's sudden untimely demise. Then Mack and Cody immediately went out of sight as they went to work investigating Frank and Emma Gates.

As the weeks passed, Frank and Emma worked diligently and quietly to have Cody's land transferred into their name, Mack and Cody were searching for clues and finding a lot that Cody was unaware of. They learned that Franklin Gates was an illegitimate bastard son of Ethan Cooper, Cody's father.

"So that's why they wanted you dead," Mack said as they read the will of Cody's father. "He wants what he thinks is his. He wants you out of the way so he can have everything."

"I can't believe this is happening, Mack," Cody said in shock at the evidence before them. "We got to get back home before the land transfer goes through. I promised Emma that if anything happened to me she'd have the land and a home."

When they got back to Colorado Springs, they took the evidence with them that they found and went straight to the sheriff. And they made it home in time just before the closing at the attorney's office. As Cody barged in the room with Mack and Sheriff Simon Daniels, everyone's faces including Frank and Emma went white from shock and everyone began talking at once.

But the sheriff spoke above them all as he walked right up to the Gates' with handcuffs in hand.

"Frank and Emma Gates, you are under arrest for arson and the attempted murder of Matthew Cody Cooper," the sheriff spoke above all of them as he walked right up to them with handcuffs in hand. But the judge spoke up before they could be handcuffed.

"I demand to know what is going on here," as the circuit court judge stood up and giving a stern look. "And what do you mean attempted murder, Matthew Cody Cooper is dead."

"Your honor," Cody spoke up. "I am Matthew Cody Cooper and I survived from the fire that claimed my home and barn and also the beating I sustained from Mr. Gates." He placed a handful of papers on the judge's desk. "Here is the evidence I found proclaiming that Franklin Gates is the illegitimate son of my father." Cody set his glare on Emma, shooting daggers at her. "He and his so called wife, had a plan to kill me and take what is rightfully mine. I was engaged to marry Emma, knowing at the time that Frank was her brother. But now I find that they are actually married and he is my father's bastard son."

"Do you have witnesses to affirm these actions, Mr. Cooper?" the circuit court judge asked.

"I am one of the witnesses, sir," Mack spoke up. "I am Mack Dawson and I had seen the fire from my ranch and when I arrived at the fire I seen Mr. and Mrs. Gates riding off. It was apparent they did not hear me riding up as they were in a hurry to leave. I found Mr. Cooper lying just inside the opened door and pulled him from the fire."

"Wait a minute," said Robert Eads, as he was thinking about the night of the fire. He was the stable man who worked at the Livery and was also the town's blacksmith. "Come to think of it, the night of the fire, I saddled up two horses for Mr. and Mrs. Gates and then I saw them riding out towards Mr. Cooper's place," he said facing Cody as he became the second witness.

Cody then turns to the judge and says. "Your honor, don't you think that's enough evidence to prosecute this man and his wife and send them to prison for life."

Frank yells out as he breaks free from the sheriff's grasp. "Damn the evidence and damn you. You should have died in that fire ya son of a bitch." And he pulls a gun from inside his jacket and points it right at Cody, ready to use.

When Sheriff Daniels went to intercede, Frank's wife Emma, pulled her pistol from her handbag. "I wouldn't do that if I were you sheriff," Emma said, aiming her pistol at the sheriff. "One move and I will shoot you dead."

It was now total chaos in the judge's chambers and all the men fought to get the upper hand. Cody went to smack the gun away from Frank and when he did the gun went off, causing Emma to get shot and death came instantly to her. Then Mack acted quickly to get the gun away from Frank. They fought for the gun and they both fall to the floor and in that instance the gun went off once again. Cody jumped in and pulled Mack off of Frank, worried that he was the one that got hit with the bullet. Seeing the blood, Cody is worried he is shot but Mack shakily stood up.

"I'm all right. I wasn't the one that got hit," Mack announced.

"Thank God," Cody sighed.

Sheriff Daniels stepped in to check Frank's pulse and finds none which indicated he was dead.

The judge, who was cowering under his desk, slowly stands up and says, "Is it over."

"It is over," says Sheriff Daniels, nodding his head.

After all is over, Cody and Mack leave and the sheriff stays with the judge as they both stay behind with the deputies to attend to the dead bodies.

As Cody and Mack walk away, Cody looks to Mack and says. "I am so glad that is over with."

"Me too," Mack said as he thought of something. "You know you can stay with me till you figure out what you want to do. I'd love for you to stay with me."

"Are you sure, Mack?" Cody asked.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to live with me," Mack replied back.

"Well than I'd love to stay with you."

That same evening there was a celebratory dinner at the home of the doctor and with Cody's siblings and Mack was invited to stay for dinner. There was a lot of chatter around the table that evening and everyone was so glad that the drama with Cody and the Gates' was over and that everything would be back to normal.

Then Marjorie spoke about Cody's living arrangements. "You are more than welcome to stay with us," she said.

"Yes, please Cody. Will you please stay with us," Brison, his twelve year old brother beseeched. "You could bunk with me if you want."

"We all would like it if you would stay Matthew," Rebecca said softly. "This is your home too."

Rebecca was the only one he'd allow to call him Matthew and when she spoke he couldn't help but not be touched by their kindness.

"I appreciate what you all are doing but I already made arrangements. Mack had invited me to stay with him while I start to rebuild."

"I hope you don't mind me asking him to stay with me for the time being Dr. Todd. I didn't think to ask you first. I have the whole upstairs of my ranch empty and he can stay there and it's not that far from the claim."

"If that is what you want to do Cody then I can't stop you. You are a man of age now and you can do what you want," Margie spoke softly.

"Thanks Margie and it is what I want," Cody said then he gave a huge yawn. "Golly am I tired."

"I bet you are. It was a nerve wracking day today," Margie said. "I am sorry for how things turned out. It didn't have to turn out that way but I guess it is all for the best."

"I agree," Mack said as he rose from the table. "Thank you very much for dinner tonight Dr. Todd but it is getting late and I must be leaving. Cody, are you coming with me or are you staying?"

"I am coming with you," Cody said as he pushed his chair back and rose from the table. "Good night all and thanks for the big dinner. It was great."

"Good night, Cody," they all piped out. "Good night, Mr. Dawson."

Once Mack and Cody were back at the ranch and in the house, Mack said, "I am so glad we are finally alone because I have been dying to do this all day," and he pulled Cody into him and kissed him passionately.

"Mmmmmm," Cody softly moaned and then their lips parted. "I've been waiting for this moment all day too. It's all I've been thinking about."

"Then let's do something about it," Mack said as he led Cody to his bedroom.

In his bedroom, Mack and Cody undressed each other as they were kissing and pawing at each. Cody leaned into Mack's hard and hairy chest as they kissed wildly and he reached down and took hold of Mack's huge cock, feeling it in the grasp of his hand for the first time. He wrapped his fingers around it and began stroking it. Instantly, Cody went down on in his knees and became eye level with the one-eyed member and noticing it was leaking profusely with cum and he stuck out his tongue and licked it up, tasting Mack's cum for the first time. He grinned as he smacked his lips at the taste of it and then opened his mouth and closed his lips around the head of it.

"Ohhhhh yeahhhh!" Mack groaned with pleasure. "Suck that cock baby."

Mack took a firm hold onto the back of Cody's head and began to rock his hips back and forth as Cody slobbered and drooled over his big cock. Cody took more of the cock as it hit the back of his throat and his gag reflex kicked in and he backed off and took a deep breath and went back for more. This time his throat relaxed and opened, allowing entry for the cock to move down into his throat, surprising himself that he just took all of Mack's cock into his mouth.

"Ohhhh, that feels good. You're getting good at that for a first timer!" Mack complimented as he grabbed a fistful of hair and began moving in and out of Cody's gaping mouth.

Cody stroked his own cock as he happily stroked and sucked on Mack's cock and listening to the sounds that Mack was making and knew he was pleasuring the man.

"Oh babe, I'm getting close!" Mack warned. "Get on the bed for me. I have a place where I want to put my seed."

Cody got on the bed on all fours and was ready for Mack to enter, but Mack had other ideas.

"On your back," Mack ordered.

Cody turned and settled down, lying on his back. Then Mack was above him on all fours, whispering into his mouth. "Oh Cody, I want you. I need you."

Mack centered himself above him, using his knees to spread Cody's legs open then began pushing his cock deep inside him and opening Cody's love chute wide for his huge cock. Then he covered Cody's mouth with his and they kissed deeply and passionately.

"Mmmmmm!" Cody moaned through their deep kiss, feeling his hole stretching and opening as Mack inched his cock inside him.

Cody felt no pain, just massive bulk and pressure. Then Mack locked Cody's legs in the crooks of his elbows and slumped down onto Cody, as Cody's body doubled up, his knees pressing against the sides of his chest. In one quick move, Mack shoved his cock deep inside, causing Cody to tear his mouth from Mack and to shout out and his eyes widened as if they were going to pop out of his head.

"Awwww fuck, Mack! Yeahhhh!" Cody chanted.

Then Mack started to move in and out with short strokes, slowly at first, then with a mounting savagery that pushed Cody even further into the oblivion of passion. The lower regions of Cody's body was becoming hot and fiery with the friction of Mack's huge cock.

Cody felt his ass opening wider as Mack was slamming into him with brazen thrusts. Each thrust becoming harder as he could feel the long thick member sliding in and out of him as they both were enjoying the pounding rhythm and steadfast thrusts. Cody let out a long moan that filled the room and probably even the whole house.

Then without warning, Cody heard Mack's voice begin to fill the room, low and raspy at first then to a steady roar near his ear, his breath hot against the curve of his neck and shoulder. Mack slammed into Cody hard, holding it there and then in another few seconds they both shook with an orgasm that felt like it shook the whole room.

"Arrrggghhh! I'm gonna cum Cody! I'm gonna fill your ass baby!" Mack yelled as he started slamming into Cody hard, his hairy body covered with sweat as he moaned in ecstasy.

"Awwww fuck! I'm gonna cum too!" Cody squealed, and his cock released a torrent of cum between them, making their sweaty bodies even more slick with Cody's cum.

Cody could feel Mack's mighty organ pumping into him, shooting load after load of its milky white fluid. Cody wasn't certain for sure but he knew the amount of sticky fluid entering him was more than a copious amount that Mack was releasing.

Breathless, Mack slumped down onto Cody as his cock went on twitching inside of Cody till it emptied its seed into him.

"Wow! Mack that was awesome!" Cody spoke breathily.

"Yeah it was, babe," Mack replied then he turned and kissed Cody deeply.

Cody turned to his side facing Mack and he leaned in and they kissed long and deep. Satiated and exhausted from their lovemaking, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the early dawn Cody awakened to feeling Mack's hairy hard body pressed to his back and having an arm draped over his side. He was content where he was and he smiled thinking about how is life had turned around and for the better, he thought. He even thought that being with Mack would jeopardize his masculinity and manhood. But, then he realized the time he has spent with Mack hadn't changed his ways at all and the only thing that he did acknowledge was the fact that his heart softened toward Mack and felt at ease with him and finding that he was in love with him.

To be continued?.one more time.

I hope you are all enjoying this story and as usual please leave your comments at whippit@live.com Thanks again??Whipp Livingston.

Next: Chapter 3

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