Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Apr 6, 2012


Healing Love Chapter 1: Day at the Beach By: Mirron Tenshi

It was a hot day at the beach. A very nicely built 24-year-old lion laid snoozing under an umbrella. He was wearing nothing but a navy blue speedo that curved around his bulge, showing off that nice packed loins of his. His tan-brown mane wavered in the warm breezes, the thick head fur framing his head, his neck in perfect view, and reaching to the middle of his broad chest. He began to wake up as his eyes blinked and flitted in the sun light. He slowly got up and looked around. The beach was crowded today. Probably because Summer just started; there were alot of kids here, playing in the water, building sand castles.


I yawned as I slowly laid back down, resting my head on my hands, flexing my biceps and stretching. The heat's kinda making me a little more drowsy. I feel like . . . I think I'll just to doze off again . . .



Before I realized it, a volleyball had appeared in front of my face, and smashed me square on the nose. "OW!! Dammit!" My eyes slightly watered as I sat up and cover my nose with both hands. Ow, fucking OW, that hurts! I feel like the inside of my nose imploded!

I opened one eye and glanced to my left. Ashley, a black cat in a blue bathing suit came running towards me and knelt down, trying to look concerned and trying not to laugh at the same time. She's a really good friend of mine, but I still had a slight urge to punch HER in the snout. I rubbed my nose with my right paw and placed it back on the towel.

"I'm soooo sorry, Allen, it totally got away from me." I gave her a sideways glare, but that only helped in her having more of a laugh to suppress.

"Ah . . . It's alright, I'll live."

"Well, now that the moment of pain is over, wanna play with us?"

I almost gave her a weird look, but then again, I should have expected such, Ashley's on the perky-go-quirky side. Well, I didn't feel like sleeping now. "Sure, alright, I'm game."

"Sweet! See you in a few~" She quipped as she ran off.

I stood up and stretched my arms and legs out, flexing my muscles to wake me up, "MMMMmmmm! Sigh" I cracked my neck at both sides and yawned again before I make my way over to the volley net.

I took look around to see if there were any good-looking guys around. Meh, there are a good amount, but most of them look like they're already married. Besides, I wasn't looking to date anytime soon, I was just looking for eye candy. Hell, I don't even care to get myself into that kind of mess -- I'm just fine without that headache again.

When I got to the volleyball court, there was an empty spot on the lower right corner behind a cougar in red trunks and next to a dalmatian in a pink bikini. My guess is that somebody left and Ashley still wanted to play. How convenient.

I took my place when I looked across the court and saw someone that more than satisfied my craving for visual sugar. There he was, a nice hunk of black and orange tiger with a white belly and inner thighs, wearing a tight black speedo. He had a fairly toned body, like mine. For a moment, our eyes met. Oh my gosh . . . He has the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. He's . . . He's more than good look; I actually feel something towards him. It's almost like I wa-

"Hey, Allen, quit daydreaming, you're going to get smacked in the nose again!"

"Hm? Oh, sorry. Alright, lets go!"

Ashley was on my team. And so she served it to a raccoon on the right. He hit it towards the dalmatian, she it high so that the buck on the lower left barely got in a hit. The ball came at me. Heh, alright, the rematch `I'm ready for you this time', I chuckled to myself as I hit it so hard so that it flew just over the net and over that sexy tiger.

"Ah, dang it. Hang on guys, I'll get." Oh god, his voice . . . Ok, so I can't describe it, but I would LOVE to hear him talk. The tiger turned around to fetch the ball, allowing me to get a good look of his rump. I feel my cheeks tingle as I looked at his shifting rear as he walked. Damn, his ass looks fine -- it's starting to make my little friend stir in my speedo. Fortunately, it didn't take him long to come back with the ball. He then gave it to the buck, who then served it over to the cougar on my team.

The game went on for a couple of hours until we all called it quits and decided to walk over to the part of the beach where there was a lot of drift wood and stare into the sunset.

Jeez, this is boring, but a couple of Ashley's friends were dating and they felt romantic at the moment -- oh yes, that's a VERY nice pastime for us who choose to be single. Well, at least this gives me a chance to glance at Max Vincent, the tiger -- Ashley introduced me to her other friends 10 minutes ago - and just take in what little I can see. He is just so irresistible, but I held myself, though I felt my sheath start to swell again. Oh man, I'd love to take him out, but see, I haven't in a relationship in so long -- I've only had one boyfriend, and he broke my heart. That's it, The End. But with this guy I just might make an exception, that is if he's gay, but I'd rather not ask that right now, I usually play it by year, and that's probably how long it'll take.

After an hour, we all got tired of looking at the sun and decided to go home. We all headed towards the changing rooms where we took different cubicles to change out of our swim wear and into our regular clothes. After that, we said our goodbyes and got into each other's cars and drove off in different directions. As I was driving, my mind kept going back to that manly tiger, I kept getting an impulse to call him, but I kept remembering that I didn't ask Ashley for any info. `Man, why didn't I ask Ashley for his number? Dang it.' I thought regrettably to myself.

It took me about half an hour to get back home. By the time I parked my white Prius, my cell said it was 8:30 pm. I live alone in a two story house. I have a good paying job working as a chef in a gourmet Italian restaurant called Celino's, so I had some sweet digs. I walked up to my door and unlocked it, and walked into a nice breeze as I entered my house; I guess accidentally kept the air conditioning on all day, but it still felt nice, but rather chilly after 5 minutes so I quickly turned it off. I walked up the stairs and stripped to my boxers to feel more comfortable. I fell onto my king-sized bed and let out a sigh of relief and relaxed my body for a moment.

I then got up and went to my computer. I turned it on and logged into my email. A couple of minutes after, I got an IM from Ashley.

-Ashley: Hey, wat's up Allen? -Allen: Not much, just checkin on my emails, got a friend request. -Ashley: Thats cool. Anyway, wanna catch a movie tomorrow? -Allen: Huh? -Ashley: A friend has been feeling lonely lately and I'd thought i'd be nice if you were to come along and get to know each other. -Allen: Ashley, are you setting me up for another one of your blind dates again? -Ashley: Why Al, why would you think a thing like that? Don't you trust me? Yur own friend?

Oh brother. For a while now, she's been trying to set me up with other guys -- `It's not healthy to be so alone', she says. But then again I haven't been on a relationship in almost six years. Ashley usually picks dull ones do go out with me, though, dull ones or hornballs, trying to get me to get my pants off on the first date. On the few times that she says she's coming with us, she ditches us and tells my date to tell me that she couldn't make it. Well, what have I got to lose except my time?

I turned around to check my calendar to see if I'm free. Tomorrow would be a Saturday, and I don't work on weekends.

Allen: Alright, alright, I'll go. Ashley: Sweeeeeet. Allen: So four things: What theatre, what movie, what time, and is he cute? Ashley: AMC, Transformers 2, 3:00 pm, and I'll let you decide. Allen: Aw c'mon, not even a hint? Ashley: Who said it's even a date anyway? I'm coming aren't I? Allen: Chaperone much? Ashley: Oh, hahahahahah. -_- Allen: Ok, I'll cya tomarrow. Ashley: l8er.

I yawned as I closed my email and shut down my computer. I then walked over to the bathroom; the cold air around my house has got me in the mood for some hot water. I slipped off my boxers and went into the shower.

As I scrubbed my body, I couldn't help but keep thinking about Max. I have a good feeling about him. Heh, maybe that's just my hormones talking, or maybe I'm just lonely . . .

Just when I was getting near scrubbing my genital regions, my mind started to wander off and imagine Max in his speedo. Damn, he is one fine tiger. I would just love to feel him up . . . Rub my paws on his pecs . . . Lick every inch of his six-pack abs . . . Cup and rub his crotch . . . Grab a handful of that juicy ass . . .

Max turned around, putting his thumbs into his swimsuit, and slowly took off his speedo and revealing that awesome ass of his. He turned his head, smiling and winking. I thought of me walking up to him, myself being naked and cuddling him from behind as I wrapped my arms around his abs and dragged my teeth gently on that nice neck.

I briefly snapped out of it and I looked down to see that I was rock hard and throbbing. I just closed my eyes and softly grabbed my member with my right paw. I purred as I slowly rubbed my cock backward and forward while using my left paw to massage my balls.

I imagined Max turning his head and kissing my cheek as I reached down to caress his heavy sac.

I picked up my pace as pre started leaking from my cock and over my hand, the water annoyingly rinsing it off. I reached up and tilted the shower head out of the way and continued.

Max's dick was pushing out of his sheath while I was rubbing both of his nipples while fluffing his orbs with my soft paintbrush tail. He giggled and kissed me more, running his paw through my golden mane.

I began to pant was I worked my shaft up and down. I started to moan as I quickened my stroking on my 9 inch rod. I stopped massaging my sac to place my left paw on the wall to keep balance, as well because it was getting hard to stand. I was beginning to feel my climax coming and unknowingly outstretched my claws.

Max as kneeling down, his muzzle right in front on my package. He nuzzled my balls and took in my scent before he gave my member a long lick. The tiger made me moan by taking my throbbing rod into his mouth.

"Oh God, Max, suck me hard!" I moaned loudly and loudly, scratching the tile wall in my shower until I came hard, with my balls tucking in their protective sack.

A roar escaped my mouth as I shot my load onto the wall in front of me, shooting a generous amount of cum from my dick. My chest heaved as my hips jerked and ropes of thick lion seed rocketed out of my penis. I sat down on the tile floor and against the wall, the hot shower water washing over me. I purred more as I leaned my head back and enjoyed the feel of the hot water. Ohhhhh, its been forever since I last pawed off.

Soon, I regained my energy and got up to shampoo and condition my mane. When I was done, I realized that I did some good damage to my tile wall. "Aw dammit, not again."

This happened before and its always embarrassing to have to have it repaired and I always had to come up with a reason like I stubbed my toe' or I got soap in my eyes' and I'm pretty sure half of the repair guys don't buy it. I had almost forgotten to wash the cum of the wall with the shower head. I turned off the water after I rinsed the semen off the wall and dried off.

I walked into my bedroom, not even bothering with my boxers. I put in a DVD and switched on the television. I pushed the main menu button on my remote to skip the previews and to the movie while I slipped into my silken covers, completely nude. I don't know why I don't sleep naked more often, because it felt really nice. I slowly drifted off as the movie rolled on, only to be right back on the main menu when I woke up at 4 am. I turned the T.V. off and went back to sleep, looking forward to going to the movies tomorrow on a blind date. Well, half-blind, really.

Next: Chapter 2

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