Heart Breaking Love

By amzy0123

Published on Oct 11, 2013


Heart Breaking Love 2

I awoke at five o' clock sharp thanks to the ear splitting scream of my phone's alarm. I turned it off and sat up in the darkness of my room. I fumbled around for the light switch and quickly got to work. You see, each morning, I have a series of yoga poses to do. Otherwise, my body will not wake up until about ten. Getting that done, I was free to dress and get ready. By the time I was done, it was already six and my mother had quietly slipped in to prepare breakfast. I took my messenger bag, making sure I had everything, and quickly walked down the hall into the kitchen. My mother greeted me with a kiss and handed a plate of food. I had plenty of time, so I didn't rush. My mother hardly spoke during breakfast, which was a bit unusual. But I was too preoccupied with figuring a way to broach the subject of the kiss to Beau. I kissed her goodbye and left for the bus stop. It was down the street from my house, which meant I got to walk past Beau's. He was barely coming out just when I passed.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Beau called.

I turned around to see him jogging to me, a back pack slung over his shoulder. He gave me a hug when he finally caught up.

"I missed ya Aiden."

I smiled. "I missed you too Beau. How was the trip?"

"It was..." He sighed. I could tell it didn't go that well.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. That'll actually give me a chance to talk to you about something." Here we go!

"What is it? Did I do something wrong?" He was frowning and looked concerned.

"No! Not at all. Just... A couple of weeks when you dropped me off. The day we met. You, you know... Kissed me." My cheeks were growing warm and I didn't know why. I looked up into the depths of Beau's eyes. Each one like an ocean, deep and filled with mystery. He quickly broke eye contact though. He shifted uncomfortably.

"Just... A.. friendly kiss." He finished weakly.

"Friendly kisses usually aren't on the lips." I countered. I was going to press this. I stood there, waiting for him to answer. When he saw I wasn't going to budge, he sighed deeply.

"Fine... You're you."


"You're... Cute. Smart. I don't know... Just everything about you."

He looked at me shyly, fidgeting. Now THAT'S cute.

"You really mean that?" I asked quietly. Over the last couple of weeks, my mind kept going back to the "He kissed you because he likes you scenario", but I wouldn't accept it. I don't have a very favorable view if myself, so I thought I pushed those thoughts away. But did he not just practically admit it?

"I do." He said more confidently. "When I first saw you, tending to your flowers (herbs, I silently corrected), I just saw the most beautiful creature on earth. Like an angel or something!"

I let myself smile a little. Just a little. But it soon faded. Caught up in our little moment, we failed to see the bus pull up to pick up the students. The last five were boarding so we had too be quick.

"Not wanting to interrupt the moment, but the bus is here Beau." He looked disappointed, like he wanted to say more. But he silently allowed me to pull him along to the bus. We made it just in time, we were even able to find a seat together in the back. It was very crowded, must be a lot of freshmen this year. The bus ride was rather silent. Just a tad uncomfortable, I plugged in my ear buds to listen to music. After a few songs, I felt Beau slip his hand into mine intertwining our fingers. I looked over and smiled, to let him know I was okay with it. He smiled back and I went back to my music, enjoying the touch between us. *********************** By lunch, I was already tired of school. Beau and I had two classes together so far, French and algebra. Since algebra was our last class before lunch, I walked with him to the little carts spread around the school's quad selling food. I waited while he bought his food, then we walked to the table my friends and I claimed last year as "our spot". Sam was already there with Terry. Terry and Sam were pretty much opposites, despite being "twins". Terry was a tom boy fascinated by dirt and insects. She always wore tees and worn out jeans. Sam on the other hand wore nothing but skirts and cute shirts and blouses. She felt ugly without make up and would re do it in the middle of class, much to the teacher's annoyance. Her bleached blonde hair and Terry's black dyed hair furthered contrasted them. Despite their many differences, they were very close sisters. Sam lit up when she saw me and pulled me down to sit next to me. Beau sat opposite of us.

"How have classes been, you guys?" I asked Terry and Sam.

"Terrible! In first period history, the Guy sitting next to me picks his nose and wipes it under the desk."Sam complained.

"My classes are all boring." Terry said simply.

Beau remained silent, eating slowly. I stared at him, everyone going silent. Sam brushed her hair, Terry picked at get nails.

"So... Halloween is in a month. What're the plans?"

"I'm going to be a radioactive zombie oozing slime!" Terry said excitedly.

"I was thinking of a princess." Said Sam. "Maybe a fairy. Lotta pink."

"Gross" Terry said in disgust.

"It's better than an oozing zombie! You'll probably use real slime." Sam shuddered.

"Nah. Couldn't find enough" I looked at Beau. Still so quiet. He only really talks to me, I thought. Around my friends, he closes up.

"what're you going to be Beau?" I asked him.

"Dunno." He kept picking at his food, nibbling every once and a while. Sigh.

"Well I'm going to be a vampire. I'm thinking biker, just to shake it up a bit. "

While Terry and Sam bickered about what constitutes "grossness", I walked around and sat next to Beau. I poked his arm until he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.


"Oh come on. Tell me!" I put my hand on his, but he pushed it away. That hurt. Didn't he practically admit he likes me this morning? Alright. I'll rock the boat, see what happens. I gave him a peck on the cheek. He looked up into my eyes.

"What was that for?"

"You looked sad. I thought you might want some cheering up..."

He sighed deeply. "It's just... I'll you later ok?"

"Promise?" I held out my pinky. He took it in his own.

"Promise. I just need some time to figure it out."

"Is it about something that happened when you went back to Louisiana?" He simply nodded then went back to staring and picking at his food. One of his hands was in his lap. I slipped one of mine under the table and took it in my hand. I squeezed gently and he squeezed back. He seemed to be more at ease and so I rejoined the conversation with Sam and Terry. Not long after, the lunch bell rang signaling the school to make it's way to fifth period. We all went our separate ways.

After departing from the bus, Beau and I walked home in silence.

"I'll see you tomorrow Aiden." Beau said as we arrived in front of his house. He looked around as if looking out for anyone that may be watching. He leaned forward and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips. I smiled and bid him goodbye. When I walked in, the house was empty. I dropped my stuff off in my room and took a quick shower. I thought about Beau. What might be what's bothering him so much? I hope he talks soon, I thought. For hours I just lay in bed, reading and listening to music. I had just started The Secret Circle by LJ Smith. I watched the TV series years ago and I loved it. During that time, my parents had come and gone. I was alone for the night. Already ten o clock, So I decided to go to sleep already. Then the doorbell rang and I heard multiple knocks on the frontdoor. I sighed and trudged to the living room. I opened the door and there Beau stood. He was in a pair of pajama pants and a shirt. He didn't let me even say hi before he pulled me to him and forced lips onto mine. I immediately gave in. Even letting him slip his tongue into my mouth. He ran his hands all over me and his hardness poked at me through his pant leg. I pulled away long enough to speak.

"Beau!" I exclaimed. I didn't know what I wanted to say. I wanted him, but not now. Not before we're even "official".

"I couldn't wait till tomorrow. I needed to see you right now!" He moved to me again. But I slipped past him and closed the door. I led him to my room and we sat on the bed again.

"Beau," I began, "I like you a lot. But we're not even, you know, together."

He looked at me in confusion.

"But I thought we were!" He stood up and started to walk but I caught him.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"We're not going out, so why should I stay?"

"You never asked me." He stopped. He turned back to me.

"oh.I'm supposed to ask?"

"Well yeah! I mean, how else am I supposed to know? Didn't you ask people out in Louisiana?"

"Sam said that we were already together though. I have her sixth period and I told her everything." Beau replied. I shook my head.

"Sam... Never take her advice. Ever." We both laughed at our silly fight and went back to my room. We both laid on my bed, my head on his chest.

"Aiden?" Beau said softly.


He took a deep breath. "wanna go out with me? Be my boyfriend."

I sat up and looked into his eyes.

"Absolutely Beau." He smiled and took my face in his hands. He pulled me down into a kiss. No heat or fire. Just bliss. Soon we were both asleep, being held in each other's arms.

Note to readers: Thanks everybody for the encouraging emails! This is my first attempt at a "long"story, also my first deviation from horror into the realms of love and romance. So please, any feedback would be awesome! And you can send me emails just to tell me how good it is. I'll need the encouragement if I want to write beyond three chapters.

Next: Chapter 3

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