Heart Desires

By H

Published on Jul 21, 2001


This story contains material of homosexual acts and behavior. If you know this will offend you, please locate the back button immediately. If you are under age or have no rights being here in the first place, then I repeat, please leave.

I apologized for the delay in posting the remaining chapters. I went out of town for two weeks to do some business. I hope you enjoy what's left of "Heart desires."

Chapter 13

Adam and I loosened our embrace and turned slowly towards Bruce. Adam just stared sternly at Bruce.

"I asked you both a fucking question." Bruce said, in an upset tone.

"Which we don't have to give you an answer for." Adam quickly retorted.

Bruce looked at me with such intensity and I knew he was boiling up to tell Adam about that minor, insignificant, incident that happened between us. I was so scared that tonight might be the last time Adam and I would ever be this close again.

"Adam, I'm not going to stand by and watch you be used by Taylor." He said, angrily. "You need to see him for who he really is."

"Dude, just stop!" Adam said, in a strong voice. "I don't know what's eating at you. "For the past three days you were constantly attacking Taylor, and I'm really weary of this shit. I've asked you a dozen times what was going on and you refuse to tell me, you're always speaking in these damn parables that I don't care to unravel."

"You want to know why I'm acting this way, Adam?" Bruce inquired. "I'll tell you, and you'll see what I've been saying, was true all along, you'll thank me later."

I looked at Bruce and tried to convince him with my eyes, not to tell Adam about the night he and I almost fucked. It's not that I'm so worried about Adam finding out. I was more worried because Adam was going to find out from his best friend and not from me. I did my best to sway Bruce, but he didn't pay me any attention.

"Bruce, please..." I pleaded, mercifully.

"Fuck you, Taylor." Bruce snapped at me. "I think Adam need to know that you're a lying, scheming son of a bitch!"

Adam looked at Bruce in amazement as he called me those degrading names, but I knew Adam's amazement would soon turn to feelings of betrayal once Bruce told him everything. I believed Bruce also sensed the relationship between Adam and I was growing into something special and probably this was the very reason that had him so pissed.

Bruce looked directly in Adam's eyes and blurted out, "Did Taylor mentioned to you that he and I fucked a few nights ago?"

Adam was taken back by Bruce's audacious question and so was I. Bruce had lied through his teeth and I wasn't going to stand for it. I looked at Adam and his eyes showed so much unbelief and astonishment. I was so heart-broken that Adam had to hear such a lie from Bruce's lips, but at the same time I was infuriated with Bruce beyond measure.

"Bruce, what's the fuck wrong with you?" Adam inquired, angrily. "Why would you make up something like that?"

"You don't believe me, Adam?" Bruce quickly retorted. "You and I have been friends for a long time before you met this, this bitch who call himself your friend. You know I would never lie to you, especially something of this magnitude. I'm disappointed that you don't believe me, Adam."

"But you're not gay." Adam said, in an incredulous voice.

"There's a few things that you don't know about me, Adam." Bruce said, seriously. "Fucking men is one of the things I do. Now I'm sorry you had to find out like this, but if this what it takes to save you from Taylor, then so be it."

"Why are you trying to save me from Taylor?" Adam inquired, obviously still doubting the lie Bruce had told him. "You don't know him like I do, Bruce."

"Shit!" Bruce shouted, angrily. "He's brainwashed you into thinking he's sincere, but he's not. Adam, please listen to me, I'm telling you the truth. Fuck, if you don't believe me, just ask Taylor."

Adam looked at me and I know he didn't want to ask me, but Bruce's persistence made him to have doubts. I was also astonished to see how well Bruce made me look like a monster. I wanted to blow Bruce away with my anger for him, but I'll wait for a much proper timing. I had to smooth things over with Adam first.

"Taylor is it true?" Adam asked, with a shaken voice.

"Adam, I'm not going to lie to you." I started. "Bruce and I did not fuck. Bruce lied and he knows he did. He's trying to destroy this growing friendship that is happening between you and me. I will tell you that we fooled around, but we never went all the way. Bruce came to my apartment that night while I was waiting on you, and I tried to get rid of him, but he refused to leave. As I shoved him out my door, he pulled me into him and suddenly he kissed me. Honestly, I was turned on by the spontaneity of the situation. We were standing in my doorway when I saw you coming a few blocks away, and then I pulled him inside, in fear of being seen."

Adam looked very disappointed in me and I was hurting so much as I tried to assure him that nothing happened between Bruce and me that night. Bruce started protesting, but Adam told him to be quiet and let me speak.

"So you lied to me when I asked you if you had seen Bruce that night?" Adam asked, sadly.

"Please believe me Adam, I really wanted to tell you at first" I pleaded sorely. "But you were going through a crisis at that time and I didn't know how it was going affect you if I did mention to you that Bruce was up in my bedroom."

"I probably may not have thought nothing strange about it, because I always thought that Bruce was homophobic." Adam said, with a voice filled with grief. "But the fact that you lied to me and the way Bruce is carrying on, makes me wonder if both of you are really telling me the truth about that night."

"Gosh, Adam, I'm sorry that I lied about Bruce's whereabouts that night, but I swear to you that Bruce and I didn't have sex." I tried to assure him over and over again.

"I told you, you shouldn't trust him." Bruce rudely interjects. "He's lying to you, Adam. Taylor and I did fucked ferociously that night and afterwards he kicked me out of his apartment. He used me and now he's trying to use you."

"Shut the fuck up." I roared at Bruce.

I was trying to truthfully explain to Adam the whole story, but Bruce was being a total ass. I know now that it's my word against Bruce's and if Bruce kept playing on Adam's uncertainty, I know there's a possibility that Bruce can win him over. I almost forgot we were standing outside, and it was about 1:40 in the morning. I know by now, some of the neighbors had to be listening to the quarrel we were having outside. But I was furious with Bruce and I didn't know how long I could restrain myself from striking the hell out of him.

"Adam, Bruce is not a real friend." I told him. "I hope you realize my intentions towards you is pure. Bruce is trying to make me seem deceitful and manipulative. I would never intentionally hurt you."

"Bravo, Taylor..." Bruce said sarcastically, as he clapped his hands together. "I know and you know Adam don't believe a word you're saying."

Adam looked really perplexed and I wanted cry, as a matter of fact, tears build up in my eyes as I he began to look at me with despair.

"Taylor, I think you should go." Adam said, in a disappointing voice.

"Please, Adam, come with me to my apartment and let's talk." I pleaded. "I know we can work this out."

"Don't, Taylor..." Adam said, as he turned towards his apartment.

I stood there and watched Adam walked inside and left his door wide open. Bruce looked at me, smiled, then walked inside and shut the door in my face. I was distraught and angry with myself. Why is this shit happening to me? I began to wonder if my past was catching up with me. I never thought I would loose it over a guy like this, but Adam had broken me in ways I can't explain. I couldn't go back to my apartment because I know I wouldn't sleep tonight. So I jumped in my SUV and headed towards Eric's place. I knew it was late and Eric was probably asleep, but I had to see him.

Finally, I pulled up to Eric's garage and knocked hastily on his door. I was crying so hard by now, mostly because I knew I was at a place of comfort. Eric opened the door looking pretty worried. Who can blame him? If a friend shows up on your doorstep 2:00 in the morning in tears, you'd be worried too. I hugged him right away...

"Oh Eric, don't let me go." I told him, in my tearful voice.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, with such concern. "Did someone hurt you, Taylor?"

I just couldn't bring myself to calm down. Eric's voice soothed me so much and I just buried my face in his chest and cried more.

"Come on, Taylor, tell me what's bothering you this much." Eric pleaded. "Please, I've never seen you let go this way, and you're making me scared."

"It's Adam..." I managed to say through my excessive crying.

"What did he do to you?" Eric asked, sternly.

"It's not that." I said, in a sniveling voice.

"Then what is it?" Eric questioned.

"I think I've lost him, Eric." I said, lamentably. "And I don't know what to do."

Eric took me by my hand and led me inside to his sitting area. He looked at me with such compassion.

"Baby, why are tearing yourself apart for this guy?" Eric questioned. "I never realized that Adam had such an affect on you."

"I thought he loved me, Eric." I said, clearly, wiping my tears away.

"Taylor, you know how frustrating it can be when you're trying to win a straight man's heart." Eric said, looking into my eyes.

"I know..." I paused shortly. "But I'm the one who pushed him away, Eric."

"What are you talking about?" Eric curiously, inquired.

"It's so complicated." I told him. "I didn't push him away purposely, that was Bruce's fault."

"How did Bruce get apart of this?" Eric questioned.

I looked at Eric and he seemed very confused. Then I suddenly realized it was because I didn't update him about the fiasco that was going on in my life lately. I told him everything, from my plans to seduce Adam that night when Bruce came over, to how Bruce turned against me and manipulated Adam's emotions towards me. After I told Eric everything, he was being extremely quiet. I immediately became overly concerned, because I forgot that Eric was in love with me and here I was, telling him about my obsession with Adam. He was being so generous and considerate towards me, even though I knew it was hurting him to hear me run on about how much I loved Adam. I tried to focus my attention on him now, because I was feeling really guilty.

"Eric, are you OK?" I tried.

"I'm fine, Taylor." He said, clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry you had to hear all of that?" I told him, in an apologetic tone of voice.

Eric remained silent. He just looked at me and partially smiled. I was feeling really bad now, I wanted to console him, but I didn't how to. I leaned over and kissed him, but he pushed me away.

"Look, Taylor, you can't just kiss me and expect me to be that understanding." Eric said, seriously. "Even this is too much for me to process right now."

"But I thought you knew how I felt about Adam." I told him.

"That's not the point." Eric said, sternly. "The point is that you're bending backwards trying to win a straight guy's affection and I'm right here willing to give you everything you could ever ask for. Do you really even care for me, Taylor?"

"Of course I do, how could you even ask that." I questioned, seriously.

"Well, I have to ask, because it's hard to believe that you do when it seems like you only come to me when you need me. I always have to be the one to initiate anything between us and it's really eating me inside. Why are you taking me for granted?"

Those words pierced my heart as Eric spoke them. Was I really taking him for granted? Eric was asking me some soul-searching questions. The tears just rolled down my cheeks. I tried to stop myself from loosing it, but I couldn't help it. What the hell was wrong with me? It felt like I was loosing all of my friends at once and that there was nothing I could to do to stop it. I just got up abruptly and turned around to leave...

"Where are you going?" Eric questioned.

"I don't know." I told him, in a sobbing voice. "I can't stay here, I don't deserve you, Eric."

"Please sit back down." Eric commanded, softly.

"I'm so sorry for the way I've been treating you, but please don't make me stay." I pleaded.

"You're not going anywhere, Taylor." Eric said, assertively.

I started to walk away hurriedly, but Eric got up and ran after me. He grabbed me by my hand and turned me around suddenly. I was still crying a lot, when Eric planted his lips on mines and kissed me ever so gently.

"I'm sorry that I said those things to you." Eric apologized, softly.

"Eric, you're so kind to me and I feel so unworthy of your love and affection for me." I told him, looking into his eyes. "Please let me go, I don't want to hurt you any longer."

"You will hurt me if you walk through that door." Eric said, seriously.

"Eric, please..."

With that Eric kissed me again. He started to loosen my shirt, but I stopped him.

"Eric suppose I'm not faithful after this?" I questioned.

"You're thinking too much, Taylor, just focus on what's happening now." Eric said, continuing to loosen my shirt.

I gave into Eric advances and like I always say, it was such a comfort to be held by this guy. The pain I felt from that situation with Adam seem to vanish away as Eric sucked on my nipples. I gently massaged his head and then his broad shoulders. After a few minutes, Eric raised up from my chest, took me by my hand and led me to his bedroom. He left me standing in the door entrance of his bedroom and then he walked over to his stereo set and put on some soft music. I purposely acted shy in front of Eric and I guess it was a turn on for him because he couldn't stop from blushing. My goodness, we did this so many times and it still somehow felt like our first fuck.

As I stood in the entrance of Eric's bedroom, he began to strip naked before my lustful eyes. My cock was throbbing inside my pants and was aching to be let out. I was feeling a bit tired from my earlier outing to the club, but just looking at Eric's naked body, revitalized me in ways I never knew. Eric walked over to me and kissed me softly. His lips were so warm and tender, that they sent thrills all through my body. He began to massage my stiff cock inside my pants and then working his hands over to massage my ass. I felt when my body shivered and I knew it recognized Eric's gentle touch. Oh man, what wonders Eric does with his hands. He fully undressed me and then stooped down and lifted me over onto his bed.

Eric tentatively lay me down on my back and then climbed on top of me. We watched each other with so much lust in our eyes. I knew he wanted to ravish me right away, but he took his time for the first few minutes. Eric slid down to my crotch and starts to suck my cock like a lollipop. Groans of ecstasy escaped deep from within me as I endured the pleasure of such succulence on my hard, throbbing cock. I began to push upward into Eric's mouth, also gyrating my hips as I pushed. By the seconds I was becoming more and more horny and I could tell Eric was feeling the same. Why was I so damn horny after such a disappointing incident with Adam?

Eric turned me over on my stomach and began to spank my ass. Now I'm a guy who wasn't into that shit, but somehow being spanked by Eric, 3:00 in the morning, was more of a turn on for me. Surprisingly, I encouraged Eric to continue and I think he got off on my screams more than the pleasure of spanking me. Suddenly the spanking stopped and I felt a warm and moist feeling in my manhole. It was Eric's juicy tongue. I gasped as he slid in and out of my prodding hole. I craved for a hard and ferocious fuck. I was truly better at being a bottom and my Eric knew that. He reached for the lubricant and put some in my ass and then some on his stiff cock.

I positioned myself in the doggie style as Eric stroked his cock, preparing for penetration. Without warning, Eric pushed his cock into my prodding hole. I let out a loud moan as Eric just stayed still for a minute or so. I wanted him and he wanted me, we were in unison every time we fucked. Eric slid out of me a little and then pushed back in, this time going all the way in. I was crying with pleasure by this time. Eric began to fuck me hard and unruly. This was fucking great, I love the way Eric's cock felt inside of me. He pushed me flat on my stomach and continued with his violent rhythm. His bed was shaking so much, that I thought any minute it would collapse.

Both of us were breathing at an incredible fast pace and that swatting noise that came from Eric's cock penetrating my luscious ass, was sending me near the edge. I heard Eric growled and I braced myself for that powerful orgasm which was about to hit him. Before I knew it, Eric was sending loads and loads of fresh cum up my manhole. He pushed deeper into me, touching and massaging my prostate at the same time, that caused me to shoot my load all over his sheets. We both were making loud noises as our manjuices were being expelled. Eric remained on top of me, trying to catch his breath.

I was truly spent and wasn't up for driving back to my apartment, so I spent the rest of the morning at Eric's place. I got up at the sound of Eric's voice. He was letting me know that he'll be leaving for work in 20 minutes and wanted to know if I wanted any breakfast. I declined and told him to go on to work and I'll take care of myself. I wondered what odd job Eric had on a Saturday. I looked on my watch and the numbers showed 9:12am. I wasn't ready to get out of bed yet, so I tried to put in another hour or so. Suddenly, it hit me, mid-terms were coming up this week and I haven't study at all. My LAN project was due Wednesday, thank goodness Bryan helped me with that, all I have to do now is put it together in a presentable format.

I pitched out of the bed and immediately rushed to Eric's bathroom. I took a shower and then searched for one of Eric's boxers, considering I didn't plan on staying at Eric's place that morning. I heard my stomach began to growl and I knew what that meant. As I walked to the kitchen, thoughts of Adam flooded my mind. I wondered what he was doing. I also wondered if he was thinking about me. What a fool I've been, no way a guy like Adam would fall for me. My heart began to sadden as I opened the refrigerator and took out the orange juice. I really needed to get going so that I can hit the books and at least have some information in my brain for Monday, so that I wouldn't totally bum the exam.

30 minutes later, I pulled up to my apartment perturbed. I looked around and saw Adam's car parked in his spot. I had mixed emotions, because I wanted to talk to Adam, but yet I couldn't stand to see him being upset with me. I climbed out of my SUV and walked hurriedly to my apartment. Unfortunately, I didn't bump into Adam. Maybe he was still asleep. I went inside and from a distance, I saw my red light flashing on answering machine. I immediately thought it was Adam trying to reach me, so I rushed over to check the machine. It wasn't Adam, but it was Sam calling from Connecticut. I was happy to hear the voice of my dear friend. I haven't heard from him since he left when he was down here in Tampa to visit. He just called to let me know he missed me and would try to keep in touch as often as possible. I just smiled and went to my study desk.

Two hours into my study, I heard a knock at my door. I wondered who it could be at this hour of the day. I opened the door and saw this attractive-looking girl standing there. I'm not into girls, but damn, this girl was looking sexy. I never saw her in my life, so obviously I wondered what she wanted...

"Hi." She said, pleasantly.

"Hello. May I help you?" I questioned.

"I'm sorry, I must have knocked at the wrong apartment." Said the girl.

"Who are you looking for, maybe I can help you." I said, with a smile. "I know a lot of the students who lives here."

"Then maybe you know Adam." She implied. "He me gave the number of his apartment, but I forgot the last digit. I can't remember if it's 5293, 95 or 97."

My heart sunk. Maybe this was Adam's attractive-looking girlfriend, who I always considered to be a bitch. Now here she was standing at my door. I held my composure and maintained a straight face.

"Um, you're not to far from him." I told her. "Just back up two doors away and you'll find him at 5297."

"Thanks!" She replied.

I nodded and partially smiled at her. I found myself becoming upset and then jealous. I see why it was hard for Adam to leave his girl, she wasn't only persistent, but she was pretty damn attractive. What the hell I'm going to do now. First it was Bruce's big mouth that put a wedge between Adam and I and now Adam's girlfriend is back. I give up, I can't compete with a woman when it comes down to a straight man's heart. I didn't even bother going back to study for my exam. I just went upstairs and throw myself face down on my bed. I couldn't help myself from crying. Everything that happened last night between Adam and I began to flood my mind and I just let go totally.

I opened my eyes slowly, and I really don't remember falling asleep. I looked at my alarm clock and the numbers showed 4:55pm. I was shocked. I couldn't believe I'd slept the past 41/2 hours. I was feeling really hungry now, so I washed up in the bathroom, grabbed my keys and headed out my front door. As I was about to walk over to my SUV, I saw Adam standing by his Mustang with the girl I saw earlier. I wanted to turn around and walk back in my apartment, but I think they saw me already. So I walked to my SUV without looking up at both of them, but Adam called my name suddenly. What the hell should I do? I didn't know how to respond.

"Taylor, please, come here for a second." Adam called out.

The sensible thing to do was to calmly walk over there to them, so I did.

"Hey, Taylor, what's up?" Adam hailed. "We need to talk, but before we do that, I want you to meet my sister, Portia."

"Hi." I responded, shyly.

"Hello for the second time." Portia said, with a smile. "I'm sorry for disturbing you earlier."

"Nah, you didn't do a thing." I jested. "I was happy to help you out."

"You're sweet." Portia said, giggling. "Adam told me you're a good friend of his."

"He did?" I asked, shockingly. "I mean I didn't know that I was."

I wish I could have taken that back, but it was too late.

"Lately, I thought you weren't." Said Adam, smiling. "But you're cool, Taylor."

"Oh my garlie, look at the time! I have to get going, boys." Said Portia. "I have to pick up my gown for tonight."

"Aren't we in a hurry for tonight?" Adam said, jokingly. "I wonder who's the lucky guy?"

"Fortunately, he's none of your friends." Portia said, giggling as she climbed into her car. "Anyway, I'm out of here, nice to have meet you Taylor."

"Same here." I responded.

With that, Portia sped off and left Adam and I standing there, staring at each other. Adam seemed to be doing much better than last night. For one thing, I was relieved that Portia turned out to be Adam's sister, instead of his ex-girlfriend. Now there was one more distraction to worry about and that was Bruce.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading chapter 13. I hoped you enjoyed it as much as the previous chapters. Hopefully, I can post the remaining two chapters as soon as possible, so your suspense can be subsided.

Next: Chapter 14

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