Heart Desires

By H

Published on Aug 14, 2001


The story you are about to read contains explicit material one may find offensive. It contains homosexual acts and behavior between consenting adults. If you know you're not supposed to be here or you know this material will upset you, please hit your back button immediately and get out of here. The story is fictionally written with real life experiences. Any similarities of plot, names, setting, etc. are totally coincidental.

After the responses I received from "Heart desires," I've decided to do an encore. It was a tuff decision to continue because of my work and school schedule. I don't have as much time as I would like to really concentrate and work on my stories. But so many of my faithful readers wanted me to continue, so I decide to do it for them. Now "Soulful desires" will contain most of the characters from Heart desires with a few new characters that will come to life, during the progression of the series.

And now...

"Soulful Desires"

Chapter one - The Aftermath

The scenery was so picturesque as I stared out my window, from the 22nd floor of the Arcadian Building. I began to think about the good things that were starting to happen in my life lately. Six months ago, after graduating from Phis University, I landed a high-paying job at PriceWater House Financial Firm, as a Financial Consultant in the BRS department, which stands for Business Recovery Services. I had no idea that my life would change so much after Eric's untimely death, almost two years ago. I truly had a rough time dealing with feelings of guilt and depression. Sometimes it feels like Eric is so close to me and during those times, somehow I felt he wanted me to go on with my life, because that's the type of person he was.

My office had great opulence all around and at times I'm amazed at the sight around me. I had the latest technological equipment, the finest woodwork, black marble floors, and the most exquisite paintings hinged on my wall. It was beyond me why management thought I deserve all of this, but hey, I'm not complaining. I know Eric would have been proud of me. As I sat on my mahogany desk staring through my window, my secretary buzzed me on the intercom and let me know that there was an incoming call from Adam. Now Adam and I have been together since Eric's death and I truly loved and cherished him for his understanding and patience with me. Sometimes I think about how my life would be without Adam and I can't fathom that thought without feeling grateful. I picked up the phone and pressed line 2 to see what my baby wanted...

"Hey, Adam." I hailed, joyfully.

"Hey, you." He hailed back.

"So you miss me that much, that you had to call me?" I teased. "I mean, come on man, I've only been gone since this morning."

"Oh get a life, Taylor." He said, chuckling. "You're the one who's happy that I called, because you don't have the guts to admit that you miss me more."

"Oh please!" I said, laughingly. "Don't kid yourself, Mr. know-it-all!"

"You're so crazy!" He said, with an ending laugh. "Anyway, I'm just calling to remind you to stop on your way home and pick up the cake from the bakery, on 56th St. and I think I'm going to be running a little late this evening."

"Sure, I'll be done here by six." I told him. "Why are you going to be late?"

"Just taking care some minor details before the party tonight." He said, rather roguishly.

"Oh I see, and do those details include me?" I asked, playfully.

"We'll see." Said Adam. "But let me worry about details and you worry about work."

With that, we end our playful conversation. Tonight we were having a Birthday party for Portia, Adam's sister. Surprisingly, I found out that Adam had talked to Portia about his sexual inclinations that day when I met her for the first time. She had knocked on my apartment door, thinking it was Adam's place. At the time I thought she was Adam's ex-girlfriend and I was pretty upset, until I discovered later that she was Adam's sister. That's why she had said to me that Adam talked about me very much, because both of them were discussing me behind my back (Smile). So Adam really did like me and I didn't even know it. Now Portia is very accepting of her brother's lifestyle and since her birthday was tomorrow, Adam and I thought it best that we should show our love and appreciation by throwing her a birthday bash tonight, you know, to catch her unaware.

I had a bit of curiosity going on within me, because my birthday was three days after Portia's and I wanted to know what they were going to do for me. I don't want to sound selfish or anything like that, I'm just a bit curious. It was so cool when I found out that Portia and I shared the same birthday month. Last year on my birthday, Adam and I just stayed at home and spent a quiet evening together. Now our relationship has grown stronger since then and it's going to be two solid years in three months, when we made a commitment to love each other monogamously. I know that sounds strange coming from me, but it have been working.

Being the intuitive person that I am (sometimes), I believe Adam is planning something for me too. He can play crazy all he likes, I know when he was hiding something from me. That's why he was such in a hurry to get of the phone with me. I wondered what details he was talking about though. Maybe he and his sister were working on surprising me. That would be funny, because Adam and I were working on surprising Portia. As I was thinking about these things in my mind and working on my monthly analysis simultaneously, a soft knock was heard on my door and in walked Jonathan Hardwells. Jonathan was the unit supervisor for my department.

This guy looked no more than 27 years old and he was incredibly good-looking. Why do I always have to be surrounded by these damn temptations? Jonathan was your all-American type jock. Crystal blue eyes, blonde hair with highlights and an infectious smile. I guess he liked me because if I was late with turning in my presentation on time, he'll cover for me. You guys know when the eye sees something that looks good, if you don't control yourself, lustful desires can take over. For me I still struggled with this problem. But since Adam and I have been together, I never acted on those lustfully thoughts. I love Adam too much to hurt him that way. Jonathan approached my desk...

"Hey, Taylor." He said, smiling. "I just got back from the conference room in meeting with the other supervisors and one of them mentioned to me that you found new ways to turn around under performing companies."

"Yeah, I kinda mention the idea to Jeff when we were working out the other day downstairs. I'm still not sure of how effective that plan is." I told him. "I mean, I'm willing to sit down with you, go through the empirical process and show you why I think it may work."

"I'm sure it's a brilliant idea." He told me. "Why don't we talk about this more at lunch or something, my treat."

"OK, that'll be fine, just let me know when and where." Said I.

"Tomorrow, at Kenny Rogers during lunch hours." He said, walking towards the door. "I would have done it today, but I'm leaving early."

"No problem, I'll be there." I told him.

Now I hate getting a head of myself, but was Jonathan technically asking me out on a date? I'm sure we could discuss this in his office or a meeting room. What am I saying? I don't even know if he was gay. Maybe he just wants to get some fresh air away from the business scenery. Jonathan was really good-looking though and I know just sitting across from him in that restaurant tomorrow is going to be a task for me to suppress any signs of blushing.

For the next four hours I busily dealt with client bankruptcies and other formal insolvency procedures. My job can get pretty stressful sometimes, but I love what I do. The money is great and I have plans to move on up within the organization. I looked on my watch and it was nearing 6:00pm. I tried to finish up because I know Adam wanted me to pick up that cake for his sister's party. The bakery closed at 7 and Tampa traffic around this time is ridiculous.

30 minutes later I was out in the parking lot to my car. Yes I now drive a 2001 Ice-metallic BMW, I traded in the SUV. I don't want to sound materialistic, but I love the good stuff. Adam still had two more years in college, because when he started Phis University, I was in my third year, going on my last, but he landed a pretty decent part-time job. I thought about last night how Adam and I fucked our brains out. Sometimes we don't get the chance to have sex for a few days because of our conflicting schedules, but last night we tore the sex up! Just thinking about it as I drove down Adamo Drive, caused my cock to expand in my pants. To be honest, Adam was really good in bed and he got better each time we do it. I think I want him again tonight before Portia's party.

As I continued driving to my destination, I put in a Reggae CD I bought from that Caribbean band, who played at that famous club I attended while I was in college. Every time I listen to this CD, it reminds of the time when I took Adam to that club for the first time. I mean, I had a hard time convincing him to go and when he finally went along, I had a hard time getting him out of the car. Now I looked at him in amazement. Every day that passed he was becoming more and more comfortable with the acceptance of him being gay. What a wonderful guy he is and I'm totally crazy about him. Anyway, I haven't listen to this CD for a while and this type of music usually put me in a happy mood. I wasn't feeling sad or anything, I just felt like listening to something different.

A few minutes later I pulled up to Kelly's bakery to pick up the cake. When I got inside, the line was ridiculous. I'm short of patience when it comes to things like this. I don't like waiting in long lines. What was the reason for all these people in here this evening? I probably would expect a crowd on the weekend end, but today was only Wednesday. Anyway, I just stood at the back of the line, moving my head side to side to get a better view of what was going on up in the front. Suddenly, someone touched me on my shoulder. I turned and saw this Nicaraguan-looking guy smiling at me. It looked like he work there because he had an apron tied around his waist. He seemed to be no more than 19 years old, very bright-eyed fellow. I looked on his tag to catch a glimpse of his name. His name was Rouge. Damn, I thought that was pretty unusual.

"You're Taylor right?" He asked, with a smile.

"Yeah, that would be me." I said, returning a half smile.

"Um, your cake is ready." He told me. "I'll bring it out to your car."

"Wow, thanks man!" I told him, partially amazed of how things were working out in my favor.

"I'll be right out." He said, as he turned and walked away.

I have a feeling Adam had everything to do with this. He probably told them to have the cake ready for when I walk through the door. Every now and then I visited this bakery in the morning times for breakfast, but I doubt anyone who worked here would remember me. I wondered how this guy picked me out of the crowd. I never saw this guy in my life and he knew me. I tried not to lust, but I couldn't help it, this guy looked so beautiful and innocent, you know the type. As I waited outside my car, 5 minutes later, Rouge brought the cake outside to me. Man, it was a huge one too!

"Thanks buddy." Said I, as I opened the back door for him to put the cake in. "How much do I owe you?"

"Nada, it's already taken care of, man." He said, smiling.

"Oh...OK, well thanks again." I said, as I shook his hand and climbed into my car.

"Hey, tell Adam I say hello." He blurted out before I closed my car door.

When I heard this beautiful guy called Adam's name, I paused and looked at him slightly bemused.

"You know Adam?" I questioned, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, he comes here often on his way to school." Said Rouge. "He's really nice."

"Yeah he is." I told him, not believing this guy sounded like he was interested in my Adam. "Well, I'll let him know, take care."

With that, I drove off thinking what the hell that was all about? I didn't think for a second that Adam was being unfaithful to me, because we were committed to each other. But this Rouge guy sounded like he has the hots for MY man. He could rest assure that he was never going to have Adam, because Adam belongs to me. Boy, I turned out to be a jealous and over-protective individual. I had reasons to be that way sometimes, because guys find Adam to be irresistible. Not that I'm not a hot catch myself, because even today I still fight off a lot of advances from guys when I go to the gym, at the store or anywhere my feet trots. But Adam has this certain chemistry about him, and many guys pick up on this and sometimes, some of them have the audacity to approach him, when he and I are together. Man, that pisses the hell out of.

I just wondered what Adam did to make Rouge think he was a nice person. Well what can I say? That's my Adam. I looked at the clock in car and it displayed 6:54pm. I hope I don't be too late for Portia's party, because it starts at 7 and being stuck in this damn traffic really doesn't help. By the way, were having the party at Adam and my place, if I haven't mentioned this before. Adam got in contact with most of Portia's college buddies and I know she'll be surprise to see them. I believed Portia's boyfriend would there too. He said he had to work, but that his chances were good in getting the night off. His name was Rick, very interesting-looking guy.

Finally, I pulled up to University Squares 25 minutes later. I know I was already late, so I hurriedly stepped out of my car and proceeded to the front door. I wondered if Portia had arrived yet, I mean, I wasn't that late. Everything seemed so quiet though as I pushed my key in lock and turned it. When I opened the front door, I got the surprise of my life. Standing all around in the apartment was a crowd of people who shouted so loud in my ears, that I nearly dropped to the floor. I was speechless as I scanned the smiling faces. I saw Portia laughing and clapping her hands together as she screamed my name out. I saw some of my old college buddies who had accepted me being gay. What a shock it was when I saw Bryan there. I haven't seen him since I graduated. My friend from the club, Toby was there also. I was so shocked to see these people. I admit that I sensed something was up, because Adam was acting so weird, but seeing all my friends again whom I haven't seen in a while, was more shocking.

Apparently Portia knew along that this party was meant for me. As it turned Adam made me believe that we were planning a surprise party for his sister. I'm going to get Adam later for this. I finally recovered enough to crack a smile. How did they pull this off? It was a good thing I left the cake in the car, because without a doubt that cake was going up in the air and maybe land on a few heads. I still was standing in the doorway at this time because I was too nervous to move a muscle. So Adam finally came over and took me by the hand.

"So baby, whatcha think, huh?" Questioned Adam, with a huge grin on his face.

"Adam, you're going to pay for this later." I playfully threatened him.

"Oooh." He cooed, "I like the sound of that."

Adam is so crazy, he makes me laugh every time I tried to pretend like I was upset with him. Some of my friends came walking over and started planting hugs and kisses all over me. Suddenly, my heart was a bit saddened because I thought about Eric. I wished he was here to celebrate this moment with me. If only if I could have said good-bye, I would have been in a much better state. But my life had changed drastically and I see things a lot different now. I find myself appreciating my friends and love ones even more. I smiled sincerely as my friends continued to greet me.

Adam pulled me away from everyone and dragged me upstairs to our bedroom. I wondered what he had conjured up in his mind. Adam quickly locked the door and smiled seductively at me. I smiled back, knowing exactly what he was up to. He started to unzip his jeans right away and let them drop halfway around his butt, which also revealed his thick, strong cock. Adam didn't wear any boxers or briefs that night. He was just letting everything hang loose, and I honestly believed he planned this from the get go. Hey, I wanted it too and the thought of getting caught doing the nasty upstairs was a turn on for me. I started to unbuckle my pants, which immediately dropped to the floor.

"You think we can do this in five minutes and get back downstairs, before they miss us? Adam asked, lustfully.

"We've done quickies before, let's see if we can broke our record tonight." I challenged him.

With that, Adam reached for the KY jelly and lubricated his cock and then my manhole. He pushed me up against the wall and spread my legs apart. His pants were still hanging across his butt as he positioned himself to fuck me. I waited in anticipation to feel that thick cock inside me again. I know I said that I would get use to Adam, but somehow the insertion of his cock still stretched me a little. But I'm good at riding it now, I know how to work my ass ring muscle around his thick shaft. Suddenly, I felt when Adam pushed at the entrance of my manhole and the mushroom-shaped head slipped in about an inch. I started moaning right away, but I had to remind myself that my guest was downstairs. Adam pushed further until his rod was completely buried in my ass. He began to slowly ease out and then back into my ass. As I felt the pressure of Adam's thick meat riding in and out of my ass, a knock was heard on the door...

To be continued...

Well, that was chapter one and I can only hope that it met your expectations. Let me know what you think, OK? I'll try and post chapter two very soon. Thanks again to all my faithful readers, it was you guys who encouraged me enough to extend the plot. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter.

Next: Chapter 17: Soulful Desires 2

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