Heart Desires

By H

Published on Sep 5, 2001


The story you are about to read contains explicit material one may find offensive. It contains homosexual acts and behavior between consenting adults. If you know you're not supposed to be here or you know this material will upset you, please hit your back button immediately and get out of here. The story is fictionally written with real life experiences. Any similarities of plot, names, setting, etc. are totally coincidental.

Chapter four - New discoveries?

A light that gleamed from the bathroom softly awakened me. I also heard water running and it appeared to me that Adam was showering with the bathroom door open. I think he did that on purpose though. Maybe he wanted to wake me so that I would join him. I rolled over and glanced at the alarm clock, and the numbers showed 4:49am. I knew I wouldn't fall back to sleep, so I decided to wait until 6:00 roll around to get dress for work. I really needed a shower though, I was covered in sticky cum and honestly I loved the way it felt on me, maybe I should go to work smelling like sex. Who knows, Jonathan might ask me what cologne I'm wearing (Just a thought).

I decided to join Adam in the shower and wake myself up from this drowsy feeling that was upon me. I didn't mean to, but I startled him a bit when I slid the shower door open unexpectedly, but he quickly recovered when he saw it was me.

"Hey, sleepy head." Said Adam smilingly, as the water cascaded down his face.

"You're up early." I told him, groggily.

"I know right, I couldn't sleep anymore." He said. "I didn't mean to wake you though.

"Yeah right." I said, jokingly. "You left this door open on purpose."

"Well, I guess I did, huh?" He jested. "Now, that I've successfully woo you into my chambers, I want you to join me."

"You don't have to say that twice." I told him, as I tentatively entered one foot in the shower at a time.

With one hand, Adam started to wash my back with a sponge and then massaged my balls with his other hand. The water felt so warm and relaxing as it descended down my body. My cock started to harden as Adam moved away from my balls and started stroking it lustfully. His hand felt so damn good, that I had a hard time controlling my immediate sexual desire for him. I wanted feel him inside me again. I loved sex so much that sometimes I think I need to see a therapist, and what made it worse, the person fucking me, was Adam, the man I loved with my soul.

I felt alive and rejuvenated. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for Adam. Suddenly, Adam turned me around and started to kiss me without mercy. There's something about making out in the shower with a man you thought you'd never have. Every time I think about it, it blows my finite mind. Adam spun me back around and started to brush his cock at the entrance of my manhole. That sent spasms all through my body and my manhole prodded uncontrollably. Honestly, I felt at little sore, but that didn't stop me from wanting Adam to shove his thick, hard cock up my ass. As a matter of fact, I was turned-on more than ever, and I encouraged Adam to push into me without hesitation. I sound sick and obsess right? I think I did mention to you I need to see a therapist.

Despite my encouraging words, Adam slid into me with caution and I moaned as his cock went into my ass inch by inch. I'm surprise of how often Adam wanted sex. I swear, lately I'm beginning to think that Adam loved sex more than I did. Now I'm not complaining, whenever he wanted me, I was his. I guess that makes two overly sexed maniacs huh? He doesn't even have to ask twice, I just make myself available in whatever position he wants. I will admit though, that intense fucking is tiresome and the body needs time to rest and recuperate. Nevertheless, ever since that party two days ago, Adam and I have been having sex constantly and I began to wonder where the energy came from. Adam continued to push into me until his pubic hair rubbed against my butt cheeks.

I felt Adam slid out and then back in my ass slowly. I loved the way his cock painfully, but pleasurably stretched my ass. It's a sensation I can't describe. I placed both of my hands against the wall as Adam worked up a rhythm. I groaned in response to the pleasure I was enduring from Adam's hard, steel rod. I pushed back into him as he pushed upward into me, and with everyone of Adam's thrust, he brushed against my prostate. We ground like that for a few minutes and then I felt when Adam's cock began to swell inside of me and I knew he was getting ready to erupt. It wasn't long after that before I felt the urge to cum and I knew the next 30 seconds were going to be fanatical.

Suddenly, I heard a loud animalistic cry from Adam as his manjuice exploded deep within. He shook frenziedly, which made me came and shot my load all over the walls of the shower. After a few minutes of trying to recover from such an intense fuck, we cleaned ourselves up and exit the shower. We put on some clothes and went downstairs to the kitchen and made some breakfast. I took a quick glance at the clock and the numbers showed 5:34am. Good, I had about 25 minutes before I had to get dress for work. At least I have some time to spend with my man.

As we sat at the breakfast table, I watched Adam as he ate. He was so beautiful and filled with life and I thank my lucky stars every day for this chance to be in a relationship with him. He looked up at me and caught me gawking. He graciously smiled...

"What?" He asked, curiously.

"It's nothing, babes." I told him. "I'm just thinking how beautiful you are, and how I'm so damn lucky to be loved by you."

"And here I am thinking that I'm the lucky one." He chuckled, warmly. "Taylor, we are so bless to have each other and everyday I hope and pray that nothing comes between us."

"My goodness, everyday I pray for the same thing too." I told him, sincerely. "But I'm about to tell you something that I'm not so happy about."

"What is it?" He inquired, sweetly.

"It's about Bruce." I started.

"What about Bruce." He questioned.

"Adam, I know how much Bruce mean to you, and you don't like to see him hurting, but please don't tell me he can stay here with us when he comes to Tampa." I told him in one breath.

"What are you talking about, babes?" He asked in a bemused, but pleasant voice. "Did Bruce call or something?

"Yeah he did." I told him. "Actually he called yesterday and I'm sorry for not letting you know sooner."

"It's cool, babes. I'm still trying to figure out why he wants to come to Tampa though." Said Adam, pondering the situation in his mind.

"Well, he told me he had a vacation coming up in two weeks and he wants to come to Tampa and stay with us."

"What did you tell him." Asked Adam, looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"I didn't speak to him directly, he left a message on the machine." I told him. "Why would he want to stay here anyway?"

"I don't know, babes." Adam said, honestly. "Maybe he feel like he has something to prove, and one way to do that is by staying with us in our apartment and letting us see his emotions."

"Adam, I know how soft-hearted you are when it comes to Bruce, and I'm not trying act like an ass here, but do you really believe Bruce when he said he was OK with this whole situation?" I asked, Adam.

"If you're asking me if I still trust him, then the answer is yes." He said, reaching for my hand. "But that doesn't mean that you have to, I understand things can't change overnight, regardless of how hard we try sometimes. I know you don't want him to stay here and I can't be mad at you for that. But I think we should give everyone a chance to redeem him or herself. We've all made some mistakes and would want to be given another chance."

"Adam, you always know the right thing to say." I told him. "You are such an amazing guy. It's hard for me sometimes to be so compassionate with people who've done me wrong. But ever since Eric died, it made me realize life's too short to hold grudges against someone."

"So that means it's OK if he stayed?" Adam asked, looking directly into my eyes.

"Why not?" I said, with a cracked smile.

Adam lifts my hand up to his lips and kissed it softly. I wanted to ask him about Rouge, but it always seemed like the wrong time to ask. Why do I care so much if Rouge is interested in Adam? It was beyond me why this young specimen enthralled me so. Anyway, whatever Bruce's agenda was when he comes to Tampa, I didn't care, because I know Adam loved me and he wouldn't let Bruce do anything to jeopardize our relationship. I looked at the clock again and I was shocked to realize how fast time flies when you're occupied. I kissed and parted with my man and went upstairs to get dress for work.

Thank goodness it was Friday. Please don't get me wrong, I loved my job, it's the best job in the world. Besides, I loved seeing Jonathan's cute-looking face everyday, but my body and mind needed rest. As I drove to work, Eric's mom flashed across my mind. I thought about that message she left on the machine about Ryan wanting to come to Tampa for school. I wondered if she wanted me to actually take him in or help him find his own apartment. Of course Ryan's father knew he was coming to Tampa for school, but I doubt he knew I'd be helping his 'straight son' to settle in and get acquainted with the city. I don't know why some people think that gay guys are such monsters and are out to kill, steal and destroy. We are humans too, with emotions just everyone else. Anyway, I have no intentions of harming Ryan in any way.

As I approached the entrance of the Arcadian Building, I saw Jonathan coming up the pavement in my peripheral view. I intentionally pretend like I didn't notice him because I wanted to get a glimpse of his reaction. And a reaction I did receive...

"I guess I've done something wrong that you can't speak to me anymore." Said Jonathan smilingly, as he walked up behind me.

I turned to face him and grinned sheepishly.

"No, no, no, it's not that, I didn't know that was you." I lied.

"Uh-huh. I know you're lying to me." He chuckled. "Anyway man, how's your morning going so far?"

"It's going great." I told him. "Just a bit tired, that's all."

"Well, it's Friday." He said, smilingly.

"I know right, TGIF!" I exclaimed.

We laughed and walked inside the building. Jonathan was really a cool supervisor and sometimes he makes me wonder about his sexual preference. I know I sound like I want every guy to be gay (that'll be great), but that's not really true. It's just that I've met so many guys in my lifetime I thought was straight, but turned out to be gay. Maybe Jonathan is keeping things under wraps because of his position in the company. I don't consider myself to be in the closet, but I don't go around telling the whole world that I'm gay. If someone ask me if I'm gay, then I'll let him or her know, that I am. It was as simple as that. Now getting back to Jonathan, I think he has an inkling that I loved men. Why else would he be treating me the way that he does? He smiles too much with me, and then looks at me strangely, but in a good way. I know it's tuff for a guy in his position to take such a risk in asking an employee out for dinner secretly. Especially, when the employee happens to be a guy.

If it happens to be one of those days when strange things occur, like if Jonathan comes up to me and actually asks me out, I might turn him down anyway. Knowing myself, it'll be hard to say no, because he's so gorgeous-looking, but my heart belongs to Adam. I'm just getting ahead of myself here, this guy might be straight as they come. Why do I care anyway? As I sat to my desk sipping on some hazelnut coffee, my secretary buzzed me and told me Jeff was on line three. I clicked over to see what Jeff wanted.

"Good morning, Jeff." I hailed.

"Good morning, Taylor." He said, in his deep baritone voice. "I guess you know why I'm calling?"

"No, you can't have her." I said sternly, but laughingly.

"What the hell are you talking about, man?" He inquired, but with a hard laugh.

"Just a morning starter." I said, laughing.

"You sure have a crazy sense of humor." Said Jeff, as his laughter died down. "Man, you had me going there for a minute."

"I thought I did." I told him, trying to compose myself.

"Anyway, you almost cause me to forget what I called you for." He said, with slight laughter in his voice. "Um, I just was wondering what happened to you..."

"To me?" I questioned. "What did I do wrong now?"

"Ah, come on, Taylor, you know I'm talking about our workouts after hours." Said Jeff. "I haven't seen you for a few days."

"Man, I wanted to, but for the past few days I was feeling so damn tired." I told him. "And then I wasn't getting enough rest." Jeff didn't know that I was mostly tired because Adam and I fucked consistently during the previous nights and my body just felt a bit weak. Knowing Adam, he and I will fuck again tonight, especially how he knows that I don't have work tomorrow. Again, I'm not complaining, this is the most we ever made out in a long time. After work, I just have to go to the store and buy some energy drinks to revitalize my stamina.

"Sound like you're having a lot of fun." He jested. "I want in."

"Trust me, your heart can't handle my extracurricular activities." I said, chuckling.

"Boy, you're making sound like I'm old." He said, laughingly. "I'm barely 9 years your senior, besides, you can learn a lot from me."

Now I know Jeff wasn't talking about sex, but I was and I decided to cut the conversation short because I didn't want Jeff to get the wrong idea.

"Well, I'm sorry that I didn't let you know what was going on." I told him.

"It's cool, just thought you bailed out on me, man." He said, warmly. "Anyway, I have to get back to work, see you around."


I hung up from Jeff and opened my briefcase to retrieve some documents. I didn't know where to start this morning. I had two meetings scheduled in an hour, a presentation to wrap up to present first thing Monday morning and a few important phone calls to make. Fifteen minutes into working on my presentation, my phone rang. It was one of my clients from the Water and Sewage Corp., and to cut a long story short, they wanted to negotiate a contract. Mostly, when negotiating contracts with customers, I usually consult with Jonathan first before I made any moves. So, look like I'll be seeing Jonathan again very soon.

Later on that day, after I had amazingly survived three long meetings, work tirelessly with a few customers and wrapped up my presentation, I lay back on my chair and relaxed. I looked at my watch and saw that I had ten minutes before I was done with work. My goodness, I was so damn tired. It literally felt like I couldn't move any longer. I told my secretary to hold all my calls, because I couldn't handle any more. What I didn't get done today, will have to wait until Monday. I definitely wasn't going to workout today, I'd only be a hindrance to Jeff.

About twenty minutes later, I packed up my stuff and dragged myself out the building. As I walked to my car, I saw Jonathan in the parking lot with his briefcase in one hand and a binder in his other hand. He opened his Jeep door, leaned over and placed both items in the passenger seat. I positioned myself at an angle to get a glimpse of his bubble butt in perfect form, as he bent over. I immediately started lusting and my cock twitched inside my pants. He backed up, and turned around. At first I thought he knew I was staring at his ass, because he flashed this infectious smile at me, as he shut his car door and walked over to where I stood. I grinned uncontrollably as he approached me and I know I must have looked silly with this stupid grin on my face.

"Hey, what's up?" He hailed.

"Relief." I sighed.

"I know right?" He chuckled. "No work until Monday."

"Oh my goodness, I could just sleep for the next two days without getting up." I told him, laughingly.

He laughed at that. An awkward silence emerged between us and then strangely, Jonathan just stared at me, what seemed like forever, but I know it only lasted for two seconds or so. He looked like he really wanted to ask me something, but he was afraid to do so. He broke the silence...

"Well, have a nice weekend and do get some rest. I'll see you on Monday" Said Jonathan, as he extended his right hand to me.

"OK, I'll see you on Monday." I told him, as I shook his hand.

"And remember your presentation is first thing Monday morning, in Conference room B." He reminded me, as he walked over to his Lexus jeep.

"Roger that!" I exulted.

With that we parted. As I took my usual route towards home, I thought about Jonathan. Man, I didn't know what to think about him. We really have a good working relationship, but I have a gut feeling that Jonathan might be gay. I know he wanted to ask me something, because I saw the question beaming in his eyes. Unfortunately, if Jonathan happens to be gay, we can't get together, because like I've said a thousand times, I loved Adam too much to hurt him that way. Suddenly, I heard this little voice inside my head and I know it had to be my old nature talking. The voice said, "What Adam don't know won't hurt him." I shook the thought from my mind and tried to focus my mind on something else. I couldn't understand why I was thinking about other guys when I was perfectly happy with Adam.

I really felt worn out and I really needed something to give me a boost. I decided to stop at WalMart and purchase me some Red Bull energy drinks that contained ginseng and other revitalizing ingredients. As I walked inside WalMart towards the drink section, to my amazement, I saw Bryan and Oswaldo coming towards me. Wow, this was just one of those days when strange things happen. I haven't seen Ossie for over a year and now here he is walking side by side with Bryan. I thought they weren't seeing each other anymore, I guess I assumed wrong.

"Hey, Taylor!" Bruce exulted, as he approached me. "How's it going after the party?"

"Couldn't be better." I told him, smilingly.

"You mean I wasn't invited?" Interjected Oswaldo.

"Don't blame it on me." I told him, with a slight laugh. "I didn't know about it either until that night. Besides, you weren't around to be found."

"Oh, Bryan didn't tell you?" Inquired Ossie.

"Tell me what?" I questioned.

"He moved back home to Puerto Rico." Said Bryan, quickly. "Ossie, I'm sorry I didn't mentioned it to Taylor, but I doubt he wanted to know anyway."

"Is that true, Taylor?" Oswaldo questioned, with this sly grin on his face.

"I'm afraid it is." I said, laughingly. "Why would I care if you moved back home or not?"

"I see you're still sharp with your words." He said, with a grin. "I guess some things never change."

"I guess not." I told him, sarcastically. "Bryan, you didn't tell me that you was still seeing Ossie."

"Well, I'm not, we have an agreement." Said Bryan, as he turned and looked at Ossie.

"I see." Said I. "Well, I think I've overstep my boundaries, I apologize for not minding my own business."

"It's no big secret, man." Said Ossie. "We don't have to tell you anything, because you know exactly what's going on."

"No, I don't." I retorted. "And I really don't want to know, and I would appreciate if we left this conversation in shallow waters."

"Yeah, I agree." Said Bryan. "Anyway, it's always nice seeing you Taylor. Can I call you later, so that we can talk?"

"Yeah, that'll be OK." I told him.

"Can I call you too?" Asked Ossie, in a laughing voice.

"No, you can not call me." I told him seriously, but with a cracked smile.

"Why are you playing so hard to get?" Ossie inquired bluntly.

"Excuse me?" I asked, a bit astonishingly.

"Don't mind him, he's just playing around with you." Replied Bryan.

"No, I'm not." Said Ossie. "Seriously, why are you playing like you don't find me to be attractive?"

"You have some nerve, dude." I told him, in a shock voice. "You need to get over yourself, I never deny I found you to be attractive, but the way you present yourself, turns me off."

"So you do find me attractive, huh? He said, slyly.

"Taylor, don't let him get under your skin, believe me, he knows how to do that to people." Said Bryan.

"Well, he needs to stop, because everyone is going to end up hating him." I said, seriously. "Why do you hang out with him anyway?"

"Taylor, look, let's call a truce." Said Ossie.

"Truce?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I promise I'll stop acting like an ass if you consider me to be your friend." Said Ossie, in a proposing voice.

"You're weird, you know that?"

"So I take it that we made peace with each other?" Questioned Ossie.

"If it wasn't for Bryan, I would have kick you to the curve long time." I told him. "Bryan is a good person and he must see something good in you, why else would he hang with you?"

"Well, Taylor, that's a nice thing to say." Said Bryan. "But Oswaldo can prove for himself what a good friend he can be."

"I hope I don't regret this, but OK, we're friends." I said with a suppressed smiled, as I extended my hand to Ossie.

"Gotcha!" Said Ossie, laughingly. "I'm kidding, man. You'll learn that I joke around a lot, but I can be serious when I have to."

"I hope so." I told him.

With that we part and I finally grabbed and paid for a few cans of Red Bull energy drinks. This day was so bizarre, all I wanted to do now is get home and sleep for the next 12 hours. About 10 minutes later I pulled up to my apartment complex. I looked around and I saw Adam's car parked in its space and then I saw another car that I know I've seen before. No, it couldn't flipping be, that car looked like Rouge's car. It was a white Dodge Stratus with tinted windows. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was my man cheating on me with this Nicaraguan guy? I jumped out my car and walked hurriedly to my apartment, I tried to stay calm and collective, but the thought of Adam cheating on me, sent blood pumping through the veins in my head. I turned my key softly and then opened the door slowly...

To be continued...

Well, that's chapter four. I apologize for the delay in posting this chapter, but I'm doing my best to get them posted as soon as I can. I hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter, I really would like to hear from you.

Next: Chapter 20: Soulful Desires 5

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