Heart Desires

By H

Published on Sep 29, 2001


The story you are about to read contains explicit material one may find offensive. It contains homosexual acts and behavior between consenting adults. If you know you're not supposed to be here or you know this material will upset you, please hit your back button immediately and get out of here. The story is fictionally written with real life experiences. Any similarities of plot, names, setting, etc. are totally coincidental.

From the End of Chapter 4

About 10 minutes later I pulled up to my apartment complex. I looked around and I saw Adam's car parked in its space and then I saw another car that I know I've seen before. No, it couldn't flipping be, that car looked like Rouge's car. It was a white Dodge Stratus with tinted windows. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was my man cheating on me with this Nicaraguan guy? I jumped out my car and walked hurriedly to my apartment, I tried to stay calm and collective, but the thought of Adam cheating on me, sent blood pumping through the veins in my head. I turned my key softly and then opened the door slowly...

Chapter five - At the apartment

My mind was racing with so many things as I pushed the front door of my apartment open. I stepped inside quietly and closed the door behind me mellifluously. I walked over to the den to see if Adam and his 'secret lover' were on the sofa making out. To my surprise, Adam was in deep sleep with the TV remote still clasped between his fingers. At that moment, I felt incredibly stupid. What is wrong with me? I should have known that Adam wouldn't cheat on me, much less bring a guy back to our apartment. My head was pounding from a variety of emotions that bombarded me. I spun around and hastily walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

While standing in the kitchen, I asked myself a dozen times, why was I so quick to come to such a dumbass conclusion, that my faithful man was cheating on me. Partially, I wasn't wrong to get upset when I saw Rouge's car parked outside, but that still didn't give me an excuse to assume the worse. After I gathered wits together, I trotted upstairs and stripped down to my boxers. I sat and relaxed on my bed for a few moments, then a question came to mind. What was Rouge doing here at this apartment complex anyway? Maybe he has friends or family here. Whichever it was, I'm sure relieved that the situation didn't turn out as I thought it would, still felt stupid, but I was OK.

Suddenly, that tiredness I had felt all day started to overtake body again, and I couldn't help but lay back on my bed and close my weary eyes. I was so happy that I wasn't going to see my office again until Monday morning. As I drifted off into dreamland, I heard the phone ringing. Yes, I have a phone set up in my room too. I opened my eyes slowly, but I didn't move a muscle. Shortly thereafter, the ringing stopped. Probably Adam picked up, and I was happy if he did, because I wasn't moving for mama! I simply closed my eyes again and headed off to that land, known as dreamland.

I heard a voice calling, but it sounded far away. The voice began to sound much closer and then I suddenly realized that Adam was tenderly calling my name. I opened my eyes and saw him standing over me with the cordless phone in his hand.

"Hey sleepy head, I really didn't want to wake you, but Eric's mom is on the phone and she said she really need to talk to you." Adam said, above a whisper. "She called earlier, but I told her I didn't know if you were home yet."

I sat up rubbing my eyes, and then I glanced at my alarm clock. I couldn't believe it, I had slept for the past four hours. I wondered what Eric's mom wanted. I took the phone out of Adam's hand.

"Hello, Mrs. Royal." I said, groggily.

"Taylor?" She inquired.


"Hello, babes, I'm sorry that I disturbed you from your sleep." She apologized.

"Awwh, it's OK." I assured her.

"Did you get my message that I left on your machine?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am. I did." I told her. "And I was going to call you much sooner, but circumstances led me not to."

"It's OK, I'm glad that we're talking now." She said. "I'm just going to get straight to the point. Like I've said, Ryan wants to come to Florida and study there. Now his mom and I had a hard time accepting his decision, but his dad supports him all the way. I'm the only one who asked for your help in helping Ryan get settle."

"Yes, what do you mean by that." I questioned.

"Well, I was hoping that you could pick him up from the airport and show him around a few places."

"Oh, that's all?" I inquired.

"Yes." She told me. "He's coming in tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I asked, surprisingly.

"Yes, is that a problem?" She questioned.

"Ah, no, not at all." I stuttered. "I just thought he wasn't going to come until next month or something, because the new semester doesn't start until another six weeks or so."

"You see why I ask for you're help?" She told me. "He's getting antsy here in Maryland and the sooner the better. Besides, that'll give him some time get familiar with his new surroundings."

"Well, where is he staying?" I questioned, curiously.

"At the dorm, I think." She said, a bit hesitant. "Do they let new students stay at the dorm before the semester starts?"

"Sometimes, it depends on availability." I told her. "But I think six weeks is a bit much in advance, a student may still be utilizing his room now and may not be free until after graduation."

"Oh my!" Eric's mom said, worriedly. "I need to talk to Ryan and let him know what's going on."

"Don't worry so much about it." I told her. "I'll help in any way I can."

"Thank you so much, Taylor. "She said, sweetly. "I really appreciate it, hun."

"No problem, Mrs. Royal."

"Oh, Ryan's flight comes in at 4:30pm, on Delta Airlines." She interjected.

"I'll be there." I told her.

With that we hung up. Eric's brother was coming in tomorrow and I was no way prepared to handle this. I eased up off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face with some warm water and then rinsed my mouth with mouthwash. What if someone else is occupying Ryan's dorm room? Then that means he'll have to stay with us for at least about a month. I really needed to talk to Adam and see what he thinks about this. A few minutes later I walked downstairs and looked for Adam. He was in the den watching TV, some re-runs of ER. I still felt a little hurt for the way I assumed he was cheating on me. I sat next him and lifted up one of my legs and rested it on over his. He leaned over and kissed me.

"I love you." Adam said, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I love you more." I blushed.

"In your dreams, baby!" He said smilingly.

Man, Adam was such a sweet guy and spending moments like this is what I lived for.

"Look like you and Eric's mom are becoming good friends." He said, nonchalantly. "By the way, how's she doing?"

"She seems find to me." I told him. "She wanted me to help her with something."

"Yeah?" Adam said, curiously.

"I wanted to bring this up to you yesterday, but time wasn't on our side." I told him.

"What is it, babes?" He inquired.

"Eric's brother is coming to Florida, tomorrow." I started.

"Really? How long is he going to be here?" Adam questioned.

"A few years."

"A few years?" Adam questioned, looking really bemused.

"He's coming here for college." I finally told him.

"Oh, what college he got accepted in?" Asked Adam.

"Phis." I told him.

"Wow! But the new semester don't start until a couple of weeks from here."

"I know, I explained that to Eric's mom." I told him. "She figure that'll work out find, because it'll give him time to get acquainted with his new surroundings."

"I see."

"But this ain what I really want to talk to you about?" I said, looking at him.

"It isn't?" He inquired.

"I mean, it's apart of it." I tried. "The other part is, that he may have to stay here with us if he can't get an available room at the dorm."

Adam didn't say anything at first, but then he looked at me and smiled.

"And you wondered how I was going to react to this?" He questioned.

"Yes, what do you think?" I asked him.

Well, Taylor, I don't have a problem with it as long as you don't." He told me. "You think he'll be comfortable here?"

"I don't know." I said. "We'll see what happens tomorrow."

"OK, will do." Adam said, and then looked at me slyly. "In the meantime, I want to have you all to myself."

"Oh really?" I teased.

"Yes really." Adam said, and then planted a passionate kiss on my lips.

Adam knew every time that he talked lustfully to me, I get turned on. He continued to kiss me passionately. I climbed on top off him, spreading my legs apart facing him. We were already in our boxers, so with each touch of our skin intensified the moment. I began to suck on his nipples, and gyrate my hips on his now rock hard cock. Adam eyes showed so much sex inside of them and that made me want to have him inside of me right away. We pulled our boxers off and sat on each other in the same position, naked. Pre-cum dripped from both of our cocks as we ground up and down into each other. Our breathing picked up as we kissed wildly.

"Oh my god, you're making me so damn hot!" Adam said, lustfully.

"I want you inside me now." I said, softly.

I raised up a bit and directed Adam's cock to the entrance of my manhole. I began to ease back down on his warm, thick cock, slowly. I felt him as he slid in me inch by inch. I moaned pleasurably and licked my licked my lips, enduring the warm his cock generated inside of me. Moments later, we were fucking like horny, wild animals. Adam pushed into me with all his might and I met him with every thrust. We were totally drenched in sweat and our moans kept on escalating. He stood me up, with him still inside me and walked to the wall. I placed my hands on the wall as Adam continued to pound my ass without mercy. I was reminded of how hard Eric and I had fuck that night when Sam had visited and was right upstairs and heard everything we did.

I felt Adam's thrusts became faster and stronger. Seconds later I was shooting my load all over my wall. Adam still was pounding away at my ass and I shook with pleasure. Then I heard Adam cried and with one long, hard, push, he exploded deep within me. We dropped to the floor out of breath...

To be continued...

There you have it, chapter 5. I really apologize for taking so long to post this chapter. Well, you know how life goes. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and I hope to post chapter 6 soon.

Next: Chapter 21: Soulful Desires 6

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