Heart Desires

By H

Published on Nov 13, 2001


This story contains explicit material that focuses on men loving men and sharing consensual sexual experiences. If you know this is going to offend you, then you shouldn't be here in the first place. Any similarities to plot, setting, themes, etc., are purely coincidental.

Chapter eleven - Tenacity

Rouge started to massage Adam's juicy ass as he kissed him. He was determined to seduce Adam tonight, because he didn't know if he would have this opportunity again. But Adam was struggling with his decision. He knew if he followed through with making love to Rouge, it would be hard for him to live with the secret. And he knew if he told Taylor, it would definitely ruin the trust they had between them. So he had to act quickly...

"STOP!" Adam shouted, as he pushed Rouge away from him. "This is so wrong, I can't do this."

"What are you talking about?" Rouge questioned Adam, with a seductive voice. "I thought you wanted me."

"I can't hurt Taylor like this." Adam said, with tears flowing. "I have to get out of here."

"Please don't go, don't leave me like this." Rouge pleaded. "Taylor doesn't have to know."

"Rouge, you're a nice guy and all, but I'm not the man for you." Adam told him. "I belong to Taylor."

"What could Taylor give you that I can't?" Rouge questioned, getting upset.

"It's not that, Rouge. I'm in love with Taylor."

"You're wasting your time, you know Taylor is not going to be faithful to you forever." Rouge told Adam, desperately. "He's not the relationship type. One day he's going to slip up and hurt you."

"That's enough, man!" Adam said, strongly. "What's your problem? I thought you were my friend. No friend of mine would try to break up Taylor and me."

"I'm not trying to break you and Taylor up." Rouge said, looking into Adam's eyes. "I'm just asking for one night, that's all. Please, don't make me beg. I need you tonight, Adam."

"It's obvious you don't understand what I'm saying to you." Adam said, seriously. "And I'm not going to waste my time here explaining to you how much I love Taylor. I will talk to you later, Rouge. It's late and I have class first thing tomorrow morning."

"Taylor doesn't fucking deserve you!" Rouge said, angrily.

"That's it, I'm out of here!" Adam said, as he turned around and walked hastily towards the door.

"Damn Taylor!" Rouge shouted, and then kicked the wall.

Adam left, furious with Rouge. He couldn't understand why Rouge was acting the way he did. For one thing, he wasn't sure he wanted to keep Rouge as a friend, because if he was going to cause problems for Taylor and him, then it would be best to leave Rouge behind.

Rouge paced the floor, cursing. He was so angry that he could literally walk fifteen miles to University Hospital, and choke the life that was left in Taylor. He was beginning to realize the truth in what his partner had said to him. His partner told him that Taylor had brainwashed Adam, and there's nothing anyone could do to end their relationship. Rouge was starting to believe that with all of his heart. He really thought about going to the hospital to pay Taylor a secret visit, but the police might be waiting to arrest his ass. One way or the other, he was going to get Adam.

The following Monday morning, at the Arcadian building, Jonathan caught the elevator to the 22nd floor where Taylor's office was located. He wanted to find out if Taylor was ready to show off his presentation. But when he got off the elevator, he met Jeff and Taylor's secretary walking towards him, with serious expressions on their faces.

"What's going on?" Jonathan asked, confused.

"You don't know?" Jeff asked surprisingly.

"Know what?"

"About Taylor." The secretary told Jonathan.

"What about Taylor?" He asked, annoyed.

"I thought you might have heard it on the news by now." Jeff told him.

"No, I didn't watch television at all this weekend." Jonathan told them. "Could someone please tell me what's going on with Taylor?"

"He was involved in a terrible accident yesterday evening." The secretary said, quickly. "I don't know his prognosis, but the scene of the accident looked really disturbing."

"Oh my goodness!" Jonathan exulted, as he unconsciously put his hand over his mouth. "How did it happen?"

"Well, according to the reports, they said Taylor loss control of the wheel." Jeff told him. "I don't know if that really happened. You know how the media uses hype to attract the public."

"Man, this is the saddest news I've heard in a long time." Jonathan said, shaking his head. "Do you know when we could visit him?"

"Yes, I called the hospital this morning, and the lady told me that visiting hours were scheduled between the hours of 6 to 10pm." Taylor's secretary told him.

"I'm going to see him after work this evening." Jonathan told them. "So if you two want to go with me, meet me in the parking lot, and we'll leave together."

"OK." Both of them agreed.

"I'm going upstairs to let the directors know about this." Said Jonathan. "Um, could one of you do me a favor?" He thought for a second and then changed his mind. "Ah...never mind...I'll do it."

"What?" Jeff inquired.

"I was going to ask one of you to call the arrangement place, and get Taylor a fruit basket made up."

"Oh, I already did that." The secretary told Jonathan. "The delivery guy should be here at noon."

"Really? That's great!" He responded happily. "OK, meet me in the parking lot at six."

After Jonathan informed the directors of what had happened to Taylor, he caught the elevator down to the main kitchen. He could have stayed in his office and made himself a cup of coffee there, but he needed to take a walk. The news about Taylor had affected him more than Jeff and Taylor's secretary had realized. And there was a reason for that. He liked Taylor a little bit more than a supervisor is supposed to like a subordinate. As a matter of fact, he loved everything about Taylor, but he had to conceal his feelings for him, because of his job and the problems it could get him in. Jonathan had had a sexual relationship with a guy once, but that was when he was 19. Although it lasted for only four months, Jonathan loved this guy with all of his heart and soul. The most depressing day for Jonathan was when he found out that this guy played him for a fool.

After that relationship, Jonathan was careful who he gave his heart to. That was until Taylor started working at Price Waterhouse. He was attracted to Taylor almost immediately, but he had to pretend everything he did for Taylor was professional. There was something passionate about Taylor, and he was drawn to him, like two magnets coming together. Now, to hear such terrible news about Taylor rocked his heart, but he couldn't show his real feelings. He sat drinking a cup of black hazelnut coffee. And as he sat there drinking his coffee, he wondered what his life would have been like if Taylor were his lover.

At the hospital...

I lied down in that hospital bed, thinking. I remembered the presentation I was working on and that today was the day I was to present it. Unfortunately, that was impossible for me to do. I thought about Jonathan and wondered if he had heard anything about my accident. For some strange reason, I felt like he would have been here last night, if he had known about my accident. I didn't sleep much last night, because I basically had to limit my movements to one position, and that was on my back. Gosh, it was such a long night.

I felt a little depressed and alone as I lay still in that bed. I wanted to go home and be with Adam. My goodness, I missed him so much. As I was thinking about these things, Doctor Cordovan quietly opened my door and entered.

"So how's my favorite patient doing this morning?" Doctor Cordovan asked.

"I'm OK, but I want to go home." I told the doctor, hoarsely.

"Awwwh, I thought I was making you feel at home already." The doctor said, jokingly. "I guess I'm not as good of a doctor as I thought I was."

"Of course you are." I told him, with a half smile. "I just think I'm ready to go home."

"Don't be in such a hurry." Warned Doctor Cordovan. "You're rib cage was badly fractured, and it's going to be a few weeks before you can bend and tie your shoes."

"Can't I go home and be taken care of there?" I asked him, wearily.

"Well, eventually you will, but you're going to be here at least another week before the hospital releases you." Said the doctor, as he checked my vital signs.

"Oh man, another week?" I asked, almost hysterically. "I'll go crazy!"

"Nawh, you'll be fine." The doctor laughed. "You're funny. Has anyone ever told you that?"

Doctor Cordovan reminded me of Adam when I first started talking to him. Adam told me on numerous occasions, how funny he thought I was. Now here was this doctor was telling me the same thing. I must really amuse the people around me, huh?

"Well, everything seems fine right now." The doctor told me. "But I'm going to send in the nurse to give you a shot every morning for the next three days. This will prevent infection from forming in your internal organs. Are you experiencing any pain right now?"

"Yeah, my right side hurts like hell." I told him.

"OK, those shots will help numb the pain." Said the doctor. "I'm going to prescribe some painkillers and hopefully in about two to three weeks, you won't need them."

"Thanks, doctor, you're a real comfort." I told him sincerely. "But I have one more request before you go."

"And what is that request?" The doctor asked, smiling.

"Please, please bring me some real food. I'm starving here."

"I'll see what I can do." He laughed. "But it would have to be something very light."

"I understand." I told him, nodding my head.

"Get some rest until I get back." Said Doctor Cordovan, as he turned and walked towards the door.

At Rouge's apartment...

Rouge sat watching the morning news. The very thing he was afraid off had happened. His sketched face was plastered all over the news. The announcer repeated a few sentences that almost made Rouge crazy. He was now considered armed and dangerous. How the hell did his life get to this point? Rouge thought. He was so overwhelmed, that he felt like it wouldn't be long before he was arrested. He picked up his cell phone and called his partner.

"This is the same shit I was talking about!" His partner screamed over the phone. "I knew that punk ass was going to the police. Why wouldn't he?"

"Look, you're not helping me by telling me that you were right." Rouge said frantically. "What the hell am I going to do?"

"Shit!" His partner swore. "You're messing up this entire operation. Well, it's a fifty-fifty chance that Adam will see your sketched face on the six O'clock news. That boy hardly ever watches TV. But it would be cautious of you to make sure he doesn't watch TV at all tonight."

"Now how the hell do you suggest I do that?" Questioned Rouge, with a panicked-filled voice.

"You are really not thinking here, Rouge!" His partner said, excitedly. "How else are you going to keep Adam from watching TV, if you don't drive your ass over to his apartment and distract him?"

"I can't do that." Rouge said quickly.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Questioned the voice. "I'm trying to help your trifling ass!"

"Adam is mad at me."

"For what?" Inquired the voice. "Anyway, don't answer that, I prefer not to know about your squabble with Adam. I'm sure it was something trivial. Be smart, use that as an excuse to see him. Tell him that you came to apologize and that you want to make amends. But you have to appear realistic, because Adam will see through it. And another damn thing, wear a fucking disguise!"

With that, his partner hung up the phone. Rouge thought to himself, who could he disguise himself as? He felt like his pathetic life was coming to an end very soon. But he decided that he would fight to survive for as long as he could. Then it hit him as he continued to switch the channels on the television. He would go incognito as a priest. Surely, no one would be looking for a murderer dressed up as a priest. Besides, Halloween was four days away and he could easily explain away his disguise.

At Matt place...

"Man, you did the right thing by going to the police." Matt told Ryan, as he tossed the omelet in the air and caught it in the frying pan. "Don't sit there looking so worried."

"How can I help it, dude?" Ryan asked him. "I'm afraid this guy will think of something shrewd and take revenge on me. If my parents find out about the shit I'm in, they wouldn't hesitate buying me a first class ticket for Maryland. I'm so scared, man. How long you think it will be before the police catch up with Rouge?"

"Truthfully, it could be a long time." Matt told his new friend. "But it's possible that this guy could be arrested within 24 hours."

"I hope it is sooner than that, man." Ryan said, almost praying. "I want to see Taylor. Can you take me to the hospital later?"

"Yeah, I could." Matt said to Ryan, as he walked over to him and handed him a plate with an omelet and toast. "But how are you going to get back to my place? I have to be at work at 6:30pm, and I don't knock off until 2:30am."

"Thanks!" Ryan said, as he took the plate. "Um, don't worry about me, Adam is going to be there. I think I'm gonna go home tonight to keep him company."

"So, this is your last day here?" Matt asked, looking at Ryan.

"Well, technically for now." Ryan told him. "I don't think Rouge is going to show his face there at the apartment, especially now. He knows the risks he'll be taking if he comes out in public. I'm scared, dude. But I don't want to run from him forever."

"I understand, but you're sure you don't want to wait another night or two and then do what you have to do?" Questioned Matt.

"Nawh, I think it's best I go back to the apartment." Ryan told Matt. "The sooner I tell Adam about this asshole, the sooner he can watch his back."

At Toby's condo...

Toby was drenched in sweat, as he took an 8-inch rod up his ass. The guy pounding Toby's ass, was someone he had met from the gay club he worked at. The guy's name was Kaylen. Toby usually had many one-nighters, but for some reason, Kaylen interested him beyond a one-night stand. Maybe because he had slight features of the man he wanted and couldn't have, Adam. Nevertheless, the guy knew how to fuck a tight ass. Toby stood bent over the kitchen counter, as Kaylen grasped his shoulders for support and rammed the ass that was before him, mercilessly. Toby was groaning like a baby lion. He preferred to be the pitcher in this situation, but Kaylen didn't like to be the catcher. So if any action was going to happen, one of them had to compromise.

Kaylen began to work his cock in a circular motion. Slowly grinding in and out of Toby's bubble butt. The Wesson oil that they had used for lubrication worked like a charm. Kaylen's cock slid in Toby's ass like a hot knife slides through butter. He was so sexually engrossed that his knees buckled every time he thrusted deeper and harder into Toby's boycunt. Oh what a feeling it was to have a beautiful guy's cock up your ass! There's nothing to compare it to. Kaylen began to pick up his speed, massaging Toby's back and kissing it as he fucked for dear life. Toby was starting to really enjoy the pleasure he was receiving. Loud, horny noises escaped from his mouth as Kaylen worked his ass. He began to meet everyone of Kaylen's thrusts with raw passion and lust. The two were becoming one in groans and pleasure.

Suddenly, Kaylen wrapped his arms around Toby, leaned over onto his back and shook uncontrollably. He groaned nosily, as his manjuice exploded deep within Toby's tight ass. Almost simultaneously, Toby shot his load all over the kitchen floor. That was one of the most intense fucks either of them had ever experienced. They returned to their previous task, which was preparing breakfast. They picked up the bowls and forks that were scattered on the floor. Some of the minced onions for the tuna had also fallen on the floor.

"Man, I like you!" Toby said, laughingly. "You know how to fuck a tight ass!"

"So you gonna let me hit that tonight?" Questioned Kaylen.

"It will have to be after I get back from the club tonight." Toby said, smilingly. "Then I'm all yours, baby!"

"If we keep this up, we may not be able to stand being away from each other." Kaylen said, looking at Toby.

"Well, you never know." Toby told him, but he wasn't enthused with the idea of being in a relationship.

Suddenly, the phone rang. It was Adam calling from his cell.

"Hey Adam, this is a surprise!" Toby hailed, jovially. "What's up?"

"I'm OK, now." Adam told him. "Listen, I don't have much time, I have two minutes before my second class starts, so I'm gonna make this quick."

"OK, I'm listening"

"It appears like you don't know what happened to Taylor." Adam started.

"You sound serious, man, what's up with Taylor?" Toby inquired.

"Toby, Taylor was in an accident yesterday." Adam told him.

"No shit! How bad was it?" Toby seriously inquired.

"Well, at first I was hysterical about his prognosis, but he's doing fine now. I practically stayed at the hospital the entire night."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, man."

"I just wanted to let you know." Adam told him. "I knew you two weren't getting along well, lately, but I know you still consider him your friend."

"Of course I still do." Toby said sincerely. "Let him know I'll drop by to visit him this evening."

"I will." Adam told him. "Make sure to be there between 6 and 10pm.

"OK. Thanks for calling, man. I really appreciate it." Toby said to Adam.

With that, Toby hung up.

At Rouge's apartment...

Rouge sat masturbating to a porno flick. This was one sure way to relieve the frustrations he was going through. His mind raced back to the previous night when he had Adam in his clutches. He longed for Adam so much that he literally felt physical pain. Before he visited him tonight, Rouge had to figure a way to seduce Adam. A few ideas floated through his head, but one stood out in his mind. He decided to dose Adam's drink with Spanish fly. For sure this time, Adam would not resist him. Rouge jacked off feverishly as he saw the guy on the porno shoot his man seed all over the stomach of another guy. Within seconds, Rouge erupted and shook mightily.

He relaxed himself for a few minutes before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. As he was on his way, suddenly, he heard a knock on his door. He stopped where he was and remained quiet. This wasn't good for his heart. He thought. The knock sounded familiar, but he still had to be cautious. This could be the end for him. He heard the knock again at his door. He walked slowly to the door and peeped through the hole. He couldn't believe what his eyes saw. He opened the door and his guest walked in...

Well, I thought this would be a good place to end chapter 11. I love leaving the story with a cliffhanger. Maybe it's a way to keep you faithful in reading my stories (I'm kidding!) I hoped this chapter was well worth your time and I really hope you stay with story until the mystery has been solved. Take care and stay tuned for chapter 12.

I want to say a special thanks my editor.

Next: Chapter 27: Soulful Desires 12

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