Heart Desires

By H

Published on Apr 17, 2001


As expected, this story contains graphic description of homosexual acts. If you know you will have a problem with this, please locate the back button as quickly as you can. No need for your blood levels to rise.

It was approaching Wednesday night, the night I would see Sam for the first time in two years. My emotions were in tact until the phone rang. It was Sam calling from the airport and he sounded very exuberant. I on the other hand was a mess, what do I say to a friend I haven't seen in two years and what if his sexual desire for me grown? Why was I getting so worked up over this? I knew exactly why, Sam is a very attractive looking guy and seeing him again made me nervous, that's all.

Twenty minutes later I was pulling up to the airport. Sam was standing exactly where he told me he would, so I had no difficulty finding him. I stepped out my SUV to greet him. I was momentarily indecisive, whether to hug him or shake his hand. I didn't have time to decide, because Sam ran up to me and flopped his arms around me so tight, that I swear I stopped breathing for a second or two.

"Oh man Taylor it's so good to see you!" He exulted. "Looking sexy as always."

"I'm so happy to see you too Sam, it's been a long time." I said, hoping he wouldn't notice my hard-on. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing well, but I've been doing better lately." He responded.

What did he mean by that? We were still standing up talking in front of the SUV when the airport security told us we have to get moving. I wanted to ask him what he meant when he said, "I've been doing better lately", but he sidetracked me before I could ask.

He looked at me seriously and said, "Taylor, I have to tell you something, not here though, wait until we get to your place."

"OK, this sound important." I said.

"It is, just hoping you'll be happy, that's all."

Now he really had my curiosity hyped up. Why did he needed me to be happy?

"If it's good news, I don't see why I wouldn't be happy." I said jokingly.

He suppressed a smile and said, "We'll see."

While we were driving back to my place, we talked about why we kept so out of touch with each other for so long. At a traffic light, I stole a look at Sam while he was looking through the window. My look became a stare. Sam was a slim guy before he left for Connecticut; he'd added a few pounds in all the right places. Connecticut must have agreed with him. My Sam was always an attractive guy, but somehow tonight, he looked so irresistible. He still was looking through the window, so I touched him on the shoulder.

"Hey, are you OK?" I said, in a concern voice.

"Couldn't been better, just thinking." He responded.

"What are you thinking about, if you don't mind me asking?"

He smiled and said, "Taylor you know I don't mind, I'm just thinking about the last time I was here before I left."

I wondered if he was referring to the "last night" before he left for Connecticut. Could this be what he wanted to talk about with me? Of course it is, what else could it be?

He continued, "We'll talk about it, but at your place."

"That's fine with me." I said. "Are you hungry?"

"Now that you mentioned it, I'm famished!"

We stopped on the way home for some Chinese food because it was Sam's favorite. When I pulled up in my garage, I saw Eric car parked and he was sitting on the pavement a few feet away. I got an instant headache. What was he doing here and why he had to wait for me? I didn't even mentioned to him that Sam was coming down to visit. Eric sat there until Sam and I stepped out the SUV. He looked perplexed. I walked over to him and ask him why he was here waiting for me. He looked up with tears in his eyes. I immediately change from being curious to overly concern.

"Eric, are you OK man? I tried.

"Dude, I got a call from Maryland, my mom had a heart attack."

My heart fell limp. I knew Eric and his mom had a close relationship and he needed some comfort now. But why did he come to my place?

"Is she going to be OK? I ask, hoping for some good news.

"I don't know, I have to go to Maryland tomorrow." He said. "I was wondering if I could spend the night, but it look like you have company."

I really didn't want to turn him away, especially now when he needed a friend. Sam looked concerned also and I wondered what he thought about this. He had met Eric a few times during social gatherings and really never got a chance to know him personally.

"He can stay Taylor, I have no problem with it," Sam said.

"Are you OK with this arrangement Eric?" I ask.

He looked away and back at us and said, "Sure, why not"

Thank goodness I didn't have a class until 1:00pm tomorrow. I was beat. I went to the gym right after I finished my last class today and I rushed home to make preparations for my guest. I told Eric to get more acquainted with Sam while I disappear for a few minutes to take a shower and when I come back we'll talk about his mom. He didn't look too optimistic.

"When you're done I'll like to take one too." Sam said.

"Why don't you join him." Eric suggested.

Sam looked at me and then back at Eric, it was one of those Kodak moments.

" I was kidding you two", Eric said with a smile.

"You sure didn't loose your sense of humor". I said, pretending to wave off what Eric had suggested.

While I was taking my shower, I thought about what Eric said, and my cock was agreeing very well with that thought. I wondered, what would tonight be like with Sam, Eric and me. Only one person was missing and that was Adam. I stepped out the shower and quickly dried off my beautiful body. When I rejoined Sam and Eric, both seem to be in deep conversation. Both were sitting in the sofa Eric and I fucked in and were talking low.

"Did I interrupt something?" I asked inquisitively.

"Don't be silly Taylor, what could you interrupt, I merely just met Eric." Sam said.

"You're jealous huh Taylor?" Eric said teasingly.

Maybe I was, but I couldn't let them know that! Especially Eric, he knows how to add coal to the fire.

"Why would I possibly be jealous?" I responded.

Eric tilted his head and said, "Why, I don't know Taylor."

"Eric you're obviously not thinking straight", I said, trying to shut him up.

The whole time Sam is laughing and I shot him a double take.

"What are you laughing at Sam?" I hissed.

"Taylor, come on, don't you see right through our act?"

"What act?" I ask, wondering what the hell they're talking about.

"To cheer Eric up and take his mind of his mom, we wanted to do something silly." Sam said, still laughing.

Great, now why do I always be the one to be made an ass off! First Adam and now this.

"Dude, are you angry?" Eric asked, who also was still laughing.

As a matter of fact I was, but to let them know that would be like the biggest humiliation for me.

"You guys really think I'm that sensitive?" I said, trying to convince them that I'm totally OK with this shit they just pulled.

Eric looked at me lustfully and said, "You want me to answer that?"

"I give in, I had enough of this." I said.

Sam looked at me more seriously now and could tell when I was upset. He was my bestfriend and probably still is. Eric just knew what buttons to press and I mean ALL my buttons. Even though Eric enjoyed teasing me for a while, I could see through his eyes he was hurting and really didn't know how to deal with it. Sam left a few minutes later to take a shower, which give me some time alone to talk to Eric.

"What time does your flight leave for Maryland tomorrow"? I asked

"I could only get one for 12 noon", he said. "That's good because I know I'm not going to sleep tonight.

"Eric I'm really sorry to hear about your mom."

He looked at me and tears began to flow. He started to say something about loving her so much and he broke down. I reached over and consoled him the only way I know how. I kiss the tears that fell on his beautiful lips. I pulled away because I didn't know how he was going to react. Eric pulled me back into him and french kissed me passionately. Our breathing was so intense and the atmosphere was filled with sex. We wanted each other so badly, right there on that sofa. In the back of our minds, we knew Sam could come down any minute and catch us fucking. Thinking that just made me hornier and without a second thought I started striping off my clothes and Eric followed. Maybe Sam would find out that he was an undiscovered voyeur. We lay naked upon each other, kissing, feeling and exploring. Eric starts to massage my ass and then he proceeded to my manhole with his tongue. This was the moment I always awaited for. My manhole begin to loosen up and let Eric's tongue go to work. I begin to moan, hoping Sam was there to hear it. I reached for the lube under the sofa and give it to Eric. He put some on his cock and then some in my prodding ass. He stands me up and pushes me against the wall. Before I knew it, cock was up my ass and I was being fucked. Eric was putting all his anger, frustration and hurt into fucking me, we both were making loud noises. Sam had to hear us. Eric starting growling and whimpering, I knew he was cumming. I tighten my muscles around my manhole and at the same time I felt my cock started twitching. In unison we shouted and Eric pumped his jist all over my guts and I sprayed all over the wall. We collapsed on the floor, trying to catch our breath. That was intense, I don't recall ever getting fucked the way I had that night.

After a few minutes to gather my thoughts, I began to feel guilty about what I did. What was I thinking? Maybe Sam thinks I have no respect for my guest and myself. I'll have to find out if he saw us, most likely he did and I need to know how he felt. I wondered what I was going to say to him as I got dress and went in the kitchen to get a beer. I sat on a stool near my study desk, looking at Eric. Fucking me seemed to be therapeutic for him. He sensed I had mixed emotions and came over to where I sat.

"Hey dude, that was the best fuck I've ever had." He tried. "Man I know we probably should have had more respect for Sam, but what's done is done."

"You're not helping me Eric", I said. "I don't want to loose Sam over something stupid we did because we couldn't keep our sexual urges under control."

Now Eric looked upset. "So you think what we did was stupid?"

"I didn't mean it that way Eric", I said. "All I'm saying is I'm fearing what this will do to my friendship with Sam."

"Dude, you're assuming the worse when in reality you couldn't be more wrong." He said, seeming to know why he said that. "If Sam is the friend you said he is, then I don't see why he couldn't understand you're were just consoling a friend."

I wanted to believe him, but what Eric didn't know is that Sam's feelings for me were not just platonic, or so I thought. I was really starting to have a hard time with this. Maybe I wanted Sam sexually more than I realized and if Sam had seen what I believed he did, then that will definitely put a hamper on things.

"You have nothing to loose Eric", I said. " Besides, you got what you wanted."

"How could you say shit like that Taylor?" He exulted. "I happen to know what it's like to make a mess of things you know, I just don't wallow in my guilt like you."

"You're right Eric, I guess I never realized you could understand." I said.

"Why don't you go upstairs and talk to Sam." He suggested.

"I think I would, and I'm sorry what I said Eric."

Eric just tapped me on the shoulder and smiled. I went up stairs and it was quiet, I tipped-toed calling Sam's name softly. I had a two bedroom flat and both rooms shared the bathroom, which locks on either side. It's been over an hour since we've seen him; he couldn't possibly still be in the shower. Just to make sure, I knocked on the bathroom door from my side of the room. I didn't hear anything. I started to get concern and wondered if he had left while Eric and I was fucking. I walked hurriedly to the next room and all my worries subsided, when I saw Sam asleep. He looked so peaceful and beautiful as he lay there in is silk boxers. I still have to wonder if he heard us downstairs. I was a bit relieved that I didn't have to deal with anything that tonight. Tomorrow was a different day and decided another quick shower and some rest for my aching body, combinations of pain from that day's event and from my recent sexual intense action with Eric; I'll be better prepared.

I was startled out of my sleep when I heard a loud clashing noise. I glanced over to the time on my alarm clock, it was 7:47am. I stumbled out of my bed to see what the commotion was all about. It was Sam trying to fix breakfast and looked like was in a hurry. He was gyrating in the kitchen with his tie hanging around his unbutton shirt and his pants not fasten. I looked over and saw Eric in the sofa stretched out on his back to his length, with one arm over his forehead. It appeared that the noise didn't bother him at all, then again Eric was a hard sleeper when he was extremely tired. Still feeling drunk with sleep, I walked to the kitchen to see if I could lend a helping hand to Sam.

"Hey, I'm sorry I waked you." Sam said, looking really apologetic. "I didn't want to bother you when I saw you sleeping."

"It's OK man." I said groggily. "What time does this seminar starts?

He looks at his watch and said, "The first one starts in about 40 minutes and the other is at 2pm."

"Look like you have a full day ahead of you." I said, trying to read his attitude. Last night was still on my mind and I was really wondering what was he thinking.

"Yeah, it sure looks that way." He said, as he put some toast on a plate. "You want some of this?"

"Awwh, don't bother. I'm going back to bed after you leave anyway." I said with a smile. "I'm so sorry, do you need a ride?"

He smiled and said, "Nah, the company van is coming to pick me up for 8 o'clock. I gave them directions where I was going to stay before I left Connecticut"

As soon as he said that, there was a horn blowing in front of my apartment door. At this, surprisingly Eric stirred and opened his eyes. Sam stuffed some toast in his mouth and swallowed it with some OJ. He jammed his shirt in his pants and tied his necktie. The van blew it's horn again, I told them Sam was on his way. I helped him with his briefcase and he was out of there to the van, looking as spiffy as he always did. Eric was sitting up now rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"Dude, what's all the rush about?" He said in a cracking voice.

"Oh, it was Sam", I said.

He opened his eyes wider and said, "How'd last night go?"

"Great!" I said, knowing he wanted me to explain what I meant by that.

"Come on dude." He exclaimed. "What's up with Sam, is he OK with everything?"

"I haven't talk to him yet." I said.

"What do you mean you haven't talk him?" He asked, looking very bemused. "I was under the impression you really wanted to talk to him."

"It's not that I didn't want to talk to him." I said. "When I went up stairs, he was already asleep, you think I should have waked him?"

"Of course not", Eric said in a more understanding voice. "So that means you still have this to deal with, I'm sorry but I have to go to Maryland today."

I looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder. "You know I'm here for you right?"

He smiled and said, "I wish that were true"

I lifted up one of my eyebrow, thinking about those five words he had just said. "What are you talking about, you know I'm here for you." I said.

"I meant to say that you only need me to satisfy your sexual needs." He said more seriously. "I mean I know you care about me, but I could tell you don't love me."

Eric hit a home run with that. I know I didn't love him, well, not in the way he would want me too. Where was this coming from and where was it heading? I thought he was satisfied with what we had. I had to say something.

"Ah, Eric, why are you questioning what we have in our friendship?" I said, trying to avoid answering him directly.

He looked at me and said, "Taylor, I've known you since the 10th grade and I know we hit it off as friends right away. I remember being the one being scared to try anything new and over the years I count it a privilege just being your fuck-partner. For a long time now I've been thinking.

He paused, looked away to the window. I fear what was coming next because I didn't know what to say and at the same time I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

He continued, "Taylor I think I'm in love with you, please don't say anything yet. "I know it sounds like I'm really vulnerable because of my mom's condition, which has nothing to do with this. I've always loved you and somehow I knew you wouldn't return my love back. That's why I didn't say anything before. Taylor you had to have felt my love for you when we made love, I know you see it as just fucking, but to me it's more. I think I deserve more, but at the same time, I can't make your heart feel something it won't. Now I'm going to Maryland today and leave you to think about what I said."

I was so stun that I couldn't say anything even if I wanted too. I tried to change the subject.

"Do you need a ride to the airport?" I asked him. "My class isn't until 1pm."

"I'm fine, I'll use my car. I didn't mean to put you on the spot, I just couldn't go to Maryland without telling you I love you." He said, turning aside to go upstairs.

I had so many emotions bombarding me all at once. I waited until Eric came out the shower. Most of times I would have joined him, but making things more complicated is not the most intelligent thing to do. Eric left almost immediately after he came out the shower, he said he had to take care some things before he go to Maryland. The urge to sleep had left me and I sat thinking about what had happened and what was said in the last 12 hours. My manhole was sore from the abusive sex Eric and I had, I really felt it when I got up to take a shower. I just let the warm water run down my back and gazed into thin air.

12:30 in the afternoon was approaching and I jumped in my SUV to make it for my LAN class that was scheduled for 1:00. Unfortunately, Adam wasn't in this class with me, but he did had a class at the same time and I got excited just thinking I may just bump into him. Literally I wanted that to happen, that will explain when I would have tumbled on top of him, getting a chance to feel his cock. When I arrived on campus, I started looking for Adam right away, but I did not see him in sight. I was a little disappointed, but didn't let it get the best of me. When I walked in my LAN class, the instructor gave me a note, it read, "Hey Taylor, Adam here, I am for real this time, I need a favor from you. Please meet me in library after class. Thanks." Boy was I smiling from ear to ear, I know the instructor must have noticed, but I didn't care. What did my future man wanted? I thought about that letter the whole time I was in class. As soon as I could get out that class, I rushed over to the college library. When I got there I saw Adam sitting there and when he noticed me, he smiled and I blushed!

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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