Heart Desires

By H

Published on Apr 23, 2001


As expected, this story contains graphic description of homosexual acts. If you know you will have a problem with this, please locate the back button as quickly as you can. No need for your blood levels to rise.

Chapter Five

"Why are you doing this, Sam?" I asked, as we lay giving each other soft kisses on the lips.

"Don't you want me? He asked provocatively.

"You know I do, but..."

"Then I'm yours Taylor, tonight I'm yours." He said, kissing me again, this time putting his tongue in my mouth.

I couldn't resist, but I started to feel uneasy about us making out that night. For some strange reason, I know things weren't as good as they sometimes seemed. Maybe it was because I felt I was cheating on my love for Adam. What was happening to me? I know I love to fuck, and here is this god of a man in my bed, totally giving himself to me. The Taylor I knew would fuck a willing partner and didn't think twice about. But Sam wasn't just a willing partner; he was my bestfriend and confidant. He told me that he met someone and I believed him. Suppose that was his plan all along? Sam knew I loved him and he knew what made me vulnerable. Why would he cheat on this person he recently met? I just didn't get it.

Sam lifted my legs up to reveal my manhole and he started to flicker my cunt with his wet and hot tongue. That instantly sent chills all over my body. I couldn't think straight, so I just didn't. I gave myself totally to him and he gave me pleasure so few people will ever experience. After we fucked, I lay thinking about my future with the three men in my life, Adam, Eric and Sam. I wanted Adam, I loved fucking Eric, and now I wasn't sure of my feelings for Sam.

Hours later, I was softly awakened to what sounded like rain. I rolled over and Sam wasn't there. I got up to empty my bladder and then I realized where that sound was coming from. Sam was taking a shower and he I think he purposely left that door wide open. I had a morning hard-on and thoughts about Sam's warm cock penetrating my manhole last night were making my cock even harder. I thought about joining him, but I knew he had a seminar to attend and I didn't see the sense in making him late. What the heck, I slid the doors of the shower open and joined him.

"Look like you need some help with that hard cock." Sam said, as he cupped my sack with his hand.

"How quick can you make me cum, remember you have to be out here soon." I challenged.

"Say no more." He exulted.

With that Sam turned my around and push my face up against the glass doors of the shower. My manhole was already stretched last night from his thick 7 incher. He just started pushing at the entrance of my manhole and it went in almost without a struggle. I gasped as I felt him push against my prostate with one thrust. He thrust again, harder and deeper. He held up one of my legs as he fucked me and was kissing me passionately behind my neck and ears. I was groaning loudly now and so was he. He picked up pace and I knew he was getting reading to shoot his load inside of me. My cock began to twitch and I tighten my ass ring muscle around his pulsating cock. That sent him over the edge, he thrust harder one last time, pushing as far as he could. I began shooting my load all over the glass doors and simultaneously, he sprayed inside me copiously. His body was hover over mines, shaking. I licked my lips and turned my head and kissed him.

After Sam left that day for a seminar, I had the whole day to myself. I didn't have classes on Fridays and I only worked three days of the week, which was Monday through Wednesday. I turned on my television set and lay up against on my sofa. I could smell the scent of sex on it, which sent a shivering throb to my cock. Boy my asshole was sore. In the pass three days I've had rough sex with Eric and then Sam. I had to slow down my sexual activity, so that I can think clearly. I knew I loved Sam two years ago before he left for Connecticut, but that love was simply platonic. Now that we've fucked, things had changed. Either I was in lust with Sam, or other feelings were developing I had no control over. One thing was nagging at me though, why was he cheating on this so-called person he'd met. When he comes back home today, I'll have a chat with him.

I was drifting of asleep on the sofa, in my boxers when I heard a tap on the door. It was Adam, a pleasant surprise. I opened the door and let him in.

"What's up man?" I asked, with a grin.

"I'm cool. Dude it's so cool to be living a few doors away from you." He said, as I looked at him to see if he actually meant that.

I had a problem. My cock was acting up now and I needed to hide it and wearing only a boxer in front of the man I dream about, doesn't cut it. So I said, "I'll be right back, come in and make yourself comfortable."

"Where ya going man?" He questioned.

"Upstairs to put on a pants." I responded. I waited for his reaction


Cool? I didn't expect that. What was I thinking? I thought he'd want me to stay in my boxers. Maybe I made him uncomfortable and he didn't want to say. I was back downstairs in a flash and I started to wonder why Adam was there.

"Dude, I guess you're thinking why I'm here?" He said, seeming to read my mind.

"You desperately need me." I said, jokingly.

"You're a funny guy Taylor." He said chuckling. "Actually, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me last night to move my stuff, your friend too."

"No sweat man, you know I'm here if you need me." I said.

I was dropping hints like a fishing line and still he didn't pick up what I was trying to do. Obviously I make him laugh and I thinks he likes me as a person, but how in the world I'm going to turn that around into something greater?

"Dude, you're so willing to help me. If I didn't know better, I'd think you had the hots for me or something." He said jokingly."

I froze. I wanted to tell him right there and then that he was so right. I was confuse about Adam, I wasn't picking up no signals that he was interested in me sexually, but yet he would say things that make me have to wonder. I waved him off and pretended I didn't hear what he said.

"So when do your roommate arrive?" I asked, trying to recover from my shock.

"Sunday. I can't wait until he's here." He exulted. "He's so friggin cool man. I want you to meet him."

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Oh sorry dude, his name is Bruce." He responded.

"And what do Bruce do?" I inquired.

"He works in the medical field." He said. "Don't worry, when he comes you'll get a chance to ask him the questions you want."

I thought about what Adam had just said. Maybe Bruce will tell me things about Adam that seems so inconspicuous from the outside. My heart leaped as I thought about my devious plan. Adam left and I was alone again. I had a few things to do that day, but I was feeling lazy and weak from fucking. I just rested on the sofa and took in that horny scent. Later the phone rang; it was Eric calling form Maryland. He'd said his mom was recovering rapidly and he should be home in a day or two. I knew what that meant, he wanted an answer from me and I had one for him too. I know it's not what he'll want to hear and I know it's going to kill him. I really loved Eric as a person and a good friend, but beyond that, I only craved after him for sex. (That sounds like being in love huh?) I was having an emotional crisis, how can a person be in love with more than one person at a time? I think I may be in love with three persons and not know it, if that's possible.

I really needed to leave the apartment now, because I was getting antsy. So I drove over to the Adult Video Store on Nebraska Avenue, to rent some X-rated videos. I hadn't watch one for a long time and I thought it would spice up things with Sam, if we were to have our last fuck before he left. Sometimes I didn't understand why I think about sex so much, I feel like everything I do is about sex. First, I needed to clear things up with Sam about this person he met, because tonight was his last night and I may not hear from him again another two years. (I hope not, after we fucked each other!)

As I was browsing in the gay section, I noticed in my peripheral view, a guy standing seeming to be watching me. I pretended not to see him. He started to walk towards me and I wanted to turn my head but I waited.

"Hey, Taylor. What's up man?" He said.

I turned slowly and was amazed at who it was. It was Bryan from my LAN class. I'm not out to everybody about my sexual orientation and I know if he saw me looking in the gay section for a video, it won't be long before he knew I loved to fuck men.

"Hey yourself." I managed, as I stared him in the eyes.

"I didn't know you were a freak Taylor." He said, with a grin.

"I could say the same for you."

"One would expect that from me, but you, you seem to be too innocent." He said. "But then again, you're ones that cause the most trouble."

I was still wondering if he saw me looking for a video in the gay section. I looked him over and I realized how handsome Bryan really is up close. He had the most kissable lips I ever saw on a man and as he was speaking, the movement of his lips mesmerized me.

"So dude, are you gay or something?" He blurted out.

I was immediately shaken out of my trance by those words.

"What?" I asked, with a strong voice.

"Calm down man." He said, chuckling. "I merely noticed you're in the gay section and I just asked. "I have no problem with fags, I mean homosexuals. It's just sex."

"Would you fuck a guy Bryan, I mean since it's just sex, and all?" I said sarcastically.

"Whoa dude, I never said that." He exclaimed. "I think you're making a big deal out of this."

"I'm not." I hissed. "You're the one pretending to be OK with a fag or homo or whatever you straight guys call us and in reality, you know this shit bothers the hell out of you."

"So you are a fag?" He said and looked at me more seriously.

"So what if I am?" I asked rhetorically.

"Then like I said, I have no problem with it." He said.

I wanted to believe him, I mean his eyes looked so sincere when he said that. But I wasn't going to let my guard down.

"Think what you want Bryan, I obviously don't give a shit." I said, as I brushed pass him."

He followed me to my SUV and I was wondering what the hell was his damn problem.

"Taylor wait up man." He shouted after me.

"Bryan, get lost." I hollered back.

"What can I do show you I'm not putting you on?

With that, I stopped in my tracks, turned around and looked at him.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Let me prove to you I understand." He said.

"How the hell you're going to do that." I questioned.

"I'll earn your trust by telling you that I'm gay also. I had to make sure that you were too." He said.

Now I was stunned, but relieved at the same time. My cock twitched in my pants at the thought at a handsome guy like Bryan, being gay.

"So all that bullshit in the store was an act?" I asked.

"It was pretty good huh? Now that you know that I'm gay, what are we going to do about it?" He questioned.

Boy this guy was quick, I thought. "Um, Bryan, I'm seeing someone now and my life is as complicated as it gets. I doubt you want apart of that."

"Maybe. You love this person?" He inquired.

"It's more difficult than that Bryan, please, I don't want to seem rude and obnoxious, but I frankly don't want to talk about it." I responded.

"I understand man." He said, looking disappointed.

"Look, we can talk and hang out, but anything beyond that I can't deal with right now." I said.

"I don't mind being a friend Taylor and I respect your request. He said, as he turned to walk to his car.

"Don't you want my phone number?"


"Call me later." I said, knowing that wasn't enough for him.

I can't offer Bryan anything, not now and maybe never. He was attractive and all that good stuff, but I'll have to be a dumb ass to get involve with Bryan at this stage in my confused life. On my way home, I stopped for something to eat for Sam and I. I arrived home shortly after 6pm and I met Sam there lying bald naked as he born on my sofa. Well you know my cock, it started to throb without me really thinking about it. Sam had a beautiful body (Did I mentioned that?), well he did and I knew I had to talk to him before he leave for Connecticut tomorrow night.

"Hey, you." He said, with a seductive smile.

"Hey." I said, trying not to be seduced. "I bought some food for us."

"We can eat later, come here."


"Don't make me get up for you." He said, jokingly.

I moved towards him, I couldn't help it. He took my hand and pulls me over on top of his naked body. The scent of his body and how warm it felt instantly turned me on. I knew I had to stop and think, but I couldn't, it was getting intense by the minute. We started kissing and rubbing all over each other. Our breathing picked up pace and we began to perspire. My mind was saying stop, but my body was saying fuck that shit and enjoy the pleasure I was receiving. So I did.

To be continue...

Next: Chapter 6

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